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Welcome to the Community PayBack Team

The Parish Council are delighted to announce that from Saturday 4th March a team from The HM Prison and Probation Service Community Payback Unpaid Work Scheme will be working in the parish to assist the PC in in delivering a range of Bio-Diversity and village maintenance projects.

Published: 3 March 2023

HM Prison Service community payback scheme logo

The team, supervised and led by Giles, will be based in the back room of the Village Hall from 9.30am-3pm when not working outside. Giles has asked for everyone passing to feel free to say hello, have a chat and thank the team for the work they are doing. They will be easy to identify as wearing orange high vis jackets.

The team will be here every Saturday until a range of projects are completed, which will include; renovating the old bus shelter, painting our benches and notice boards (these will be taken away for a short while to the workshop in Torquay), creating natural village gateways with wild flower planting on the verges at Brandis Park and by installing a village gateway planter full of hardy flowers on Sands Road, tidying up very overgrown areas near the campsite and dismantling the rotten fencing at the site of the previous bottle bank for collection by SHDC Waste team which will create much needed additional parking spaces.  All which will significantly improve our parish for the benefit of all to enjoy. The team will also be staying in touch as part of a  long-term relationship which provides project opportunities and benefits the parish and precept.

Community Payback was launched in 2005 to promote:

  • Public awareness and an understanding of the unpaid work requirement of the Courts.
  • Increase visibility and improve public confidence in community sentencing.
  • Encourage community engagement by inviting the public to nominate projects.

The Community Payback Scheme is mutually beneficial to communities, The HM Prison Service and individuals by allowing reparation to be made to the community by undertaking unpaid supervised work and in doing so:

  • Improve self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Provide an opportunity to work as part of a team
  • Learn new life skills and work-related skills
  • Access relevant education or training opportunities

I hope that you will join me in welcoming Giles and the team to our parish and all the support they are offering.

Julie Hinder, Chair of Slapton PC

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