Council Meeting – 7th September 2020
Agenda 7 September 2020
Monthly Parish Council Meeting
7.30pm, Monday 7th September 2020 by Zoom Video Conference due to Social Distancing.
If any parishioners wish to attend the meeting/and or speak/present an idea, as this is a remote meeting, please submit your question(s)/papers to the clerk, 48hrs in advance of the meeting so that the Council can consider. email:
To attend the Zoom meeting:
- Click on this meeting link at 7.25pm: , or copy the link into your browser.
- You will be then placed into a waiting room whilst the Chair arranges access so please do not click out as this will take a few minutes as people join.
- Access to the meeting will be closed at 7.35pm.
Supporting Documents:
- DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
- PUBLIC COMMENT – Any parishioner is invited to address the Council for up to 3 minutes. This session may last up to 15 minutes and may be extended to 30minutes at the discretion of the Chair. The Public are not required to stay for the rest of the meeting.Parishioners have requested to attend to update on the Village Traffic Survey.
- POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme – refer to ongoing Cllr updates.
- Cllr J. Brazil
- Discuss how to engage Highways asap to attend a risk assessment regarding urgent Footway repair works first week in November as the Road Wardens require a booking commitment for Autumn work asap.
- Update on the relocation of the War Memorial
- Saltstone Single Neighbourhood Plan – Draft copy for discussion/approval
- Cllr R. Foss
- Update on the issues at the beach car park and human fouling around the Ley and Bus Shelter as this matter is still occurring and a public health risk (District).
- Update to the changes in the planning law and impact on PC’s / advice on if the PC need to develop a Neighbourhood plan to protect the village
- MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 3 August 2020 and the Extraordinary Meeting held on 13 August 2020. If agreed, to be both be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
- Village flooding issues – Ongoing monitoring. Bi-annual drain cleaning arrangements in place to manage.
- Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
- Monument relocation to Strete Gate– Pending update from DCC.
- Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes in 2020 parish recycling arrangements.
- Village Map – Agreed to delay the reprint until summer. Review status /stock levels at the 7 Sept meeting.
- P3 Scheme – Agree to remove once the scheme is joined. Pending update from Scheme leaders re covid-19 arrangements.
- Safeguarding Training by Ben Leach – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions before proceeding.
- Highways Response – No reply to Park and Walk drain ownership / Footpath deterioration between south grounds farm and drains issues outside the FSC. Chased 15-1-20 and 12.2.20. Progress when Highways are operational post pandemic period. Now urgent – under matters for discussion 7 Sept meeting.
- FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions.
- Village BT K6 Phone box – Resubmit photos of condition of BT Open Reach phone in Dec 2020 and request repainting.
- Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline: Review next meeting.
- PLANNING2297/20/HHO – Kimmarder, Slapton, TQ7 2QT
Proposal: Householder application for proposed new garage/workshop.
1194/20/VAR – Land at Lower Coltscombe Slapton TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Removal of condition 28 (to demolish and remove the barn from the site) of planning consent 44/0800/15/F.
2057/20/HHO – Watergate Cottage, Start, Slapton. TQ7 2QD
Proposal: Householder application for proposed garden room.
2622/20/HHO – Blacklands Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Householder application for proposed construction of new double car port
2420/20/TCA – Church View, Brook Street, Slapton, TQ7 2PR
Proposal: T1: Alder – Fell and remove. Tree is diseased.
2605/20/TPO – Chantry Hill, Slapton. TQ7 2QY
Proposal: T1: Sweet Chestnut – Crown lift by 4m to provide clearance over garden and balance crown. Reduction of limb at 5m from ground level on North West side by 5.5m. Removal of limb at 5m from ground level on West side back to main regrowth shoot 1.5m from main stem. Reduction of limb at 4m from ground level on South side by 4m. Thin out epicormic growth. Crown height reduction by 4m. T2: Ash – Remove stump.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
- Village maintenance projects and ongoing work briefs / quotes:
- Kimberly Nursery Bin – Approve quote to relocate to wooden finger post.
- Pathway repairs – Sands Road – Discuss with Cllr J Brazil and Cllr R Foss continued none reply from Highways to clerks/PC’s request to attend a socially distanced risk assessment to discuss this matter with the Road Warden/PC in order that the brief can be discussed/agreed/quote prepared. The matter is now urgent as the Road wardens need to book autumn work time along with booking in the equipment.
