Council Meeting – 8th January 2024
The following Councillors are summoned to attend:
Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr J. Waters, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr S. Lange and Cllr I. Luscombe.
Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr L. Lawford, Kate Payne (FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council held on: Monday 8th January 2024 at Slapton Village Hall (main hall) at 7.00 pm.
If any parishioners wish to speak at the meeting, please submit your papers or questions by email to 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person.
Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether, in the light of recent activities, any items within their Register of Interests should be updated. All Councillors have been granted a dispensation to discuss and vote on the Precept Demand for 2024/25.
5) Peter Sandover
a. National Landscapes (formerly known as Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty AONBs)
b. Neighbourhood Plan development process
a. Cllr J. Brazil
i. Slapton Line
ii. HMCEF grant
iii. AOB
b. Cllr L. Lawford
i. Heathfield Reservoir, Slapton
ii. AOB
7) MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 4th December 2023, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record – see separate document (7).
a. Applications (for resolution):
i. 3653/23/FUL – Pittaford Farm, Slapton, TQ7 2QG
Regularise the change of use of part of an agricultural building to a dog grooming business (sui generis use). (Retrospective and Resubmission 4272/22/FUL)
SPC Comment: Support has been submitted as agreed informally by majority of Cllrs because the deadline for submission was 4th January (i.e. before 8th January PC Meeting)
Does the PC formally support the planning application?
b. Decisions (for information only): None
c. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment):
i. 3952/23/TCA – Brook Vale, Slapton, Kingsbridge, TQ7 2QT
T1: Sycamore – section fell to ground level due to multiple stem failure in recent storms resulting in poor condition of tree, close proximity to house, T2: Ash – remove 2 x limbs protruding over building and workshop
ii. 4056/23/TCA – Maurleen House, Brook Street, Slapton, Kingsbridge, TQ7 2PW
T1: Birch – crown raise to 5m above ground level, lateral crown reduction on house side to give 2m clearance
d. Withdrawn (for information only): None
a. Would a working party meeting be useful to finalise the snow plan? If so, when and where would Cllrs like to meet? If not, how and when will the snow plan be finalised?
a. Does the PC approve the 3rd quarter bank reconciliation and 3rd quarter budget forecast? – see separate documents (10a 1,10a 2, 10a 3 and 10a 4)
b. Does the PC approve the changes to cost centres under the heading ‘Notes for PC approval’ in document ‘Cost centre updates for PC approval’? – see separate document (10b)
c. Does the PC approve the Draft Budget for y/e 2024/25? – see separate document (10c)
d. Does the PC approve the Precept Demand of £26,772 for y/e 2024/25? – see separate documents (10d 1 and 10d 2, together with document 10c)
a. Village map – pending beach monument relocation
b. Vision/mission statement – pending resolution on logo/branding
a. Verbal update from Clerk on any matters arising since the December PC meeting
a. Verbal update from Chair on any matters arising since the December PC meeting
a. Verbal update from Cllr P. Osborne on OPCC
a. Cllr updates: pending actions in the action log – see separate document (15a)
a. Payments to approve
Does the PC approve the payments below? – see separate document (16a)
BACs No | Payment Details | Amount | Paid for Noting |
106 | Parochial Church Council of Slapton Community Grant for Church Café – approved Minute Ref: 98:23 c | 250.00 | 20-Dec |
107 | Salcombe Dairy Ltd (Ice Cream for Community Cinema) Invoice no: 52555, dated 01/12/23 | 120.96
100.80 + 20.16 VAT |
20-Dec |
108 | Filmbankmedia (Licence for Film – Community Cinema) Invoice no: 06307888, dated 11/12/23 | 104.40
87.00 + 17.40 VAT |
20-Dec |
109 | Drinks for Bar on Film Night (Community Cinema). Christopher Hunt, Invoice no: 1, dated 10/12/23 | 105.58 | 20-Dec |
VISA110 | Ink Jungle (via Amazon) printer cartridges. Invoice no: 118709301-2023-377596 dated 07/12/23 | 139.95
116.62 + 23.33 VAT |
07-Dec |
DD111 | VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – December Invoice no: 1013163 dated 01/12/23 | 11.94
9.95 + 1.99 VAT |
