Council Meeting – 7 November 2022
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council held on: Monday 7th November 2022 at Slapton Village Hall (main hall) at 7.00pm.
If any parishioners wish to either attend the meeting/and or speak, please submit your papers and questions by email to 48hrs in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person.
The PC also encourage all attendees to follow the Government Living with Covid Guidelines / section 56, safer behaviours.
The following Councillors are summoned to attend:
J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey (Vice Chair), Cllr Crowson, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr Waters.
Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R. Foss, PC Oli Abercrombie, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are invited.
Agenda -7th November 2022
- DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
a). Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update, Cllr Murphy. - DISTRICT AND DISTRICT COUNCILLOR REPORT
Cllr J Brazil:
a). Highways Update – PC SCARF and speed sign brief.
b). DCC Cyclic Cleaning Agreement for PC’s update.
c). A379 Update
d). DCC painted pedestrian path – District meeting motion update.
Cllr R Foss:
a). A379 update.
b). Monument relocation update.
c). Planning update re Whitebeam unauthorised signs.
6. MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 3rd October 2022, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a). Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
b). Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline
2584/22/HHO – Thorn Barn, Slapton. TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Householder application for single storey flat roof extension.
3122/22/TCA – Land at SX 820 449, Meadow Court, Brook Street, Slapton. TQ7 2PR
Proposal: Further to the above application, please see above the highlighted amendment to the application description. T2: Sweet Chestnut – crown lift to 1m from g/l, T3: Ash – remove due to ADB, T4: Beech – crown lift to 3m from g/l, max diameter to be removed 30mm, T5: Lime – crown lift to 3m from g/l, max diameter to be removed 30mm, T8: Photinia – remove due to ADB, T13: Birch – remove dead tree, T17: Redwood – deadwood removal (deadwood exempt).
3449/22/HHO – High Barn, Slapton. TQ7 2RB
Proposal: Householder application for single storey extension to the north elevation of the existing building & landscaping works.
3541/22/PIP – Florence House, Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Proposal – Application for Permission in Principle for change of use & extension of an existing annexe to provide 1No. Dwelling Florence House.
3625/22/HHO – Watergate Cottage, Start, Slapton TQ7 2QD
Proposal – Householder application for insertion of new window to replace one being blocked up following planning consent 4192/19/HHO.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
2224/42/HHO – Torr Farm, Slapton TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Householder application for demolition of existing extension and construction of new two-storey extension with associated internal alterations and external landscaping (resubmission of 1263/22/HHO). Conditional Approval.
3122/22/TCA – Land at SX 820 449, Meadow Court, Brook Street, Slapton, TQ7 2PR
Proposal: T2: Sweet Chestnut – crown lift to 1m from g/l, T3: Ash – remove due to ADB, T4: Beech – crown lift to 3m from g/l, max diameter to be removed 30mm, T5: Lime – crown lift to 3m from g/l, max diameter to be removed 30mm, T8: Photinia – remove due to ADB, T13: Birch – remove dead tree, T17: Redwood – deadwood removal (deadwood exempt). No Objection.
2599/22/LBC – Prospect, Prospect Hill. Slapton. TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for replacement of nine fence panels. Conditional Approval.
2984/22/VAR – Application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on planning consent 0648/17/FUL. Conditional Approval.
Withdrawn – None
a).Agree PC response to DCC Highways.
b). Agree 2023 Mowing plan, including planting for donated Rotary club purple crocus corns.
c). Agree Road Warden schedule of works.
d). Agree future of the CSG committee.
e). Agree for resolution 2022-23 pay settlement award.
f). Agree for resolution: Internal auditor and terms.
g). Agree for resolution: Brookings Drain cleaning quotation of £1,615 + Vat.
h). Agree for resolution: 2023 Insurance Provider and terms.
i). Agree patch path repair approach/quote.
j). Recreation field: Gate installation update, parishioner donation and parishioner request for a sign before the entrance when coming down hill.
k). Winter community hub / PC Surgery trial.
l) .Winter drain cleaning – village notice arrangements.
m). Elections 2023 – Agree canvassing programme and Cllr Recruitment Update.
n. Review 2023 draft budget.
a). Recreation field contract.
b). Deer Bridge Path feedback.
a). To receive an update from the clerk on matters ongoing.
b). For Cllrs to highlight matters which require attention or future agenda items.
