Extraordinary Meeting – 13th August 2020
Extraordinary Meeting Agenda – Thursday 13th August
Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council Thursday 13th August at 2.30pm by Zoom Video Conference due to Social Distancing. Called by the Chair. Supporting Documents:
The following Councillors are summoned to attend: Ms J Hinder (Chair), Mr J. McPetrie, Mrs V. Mercer, Mrs S. Sullock, Mr K. Widger, Mr Gavin Wollacott, Mr C. Staines, Mr D Murphy, Mr I Mitchelmore. Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr R. Foss are invited to attend. The next extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council will be held on, Thursday 14th August by Zoom video conference starting at 2.30pm.
Please copy this link into your browser to access the ZOOM meeting. You will be placed into a waiting room whilst the Chair allows access. Please join 5 mins before start time.
Please note: This is an emergency meeting in response to the un-precedented level of visitors
in the village and parishioner complaints as a result, to discuss with SHDC how to best manage the various matters raised to ensure public health and safety during the pandemic and on the highways.
- DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
- PUBLIC COMMENT – Not applicable to an extraordinary meeting.
- Cllr J. Brazil
- Cllr R. Foss
- MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 3 August 2020. – Not applicable to this meeting
- MATTERS IN ABEYANCE – Not applicable to this meeting
- PLANNING – Not applicable to this meeting.
- Road Signage:
- Agree and sign off wording for the blue advisory speed signs on Sands Road at the 20mph posts and Park and Walk Post and agree order process and timings. (Budget resolved at August meeting ref 207-20a)
- Given the unprecedented traffic in the village and damage being caused to property, discuss of to bring forward installation of blue advisory signs at all village entrances and if so, the location and wording, budget and timings
- Parishioner complaints – Over the weekend the clerk and chair have received numerous written complaints and images from parishioners regarding damaged property, noise disturbance at the FSC, human waste at the beach, rubbish left all around the village and beach car park, campervans parking at the car park overnight. Discuss position with Cllr R Foss and agree a common statement that can be used to reply to complaints, on the PC website and facebook comments should a response be required.
- Rubbish – Discuss requirements for Rubbish, Dog Waste and Recycling collections in the village and at the beach in order to formally request support from SHDC.
- Road Signage:
- Traffic Survey – Is it now appropriate to run a traffic survey over the remaining peak period to evidence the levels and types of vehicles. Is this something SHDC can support? If not, who in the village could support?
- PROPOSALS FOR RESOLUTION – Not applicable to this meeting.
- High level of parishioners complaints – Covered in matters for discussion / parishioner complaints.
- Resignation received from lengthman 11/8/20. Discuss feedback on the role, agree recruitment strategy, number of days per month and review hourly rate for resolution at the 7th September PC meeting.
- Approve the following payments: No applicable to this meeting.
- Balance at Bank 12/8/2020, £20,516.15.
Next Parish Council meeting – Monday 7th September 2020 by Zoom conference
Minutes – Extraordinary Meeting of the Council – 13 August 2020
Minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held by Zoom video conference on Thursday 13th August 2020 at 2.30pm.
Present: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr C Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr G Wollacott, Cllr V Mercer.
In attendance: None
213-20. Apologies for absence – Cllr Mr K Widger, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr I Mitchelmore, Cllr J McPetrie (V. Chairman)
214-20. Declarations of interest – None.
215-20. Public comment – None.
216-20. Police Councillor Advocate Scheme – Not applicable to this meeting.
217-20. County & District Councillor reports:
Devon County Council (DCC) report from Cllr J Brazil – None. District report from Cllr R. Foss – None
218-20. Minutes of the meeting held on 3 August 2020 – Not applicable to this meeting.
219-20. Matters in abeyance – Not applicable to this meeting.
220-20. Planning – Not applicable to this meeting.