- Also to discuss the replacement surface for the repairs. (Road Warden to attend meeting to run through options).
- Village maintenance projects and ongoing work briefs / quotes:
- Traffic Survey update – Discuss if to:
- Review findings from the informal bank holiday traffic study. (To be presented by the parishioner who undertook the work).
- Based on the above results, discuss / agree if to proceed with a formal traffic study which requires a licence from DCC at a cost of £70 and commissioning a private provider to lay counting equipment on the road.
- Update from Cllr D Murphy on the Frogmore Community speed watch process which may help inform below decision.
- The police have advised they are unable to support a community speed watch at this time due to covid-19 restrictions but when are able will provide training, loan of 2 speed guns and a flashing speed sign held at the offices in Kingsbridge.They have agreed to complete all paper work with the PC so ready to start when restrictions are lifted. Discuss if to purchase own speed gun at £230 to accelerate the research process.
- Lengthsman trial:
- Revised schedule of works – Discuss / agree revised contract and terms for the works for resolution.
- Leaf collection and composting – Cllr D Murphy to provide feedback from parishioner / discuss and agree process for future collections.
- Website accessibility deadline – Discuss website accessibility report results / recommended actions and quote from existing supplier to achieve either improved or full compliance. Approve the accessibility Statement and privacy webpages to go live 9/9/20 to meet compliance requirements by 20-9-20.
- DALC updates:
- Lengthsman trial:
- Changes to the planning law webinar 17th Sept at 1pm – Cllr attendance tbc.
- Planning law changes consultation – Cllrs input requested by DALC, discuss feedback process.
- Iii. Neighbourhood Plan development – refer discussion with Cllr R Foss, item 5 above.
- Clerks 2020-21 Pay Agreement announced. Increase of 2.75% back dated from 1 April 2020 plus increase from 21 to 22 days holidays for employees with less than 5 years service pro-rota part-time). Discuss/agree rate increase, holiday and salary back dated salary figure of £53.62 to 31/8/20 for approval for resolution next meeting.
- Covid-19 and PC meetings guidance brief 13-8-20. Discuss how best to undertake the DALC Council risk assessment to produce an approach to future meetings that ensures safety for all against Covid-19.
- Banking matters:
- Response from White Close Trust to £200 grant offer – Discuss / agree to resolve to release the ring-fenced funds back into the PC account as no longer required.
- Covid-19 – Discuss continued hardship grant support to local foodbanks.
- Ringfenced sports club funds – Discuss/agree if to move the money out of the PC bank account and by the end of the 2020 budget process to show a clean bank balance.
- 2021 Budget Plan – Discuss/ agree items that need to be considered in the first draft – Due October meeting. May require an Extraordinary meeting mid-month subject to agenda/clerks workloads.
- To propose for resolution the order for the blue traffic calming advisory road signs at a cost of £882.89 plus vat, total £1063.86 to BCW, as agreed at the Extraordinary PC meeting 13th August, (item 221-20a) and against the pre-approved £4053 ring-fenced reserves for this matter. Also to approve for resolution the quote no. 1133/21 of £75 to install the signs by the Road Warden.
- To approve for resolution the changes to the works schedule contract and increase in monthly hours from 7 to 14hrs per month at a new day rate of up-to £? an hour to enable recruitment / job share. (Rate subject to Council discussion 9d above).
To discuss:
- Website Accessibility deadline 23/9/20 – SLCC accessible website document training for word and PPT August 28th. Actions required are immediate changes to publishing format. Discuss / agree if to move to webpage/downloadable accessible word document and discontinue with PDF’s.
- Attended Devon Communities Covid-19 recovery and local outbreak management plans webinar conference. Debrief the PC on actions from meeting: DCC have asked the PC to complete a disaster recovery plan, ensure emergency funds are planned for in 2021 budgets to cover remote working, community support, village lock down and how to work with wider parish to support parishioners.
For information only:
- Blue advisory speed sign installation, Sands Road. Order placed to BCW 2/9/20 as per brief provided by Cllr D Murphy/approvals at Extraordinary meeting 13/8/20. Due to delivery 10/9/20. Road Warden will install asap after this date as per map provided.
