Council Meetings – 4th April 2022
Agenda – 4th April 2022
The following Councillor s are summoned to attend: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey, Cllr Crowson, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr Waters.
Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr R. Foss, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC and members of the public are invited to attend.
3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
5. POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme: Cllr D Murphy.
Cllr J Brazil:
a).Slapton Line Partnership Meeting 22-3-22 – Update DCC perspective.
b).Monument relocation update.
Cllr R Foss:
a).Slapton Line Partnership Meeting 22-3-22 – Update SHDC perspective
b). Eco Grant Application update.
7. MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 7th March 2022, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a) Monument relocation to Strete Gate – Meeting 10th March to finalise the contract. Chair and Cllr Abbey to attend. Complete – remove.
b) Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed.
c) Village BT K6 Phone box – Pending quote for replacement Perspex / solar light from volunteer parishioner. Arrange for Childline, Samaritans, Domestic Violence support posters to be displayed once renovated. Cllr Sullock, Chair and Cllr Mitchelmore to arrange dates for cleaning and painting late Spring 2022.
d). Devon Wildlife Trust Landmark Trees and mini nurseries community – Pending a decision on the village playing field – Discuss April Meeting.
e) Snow Warden Scheme.
f). Website development / upgrade – On hold until a full council in place.
g). DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (ongoing, where applicable).
h). Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline.
0579/22/CLE – Pittaford Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2QG
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of building and use of the first floor as a separate residential dwelling house known as The Loft.
0522/22/FUL – Southview, Slapton TQ7 2PN
Proposal: Change of use from Dog Grooming Parlour (application no 2912/15/FUL) to residential including internal and external alterations/modifications.
0718/22/HHO – House Park, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal – Householder application for alterations and improvements to existing property to include replacement conservatory and front porch.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information) – None
Withdrawn – None
a). Projects:
i) Slapton Line Partnership Meeting update – Cllr Jane Abbey.
ii). Queens Jubilee- Results from volunteer advertising and event plan agreement / Agree commemorative plaques wording.
iii) .Recreation Field Winter trial: Discuss results/ decision on continuation of Dog Access / DWT mini nurseries project / water source installation.
iv). Celebrate Start Bay environmental festival: Sunday 21st August 2022 – PC stall invite.
v). Donation offer of 6 trees to plant an Orchard at the Recreation field by Tree Warden.
b) .Village Maintenance:
i) Gate solution at the recreation field.
ii) April Road Warden Brief.
iii). DCC 20MPH scheme – Expression of Interest / Application
c) Financials / Admin:
i) Slapton Line Memorial Relocation – PC Maintenance Agreement Fee (£74), approval for resolution. Request from the six-Parishes meeting held at Strete on 10th March to formally note that it was agreed that Piers Spence would represent the six Parishes in future negotiations with the FSC on this matter.
ii) Approve PC Risk Register.
iii) Cllr Roles and Responsibilities – Discuss/ agree/ update document.
iv) Remote meeting camera and speaker requirement.
v) Dog bin at Recreation field: SHDC collection proposal.
vi) Financial Regulations: Review/Approve and re-approve all payments by Standing Order and Direct Debit for 2022.
vii) Risk register: Review /approval for resolution next meeting for audit.
viii) Financial Model Regs – Review/approve for resolution for audit.
iX) AGAR Part 2 – 2021-22
- Chair to Sign Certificate of Exemption 2021-22.
- PC to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2021-22 / Chair to sign.
- PC to approve the Accounting Statement 2021-22 / Chair to sign.
a). To propose for resolution to approve the Clerk’s backdated pay for 2020-21 of £57.21.
b). To propose for resolution to amend the Clerk’s salary standing order to £778.80 per month to reflect the 2021-22 NJC pay award rates, adjustment of pay scale banding and increase in hours to 40 a month wef 1st April 2022 as a result of the November 2022 job evaluation. Also to approve the amendments to the employment contract to reflect this and pro-rota increase in paid annual leave as checked by the PC’s accountants.
For information only:
- New Dedicated Police Sergeant 13418: Ollie Abercrombie, Tel: 01803-218032 Mobile: 07736622761 based in Dartmouth.
- 9 CSG Facebook and 8 PC website posts drafted/SEO/posted March, CSG, Covid-19 and Cllr Pages updated.
