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Devon and Cornwall Police – Rural Crime online Survey

Following the NFU Mutuals annual rural crime report being published last week. The NFU Mutual insurance providers annual report is a good reminder to us all on the types of rural thefts happening across the UK.

Published: 14 September 2022

We welcome the reduction of rural crime related insurance claims by 37 per cent last year and will continue to work hard, engaging with and supporting our rural communities.

To help us improve the way we police rural areas we are encouraging as many people as possible to complete our rural crime on-line survey. The survey of farmers and landowners is part of a research project with the Universities of Plymouth and Winchester. It aims to examine farmers’ experiences of crime and policing and is being funded by the Seale Hayne Educational Trust. We are hoping to reach as many people as possible across the South West with the project’s aims being to map the nature and location of crime in rural places; analyse the impact of crime, and fear of crime, on farming; and examine ways to evaluate and improve farm security. The information from the report compiled from this survey will be used to inform and shape future Devon and Cornwall Police approaches to engaging with and policing rural communities.

For the information taken from the survey to be effective we need as many replies as possible. The survey will be open for the summer period.

You can find a link to the survey here . We would be grateful if you could circulate the survey request within your parish.

The survey should take you a few minutes to complete.

Best wishes

Devon and Cornwall Police Rural Affairs Team

Prevention Department
Devon & Cornwall Police

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