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Free Life Support and Defibrillation Training

The South West Ambulance Service Team are offering free basic life support and defibrillation training for the whole community at Slapton Village Hall on Thursday 7th December between 6pm to 8pm. Everyone is welcome. The more people that are trained the better!

Published: 17 November 2023

Slapton Parish now has a South West Ambulance Service Team defibrillator. The new defibrillator is located in the same location as the old one, on the wall of the Queens Arms. SWAST will provide all of the support necessary to maintain it, ensuring that it is always ready for use in an emergency. As part of the agreement with the Parish Council, they will provide annual training for the whole community on basic life support and defibrillation. Furthermore, they will also offer a debriefing service should the device be used.

We would like to welcome as many of you as possible to the training on Thursday 7th December. The more people that are trained in defibrillation the better! We hope to see you there.

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