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Council Meeting – 9th May 2022

Agenda – 9th May 2022

IN THE COLERIDGE HUNDRED OF THE SOUTH HAMS OF DEVON The following Councillor s are summoned to attend:
J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey (Vice Chair), Cllr Crowson, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr Waters.
Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr R. Foss, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC and members of the public are invited to attend.




3) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


5) POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme: Cllr D Murphy.

6) DISTRICT AND DISTRICT COUNCILLOR REPORT Cllr J Brazil: a) Monument relocation update. Cllr R Foss: b) Localities match funding request – Recreation facility – New Basket Ball Hoop.

7) MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 4th April 2022, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.


a) Monument relocation to Strete Gate – Pending DCC Planning Permission.
b) Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed.
c) Village BT K6 Phone box – Pending quote for replacement Perspex / solar light from volunteer parishioner. Arrange for Childline, Samaritans, Domestic Violence support posters to be displayed once renovated. Cllr Sullock, Chair and Cllr Mitchelmore to arrange dates for cleaning and painting late Spring 2022 after the parish marine engineer volunteer has repaired the light.
d) Snow Warden Scheme.
e) Website development / upgrade – On hold until a full council in place.
f) DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (ongoing, where applicable).
g) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 16th May 2022.

1156/22/FUL – Alston Well, Alston Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Use of existing self-contained annexe accommodation as Airbnb (resubmission of 4384/21/FUL)

1263/22/HHO – Torr Farm, Slapton TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Householder application for demolition of existing extension and construction of new two-storey extension with associated internal alterations and external landscaping.

Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)

0381/22/HHO – Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for new external staircase in rear courtyard.
Decision: Conditional approval.

0382/22/LBC – Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for new external staircase in rear courtyard.
Decision: Conditional approval.

0730/22/AGR – Field known as Hankers Knowle Slapton
Proposal: Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed new agricultural building for storage of farm machinery and hay 18m x 12m x 5.2m to ridge height
Decision: Prior approval required and given.

0404/22/FUL – Land at SX 799 472 Dittiscombe Slapton
Proposal: Provision of a temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling (mobile home) (resubmission of application 0362/21/FUL).
Decision: Conditional approval. 0579/22/CLE – Pittaford Farm Slapton TQ7 2QG Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of building and use of the first floor as a separate residential dwelling house known as The Loft. Decision: Cert of Lawfulness (Existing) Certified.

0711/22/ARC – Poole Farm Slapton TQ7 2RA
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by condition 7 of planning consent 1304/20/FUL
Decision: Discharge of condition Approved.

a) Projects:

i. Basket Ball Hoop fundraising project.
ii. Devon and Cornwall Fire Services – Home safety visits follow up.

b) Village Maintenance
i. Parishioner request to cut the Alexander’s before flowering.
ii. DCC Parish Roads Maintenance reporting.
iii. Village defibrillator handover.
iv. Park and Walk ditch clearance quote.
v. Recreation field quote for gate/fencing installation.
vi. Brook Street – Blocked drain and pipe outside Sloutts Farm.
vii. Greenbanks Speeding issue.
viii. Vandalism at the Recreation Field 21/04/2022. (Crime reference number CR/034880/22) and Missing ‘No Overnight parking’ signs at the Park and Walk and Bird Ringing area.
ix. Conservation area signage – White Beams.
x. Key to the old well cover next to the BT phone box.

c) Financials / Admin:

i. Approve updated village assets register at a new value of £13,636.21.
ii. Debit card request to pay for PC expenses from Bank Account.
iii. Approve transfer of the approved Parochial Parish Church 2022 Grant of £250.00 to contribute towards mowing the churchyard as a public space which supports local tourism, community wellbeing and the community cafe.
iv. Agree timings/process to develop a 4 year financial and strategic plan
v. Chair to approve the Year end Bank reconciliation.
vi. AGAR Part 2 – 2021-22
-Chair to Sign Certificate of Exemption 2021-22.
-PC to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2021-22 / Chair to sign.
-PC to approve the Accounting Statement 2021-22 / Chair to sign.


a). Annual leave request approval / phone cover for dates.

For information only:

• Completion of AGAR Forms part 2 / Internal Auditor Liaison/ year end bank reconciliation.
• Police reporting of fire lighting and vandalism at the village recreation field evening of 20-4-22.
• 11 CSG Facebook and 10 PC website posts drafted/SEO/posted April, CSG Page updated with Jubilee info and booking forms.
• Maintenance reporting: o Liaison with Road Warden – March Road Warden Work brief.
• Correspondence with 4 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
• DCC / SHDC Liaison: Missing Waste Bin 1st collection rec field, Advisory pedestrian crossing signage and ghost pavement request
• P3 Scheme – Invoicing 2022-23 grant. Walked and inspected Bridleway and Footpaths 2, 3, 5 and 1. Photo report of repairs/trimming requirements to DCC. Liaison with Road warden/DCC to install new gates at farm.
• Have-A-Go dog agility event: 10th April 2022.
• CSG Meetings: 1 Working Group Meetings attendance re Jubilee event. Distribution list collation / distribution round over Easter. • Office and budget administration including setting up 2022 templates.
• Village Assets register update.
• SHDC £100 Queens Platinum Jubilee grant application.
• Notice board updating and copy amends: Queens Platinum Jubilee posters/ Dog trial access posters / Cllr contact lists
• Recreation field: Visitor numbers monitoring/ overseeing delivery of the Jubilee Picnic Table 21/4/22 / Ordering commemorative signs and installation at field.

