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Parish Council approves Dog Access to the Village Recreation Field

At the April 2022 Parish Council Meeting, Cllrs voted unanimously to continue to give dog owners access to the village recreation field, located on Blacksmiths Hill at the top of the village just past Townsend Cross.

Published: 19 April 2022

The winter visitor trial has shown this to be a well used and valuable parishioner space and the decision was based on feedback from the 2021 parish survey on community requirements for the recreation field, and a winter dog access trial which resulted in 502 visitors to the field over a 10-week period from 1st Feb 2022 to 14th April 2022.

Two Community have-a-go dog agility events were also held during this time, with a good turn out of parishioners and their dogs taking to the course and a lot of fun was had by all.

There was only one condition made and that was access was granted on the proviso the field continues to be kept clean and tidy and the PC appeals to all parishioners to continue to be a responsible dog owner To help support with this:

  • A dog waste bin has been provided for visitors use, and poop bags, should you forget your own.
  • The dog bin, hand gel and bags are provided by the PC. Please help to keep the items clean, use hand-gel, only take what you need and tie all dog waste bags securely before putting it in the bin.  If you do spot a stray ablution, please pick this up, bag and bin.
  • If you are unable to reach the bin please ask someone to put your tied bag in for you, or take it to the dog bin at Brandis Park, or take it home to put in your own black bin.
  • Arrangement have been made with SHDC to have the dog bin emptied every 2 weeks. If the bin is full, please take your waste to the dog bin at Brandis Park, or take it home and take a moment to report this to the parish clerk by emailing, or calling 01548 312090. (All calls to the CSG helpline from UK landlines and mobiles are charged at the normal call rates applied by your service provider. Please check your current tariff for current prices). Alternatively, you can report this directly to SHDC at and click the ‘Report’ button. Please don’t assume someone else has done this and the more reports made, the quicker the bin will be emptied by SHDC.

The PC has a duty of care to its contractors who maintain and mow the field and spot checks will continue to be made on a regular basis to monitor the cleanliness of the field. If there is a persistent issue of dog waste being left on any part of the field then dog access may be revoked.

Other improvements have been made to the field over the trial period, including installation of a notice board, wild flower area, a change in mowing to help wildlife and biodiversity and a Jubilee recycled plastic picnic bench from a local supplier will be delivered during April to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee. Two commemorative apple trees have been planted on behalf of the parish to make the jubilee and the Duke of Edinburgh. Recycled plastic plaques are due to be delivered. The picnic bench was purchased with a Platinum Jubilee grant from DCC and the commemorative trees purchase by a PC community grant to Devon Wildlife Trust. The installation of gates around the re-instated parking area for 2 cars will also take place over late spring/early summer.

The field is a wonderful facility and so that everyone can enjoy the space, please play your part in maintaining a clean, safe environment for all. If you have any ideas on how to further develop this space, please contact either myself or the parish clerk. Contact details at

If you would like to register you interest to attend the Community Support Group (CSG) Have-A-Go dog agility classes, click here to read the details and click here to print the Have-A-Go Dog agility registration form. All levels of ability welcome with a separate beginners practice area available for those new to dog agility.

Julie Hinder, Chair of Slapton Parish Council.

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