28 May 2023 - Council Business
South Hams District Council
Meet the new SHDC. The structure for the next four-year term was agreed at their Annual Council meeting, which took place on 25th May 2023.
Meet the new SHDC. The structure for the next four-year term was agreed at their Annual Council meeting, which took place on 25th May 2023.
Attached is the Declaration of Results for Allington and Strete District Ward following the local elections.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 4 vacancies exist in the office of Parish Councillor of Slapton Parish Council.
An exciting opportunity has become available for the position of Clerk and RFO at the start of a new Council term..
Slapton Parish Council will be holding its Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 26th April, 6.30pm at Slapton Village Hall. All parishioners are very welcome to attend.
SHDC have released the attached statement of persons nominated for SHDC district ward and Slapton Parish Council within this ward, following the nominations deadline of 4 April 2023.
Notices of Elections for both the District and Town/Parish Councils. If you are passionate about where you live and your community, then why not become a Cllr. Find out how to apply for the role below.