8 January 2024 - Climate
Tree Hub – Saturday 20th January at Slapton Village Hall
As part of the Saving Devon's Treescapes project, Devon Wildlife Trust are giving away free trees for people to plant in their gardens.
As part of the Saving Devon's Treescapes project, Devon Wildlife Trust are giving away free trees for people to plant in their gardens.
Funding is available for farming in protected landscapes. If you’re a farmer or land manager, you can get funding to support and improve Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs), National Parks and the Broads.
Water is our most precious resource yet the average person now uses more than 140 litres every day. To help reduce water usage, South West Water are offering free water saving devices.
South West Water imposed a hosepipe ban in May 2023. However, customers are still allowed to use a hosepipe for a limited number of reasons although this will remain under review. If you would like to find out more, the full list is included in the main article.
Slapton Tree Hub - FREE Tree Giveaway This Saturday 7th January at Slapton Village Hall from 10am - 2pm
Let's keep warm this weekend. With temperatures falling below zero degrees in parts of Devon this weekend, we're asking people to look out for older people or vulnerable neighbours and friends.
FREE Woodland Creation Farm workshop, Thursday 8th December 10:30-12:45. Lunch provided.