- Council to approve the following payments:
87/22 £35.00. Village Hall – Defibrillator training 14/7/22. Invoice C10726/22 (Noted as paid 6/10/22
88/22 £823.80. L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary Oct 22 £778.80 Gross) less NEST employee payments £10.36. Net £768.44 and WFH allowance £24.00 Plus Expenses £55.36. (Noted as Paid on 1-11-22).
89/22 £18.13. October NEST employee contribution – £10.36 and employer contribution £7.70 (Total employer and employee deduction £18.13).
90/22 £20.00. Woolston Accounting – Monthly Oct payroll. Invoice 2301 dated 28/10/22.
91/22 £285.00. Nick Mathias – Oct Mowing (Delayed Sept Cut). Invoice 1512/23 dated 13/10/22.
92/22 £300.00. Nick Mathias – Oct Road Warden Work. Invoice 1515 /23 dated 29/10/22.
93/22 £192.00. Parish Online – Annual Licence fee – new website Oct 22-Oct 23. Invoice 18UG043-0003 dated 10/10/22.
94/22 £11.94. VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (Oct). Invoice 1011266 dated 12/10/22 paid 17/10 by DD. (Paid for noting).
95/22 £84.00. DALC – Annual Conference Attendance Fee – Clerk and Vice Chair. Invoice 4247 dated 21/10/22.
96/22 £144.00. SLCC Annual Membership Fee – Invoice MEM241238-1 dated 21-10-22.
97/22 £20.00. RBL – Remembrance day Wreath. Invoice 0872084 dated Oct 22.
98/22 £11.94. VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (Nov). Invoice 1011405 dated 1/11/22 due 15/11 by DD.
a). Balance at Bank 2/11/22: £26,288.64
Treasurers Account £16,780.92
Instant Access Savings Account £9,507.72
b). Receipts:
Treasurers Account: £370.00.
Instant Access Savings Account interest £0.39
Total Receipts Sept: £370.39
c). £370.00 donation received 2/11/22 from Parishioner to cover costs for the Recreation Field gate installation.
d). HMCEF Mid-Year Grant Claim refund submitted to DCC Highways 31-10-22 £3,308.00.
e). Local Government Association 2022/23 pay offer agreed.
Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on Monday 5th December 2022 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Members of the public wishing to attend are asked to follow the Governments Living with Covid Guidelines.
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk 1/11/22
All meeting agenda’s, supporting documents and minutes can be viewed at
Minutes – 7th November 2022
Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Abbey, Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Murphy, Cllr Sullock
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil (7pm – 8.30pm), Cllr R Foss, (7pm to 9.10pm).
95-22 Apologies for absence – PC Abercrombie, Cllr Waters, Cllr Crowson, Cllr Staines.
96-22 Declarations of interest – Cllr J Hinder, Planning Application 3541/22/PIP.
97.22 Public comment – In response to a letter from the PC, the lease owner of the village recreation field attended to advise that installing a permissive path between White Close and the Recreation Field was not approved and that the lease on the Recreation Field for the remaining 88 years would have no break clauses and that they would be happy for the PC to improve the wording to reflect this and the notice period at the end of the lease term to meet the PC audit requirement. Clerk to progress with solicitors.
98.22 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update.
- Cllr Murphy reported they would be attending the OPCC seminar on speeding on the 7th The Chair asked if Cllr Murphy could bring back speeding advice leaflets and contacts to the next meeting.