- Maintenance reporting:
- Liaison with Road Warden – March Road Warden Work brief.
- Correspondence with 2 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
- DCC / SHDC Liaison: Localities Jubilee commemorative bench grant return.
- APM – Attendance/Liaison with Village agencies re annual reports.
- SPC NEST pension scheme set up.
- P3 Scheme – Chased late payment of 2021 Grant.
- Have-A-Go dog agility group set up: Posters/Process/Insurance.
- CSG Meetings: 3 Working Group Meetings attendance re Jubilee event.
- Office and budget administration.
- Notice board updating and poster copy Queens Platinum Jubilee.
- Recreation field: Dog bin management / visitor numbers monitoring.
- Annual leave 18th-30th March.
- Jubilee Event Update
- Eco Grant Update
- All-Stars activities – litter pick / hedgehogs
a)The council to approve the below payments:
b). Balance at Bank 27-3-22, £14,891.50.
c). DCC 2021 P3 Grant of £180.00 – Ros Davis is chasing invoice payment with DCC accounts, advised if not paid will add to the 2022-23 grant.
d). NJC 2021-22 pay settlement details received.
e). Final 2021 VAT claim of £184.50 submitted – pending receipt.
f). Interim Annual Bank Reconciliation completed – Chair signed 17-3-22.
g). HMCEF 2021 expenses grant claim rejected. Need to resubmit.
h). Year end 31/3/2022: AGAR Forms to be signed at the meeting if accounts ready.
i). Internal Audit: Requirements brief received and 2022 Paperwork from PKF Little John.
Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on Monday 4th April 2022 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk. 27/3/2022
Minutes – April 2022
Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Murphy, Cllr Waters.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil and Cllr R Foss
1-22 ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR – The PC voted unanimously to appoint Cllr Abbey as Vice Chair who had agreed to be considered for election ahead at the meeting when sending in apologies for absence.
2-22 Apologies for absence – Cllr Abbey, Cllr Staines, Cllr Crowson (attended by MS Teams as a member of the public).
3-2. Declarations of interest – Clerk, Planning App 0522/22/FUL.
4.22 Public comment – None.
5-22 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update. Cllr Murphy reported the The appointment of a new dedicated Police Sergeant 13418: is Ollie Abercrombie, Tel: 01803-218032 Mobile: 07736622761 for the Dartmouth and Rural Neighbourhood areas.
6-22 County & District Councillor reports:
1.Cllr J Brazil
a).Conveyed apologies not able to attend the Annual Parish Meeting.
b).Reported that the Slapton Line Partnership Meeting was held on 22 March 2022 at Follaton House. An Adaptation Plan workshop will be held on Zoom, 5th April 2022 hosted by Sam Lew Adaptation Manager.
c).Beach Monument – At the above SLP Meeting, Cllr Brazil reported he had made it clear to County that the parishes had completed their work and it was now over to County to progress the necessary planning permissions as quickly as possible.
d).DCC Highways cyclic works budget – No update and Cllr Brazil would follow up again with Lisa Edmunds at Highways.
e).Neonicotinoid insecticides – Cllr Brazil reported that he was supporting the decision by Devon County Council to ban the use of this insecticide on DCC land as part of the Devon Pollinator Action Plan.
f). Footpaths – It was reported that DCC were no longer putting in ‘ghost’ or virtual footpaths as there was no protection for pedestrians. Cllr Brazil has raised with DCC that there had been no issues in 20 years of having a virtual path in Charleton and a motion was being put to DCC for PC’s wanting to put in place 20mph zones and virtual footpaths as there was no other option in Devon due to the old coach roads. The Chair raised that a virtual path was needed from Townsend Cross to the recreation field. Cllr Brazil advised that Stoke Fleming had included this request in their Neighbourhood Plan and advised SPC to also take this course of action.
g).Chilverstone Single Neighbourhood plan – No update.
