Council Meeting – 6th July 2020
Agenda 6 July 2020
Monthly Parish Council Meeting
7.30pm, Monday 6th July 2020 by Zoom Video Conference due to Social Distancing.
If any parishioners wish to attend the meeting/and or speak/present an idea, as this is a remote meeting, please submit your question(s)/papers to the clerk, 48hrs in advance of the meeting so that the Council can consider. email: ,
To attend the Zoom meeting:
- Click on this meeting link at 7.25pm: , or copy the link into your browser.
- You will be then placed into a waiting room whilst the Chair arranges access so please do not click out as this will take a few minutes as people join.
- Access to the meeting will be closed at 7.35pm.
Supporting Documents:
- Agenda – PC meeting 6 July 2020
- Draft Meeting Minutes, PC meeting 1 June 2020 – For approval by Council, Signing by the Chair
- Parish budget status at 29-6-20
- 2019-20 AGAR part 2 – restated – For signing by the Chair
- 2019-20 Bank Reconciliation – For approval by the Chair
- DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
- PUBLIC COMMENT – Any parishioner is invited to address the Council for up to 3 minutes. This session may last up to 15 minutes and may be extended to 30minutes at the discretion of the Chair. The Public are not required to stay for the rest of the meeting.The following topic has been requested to be discussed: An update on the Village Archive Project.
- POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme – refer to ongoing Cllr updates.
- Cllr J. Brazil
- Update on timings for the re-instatement of DCC and SHDC support services to Parish Councils.
- Update on the issue of human fouling around the Ley and Bus Shelter as this matter is still an increasing issue and public health risk (CC).
- Update on the relocation of the War Memorial
- Cllr J. Brazil
- Cllr R. Foss
- Update on the issue of human fouling around the Ley and Bus Shelter as this matter is still an increasing issue and public health risk (District).
- Cllr R. Foss
- MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 1 June 2020 – If agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
- Village flooding issues – Ongoing monitoring. Bi-annual drain cleaning arrangements in place to manage.
- Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
- Monument relocation to Strete – Pending update from DCC.
- Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes in 2020 parish recycling arrangements.
- Village Map – Agreed to delay the reprint until summer.
- P3 Scheme – Agree to remove once the scheme is joined.
- Safeguarding Training by Ben Leach – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions before proceeding.
- Highways Response – No reply to Park and Walk drain ownership / Footpath deterioration between south grounds farm and drains issues outside the FSC. Chased 15-1-20 and 12.2.20. Progress when Highways are operational post pandemic period.
- FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions.
- Village BT K6 Phone box – Resubmit photos of condition of BT Open Reach phone in Dec 2020 and request repainting.
- Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline: Pending progression of the pandemic situation- review next meeting.
- PLANNING 1194/20/VAT – Land at Lower Coltscombe, Slaptonm, TQ7 2QU
Proposal: Removal of condition 28 (to demolish and remove the barn from the site) of planning consent 44/0800/15/F.
1510/20/HHO – Loworthy Barn, Slapton, TQ7 2RB
Proposal: Householder application for erection of carport
1861/20/ARC – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton. TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 4-6 of listed building consent 0783/20/LBC
1907/20/TCA – Rosehill, Sands Road, Slapton. TQ7 2QN
Proposal: T1: Clerodendron – Fell and remove. Tree is dying.
2660/19/FUL- Land Opposite Kimmarder Slapton TQ7 2QT Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
Proposal: Provision of a residential dwelling
Decision: Conditional Approval
0841/20/ARC – Lambs Park Hansell Dartmouth TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3, 6, 7, 8 & 9 of planning consent
Decision: Discharge of condition Approved
1394/20/AGR – West Farm Loworthy Slapton TQ7 2RB
roposal: Application for prior notification of agricultural development for proposed new barn for use of machinery, equipment, fertiliser and feedstore.
Decision: Ag Determination details not required
- Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 and Certificate of Exemption (Part 2). Chair to approve and sign. (Due to be returned to PKF LittleJohn by 31/8/20).
- Covid-19 – Discuss continued hardship grant support to local foodbanks.
- Blue advisory speed sign installation, Sands Road. Update from Cllr D Murphy/ agree key messages, sign(s) design and location(s).
- Village maintenance projects and ongoing work briefs / quotes:
- Village mowing- Agree dates/brief/Quotes for the next mowing works and if more frequent mowing is required for the playing field over summer.
- Relocation of dog waste bins: Discuss/ agree quote to relocate x 2 bins as approved by SHDC
- Jubilee Bench outside the FSC – Discuss if to relocate given the proximity to the hedge and path/pavement repair work, where too and quote to do so.
- Autumn x 8 Buddle Hole Clearance – Approve the work/ quote.
- Pavement repairs Sands Road – Discuss/agree the brief for the Road Warden so that able to produce a Risk Assessment/ Quote. Also discuss the matter of non-reply from Highways re legal ownership and responsibility for repairs and how to manage.