a) Brandis Park verge
b) All-Stars projects
c) Jubilee update
d) Great Big Green Week 24th Sept – 2nd Oct 2022
e) Southgrounds verge –info signs


The council to approve the below payments:

13/22 S/O £777.80 Clerk’s remuneration April 22. Paid 3-5-22 – noted May agenda.
14/22 £33.62 Clerks WFHome allowance £24.00 less £10.36 employee Nest pension deduction and laminating pouches £19.98 refund of expenses.
15/22 DD £18.13 NEST scheme Paid 3-5-22 – noted May agenda.
16/22 £20.00 Woolston Accounts – Payroll processing, Invoice dated 28/4/22 no. 2046
17/22 £285.00 Nick Mathias – Village Verge and Rec Field Mowing 10/4/22. Invoice no 1420/23
18/22 £250.00 Parochial Parish Church Grant 2022. (Contribution towards mowing the churchyard as a public space which supports local tourism, community wellbeing and the community café).
19/22 £290.00 Nick Mathias – April Road Warden work 28/4/22. Invoice no 1427/23.
20/22 £12.99 Replacement Dog Waste Bags x 1080 for Recreation field. Amazon £12.99 29/4/22. Refund of expenses to the clerk
21/22 £21.77 Commemorative Plaques x 3 (Queens Jubilee x 2 and Duke of Edinburgh. Master engravers/ ebay 11/4/22. Refund of expenses to the clerk.

a) Balance at Bank 3/5/22, £25,524.48
b) Precept (1st payment) received 14th April 2022 of £11,522.00.
c) DCC 2022-23 P3 Grant of £1500.00 received 28/4/22. (Annual grant £1150.00 to install 3 new gates Path 1 and Annual Grant – strimming paths 2, 10 and 11).
d) SHDC Queens Jubilee Localities grant – event contribution £100.00 – applied for 29/4/22.
e) Annual Bank Reconciliation completed – Chair to sign at meeting.
f) Year end 31/3/2022: AGAR Forms part 2 to be signed at the meeting.
g) Internal Audit booked for 18th – 20th May 2022. Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on Monday 9th May 2022 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.

Members of the public wishing to attend to contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines

Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk and RFO

All meeting agenda’s, supporting documents and minutes can be viewed at

Minutes – May 2022

DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Slapton Village Hall on Monday 9 May 2022 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Staines, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Waters.
In attendance : Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R Foss and 1 member of the public.

18 -22 ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR – The Vice Chair proposed to appoint Cllr Hinder as Chair and the PC voted unanimously to approve this. The Chair proposed that Cllr Abbey be appointed as Vice Chair and the PC voted unanimously to approve this.


19-22 Apologies for absence – Cllr Murphy.
20-22 Declarations of interest – Cllr Staines (PPC Grant approval), Cllr Abbey (Whitebeams neighbouring property).
21.22 Public comment – Member of the public wished to observe the meeting – no comment.

22-22 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update. The Chair asked Cllrs to circulate the crime bulletin regarding a cold calling scam to farmers to their farming contacts.

23-22 County & District Councillor reports

1) Cllr J Brazil – Conveyed apologies for late arrival at 8.10pm due to attending another parishes APM.

a) It was reported that due to the Easter holidays no meetings had been held by at DCC. The Annual Meeting with be held on the 26th May where Cllrs will be advised of their roles and committees. Cllr Brazil stated he expected to remain on the Children’s Services Scouting Committee and Devon and Somerset Fire Authority Committee covering Devon, Somerset and Torbay).
b) It was reported that the Slapton Lines Partnership workshop meeting had been held.
c) Beach Monument – Cllr Brazil reported that all parishes had signed up-to the ongoing maintenance scheme and it was now over to County to progress the necessary planning permissions. The Chair asked the timeframes for the move. Cllr Brazil agreed to follow up and was pleased that the PC’s had worked as a team and at pace to reach agreement to the maintenance plan.
d) The Chair asked Cllr Brazil if he would be able to chase up a reply from DCC Highways re the PC’s SCARF request which was requested February 2002, following the October 21st 2021 informal parish speed survey results as this would trigger investigations into wider traffic calming measures in the parish. The Chair appreciated that the PC may have to cover the installation costs of a flashing speed sign and Cllr Brazil said this was very likely as Strete PC were paying for a village gateway as DCC funds are limited and that it as possible to apply for permissions and pay for the equipment without a SCARF. The Chair raised that the matter required DCC’s support via a traffic order to change the national speed limit at the park and walk / bottle bank on Sands Road. Cllr Crowson advised that it was necessary to install a speed ‘buffer zone’ coming up the hill on Sands Road from 60mph to 30mph then 20mph before the campsite to slow the traffic at the brow of the hill. Cllr Brazil advised that the equipment was a one-off capital expenditure and needed to be funded from a grant or the reserve. Cllr Crowson raised that the speed needs to be slowed at the entrance to his farm as the speed of cars increases as they go down hill to Slapton bridge. Cllr Brazil agreed to follow up with the PC’s DCC NHO, Lisa Edmunds.
e) The Chair outlined plans to expand the village recreation field facilities for older children at Greenbanks by installing a basketball hoop but that costs were prohibitive following several quotes. Cllr Brazil stated that he would support the initiative with a £300 DCC localities grant commitment on the basis Cllr Foss was committing a £500 SHDC localities grant and that the PC fundraised for the difference.
f) The Chair update Cllr Brazil that SHDC had approved an Eco grant to plant village gateways and could Cllr Brazil raise this with NHO Lisa Edmunds to ensure there were no issues in doing so.