2. Cllr R Foss
a). Slapton Line Partnership Meeting, 22 March 2022 – Cllr Foss reported that local communities were not happy with SLP decisions and a route of mitigation being followed. This is due to the SLP being under pressure from Government bodies. Anthony Mangnall MP was working behind the scenes to make organisations be more flexible in their approach. Cllr Foss advised that he had expressed his frustrations at the meeting over the situation along with Cllr Brazil. The Chair read out Cllr Abbey’s submitted report of concerns from the meeting and request for the DCC Highways report to be made available for the PC’s to read. Cllr Foss stated that regarding prior road repairs, the A379 had been re-aligned twice and defences improved at Torcross within Natural England and Environmental Agency constraints. Cllr Foss advised that he felt more confident that NA and EA would be more flexible following Anthony Mangnall’s conversations. Cllr Foss reported that he had spent time with DCC Highways looking at where the roads can be widened including Carehouse Cross to Sherford and a more direct route on 5-mile lane into Stokenham which would help redirect campervans away from Slapton. Cllr Foss progressing.
b). Green waste collections – Cllr Foss asked the PC if the brown bins had been collected as the first date was 30/3/22. The Chair reported the villages collection was this coming Wednesday and would report back next meeting. Cllr Foss advised parishioners to report any issues and requests for help on the SHDC ‘Report It’ website.
c). Planning: Fern Acre Site: Cllr Sullock asked Cllr Foss if anything could be done to stop the site run-off at Fern Acre as the silt had blocked the drains downs stream on Blacksmiths Hill and this was a condition of planning that no water/debris would run into the drains. It was agreed that Cllr Mitchelmore would forward Cllr Foss the planning Application ref number and photos of the blocked drains for further consideration Reservoir on 5-mile lane: Cllr Mitchelmore asked for a status report on the perceived development of the site as hedges had been removed and a digger seen levelling the land. The PC had previously declined planning application 0376/18/FUL as the site was in an AONB. It was agreed that Cllr Foss would drive by the site and follow up with SHDC and Cllr Mitchelmore to forward details in writing to Cllr Foss.
d). PC Eco grant for whips and planting schemes. The Chair reported they had submitted a grant application and enquired when the decision would be made. As the deadline is 31 March 2023, Cllr Foss advised was unsure as to the exact timing for approvals and payments and would report back next meeting.
7-22 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 7th March 2022, were agreed, subject to noting that Cllr Mitchelmore had sent apologies and were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
8.22 Review of Action Log – Clerk to update.
9.22 Matters in Abeyance
a). Monument relocation to Strete Gate – Pending DCC Planning Permission.
b). Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed.
c). Village BT K6 Phone box – Pending quote for replacement Perspex / solar light from volunteer parishioner. Arrange for Childline, Samaritans, Domestic Violence support posters to be displayed once renovated. Cllr Sullock, Chair and Cllr Mitchelmore to arrange dates for cleaning and painting late Spring 2022 after the parish marine engineer volunteer has repaired the light.
d). Devon Wildlife Trust Landmark Trees and mini nurseries community – Clerk to remove (Refer 11(a) iii.
e). Snow Warden Scheme.
f). Website development / upgrade – On hold until a full council in place.
g). DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (ongoing, where applicable).
h). Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 16th May 2022.
10.22 Planning
0579/22/CLE – Pittaford Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2QG
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of building and use of the first floor as a separate residential dwelling house known as The Loft.
No comment
0522/22/FUL – Southview, Slapton TQ7 2PN
Proposal: Change of use from Dog Grooming Parlour (application no 2912/15/FUL) to residential including internal and external alterations/modifications.
No comment
0718/22/HHO – House Park, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal – Householder application for alterations and improvements to existing property to include replacement conservatory and front porch.
No comment
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information) – None
11.22 Matters for discussion
a). Slapton Line Partnership Meeting update – The Chair reported that Cllr Jane Abbey had circulated a debrief to the PC to discuss next meeting.
b). Queens Jubilee – The Chair reported there had been a good response from the parish for volunteers which meant that all three village jubilee events could go ahead. The PC agreed the commemorative plaques wording for the trees and picnic bench.
c). Recreation Field Winter trial: Due to the success of the winter trial, Cllr Mitchelmore proposed and Cllr Sullock seconded and the PC agreed unanimously to allow dog access to the recreation field on the proviso that the field was kept clean and free of dog waste. Regular spot checks would continue and the situation monitored. Clerk to update notices and publish. Chair to include in May Slapton Lines.
d). DWT mini nurseries project / water source installation. The PC felt there was unfortunately not enough space in the field accommodate trees and open space was the priority for the parish. Cllr Waters agree to explore other possible locations. Clerk to update Tree Warden. It was discussed and agreed that a water source was necessary and the Chair agreed to source an open topped water container. Cllr Sullock agreed to continue to water the trees and plants.
e). Celebrate Start Bay environmental festival: Sunday 21st August 2022 – The PC agreed to host an unmanned information stand. Clerk to contact FSC to discuss and consider information display.
f). Donation offer of 6 trees to plant an Orchard at the Recreation field by Tree Warden. Clerk to put Cllr Waters in touch with the tree warden.
