Extraordinary Meeting – 17th May 2021
Agenda – Extraordinary Meeting – 17th May 2021
The following Councillor s are summoned to attend: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr S. Sullock, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr Gavin Wollacott.
- DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
- POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme: Cllr D Murphy.
- Confirm the election of Alison Hernandez as PCC.
1630/21/LBC – Prospect, Prospect Hill Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for repair works and re-roofing of existing outbuildings.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
0018/21/ARC – 4 Chantry Hill Slapton Devon TQ7 2QY
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 of planning application 2833/19/HHO. Decision: Discharge of condition Approved
0069/21/ARC – Dormouse Cottage Hansel Devon TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 and 4 of planning application 3623/20/LBC. Decision: Discharge of condition Approved.
0211/21/ARC – Dormouse Cottage Hansel Devon TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 and 4 of planning application.
Decision: Discharge of condition Approved.
3933/20/ARC – Higher Poole Road From Start Bay Centre To Towns End Cross Slapton Devon TQ7 2RA
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 6 and 10 of planning application 3845/19/FUL. Decision: Discharge of condition Approved
a) SHDC Motorhomes Consultation – Parishioner feedback/ Agree PC response ahead of deadline of 20th May 2021
b) July PC meeting format based on DALC update 7 May 2021 (ref #22 2021)
b). Maintenance:
i. Playing field – Quote to repair the fence posts and gate £425.35
ii. Park and Walk – No overnight camping notice installation quote £248.38
iii. Mowing plan for June.
a). Climate and Ecological emergency bill (CEE Bill): The Council therefore resolves to:
i).Support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill
ii).Inform the local media of this decision
iii).Write to local MPs, asking them to support or thanking them for supporting the Bill; and
Iv) Write to the CEE Bill Alliance, the organisers of the campaign for the Bill, expressing its support (campaign@ceebill.uk).
- The council to approve the below payments:
L. Soothill-Ward (Clerk’s salary May ’21)
VC Warehouse: C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 17/5 by DD.
Nick Mathias – April Mowing £339.50 (invoice 1289/22/)
Community First – Annual Insurance renewal to Zurich Municipal due 20/5/20 by Direct Debit
DALC Good Cllr Sessions 2,4,and 4 Training, Cllr J Abbey – Invoice 3090 dated 11/5/21
- Balance at Bank 14/5/21 £19,789.49.
- Internal Audit date scheduled for 1 June 2021.
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 5th July 2021 at 7.00pm at the Village Hall. Important: Please can all members of the public contact the clerk 3 days ahead of the meeting to request attendance as number restrictions are in place due to Covid restrictions.
Signed: Julie Hinder, Chair 14/5/21
Extraordinary Meeting Minutes – May 2021
Draft Extraordinary Meeting Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 17th May 2021 at 7.00pm at the Village Hall.
Present: Cllr G Wollacott (Vice Chair), Cllr J Abbey, Cllr I Mitchelmore, Cllr C Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr Murphy.
In attendance – None.
33.21. Apologies for absence – Cllr J Hinder (Chair) due to Covid-19 restrictions. Cllr Wollacott (Vice Chair) chaired the meeting.
34.21 Declarations of interest – None.
35-21. Public comment – None.
36-21. Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update – Cllr D Murphy cConfirmed the election of Alison Hernandez as PCC.
If any members of the public have non urgent matters they wish to bring to the attention of their Local Policing Team, this can be reported via the Devon and Cornwall Police web-page – https://www.devon-cornwall.pol… / Find your local policing team.
37.21. County & District Councillor reports – No update.
38.21 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MONTHLY MEETING HELD ON 3rd May 2021 – Deferred. To be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record at the next meeting 5th July 2021.
39.21 Review of the Action Log – No update.
40.21 Matters in Abeyance Slapton Line Magazine – Cllr Murphy reported that the Chair has submitted an update for the copy deadline 18th May 2021.
41.21 Planning
1630/21/LBC – Prospect, Prospect Hill Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for repair works and re-roofing of existing outbuildings.
No comment Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
0018/21/ARC – 4 Chantry Hill Slapton Devon TQ7 2QY
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 of planning application 2833/19/HHO.
Decision: Discharge of condition Approved.
0069/21/ARC – Dormouse Cottage Hansel Devon TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 and 4 of planning application 3623/20/LBC.
Decision: Discharge of condition Approved.
0211/21/ARC – Dormouse Cottage Hansel Devon TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 and 4 of planning application.
Decision: Discharge of condition Approved.
3933/20/ARC – Higher Poole Road From Start Bay Centre To Towns End Cross Slapton Devon TQ7 2RA
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 6 and 10 of planning application
3845/19/FUL. Decision: Discharge of condition Approved.
