NHS Strikes
The NHS is facing the 5 consecutive days of strike action by junior doctors starting from 13.07.23. This will be followed by consultants on 20.07.23 and radiographers between 25.07.23 - 27.07.23. The article contains advice for residents and visitors about services during this time.
Published: 18 July 2023
The NHS will contact you if your appointment needs to be rescheduled due to strike action. If they have not contacted you, please attend your appointment as planned.
Urgent or emergency care
People should go to 111 online for medical help and advice but call 999 if it is a life-threatening emergency.
During strike days, it is likely 999 call handlers will be very busy and NHS 111 call centres will have fewer staff – therefore longer call response times are expected across the system. As a result, the NHS are urging anyone with non-urgent care need to first seek help from NHS 111 online.
For more information on when to call 999 and when to go to A&E, you can visit the NHS UK website.
Please check Trust websites for information on Minor Injury Units and Urgent Care Centres.
If you, or someone you know, experiences a mental health crisis you can access support from a number of places:
- 24/7 urgent mental health helpline 0808 196 8708
- Mental Health Matters helpline (24/7) 0800 470 0317
- Mental Health Crisis Line Plymouth is open 24/7 0800 923 9323
- Samaritans 1116 123
- Text SHOUT to 85258 for 24/7 text support
GP and dental appointments
GP practices will continue to be open as normal during the strikes. Please continue to attend your GP and dental appointments unless you are contacted and told otherwise.
Keep yourself safe and well
The NHS is also asking the public to play their part by taking simple steps during industrial action to look after themselves, loved ones and checking in on vulnerable family members and neighbours. Make sure you have ordered and collected any repeat medicines, especially if you are travelling.
Visitors to Devon are also reminded that their first port of call for GP care is their home practice, which will be able to provide online, phone and video consultations as well as arranging for prescriptions to be sent to any pharmacy you choose.