Council Meeting – 9th November 2020
Agenda – 9th November 2020 – Change of date
- 7.00pm, Monday 9th November 2020 by Zoom Video Conference due to Social Distancing.
If any parishioners wish to attend the meeting/and or speak/present an idea, as this is a remote meeting, please submit your question(s)/papers to the clerk, 48hrs in advance of the meeting so that the Council can consider. email:
To attend the Zoom meeting:
- Click on this meeting link at 7.00pm: , or copy the link into your browser.
- You will be then placed into a waiting room whilst the Chair arranges access so please do not click out as this will take a few minutes as people join.
- Access to the meeting will be closed at 7.10pm.
Supporting Documents:
Agenda – PC meeting 9 November 2020
Draft Minutes for signing PC meeting 5 October 2020
Village Charity
Electric Vehicle Survey results – summary
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
3. PUBLIC COMMENT – Any parishioner is invited to address the Council for up to 3 minutes. This session may last up to 15 minutes and may be extended to 30minutes at the discretion of the Chair. The Public are not required to stay for the rest of the meeting.
- A request has been made to update on the progress of the Village charity group, the village archive project and the planting project.
4. POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme – refer to ongoing Cllr updates.
Cllr J. Brazil
- Update on the relocation of the War Memorial
- Saltstone Single Neighbourhood Plan – Timings for leaflet drop
Cllr R. Foss
- Update on the SHDC single solution Plan for the Slapton Line Parishes and winter public consultations.
- Update on request from the PC for £550 matched funding grant requests to help with the following:
- Purchase of additional litter bins to support local tourism – total cost £1100
6. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 5th October 2020. If agreed, to be both be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
- Village flooding issues – Ongoing monitoring. Bi-annual drain cleaning arrangements in place to manage.
- Traffic Speed / Volume Survey. Deferred until spring 2021. Agree dates in Feb 2021. Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
- Monument relocation to Strete Gate– Pending update from DCC.
- Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes in 2020 parish recycling arrangements.
- Village Map – Agreed to delay the reprint until spring 2021. Review artwork /stock levels at the Feb 2021 meeting.
- P3 Scheme – Agree to remove once the scheme is joined. Contract received – for signing in matters for discussion Nov meeting – agree to remove.
- Safeguarding Training by Ben Leach – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions before proceeding.
- Highways Response – No reply to Park and Walk drain ownership / Footpath deterioration between south grounds farm and drains issues outside the FSC. Chased 15-1-20 and 12.2.20 and 8.9.20 and 5/10/20 by Cllr J Brazil. Review position at the November meeting / remove.
- FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions.
- Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify,
- Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 18th November 2020.
- 3059/20/TCA – Larksmead, Slapton.TQ72PY | Proposal: Works to a Tree in a Con Area: T1 & T2: Silver Fir – Fell due to proximity to road and neighbouring properties.
- 2057/20/HHO – Watergate Cottage, Start, Slapton TQ7 2QD | Proposal: READVERTISMENT (revised plans received) Householder application for proposed garden room.
- 2799-20-ARM – Highclere, Slapton. TQ7 2PY | Proposal: Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval reference 1736/217/OPA
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
2605/20/TPO – 1 Chantry Hill Slapton TQ7 2QY
Proposed works: T1: Sweet Chestnut – Crown lift by 4m to provide clearance over garden and balance crown. Reduction of limb at 5m from ground level on North West side by 5.5m. Removal of limb at 5m from ground level on West side back to main regrowth shoot 1.5m from main stem. Reduction of limb at 4m from ground level on South side by 4m. Thin out epicormic growth. Crown height reduction by 4m. T2: Ash – Remove stump.
Decision: Approved
2622/20/HHO – Blacklands Farm Slapton TQ7 2QE
>Proposal: Householder application for proposed construction of new double car port
Decision: Conditional approval
- DCC / Energy Saving Trust (EST) Electric Vehicle Charging Points rural locations rollout scheme – Update on research findings.
- Village Charity Letter and Parish Wide EV survey printing 300 copies. Approve Invoice no 86616. 20/10/20 Nick Walker £59.00 (£29.50 PC survey / £29.00 Charity start up parish-wide communications grant S137).