- The OPCC had reported that calls to 999 and 101 had increased by 30% with an average of 818 daily calls of 30mins in duration across Devon and Cornwall over the summer period, likely due to visitors to the region. Chair to include in the Slapton Lines Chairs report.
- Cllr Foss encouraged everyone to take photos of their valuable items so these could be identified if stolen.
99.22 County & District Councillor reports
1. Cllr J Brazil:
a). A379 Road Closure at Frogmore – It was reported that at a meeting with the site manager 7/11/22, the contractors were hoping to complete the works by mid-week the following week as they do not weekends. Access for emergency vehicles only was in place. Cllr Brazil also reported the following forthcoming road works: 24th November for overnight tree works from Totnes to Hallwell, 28th November at Loddiswell for road repairs. Modbury high street for 3 months from January to end of March to repair pipes. Cllr Foss reported that Gara Bridge was closed due to bridge repairs. The Chair stated all were a positive inconvenience to keep our roads maintained.
b). Highways Update – PC SCARF and speed sign brief. Cllr Brazil advised they are requesting at full council if an official ‘ ignore sat nav’ sign can be commissioned.
c). DCC Cyclic Cleaning Agreement – It was reported that Strete PC are taking this forward and SPC may wish to consider this again in the future. The Chair advised the current agreement was not cost effective and had requested that Highways provide a map of the locations of all the Buddle Holes and drains across the parish for further consideration. This was still outstanding.
d). Finances – DCC and SHDC are both in very challenging times and will have a clearer view on their finances after the Whitehall Cabinet meeting, 10 November 2022 at which the GVT spending plans will be laid out highlighting the impact of Local Authorities budgets. DCC are already challenged in balancing the 2022 budget and need to find £75M of funding for 2023. The clerks asked if given the current situation the Localities grant pledges of £800 were still available. Cllr Foss and Cllr Brazil both confirmed but only until the end of the financial year March 2023. Chair to progress equipment quotes for next meeting.
e). Speed signs (VAS) and SCARF survey – Cllr Abbey reported that the PC had reached an impasse with Highways dept in installing VAS signs to make the village roads safe and laid out some examples of where communications were failing and stated this was not acceptable. Cllr Abbey reported they had attended the DALC Annual Conference and spoken to the DCC Highways traffic officers who stated 3 speed signs may not be necessary but that the PC needed Highways to engage and advise/approval locations to move forward. Cllr Brazil to follow up with Highways and report at next meeting.
f). DCC painted pedestrian path – The matter is being discussed at the December DCC Council meeting following a motion raised at the October meeting that road policies need to be updated to reflect recent changes in legislation regarding priority being given to pedestrians and cyclists. The Chair advised they would work constructively with Highways to trial a pedestrian road painted path given that there had been 136 people walking in the narrow road to access the recreation field in October. Update next meeting.
Cllr Brazil left the meeting at 8.30pm
Cllr R Foss:
g).A379 at Frogmore. The road has been closed for drainage works as too narrow to put in traffic lights.
h). A379 – Slapton Lines. Anthony Mangnall MP has a programme to present to Whitehall including a case that Natural England undertake work on SSSI sites so no reason not to approve protecting the road. The paper focusses on lost income to the area as a case for funding. Cllr Abbey asked the best way to receive updates. Cllr Foss agreed to find out and report back next meeting.
i).Monument relocation update. It was reported that Strete PC are consulting with the FSC on insurance and that DCC had agreed to insure. The monument would not now be on the SHDC car park instead on the designated land and DCC are pushing to obtain agreement and Strete PC for a site aesthetics plan. The clerk asked if the submerged concrete base and the removal of this had been considered on weakening the car park area defence and that this needed to be co-ordinated with any funding protection from Government so that the defence is in place before removing the base.
j). It was reported that there would be a £40M deficit if the County becomes part of a Unitary Council with the closure of DCC and SHDC.