Village Maintenance:
a). Gate solution at the recreation field. Cllr Waters and Cllr Mitchelmore to meet at the site to discuss design solutions and report back with a quote next meeting.
b). April Road Warden Brief – Clerk to update Road Warden with requirements.
c). DCC 20MPH scheme – Expression of Interest / Application The PC agreed for the clerk to submit and expression of interest.
Financials / Admin:
a). Cllr Sullock Proposed and Cllr Water seconded and the PC voted unanimously to approve the Slapton Line Memorial PC Annual Maintenance Agreement Fee (£74) at the request from the six-Parishes meeting held at Strete on 10th March and to formally note that it was agreed that Piers Spence would represent the six Parishes in future negotiations with the FSC on this matter.
b). The Chair proposed and Cllr Sullock seconded to re-approve PC’s Risk Register.
c). Cllr Roles and Responsibilities – These were discussed and agreed. Chair to invite Sustainable Southhams representative to speak at a future PC meeting. Clerk to update document and add to website.
d). Remote meeting camera and speaker requirement. The PC agreed this was necessary. Clerk to research options.
e). Dog bin at Recreation field: The PC voted unanimously to approve a 2 weekly dog waste bin SHDC collection at an annual cost of £78.00. Clerk to confirm to SHDC.
f). Financial Regulations/2022 payments: The Chair approved and Cllr Murphy seconded to re-approve all payments by Standing Order and Direct Debit for 2022. The Chair approved and Cllr Murphy seconded to re-approve the Financial Model Regulations.
g). AGAR Part 2 – 2021-22 – It was agreed to carry to the May meeting. Clerk to complete documents and add to agenda (Chair to Sign Certificate of Exemption 2021-22. PC to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2021-22 / Chair to sign. PC to approve the Accounting Statement 2021-22 / Chair to sign).
12.22 Proposals for resolution
a). It was proposed by Cllr Sullock and seconded by Cllr Waters to resolve to approve the Clerk’s backdated 2020-21 pay of £57.21.
b). It was proposed by Cllr Mitchelmore and seconded by Cllr Murphy to resolve to amend the Clerk’s salary standing order to £778.80 per month to reflect the 2021-22 NJC pay award rates, adjustment of pay scale banding and increase in hours to 40 a month wef 1st April 2022 as a result of the November 2022 job evaluation and to amend the clerk’s employment contract to reflect this and pro-rota increase in paid annual leave as checked by the PC’s accountants.
13.22 Clerk’s report
For information only:
- New Dedicated Police Sergeant 13418: Ollie Abercrombie, Tel: 01803-218032 Mobile: 07736622761 based in Dartmouth.
- 9 CSG Facebook and 8 PC website posts drafted/SEO/posted March, CSG, Covid-19 and Cllr Pages updated.
- Maintenance reporting: Liaison with Road Warden – March Road Warden Work brief.
- Correspondence with 2 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
- DCC / SHDC Liaison: Localities Jubilee commemorative bench grant return.
- APM – Attendance/Liaison with Village agencies re annual reports.
- SPC NEST pension scheme set up.
- P3 Scheme – Chased late payment of 2021 Grant.
- Have-A-Go dog agility group set up: Posters/Process/Insurance.
- CSG Meetings: 3 Working Group Meetings attendance re Jubilee event.
- Office and budget administration.
- Notice board updating and poster copy Queens Platinum Jubilee. Recreation field: Dog bin management / visitor numbers monitoring.
- Annual leave 18th-30th March 2022.
14.22 Chair’s report
a). Jubilee Event Update – Reported work progressing as planned.
b). Eco Grant Update – Refer item 6.22 (2d).
c). All-Stars activities – The following events are planned. White Close hedgehog tunnel building – Early summer depending on nesting box status. Rescheduled Litter Pick – 21st May 2022. Summer Farm Visit – Chair and Cllrs Waters to liaise.