2) Cllr R Foss:
a) The Chair thanked Cllr Foss on behalf of the PC for approving the Eco village gateway planting grant of £1118.12 and this had been received into the PC’s bank account and ringfenced.
b) Cllr Foss reported that the new police officer, Ollie Crombie had attended the Strete PC meeting and planned to attend more PC meetings to make introductions.
c) Green waste collections – Cllr Foss apologised for the green waste bin collections and a special meeting was being convened with the supplier to discuss the missed collections. Cllr Sullock and Cllr Mitchelmore advised the bins had been collected in the parish.
d) It was reported that SHDC planning was still having resource challenges and a peer review was to be held this week.
e) Cllr Foss will be planting a tree at Follaton House on the 4 th May 2022 to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and that the Annual Meeting of the Council is being held on the 19th May and that Cllr Foss will not undertake a second year as Chairman.
f) Following on from the basketball hoop installation discussion, refer 23.22 (1)(e), Cllr Foss agreed to support the initiative with a £500 SHDC localities grant commitment on the basis Cllr Brazil was committing a £300 DCC localities grant and that the PC fundraised for the difference.
g) Reservoir on 5-mile lane: Cllr Abbey Mitchelmore asked for a status report on the perceived development of the site. Cllr Foss advised that the matter was under investigation and work should have ceased but would follow up. Cllr Foss advised that barns had development permission under the 28 days notice/size rule.
h) The Chair asked Cllr Foss when the broken beach barrier would be repaired. Cllr Foss stated he had been advised this had been repaired and would follow up.
i) Slapton Lines Partnership (SLP). Cllr Abbey asked for an update on the meeting held by Sam Lew, Adaptation Manager SLP as no response was being provided to her enquiries. Cllr Foss advised that he was meeting with Anthony Mangnall MP next week to discuss the matter and find a middle ground between adaptation and road protection so that planning could move forward. Cllr Abbey raised concerns over the lack of communication with the parishes since the workshop and that this was not acceptable. Cllr Foss explained the communication hierarchy (SLP Members / PC’s / Parishioners). Cllr Sullock raised that Sam Lew had already spoken to the campsite and reported the entire line would be closed if breached. Cllr Foss advised this was not correct and that sections would be tried to be kept open and stressed the importance of keeping campervans out of the village.
j) Cllr Abbey asked for an update on the signage at Whitebeams on a listed wall and also if a change of use had been applied for as the accommodation was being advertised for over 8 people. Cllr Foss reported that signage of 30cm x 30cm was allowed without planning permission in a conservation area and advised the PC to report this online to the enforcements team along with a change of use, commercial signage and non-domestic waste collection. Clerk to report matter and forward details to Cllr R Foss. Cllrs to monitor smoke issues from the site.

24-22 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 7 th March 2022, were agreed, subject to noting that Cllr Mitchelmore had sent apologies and were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.

25.22 Review of Action Log – Clerk to update.

26.22 Matters in Abeyance

a) Monument relocation to Strete Gate – Pending DCC Planning Permission.
b) Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed.
c) Village BT K6 Phone box – Arrange for Childline, Samaritans, Domestic Violence support posters to be displayed once renovated. Cllr Sullock, Chair and Cllr Mitchelmore to arrange dates for cleaning and painting in time for the Platinum Jubilee.
d) Snow Warden Scheme.e) Website development / upgrade – On hold until a full council in place.
f) DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (ongoing, where applicable).
g) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 16th May 2022.

27.22 Planning
1156/22/FUL – Alston Well, Alston Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Use of existing self-contained annexe accommodation as Airbnb (resubmission of 4384/21/FUL)
No Comment

1263/22/HHO – Torr Farm, Slapton TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Householder application for demolition of existing extension and construction of new two-storey extension with associated internal alterations and external landscaping.
No Comment

Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information) – None
0381/22/HHO – Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for new external staircase in rear courtyard.
Decision: Conditional approval.

0382/22/LBC – Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for new external staircase in rear courtyard.
Decision: Conditional approval.

0730/22/AGR – Field known as Hankers Knowle Slapton
Proposal: Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed new agricultural building for storage of farm machinery and hay 18m x 12m x 5.2m to ridge height
Decision: Prior approval required and given.

0404/22/FUL – Land at SX 799 472 Dittiscombe Slapton
Proposal: Provision of a temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling (mobile home) (resubmission of application 0362/21/FUL).
Decision: Conditional approval.

0579/22/CLE – Pittaford Farm Slapton TQ7 2QG
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of building and use of the first floor as a separate residential dwelling house known as The Loft.
Decision: Cert of Lawfulness (Existing) Certified.

0711/22/ARC – Poole Farm Slapton TQ7 2RA
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by condition 7 of planning consent 1304/20/FUL
Decision: Discharge of condition Approved.

