Council Meeting – 7th October 2024
The following Councillors are summoned to attend:
Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr I. Mitchelmore (Vice Chair), Cllr C. Staines, Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr J. Waters, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr S. Lange, Cllr I. Luscombe and Cllr G. Sutton
The next meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 7th October, at Slapton Village Hall (main hall), at 7.00 pm.
Cllr J. Brazil, Cllr L. Lawford, Tony Rundle and members of the public are invited to attend
If any parishioners wish to speak at the meeting, please submit your papers or questions by email to 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person
1) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Does the PC resolve to accept the reasons for the apologies for absence from…?
Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether, in the light of recent activities, any items within their Register of Interests should be updated
5) Coleridge Bus: Tony Rundle
a. Cllr J. Brazil
b. Cllr L. Lawford
7) MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON 2nd September 2024, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record – See separate document (7)
a. Applications (for resolution)
i. 2834/24/FUL Land at Sx 810 464 Slapton
Provision of a stable block
PC comment by 24th October 2024
ii. 2737/24/FUL Higher Coltscombe Farm Slapton TQ7 2QE
Roofing over existing livestock handling area & concrete yard area & concreting existing hardcore access track within existing farmyard
PC comment by 31st October 2024
b. Decisions (for information only)
i. 1876/24/HHO 3 Orchard Coombe Barns Blacklands Farm Slapton TQ7 2QE
Householder application for 1 x skylight to the rear elevation (retrospective)
SHDC decision: Conditional Approval 22.08.24
ii. 2404/24/HHO Old Walls Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Householder application for removal of greenhouse, creation of garden room with external store & external shower room
SHDC decision: Conditional approval 17.09.24
iii. 2405/24/LBC Old Walls Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Listed Building consent for removal of greenhouse, creation of garden room with external store & external shower room
SHDC decision: Conditional approval 17.09.24
iv. 2397/24/PAA Thorn Slapton TQ7 2RD
Prior approval application for proposed new timber frame clad barn measuring 9m length x 6m breadth x 4m height to ridge (2.5m to eaves) following planning application 1985/24/AGR
SHDC decision: Refused 19.08.24
c. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment):
i. 2122/24/TCA The Arches Slapton TQ7 2PN
T1: Silver Birch – remove due to applicant wishing to extend parking area and create patio area
SHDC decision: No Objection Raised 01.08.24
d. Withdrawn (for information only): None
a. Slapton Treatment Works: Does the PC wish to take any further steps after their visit to Slapton Treatment Works in June 2024, where they learnt more about the reasons for releases of partially treated sewage into the Ley (NNR and SSSI) by South West? See separate document (9a)
b. South Hams Arts Festival 2025 (12th – 22nd June 2025): Available information can be found here: Home – South Hams Festival. Does the PC have any initial thoughts on if or how Slapton Parish might contribute/participate in the festival?
c. South Hams Way: Does the PC have any thoughts or comments on this initiative? How would the PC like to respond? See separate document (9c)
a. War Memorial: Does the PC approve payment of £250 to the PCC towards mowing costs? Does the PC approve cost of wreath for Remembrance Day ~ £25?
b. Rotary Club Crocuses: Would the PC like some more bulbs from Dartmouth Rotary Club? The suggestion is that more could be planted between the park and walk and bus shelter, as not many showed up this year, and a few more could be planted opposite the camp site.