15.22 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Sullock – Raised if the small business cards posted on the bus shelter notice board could be placed together in a new space at the side to allow more space for larger notices on the main board. This was agreed by the PC.
16.22 Financial matters
i). The council unanimously approved the below payments:
1/22 – S/0 £256.00 L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks remuneration March 22). Paid 1-4-22 – noted April agenda.
2/22 £177.60 Clerk’s adjusted contract time adjustment to 40 hrs (15hrs £153.60 + £24 HMRC working from home allowance).
3/22 £57.51 Clerks Back Dated Pay – 2021-22 NALC Spine Pay settlement. Hrs worked.
4/22 £290.00 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – March 2022 / 14 hrs. Invoice 1411/22 dated 16/3/22.
5/22 £285.00 Nick Mathias – Village Mowing 2nd Cut March 2022. Invoice no 1410/22 dated 16/3/22.
6/22 £125.20 Tomlinson Computer Support LTD. Invoice dated 17/3/33 no INV-7361. Basic Licence for Cllr Waters and Additional Cllr removal/set up work.
7/22 £20.00 Woolston Accounts – Payroll processing, Invoice dated 28/3/22 no 2013.
8/22 £11.98 VC Warehouse C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Due 15/4/22 by DD. Invoice: The below late invoices were also approved.
9/22 £578.88 Ian Tomlinson Computer Support LTD. Invoice INV-7409 dated 1/4/2022. MS Office Upfront annual Licences x 10 and 3 licences backed up – 12 months.
10/22 £15.00 Ian Tomlinson Computer Support LTD. Invoice INV-7421 dated 1/4/2022. MS Office Monthly Licence removal/backup for Cllr Wollacott.
11/22 £117.55 DALC – 2022 Annual Membership fee renewal. Invoice no 3902 dated 4/4/22.
12/22 £45.00 Slapton Village Hall – PC meeting 7/3/22 and APM 31/3/22. Invoice no: C04675 /22 dated 4/4/2022.
a). Balance at Bank 27-3-22, £14,891.50.
b). DCC 2021 P3 Grant of £180.00 – Received 31-2-22.
c). NJC 2021-22 pay settlement details received.
d). Final 2021 VAT claim of £189.46 received 5-4-22
e). Interim Annual Bank Reconciliation completed – Chair signed 17-3-22.
f). HMCEF 2021 expenses grant claim rejected. Clerk to resubmit.
g). Year end 31/3/2022: AGAR Forms – Carried to next meeting due to clerk’s annual leave.
h). Internal Audit: Requirements brief received and 2022 Paperwork from PKF Littlejohn.
17.22 Next meeting dates:
Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 9th May 2022 at 7.00pm.
Members of the public wishing to attend to contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines
The meeting ended at 9.20pm.
SIGNED: Julie Hinder, Chair Dated 9/5/22
Minutes – April 2022
Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Murphy, Cllr Waters.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil and Cllr R Foss
1-22 ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR – The PC voted unanimously to appoint Cllr Abbey as Vice Chair who had agreed to be considered for election ahead at the meeting when sending in apologies for absence.
2-22 Apologies for absence – Cllr Abbey, Cllr Staines, Cllr Crowson (attended by MS Teams as a member of the public).
3-2. Declarations of interest – Clerk, Planning App 0522/22/FUL.
4.22 Public comment – None.
5-22 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update. Cllr Murphy reported the The appointment of a new dedicated Police Sergeant 13418: is Ollie Abercrombie, Tel: 01803-218032 Mobile: 07736622761 for the Dartmouth and Rural Neighbourhood areas.