- P3 Scheme – Chair to sign contract / discuss walking group and management of the scheme
- Libraries Unlimited Mobile Library Service– Grant request to help refurb recently purchased 2nd hand library van.
- Drain Cleaning and Road Sweeping Works– Poster support (production/distribution) plus approval of additional quote to clear the land behind the pipe outside the FSC into the adjoining field. (Refer matters for resolution).
- Parish Notice Boards – future requirements
- Replacement defib training Pads order.
- Village maintenance projects:
- Pathway patching (Park and walk to Southgrounds and Southgrounds to Bus Stop). Approve revised quote from Road Warden including additional operative. (A grant request will be submitted under the Highways Maintenance Enhancement fund/ Road Warden scheme).
- 3 months lengthsman trial – Agree Dec brief – 14 hours.
- Draft parish budget 2021-22 – Review budget laydown under SLCC guidance. Discuss/agree items for budget agreement / resolution at the December meeting.
- Delivering the budget / working groups.
- To propose to agree the quote from Brookings Hire dated 6/10/20 for the hire of a road sweeper and additional operative to clean all the village drains and sweep the roads on 10/11th November at a cost of £750+VAT and also the Hire of a Jetter and operator to powerflush the drain outside the FSC for flood management at a cost of £425. Total cost £1175 + VAT. To also propose to approve the additional work to clear the debris in front of the pipe into the adjoining field. (The quote will be provided at the PC meeting as the site visit not until 10/11/20).
To discuss:
- DALC reply to contract addendum to village playing field development – C/Forward to Nov/Dec.
For information only:
- 17 CSG Facebook and 9 PC website posts made across the month.
- Old Blue advisory speed signs now stored with Road Warden kit.
- Red/White width enforcement sign reinstated at Lower Green Cross.
- Traffic Survey – Survey moved to March/April to adequate traffic quota and reflection of normal busy season. Dates TBC in the new year subject to Covid and local alert level.
- November Village cleaning dates (10-11th Nov) booked with Brookings. Works Posters and car notices drafted. Village signs and car notices to be posted 6th Nov. FSC also contacted re car parking support and have approved use of car park.
- P3 scheme. Contracts checked for signing/ brief to Charity Group to help support the walking.
- Food Banks Christmas 1000 donated items appeal web and CSG FB page copy written.
- Devon’s Treescape project / Devon Wildlife Trust. Landmark Trees, 1 per parish to plant wherever is suitable. Request handed to the new village charity group for consideration.
- PC response to the SHDC Slapton, Torcross and Strete car park Tariff review consultation issued 24/10/20 ahead of the deadline 30-10-20.
- End of season Village and playing field mowing due Monday/Tues 2nd and 3rd Nov (weather permitting. Winter buddle hole clearance x 8 also booked for these dates.
- SHDC Waste Bins – Brief confirmed to relocated Dog and multipurpose bin on the verge away from houses opposite the entrance to Greenbanks and within the PlayPark away from the boundary near to the picnic bench. Verge bin installed 23-10-20. Pending installation date for playpark.
- Correspondence has been sent to 5 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
- DCC / Energy Saving Trust (EST) Electric Vehicle Charging Points rural locations rollout scheme. Photos of possible location sent to SHDC 6-10-20. Survey drafted and distributed Parish Wide over the weekend 17th/18th by the CSG/Charity working group. Thanks have been conveyed for supporting the PC with the distribution work.
- REPORT IT logs – No reports this month. The new bin capacity and reduction in number of visitors has helped the waste situation.
- Saltstone single neighbourhood plan community leaflet – Awaiting delivery so can arrange a parish wide distribution.
- SLCC training festival attendance 12-16th October x 6 1 hr training sessions.
- Photos take of condition of the Village BT K6 Phone box paint condition and submitted 22-10-20 to BT request repainting. Matters in abeyance updated. Re-submit Oct 2021.
- Charity scoping meeting update.
- Update on progress of the development of the football pitch.
Approve the following payments:
L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – August Sept 20 (Paid 1/10//20 for noting).