a. See separate document (12a)
a. Verbal update from Chair on any matters arising since September’s PC meeting, to include an update on meeting with Caroline Voaden MP about the A379 Slapton Line at Strete on Thursday 19th September
a. Verbal update from Cllr Sutton on OPCC
b. Verbal update from Cllr Osborne on volunteer rota for Community Café
c. Verbal update from Cllr Mitchelmore on the cleaning of the War Memorial
a. Cllr updates on any pending actions/actions requiring a status update in the action log – See separate document (15a)
a. Payments to approve: Does the PC approve the payments below, which have been examined, verified and certified by the Clerk and RFO? – See separate documents (16a)
Payment no | Details of payment | Amount GBP | Paid for noting |
76 | Nick Mathias August Road Warden. Invoice no: 1896/25, dated 05.09.24 | 363.32 | 9th Sept |
Visa77 | Amazon: HP Ink Cartridges. Invoice no: GB469AG0oAEUI, dated 12.09.24 | 92.29
76.91 + 15.38 VAT |
16th Sept |
Visa78 | Amazon: Titon Media Ltd, 5 Reams of A4 Paper. Invoice no GB-118595141-2024-331184, dated 12.09.24 | 21.99
18.32 +3.67 VAT |
16th Sept |
DD79 | Information Commissioner’s Office renewal | 35.00 | 27th Sept |
80 | PKF: External Audit. Invoice no: SB20241447, dated 02.09.24 | 252.00
210.00 + 42.00 VAT |
81 | The British Federation of Film Societies (Cinema for All) Cinema for All Associate Membership. Invoice no: INV-3702, dated 10.09.24 | 80.00 | |
82 | DALC. Being a good Cllr 3, Giles Sutton. Invoice no: 5974, dated 10.09.24 | 18.00
15.00 + 3.00 VAT |
83 | Nick Mathias September mowing. Invoice no: 1907/25, dated 23.09.24 | 369.93 | |
84 | DALC. Being a good Cllr 4, Giles Sutton. Invoice no: 6016, dated 24.09.24 | 18.00
15.00 + 3.00 VAT |
85 | Nick Mathias September Road Warden. Invoice no: 1908/25, dated 26.09.24 | 364.22 | |
86 | Clerk’s salary September plus £24 WFH allowance | 845.20 |
b. Balance at bank
Balance as per bank statements on 29.09.24 | Amount GBP |
Events Treasurers Account | 0 |
Treasurers Account | 18,689.29 |
Instant Access Savings Account | 13,942.60 |
Total | 32,686.87 |
c. Receipts summary
Receipts as per bank statements on 29.09.24 | Amount GBP |
Events Treasurers Account | 0 |
Treasurers Account
· HMRC VTR XWV126000103400 329.33 · COMMUNITY FIRST TR REFUND 8360179181716211FU (PC was charged too much for annual insurance renewal) 28.00 · SOUTH HAMS D C 10547 (Precept) 14,586.00 |
14,943.33 |
Instant Access Savings Account | 11.88 |
Total | 14,955.21 |
d. Bank reconciliation, budget and external audit update
i. 2nd quarter bank reconciliation: Does the PC agree that the bank reconciliation can be signed by the Chair and another Cllr as correct? – see separate documents (16d i1, 16d i2, 16d i3, 16d i4 and 16d i5)
ii. 2nd quarter budget update, forecast and reserves: Does the PC approve forecast variations to each of the cost centres and possible overspends in the Clerk’s renumeration, hall hire and office expenses cost centres for reasons noted on the update and dated 29.09.24? – See separate documents (16d ii1 and 16d ii2)
iii. External auditors report certificate – see separate document (16d iii)
17) AOB
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on
Monday 4th November at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Signed: Bella Moor, Clerk Date: 1st October 2024
All agendas, supporting documents and minutes can be viewed at
Those in attendance: Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr I. Mitchelmore (Vice Chair), Cllr C. Staines, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr G. Sutton and Cllr I. Luscombe. Cllr J. Brazil arrived 7.30 pm and left at ~8.00 pm.
82:24 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: The PC resolved unanimously to accept the reasons for the apologies for absence from Cllr Crowson and Cllr Lange. Cllr Lawford sent her apologies via Cllr Brazil. Cllr Waters has not sent apologies to the Clerk.
Cllr Staines, who is on the Parochial Church Council, declared an interest in the proposal for resolution relating to the War Memorial in St James the Great’s churchyard (minute reference 91:24 a). It was agreed that he would not participate in discussions or vote on the matter.