k). Waste and brown bin collections. Cllr Foss advised final collections were undertaken by the end of October and residents should contact SHDC if still awaiting a collection as SHDC have pledged not to leave residents with uncollected waste over winter. The new 2023 Green Waste scheme is launched costing £49 per year for households wishing to have garden waste collected. The fee set is not for profit. The Chair reported that Sustainable South Hams offers ideas to re-purpose brown bins for wormeries and composting.
l). Planning update re Whitebeam unauthorised signs – No update. Cllr Abbey raised they had seen lights on at the reservoir development over the half-term holiday and a CCTV notice on the gates and asked for an update. Cllr Foss agreed to follow up. It was also raised there were a lot of outstanding replies to planning queries across the parish. Cllr Foss advised that the law is such that owners have the right to put in a planning application if SHDC feel this needs further investigation.
m). Water Shortages – Cllr Foss reported that the Avon Dam was now full.
Cllr Foss left the meeting at 9.10pm
100-22 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 3rd October 2022. Cllr Sullock proposed, Cllr Mitchelmore seconded and the PC unanimously agreed for the minutes to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
101.22 Review of Action Log – Clerk to update.
102.22 Matters in Abeyance
a) Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
b) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline – Cllrs to submit content.
103.22 Planning
2584/22/HHO – Thorn Barn, Slapton. TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Householder application for single storey flat roof extension. No comment.
3122/22/TCA – Land at SX 820 449, Meadow Court, Brook Street, Slapton. TQ7 2PR
Proposal: Further to the above application, please see above the highlighted amendment to the application description. T2: Sweet Chestnut – crown lift to 1m from g/l, T3: Ash – remove due to ADB, T4: Beech – crown lift to 3m from g/l, max diameter to be removed 30mm, T5: Lime – crown lift to 3m from g/l, max diameter to be removed 30mm, T8: Photinia – remove due to ADB, T13: Birch – remove dead tree, T17: Redwood – deadwood removal (deadwood exempt).
No comment
3449/22/HHO – High Barn, Slapton. TQ7 2RB
Proposal: Householder application for single storey extension to the north elevation of the existing building & landscaping works.
No comment
3541/22/PIP – Florence House, Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN. The Chair left the room whilst the application was discussed.
Proposal – Application for Permission in Principle for change of use & extension of an existing annexe to provide 1No. Dwelling Florence House. Object, requested further information
3625/22/HHO – Watergate Cottage, Start, Slapton TQ7 2QD
Proposal – Householder application for insertion of new window to replace one being blocked up following planning consent 4192/19/HHO.
No comment
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
2224/42/HHO – Torr Farm, Slapton TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Householder application for demolition of existing extension and construction of new two-storey extension with associated internal alterations and external landscaping (resubmission of 1263/22/HHO). Conditional Approval.
3122/22/TCA – Land at SX 820 449, Meadow Court, Brook Street, Slapton, TQ7 2PR
Proposal: T2: Sweet Chestnut – crown lift to 1m from g/l, T3: Ash – remove due to ADB, T4: Beech – crown lift to 3m from g/l, max diameter to be removed 30mm, T5: Lime – crown lift to 3m from g/l, max diameter to be removed 30mm, T8: Photinia – remove due to ADB, T13: Birch – remove dead tree, T17: Redwood – deadwood removal (deadwood exempt). Refer to Tree Wardens
2599/22/LBC – Prospect, Prospect Hill. Slapton. TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for replacement of nine fence panels. Conditional Approval.
2984/22/VAR – Application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on planning consent 0648/17/FUL. Conditional Approval.