15-Dec |
VISA112 | Marpesia Co – Nibiru Sport Ping Pong Paddles and Net | 24.99
20.82 + 4.17 VAT |
02-Nov |
113 | Nick Mathias – Road Warden December. Invoice no: 1737/24 dated 22/12/23 | 333.34 | |
114 | Tomlinson Solutions – Remote business IT support to assist jane with 2FA issue on Office 365. Invoice no: 9356 dated 20/12/23 | 19.50
16.25 +3.25 VAT |
115 | DALC – Being a good cllr courses 3 x2 and 4 x1. Invoice no: 5308 dated 15/12/23 | 54.00
45.00 + 9.00 VAT |
116 | DALC – Being a good cllr courses 2 x1 and 4 x1. Invoice no: 5250 dated 09/11/23 | 36.00
30.00 + 6.00 VAT |
117 | Woolston Accountants – December Payroll. Invoice no: 0245 dated 29/12/23 | 20.00 | |
118 | Clerk’s salary December (40 hours) plus £24 WFH allowance. | 783.20 | |
119 | Payment to HMRC – tax on Clerk’ s December salary. Please make payment to: HMRC Cumbernauld 08-32-10 12001039. Quote: 120PA003048122409 | 62.00 |
b. Balance at Bank
Balance as per bank statements on 31.12.23 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 168.97
Treasurers Account 9,626.27
Instant Access Savings Account 11,422.50
Total 21,217.74
c. Receipts summary
Receipts as per bank statements on 31.12.23 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 168.97
Treasurers Account 279.00
Instant Access Savings Account 13.00
Total 460.97
17) AOB
Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on
Monday 5th February at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Signed: Bella Moor, Clerk Date: 3rd January 2023
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Slapton Village Hall
Monday 8th January 2023 at 7pm
Those in attendance:
Cllr J. Abbey, Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr J. Waters, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr S. Lange, Cllr I. Luscombe, Cllr L. Lawford (arrived 7.00 pm and left 7.21 pm, Cllr J. Brazil (arrived at 7.20 pm and left 8.41 pm) and Peter Sandover (arrived 7.00 pm and left 8.20 pm).
Five members of the public attended. Four members or the public left at 7.11 pm and one left at ~8.20 pm.
a. Cllr J. Abbey and Cllr P. Osborne declared an interest in Planning Application 3653/23/FUL – Pittaford Farm, Slapton, TQ7 2QG as both are customers of the business. It was resolved unanimously that Cllr J. Abbey and Cllr P. Osborne would not vote on the PC’s comment on this application.
b. All Councillors have been granted a dispensation to discuss and vote on the Precept Demand for 2024/25.
Amanda Burden, Luscombe May (Director or Rural Planning) thanked the PC for their support of Planning Application 3653/23/FUL – Pittaford Farm, Slapton, TQ7 2QG and for the useful comments that the PC had submitted on the SHDC planning portal. Amanda enquired whether a member of the PC would be happy to attend the SHDC Planning Committee Meeting in February (date TBC) to reiterate the PC’s support of the application. The PC agreed that it would be happy to do so. Clerk to liaise with Amanda Burden re date and confirm attendance of an SPC Cllr at SHDC Planning Committee Meeting.
109:23 POLICE REPORT: None
Peter explained that he is a retired architect and community engagement consultant, who has lived and worked in South Pool for over 25 years. He has recently stepped down as a Parish Councillor and has a particular interest in access for all, design quality and engaging as many people as possible.
a. National Landscapes (formerly known as Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty AONBs)
Peter thanked the PC for the opportunity to share more information about the role and priorities of National Landscapes and provided the following information:
• Renamed to raise the profile – historically AONBs have been a poor relation to National Parks.
• South Hams National Landscape is 1 of 46 in the country. It is 60 miles long, from Elberry Cove to Wembury, and inland ~5 miles along the estuaries.
• It is a protected landscape. The purpose of the designation is to conserve and enhance the natural beauty.
• Conserving and enhancing the landscape is a shared responsibility between National Landscapes and all relevant authorities, including District and Parish Councils.
• National Landscapes are consultees on planning applications (not statutory) – same as Parish Councils.
• It is recognised that the South Hams National Landscape is a living and working landscape and that it is important to maintain community and a thriving economy as well as conserving natural beauty – it is a balance.
