Council Meeting – 6th September 2021
Agenda – 6th September 2021
The following Councillor s are summoned to attend: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr S. Sullock, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr Gavin Wollacott.
Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr R. Foss, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.
2) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
4) POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme: Cllr D Murphy.
Cllr J Brazil:
a) Relocation of the war memorial – Update.
b) Deer Bridge road repair update.
c) Coleridge Association litter picking kit grant application.
Cllr R Foss:
d) New recycling scheme rollout update.
e) Beach Car Park – Enforcement report update 1st May to date.
f) Update on Slapton Lines Adaption Manager recruitment.
6) MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 12th July 2021, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a.) Monument relocation to Strete Gate
b.) Plastic recycling scheme – Refer 5(d) above. Monitor situation.
c.) Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed. Cllr Staines to confirm stock levels at the Sept meeting.
d.) Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify.
e.) Leet on Carr Lane – Cllr Mitchelmore in liaison with contractor to arrange repairs over summer. Cllr Mitchelmore to update next meeting.
f.) Duke of Edinburgh Commemorative Tree – Agree location/Tree type and purchase for planting in Nov 2021
g.) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 17th September.
h.) Website development / upgrade
i.) DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (where applicable)
3037/21/TC – The Chantry, Slapton. TQ7 2PN
Proposal: T1 Evergreen = Crown retrenchment by up to 4M to encourage development of lower crown.
3055/21/HHO – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for replacement vinery building
3056/21/LBC – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for replacement vinery building
3065/21/LBC – Little Gate, Slapton. TQ7 2PN
Proposal: Listed building consent for replacement side porch.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
1706/21/VAR – Rowan Lodge, Buckland Court, Slapton TQ7 2RE
Proposal: Application for variation of Condition 2 (accommodation occupancy) of planning consent
Decision: Conditional Approval.
2395/21/HHO -Lambs Park, Slapton TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Householder application for proposed outbuilding (resubmission of 1245/21/HHO).
Decision: Conditional Approval.
2406/21/HHO – 9 Chantry Hill, Slapton. TQ7 2QY
Proposal: Householder application for alterations and extension to rear first floor extension.
Decision: Conditional Approval.
Village Maintenance:
a) 2022 Village Mowing Programme / verge management
b) September Road Warden Brief.
c) Winter Commercial Drain Cleaning – Quote / Blocked drains and run-off issues.
d) Approval of costs for Carr Lane Leat repair.
e) Village Map reprint.
f) Parents request for shelter at Greenbanks Play Park.
g) Parishioner request to reposition the warning sign top of Blacksmiths Hill.
h) Parishioner cost contribution request to install a further 3 posts / no parking notices at the entrance to the Ley and Bird ringing hut.
i) Village playing field sign upgrade.
j) Parishioner request for input re damaged wall at Townsend
k) Village Gateway planter + commemorative tree
l) 20’s Plenty scheme:
m) Queens Platinum Jubilee – Village Programme…
n) Community Grant Requests.
o) Highways Code Community Mailing – print costs approval.
p) All Stars -2021 activities for approval.
q) P3 Scheme: Dog Waste Signage / Country Code Mailing.
r) August Speed Survey Results / Next steps re DCC engagement.
s) All Stars Bio-diversity event at White Close.… /…
t) Parishioner donation to CSG committee for Laura Barley
u) SH South Devon AONB Partnership Committee Meeting 26/11/2021, PC attendance.
v) Community Assets.
w) SLP Meeting 12th October- Cllr attendance. + questions / issues to be raised on behalf of Slapton PC
x) SHDV Planning Validation Checklist Consultation – Deadline 15/9/21, PC response.…
y) 3973/20/VAR planning application status.
z) CSG group – Bi Annual meeting/agenda.
aa) Website– Community feedback
bb) 2022 budget – Agree principles.
• MS Office 365 upgrade.
• Parish Online – 30 Day trial
For information only:
• 20 CSG Facebook and 24 PC website posts drafted/posted July/August.
