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Cost of Living

More Support Agreed to Help People with Cost of Living

With the cost of living crisis still biting for many residents across the District, South Hams District Council is looking at ways to get support to those who need it through its Household Support Fund.

Published: 28 June 2023

The Executive Committee agreed on Wednesday 28th June to take immediate steps to move quickly to get support payments to those who need it the most.

Used to help cover basics essential living costs like food, energy, water and other necessities the households may need, the Council are spending £168,598 from the Department of Work and Pensions to help residents until the end of summer, with a further £206,064 for the winter period. An additional surplus of £48,245 from the Council Tax Support Fund will be used to top-up the existing Exceptional Household Fund which supports residents receiving Council Tax Reduction and are still struggling to pay their Council Tax.

It is really important to the Council to help those who may not have had any previous government support and who may be in crisis. So those who will benefit from this round of funding of £150 payments are those residents:

  • in single income households receiving Council Tax Reduction and not receiving passported benefits
  • who have caring responsibilities who receive Council Tax Reduction and Carers Allowance or receive a council tax discount due to being a carer.
  • who receive War Disablement Pension (on 1 July 2023)

Further payments of up to £250 will follow in December 2023, although households will only receive one payment even if they fall into more than one category.

To encourage everyone to claim what they are entitled to, the Council has also written to around 350 pensioners who have not yet claimed Pension Credit. If you know of a pensioner who has not yet claimed, please direct them to go to:

South Hams District Council’s Executive Member for Economy, Cllr John Birch, said: “We care about all members of our community and with this round of funding we want to look towards those who are trying to manage in very difficult circumstances. That’s why the first group of residents we are looking to help are those on a single income, which can’t be easy in the current economic climate. It’s difficult on two wages to manage, much less on one.

“We’re also going to support our silent heroes, the carers who give so much, often for so little. If this funding can help make ends meet in some way, then it’s accomplished exactly what we want it to.

“Finally, to benefit those who receive a War Disablement Pension and have served our country. After leaving service life, they may now find gaining employment more challenging. With the rising costs of living being difficult for most people, we hope this support will provide a small measure of relief.

“There are so many people who need our help right now and we will do what we can to support our community as much as possible within our financial means. If you don’t qualify for any of these rebates, we do have a range of other support available on our website with the Council Tax Reduction Scheme and through our Support Directory, which can point you in the direction of other help on offer, both from the Council and other organisations, such as the Citizens Advice.”

What Council Tax help can residents get?

If you are not eligible for this £150 payment, you may be able to claim a Council Tax discount.

If you are on a low income or on certain benefits, you may also be able to claim help through a Council Tax Reduction scheme.

You can find out more about what is on offer at:

Information about the Council’s Support Directory can be found here:

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