28.22 Matters for discussion

a) Projects:
i. Basket Ball Hoop fundraising project. (Refer 23.22 (1)(e) and 23.22 (2)(f) above) re DCC/SHDC localities grant pledges totally £800. Cllr Abbey suggested writing to the Slapton Village Community Shop Committee for additional grant support and the Chair suggested a further fundraising event later in the year and asked all Cllrs to consider ideas for the next meeting and consult with village committees for support.
ii. Devon and Cornwall Fire Services – Due to data protection, the PC agreed to support a parish-wide leaflet and letter drop to help promote the free home safety visits and equipment. Clerk to liaise with local Fire Officer/ Cllrs to support local delivery.

b) Village Maintenance:
i. Parishioner request to cut the Alexander’s before flowering. The Chair reported these were a naturalised plant since Roman times, of which there were 150 species, all supporting invertebrates but was aware these were impacting on drivers’ sight lines. The PC agreed to ask the road warden to cut back the Alexanders on the road side and on the triangle of land leading to Start and Deerbridge on a cut/drop basis and to leave the cow parsley. Clerk to brief road warden.
ii. DCC Parish Roads Maintenance. The PC agreed the road markings needed re-instating at the junction of Sands Corner, at the Old Bus Stop, at the junction of Sands Road and the A379 and the pot holes reported on the road from Higher Green Cross to Pittaford. Clerk to report on DCC website.
iii. Village defibrillator handover. The clerk reported the access code had been re-instated on the outside of the box. Cllr Abbey advised the Defib was not recorded on the national database and would send the details to the clerk to register with SWAST and contact the service company for the PCs maintenance plan details. Cllr Abbey to liaise with the clerk re refresher defib training.
iv. Park and Walk ditch clearance quote of £80 was proposed for payment by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Waters.
v. The recreation field quote for gate/fencing installation was discussed. The PC thanked Cllr Waters for his work on this and agreed for a second quote on a reduced design to taken forward. Cllr Waters to prepare 2nd quote for discussion at the next meeting.
vi. Brook Street – Blocked drain and pipe outside Sloutts Farm. The PC agreed to follow up with Highways and the parishioner with the bordering land to trim back the hedges. Clerk to progress.
vii. Greenbanks Speeding issue. The Chair reported they had received a complaint from a parishioner who had reported the matter to the police and agreed to put signs in their garden to help reduce the speed on the estate. Cllr Abbey also asked if signs could be put at the entrance to White Close and the recreation field. The PC agreed for the Chair to obtain signage quotes for agreement at the next meeting then approval by DCC Highways via NHO Lisa Edmunds.
viii. Vandalism at the Recreation Field 21/04/2022. (Crime reference number CR/034880/22 allocated. The PC agreed for the Clerk to report the missing ‘No Overnight parking’ signs at the Park and Walk and Bird Ringing area.
ix. Conservation area signage – WhiteBeams. Refer 23.22 (2) (j).
x. Key to the old well cover next to the BT phone box. Cllr Staines reported the Well was on their property and the key was missing so unable to provide access to trim for the Jubilee.

c) Financials / Admin:

i. The Chair proposed and Cllr Sullock seconded to approve the updated village assets register at a new value of £13,636.21. Clerk to add to website/ inform insurance company.
ii. Cllr Abbey proposed and Cllr Mitchelmore approved for the clerk to have a PC bank account Debit card to pay for PC approved expenses direct from Bank Account. Clerk to contact the bank to order.
iii. The Chair proposed and Cllr Sullock seconded to approve transfer of the approved Parochial Parish Church 2022 Grant of £250.00 to contribute towards mowing the churchyard as a public space which supports local tourism, community wellbeing and the community cafe. Clerk to make the payment.
iv. Agree timings/process to develop a 4-year financial and strategic plan. The PC agreed to meet Mid July. Clerk to arrange working group meeting.
v. 2021-22 Year end Bank reconciliation. Cllr Waters proposed, Cllr Mitchelmore seconded, the PC agreed unanimously for the Chair to sign and approve the 2021-22 Bank Reconciliation.
vi. AGAR Part 2 – 2021-22:
– Cllr Sullock proposed, Cllr Mitchelmore seconded and the PC agreed unanimously for the Chair to sign the Certificate of Exemption 2021-22.
– Cllr Staines proposed, Cllr Abbey seconded and the PC agreed unanimously to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2021-22 and the Chair to sign.
-Cllr Sullock proposed, Cllr Abbey seconded and the PC to approved unanimously to approve the Accounting Statement 2021-22 and the Chair to sign.
vii. The 2021-22 publication dates were approved unanimously by the PC to set to commence on: Monday 13 June 2022, ending on: Friday 22 July 2022.

29.22 Proposals for resolution – Refer 28.22 c above.


30.22 Clerk’s report
a). The PC approved the Clerks June Annual leave and Cllr Abbey agreed to cover the PC Tel line during this period. Clerk to re-direct.

For information only:

  • Completion of AGAR Forms part 2 / Internal Auditor Liaison/ year end bank reconciliation.
  • Police reporting of fire lighting and vandalism at the village recreation field evening of 20-4-22.
  • 11 CSG Facebook and 10 PC website posts drafted/SEO/posted April, CSG Page updated with Jubilee info and booking forms.
  • Maintenance reporting:
  • Liaison with Road Warden – March Road Warden Work brief.
  • Correspondence with parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
  • DCC / SHDC Liaison: Missing Waste Bin 1st collection rec field, Advisory pedestrian crossing signage and ghost pavement request
  • P3 Scheme – Invoicing 2022-23 grant. Walked and inspected Bridleway and Footpaths 2, 3, 5 and 1. Photo report of repairs/trimming requirements to DCC. Liaison with Road warden/DCC to install new gates at farm.
  • Have-A-Go dog agility event: 10th April 2022.
  • CSG Meetings: 1 Working Group Meetings attendance re Jubilee event. Distribution list collation / distribution round over Easter.
  • Office and budget administration including setting up 2022 templates.
  • Village Assets register update.
  • SHDC £100 Queens Platinum Jubilee grant application.
  • Notice board updating and copy amends: Queens Platinum Jubilee posters/ Dog trial access posters / Cllr contact lists
  • Recreation field: Visitor numbers monitoring/ overseeing delivery of the Jubilee Picnic Table 21/4/22 / Ordering commemorative signs and installation at field.