6-22 County & District Councillor reports:
1.Cllr J Brazil
a).Conveyed apologies not able to attend the Annual Parish Meeting.
b).Reported that the Slapton Line Partnership Meeting was held on 22 March 2022 at Follaton House. An Adaptation Plan workshop will be held on Zoom, 5th April 2022 hosted by Sam Lew Adaptation Manager.
c).Beach Monument – At the above SLP Meeting, Cllr Brazil reported he had made it clear to County that the parishes had completed their work and it was now over to County to progress the necessary planning permissions as quickly as possible.
d).DCC Highways cyclic works budget – No update and Cllr Brazil would follow up again with Lisa Edmunds at Highways.
e).Neonicotinoid insecticides – Cllr Brazil reported that he was supporting the decision by Devon County Council to ban the use of this insecticide on DCC land as part of the Devon Pollinator Action Plan.
f). Footpaths – It was reported that DCC were no longer putting in ‘ghost’ or virtual footpaths as there was no protection for pedestrians. Cllr Brazil has raised with DCC that there had been no issues in 20 years of having a virtual path in Charleton and a motion was being put to DCC for PC’s wanting to put in place 20mph zones and virtual footpaths as there was no other option in Devon due to the old coach roads. The Chair raised that a virtual path was needed from Townsend Cross to the recreation field. Cllr Brazil advised that Stoke Fleming had included this request in their Neighbourhood Plan and advised SPC to also take this course of action.
g).Chilverstone Single Neighbourhood plan – No update.
2. Cllr R Foss
a). Slapton Line Partnership Meeting, 22 March 2022 – Cllr Foss reported that local communities were not happy with SLP decisions and a route of mitigation being followed. This is due to the SLP being under pressure from Government bodies. Anthony Mangnall MP was working behind the scenes to make organisations be more flexible in their approach. Cllr Foss advised that he had expressed his frustrations at the meeting over the situation along with Cllr Brazil. The Chair read out Cllr Abbey’s submitted report of concerns from the meeting and request for the DCC Highways report to be made available for the PC’s to read. Cllr Foss stated that regarding prior road repairs, the A379 had been re-aligned twice and defences improved at Torcross within Natural England and Environmental Agency constraints. Cllr Foss advised that he felt more confident that NA and EA would be more flexible following Anthony Mangnall’s conversations. Cllr Foss reported that he had spent time with DCC Highways looking at where the roads can be widened including Carehouse Cross to Sherford and a more direct route on 5-mile lane into Stokenham which would help redirect campervans away from Slapton. Cllr Foss progressing.
b). Green waste collections – Cllr Foss asked the PC if the brown bins had been collected as the first date was 30/3/22. The Chair reported the villages collection was this coming Wednesday and would report back next meeting. Cllr Foss advised parishioners to report any issues and requests for help on the SHDC ‘Report It’ website.
c). Planning: Fern Acre Site: Cllr Sullock asked Cllr Foss if anything could be done to stop the site run-off at Fern Acre as the silt had blocked the drains downs stream on Blacksmiths Hill and this was a condition of planning that no water/debris would run into the drains. It was agreed that Cllr Mitchelmore would forward Cllr Foss the planning Application ref number and photos of the blocked drains for further consideration Reservoir on 5-mile lane: Cllr Mitchelmore asked for a status report on the perceived development of the site as hedges had been removed and a digger seen levelling the land. The PC had previously declined planning application 0376/18/FUL as the site was in an AONB. It was agreed that Cllr Foss would drive by the site and follow up with SHDC and Cllr Mitchelmore to forward details in writing to Cllr Foss.
d). PC Eco grant for whips and planting schemes. The Chair reported they had submitted a grant application and enquired when the decision would be made. As the deadline is 31 March 2023, Cllr Foss advised was unsure as to the exact timing for approvals and payments and would report back next meeting.
7-22 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 7th March 2022, were agreed, subject to noting that Cllr Mitchelmore had sent apologies and were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
8.22 Review of Action Log – Clerk to update.
9.22 Matters in Abeyance
a). Monument relocation to Strete Gate – Pending DCC Planning Permission.
b). Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed.
c). Village BT K6 Phone box – Pending quote for replacement Perspex / solar light from volunteer parishioner. Arrange for Childline, Samaritans, Domestic Violence support posters to be displayed once renovated. Cllr Sullock, Chair and Cllr Mitchelmore to arrange dates for cleaning and painting late Spring 2022 after the parish marine engineer volunteer has repaired the light.
d). Devon Wildlife Trust Landmark Trees and mini nurseries community – Clerk to remove (Refer 11(a) iii.
e). Snow Warden Scheme.
f). Website development / upgrade – On hold until a full council in place.
g). DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (ongoing, where applicable).
h). Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 16th May 2022.
10.22 Planning
0579/22/CLE – Pittaford Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2QG
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of building and use of the first floor as a separate residential dwelling house known as The Loft.