86:24 Coleridge Bus Report: None
Cllr J. Brazil
a. District report
i. Community composting: A leaflet has been produced about SHDC’s community composting initiative, which Cllr Brazil shared with the Chair. This initiative can be run by any volunteers and does not have to be run by the PC. Chair to add to Chair’s Report in the next edition of the Slapton Lines Magazine. Chair to action.
ii. SHDC Executive Meeting: There will be a SHDC Executive Meeting on Thursday 9th October. There are financial pressures on SHDC as additional funds have been required for waste collection and to support leisure centres. Consequently, there is a need to raise extra revenue. This will be raised through car parking charges. There will be a two tier system. There will be no increased charges for locals but there will be an increased rate for visitors. Each council tax paying household will be able to register online so that they are charged at the ‘locals’ rate and they will be able to pay that rate using an app. Those without smart phones will be allocated an extra hour free when they buy a ticket from the ticket machine, which will show the new visitor rates, that will increase with from £2.00 to £4.50. SHDC will be meeting with Town Councils and asking them to liaise with stakeholders.
iii. South Hams Festival: Cllr Lawford may be able to provide some match funding and Cllr Brazil advised that the PC should register an interest in participating in the festival. He also suggested that the PC liaise with village pubs so that they are aware of the festival and can decide how they may wish to participate.
b. Slapton Line
i. Meeting: There was a meeting attended by Caroline Voaden MP, SHDC, DCC and Natural England, which Cllr Brazil attended. Caroline Voaden MP has now been brought up to speed on competing standpoints i.e. adaptation and save the line at any costs and that there is hope that all stakeholders can work together to find a middle way. DCC have not submitted the planning application (they didn’t do it before the election as they don’t have the money to, but did not notify anyone of this). There is agreement that there is a need to employ an Adaptation Manager asap. SHDC will be responsible for recruitment and funding for the position is available for the next two years. The next SLP meeting will not be scheduled until the Adaptation Manager is in role. Cllr Brazil and Cllr Lawford will chase this.
ii. Funding: Caroline Voaden MP has also been given a ‘wish list’ for funding requests to be submitted to the Secretary of State, which includes upgrades to the back roads/inland routes, increasing car parking at Strete and for submission of the planning application.
iii. Historic upgrades to inland routes: Cllr Lawford has received an update summarising historic upgrades to the inland routes and will share this with the PC.
iv. Localities grant application: Cllr Abbey asked about the status of this grant and Cllr Brazil said he would follow that up. Cllr Brazil to follow up.
c. County report
i. Devolution: County and Torbay have now signed the devolution deal. Cllr Brazil has spoken with Tudor Evans (Leader of Plymouth Council), who explained that this could be the first step in a long journey, perhaps towards a combined Devon and Cornwall authority.
ii. Council tax: Second home council tax will increase from April 2025. SHDC, together with other district councils in Devon, wanted DCC to ringfence the additional monies for housing projects (e.g. housing for key workers). However, DCC will spend this money on other things and will put £12m into repairing potholes. There was discussion between the PC’s Cllrs about the money spent on repairing potholes being a sticking plaster and that a longer term view to improving Devon’s Highways was needed.
88:24 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON 2nd September 2024 were agreed unanimously and signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a. Applications (for resolution)
i. 2834/24/FUL Land at Sx 810 464 Slapton
Provision of a stable block
Cllr Mitchelmore explained the location of the proposed stable block and that it will have no visual impact from the road. Cllr Mitchelmore proposed, Cllr Abbey seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to support the application. Clerk to submit.
ii. 2737/24/FUL Higher Coltscombe Farm Slapton TQ7 2QE
Roofing over existing livestock handling area & concrete yard area & concreting existing hardcore access track within existing farmyard
Cllr Mitchelmore explained that the reason for the roofing over the yards is to reduce run-off into nearby water courses and the Ley. Rainwater from roofing would instead be collected and directed into a soakaway. Cllr Mitchelmore proposed, Cllr Abbey seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to support the application. Clerk to submit.
iii. There was also discussion about another application that the PC has been notified of since the agenda was issued, with a consultation end date ahead of November’s meeting as follows:
3064/24/PDM Land At Sx 804 470 Slapton
Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to 1No dwellinghouse (class C3) & associated development (Class Q (a+b))
Cllr Mitchelmore explained that this application was to finalise the plans for the internal layout, that the PC had supported the initial application made earlier in the year on the grounds that the application was providing a home for local residents and that SHDC had approved those plans. Cllr Mitchelmore proposed, Cllr Abbey seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to support the application. Clerk to submit.
b. Decisions (for information only)
i. 1876/24/HHO 3 Orchard Coombe Barns Blacklands Farm Slapton TQ7 2QE
Householder application for 1 x skylight to the rear elevation (retrospective)
SHDC decision: Conditional Approval 22.08.24
ii. 2404/24/HHO Old Walls Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Householder application for removal of greenhouse, creation of garden room with external store & external shower room
SHDC decision: Conditional approval 17.09.24
iii. 2405/24/LBC Old Walls Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Listed Building consent for removal of greenhouse, creation of garden room with external store & external shower room
SHDC decision: Conditional approval 17.09.24
iv. 2397/24/PAA Thorn Slapton TQ7 2RD
Prior approval application for proposed new timber frame clad barn measuring 9m length x 6m breadth x 4m height to ridge (2.5m to eaves) following planning application 1985/24/AGR
SHDC decision: Refused 19.08.24
c. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment)
i. 2122/24/TCA The Arches Slapton TQ7 2PN
T1: Silver Birch – remove due to applicant wishing to extend parking area and create patio area
SHDC decision: No Objection Raised 01.08.24
d. Withdrawn (for information only): None
a. Slapton Treatment Works: Does the PC wish to take any further steps after their visit to Slapton Treatment Works in June 2024, where they learnt more about the reasons for releases of partially treated sewage into the Ley (NNR and SSSI) by South West? There was discussion and agreement that the current situation (multiple releases of partially treated sewage into the Ley per annum) does not seem acceptable, in particular, given the sensitive nature of the NNR and it’s SSSI status. Cllr Osborne proposed, Cllr Sutton seconded and it was resolved unanimously that the PC would contact the Environment Agency to discuss the issue further. Clerk to arrange meeting between PC and Environment Agency.
b. South Hams Arts Festival 2025 (12th – 22nd June 2025): Available information can be found here: Home – South Hams Festival. Does the PC have any initial thoughts on if or how Slapton Parish might contribute/participate in the festival? There was a short discussion and agreement with Cllr Brazil’s suggestion that the PC should register an interest. Cllr Abbey proposed, Cllr Staines seconded and it was resolved unanimously that the PC should formally register an interest in the festival as long as there aren’t any financial implications at the registering stage. Clerk to action. Cllr Brazil also suggested that the PC discuss the festival with the two village pubs. Cllr Mitchelmore to action and Clerk to provide Cllr Mitchelmore with additional information, which he can share. It was also agreed the Chair would share information about the festival with the Village Hall Committee and include it in the Chair’s report in the next edition of the Slapton Lines Magazine, to encourage parishioners to share their ideas and suggestions with the PC. Chair to action.
c. South Hams Way: Does the PC have any thoughts or comments on this initiative? How would the PC like to respond? Cllr Osborne proposed, Cllr Abbey seconded and it was resolved unanimously that the Clerk would email the PC’s support of this scheme but that they would not offer PC funding for signage. Clerk to action.
a. War Memorial: Does the PC approve payment of £250 to the PCC towards mowing costs? Does the PC approve the cost of a wreath for Remembrance Day ~ £25? Cllr Osborne proposed, Cllr Abbey seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to approve the payments. Clerk to action. There was a brief discussion about who might lay the wreath. Cllr Luscombe will ask Mike Bowles if might like to lay the wreath.
b. Rotary Club Crocuses: Would the PC like some more bulbs from Dartmouth Rotary Club? Cllr Mitchelmore proposed, Cllr Luscombe seconded and the PC resolved unanimously that they would be grateful for some more Crocus bulbs from Dartmouth Rotary Club to be planted in the areas suggested (between the park and walk and bus shelter and a few more could be planted opposite the camp site).
a. See separate document (12a).
b. CSG Hurdle Workshops have been cancelled due to lack of interest.
a. Verbal update from Chair on any matters arising since September’s PC meeting.
i. The Slapton Line and Slapton Line Partnership were discussed at the start of Strete’s monthly PC meeting in September. Members of the public, Caroline Voaden MP, Strete PC and representatives from Slapton, Stoke Flemming and Frogmore PCs were also present. Stokenham PC were not in attendance. Caroline Voaden MP was not yet fully up to speed with the issues relating to the Slapton Line. A reporter from the Gazette summarised the issues and Caroline’s response that there is only money for either upgrading the inland roads or repairing the line and not both. She did not seem aware that the request for monies from the Government is for sea defences (rock armour) and not repairs.
ii. Save our Shoreline is a charity set up by James Morrison to raise funds for a feasibility study regarding an alternative off-shore solution to on-shore sea defences, namely the replacing of gravel offshore (which was historically removed to build Devonport Docks). Cllr Abbey will liaise directly with Save our Shoreline to share any information that the PC has, which might be of use or of interest to them.
a. Verbal update from Cllr Sutton on OPCC: There has been a sustainable improvement in the handling of 999 and 101 calls. Grants are available for Local Councils for tackling crime and developing their own initiatives to tackle crime. Cllr Sutton has also contacted Ed Thomas (Neighbourhood Police Team Leader) and is meeting him on 11.10.24. Our local Neighbourhood Police Team will continue to be based in Dartmouth although Ed is located in Brixham. There was a discussion about the possibility of a beat surgery, perhaps at the Community Café, which Cllr Sutton will discuss with Ed. Cllr Sutton thanked Cllrs who hac completed the Police and Crime survey and has confirmed that he will return it. Cllr Sutton also shared that there will be an online seminar about road safety in December. Cllr Osborne thanked Cllr Sutton for taking over the OPCC Cllr advocate role.
b. Verbal update from Cllr Osborne on volunteer rota for Community Café. Cllr Osborne summarised why there is a need for volunteers and how he has approached shop and church volunteers. There are still some gaps in the rota, which he and Cllr Abbey will work on. Cllr Osborne to share rota once filled.
c. Verbal update from Cllr Mitchelmore on the cleaning of the War Memorial. Adrian Mundy – Kingsbridge Funeral Directors – has volunteered to clean this free of charge. Cllr Mitchelmore confirmed it was the PC’s responsibility and checked it was OK with the PCC.
a. Cllr updates on any pending actions/actions requiring a status update in the action log. There were no pending actions that required discussion.
a. Payments to approve: Does the PC approve the payments below, which have been examined, verified and certified by the Clerk and RFO? Cllr Mitchelmore proposed, Cllr Sutton seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to approve the payments below, plus additional payments (invoices 87, 88, 89 and 90 presented at the meeting).