- Google Analytics now added to the PC website – Pending data flow due in 2-3 weeks before will show in reports.
- Clerks annual Sept 14th – 25th. Skeleton e-mail cover will be in place for urgent matters 14th – 18th Sept but not w/c 21-25th Sept.
- Parishioners correspondence / complaints:
- Request from the Nursery to move the dog bin closed to the road to allow access for farm vehicles. This was agreed at the EOM and Cllr S Sullock is progressing a quote with the Road Warden
- Reply sent to complaint re damage to several parishioners properties and a vehicle in Sands Road weekend 8/9th August caused by level of traffic.
- DCC / Energy Saving Trust (EST) Electric Vehicle Charging Points rural locations rollout scheme. Clerk has written to EST 31-8-20 requesting more details on the scheme relevant to Slapton and inviting a site visit/presentation at a PC meeting.
- Park and Walk – final laying of the scrapings – Road warden has confirmed available for w/c 2nd Nov – pending quote as linked to pavement repair quote.
- Devon Solar Together Project: To support the region’s energy and climate strategies, Devon Climate Emergency (DCE) is looking to incentivise a solar PV collective purchasing scheme for the residential ‘able-to-pay’ sector. Briefing note circulated to Cllrs and Posted on the website. Residential mailing and PR campaign commences 31/8/20.
- Replies to multiple parishioner complaints re: Noise, litter, traffic jams, excrement at the Beach Car Park and overnight camping. Emergency PC meeting called 13 August 2020 to discuss with the Council:
- REPORT IT logs –
- 4/8/20 x 3 full dog bins and litter behind the recycling bank
- 11/8/20 x 1 full dog bin, 1 full black bin and full recycling bank
- 29-8-20 – Broken dog bin outside the campsite
- 30-8-20 – Full bottle bank
- Village Mowing: The 2nd of the 3 weekly summer mowing of the playing field on 10 August and 6 weekly village mowing was undertaken on 1st September. The Road Warden reported damage in the centre of the football pitch due to a fire.
- City and Guilds Certificates and SWQR works pass cards have been received and issued to the current Road Wardens.
- Village Signage: The Road Warden has cleaned all the village highway signs on 28/8/20 to try and prevent large vehicles from entering the village at a cost of £75 as an action from the extra-ordinary PC meeting 13/8/20.
- Lengthsmans Trial –No lengthsman work undertaken in August. Still awaiting return of PPE Jacket.
- Charity scoping meeting update.
- Response from DCC/SHDC re public toilets and fouling around the Ley.
- Update on progress of the development of the football pitch.
- Response from The FSC and Campsite re Good Neighbours communication sent 18-8-20
Approve the following payments:
L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – August 20 (Paid 1/9/20 for noting).
Isaac Luscombe – Lengthsman work – 7 hrs on 27th July as per timesheet. (Paid 4/8, for noting).
SLCC Accessibility training course –Creating accessible Word and PDF Docs 28/8/20. Clerk attendance (Paid 4/8/20 for noting).
VC Warehouse – CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 15/8/20 by D. Debit – (Paid for noting S137 code).
Clerks Expenses August 2020 (Refer analysis sheet)
Clerks Overtime August 2020 Refer analysis sheet)
Nick Mathias – Bus Shelter Gutter repair 7-8 2020. Quote 1198/21 dated 10/8/20. Refer agenda item 9F. (Paid 11-8-20 for noting).
Nick Mathias – Additional Mowing Works 10 August 2020
Playing field interior – 3 weekly mowing. Invoice 1197/21 dated 10/8. (Paid 11-8-20 for noting).
Nick Mathias – Dog Bin Fixing Work opposite the FSC. 7 August 2020. Invoice 1198 dated 10/8. (Paid 11-8-20 for noting).
KW Websites – Accessibility Statement analysis, drafting and website changes. Invoice Dated 13/8/20 no 2109. (Paid 14/8/20 for noting min ref approval 206.20 (j)
KW Websites – Covid-19 page and news section relocation plus home page refresh. Invoice Dated 13/8/20 no 2110. (Paid 14/8/20 for noting min ref approval 206.20 (j)
Nick Mathias – Village Mowing 1st Sept 2020. Invoice 1205/21 dated 1/9/20
BCW Road safety signs. Invoice 2017852 dated 2/9/20. 8 Blue advisory road signs – Ringfenced budget £4053. Order approved EOMeeting 13/8/20 and resolved 10b above.
Nick Mathias – Highway sign cleaning / foliage trimming over the footway outside Southgrounds and 20mph speed signs and removal of waste 28/8/20. Invoice 1206/21 dated 1/9/20
Information Commissioner Office Annual GDPR and Data Protection Fee. Email Invoice 16-8-20. £40 less £5 reduction as paid by D-Debit due on or before 27-9-20.
- Balance at Bank 31/8/2020, £20,035.20
- Precept 2nd and final payment due Mid September.
- S137 Covid-19 remaining budget balance at 31/8/20 £700.00 (Included in above Bank balance).
- Kingsbridge and Dartmouth Food Banks Covid-19 hardship grants. £300 in grants paid to date under S137 to date.
- 2018/19 Annual Audit Documents returned to PKF LittleJohn on 24-8-20 ahead of deadline 31/8/20 and posted all documents on the website for the 30 day public inspection period 24.8.20 to 5-10.20 ahead of deadline 1.9.20.
- ICO Annual payment due end September by D.Debit.
- Clerks 2020-21 Pay Agreement announced 27/8/20. Increase of 2.75% back dated from 1 April 2020 plus increase from 21 to 22 days holidays for employees with less than 5 years service, pro-rota part-time).
- Annual subscription price increase of 2.75% announced.
Minutes September 2020
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held by Zoom video conference on Monday 7th Sept 2020 at 7.30pm.
Present: J Hinder (Chair), J McPetrie (V. Chairman), Cllr C Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr G Wollacott, Cllr V Mercer, Cllr Mr K Widger
In attendance: Cllr R Foss, Cllr J Brazil
213-20. Apologies for absence – None
214-20. Declarations of interest – None
215-20. Public comment – A member of the public attended to present a proposal for approval in principle for a community bulb planting scheme of native daffodils utilising 5 of the old water springs and several grass areas in the village to enhance the village and help raise funds for local business and the church by increasing visits to the village and church cafe. Residents had already pledge sponsorship to pay for the galvanised bulb tubs and 8 volunteers had offered to plant the bulbs this autumn and it was also planned to ask children to help under supervision and to sell on the bulbs. The council were in support of the scheme and asked for landownership of the proposed planting areas to be checked with the clerk and also any verge mowing restrictions with SHDC.
216-20. Police Councillor Advocate Scheme
- Police updates have been issued weekly to all Cllrs via the Clerk.
- If any members of the public have a non-urgent matter they wish to bring to the attention of their Local Policing Team, this can be reported via the Devon and Cornwall Police web-page – / Find your local policing team.
217-20. County & District Councillor reports
Devon County Council (DCC) report from Cllr J Brazil-
SHDC acknowledged the significant and specific issues experienced in Slapton over the summer holidays and are looking to support addressing the matters as a priority. A temporary barrier had been installed at the beach car park and the impact will be monitored. Cllr J Brazil and Cllr R Foss were due to meet to discuss all the issues being raised across their parishes to take forward to SHDC.
The Chair requested that an urgent Risk Assessment site meeting be arranged asap in Sept to discuss the urgent repair works required to the pathways in Sands Road as there had still been no reply from highways despite multiple requests. Cllr J Brazil to contact Lisa Edmonds in Highways to request the meeting take place.
The Covid-19 local outbreak management plan (LOMP) was now in place managed by the local environmental health officer and staff and track and trace. There were 3 cases of covid in Lodiswell as a result of international travel.
There was no update on the relocation of the Memorial at Slapton Sands to Strete Gate.
The Council approved the copy for the Saltstone single neighbourhood plan community leaflet. Cllr J Brazil advised volunteers would be required sometime during October – Dec to help deliver across the parish once the leaflet was printed. Clerk to confirm to Chilverston Clerk.
The results from the August Bank Holiday 3 day traffic study were presented by a CSG group volunteer who had led the project. Cllr J Brazil agreed that more signage may be required in the village to help with the issue and also agreed a formal speed-spy survey was necessary to prove if speed were an issue so that a formal DCC Scarf request could be made. Clerk to send Data from Speed survey to Cllr J Brazil to help with the Scarf request to DCC.