• Maintenance reporting:
o Liaison with Road Warden – 2022 Mowing brief/ Road Warden Work.
o Liaison with supplier re commercial winter village clean.
o Liaison with Cllr Mitchelmore re Carr Lane Leat repair.
o Playing Field Sign – Research into legal requirements / brief to the PC.
• Correspondence sent to 8 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
• SHDC/ DCC liaison: Coleridge Association new community litter pickings scheme. Grant request paper drafted/submitted to Cllr J Brazil.
• Discussion Pack for the Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebration June 2-5th 2022.
• Research/Liaison with PWLB re GVT lending process/ Report to the PC.
• Celebrate Start Bay 5th August. PC event briefing paper/ preparation of all materials.
• 26 NFU signs ordered to promote responsible dog walking on the parish PROW Pathways.
• Country Code: Liaison with printers re Community communication/ Digital brief prep and posting of the new country code and PROW map on the CSG page and home page.
• Tour of Britain: Digital brief and posting of a new ‘Tour of Britain’ promo webpage.
• Drafting / Posting of community posters x 3.
• Office and budget administration.
a) Update on Cllr Vacancy + CSG volunteer recruitment.
b) Playpark fence repair. (completed)
c) Strete PC working agreement re EV project.
d) Wall damage at Townsend – parishioner report / request
e) Slapton Lines Sept issue – ideas for report
a) The council to approve the below payments:
(S/O) £256.00 and £256.00 L. Soothill-Ward, Clerk’s salaries – July/August 21 (Paid 1/8/21 and 1/9/21 for noting).
34/22 £279.00 Nick Mathias – 29/7/21. July village mowing 14hrs + £20 fuel for machines/transport. Invoice 1335/21/20. £279.00. (Paid 2/8/21 for noting).
35/22 £75.00 Nick Mathias – 3 weekly Playing Field mowing on 6th July. Invoice 1327/22, 8th July. £75.00. (Paid 2/8/21 for noting).
36/22 £522.30 Tucker Fencing LTD. Invoice 28/7/21 no INV-1064. Fencing repairs to playing field.. Approved EOM 17/5/21 ref: 42.21(c). (Paid 2/8/21 for noting)
37/22 £11.94 VC Warehouse, CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Invoice 1009306 (Paid 15/8 by DD for noting).
38/22 £136.99 Office expenses. Replacement printer ink: PC printer. Refund to Chair.
39/22 £8.00 Village Hall Hire – PC meeting 5th and 12th July. Invoice CO8617/21 dated 4/8/21
40/22 £72.00 DALC – Responding to Planning Applications training on 27/7/21 x 2 Cllrs. Invoice 3269 dated 12/8/21
41/22 £10.00 Kingsbridge Websites – CSG page amends. Invoice 2345 dated 12/8/21.
42/22 £269.00 Nick Mathias – Monthly Road Warden Work – August. 14 hrs x £18.50 (invoice 1339/21 dated 13/8/21).
43/22 £75.00 Nick Mathias – 3 weekly Playing Field mowing on 11th August. Invoice 1340/22, 13th August. £75.00.
44/22 £35.00 IOC Annual GDPR and Data Protection Fee. Email Invoice 16-8-20. £40 less £5 reduction as paid by DDebit due on or before 27-9-21 £35.00
45/22 £40.00 Kingsbridge Websites – Tour of Britain Home and New page amends. Invoice 2346 dated 16/8/21
46/22 £37.00 Repair of Leat on Carr Lane 25/8/21. Cost of materials – refund to Cllr I Mitchelmore.
47/22 £100.00 SLCC – Annual National conference 13/14th October 2021 – Fee for clerk to attend virtually.
48/22 £288.25 Nick Mathias, August Village mowing. Invoice 1345/22 dated 29/8/21
49/22 £49.63 31/8/21: Dog farm livestock safety signage x 16. From P3 Additional Grant. Refund to Clerk – expenses.
