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Beware of scam text message

Beware of new text message scam impersonating family members! “Broke my phone Mum. Can you text my new number on 07425218812 I’m messaging you from a friend's phone xXx.”

Published: 7 August 2023

person holding black android smartphone

DCC’s Heart of the South West Trading Standards Service has issued a warning that fraudsters are sending a text message purporting to be from children or parents claiming they have a new number or have broken or lost their phone.

“Broke my phone Mum. Can you text my new number on 07425218812 I’m messaging you from a friend’s phone xXx.”

The messages are the first stage in a phishing scam, designed to dupe recipients into engaging with the new number and ultimately parting with personal data that could lead to identity theft and money transfer fraud.

As well as endangering the recipient, the scams also put young people at risk by creating the possibility that they might replace the actual number with the new fake one and be unable to contact their parents or vice versa.

If you receive such a message, phone the sender on their original number to check whether the message is genuine, and if they are unreachable, verify the identity of the sender by asking them a question only they would know. Remember, never pass on personal details or make any payment via your phone unless you are 100 per cent sure the person you are speaking with is who they say they are.

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