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Devon and Cornwall ‘Victim Care’ Website

The aim of the website is to tell you about support available locally to anyone of any age, to promote your rights and to give you more information about the criminal justice system.

Published: 26 July 2023

When a crime occurs, people and communities are affected by the impact. Not everyone recognises themselves as a ‘victim’ and you may not feel this label refers to you. That’s ok. Devon and Cornwall Police want you as a person affected by crime to get the independent support you need regardless of whether or not you report what has happened to the police.

Everyone deals with crime and harm in different ways. Sometimes we are affected and sometimes we are not. Sometimes the effects are life changing and other times they are more of an annoyance. Your response to crime is as individual as you. But you are entitled to support regardless of how serious the crime was, or when it happened.  Please visit the Victim Care website for more advice: Home – Victim Care Devon & Cornwall (

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