31.22 Chair’s report

a) Brandis Park verge. Cllr Sullock, Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Abbey agreed to help lift the turf on the verges assisted by the Tree Warden. Chair to arrange for the area to be strimmed.
b) All-Stars projects – Farm Visit. Pending update from the insurance company before date can be booked. Clerk progressing.
c) Jubilee update. The Chair reported the CSG had met on the 10 th May and plans were progressing.
d) Great Big Green Week 24th Sept – 2nd Oct 2022 The Chair reported that grants were available to be applied for by the 20 th June 2022. Possible ideas included a plastic free picnic, willow weaving workshop and involving White Close, Dittiscombe Estate and the Community Shop. Chair to circulate ideas to all agencies.
e) Southgrounds verge –info signs. The Chair reported they had developed plant information signs covering most common plants and that the SHDC Eco grant would cover the cost of the marine ply to produce. Cllr Sullock to liaise re producing.


32.22 Councillors’ reports

  • Cllr Sullock – Reported the Slapton Food Bank Collection point had received 352 non perishable donations and £485 in cash from 1st Jan 2022 to date.
  • Cllr Abbey – Reported was chasing the Slapton Line Partnership for updates but was not receiving any replies from Sam Lew and would pick this up again after the Jubilee weekend.
  • Cllr Staines – Report the Queens Arms Pub was hosting a Beer and Cider festival over the Jubilee weekend, that Open Gardens was taking place the following week and that a new priest would be in post from 8th June, working across 8 parishes and based in West Alvington.

33.22 Financial matters

i) The council unanimously approved the below payments:

13/22 S/O
Clerk’s remuneration April 22. Paid 3-5-22 – noted May agenda.

Clerks WFHome allowance £24.00 less £10.36 employee Nest pension deduction and laminating pouches £19.98 refund of expenses.

15/22 DD
NEST scheme Paid 3-5-22 – noted May agenda.

Woolston Accounts – Payroll processing, Invoice dated 28/4/22 no. 2046

Nick Mathias – Village Verge and Rec Field Mowing 10/4/22. Invoice no 1420/23

Parochial Parish Church Grant 2022. (Contribution towards mowing the churchyard as a public space which supports local tourism, community wellbeing and the community café).

Nick Mathias – April Road Warden work 28/4/22. Invoice no 1427/23.

Replacement Dog Waste Bags x 1080 for Recreation field. Amazon £12.99 29/4/22. Refund of expenses to the clerk

Commemorative Plaques x 3 (Queens Jubilee x 2 and Duke of Edinburgh. Master engravers/ ebay 11/4/22. Refund of expenses to the clerk.

The below late invoices were also approved.

DCC P3 Work: For Strimming footpaths 2, 10 and 11: As per quote Q1164/22 from DCC GRANT.

Village Hall Hire 4/4/22 – PC Meeting. Invoice C05684/22 dated 5/5/22

VC Warehouse PC/CSG tel help line monthly connection cost – May. Due 15/5/22 by DD. Invoice dated 1/5/22.

a) Balance at Bank 3/5/22, £25,524.48
b) Precept (1st payment) received 14th April 2022 of £11,522.00.
c) DCC 2022-23 P3 Grant of £1500.00 received 28/4/22. (Annual grant £1150.00 to install 3 new gates Path 1 and Annual Grant – strimming paths 2, 10 and 11).
d) SHDC Queens Jubilee Localities grant – event contribution £100.00 – applied for 29/4/22.
e) Annual Bank Reconciliation completed – Chair to sign at meeting.
f) Year end 31/3/2022: AGAR Forms part 2 to be signed at the meeting.
g) Internal Audit booked for 18th – 20th May 2022.

34.22 Next meeting dates:

Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 13th June 2022 at 7.00pm due to the Queens Platinum Jubilee.

Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines

The meeting ended at 10pm.

SIGNED: Julie Hinder, Chair  Dated 13/6/22
All meeting agendas and minutes can be viewed at



Minutes – May 2022

DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Slapton Village Hall on Monday 9 May 2022 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Staines, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Waters.
In attendance : Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R Foss and 1 member of the public.

18 -22 ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR – The Vice Chair proposed to appoint Cllr Hinder as Chair and the PC voted unanimously to approve this. The Chair proposed that Cllr Abbey be appointed as Vice Chair and the PC voted unanimously to approve this.


19-22 Apologies for absence – Cllr Murphy.
20-22 Declarations of interest – Cllr Staines (PPC Grant approval), Cllr Abbey (Whitebeams neighbouring property).
21.22 Public comment – Member of the public wished to observe the meeting – no comment.

22-22 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update. The Chair asked Cllrs to circulate the crime bulletin regarding a cold calling scam to farmers to their farming contacts.

23-22 County & District Councillor reports

1) Cllr J Brazil – Conveyed apologies for late arrival at 8.10pm due to attending another parishes APM.