No comment
0522/22/FUL – Southview, Slapton TQ7 2PN
Proposal: Change of use from Dog Grooming Parlour (application no 2912/15/FUL) to residential including internal and external alterations/modifications.
No comment
0718/22/HHO – House Park, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal – Householder application for alterations and improvements to existing property to include replacement conservatory and front porch.
No comment
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information) – None
11.22 Matters for discussion
a). Slapton Line Partnership Meeting update – The Chair reported that Cllr Jane Abbey had circulated a debrief to the PC to discuss next meeting.
b). Queens Jubilee – The Chair reported there had been a good response from the parish for volunteers which meant that all three village jubilee events could go ahead. The PC agreed the commemorative plaques wording for the trees and picnic bench.
c). Recreation Field Winter trial: Due to the success of the winter trial, Cllr Mitchelmore proposed and Cllr Sullock seconded and the PC agreed unanimously to allow dog access to the recreation field on the proviso that the field was kept clean and free of dog waste. Regular spot checks would continue and the situation monitored. Clerk to update notices and publish. Chair to include in May Slapton Lines.
d). DWT mini nurseries project / water source installation. The PC felt there was unfortunately not enough space in the field accommodate trees and open space was the priority for the parish. Cllr Waters agree to explore other possible locations. Clerk to update Tree Warden. It was discussed and agreed that a water source was necessary and the Chair agreed to source an open topped water container. Cllr Sullock agreed to continue to water the trees and plants.
e). Celebrate Start Bay environmental festival: Sunday 21st August 2022 – The PC agreed to host an unmanned information stand. Clerk to contact FSC to discuss and consider information display.
f). Donation offer of 6 trees to plant an Orchard at the Recreation field by Tree Warden. Clerk to put Cllr Waters in touch with the tree warden.
Village Maintenance:
a). Gate solution at the recreation field. Cllr Waters and Cllr Mitchelmore to meet at the site to discuss design solutions and report back with a quote next meeting.
b). April Road Warden Brief – Clerk to update Road Warden with requirements.
c). DCC 20MPH scheme – Expression of Interest / Application The PC agreed for the clerk to submit and expression of interest.
Financials / Admin:
a). Cllr Sullock Proposed and Cllr Water seconded and the PC voted unanimously to approve the Slapton Line Memorial PC Annual Maintenance Agreement Fee (£74) at the request from the six-Parishes meeting held at Strete on 10th March and to formally note that it was agreed that Piers Spence would represent the six Parishes in future negotiations with the FSC on this matter.
b). The Chair proposed and Cllr Sullock seconded to re-approve PC’s Risk Register.
c). Cllr Roles and Responsibilities – These were discussed and agreed. Chair to invite Sustainable Southhams representative to speak at a future PC meeting. Clerk to update document and add to website.
d). Remote meeting camera and speaker requirement. The PC agreed this was necessary. Clerk to research options.
e). Dog bin at Recreation field: The PC voted unanimously to approve a 2 weekly dog waste bin SHDC collection at an annual cost of £78.00. Clerk to confirm to SHDC.
f). Financial Regulations/2022 payments: The Chair approved and Cllr Murphy seconded to re-approve all payments by Standing Order and Direct Debit for 2022. The Chair approved and Cllr Murphy seconded to re-approve the Financial Model Regulations.
g). AGAR Part 2 – 2021-22 – It was agreed to carry to the May meeting. Clerk to complete documents and add to agenda (Chair to Sign Certificate of Exemption 2021-22. PC to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2021-22 / Chair to sign. PC to approve the Accounting Statement 2021-22 / Chair to sign).
12.22 Proposals for resolution
a). It was proposed by Cllr Sullock and seconded by Cllr Waters to resolve to approve the Clerk’s backdated 2020-21 pay of £57.21.
b). It was proposed by Cllr Mitchelmore and seconded by Cllr Murphy to resolve to amend the Clerk’s salary standing order to £778.80 per month to reflect the 2021-22 NJC pay award rates, adjustment of pay scale banding and increase in hours to 40 a month wef 1st April 2022 as a result of the November 2022 job evaluation and to amend the clerk’s employment contract to reflect this and pro-rota increase in paid annual leave as checked by the PC’s accountants.
