Annual Parish Road & Drain cleaning
Annual drain cleaning and road sweeping works in the village on Tuesday 6th DECEMBER 2022, 9am-5pm. Help required.
Published: 25 November 2022
On the above date and times, Brookings Contractors will be working in the village to clear out the drains and gullies and sweep the roads to help minimise the risk of flooding this winter. This work is timed to follow the winter leaf fall and farmers hedge cutting.
So that the contractors can have full access to the roadsides, please can all parishioners arrange for their cars to be removed from the roads and parked in the follow locations.
- On their own driveways, or neighbours, with their permission.
- At the park and walk opposite the campsite.
- Village Hall car park (Please use spaces on the right against the hall).
- There will also be a few spaces in the FSC car park (please remove your car at the end of the day as the centre is busy).
If you have visitors or contractors at your property on this date, please can you also ask them to do the same.
On behalf of Slapton Parish Council to thank you all for your support and co-operation whilst this essential annual works to takes place and to apologise for any inconvenience.
Julie Hinder, Chair, Slapton Parish Council.