District report from Cllr R. Foss:
- Thanked the CSG volunteer for all the work on the traffic study and presentation.
- Reported that the SHDC CEO and executive team acknowledge the issues in Slapton and are progressing solutions. The Height bar at the beach car park was a temporary measure and SHDC are investigating where to accommodate campervans as there is no immediate land available and are now looking at all land they lease. Portaloos would not be installed as to high maintenance and permanent toilets are being progressed. SHDC officers had been regularly attending the beach car park and issuing parking tickets.
- District Council is meeting in September to review the budget and are focussed on maintaining key public services.
- Advised that legally vans over 6ft 6” were not legally allowed on roads with width restrictions.
- Changes to the planning law – DCC and SHDC are meeting 10/9/20 to discuss the proposed changes. The Chair asked if a debrief could be provided at the next meeting and also feedback on the important of the Parish implementing a Neighbourhood Plan to support the changes.
- Issues of dog waste, litter and permanently full bins in the parish – The Chair asked if the PC purchase more litter bins if SHDC would then empty on their collection rounds. Cllr J Brazil to check with SHDC. Clerk to forward the parishioner complaint about missed household waste collections on Brook Street to Cllr R Foss to investigate with SHDC.
- Cllr I Mitchelmore raised concerns over a large iron post in the sea at low tide which was a danger to swimmers at low tide. It was agreed for Cllr Mitchelmore / Cllr R Foss to co-ordinate a meeting with the correct SHDC authorities to get removed.
218-20. Minutes of the meeting held on 3 August and Extra ordinary meeting held on 13th August 2020. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Minutes be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
219-20. Matters in abeyance
- Village flooding issues – Ongoing monitoring. Bi-annual drain cleaning arrangements in place to manage.
- Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
- Monument relocation to Strete Gate– Pending update from DCC.
- Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes in 2020 parish recycling arrangements.
- Village Map – Agreed to delay the reprint until spring 2021. Review artwork /stock levels at the Feb 2021 meeting.
- P3 Scheme – Agree to remove once the scheme is joined. Pending update from Scheme leaders re covid-19 arrangements.
- Safeguarding Training by Ben Leach – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions before proceeding.
- Highways Response – No reply to Park and Walk drain ownership / Footpath deterioration between south grounds farm and drains issues outside the FSC. Chased 15-1-20 and 12.2.20. Progress when Highways are operational post pandemic period. Now urgent – under matters for discussion 7 Sept meeting.
- FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions.
- Village BT K6 Phone box – Resubmit photos of condition of BT Open Reach phone in Dec 2020 and request repainting.
- Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 18th September.
220-20. Planning
2297/20/HHO – Kimmarder, Slapton, TQ7 2QT
Proposal: Householder application for proposed new garage/workshop. No Comment
1194/20/VAR – Land at Lower Coltscombe Slapton TQ7 2QE Proposal: Removal of condition 28 (to demolish and remove the barn from the site) of planning consent 44/0800/15/F. Objection – Planning agreed on original terms.
2057/20/HHO – Watergate Cottage, Start, Slapton. TQ7 2QD Proposal: Householder application for proposed garden room. No Objection
2622/20/HHO – Blacklands Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2QE Proposal: Householder application for proposed construction of new double car port. No Objection
2420/20/TCA – Church View, Brook Street, Slapton, TQ7 2PR Proposal: T1: Alder – Fell and remove. Tree is diseased. Refer to tree warden
2605/20/TPO – Chantry Hill, Slapton. TQ7 2QY Proposal: T1: Sweet Chestnut – Crown lift by 4m to provide clearance over garden and balance crown. Reduction of limb at 5m from ground level on North West side by 5.5m. Removal of limb at 5m from ground level on West side back to main regrowth shoot 1.5m from main stem. Reduction of limb at 4m from ground level on South side by 4m. Thin out epicormic growth. Crown height reduction by 4m. T2: Ash – Remove stump. Refer to tree warden
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information) – None
221-20. Matters for discussion
- Village maintenance projects and ongoing work briefs / quotes:
- Kimberly Nursery Bin – The quote was approved to relocate to wooden finger post. Origional metal post to be returned to SHDC. Clerk to contact for collection when removed.