221-20. Matters for discussion
a. Road Signage:
i. The wording was agreed and approved for the blue advisory speed signs on Sands Road at the 20mph post as per the artwork presented. It was agreed that the message for the sign to site under the existing Park and Walk Sign, should be a width restriction sign.
ii. Given the unprecedented traffic in the village and damage being caused to property, it was discussed and agreed by all Cllrs to bring forward installation of additional small 20mph blue advisory signs at all village entrances: Top of Prospect Hill, Blacksmiths Hill, Townsend Cross and 2 larger width advisory signs at Lower Green Cross (both village road entrances). Funding is already pre-agreed and ring-fenced for this purpose in the 2021-21 budget.
Clerk to prepare summary sign briefing deck for Cllrs to approve so that Cllr D Murphy can prepare the artwork, liaise with the supplier. (Budget for the 2 new signs resolved at August meeting ref 207-20a).
b. Parishioner complaints – To address the matters raised over the weekend from the numerous written complaints and images from parishioners regarding damaged property, noise disturbance at the FSC, human waste at the beach, rubbish left all around the village and beach car park, campervans parking at the car park overnight the following actions were agreed:
i. Clerk to draft a statement for approval by the PC that can be used to reply to complaints on the above matters and help inform parishioners of the actions in progress to help address the matters.
ii. Chair to finalise the letter to DCC, SHDC, FSC, Natural England, Slapton Line Partnership – outlining the severity of the public health, antisocial behaviour, litter, overnight camping, illegal
parking and unprecedented levels of traffic matters being experienced in the village and at the beach car park and requesting immediate support to help remedy and protect the environment, properties, public health in the form of:
Wooden posts to be installed all along the A379, around the bus stop. Rubbish management tools – see item c below.
Temporary ‘Festival’ style toilets installed at the beach until a permanent solution can be developed and this prioritised over a height barrier which would not solve the human waste issue.
No overnight camping signs plus ‘nearest toilet’ installed at the beach car park and entrance to the Ley.
Dedicated enforcement officer and regular patrolling of the car park / bottom of Sands Road
PC to approve the letter / Chair to issue.
Chair to also write to FSC and Campsite Managers to request support in minimising noise, litter and dog waste, antisocial behaviour and traffic in the village to help contribute to everyone working together as good neighbours.
- Rubbish Management– It was discussed and agreed that the village requirements for managing the level of rubbish, dog waste and bottle recycling in the village and at the beach required a minimum of a Monday weekly collection and ideally mid-week during the peak holiday seasons and on an annual rolling basis. Also that large ‘BIFFA’ bins were installed at the beach car park and a strategic point in the village to accommodate the volume of rubbish in circulation. Chair to include request in letter above.
The Council conveyed their thanks to Cllr S Sullock for clearing the bottles left at the back of the bottle bank.
Cllr S Sullock to liaise with Road Warden to ascertain if it would be possible to relocate the dog waste bin on the corner of the lane to the nursery to the footpath sign next to it to allow more space for large vehicle access and obtain a quote for the work.
d. Traffic Survey – It was discussed and agreed to run a traffic survey over the remaining peak period to evidence the levels and type of traffic to DCC, SHDC and the Slapton Line Partnership.
- Cllr D Murphy to get back in touch with the contact at Frogmore PC to request advice on how the PC undertook their community speed watch.
- Chair to liaise with DCC on how to install a speed monitoring system.
- Chair to contact the CSG group to ascertain interest and level of support in running a community Speed watch/research campaign.
- It was agree to monitor the impact of the new blue advisory signs before considering if a mobile speed camera is required.
222-20. Proposals for resolution – None.
223-20. Clerk’s report
- High level of parishioners’ complaints – As per agreed actions 221-20 (b) above.
- The resignation received from lengthsman on 11/8/20 was discussed. It was agreed to book a full sweep of the village after the autumn half term holidays and drain clearance to allow time to recruit and train a replacement lengths man. Clerk to liaise with Brookings to quote for autumn works and update the lengthsmans contract for discussion and approval at the next PC meeting.
224-20. Chair’s report – None.
225-20. Councillors’ reports – None.
226-20. Financial matters – Not applicable to this meeting.
227-20. Date of next meeting – Monday 7th September 2020 at 7.30pm by Zoom conference call.
SIGNED Chair: Julie Hinder
Dated: 13/8/20