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DCC Update: Public Health Devon warns of Lyme disease this tick season

It's tick season, and with our woodlands and favourite countryside paths becoming thicker with vegetation, the chances of us getting ticks at this time of year is greater, warn Public Health Devon.

Published: 23 May 2022

“Ticks thrive in warmer weather and in lush vegetation,” says Steve Brown, Director of Public Health Devon. “And with warmer weather and people taking to the outdoors for recreation, woodlands and overgrown paths are likely to have ticks living among them.”

There are around 1,500 cases of Lyme disease each year in England and Wales, commonly spread by ticks. And case levels here in Devon are routinely higher than England’s average.

Early symptoms include a ‘bullseye’ rash around the site of the bite, and flu-like reactions such as fatigue, fever, chills or muscle aches.

Prevention and being prepared to respond quickly is the best form of protection, including:

  • walking on defined paths
  • covering up as much as possible
  • wearing light coloured clothing so that ticks are easier to spot
  • wearing an insect repellent that can deter ticks from climbing onto skin
  • carrying out regular checks after outdoor activity, as spotting them early allows you to act promptly

For more advice about how to properly remove a tick, and what to do if the removal’s unsuccessful, read the full story on the news page of our website.

It's Tick Season - Take care and what to look out for if bittenImage of a tick

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