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DCC – Keep Warm This Weekend

Let's keep warm this weekend. With temperatures falling below zero degrees in parts of Devon this weekend, we're asking people to look out for older people or vulnerable neighbours and friends.

Published: 9 December 2022

DCC Update - Lets Keep Walm this weekend guidance on how too.

“Cold weather can have serious consequences for health, and older people and those with heart or lung conditions can be particularly at risk,” said the UK Health Security Agency’s Dr Agostinho Sousa.

They’re recommending that people try to heat the rooms they use most to at least 18 degrees centigrade.

Wearing several layers of clothing is also recommended, rather than a single thick layer.

Babies and children under five are also more at risk in cold weather. The NHS recommend children should wear several layers, and that using a number of lightweight blankets at night is advisable.

They advise that the ideal temperature for a baby’s bedroom is between 16 to 20 degrees centigrade.

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue recommend using a portable electric oil-filled radiator to heat room spaces, but warn that they should be kept a distance away from curtains, bedding and upholstery, and that they’re switched off and unplugged before going to bed.

You can read more about this in the story on the news page of our website.

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