50/22 £11.24 31/8/21: NFU Dog/ farm livestock safety signage x 10 from P3 Additional Grant. Refund to Clerk – expenses.
1) Balance at Bank 31/8/21, £14,771.80
2) DCC 2021 P3 scheme £500 grant payment due 2/9/21; to cover additional seasonal mowing of pathways 10 and 11, installation of new metal gate on Path 1 and £50 for Pick up dog waste signage. PC Road Warden approved by DCC to undertake the work.
3) DCC Localities grant approved 31/8/21of £406.48 for a new Coleridge PC’s Community Litter Picking scheme to cover PPE and Kit for use by all ages in the Coleridge communities.
4) Donation received from The Village Whist and Euchre club to Slapton All Stars. £117.00.
5) 2020 Road Warden DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund Grant pending:
£1K – Footpath repairs Park and Walk to the Bus Shelter.
£404.71 – Contribution towards Village Mowing April to Nov 2020.
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 4th October 2021 at 7.00pm.
(Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a space as seats are limited due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions).
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk 1/9/21
Minutes – Sept 2021
Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Abbey, Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Staines, Cllr Sullock.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R Foss, Clerk and 4 members of the public.
65-21. Apologies for absence – Cllr Wollacott (Vice Chair), Cllr Murphy.
66-21. Declarations of interest – None.
67-21. Public comment
a.) Members of the public advised they wished to listen to item 10(y) – the status of the planning application 3973/20/VAR. Their comments are incorporated into the minutes of this item below for ease of reading.
68-21. Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update – None.
The Chair reported that the police were running free seminars for older drivers during September. For more information visit
If any members of the public have non urgent matters they wish to bring to the attention of their Local Policing Team, this can be reported via the Devon and Cornwall Police web-page – / Find your local policing team.
69-21. County & District Councillor reports
Devon County Council (DCC) report from Cllr J Brazil:
a. A379 – Cllr J Brazil reported the situation with the road was precarious and could breach at the next high tide and was pressing for an urgent remedy. Frogmore, Sherford, Dartmouth PCs had all requested they attend the 12th October SLP meeting to express the scale of the issue should the road breach and support the case.
b. Moving the Slapton Memorial – It was reported that a meeting had been held with the maintenance contractor and Strete PC will circulate proposed shared costs in due course for precepting. The hope is to complete the move by the end of the year. Cllr Sullock raised the issue of the stones, dead flowers and plastic bottles being left on the monument and felt this was not in keeping with the purpose of the monument itself. The PC agreed to remove the items once the tourist season had finished and any dead flowers/bottles in the meantime.
c. Deerbridge road repair – The repair is still pending. Cllr Brazil to follow up with DCC Highways.
d. Coleridge Litter Picking Kit – Cllr Brazil reported that he had approved a Grant to purchase the kit and thanked the PC for leading on the initiative. Clerk to order the kit once the grant is received, set up an equipment hire agreement process and update Cllr Brazil once the kit and process are in place so this can be communicated to all Coleridge PC’s. Slapton PC to hold the first community Litter Pick in October. Clerk to prepare comms.
e. Tour of Britain cycle event– It was reported the event had taken place today.
f. 2022 Precept – It was reported that no guidance had yet been received but it was unlikely PC’s would have a capping limit.
g. Saltstone Single Neighbourhood Plan. The Chair advised there was a typo in clause 4.4 and asked all Cllrs to feedback any comments to Cllr Brazil asap who reported that once SHDC have approved the draft plan in principle, the draft plan will then go to public consultation. A final draft will then be prepared reflecting comments from the consultation.