42.21 Matters for discussion
a) SHDC Motorhomes Consultation – The Vice Chair read out a proposed statement, prepared by the Chair, for issue to SHDC. The statement summarised the PC’s position on the consultation based on the concerns and points raised by parishioners sent directly to the PC and fact that no reply or assurances had been given by SHDC in response to a letter sent to the SHDC Executive team from the Chair on behalf of the PC on 20.04.21. The PC discussed the statement and unanimously voted to approve the content which states that the PC’s does not support the SHDC Beach Car Park Motorhome proposal on the grounds of real concerns from parishioners regarding lack of toilet / hand wash facilities, risk to public health and negative impact on an AONB, SSSI site and local wildlife and fauna as experienced last summer and the local community who will not be able to easily access and enjoy the beach. Cllr Murphy raised that the proposal was not cost effective for SHDC given the limited number of motorhomes allowed, loss of other car parking spaces as a result, need for additional expenditure to improve the car park surface and paint new parking bays and salary costs of the Localities Officers and asked that this be included in the statement as any financial benefit did not justify the likely environmental and public health costs experienced last year. Cllr Murphy and Cllr Sullock reported that 140 parishioners had signed the petition to block the proposal and the Village Shop Committee would ensure this is send directly to the SHDC consultation team, Cllr R Foss and MP Anthony Mangnall ahead of the consultation deadline of 20th May 2021. The Vice Chair agreed the same circulation for the PC’s statement. Vice Chair to update the Chair.
b). July PC meeting format based on DALC update 7 May 2021 (ref #22 2021)
i. Clerk and Vice Chair to: Research kit costs and spec to operate hybrid meetings in the village hall as future proofing for further lockdowns/ local outbreaks/ Cllr quarantines due to risk exposure in professions; Draft a risk assessment and meetings process based on latest guidance from DALC.
ii. To ensure PC and public safety, all Cllrs agreed to take lateral flow tests on the morning of the PC meeting. Cllrs to order own free kits from: https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests. It was also agreed to ask members of the public attending to wear a face mask and/or face visor, use hand gel, follow the social distancing guidance in place at the Village hall, book a seat ahead of the meeting via the clerk and only send one representative from a family or interest group.
iii. Cllr Sullock to measure out the main hall space based on safe seating guidelines and advise the PC and clerk of the maximum capacity.
c) Maintenance:
i. Playing field – It was proposed by Cllr Mitchelmore and Seconded by Cllr Sullock to approve the quote to repair the fence posts and gate at a cost of £425.35. Clerk to brief supplier.
ii. Park and Walk – It was proposed by Cllr Murphy and Seconded by Cllr Abbey to approve the quote to install ‘No overnight camping notice posts, but without using concrete, at no more than a cost of £248.38. Clerk to brief supplier.
iii. Mowing plan for June – It was agreed to return to the original mowing plan with only grass collection being undertaken at the playing field on the 3-weekly cut as this is included in the price. Clerk to brief supplier. Chair to include a request for volunteers in the Slapton Lines Chairs report.
43.21. Proposals for resolution
a). It was proposed by the Vice Chair and seconded by Cllr Sullock for the PC to resolve to support the Climate and Ecological emergency bill (CEE Bill): Chair to inform the Kingsbridge Gazette of this decision and write to local MP, asking them to support or thanking them for supporting the Bill and the CEE Bill Alliance, the organisers of the campaign for the Bill, expressing the PC’s support.(campaign@ceebill.uk).
44.21. Clerk’s report – No update
45.21.Vice Chair’s report
a. The recruitment process for a new Cllr was discussed including Covid-19 safety measures.
46.21. Councillors’ reports
Cllr Staines – Reported that the drains on Sands Road appeared to be blocked again. Clerk to liaise with Road Warden to investigate/clear.
47.21. Financial matters
a).The council to approve the below payments:
S/O 13/21 £256.00 L. Soothill-Ward (Clerk’s salary May ’21)
14/21 £11.94 VC Warehouse: C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 17/5 by DD.
15/21 £339.50 Nick Mathias – April Mowing £339.50 (invoice 1289/22/)
16/21 £285.10 Community First – Annual Insurance renewal to Zurich Municipal due 20/5/20 by Direct Debit
17/21 £54.00 DALC Good Cllr Sessions 2,3,and 4 Training, Cllr J Abbey – Invoice 3090 dated 11/5/21
b).Balance at Bank 14/5/21 £19,789.49.
c). Internal Audit date scheduled for 1 June 2021.
48.21. Date of next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 12th July 2021 at 7.00pm at the Village Hall (Main Hall). Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk ahead of the meeting to book a space as seats are limited due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions).
SIGNED: Vice Chair (Deputising for the Chair): Gavin Wollacott
Dated: 12/7/21