Clerks Overtime and monthly expenses (Oct 2020) Refer analysis sheet.
VC Warehouse – 7th payment – C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 15/10/20 by DD. Invoice 1007939 for noting.
Nick Mathias- Reinstallation of road sign and relocation of old Signs to storage site. Invoice 1223/21 dated 12/10/20
Zia Soothill-Ward- Re-imbursement of start-up Pickleball kit at village hall.
Slapton Short Bowls Club. Grant donation from ringfenced cricket club donation
RBL Poppy Appeal, Remembrance Day Wreath. Invoice no. 85 dated Oct 2020.
SLCC Annual Membership Renewal – due 30/11/20
Nick Walker, Village Charity Letter and Parish Wide EV survey printing 300 copies. Invoice no 86616. 20/10/20
- Balance at Bank 26/10/2020, £22,769.42
- Draft 2020 budget prepared including guidance from SLCC
- SHDC x 2 Large Bin purchase costs confirmed at £570+vat and installation x 2 bins £436.47 + VAT. Awaiting formal invoice which will also include installation and relocation of bins at Greenbanks.
- Slapton All Stars – £707.50 grant donation from ring-fenced cricket club donation to be held ring-fenced in parish bank account until the club has opened a bank account. Target date March 2021.
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 7 December 2020 at 7.00pm by Zoom Video Conference due to Government social distancing restrictions.
Minutes November 2020
Present: J Hinder (Chair), J McPetrie (V. Chairman), Cllr C Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr V Mercer, Cllr K Widger, Cllr G Wollacott.
In attendance: Cllr R Foss, Cllr J Brazil, 2 parishioners.
228-20. Apologies for absence – None.
229-20. Declarations of interest – None. The clerk requested that all Cllrs return their completed dispensation forms as soon as possible.
230-20. Public comment –
- A presentation was made by a parishioner representing the team leading the set-up of the Evolve village charity. It was reported that 65 parishioners from across the parish had expressed an interest to support the charity either as a Trustee or volunteer after issue of the parish wide survey. The Charity are now progressing the charity set up and will work alongside the PC on shared DCC and SHDC initiatives to optimise grant funding and resource. The first projects are underway being the EV charge point research and BT community high speed broad band purchase scheme. (Overview slides available to view on the PC meeting website under November meeting agenda).
- The early stage results of the Electric Vehicle charging point survey was presented. 305 survey forms had been issued and email reminders sent. 67 people responded over 7 days primarily whom already had their own off-street parking and ability to charge an EV vehicle. There are 88 houses who do not have off street parking and the next phase of the research is to make contact via a door to door socially distanced survey to ensure their needs are captured. (Research summary slides available to view on the PC meeting website under November meeting agenda).
- A request was made to discuss the village planting scheme at the December meeting as unable to access the meeting.
- It was reported that the National Census is due to start. Clerk to send dates to Cllrs and view this link for the full timetable.
The Chair thanked both parishioners for their presentations, time and work contributions on both which was appreciated by the Council.
231-20. Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update
- Police updates have been issued weekly to all Cllrs via the Clerk.
- If any members of the public have a non-urgent matter they wish to bring to the attention of their Local Policing Team, this can be reported via the Devon and Cornwall Police web-page – / Find your local policing team.
232-20. County & District Councillor reports
Devon County Council (DCC) report from Cllr J Brazil- Reported that the 2nd Lockdown was limiting workloads across the County.
- Sands Road pavement repairs – Due to the lockdown, DCC officers are not coming out on site visits. The Highways Maintenance Grant scheme is available to apply for to cover costs of the patch repairs and advised to write to DCC highways to ensure a full repair is on the agenda for the DCC Capital Programme 2021-22. Clerk to submit request.
- The A379 is scheduled to be closed all week between Frogmore and East Charleton for essential flood water management work but is likely to open sooner.
- Relocation of the Memorial at Slapton Sands to Strete Gate. No Update. Cllr J Brazil agreed to contact the team to ascertain for next meeting.
- Saltstone single neighbourhood plan community leaflet is now available to distribute parish wide by the end of November. Clerk to liaise with Charity Group / CSG Volunteers to see if can be included within the BT Broadband survey leaflet drop.