• There are three strands to the National Landscapes:
o The designation
o The partnership, which includes funders, 4x LA community groups and all those interested in conserving and enhancing our National Landscape e.g. Harbours Authority, Environment Agency, Natural England, Historic England, Devon Wildlife Trust
o There is a staff team of 9 people. This looks like a big team but only 2 ½ people work on core duties
• Key tools include the Management Plan and Design Guidance (2019-2024), which is soon to be updated, and national planning legislation e.g. Country Side Right of Way Act and Levelling Up Act.
• DEFRA and LAs give approximately £200k in funding and an additional £500k for projects comes from other sources.
• National Landscapes doesn’t coordinate The Partnership – everything is done as a partnership. The Partnership meets 3 to 4 times a year.
• Projects include ‘Life on the Edge’. Our strip of coast is one of the most diverse in terms of both plant and invertebrate species. This includes rare species e.g. at Prawle Point. The purpose of the project, which is supported by the National Lottery, is to identify species and recognise what they need to thrive.
• Other projects include a grant programme ‘Farming in protected landscapes’, which provides small grants to promote biodiversity – effectively it passes money on from DEFRA.
• National Landscapes also run Heritage projects too along the coast.
• The PC asked ‘What work do you do with the Slapton Line Partnership?’ Peter explained that National Landscapes want to conserve the special quality of the landscape so they would be against major interventions to protect the A379 Slapton Line although they are conscious of the economic impacts that would arise as a result of a loss of the road. Their main concern would be a heavy engineered solution to the issue and any planning application for hard defences would be a challenge to the purposes of National Landscapes.
b. Neighbourhood Plan development process
Peter explained he has experience as a Locality Neighbourhood Planning Champion and has helped lots of local councils to develop Neighbourhood Plans. He provided the following information about Neighbourhood Plans (NPs):
• They are community led plans, which are led from bottom up and should reflect the things that the community wants – they don’t have to cover all aspects of planning.
• Slapton’s NP would cover the whole area inside the Parish boundary.
• Challenges – like all planning documents – presumption is that there will be sustainable development. They need to support development and must not be negative.
• NPs have the same statutory weight as a Local Plan – important and very sensible to have one. They should be in conformity with the Local Plan – they can elaborate and expand on the Local Plan but cannot do less.
• NPs are given material consideration in planning applications and are good for safeguarding green areas – can promote what you want to conserve.
• LA has a duty to support the NP process.
• The process must be evidence based because NPs are rigorously examined. The process should include questionnaires and evidence of how you will proactively ensure engagement. A ‘golden’ thread must link the evidence with the aims and policies.
• The process is very prescriptive and the PC will need somebody to guide them through it. Peter can point the PC in the right direction of someone to help.
• The Levelling Up Bill has allocated funding towards Neighbourhood Planning. Locality are agents for the funding, which is likely to be carried on from March 2024 but this is not yet confirmed.
• Free technical support is also available e.g. housing needs surveys and a design coding plan, which can be specifically written for your Parish – usually costs £50k but free through technical support.
• Other sources of funding, including Lottery funding, are also available.
• It is a lot of work, even with help, and funding is limited so the PC will need to engage local skills. It would be useful to find out what skills are out there in the Parish to tap into in order to help the PC with the process.
• Other neighbouring Parishes have NPs so Slapton is a soft target.
• NPs take 2 to 3 years to produce but Peter considers it is worth it to safeguard green spaces, provide a lever for principal residences, promote particular development sites and provide a good way to engage with the community.
• It is worth noting that the Local Plan is subject to a 5 year review, which hasn’t started yet. Bear this in mind as the NP should reflect the Local Plan. Perhaps hold back on the detail of the Parish’s NP until the joint Local Plan has been reviewed.
• The PC asked, ‘Should the Neighbourhood Plan assume the continued existence of the A379 Slapton Line?’ Peter explained that strategic transport is outside the scope of Neighbourhood or Local Plans and suggested considering both scenarios throughout the process and then agree as a community one way e.g. assuming the existence of the A379 Slapton Line as it would be considered premature to develop a plan without the A379 Slapton Line.
• Historic England and others are statutory consultees on NPs.