Withdrawn – None
104.22 Matters for discussion
a). Agree PC response to DCC Highways. Refer 99-22(e) – Cllr Brazil to progress VAS signs. The PC agreed for the Road Warden to remove all the blue advisory speed and width signs as instructed by Highways and the Chair to include an update in the Slapton Lines Chairs report. Clerk to contact the VAS supplier to check the VAS quotes are still valid.
b).Agree 2023 Mowing plan, including planting for donated Rotary club purple crocus corns. The PC agreed for Cllr Abbey and the Clerk to meet with the Road Warden to discuss the 2023 contract. It was agreed that due to lack of resources it was unfortunately not possible to accept the Rotary club crocus donation and to consider this next year once the village gateways have been planted. Clerk to update parishioner.
c).Agree Road Warden schedule of works. To be discussed at the meeting with the Road Warden.
d).Agree future of the CSG committee – It was agreed to put on hold temporarily given the limited resources to support the committee and to focus on delivering the Pandemic Tapestry project.
e). The Chair proposed, Cllr Abbey seconded and the PC agreed unanimously to approve for resolution the National 2022-23 pay settlement award. Add to Dec agenda.
f). The Chair proposed and Cllr Abbey seconded to approve for resolution the appointment of Devon Audit Partnership and terms, as the PC’s Internal auditors. Add to Dec agenda.
g).Cllr Sullock proposed and Cllr Mitchelmore seconded to approve for resolution, Brookings road sweeping and drain cleaning quotation of £1,615 + Vat. Add to Dec agenda.
h). The Chair proposed and Cllr Murphy seconded to approve for resolution to continue with the PC’s existing Insurance Provider on a 3 year fixed term contract from June 2023. Add to Dec agenda.
i). Cllr Mitchelmore proposed and Cllr Sullock seconded to approve the beach patch path repair approach/quote of £750.00 following consideration of samples of rock materials provided at the meeting by Cllr Crowson. Clerk to brief Road Warden to work with Cllr Crowson to progress project asap.
j). Recreation field: The Chair conveyed thanks on behalf of the PC for the kind donation of £370.00 to install a gate at the recreation field. Cllr Water to progress the installation as soon as possible around weather and farming commitments. The PC also agreed to progress replacing the existing entrance sign to a double sided sign to highlight the entrance from both approaches up and down hill following on from a parishioner request. Clerk to progress supplier quotes.
k).Winter community coffee hub / PC Surgery trial. Cllr Abbey and Cllr Sullock reported they had spoken to several parishioners who were not sure if would attend but Cllr Abbey felt they would be useful to host a PC surgery in the run up to the local elections. The Chair suggested the events could be used to launch the pandemic tapestry and would follow up with the parishioner leading this project. The Chair asked for this to be add to matters in abeyance along with a family friendly film club at which funds could be raised for a basketball hoop. PC to monitor the situation as the cost-of-living crisis progresses.
l). Winter drain cleaning – The village notices and parking arrangements were discussed. Clerk to produce notices, Chair, Cllr Murphy and Cllr Sullock to support production and posting.
m). Elections 2023 – Agree canvassing programme and Cllr Recruitment Update. Agreed to carry to December agenda.
n). The 2023 draft budget was reviewed. Clerk to make changes / add to December agenda.
105.22 Proposals for Resolution – None
106.22 Chairs Report
a). Recreation field contract – Refer to 97.22
b). Deer Bridge Footpath repair. The Chair report parishioner feedback had been very positive now that the path was walkable in all weathers and thanked DCC PROW managers Paul McFadden and Ros Davis, the FSC and all DCC agencies for their support in funding and undertaking the work which had been pending for a number of years and was instrumental to enabling active travel and community well-being.
107.22 Reports
a). Clerks report.
- CSG Committee meeting attendance 11/10/22
- DALC Annual Conference attendance with Vice Chair 5/10/22.
- Draft 2023 Budget and working group meeting attendance.
- DCC HMCEF Mid-Year Grant submission £3308.00.
- Attendance / speaking at the White Close AGM 22/10/33 and follow up support notes to Chairman.
- Winter Road Cleaning – Liaison with Supplier, FSC, Village Hall re parking arrangements.
- Reply to 4 parishioners enquiries.
- Research into a community film club.
- Research into the DCC Warm Welcome scheme.
- Auditor tendering.
- Insurance provider tendering.