District report from Cllr R. Foss:
- BT High Speed Broadband – Several other parishes are looking at the BT Community Purchase scheme as the width of the line, not the speed is the main cause of a poor internet signal. The scheme covers the whole of the Kingsbridge exchange area until 2024If 95% of the parish pledge to join the scheme, then there are no extra ongoing costs. Cllr R Foss to forward the name of the external consultant leading the project for the charity group to liaise.
- Waste Collection – Some Parishes are still experiencing issues with their rubbish collection dates as part of the new Waste recycling scheme trial and apologies were sent to parishioner effected.
- SHDC beach car park tariff review consultation results were discussed. The Council asked that the Car Park be opened much earlier in summer than 8am for early norming swimming and exercise. It was reported that fishermen could apply for special event permits outside of hours. Clerk to request extended summer hours.
- Reported that Slapton PC will be invited to discuss the SHDC CEO and executive teams ‘All Parish’ white paper approach to helping address the issues experienced over summer by tourism. The invite will be sent when available via Cllr R Foss.
- SHDC Localities grant support. Clerk to submit request for grant for £550 to Cllr R Foss for matched funding PC costs of installing large bins to minimise waste impact caused by increased tourism.
233-20. Minutes of the meeting held on 5th October 2020. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Minutes be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
234-20. Matters in abeyance
- Village flooding issues – Ongoing monitoring of drain cleaning arrangements in place to manage.
- Traffic Speed / Volume Survey. Deferred until spring 2021. Agree dates in Feb 2021. Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
- Monument relocation to Strete Gate– Pending update from DCC.
- Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes to Spring 2021 parish recycling arrangements.
- Village Map – Agreed to delay the reprint until spring 2021. Review artwork /stock levels at the Feb 2021 meeting.
- P3 Scheme – It was agreed to remove this item as Chair signed the contract at the meeting to progress.
- Safeguarding Training by Ben Leach – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions before proceeding.
- Highways Response – No reply to Park and Walk drain ownership / Footpath deterioration between south grounds farm and drains issues outside the FSC. Chased 15-1-20 and 12.2.20 and 8.9.20 and 5/10/20 by Cllr J Brazil. It was agreed to remove this item– progressing with Highways Maintenance Grant Scheme.
- £750 All-stars Cricket club grant – Agree to hold as ringfenced reserves until bank account is open.
- FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions.
- Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify.
- Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 18th November 2020
235-20. Planning
3059/20/TCA – Larksmead, Slapton.TQ72PY
Proposal: Works to a Tree in a Con Area: T1 & T2: Silver Fir – Fell due to proximity to road and neighbouring properties. Refer to Tree Warden Report.
2057/20/HHO – Watergate Cottage, Start, Slapton TQ7 2QD
Proposal: READVERTISMENT (revised plans received) Householder application for proposed garden room.
No objection.
2799-20-ARM – Highclere, Slapton. TQ7 2PY
Proposal: Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval reference 1736/217/OPA
No objection but raised concerns over access to the property from the narrow highway and pedestrian safety as no pavements.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information) – None
2605/20/TPO – 1 Chantry Hill Slapton TQ7 2QY
Proposed works: T1: Sweet Chestnut – Crown lift by 4m to provide clearance over garden and balance crown. Reduction of limb at 5m from ground level on North West side by 5.5m. Removal of limb at 5m from ground level on West side back to main regrowth shoot 1.5m from main stem. Reduction of limb at 4m from ground level on South side by 4m. Thin out epicormic growth. Crown height reduction by 4m. T2: Ash – Remove stump. Decision: Approved.
2622/20/HHO – Blacklands Farm Slapton TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Householder application for proposed construction of new double car port.
Decision: Conditional approval
236-20. Matters for discussion
- DCC / Energy Saving Trust (EST) Electric Vehicle Charging Points rural locations rollout scheme. Refer 230-20(b) above. Zoom meeting scheduled 4-11-20 with DCC to share results/discuss next steps.