• Take a look at South Huish’s Neighbourhood Plan.
a. Cllr L. Lawford
i. Heathfield Reservoir, Slapton: Cllr L. Lawford has liaised with the Enforcement Officer and updated the PC’s Clerk.
ii. Waste Collection: Cllr L. Lawford asked if the PC had any concerns? Cllr M. Crowson shared his own experience of missed collections and reporting online. Cllr I. Mitchelmore confirmed that he helped him to solve problem and that waste was now being collected from Southgrounds. Cllr L. Lawford encouraged the PC to contact her directly if issues remain unresolved after reporting.
iii. A379 Slapton Line: The next meeting likely to be at beginning of February.
b. Cllr J. Brazil
i. A379 Slapton Line: The planning application is yet to be submitted and is expected to be refused. Cllr L. Lawford has met with Anthony Mangnall, who is keen to keep pushing ahead. The next Slapton Line Partnership (SLP) meeting will focus on the planning application and direction of SLP. There is a need to work on both the adaptation plan and protection of the road simultaneously and begin to plan for the future e.g. increase the size of the car park at Strete gate.
ii. HMCEF grant: Highways have informed Cllr J. Brazil that Slapton did not follow the guidance. Clerk confirmed all guidance had been followed to the letter. Cllr J. Brazil asked Clerk to send evidence to support this. Clerk to action.
iii. Budget monitoring review: There has been a significant overspend on Special Education Needs and Disabilities provision, which has increased the deficit. Operations Safety Valve will provide financial support from the Government but only if ongoing overspend is addressed.
iv. Road closures: There was a discussion about disruption caused by closure of A379 in Stoke Flemming and traffic being diverted via Slapton due to signage at the Sands Road junction on A379. Cllr J. Brazil advised that this sign can’t be moved and there are two other earlier diversions between Kingsbridge and Slapton as well as diversions beyond Slapton. Cllr J. Brazil also confirmed no extensions to the timeframe, for the works in Stoke Flemming, will be granted. Cllr J. Brazil advised of a further road closure in Modbury for one month from today, which will affect routes into Plymouth – might be easier to go via Totnes/Dartington and A38.
v. Precept: The Police precept is going up a lot to almost double the District Council’s.
vi. Neighbourhood Planning: Cllr J. Brazil advised against including housing development in a Neighbourhood Plan, giving West Buckland as an example of how this has not been successful. He also advised that the Joint Local Plan will not be reviewed until the Government has updated the legislation but SHDC will update polices ready for the review when it is done.
112:23 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 4th December 2023, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record – see separate document (7). It was resolved unanimously to agree the minutes.
a. Applications (for resolution):
i. 3653/23/FUL – Pittaford Farm, Slapton, TQ7 2QG
Regularise the change of use of part of an agricultural building to a dog grooming business (sui generis use). (Retrospective and Resubmission 4272/22/FUL)
SPC Comment: Support has been submitted as agreed informally by majority of Cllrs because the deadline for submission was 4th January (i.e. before 8th January PC Meeting)
Does the PC formally support the planning application? Cllr I. Mitchelmore proposed, Cllr S. Lange seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to support the planning application. Note: Cllr J. Abbey and Cllr P. Osborne did not vote as they declared an interested in the application.
b. Decisions (for information only): None
c. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment):
i. 3952/23/TCA – Brook Vale, Slapton, Kingsbridge, TQ7 2QT
T1: Sycamore – section fell to ground level due to multiple stem failure in recent storms resulting in poor condition of tree, close proximity to house, T2: Ash – remove 2 x limbs protruding over building and workshop
ii. 4056/23/TCA – Maurleen House, Brook Street, Slapton, Kingsbridge, TQ7 2PW
T1: Birch – crown raise to 5m above ground level, lateral crown reduction on house side to give 2m clearance
d. Withdrawn (for information only): None
a. Would a working party meeting be useful to finalise the snow plan? If so, when and where would Cllrs like to meet? If not, how and when will the snow plan be finalised? Cllr I. Mitchelmore proposed, Cllr J. Waters seconded and it was resolved unanimously that a working party meeting should be scheduled between 19th and 29th January. Clerk to action.
a. Does the PC approve the 3rd quarter bank reconciliation and 3rd quarter budget forecast? – see separate documents (10a 1,10a 2, 10a 3 and 10a 4). Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr S. Lange seconded and it was resolved unanimously to approve the 3rd quarter bank reconciliation and 3rd quarter budget forecast.