a) It was reported that due to the Easter holidays no meetings had been held by at DCC. The Annual Meeting with be held on the 26th May where Cllrs will be advised of their roles and committees. Cllr Brazil stated he expected to remain on the Children’s Services Scouting Committee and Devon and Somerset Fire Authority Committee covering Devon, Somerset and Torbay).
b) It was reported that the Slapton Lines Partnership workshop meeting had been held.
c) Beach Monument – Cllr Brazil reported that all parishes had signed up-to the ongoing maintenance scheme and it was now over to County to progress the necessary planning permissions. The Chair asked the timeframes for the move. Cllr Brazil agreed to follow up and was pleased that the PC’s had worked as a team and at pace to reach agreement to the maintenance plan.
d) The Chair asked Cllr Brazil if he would be able to chase up a reply from DCC Highways re the PC’s SCARF request which was requested February 2002, following the October 21st 2021 informal parish speed survey results as this would trigger investigations into wider traffic calming measures in the parish. The Chair appreciated that the PC may have to cover the installation costs of a flashing speed sign and Cllr Brazil said this was very likely as Strete PC were paying for a village gateway as DCC funds are limited and that it as possible to apply for permissions and pay for the equipment without a SCARF. The Chair raised that the matter required DCC’s support via a traffic order to change the national speed limit at the park and walk / bottle bank on Sands Road. Cllr Crowson advised that it was necessary to install a speed ‘buffer zone’ coming up the hill on Sands Road from 60mph to 30mph then 20mph before the campsite to slow the traffic at the brow of the hill. Cllr Brazil advised that the equipment was a one-off capital expenditure and needed to be funded from a grant or the reserve. Cllr Crowson raised that the speed needs to be slowed at the entrance to his farm as the speed of cars increases as they go down hill to Slapton bridge. Cllr Brazil agreed to follow up with the PC’s DCC NHO, Lisa Edmunds.
e) The Chair outlined plans to expand the village recreation field facilities for older children at Greenbanks by installing a basketball hoop but that costs were prohibitive following several quotes. Cllr Brazil stated that he would support the initiative with a £300 DCC localities grant commitment on the basis Cllr Foss was committing a £500 SHDC localities grant and that the PC fundraised for the difference.
f) The Chair update Cllr Brazil that SHDC had approved an Eco grant to plant village gateways and could Cllr Brazil raise this with NHO Lisa Edmunds to ensure there were no issues in doing so.

2) Cllr R Foss:
a) The Chair thanked Cllr Foss on behalf of the PC for approving the Eco village gateway planting grant of £1118.12 and this had been received into the PC’s bank account and ringfenced.
b) Cllr Foss reported that the new police officer, Ollie Crombie had attended the Strete PC meeting and planned to attend more PC meetings to make introductions.
c) Green waste collections – Cllr Foss apologised for the green waste bin collections and a special meeting was being convened with the supplier to discuss the missed collections. Cllr Sullock and Cllr Mitchelmore advised the bins had been collected in the parish.
d) It was reported that SHDC planning was still having resource challenges and a peer review was to be held this week.
e) Cllr Foss will be planting a tree at Follaton House on the 4 th May 2022 to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and that the Annual Meeting of the Council is being held on the 19th May and that Cllr Foss will not undertake a second year as Chairman.
f) Following on from the basketball hoop installation discussion, refer 23.22 (1)(e), Cllr Foss agreed to support the initiative with a £500 SHDC localities grant commitment on the basis Cllr Brazil was committing a £300 DCC localities grant and that the PC fundraised for the difference.
g) Reservoir on 5-mile lane: Cllr Abbey Mitchelmore asked for a status report on the perceived development of the site. Cllr Foss advised that the matter was under investigation and work should have ceased but would follow up. Cllr Foss advised that barns had development permission under the 28 days notice/size rule.
h) The Chair asked Cllr Foss when the broken beach barrier would be repaired. Cllr Foss stated he had been advised this had been repaired and would follow up.
i) Slapton Lines Partnership (SLP). Cllr Abbey asked for an update on the meeting held by Sam Lew, Adaptation Manager SLP as no response was being provided to her enquiries. Cllr Foss advised that he was meeting with Anthony Mangnall MP next week to discuss the matter and find a middle ground between adaptation and road protection so that planning could move forward. Cllr Abbey raised concerns over the lack of communication with the parishes since the workshop and that this was not acceptable. Cllr Foss explained the communication hierarchy (SLP Members / PC’s / Parishioners). Cllr Sullock raised that Sam Lew had already spoken to the campsite and reported the entire line would be closed if breached. Cllr Foss advised this was not correct and that sections would be tried to be kept open and stressed the importance of keeping campervans out of the village.
j) Cllr Abbey asked for an update on the signage at Whitebeams on a listed wall and also if a change of use had been applied for as the accommodation was being advertised for over 8 people. Cllr Foss reported that signage of 30cm x 30cm was allowed without planning permission in a conservation area and advised the PC to report this online to the enforcements team along with a change of use, commercial signage and non-domestic waste collection. Clerk to report matter and forward details to Cllr R Foss. Cllrs to monitor smoke issues from the site.

24-22 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 7 th March 2022, were agreed, subject to noting that Cllr Mitchelmore had sent apologies and were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.

25.22 Review of Action Log – Clerk to update.

26.22 Matters in Abeyance

a) Monument relocation to Strete Gate – Pending DCC Planning Permission.
b) Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed.
c) Village BT K6 Phone box – Arrange for Childline, Samaritans, Domestic Violence support posters to be displayed once renovated. Cllr Sullock, Chair and Cllr Mitchelmore to arrange dates for cleaning and painting in time for the Platinum Jubilee.
d) Snow Warden Scheme.e) Website development / upgrade – On hold until a full council in place.
f) DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (ongoing, where applicable).
g) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 16th May 2022.

27.22 Planning
1156/22/FUL – Alston Well, Alston Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Use of existing self-contained annexe accommodation as Airbnb (resubmission of 4384/21/FUL)
No Comment

1263/22/HHO – Torr Farm, Slapton TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Householder application for demolition of existing extension and construction of new two-storey extension with associated internal alterations and external landscaping.
No Comment

Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information) – None
0381/22/HHO – Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for new external staircase in rear courtyard.
Decision: Conditional approval.