- Village Charity Letter and Parish Wide EV survey printing 300 copies. Approve Invoice no 86616. 20/10/20 Nick Walker £59.00 (£29.50 PC survey / £29.00 Charity start up parish-wide communications grant S137). The costs and budget codes were approved. <b>Clerk to action.</b>
- P3 Scheme – The Chair signed the scheme contract – forward to the clerk. The Council approved for the Evolve Charity group to walk the paths and also invite the Slapton Strollers when walking again. The Evolve team reported they are with the P3 scheme manager 4/11/20 to discuss managing the walking plans. Clerk to contact scheme manager to arrange the 2020-21 grant payment/ forward the contract.
- Libraries Unlimited Mobile Library Service– The grant request to help refurb recently purchased 2nd hand library van was discussed. The council agreed not to support at this time. Clerk to write with decision.
- Drain Cleaning and Road Sweeping Works– It was reported that the works notice posters and car notices were in place for 10th Nov cleaning. The Council conveyed thanks to Cllr D Murphy for producing the car notices and the FSC for allowing parishioners to park on their land on cleaning day. It was reported that the land behind the pipe outside the FSC into the adjoining field had been cleared 6/11/20 ahead of the cleaning date.
- Parish Notice Boards – It was agreed to add to matters in abeyance and monitor the situation. Cllr
- Replacement defib training Pads order – Cllr G Wollacott to progress order and forward invoice to the clerk for payment from the Cricket Club Grant.
- Village maintenance projects:
- Pathway patching (Park and walk to South grounds and South grounds to Bus Stop). The Council approved the revised quote from Road Warden including additional operative. Clerk to submit a grant request to the DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement and add for resolution at the next meeting.
- 3 months lengthsman trial – The December Brief was agreed of 14 hours. Clerk to update Road warden and secure dates for the works.
- Draft parish budget 2021-22 – The Draft 2021-22 budget was discussed / requirements and amends agreed<b>. Clerk to update the pack for discussion and resolution at the December meeting
- Delivering the budget / working groups. – Chair, Clerk and Cllr G Wollacott meeting 16-11-20 to discuss working groups. <b>Council to discuss proposal at the next meeting.
237-20 Proposals for resolution
- It was proposed and seconded to agree the quote from Brookings Hire dated 6/10/20 for the hire of a road sweeper and additional operative to clean all the village drains and sweep the roads on 10/11th November at a cost of £750+VAT and also the Hire of a Jetter and operator to powerflush the drain outside the FSC for flood management at a cost of £425. Total cost £1175 + VAT.
- It was proposed and seconded to approve the additional work by Brookings Hire, to manually clear the debris in front of the pipe into the adjoining field at a cost of £125.00.
238-20. Clerk’s report
To discuss:
- DALC reply to contract addendum to village playing field development – C/Forward to January 2021.
For information only:
- 17 CSG Facebook and 9 PC website posts made across the month.
- Old Blue advisory speed signs now stored with Road Warden kit.
- Red/White width enforcement sign reinstated at Lower Green Cross.
- Traffic Survey – Survey moved to March/April to adequate traffic quota and reflection of normal busy season. Dates TBC in the New Year subject to Covid and local alert level.
- November Village cleaning dates (10-11th Nov) booked with Brookings. Works Posters and car notices drafted. Village signs and car notices to be posted 6th Nov. FSC also contacted re car parking support and have approved use of car park.
- P3 scheme. Contracts checked for signing/ brief to Charity Group to help support the walking.
- Food Banks Christmas 1000 donated items appeal web and CSG FB page copy written.
- Devon’s Treescape project / Devon Wildlife Trust. Landmark Trees, 1 per parish to plant wherever is suitable. Request handed to the new village charity group for consideration.
- End of season Village and playing field mowing due Monday/Tues 2nd and 3rd Nov (weather permitting. Winter buddle hole clearance x 8 also booked for these dates.
- PC response to the SHDC Slapton, Torcross and Strete car park Tariff review consultation issued 24/10/20 ahead of the deadline 30-10-20.
- SHDC Waste Bins – Brief confirmed to relocated Dog and multipurpose bin on the verge away from houses opposite the entrance to Greenbanks and within the PlayPark away from the boundary near to the picnic bench. Verge bin installed 23-10-20. Pending installation date for playpark.