District report from Cllr R. Foss
h. Barrier at the memorial car park – Cllr Foss reported that the barrier had been open due to damage caused by a vehicle driving into it. The barrier had now been repaired and locked closed again. The Chair raised that the presence of human excrement had been reported by a parishioner at the entrance to the ley and this co-incided with the barrier being open and campervans accessing the carpark overnight. Clerk to send images to Cllr R Foss to report to SHDC for a special clean.
i. Recycling scheme – It was reported that problems with collections were still being experience due to a combination of national shortage of lorry drivers due to Brexit, Covid-19, topography of the lanes across Devon and the amount of assisted collections needed to support residents with the large boxes. Unfortunately, there was no immediate solution and Cllr Foss wanted to assure residents that SHDC were working closely with the contractor. Priority was being given to black bin waste collections and to ensure adequate resources for this, brown bins, food bins and green waste collections had been put on hold. Cllr Foss advised that changes were also being considered for the need for residents to compost their own green waste on their land to reduce lorry miles and reduce food wastage.
The Chair raised that they had received multiple complaints from residents, mainly around no notice being given and their bins now being full and asked if SHDC would terminate the contract and bring the service back in house remedy the situation. Cllr Foss stated that he was not able to advise on this matter and even if the service was brought back in house, SHDC would still face the national issue of lack of lorry drivers.
The Chair again expressed parishioners’ comments, frustrations and ill feeling being caused by not being able to recycle their waste, to the point that they were going to put the recycling in their black waste to remedy the issue. The Chair stated that the situation was a significant failure of SHDC on meeting Climate Change recycling targets. Cllr Foss advised that SHDC had a significant number of plans in place to meet climate change targets and the new waste recycling scheme was best in class and allowed a much better rate of recycling once the immediate issues have been remedied which are a nationwide issue.
Cllr Abbey asked if SHDC could set up a community recycling bank for Cardboard? Cllr R Foss was unable to advise. Cllr Abbey also asked what toilet facilities could be put in place to prevent the repeat issues of human waste at the entrance to the Ley. Cllr R Foss advised it was not possible to have toilets on the sea side of the A379 and no land was available land-side even though £150K had been allocated. The clerk asked if SHDC could make a compulsory land purchase order given the public health protection and tourism need which would justify such action. Cllr Foss advised that the process would take 5 years. The Council asked for the process to be started immediately if this were the case. Cllr Foss stated that he would follow up with SHDC to see if some of the monies allocated could be used for this purpose and if event style temporary toilets could be installed. Cllr R Foss to report back next meeting.
j. Beach Car Park enforcement list: There was no update on the request for the PC to receive a summary of car parking enforcements made over summer. Cllr R Foss to follow up with SHDC to issue to the clerk.
k. Climate Change: Cllr Foss reported that an environment grant was available to PC’s and details of all grants available to communities and businesses could be found on SHDC’s website.
l. Slapton Lines Adaptation Manager recruitment. There was no update on the appointment despite the person being due to Chair the next SLP meeting in October. Cllr Foss reported that he had met with Cllr Judy Peace, Cllr John Hart and MP Anthony Mangnal who were focussed on defending the road as sea defences had been put on other SSSI sites. Other parishes were now expressing a deep concern on the road breaching and all had asked to attend the SLP meeting on the 12th October. R Foss to update at the November meeting. Cllr J Abbey and the clerk will also attend the meeting to deputise for the Chair and Vice Chair who are unable to attend due to work commitments and have sent apologies. The Chair asked all Cllrs to submit questions they wished to be raised at the meeting to the Chair.
70.21. MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on the 12TH JULY 2021, were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
71.21 Review of the Action Log – The draft action log was reviewed. Clerk to update as discussed at the meeting.
72.21 Matters in Abeyance
- Monument relocation to Strete Gate
- Plastic recycling scheme – Refer 69-21 (i) above. Monitor situation.
- Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed. Cllr Staines reported all stock had now been used.
- Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify.
- Leet on Carr Lane – The repair was reported as completed. Remove matter.
- Duke of Edinburgh Commemorative Tree – Agree location/Tree type and purchase for planting in Nov 2021
- Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 17th September.
- Website development / upgrade.
- DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (ongoing – where applicable).
73.21 Planning
3037/21/TC – The Chantry, Slapton. TQ7 2PN
Proposal: T1 Evergreen = Crown retrenchment by up to 4M to encourage development of lower crown.