- Pathway repairs – Sands Road – It was discussed with Cllr J Brazil that the matter is now urgent as the Road wardens need to book autumn work time along with booking in the equipment. Cllr J Brazil to chase DCC for a site meeting. Cllr I Mitchelmore, Cllr J McPetrie and Cllr C Staines to arrange a pre-meeting site meeting with the road warden asap to discuss and agree the brief and materials for the replacement surface for the repairs as the road warden advised these need to be accessible and wheelchair friendly. Clerk to arrange meeting.
- Traffic Survey update – Following the presentation of the survey findings from the informal bank holiday traffic study the council agreed and proposed for resolution at the next meeting to allocate up to £1K for the hire of Speed Spy cameras as if the results showed an issue to also approved a licence from DCC at a cost of £70 costs in order to proceed with a formal traffic study which requires and commissioning a private provider to lay counting equipment on the road.
- Cllr D Murphy advised that Frogmore PC had not undertaken a Community speed watch and to contact DCC Highways for guidance on this.
- The police have advised they are unable to support a community speed watch at this time due to covid-19 restrictions but when are able will provide training, loan of 2 speed guns and a flashing speed sign held at the offices in Kingsbridge. They have agreed to complete all paper work with the PC so ready to start when restrictions are lifted. The clerk, chair and CSG Volunteer advised were meeting with the local PC office on Weds 9th September to walk around the village and agree appropriate locations for the speed study. The PC agreed that the purchase of a speed gun was now not necessary.
- Lengthsman trial:
- Revised schedule of works – The revised contract and terms for the works were agreed for resolution – see section 22-20(b) below.
- Leaf collection and composting – Cllr D Murphy advised there was not feedback from the parishioner re offer to collect leaves.
- Website accessibility deadline – The results of the website accessibility report results were discussed and it was agreed to approve the accessibility Statement and privacy webpages to go live on the PC website 9/9/20 to meet compliance requirements by 20-9-20. It was also agreed to present a case for undue burden on the PC to have a new website in place for the deadline as this would require more resources that available to achieve. Clerk to prepare a case of undue burden for the auditor.
- DALC updates:
- Changes to the planning law webinar 17th Sept at 1pm – It was agreed that Cllr D Murphy and Cllr C Staines attend and debrief the PC. Clerk to book on the course.
- Planning law changes consultation – It was agreed to feedback to DALC once a full understanding of the changes were debrief following the above course.
- Neighbourhood Plan development – Pending debrief next meeting from Cllr R Foss.
- Clerks 2020-21 Pay Agreement announced. Increase of 2.75% back dated from 1 April 2020 plus increase from 21 to 22 days holidays for employees with less than 5 years’ service pro-rota part-time). It was agreed for resolution to agree rate increase, holiday and salary back dated salary figure of £53.62 to 31/8/20 at the next meeting. Clerk to add to agenda.
- Covid-19 and PC meetings guidance brief 13-8-20. It was agreed to review the situation in January and in the meantime to remain with remote zoom meetings that ensures safety for all against Covid-19 as the impact of autumn is unknown.
- Banking matters:
- Response from White Close Trust to £200 grant offer – It was agreed to resolve to release the ring-fenced funds back into the PC account as no longer required. Clerk to add to agenda.
- Covid-19 – Discuss continued hardship grant support to local foodbanks. It was agreed to defer to the next meeting. Clerk to add to the agenda.
- Ring-fenced sports club funds – It was discussed and agreed to add for resolution at the next meeting to split the remaining donated ring-fenced funds of £1865 as follows: To refund the cost of the pickle ball kit to the parishioner so that this then becomes a community resource, £200 to be allocated to replace the defibrillator training pads, the remaining money to be split equally between the bowling and all stars sports clubs. Cllr S Sullock to liaise with all parties to obtain bank account details/ receipts/SWAST quote. Clerk to add for resolution at the next meeting.
- 2021 Budget Plan – The clerk asked if all Cllrs could consider items for budgeting for 2021 for discussion at the next meeting. Clerk to prepare a first draft budget and add to October meeting agenda.
222-20 Proposals for resolution
- It was proposed and resolved to order blue traffic calming advisory road signs at a cost of £882.89 plus vat, total £1063.86 to BCW, as agreed at the Extraordinary PC meeting 13th August, (item 221-20a) and against the pre-approved £4053 ring-fenced reserves for this matter. Also to approve for resolution the quote no. 1133/21 of £75 to install the signs by the Road Warden.
- It was proposed and approved to resolve to adopt the changes to the lengthsmans works schedule contract and increase the monthly hours from 7 to 14hrs per month at a rate of £18.50 per hour on a three month trial with the existing road warden, the trial to commence in December 2020 following a commercial clean of the roads and drains.
223-20. Clerk’s report To discuss: Website Accessibility deadline 23/9/20 – The clerk advised that following the SLCC accessible website document training for word and PPT 28 August, immediate action was required to change the publishing format of word and PDF documents on the website so accessible and the most efficient solution was to move to printable web pages. This was agreed by the PC as document production was an undue burden and it was agreed to convert all this financial years agendas and minutes to web pages and approved budget of £120 to do so. Clerk to brief web designer to action.
Attended Devon Communities Covid-19 recovery and local outbreak management plans webinar conference. DCC have asked the PC to complete a disaster recovery plan, ensure emergency funds are planned for in 2021 budgets to cover remote working, community support, village lock down and how to work with wider parish to support parishioners. Clerk to consider in draft budget and liaise with the CSG to confirm volunteer support available.
For information only:
- Blue advisory speed sign installation, Sands Road. Order placed to BCW 2/9/20 as per brief provided by Cllr D Murphy/approvals at Extraordinary meeting 13/8/20. Due to delivery 10/9/20. Road Warden will install asap after this date as per map provided.
- Google Analytics now added to the PC website – Pending data flow due in 2-3 weeks before will show in reports.
- Clerks annual Sept 14th – 25th. Skeleton e-mail cover will be in place for urgent matters 14th – 18th Sept but not w/c 21-25th Sept.
- Parishioners correspondence / complaints:
- Request from the Nursery to move the dog bin closed to the road to allow access for farm vehicles. This was agreed at the EOM and Cllr S Sullock is progressing a quote with the Road Warden
- Reply sent to complaint re damage to several parishioners properties and a vehicle in Sands Road weekend 8/9th August caused by level of traffic.
- DCC / Energy Saving Trust (EST) Electric Vehicle Charging Points rural locations rollout scheme. Clerk has written to EST 31-8-20 requesting more details on the scheme relevant to Slapton and inviting a site visit/presentation at a PC meeting.
- Park and Walk – final laying of the scrapings – Road warden has confirmed available for w/c 2nd Nov – pending quote as linked to pavement repair quote.
- Devon Solar Together Project: To support the region’s energy and climate strategies, Devon Climate Emergency (DCE) is looking to incentivise a solar PV collective purchasing scheme for the residential ‘able-to-pay’ sector. Briefing note circulated to Cllrs and Posted on the website. Residential mailing and PR campaign commences 31/8/20.
- Replies to multiple parishioner complaints re: Noise, litter, traffic jams, excrement at the Beach Car Park and overnight camping. Emergency PC meeting called 13 August 2020 to discuss with the Council:
- REPORT IT logs –
- 4/8/20 x 3 full dog bins and litter behind the recycling bank
- 11/8/20 x 1 full dog bin, 1 full black bin and full recycling bank
- 29-8-20 – Broken dog bin outside the campsite
- 30-8-20 – Full bottle bank
- Village Mowing: The 2nd of the 3 weekly summer mowing of the playing field on 10 August and 6 weekly village mowing was undertaken on 1st September. The Road Warden reported damage in the centre of the football pitch due to a fire.
- City and Guilds Certificates and SWQR works pass cards have been received and issued to the current Road Wardens.
- Village Signage: The Road Warden has cleaned all the village highway signs on 28/8/20 to try and prevent large vehicles from entering the village at a cost of £75 as an action from the extra-ordinary PC meeting 13/8/20.
- Lengthsmans Trial –No lengthsman work undertaken in August. Still awaiting return of PPE Jacket.
224-20. Chair’s report
- Charity scoping meeting 15/9/20. The Chair invited all Cllrs to attend the next meeting if they wished to become involved.
- The Chair advised they were still waiting on a formal response from DCC/SHDC re public toilets and fouling around the Ley. Update next meeting.