- Lengthsman trial:
- Leaf collection and composting – Discuss if current method is fit for purpose to support the lengthsman trial work / ensure highways are kept clear.
- Increase in working hours – Clerk to update on early feedback from the trial. Discuss if a temporary increase in hours is required to get on top of the roadsides given the amount of work to do.
- Dog bin relocation. Meeting with Localities officer 16-6-20. Proposed new dog bin location from Play Park to Townsend Cross. Supplier quote approval to move the existing dog bins to new locations.
- Parishioners correspondence / complaints:
- Green Banks Road signs – Parishioners request for improved road signage at Greenbanks and Greenbanks Close to reduce delivery driver confusion.
- Parishioners complaint re increasing anti-social noise disturbance from vehicles being raced in a field north of the village, request for discussion at the next PC meeting to manage this.
- Multiple complaints regarding the human waste down by the ley and beach. Parishioners have been advised to report on the SHDC ‘Report-it’ site to register the scale of the issue. Discuss escalation of issue.
- Re-opening of village facilities – NALC/ BHIB Councils Insurance Covid-19 Risk Assessment guidelines Discuss safety control measures and communication methods/channels to ensure public safety and understanding relating to the re-opening of the playpark, playing field and for the Council relating to physical council meetings and remote working.
- Pensions Regulator: All employee monthly payments over £800 trigger an employer/employee pension contribution requirement. This potentially pose an issue where increased overtime and exam study time is being paid as well as salary. To discuss changing the clerk’s expenses from quarterly to monthly payments to help spread out the income.
- White Close Trust – Correspondence update, next steps.
- Model Standing orders – To resolve to adopt the DALC temporary remote meeting addendum to the Parishes standing orders.
- Website Privacy Policy template, (WGA2 2.1 compliance requirement Sept 2020. To resolve to adopt the policy for resolution at the next meeting.
- Covid-19 – To propose to put in place an ongoing budget authority to pay an amount agreed at each monthly meeting to both Kingsbridge and Dartmouth foodbanks to support community hardship as a result of the impact of the pandemic.
- 2021 Internal Audit Booking. To resolve to book the services of Alison Marshall, at a fee of £100 to undertake the councils 2021 internal audit.
To discuss: Clerks annual leave request– Monday 13-17th July 2020.
For information only:
- P3 scheme – Request to register to join the Scheme sent to Ros Davies. 6/6/20. Ros replied 9-6-20 and advised will issue the P3 Agreement once has access to the County Hall which is closed due to COVID-19 restrictions. The scheme on hold pending Gvt guidelines on lifting of restrictions.
- Annual PAT test booked for 13-7-20 for the projector.
- Dog bins relocation
- Meeting held with the SHDC Localities Officer on Tues 16 June to discuss a new dog bin in the Green Banks area to prevent dog waste bags being left in the play park. SHDC propose the play park bin is moved further into the play park against the wall and a new dog waste bin is placed on the triangle of land at Townsend Cross (opposite end to the post box). This will provide a facility for dog walkers on Greenbanks and Brandis Park and also dog walkers heading out of the village to Start/The Ley, as residents on the road to Start have reported an issue with dog bags being thrown into gardens and trees on the boundaries of properties. SHDC are seeking the necessary budget/collection round permissions.
- SHDC have provided a dog waste bin post to relocate the dog bin on the verge before the bus stop to the corner of the road to the nurseries.
- Road Warden briefed on the relocation work and quote provide for the Council to approve. SHDC have approved the work under the road warden scheme.
- Village Mowing: Mowing and Maintenance works were undertaken on 8th and 9th June. The Contractor has suggested more regular mowing of the playing field to ensure it is usable over summer. (Refer matters for discussion)
- Lengthsmans Trial – All equipment has now been received and marked up property of the PC. The Road Warden undertook the following work: Village road side and drain sweeping / Village highways sign cleaning
- CSG committee update.
- Charity scoping meeting update.
- Response from SHDC re public toilets and fowling around the Ley.
- Update on progress of the development of the football Pitch.
- Approve the following payments:
L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – June 20 (Paid 1/7/20 for noting).
Kingsbridge Area Foodbank Donation – Covid-19 crisis support. (Paid 2/6/20 for noting).
Dartmouth Foodbank Donation – Covid-19 crisis support. (Paid 2/6/20 for noting).
VC Warehouse – CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 15/6/20 by D. Debit – (Paid for noting S137 code).
Clerks Expenses May and June 2020 (Refer analysis sheet)
Clerks Overtime (April, May and June 2020) Refer analysis sheet
Nick Mathias – Village Mowing 8th June 2020. Invoice 1174/21 dated 14/5/20.
Nick Mathias – Additional Maintenance Works 9th June 2020
(Signs/playing field interior, Carr Lane, Branches. Invoice 1175/20 dated 14/4/20
Nick Walker – