Council Meeting – 6th November 2023
The following Councillors are summoned to attend:
Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr J. Waters, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr S. Lange and Cllr I. Luscombe
Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr L. Lawford, Kate Payne (FSC), Neil Powers (Community Team Leader, Devon and Cornwall Police, Dartmouth) and members of the public are invited to attend.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council held on: Monday 6th November 2023 at Slapton Village Hall (main hall) at 7.00 pm.
If any parishioners wish to speak at the meeting, please submit your papers or questions by email to 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person.
Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether, in the light of recent activities, any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
a. Introduction and update from Neil Powers.
a. Cllr J. Brazil
i. Slapton Line Partnership: Update following meeting on 3rd November 2023.
ii. Highways: HMCF grant application submitted 2nd August and not yet received – next steps?
iii. AOB.
b. Cllr L. Lawford
i. AOB.
6) MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 2nd October 2023, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record – see separate document (6).
a. Applications (for resolution)
i. 3098/23/FUL – Deerswell Slapton TQ7 2QG
Improvements to existing access
b. Decisions (for information only)
i. 2400/23/LBC – Hansel Cottage Hansel TQ6 0LN
Listed building consent to replace windows
SPC: No comment
SHDC: Conditional Approval
ii. 2488/23/HHO – The Round House Slapton TQ7 2PN
Householder application for alterations to an existing dwelling to include replacement mono pitch roof to single storey ground floor structure & rebuilding of extension at first floor level to rear of the building
SPC: No comment
SHDC: Conditional Approval
iii. 2489/23/LBC – The Round House Slapton TQ7 2PN
Listed Building Consent for alterations to an existing dwelling to include replacement mono pitch roof to single storey ground floor structure & rebuilding of extension at first floor level to rear of the building
SPC: No comment
SHDC: Conditional Approval
iv. 635/23/FUL – Land At Sx 816 458 Slapton
Change of use of part of existing agricultural field for additional parking for Start Bay Centre (part retrospective)
SPC: Object
SHDC: Conditional Approval 16/10/23
c. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment)
i. 3242/23/TPO – Gara Mill House Slapton TQ7 2RE
T926: Tulip – Reduce lower canopy on NW side by 1-2m to give clearance from BT cable due to them interfering with telephone line
ii. 3442/23/TCA – The Chantry Slapton TQ7 2PN
T1: Mimosa – fell to ground level
d. Withdrawn (for information only)
i. 2816/23/LBC – Sloutts Farm Slapton TQ7 2PR
Listed Building Consent to replace 7no. sash & 1no. casement window(s) to the east (street facing) elevation only.
a. Windows in roof of Slapton Community Shop: The Shop Management Committee has asked whether the PC has any comments to make?
a. Village Clean: Can Cranheath be booked for their only available dates (22nd and 23rd January, 1.5 to 2 days @ £1,232.00 to £1,540.00 + VAT)?
b. Dates for 2024 PC meetings: Should these continue to be on Mondays or would Cllrs prefer a different day?
a. Village map – pending beach monument relocation.
b. Logo/branding – pending motion from working party meeting (25/09/23) to be added to the agenda for December.
c. Vision/mission statement – pending resolution on logo/branding.
a. See separate documents (11a).
a. Cllr updates: quarterly tasks and other pending actions in the action log – see separate document (13a).
a. Payments to approve – see separate document (14a).
BACs no | Payee and details | Amount
£ |
Paid for noting |
DD77 | VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – October Invoice no: 1012900 dated 01/10/23 | 11.94
9.95 + 1.99 VAT |
16.10.23 |
78 | South West Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust – Defibrillator – 4 Yr Package. Invoice no: 1414, dated 03/10/23 | 2,160.00
1,800.00 + 360.00 VAT |
16.10.23 |
79 | Village Hall Hire Costs: September: 01/09/23, 04/09/23 and 25/09/23. Invoice no: C10744/23, dated 4th October 2023 | 54.50 | 16.10.23 |
80 | Parish Online: Annual website service 10th October 2023 – 10th October 2024. Invoice no: 18UG043-0005, dated 10/10/23 | 240.00
200.00 + 40.00 VAT |
31.10.23 |
81 | Nick Mathias – Foot Path 1 strimming/mowing as per quote – Invoice no:1703/24 dated 10/10/28 | 184.00 | 16.10.23 |
82 | DALC training: Being a Good Cllr 2 & 3 Sebastian Lange, 7 x standards in public life, 8 x equality and diversity | 340.80
284.00 + 56.80 VAT |
31.10.23 |
83 | Parochial Church Council of Slapton, mowing/upkeep of area around war memorial in the churchyard of St James, letter dated 22.10.23 | 250.00 | 31.10.23 |
DD84 | Cinema For All – ref CFA11347877 annual membership for Community Cinema, 15.10.23 | 65.00 | 16.10.23 |
85 | Nick Walker Printing Ltd – Community Café laminated posters and leaflets Invoice no: SL-91995 dated 27/10/23 | 48.00
40.00 + 8.00 VAT |
31.10.23 |
86 | Clerk’s salary October (40 hours) plus £24 WFH allowance. | 783.20 | 31.10.23 |
87 | Payment to HMRC – tax on Clerk’s October salary. Please make payment to: HMRC Cumbernauld 08-32-10 12001039. Quote:120PA003048122407 | 62.00 | 31.10.23 |
88 | Nick Mathias – Mowing October. Invoice no: 1713/24, dated 30.10.23 | 346.17 | 31.10.23 |
89 | Nick Mathias – Road Warden October + 6 hrs carry forward from August. Invoice no: 1712/24, dated 30.10.23 | 479.62 | 31.10.23 |
90 | Woolston Accountants – October Payroll. Invoice no: 01XX dated XX/XX/23 TBC | 20.00 |
Balance at Bank @ 30/10/23:
i. Treasurers Account: £14,807.65
ii. Instant Access Savings Account: £11,396.09
b. Receipts summary
i. Treasurers Account: £305.86
ii. Instant Access Savings Account interest: £11.78
iii. Total Receipts: £317.64
15) AOB
Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on
Monday 4th December at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Signed: Bella Moor, Clerk, 31st October 2023
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Slapton Village Hall
Monday 6th November 2023 at 7pm
Those in attendance:
Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr S. Lange, Cllr J. Waters Cllr I. Luscombe, Cllr L. Lawford (arrived 7.00 pm and left 7.02 pm), Cllr J. Brazil (arrived at 7.45 pm and left 8.04 pm).
No members of the public attended.
75:23 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllr J. Abbey and Cllr P. Osborne sent apologies – both are on holiday. Cllr C. Staines also sent apologies – he is in hospital.
Cllr S. Lange declared an interested in Proposals for Discussion a. Windows in roof of Slapton Community Shop, as he lives near to the shop and his wife volunteers there.
Neil Powers (Neighbourhood Team Leader) and Matt Edworthy provided a very useful overview of the Neighbourhood Team’s experience, staff, current issues and priorities.
Neil heads up the team, based in Dartmouth, which comprises 2x PCs, 1x tri service special constable and a community support officer, who will join at the end of December. The team are very keen to support the communities they serve and work shifts so there is usually someone in the office between 7.00am and 10.00pm each day. The key points shared are as follows:
• No crimes reported in Slapton Parish in the last eight weeks.
• A quad bike was stolen from a workshop at Lower Fuge Farm (Strete Parish) and found on nearby land. There have been several other quad bike thefts in South Hams in recent months. Farmers and the public are encouraged to report anyone acting suspiciously on farms and surrounding land as thieves often reconnaissance an area before hand, can be quite brazen and have been known to use drones to do so too. It was recommended that quad bikes and other equipment is well secured/padlocked etc. Cllr J. Waters and Cllr M. Crowson to share with farming community and Clerk to post on website.
• An outboard motor was stolen at East Cornworthy, however, there is less marine crime than would be expected.