No comment.
3055/21/HHO – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for replacement vinery building.
No comment.
3056/21/LBC – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for replacement vinery building.
No comment.
3065/21/LBC – Little Gate, Slapton. TQ7 2PN
Proposal: Listed building consent for replacement side porch.
No comment.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
1706/21/VAR – Rowan Lodge, Buckland Court, Slapton TQ7 2RE
Proposal: Application for variation of Condition 2 (accommodation occupancy) of planning consent
Decision: Conditional Approval.
2395/21/HHO -Lambs Park, Slapton TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Householder application for proposed outbuilding (resubmission of 1245/21/HHO).
Decision: Conditional Approval.
2406/21/HHO – 9 Chantry Hill, Slapton. TQ7 2QY
Proposal: Householder application for alterations and extension to rear first floor extension.
Decision: Conditional Approval.
74.21 Matters for discussion
Item 10(y) was agreed to be discussed first and is minuted below.
Village Maintenance:
a).2022 Village Mowing Programme / verge management. The proposal presented by the Road Warden and the Chair based on this and DCC and RSPB guidance was agreed by all Cllrs. Clerk to brief the Road Warden to re-cost the programme for discussion at the next meeting.
b). September Road Warden Brief. It was agreed that as well as normal drain and road sweeping, the area behind and around the Leat on Carr Lane needed to be trimmed back to enable access for cleaning in the autumn and more car parking space and the area around the 20mph sign at Townsend Cross is to be trimmed back. Clerk to brief road warden. The Chair also agreed to add a message in the Slapton Lines to remind parishioners to check and remove any overhanging foliage onto the highways to ensure pedestrian and road safety.
c).Winter Commercial Drain Cleaning – Quote / Blocked drains and run-off issues. The PC voted unanimously to approve the quote and works as per the budget plan. Clerk to add to matters for resolution next meeting and produce the public notices for approval next meeting and to agree printing and distribution resources, contact the FSC re car parking. Chair to add a note in the Slapton Lines Chairs update.
d).Approval of costs for Carr Lane Leat repair. The PC unanimously approved the cost of £101.00. Clerk to arrange payment.
e).Village Map reprint – It was agreed this could not proceed until the beach memorial had been relocated. Clerk to update matters in abeyance.
f). Parents request for shelter at Greenbanks Play Park. The chair reported that a shelter was required for 20 Children and residents waiting for the school bus at Greenbanks and had received initial approval from Rob Sekula at SHDC. Design options were discussed and the PC felt that a sedum roof structure would be most appropriate to support climate change. A parent parishioner was arranging a signed petition to present to Cllr R Foss to support a request for community localities grant to help fund the purchase and installation. The School Bus has agreed on bad weather days to collect and drop off further into the estate but this required formal written approval. Chair to progress./ report back to the PC.
g).Parishioner request to reposition the warning sign at Lower Green Cross. The PC agreed that the Road Warden should inspect the sign from a Chapter 8 perspective and make any adjustments as required. Clerk to brief the Road Warden/update the parishioner.
h).Parishioner cost contribution request to install a further 3 posts / no parking notices at the entrance to the Ley and Bird ringing hut. The clerk advised that under current legal powers, the PC can only provide grants to community organisations or charities. The PC agreed that the clerk should explain the process to the parishioner and liaise with the FSC re the matter. Clerk to progress.
i).Village playing field sign upgrade. It was agreed that a small vinyl No Fires sign should be purchased and added to the main sign as a temporary measure and the sign reviewed next year. Clerk to source.
j).Parishioner request for input re damaged wall at Townsend. The Chair agreed to contact DCC Highways to ask that the wall be protected once it had been repaired by the parishioner.
k).Village Gateway planter + commemorative tree. The Chair reported that a parishioner had offered 2 tractor tyres to place on the land near the bottle bank and plant inside with a commemorative tree for the Duke of Edinburgh. A Hawthorn or Crab Apple tree was proposed as both support bio-diversity plus drought friendly flowers around the edge and a commemorative plaque. It was raised that that the dogwood bush was overgrown and the area around it and the PC agreed to discuss both matters with the Tree Warden for guidance on the most appropriate Tree/flower options and trimming works. Clerk to contact the Tree Warden.