Payment no | Details of payment | Amount GBP | Paid for noting |
76 | Nick Mathias August Road Warden. Invoice no: 1896/25, dated 05.09.24 | 363.32 | 9th Sept |
Visa77 | Amazon: HP Ink Cartridges. Invoice no: GB469AG0oAEUI, dated 12.09.24 | 92.29
76.91 + 15.38 VAT |
16th Sept |
Visa78 | Amazon: Titon Media Ltd, 5 Reams of A4 Paper. Invoice no GB-118595141-2024-331184, dated 12.09.24 | 21.99
18.32 +3.67 VAT |
16th Sept |
DD79 | Information Commissioner’s Office renewal | 35.00 | 27th Sept |
80 | PKF: External Audit. Invoice no: SB20241447, dated 02.09.24 | 252.00
210.00 + 42.00 VAT |
81 | The British Federation of Film Societies (Cinema for All) Cinema for All Associate Membership. Invoice no: INV-3702, dated 10.09.24 | 80.00 | |
82 | DALC. Being a good Cllr 3, Giles Sutton. Invoice no: 5974, dated 10.09.24 | 18.00
15.00 + 3.00 VAT |
83 | Nick Mathias September mowing. Invoice no: 1907/25, dated 23.09.24 | 369.93 | |
84 | DALC. Being a good Cllr 4, Giles Sutton. Invoice no: 6016, dated 24.09.24 | 18.00
15.00 + 3.00 VAT |
85 | Nick Mathias September Road Warden. Invoice no: 1908/25, dated 26.09.24 | 364.22 | |
86 | Clerk’s salary September plus £24 WFH allowance | 845.20 | |
Additional payments for approval presented at the meeting | |||
DD87 | VC Warehouse October phone. Invoice no: 1014489, dated 01.10.24 | 11.94
9.95 + 1.99 VAT |
88 | Village Hall: PC meeting 2nd Sept 2024. Invoice no: C09900/24, dated 30.09.24 | 20.00 | |
89 | Woolston Accounts Sept payroll. Invoice no: 0506 dated 03.10.24 | 20.00 | |
90 | SLCC Membership Renewal (due to renew 1st December 2024). Invoice no: MEM251162-1, dated 07.10.24 | 148.00 |
b. Balance at bank
Balance as per bank statements on 29.09.24 | Amount GBP |
Events Treasurers Account | 0 |
Treasurers Account | 18,689.29 |
Instant Access Savings Account | 13,942.60 |
Total | 32,686.87 |
c. Receipts summary
Receipts as per bank statements on 29.09.24 | Amount GBP |
Events Treasurers Account | 0 |
Treasurers Account
· HMRC VTR XWV126000103400 329.33 · COMMUNITY FIRST TR REFUND 8360179181716211FU (PC was charged too much for annual insurance renewal) 28.00 · SOUTH HAMS D C 10547 (Precept) 14,586.00 |
14,943.33 |
Instant Access Savings Account | 11.88 |
Total | 14,955.21 |
d. Bank reconciliation, budget and external audit update
i. 2nd quarter bank reconciliation: Cllr Abbey proposed, Cllr Osborne seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to agree the signing, at the meeting, of the bank reconciliation as correct.
ii. 2nd quarter budget update, forecast and reserves: Cllr Sutton proposed, Cllr Staines seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to approve the possible overspends in the Clerk’s renumeration, hall hire and office expenses cost centres for reasons noted on the updated documents, dated 29.09.24.
iii. External auditors’ report certificate: The PC confirmed receipt of the external auditors’ report certificate.
98:24 AOB
a. Cllr Abbey asked the Clerk to contact the Tree Wardens to provide the PC with any updates on Tree Warden projects. Clerk to action.
b. Cllr Abbey and Cllr Osborne discussed Highways and resending email to Cllr Hughes.
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on
Monday 4th November at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Signed: Date:
- (7) 02.09.24 Minutes
- (9a) Slapton Sewage Treatment Works Permit Variation Issued 9775252
- (9c) South Hams Way
- (12a) Clerk's report 07.10.24
- (15a) V11 Open Action Log 2024-25
- (16a) Payments for approval
- (16d i1) 29.09.24 2nd quarter Bank Reconcilliation
- (16d i3) 2nd quarter Summary 24-25
- (16d i4) 2nd quarter Cashbook 24-25
- (16d i5) 2nd quarter Savings 24-25
- (16d ii1) 2nd quarter Budget Update 24-25
- (16d ii2) 2nd quarter Reserves Summary 24-25
- (16d iii) External Auditors Report Certificate