- Correspondence has been sent to 5 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
- DCC / Energy Saving Trust (EST) Electric Vehicle Charging Points rural locations rollout scheme. Photos of possible location sent to SHDC 6-10-20. Survey drafted and distributed Parish Wide over the weekend 17<sup>th</sup>/18<sup>th</sup> by the CSG/Charity working group. Thanks have been conveyed for supporting the PC with the distribution work.
- REPORT IT logs – No reports this month. The new bin capacity and reduction in number of visitors has helped the waste situation.
- Saltstone single neighbourhood plan community leaflet – Awaiting delivery so can arrange a parish wide distribution.
- SLCC training festival attendance 12-16th October x 6 1 hr training sessions.
- Photos take of condition of the Village BT K6 Phone box paint condition and submitted 22-10-20 to BT request repainting. Matters in abeyance updated. Re-submit Oct 2021.
239-20. Chair’s report
- Reported that Council workloads were significant the Chair and support was required from the rest of the Council to assist. Cllr G Wollacott, the Chair and Clerk are meeting by zoom 16th November to discuss workstreams and groups and will share with the Council at the next meeting for further discussion.
- Progressing the set-up of an official village All Stars youth club and bank account with 2 other trustees. It was requested and agreed by the council to hold the cricket club grant of £707.30 in the PC reserves until the bank account could be set up. Clerk to add to matters in abeyance/ note on the budget.
- Playing field development – Will be progressed once workloads addressed.
240-20. Councillors’ reports
- Cllr I Mitchelmore – Reported the work done at White Close was very impressive and thanked the Trustees and volunteers for significantly improving the access and path. Also reported that the Yurt and 2 caravans located on the small lane to the nursery have now been in situ since 26/8/20 and as this is over 28 days requires planning permission for the structures. Clerk to check permissions in place with planning.
- Cllr S Sullock – None.
- Cllr C Staines – None
- Cllr J McPetrie – Requested that the barriers at the beach car park are opened as out of season. Clerk to request via Cllr R Foss.
- Cllr G Murphy – None
- Cllr V Mercer – Reported her resignation from the Council with her last meeting being in December and wished the Council well with all the challenges it faces. All of the Councillors expressed their sincere gratitude and thanks for the significant contribution Cllr V Mercer has made to the parish, the Council and personally over her 40 years of public service and that her knowledge and presence will missed. Clerk to report to SHDC elections office.
- Cllr J McPetrie – None
- Cllr G Wollacott – None
241-20. Financial matters
The below payments were approved by the Council:
L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – August Sept 20 (Paid 1/10//20 for noting).
Clerks Overtime and monthly expenses (Oct 2020) Refer analysis sheet.
VC Warehouse – 7th payment – C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 15/10/20 by DD. Invoice 1007939 for noting.
Nick Mathias- Reinstallation of road sign and relocation of old Signs to storage site. Invoice 1223/21 dated 12/10/20
Zia Soothill-Ward- Re-imbursement of start-up Pickleball kit at village hall.
Slapton Short Bowls Club. Grant donation from ring-fenced cricket club donation
RBL Poppy Appeal, Remembrance Day Wreath. Invoice no. 85 dated Oct 2020.
SLCC Annual Membership Renewal – due 30/11/20
Nick Walker, Village Charity Letter and Parish Wide EV survey printing 300 copies. Invoice no 86616. 20/10/20
- Balance at Bank 26/10/2020, £22,769.42
- Draft 2020 budget prepared including guidance from SLCC
- SHDC x 2 Large Bin purchase costs confirmed at £570+vat and installation x 2 bins £436.47 + VAT. Awaiting formal invoice which will also include installation and relocation of bins at Greenbanks.
- Slapton All Stars – £707.50 grant donation from ring-fenced cricket club donation to be held ring-fenced in parish bank account until the club has opened a bank account. Target date March 2021.
242-20. Date of next PC meeting – Monday 7th December 2020 at 7.00pm by Zoom conference call.
SIGNED Chair: Julie Hinder Dated: 7/12/20