0382/22/LBC – Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for new external staircase in rear courtyard.
Decision: Conditional approval.

0730/22/AGR – Field known as Hankers Knowle Slapton
Proposal: Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed new agricultural building for storage of farm machinery and hay 18m x 12m x 5.2m to ridge height
Decision: Prior approval required and given.

0404/22/FUL – Land at SX 799 472 Dittiscombe Slapton
Proposal: Provision of a temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling (mobile home) (resubmission of application 0362/21/FUL).
Decision: Conditional approval.

0579/22/CLE – Pittaford Farm Slapton TQ7 2QG
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of building and use of the first floor as a separate residential dwelling house known as The Loft.
Decision: Cert of Lawfulness (Existing) Certified.

0711/22/ARC – Poole Farm Slapton TQ7 2RA
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by condition 7 of planning consent 1304/20/FUL
Decision: Discharge of condition Approved.

28.22 Matters for discussion

a) Projects:
i. Basket Ball Hoop fundraising project. (Refer 23.22 (1)(e) and 23.22 (2)(f) above) re DCC/SHDC localities grant pledges totally £800. Cllr Abbey suggested writing to the Slapton Village Community Shop Committee for additional grant support and the Chair suggested a further fundraising event later in the year and asked all Cllrs to consider ideas for the next meeting and consult with village committees for support.
ii. Devon and Cornwall Fire Services – Due to data protection, the PC agreed to support a parish-wide leaflet and letter drop to help promote the free home safety visits and equipment. Clerk to liaise with local Fire Officer/ Cllrs to support local delivery.

b) Village Maintenance:
i. Parishioner request to cut the Alexander’s before flowering. The Chair reported these were a naturalised plant since Roman times, of which there were 150 species, all supporting invertebrates but was aware these were impacting on drivers’ sight lines. The PC agreed to ask the road warden to cut back the Alexanders on the road side and on the triangle of land leading to Start and Deerbridge on a cut/drop basis and to leave the cow parsley. Clerk to brief road warden.
ii. DCC Parish Roads Maintenance. The PC agreed the road markings needed re-instating at the junction of Sands Corner, at the Old Bus Stop, at the junction of Sands Road and the A379 and the pot holes reported on the road from Higher Green Cross to Pittaford. Clerk to report on DCC website.
iii. Village defibrillator handover. The clerk reported the access code had been re-instated on the outside of the box. Cllr Abbey advised the Defib was not recorded on the national database and would send the details to the clerk to register with SWAST and contact the service company for the PCs maintenance plan details. Cllr Abbey to liaise with the clerk re refresher defib training.
iv. Park and Walk ditch clearance quote of £80 was proposed for payment by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Waters.
v. The recreation field quote for gate/fencing installation was discussed. The PC thanked Cllr Waters for his work on this and agreed for a second quote on a reduced design to taken forward. Cllr Waters to prepare 2nd quote for discussion at the next meeting.
vi. Brook Street – Blocked drain and pipe outside Sloutts Farm. The PC agreed to follow up with Highways and the parishioner with the bordering land to trim back the hedges. Clerk to progress.
vii. Greenbanks Speeding issue. The Chair reported they had received a complaint from a parishioner who had reported the matter to the police and agreed to put signs in their garden to help reduce the speed on the estate. Cllr Abbey also asked if signs could be put at the entrance to White Close and the recreation field. The PC agreed for the Chair to obtain signage quotes for agreement at the next meeting then approval by DCC Highways via NHO Lisa Edmunds.
viii. Vandalism at the Recreation Field 21/04/2022. (Crime reference number CR/034880/22 allocated. The PC agreed for the Clerk to report the missing ‘No Overnight parking’ signs at the Park and Walk and Bird Ringing area.
ix. Conservation area signage – WhiteBeams. Refer 23.22 (2) (j).
x. Key to the old well cover next to the BT phone box. Cllr Staines reported the Well was on their property and the key was missing so unable to provide access to trim for the Jubilee.

c) Financials / Admin:

i. The Chair proposed and Cllr Sullock seconded to approve the updated village assets register at a new value of £13,636.21. Clerk to add to website/ inform insurance company.
ii. Cllr Abbey proposed and Cllr Mitchelmore approved for the clerk to have a PC bank account Debit card to pay for PC approved expenses direct from Bank Account. Clerk to contact the bank to order.
iii. The Chair proposed and Cllr Sullock seconded to approve transfer of the approved Parochial Parish Church 2022 Grant of £250.00 to contribute towards mowing the churchyard as a public space which supports local tourism, community wellbeing and the community cafe. Clerk to make the payment.
iv. Agree timings/process to develop a 4-year financial and strategic plan. The PC agreed to meet Mid July. Clerk to arrange working group meeting.
v. 2021-22 Year end Bank reconciliation. Cllr Waters proposed, Cllr Mitchelmore seconded, the PC agreed unanimously for the Chair to sign and approve the 2021-22 Bank Reconciliation.
vi. AGAR Part 2 – 2021-22:
– Cllr Sullock proposed, Cllr Mitchelmore seconded and the PC agreed unanimously for the Chair to sign the Certificate of Exemption 2021-22.
– Cllr Staines proposed, Cllr Abbey seconded and the PC agreed unanimously to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2021-22 and the Chair to sign.
-Cllr Sullock proposed, Cllr Abbey seconded and the PC to approved unanimously to approve the Accounting Statement 2021-22 and the Chair to sign.
vii. The 2021-22 publication dates were approved unanimously by the PC to set to commence on: Monday 13 June 2022, ending on: Friday 22 July 2022.

