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NEW Pop-Up Winter Community Coffee Club

To welcome in 2023, all parishioners are invited to a new weekly winter pop-up community café which will be held at Slapton Village Hall from this coming Monday, January 16th 2023.

Published: 10 January 2023

Slapton PC winter community coffee sessions

To break up the winter gloom, why not come along to a new weekly winter pop-up community café at Slapton Village Hall.

Every Monday from 1pm – 3pm.
Starting on the 16th January  to 3rd April ‘23 inclusive

  • Complimentary coffee, teas and biscuits for all parishioners.
  • Have-a-go at table tennis – Learn to play or polish up old skills.
  • Help with a very large Jigsaw or play table top games.
  • Need advice, have ideas, or concerns? The Parish Council will be holding drop-in clinics in the café for residents to ask questions.
  • Guest speakers – We are inviting our District and County Cllrs, Local Police Office and Devon Fire and Rescue. For latest details and dates when attending follow us on CSG facebook.

Devon County Council are funding the community café which in turn helps to support our Village Hall, so please do COME ALONG to all, or some of the dates and catch up with friends after using the Community Shop and/or Post Office.

We also need VOLUNTEERS to help with tea, coffee, washing up, having a chat and playing table tennis! If you are interested, please contact Lou or Jane on 01548 312090, or email:

We look forward to seeing you there.

The community café is organised by Slapton Parish Council and Community Support Group (CSG) Volunteers with support from Slapton Village Hall and grant funding from Devon County Council Growing Communities.





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