b. Does the PC approve the changes to cost centres under the heading ‘Notes for PC approval’ in document ‘Cost centre updates for PC approval’? – see separate document (10b). Cllr S. Lange proposed, Cllr C. Staines seconded and it was resolved unanimously to approve all adjustments to cost centres explained by the Clerk. Clerk to action.
c. Does the PC approve the Draft Budget for y/e 2024/25? – see separate document (10c). There was discussion about the Draft Budget and acknowledgement that both core and discretionary costs had been estimated carefully, but that there was not sufficient contingency in the budget. For example, the un-ringfenced reserves/operational float is less than 3 moths of the Precept (which is the minimum recommended). Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr P. Osborne seconded and it was resolved to accept the Draft Budget, with a further £2,400.00 added for un-ringfenced reserves/operational float (to cover possible increases in estimated costs and unforeseen office and village maintenance costs). Clerk to action.
d. Does the PC approve the Precept Demand of £26,772.00 for y/e 2024/25? – see separate documents (10d 1 and 10d 2, together with document 10c). Given an additional £2,400.00 has been added to the draft budget, Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr S. Lange seconded and it was resolved unanimously to submit a Precept Demand of £29,172.00, which equates to an increase of £9.51 per annum (9.87%) based on Band D equivalent households in comparison to 2023/24. Clerk to submit Precept Demand.
a. Village map – pending beach monument relocation
b. Vision/mission statement – pending resolution on logo/branding
a. Clerk advised:
i. Defibrillator training has been rescheduled for Thursday 15th February 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm.
ii. Community Cinema dates confirmed for 2024. Next date will be Saturday 24th February.
iii. Capture and divert of Spring on Carr Lane requested on behalf of a parishioner and denied by Highways.
iv. Horse Stile repairs need alteration to ensure gap between two sleepers is exactly 1100mm. Cllr J. Waters and Cllr I. Luscombe have agreed to help remedy the issue and will advise Clerk once completed.
v. Full Clerk’s report to be circulated with the minutes.
a. Landslide at Start: Cllr I. Luscombe confirmed he is working at the property and is aware of the issue.
b. Fall at Hansel: A parishioner reported to Cllr J. Abbey (whilst at the Community Café) that someone had slipped and hurt themselves in Hansel. There was a discussion about the condition of the road edge in Hansel, which has eroded away. The Clerk advised Cllrs to encourage all parishioners to report potholes and other Highways issues directly to South Hams District Council via the website: Report It | South Hams District Council. Clerk to add SHDC ‘Report it’ button to Slapton Parish Council’s Website.
c. Exempt dogs: Cllr J. Abbey received a query from a parishioner about the possible number and type of dog breeds staying at Whitebeam and Rill House, who have advertised that exempt dogs are accepted. There was a discussion about the term exempt dogs and clarification sought during the meeting via review of: Controlling your dog in public: Banned dogs – GOV.UK ( An exempt dog is an individual dog, which is of a banned breed, that the court thinks is not a danger to the public, and has therefore been added to the Index of Exempt Dogs. Such dogs will have a Certificate of Exemption and are subject to strict rules e.g. must be kept on a lead and muzzled at all times when in public. It was agreed that no further action is necessary.
d. Anthony Mangnall MP would like to come to a Parish Council Meeting to discuss the Slapton Line Partnership strategy document. He has been provisionally booked to attend on Monday 8th April 2024, but Cllr J. Abbey will be in touch directly with Cllrs as it may be more prudent to arrange a separate time and date outside of the monthly full council meeting. Cllr J. Abbey to contact Cllrs and Anthony Mangnall MP directly to arrange with support from Clerk to organise dates and times.
e. Chair’s report for Slapton Line Magazine: Is there anything anybody wants in? Cllr S. Lange would like to thank the Clerk for her work. Cllr J. Abbey to submit report by Monday 15th January.
a. Cllr P. Osborne provided the following information from the OPPC:
i. Issues over Christmas and New Year period have included missing people and drink driving.
ii. 6x new enquiry stations opening. The enquiry station in Kingsbridge will open on 21st February and Cllr P. Osborne will attend.
iii. The Commissioner has confirmed the 4 prime aims that the Police will focus on are: 1) antisocial behaviour; 2) drugs; 3) serious violence including domestic violence; and 4) improving road safety.
a. Status of pending issues acknowledged.
a. Payments to approve
Does the PC approve the payments below? – see separate document (16a). Cllr S. Lange proposed, Cllr J. Waters seconded and it was resolved unanimously to approve the payments below. Clerk to action.