• It was Safer Business Action Week last week. The focus was on raising awareness of counterfeit money, which has been identified in Totnes and Kingsbridge, and the security and safety of stores and staff.
• This week the focus is on Robbery Offences. The Neighbourhood Team will be liaising with individuals who have committed robbery offences in the past.
• The following week the focus will be on Knife Crime. The team might well be conducting weapons sweeps e.g. checking if any weapons have been stashed in hedgerows and parks etc.
• The winter plan is to focus on Drink Driving and the team will be doing walk throughs of licensed premises.
• There is often an increase in vehicle crime at this time of year and a risk of vehicles being stolen when they are left on to defrost in the mornings.
• The team will also be tackling issues of speeding, in particular, along Slapton Line. They will also focus on cars ‘donutting’ at Strete Gate Car Park.
• There is a quarterly Local Policing Newsletter, which will be shared with the PC and Dartmouth Police can also be followed on Facebook and X (Twitter).
• The Chair thanked Neil, on behalf of the PC, for the support he provided with the anti-social behaviour that occurred in the village over the summer.
a. Cllr J. Brazil
i. Slapton Line Partnership – update following meeting on 3rd November 2023: There is agreement to change the adaptation strategy. District Council will do all they can to support Anthony Mangnall. The planning application still needs to be made and there may be a need for further ecological surveys to support this. There will be further discussion about a twin strategy that encompasses protection of the road and longer term adaptation – there is no reason why they can’t work in parallel. There will be another SLP meeting in December. Cllr M. Crowson thanked SHDC for holding the meeting in chambers as he was able to hear and follow most of the meeting. He suggested that name plates for all representatives would be helpful at future meetings.
ii. Highways – HMCF grant application submitted 2nd August and not yet received: Funds are limited and large grants unlikely to be awarded but agreed to follow up on the PC’s behalf. Clerk to send information to Cllr J. Brazil.
iii. Road Closures: A379 E Charleton daytime full closure (09:00-15:30) then Traffic Management (Monday 13th November until Monday 4th December 2023) – a shuttle Bus Service will run from Strete to Frogmore during this period. A379 at Stoke Flemming will be closed during January, February and March so that repairs to the wall can be carried out – a diversion will be put in place. Clerk to post advance warning on website.
iv. Waste and recycling: The new service will begin on 20th November, which will include kerb side recycling (separated at point of collection) rather than co-mingling. Remind parishioners to request recycling boxes and food bins (if they are still using blue bags), to not leave cardboard next to recycling boxes for the first couple of weeks and that bins need to be brought to the end of private lanes/roads for collection. Clerk to post update on website.
v. Mobile library: This service has now stopped.
b. Cllr L. Lawford
i. Waste and recycling: A reminder to take food waste out from 20th November and that collection dates might change. Please be aware that there are likely to be complaints about missed services/collections etc. Please bear with them and encourage parishioners to report any missed services/collections or other complaints directly. Clerk to post update on website.
It was resolved unanimously that the minutes should be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a. Applications (for resolution)
i. 3098/23/FUL – Deerswell Slapton TQ7 2QG
Improvements to existing access
Proposed by Cllr I. Mitchelmore, seconded by Cllr S. Lange and resolved unanimously to submit ‘No Comment’ to SHDC. Clerk to submit.
b. Decisions (for information only)
i. 2400/23/LBC – Hansel Cottage Hansel TQ6 0LN
Listed building consent to replace windows
SPC: No comment
SHDC: Conditional Approval
ii. 2488/23/HHO – The Round House Slapton TQ7 2PN
Householder application for alterations to an existing dwelling to include replacement mono pitch roof to single storey ground floor structure & rebuilding of extension at first floor level to rear of the building
SPC: No comment
SHDC: Conditional Approval
iii. 2489/23/LBC – The Round House Slapton TQ7 2PN
Listed Building Consent for alterations to an existing dwelling to include replacement mono pitch roof to single storey ground floor structure & rebuilding of extension at first floor level to rear of the building
SPC: No comment
SHDC: Conditional Approval
iv. 635/23/FUL – Land At Sx 816 458 Slapton
Change of use of part of existing agricultural field for additional parking for Start Bay Centre (part retrospective)
SPC: Object
SHDC: Conditional Approval 16/10/23
Brief discussion about the PC’s options for appealing SHDC’s decision or registering a formal complaint. Cllr J. Abbey and Cllr M. Crowson to liaise regarding formal complaint.
c. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment)
i. 3242/23/TPO – Gara Mill House Slapton TQ7 2RE
T926: Tulip – Reduce lower canopy on NW side by 1-2m to give clearance from BT cable due to them interfering with telephone line
ii. 3442/23/TCA – The Chantry Slapton TQ7 2PN
T1: Mimosa – fell to ground level
d. Withdrawn (for information only)
i. 2816/23/LBC – Sloutts Farm Slapton TQ7 2PR
Listed Building Consent to replace 7no. sash & 1no. casement window(s) to the east (street facing) elevation only.
a. Windows in roof of Slapton Community Shop: The Shop Management Committee has asked whether the PC has any comments to make? The PC expressed their appreciation of the courtesy of being asked for their thoughts and have no objections. They felt it would be a good idea to have Velux windows as it would improve ventilation and light. Clerk to thank the Shop Management Committee and share PC’s thoughts.
a. Village Clean: Can Cranheath be booked for their only available dates (22nd and 23rd January, 1.5 to 2 days @ £1,232.00 to £1,540.00 + VAT)? It was proposed by Cllr I. Mitchelmore, seconded by Cllr J. Waters and resolved unanimously to book Cranheath for these dates. Clerk to action.
b. Dates for 2024 PC meetings: Should these continue to be on Mondays or would Cllrs prefer a different day? It was proposed by Cllr M. Crowson, seconded by Cllr I. Mitchelmore and resolved unanimously that PC meetings should continue to be on the 1st Monday of the month in 2024. Clerk to update noticeboards and website.
a. Village map – pending beach monument relocation.
b. Logo/branding – pending motion from working party meeting (25/09/23) to be added to the agenda for December.
c. Vision/mission statement – pending resolution on logo/branding.
a. See separate documents (11a). The Clerk provided an additional update on the new SWAST defibrillator, which has now been delivered and will be installed free of charge by Graham Simmons before the end of November.
86:23 CHAIR’S REPORT: None.
a. Cllr updates – quarterly tasks and other pending actions in the action log – see separate document (13a).
i. Cllr I. Mitchelmore has completed the monitoring of conditions of assets and has passed to Cllr I. Luscombe to complete salt levels. Cllr I. Luscombe to share with Clerk before Monday 13th November.
ii. Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr J. Waters and Cllr I. Luscombe to arrange a date for monitoring of Road Warden Work.
iii. Cllr S. Lange, Cllr I. Luscombe and Clerk agreed to monitor PROWs on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th November. Clerk to email with location and confirmation of time.
iv. Clerk to complete maps and outline snow plan for Cllrs to complete before December PC meeting.
v. Clerk to arrange time to meet with Cllr S. Lange regarding logo.
a. Payments to approve – see separate document (14a). The Clerk explained that the majority of pre-approved payments were made early because Cllr J. Abbey needed to authorise the bank transfers before going on holiday. The Clerk also provided the invoice number and date for 90/23 Woolston Accounts and an additional invoice 91/23 for the Society of Local Council Clerk’s Membership. It was proposed by Cllr J. Waters, seconded by Cllr I. Luscombe and resolved unanimously to approve all payments.
