DCC Update: Places now available for free holiday activities with meals this summer
For children from across Devon, aged five to 16 years old, who are eligible for benefit-related free school meals, they are invited to take part in holiday activities with meals this summer.
Published: 26 June 2022
DCC’s Holiday Activities and Food programme is providing free physical activities as well as healthy, nutritional, hot meals, for four weeks over the summer break.
This time, 40,000 places available for a range of activities including sports and coaching opportunities; indoor and outdoor play activities; outings to local parks and beaches; magic and circus skills; film making, arts and crafts; music; cooking; theatre workshops; yoga and mindfulness, and a lot more.
Councillor Andrew Leadbetter, our Cabinet Member with responsibility for children’s services, said: “School holidays can be difficult for some families, with added costs of food for example – especially now with rising food prices. For some, it can lead to a holiday experience gap, with children possibly more likely to feel social isolation and less likely to enjoy healthy exercise.
“We know young people value this time, and we’re delighted once again to be working with even more providers this summer to arrange an even fuller programme.”
You can read the full story, with details about how to book, on the news page of DCC’s website.https://www.devon.gov.uk/educa…