l). 20’s Plenty scheme: .It was agreed to move this to the October Meeting. Clerk to add to the agenda.
m).Queens Platinum Jubilee – Village Programme It was briefly discussed to support some activities and progress if improving the path from the board walk to Deerbridge was possible via the DCC P3 scheme. Clerk to add to the CSG meeting agenda and speak to Ros Davies at DCC.
n).Community Grant Requests. The clerk reported no requests for grants had been received following the advertising period and that the Evolve Charity Group had written to advise the £500 grant was no longer required. The PC agreed to add the £500 grant back into the general reserves. Clerk to update finance logs/ add for resolution next meeting.
o).Country Code Community Mailing – (refer q below).
p). Slapton All-Stars -2021 activities. The Chair advised that £117.00 had been donated to the All-Stars group from the Whist and Euchre club and this money had been paid into the PC bank account and ringfenced to support All Star community activities as the group was operating as part of the CSG. The PC approved this use of the funds.
q). P3 Scheme: Dog Waste Signage / Country Code Mailing. The PC unanimously approved the print letter cost of £97.00 and Cllr Sullock, Cllr Staines and the Chair agreed to support the clerk with the distribution on their usual rounds. Clerk to brief the printers and advise the Cllrs when ready to post and also liaise with the P3 volunteers to see if able to support.
r).August Speed Survey Results: Cllrs involved in the survey to send their results to the Chair to consolidate.
s).All Stars Bio-diversity event at White Close. / The Chair reported that a hedgehog house building event was planned for the Autumn and some of the donated money would be used to purchase materials if needed and free bricks had already been sourced. The Chair reported that they would publicise the event in the village / local press.
t).Parishioner donation to CSG committee for Laura Barlee. Cllr Staines advised that he had passed £20 to the Church and £20 to the Scofs Group. The clerk reported they had also spoken that day to the parishioner who had asked for £20 of the donation to go to the CSG group for a nesting box. Clerk to update the parishioner to check the donations have been made appropriately.
u).SH South Devon AONB Partnership Committee Meeting 26/11/2021, PC attendance. It was agreed to carry to the next meeting. Clerk to add to the agenda.
v).Community Assets. The Chair asked all Cllrs to forward to the Chair, any known community assets so that a list could be reviewed and next steps agreed in line with NALC guidance which was discussed. Cllrs to forward to the Chair/ clerk to add to next meeting.
w).SLP Meeting 12th October. The chair reported that Cllr Abbey and the Clerk would be deputising for the Chair and Vice Chair as both could not attend the meeting due to work commitments. It was agreed for all Cllrs to circulate any matters this wished raising on behalf of Slapton PC to the Chair to consolidate and the Chair would also seek input from a parishioner who had expertise in engineering and wished to contribute to the discussion via the PC.
x).SHDV Planning Validation Checklist Consultation – Deadline 15/9/21, PC response. It was agreed that Cllr Mitchelmore and Cllr Abbey would review the paper and reply on behalf of the PC.