BACs no | Payee and details | Amount £ | Paid for noting |
DD77 | VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – October Invoice no: 1012900 dated 01/10/23 | 11.94
9.95 + 1.99 VAT |
16.10.23 |
78 | South West Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust – Defibrillator – 4 Yr Package. Invoice no: 1414, dated 03/10/23 | 2,160.00
1,800.00 + 360.00 VAT |
16.10.23 |
79 | Village Hall Hire Costs: September: 01/09/23, 04/09/23 and 25/09/23. Invoice no: C10744/23, dated 4th October 2023 | 54.50 | 16.10.23 |
80 | Parish Online: Annual website service 10th October 2023 – 10th October 2024. Invoice no: 18UG043-0005, dated 10/10/23 | 240.00
200.00 + 40.00 VAT |
31.10.23 |
81 | Nick Mathias – Foot Path 1 strimming/mowing as per quote – Invoice no:1703/24 dated 10/10/28 | 184.00 | 16.10.23 |
82 | DALC training: Being a Good Cllr 2 & 3 Sebastian Lange, 7 x standards in public life, 8 x equality and diversity | 340.80
284.00 + 56.80 VAT |
31.10.23 |
83 | Parochial Church Council of Slapton, mowing/upkeep of area around war memorial in the churchyard of St James, letter dated 22.10.23 | 250.00 | 31.10.23 |
DD84 | Cinema For All – ref CFA11347877 annual membership for Community Cinema, 15.10.23 | 65.00 | 16.10.23 |
85 | Nick Walker Printing Ltd – Community Café laminated posters and leaflets Invoice no: SL-91995 dated 27/10/23 | 48.00
40.00 + 8.00 VAT |
31.10.23 |
86 | Clerk’s salary October (40 hours) plus £24 WFH allowance. | 783.20 | 31.10.23 |
87 | Payment to HMRC – tax on Clerk’ s October salary. Please make payment to: HMRC Cumbernauld 08-32-10 12001039. Quote:120PA003048122407 | 62.00 | 31.10.23 |
88 | Nick Mathias – Mowing October. Invoice no: 1713/24, dated 30/10/23 | 346.17 | 31.10.23 |
89 | Nick Mathias – Road Warden October + 6 hrs carry forward from August. Invoice no: 1712/24, dated 30/10/23 | 479.62 | 31.10.23 |
90 | Woolston Accountants – October Payroll. Invoice no: 0189 dated 31/10/23 TBC | 20.00 | |
91 | SLCC annual membership (Acct Ref 1009613). Invoice no: MEM246080-1, dated 06/10/23 | 146.00 |
b. Balance at Bank @ 30/10/23:
i. Treasurers Account: £14,807.65
ii. Instant Access Savings Account: £11,396.09
c. Receipts summary
i. Treasurers Account: £305.86
ii. Instant Access Savings Account interest: £11.78
iii. Total Receipts: £317.64
89:23 AOB
a. Discussion about potential costs of portable diesel generator, ahead of submitting application for Devon County Council Emergency Resilience Funding. Cllr S. Lange explained costs would be in the region of £5K and suggested the Clerk should confirm costs and liaise with the Village Hall Committee before submitting application. Cllr J. Waters to ask electrician to look at system to establish whether a separate switch would need to be installed to cut off mains grid.
b. Cllr I. Mitchelmore reported that he had seen Peter Troake and Nick Mathias working on Brook Street and requested that they cut the overhanging branch. This has not been done yet so Cllr I. Luscombe has offered to do it as he has a pole saw with an extension. Cllr I. Luscombe to cut overhanging branch.
c. Cllr I. Mitchelmore reported that 3 drains/road gulleys were blocked from Townsend Cross to Brook Street, including a drain at the bottom of Brook Street, which has resulted in the garage at Lower Cottage being flooded. Clerk to report to Highways and request homeowner to also report. Cllr J. Waters to confirm whether he can borrow a vehicle to suck these drains/gulleys.
d. Cllr I. Luscombe reported that children have been using salt, from the grit bin opposite the play park at Greenbanks, to throw over cars. Clerk to investigate if it would be possible to lock with coded padlock. Cllr. I Luscombe also reported that the yellow width restriction sign has been screwed into the lid of the Grit Bin opposite Brandis Park and this makes it difficult to open the bin.
Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on
Monday 4th December at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
All agendas, supporting documents and minutes can be viewed at