29.22 Proposals for resolution – Refer 28.22 c above.


30.22 Clerk’s report
a). The PC approved the Clerks June Annual leave and Cllr Abbey agreed to cover the PC Tel line during this period. Clerk to re-direct.

For information only:

  • Completion of AGAR Forms part 2 / Internal Auditor Liaison/ year end bank reconciliation.
  • Police reporting of fire lighting and vandalism at the village recreation field evening of 20-4-22.
  • 11 CSG Facebook and 10 PC website posts drafted/SEO/posted April, CSG Page updated with Jubilee info and booking forms.
  • Maintenance reporting:
  • Liaison with Road Warden – March Road Warden Work brief.
  • Correspondence with parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
  • DCC / SHDC Liaison: Missing Waste Bin 1st collection rec field, Advisory pedestrian crossing signage and ghost pavement request
  • P3 Scheme – Invoicing 2022-23 grant. Walked and inspected Bridleway and Footpaths 2, 3, 5 and 1. Photo report of repairs/trimming requirements to DCC. Liaison with Road warden/DCC to install new gates at farm.
  • Have-A-Go dog agility event: 10th April 2022.
  • CSG Meetings: 1 Working Group Meetings attendance re Jubilee event. Distribution list collation / distribution round over Easter.
  • Office and budget administration including setting up 2022 templates.
  • Village Assets register update.
  • SHDC £100 Queens Platinum Jubilee grant application.
  • Notice board updating and copy amends: Queens Platinum Jubilee posters/ Dog trial access posters / Cllr contact lists
  • Recreation field: Visitor numbers monitoring/ overseeing delivery of the Jubilee Picnic Table 21/4/22 / Ordering commemorative signs and installation at field.


31.22 Chair’s report

a) Brandis Park verge. Cllr Sullock, Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Abbey agreed to help lift the turf on the verges assisted by the Tree Warden. Chair to arrange for the area to be strimmed.
b) All-Stars projects – Farm Visit. Pending update from the insurance company before date can be booked. Clerk progressing.
c) Jubilee update. The Chair reported the CSG had met on the 10 th May and plans were progressing.
d) Great Big Green Week 24th Sept – 2nd Oct 2022 The Chair reported that grants were available to be applied for by the 20 th June 2022. Possible ideas included a plastic free picnic, willow weaving workshop and involving White Close, Dittiscombe Estate and the Community Shop. Chair to circulate ideas to all agencies.
e) Southgrounds verge –info signs. The Chair reported they had developed plant information signs covering most common plants and that the SHDC Eco grant would cover the cost of the marine ply to produce. Cllr Sullock to liaise re producing.


32.22 Councillors’ reports

  • Cllr Sullock – Reported the Slapton Food Bank Collection point had received 352 non perishable donations and £485 in cash from 1st Jan 2022 to date.
  • Cllr Abbey – Reported was chasing the Slapton Line Partnership for updates but was not receiving any replies from Sam Lew and would pick this up again after the Jubilee weekend.
  • Cllr Staines – Report the Queens Arms Pub was hosting a Beer and Cider festival over the Jubilee weekend, that Open Gardens was taking place the following week and that a new priest would be in post from 8th June, working across 8 parishes and based in West Alvington.

33.22 Financial matters

i) The council unanimously approved the below payments:

13/22 S/O
Clerk’s remuneration April 22. Paid 3-5-22 – noted May agenda.

Clerks WFHome allowance £24.00 less £10.36 employee Nest pension deduction and laminating pouches £19.98 refund of expenses.

15/22 DD
NEST scheme Paid 3-5-22 – noted May agenda.

Woolston Accounts – Payroll processing, Invoice dated 28/4/22 no. 2046

Nick Mathias – Village Verge and Rec Field Mowing 10/4/22. Invoice no 1420/23

Parochial Parish Church Grant 2022. (Contribution towards mowing the churchyard as a public space which supports local tourism, community wellbeing and the community café).

Nick Mathias – April Road Warden work 28/4/22. Invoice no 1427/23.

Replacement Dog Waste Bags x 1080 for Recreation field. Amazon £12.99 29/4/22. Refund of expenses to the clerk

Commemorative Plaques x 3 (Queens Jubilee x 2 and Duke of Edinburgh. Master engravers/ ebay 11/4/22. Refund of expenses to the clerk.

The below late invoices were also approved.

DCC P3 Work: For Strimming footpaths 2, 10 and 11: As per quote Q1164/22 from DCC GRANT.

Village Hall Hire 4/4/22 – PC Meeting. Invoice C05684/22 dated 5/5/22

VC Warehouse PC/CSG tel help line monthly connection cost – May. Due 15/5/22 by DD. Invoice dated 1/5/22.

a) Balance at Bank 3/5/22, £25,524.48
b) Precept (1st payment) received 14th April 2022 of £11,522.00.
c) DCC 2022-23 P3 Grant of £1500.00 received 28/4/22. (Annual grant £1150.00 to install 3 new gates Path 1 and Annual Grant – strimming paths 2, 10 and 11).
d) SHDC Queens Jubilee Localities grant – event contribution £100.00 – applied for 29/4/22.
e) Annual Bank Reconciliation completed – Chair to sign at meeting.
f) Year end 31/3/2022: AGAR Forms part 2 to be signed at the meeting.
g) Internal Audit booked for 18th – 20th May 2022.

34.22 Next meeting dates:

Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 13th June 2022 at 7.00pm due to the Queens Platinum Jubilee.

Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines

The meeting ended at 10pm.

SIGNED: Julie Hinder, Chair  Dated 13/6/22

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