y).3973/20/VAR planning application status. 3973/20/VAR planning application status. The Chair reported to Cllr R Foss that all deadlines for the development have been missed and did this now void the planning application and how did this impact the S106 agreement of which the development had not been started? Cllr R Foss advised that if the planning deadlines had lapsed and the original application date was 3 years or more ago, this would mean the planning permission had lapsed. The clerk asked if this were the case could the land be acquired for the community via the PC and grants from SHDC, DCC, Community donations as the S106 agreement was for a community space that was much needed as was the need to accommodate some parishioner only car parking in the village and help provide EV charging points for residents who do not have access to off-street parking and charging as this is a quite activity. Cllr Foss advised this was possible but would take 5 years for a compulsory land process to complete. The clerk raised that they had received a complaint from a neighbouring resident that brambles from the land were severely encroaching over their garden wall but were too thick to trim themselves and it needed a professional gardener with access to the field. The parishioner had also reported to the clerk a potential lost public right of way across the land and alongside Beach Cottage. Another parishioner raised that the gate to access the land was owned by a neighbouring property and access was an issue as such. They also stated that there was an issue with the brook and had sought professional advice which revealed that under the new GVT 100-year flood map which allowed for the impact of global warming, the projections showed the water flow will double in the next 100 years, creating a significant flooding issue, both on the land itself and neighbouring property. Another parishioner from a neighbouring property raised concerns over a potential increase in noise with increased traffic in the area and asked if a one-way system be introduced to reduce this. Cllr Foss advised that the bramble matter would need to be raised directly by the resident with the landowner and agreed to raise all matters concerning flooding, legal access and expiration of the planning application and impact on S106 with the Head of SHDC planning. Clerk to forward all documentation to Cllr R Foss. Cllr R Foss to report back next meeting.
z). CSG group – Bi Annual meeting/agenda. A date of Monday October 11th was agreed – subject to the village hall being available. Clerk to book hall / circulate the agenda.
aa).Website. It was reported that no feedback had been received on ideas for improving the PC website from the Celebrate Start Bay event.
- 2022 budget – To incorporate inflation, revised mowing schedule, the current level of village maintenance and SHDC 2022 referendum principles once confirmed. Clerk to prepare draft budget.
75.21. Proposals for resolution – None.
76.21. Clerk’s report – For information only:
- MS Office 365 upgrade to be incorporate in the 2022 budget.
- Parish Online 30 Day trial – as above. Requires resourcing to set up the system.
- DALC Annual conference – The Clerk advised they wished to attend the virtual seminar and the PC approved the attendance fee of £40. Additional cllrs can attend at a reduced rate of £10. Carry to next meeting to discuss other delegates.
For information only: - 20 CSG Facebook and 24 PC website posts drafted/posted July/August.
- Maintenance reporting:
- Liaison with Road Warden – 2022 Mowing brief/ Road Warden Work.
- Liaison with supplier re commercial winter village clean.
- Liaison with Cllr Mitchelmore re Carr Lane Leat repair.
- Playing Field Sign – Research into legal requirements / brief to the PC.
- Correspondence sent to 8 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
- SHDC/ DCC liaison: Coleridge Association new community litter pickings scheme. Grant request paper drafted/submitted to Cllr J Brazil.
- Discussion Pack for the Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebration June 2-5th 2022.
- Research/Liaison with PWLB re GVT lending process/ Report to the PC.
- Celebrate Start Bay 5th August. PC event briefing paper/ preparation of all materials.
- 26 NFU signs ordered to promote responsible dog walking on the parish PROW Pathways.
- Country Code: Liaison with printers re Community communication/ Digital brief prep and posting of the new country code and PROW map on the CSG page and home page.
- Tour of Britain: Digital brief and posting of a new ‘Tour of Britain’ promo webpage.
- Drafting / Posting of community posters x 3.
- Office and budget administration.
77.21. Chair’s report
- a) Update on Cllr Vacancies + CSG volunteer recruitment. The Chair reported there were no applications for the 2 Cllr vacancies but 4 parishioners had expressed an interest in becoming CSG volunteers. Clerk/Chair to issue application forms and Agenda invite to the CSG meeting in October
- b) Playpark fence repair. (completed)
- c) Strete PC working agreement re EV project. The PC agreed to put this on hold due to the workloads of both PC’s and the focus of DCC to install EV charge points in market towns.
- d) Wall damage at Townsend – (refer to 74.21(j) above).
- e) Slapton Lines Sept issue – The Chair confirmed would include all matters discussed/agreed in the Chairs report.
78.21. Councillors’ reports
- Cllr Mitchelmore. Reported they had received a parishioner complaint re the overgrowth at the junction of Sands Road. Clerk to follow up with localities officer on the status of clearing this as the July request had not been actioned.