BACs No | Payment Details | Amount | Paid for Noting |
106 | Parochial Church Council of Slapton Community Grant for Church Café – approved Minute Ref: 98:23 c | 250.00 | 20-Dec |
107 | Salcombe Dairy Ltd (Ice Cream for Community Cinema) Invoice no: 52555, dated 01/12/23 | 120.96
100.80 + 20.16 VAT |
20-Dec |
108 | Filmbankmedia (Licence for Film – Community Cinema) Invoice no: 06307888, dated 11/12/23 | 104.40
87.00 + 17.40 VAT |
20-Dec |
109 | Drinks for Bar on Film Night (Community Cinema). Christopher Hunt, Invoice no: 1, dated 10/12/23 | 105.58 | 20-Dec |
VISA110 | Ink Jungle (via Amazon) printer cartridges. Invoice no: 118709301-2023-377596 dated 07/12/23 | 139.95
116.62 + 23.33 VAT |
07-Dec |
DD111 | VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – December Invoice no: 1013163 dated 01/12/23 | 11.94
9.95 + 1.99 VAT |
15-Dec |
VISA112 | Marpesia Co – Nibiru Sport Ping Pong Paddles and Net | 24.99
20.82 + 4.17 VAT |
02-Nov |
113 | Nick Mathias – Road Warden December. Invoice no: 1737/24 dated 22/12/23 | 333.34 | |
114 | Tomlinson Solutions – Remote business IT support to assist jane with 2FA issue on Office 365. Invoice no: 9356 dated 20/12/23 | 19.50
16.25 +3.25 VAT |
115 | DALC – Being a good cllr courses 3 x2 and 4 x1. Invoice no: 5308 dated 15/12/23 | 54.00
45.00 + 9.00 VAT |
116 | DALC – Being a good cllr courses 2 x1 and 4 x1. Invoice no: 5250 dated 09/11/23 | 36.00
30.00 + 6.00 VAT |
117 | Woolston Accountants – December Payroll. Invoice no: 0245 dated 29/12/23 | 20.00 | |
118 | Clerk’s salary December (40 hours) plus £24 WFH allowance. | 783.20 | |
119 | Payment to HMRC – tax on Clerk’ s December salary. Please make payment to: HMRC Cumbernauld 08-32-10 12001039. Quote: 120PA003048122409 | 62.00 |
b. Balance at Bank
Balance as per bank statements on 31.12.23 | Amount GBP |
Events Treasurers Account | 168.97 |
Treasurers Account | 9,626.27 |
Instant Access Savings Account | 11,422.50 |
Total | 21,217.74 |
c. Receipts summary
Receipts as per bank statements on 31.12.23 | Amount GBP |
Events Treasurers Account | 168.97 |
Treasurers Account | 279.00 |
Instant Access Savings Account | 13.00 |
Total | 460.97 |
122:23 AOB
a. Cllr P. Osborne reported that there is a lot of litter along Five Mile Lane and that his wife picks this up on a daily basis. Other Cllrs and the Clerk asked Cllr P. Osborne to pass on their thanks for this and confirmed that they too pick up litter and dog poo whenever they see it. Clerk to add discussion about litter to future agenda.
Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on
Monday 5th February at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Signed: Date:
- (7) 04.12.23 Draft Minutes
- (10a 1) 31.12.23 3rd Quarter Bank Reconcilliation 26th September - 31st December
- (10a 3) 31.12.23 3rd Quarter Cashbook to check against 3rd Quarter Bank Reconcil…
- (10a 4) 31.12.23 3rd Quarter Budget Update
- (10b) Cost centre updates for PC approval
- (10c) Draft Budget 2024-25
- (10d 1) Precept Parish Calculator Tool 2024_25 (SH)
- (10d 2) South Hams Precept and Tax Base Briefing Note
- (15a) Open Action Log 2023-24
- (16a) Payments to approve