- 2023 Mowing and Road Contract updating.
- Website rollout: Liaison with Cllrs/ supplier re email address changeover and website provider re new website specification.
- DCC Highways
- Complaint support re SCARF survey and Speed Sign installation.
- Reply to Cllr Brazil re PC’s decline of Cyclical Works Scheme as terms not favourable to the Parish.
- DCC have approved a power flush of the block drain into White Close. Lisa Edmunds will be attending to oversee this. No date provided as yet.
- 10 CSG Facebook and 10 PC website news posts drafted/SEO/posted.
- Liaison with DCC PROW Manager re Footpath 10+11 repair notices and other works in progress. Negative comments received from 2 parishioners. Many positive comments received.
- Liaison with Road Warden – October Road Warden Work brief, Mowing plan.
- Office and budget administration.
- Notice board updating.
- Recreation field facilities servicing and visit numbers monitoring. Total 1501 visits since 1/2/22 and 136 in October 2022.
- 2023 Budget plan.
- 5-year Business plan.
- 2023 tenders: Internal Auditor tender, mowing contract and Insurer contract finalisation.
- DCC SCARF survey and Shop Grant management.
- Autumn annual PROW paths inspection due before Christmas ahead of report. submission 7 Feb 2023.
- HM Prison Service community Payback scheme.
- 2023 local elections – Notices schedule and PC marketing / recruitment
b). Cllrs reports: None
108.22 Financial matters
i). Cllr Abbey proposed, Cllr Sullock seconded and the Council unanimously approved the following payments:
87/22 £35.00, Village Hall – Defibrillator training 14/7/22. Invoice C10726/22 (Noted as paid 6/10/22
88/22, £823.80, L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary Oct 22 £778.80 Gross) less NEST employee payments £10.36. Net £768.44 and WFH allowance £24.00 Plus Expenses £55.36. (Noted as paid on 1-11-22).
89/22 £18.13, October NEST employee contribution – £10.36 and employer contribution £7.70 (Total employer and employee deduction £18.13).
90/22 £20.00, Woolston Accounting – Monthly Oct payroll. Invoice 2301 dated 28/10/22
91/22 £285.00, Nick Mathias – Oct Mowing (Delayed Sept Cut). Invoice 1512/23 dated 13/10/22.
92/22 £300.00, Nick Mathias – Oct Road Warden Work. Invoice 1515 /23 dated 29/10/22.
93/22 £192.00, Parish Online – Annual Licence fee – new website Oct 22-Oct 23. Invoice 18UG043-0003 dated 10/10/22
94/22 £11.94, VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (Oct). Invoice 1011266 dated 12/10/22 paid 17/10 by DD. (Paid for noting)
95/22 £84.00, DALC – Annual Conference Attendance Fee – Clerk and Vice Chair. Invoice 4247 dated 21/10/22
96/22 £144.00, SLCC Annual Membership Fee – Invoice MEM241238-1 dated 21-10-22
97/22 £20.00, RBL – Remembrance Day Wreath. Invoice 0872084 dated Oct 22
98/22 £11.94, VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (Nov). Invoice 1011405 dated 1/11/22 due 15/11 by DD.
a). Balance at Bank 29/11/22: £26,288.64
- Treasurers Account £16,780.92
- Instant Access Savings Account £9,507.72
- Treasurers Account: £370.00.
- Instant Access Savings Account interest £0.39
- Total Receipts Sept: £370.39
c). £370.00 donation received 2/11/22 from Parishioner to cover costs for the Recreation Field gate installation.
d). HMCEF Mid-Year Grant Claim refund submitted to DCC Highways
31-10-22 £3,308.00.
e). Local Government Association 2022/23 National Pay Awards agreed.
Next Parish Council monthly meeting to be held on Monday 5th December 2022 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Members of the public wishing to attend to contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines
The meeting ended at 10.50pm
Julie Hinder, Chair
Dated: 5/12/22