13.22 Clerk’s report
For information only:
- New Dedicated Police Sergeant 13418: Ollie Abercrombie, Tel: 01803-218032 Mobile: 07736622761 based in Dartmouth.
- 9 CSG Facebook and 8 PC website posts drafted/SEO/posted March, CSG, Covid-19 and Cllr Pages updated.
- Maintenance reporting: Liaison with Road Warden – March Road Warden Work brief.
- Correspondence with 2 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
- DCC / SHDC Liaison: Localities Jubilee commemorative bench grant return.
- APM – Attendance/Liaison with Village agencies re annual reports.
- SPC NEST pension scheme set up.
- P3 Scheme – Chased late payment of 2021 Grant.
- Have-A-Go dog agility group set up: Posters/Process/Insurance.
- CSG Meetings: 3 Working Group Meetings attendance re Jubilee event.
- Office and budget administration.
- Notice board updating and poster copy Queens Platinum Jubilee. Recreation field: Dog bin management / visitor numbers monitoring.
- Annual leave 18th-30th March 2022.
14.22 Chair’s report
a). Jubilee Event Update – Reported work progressing as planned.
b). Eco Grant Update – Refer item 6.22 (2d).
c). All-Stars activities – The following events are planned. White Close hedgehog tunnel building – Early summer depending on nesting box status. Rescheduled Litter Pick – 21st May 2022. Summer Farm Visit – Chair and Cllrs Waters to liaise.
15.22 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Sullock – Raised if the small business cards posted on the bus shelter notice board could be placed together in a new space at the side to allow more space for larger notices on the main board. This was agreed by the PC.
16.22 Financial matters
i). The council unanimously approved the below payments:
1/22 – S/0 £256.00 L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks remuneration March 22). Paid 1-4-22 – noted April agenda.
2/22 £177.60 Clerk’s adjusted contract time adjustment to 40 hrs (15hrs £153.60 + £24 HMRC working from home allowance).
3/22 £57.51 Clerks Back Dated Pay – 2021-22 NALC Spine Pay settlement. Hrs worked.
4/22 £290.00 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – March 2022 / 14 hrs. Invoice 1411/22 dated 16/3/22.
5/22 £285.00 Nick Mathias – Village Mowing 2nd Cut March 2022. Invoice no 1410/22 dated 16/3/22.
6/22 £125.20 Tomlinson Computer Support LTD. Invoice dated 17/3/33 no INV-7361. Basic Licence for Cllr Waters and Additional Cllr removal/set up work.
7/22 £20.00 Woolston Accounts – Payroll processing, Invoice dated 28/3/22 no 2013.
8/22 £11.98 VC Warehouse C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Due 15/4/22 by DD. Invoice: The below late invoices were also approved.
9/22 £578.88 Ian Tomlinson Computer Support LTD. Invoice INV-7409 dated 1/4/2022. MS Office Upfront annual Licences x 10 and 3 licences backed up – 12 months.
10/22 £15.00 Ian Tomlinson Computer Support LTD. Invoice INV-7421 dated 1/4/2022. MS Office Monthly Licence removal/backup for Cllr Wollacott.
11/22 £117.55 DALC – 2022 Annual Membership fee renewal. Invoice no 3902 dated 4/4/22.
12/22 £45.00 Slapton Village Hall – PC meeting 7/3/22 and APM 31/3/22. Invoice no: C04675 /22 dated 4/4/2022.
a). Balance at Bank 27-3-22, £14,891.50.
b). DCC 2021 P3 Grant of £180.00 – Received 31-2-22.
c). NJC 2021-22 pay settlement details received.
d). Final 2021 VAT claim of £189.46 received 5-4-22
e). Interim Annual Bank Reconciliation completed – Chair signed 17-3-22.
f). HMCEF 2021 expenses grant claim rejected. Clerk to resubmit.
g). Year end 31/3/2022: AGAR Forms – Carried to next meeting due to clerk’s annual leave.
h). Internal Audit: Requirements brief received and 2022 Paperwork from PKF Littlejohn.
17.22 Next meeting dates:
Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 9th May 2022 at 7.00pm.
Members of the public wishing to attend to contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines
The meeting ended at 9.20pm.
SIGNED: Julie Hinder, Chair Dated 9/5/22