- The Chair advised that Cllr K Widger had confirmed his approval to develop the playing field. Thanks was given to Cllr K Widger. Chair to progress quotes for an all-weather surface for use by all. Clerk to liaise with DALC re contract changes.
- The chair advised they had received responses from the FSC and Campsite who were supported of working together to ensure community safety and consideration of parishioners living in the village.
225-20. Councillors’ reports
- Cllr S Sullock – None
- Cllr C Staines – None
- Cllr J McPetrie – None
- Cllr G Murphy – Raised he had received 2 complaints about foul smelling liquid on the roads from a commercial waste lorry and a written complaint from a parishioner regarding noise on Saturday 5th September from scramble bikes in a village field. Clerk to reply to advise to contact SHDC.
- Cllr V Mercer – No report.
- Cllr I Mitchelmore – Reported that a Yurt and caravan had been present in Kimberly field since 26-8-20. Review situation at the next meeting as a temporary structure. Clerk to add to agenda.
- Cllr G Wollacott – Raised that Rock Cottage Building works will have scaffolding both sides on a difficult corner in the village
226-20. Financial matters The below payments were approved by the Council.
L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – August 20 (Paid 1/9/20 for noting).
Isaac Luscombe – Lengthsman work – 7 hrs on 27th July as per timesheet. (Paid 4/8, for noting).
SLCC Accessibility training course –Creating accessible Word and PDF Docs 28/8/20. Clerk attendance (Paid 4/8/20 for noting).
VC Warehouse – CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 15/8/20 by D. Debit – (Paid for noting S137 code).
Clerks Expenses August 2020 (Refer analysis sheet)
Clerks Overtime August 2020 Refer analysis sheet)
Nick Mathias – Bus Shelter Gutter repair 7-8 2020. Quote 1198/21 dated 10/8/20. Refer agenda item 9F. (Paid 11-8-20 for noting).
Nick Mathias – Additional Mowing Works 10 August 2020
Playing field interior – 3 weekly mowing. Invoice 1197/21 dated 10/8. (Paid 11-8-20 for noting).
Nick Mathias – Dog Bin Fixing Work opposite the FSC. 7 August 2020. Invoice 1198 dated 10/8. (Paid 11-8-20 for noting).
KW Websites – Accessibility Statement analysis, drafting and website changes. Invoice Dated 13/8/20 no 2109. (Paid 14/8/20 for noting min ref approval 206.20 (j)
KW Websites – Covid-19 page and news section relocation plus home page refresh. Invoice Dated 13/8/20 no 2110. (Paid 14/8/20 for noting min ref approval 206.20 (j)
Nick Mathias – Village Mowing 1st Sept 2020. Invoice 1205/21 dated 1/9/20
BCW Road safety signs. Invoice 2017852 dated 2/9/20. 8 Blue advisory road signs – Ring-fenced budget £4053. Order approved EOMeeting 13/8/20 and resolved 10b above.
Nick Mathias – Highway sign cleaning / foliage trimming over the footway outside South grounds and 20mph speed signs and removal of waste 28/8/20. Invoice 1206/21 dated 1/9/20
Information Commissioner Office Annual GDPR and Data Protection Fee. Email Invoice 16-8-20. £40 less £5 reduction as paid by D-Debit due on or before 27-9-20.
- Balance at Bank 31/8/2020, £20,035.20
- Precept 2nd and final payment due Mid-September.
- S137 Covid-19 remaining budget balance at 31/8/20 £700.00 (Included in above Bank balance).
- Kingsbridge and Dartmouth Food Banks Covid-19 hardship grants. £300 in grants paid to date under S137 to date.
- 2018/19 Annual Audit Documents returned to PKF LittleJohn on 24-8-20 ahead of deadline 31/8/20 and posted all documents on the website for the 30 day public inspection period 24.8.20 to 5-10.20 ahead of deadline 1.9.20.
- ICO Annual payment due end September by D.Debit.
- Clerks 2020-21 Pay Agreement announced 27/8/20. Increase of 2.75% back dated from 1 April 2020 plus increase from 21 to 22 days holidays for employees with less than 5 years’ service, pro-rota part-time).
- Annual subscription price increase of 2.75% announced.
227-20. Date of next meeting – Monday 5th October 2020 at 7.00pm by Zoom conference call.
SIGNED Chair: Julie Hinder Dated: 5/10/20