Please Pick Up After Your Dog
An appeal to all dog owners to help keep our parish clean and free of unbagged dog waste.
Published: 5 April 2023

It has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that some people are not picking up after their dog has been to the toilet. This is particularly affecting the grass area at Towns End Cross near Greenbanks, the path from the Campsite down to the beach, and at the Recreation Field. This is hazardous to our parish contractor when he is mowing and strimming, and residents and children using the paths and recreation field.
We would like to remind all dog owners that use of the Recreation Field as a space to exercise dogs is discretionary. This space is primarily leased to the parish as a play space for children and families. If this persists, the parish council will have to reconsider whether dogs will continue to be permitted on the field.
So, to keep our parish clean and safe, please pick up after your dog wherever they go to the toilet, and encourage and support others to do so too. If we are made aware of individuals failing to pick up after their dogs, we will report this to our South Hams District Council Dog Warden to follow up.
Under the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996, it’s an offence for any person in charge of a dog to fail to remove the faeces after a dog has defecated on designated land (public open space). Not having dog bags, or any other means of removing the faeces, or being unaware of the legislation, is not considered a reasonable excuse. You can dispose of your dog waste bag in either any of our many designated dog waste bins or any public general waste bin. Free dog bags are provided at the recreation field along with handgel and a dog bin.
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.