- Cllr Sullock – Reported they had also received a complaint about the junction overgrowth and that there were too many stones on the Memorial steps and this was detracting from the purpose of the memorial. The PC agreed to remove the stones in late autumn. Cllr Sullock also reported they had reported the full bottle bank to SHDC.
- Cllr Staines – Reported he had received a complaint that the hedge to Wood Lane was overgrown. Clerk to check with the FSC when the next trim is scheduled.
79.21. Financial matters
The Council approved the below payments:
L. Soothill-Ward, Clerk’s salaries – July/August 21 (Paid 1/8/21 and 1/9/21 for noting).
Nick Mathias – 29/7/21. July village mowing 14hrs + £20 fuel for machines/transport. Invoice 1335/21/20. £279.00. (Paid 2/8/21 for noting).
Nick Mathias – 3 weekly Playing Field mowing on 6th July. Invoice 1327/22, 8th July. £75.00. (Paid 2/8/21 for noting).
Tucker Fencing LTD. Invoice 28/7/21 no INV-1064. Fencing repairs to playing field.. Approved EOM 17/5/21 ref: 42.21(c). (Paid 2/8/21 for noting)
VC Warehouse, CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Invoice 1009306 (Paid 15/8 by DD for noting).
Office expenses. Replacement printer ink: PC printer. Refund to Chair.
Village Hall Hire – PC meeting 5th and 12th July. Invoice CO8617/21 dated 4/8/21
DALC – Responding to Planning Applications training on 27/7/21 x 2 Cllrs. Invoice 3269 dated 12/8/21
Kingsbridge Websites – CSG page amends. Invoice 2345 dated 12/8/21.
Nick Mathias – Monthly Road Warden Work – August. 14 hrs x £18.50 (invoice 1339/21 dated 13/8/21).
Nick Mathias – 3 weekly Playing Field mowing on 11th August. Invoice 1340/22, 13th August. £75.00.
IOC Annual GDPR and Data Protection Fee. Email Invoice 16-8-20. £40 less £5 reduction as paid by DDebit due on or before 27-9-21 £35.00
Kingsbridge Websites – Tour of Britain Home and New page amends. Invoice 2346 dated 16/8/21
Repair of Leat on Carr Lane 25/8/21. Cost of materials – refund to Cllr I Mitchelmore.
SLCC – Annual National conference 13/14th October 2021 – Fee for clerk to attend virtually.
Nick Mathias, August Village mowing. Invoice 1345/22 dated 29/8/21
31/8/21: Dog farm livestock safety signage x 16. From P3 Additional Grant. Refund to Clerk – expenses.
31/8/21: NFU Dog/ farm livestock safety signage x 10 from P3 Additional Grant. Refund to Clerk – expenses.
And also approved the below late invoices:
VC Warehouse, CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Invoice 1009446 Paid 15/9 by DD.
Anthony Johns – Stone mason – Labour costs to repair the Leat at Carr Lane
- Balance at Bank 31/8/21, £14,771.80
- DCC 2021 P3 scheme £500 grant payment due 2/9/21; to cover additional seasonal mowing of pathways 10 and 11, installation of new metal gate on Path 1 and £50 for Pick up dog waste signage. PC Road Warden approved by DCC to undertake the work.
- DCC Localities grant approved 31/8/21of £406.48 for a new Coleridge PC’s Community Litter Picking scheme to cover PPE and Kit for use by all ages in the Coleridge communities.
- Donation received from The Village Whist and Euchre club to Slapton All Stars. £117.00.
- 5) 2020 Road Warden DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund Grant pending:
£1K – Footpath repairs Park and Walk to the Bus Shelter.
£404.71 – Contribution towards Village Mowing April to Nov 2020.
80.21. Date of next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 3rd October 2021 at 7.00pm.
Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a space as seats are limited due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions).
SIGNED: Julie Hinder, Chair Dated 3/10/21