Published: 17 February 2023
PC Update – Water Quality at Slapton Ley
The PC has had a number of enquiries from parishioners asking if sewage has entered the water next to the board walk in the nature reserve.
We are pleased to let parishioners know that the FSC Ranger has confirmed there is no evidence of sewage entering the wet woodland around the sewage works and the oily, scummy matter around the board walk is the result of microbial activity breaking down the organic matter. Last year the FSC reported this to the Environment Agency who confirmed that it was not sewage but a natural wetland processes. (You can tell as it breaks down in your hand and is odourless).
The PC are also making enquires with South West Water into the reported increased lorry activity at the sewage works and will update as soon as have further information.
Enjoy the boardwalk.
Lou, Parish Clerk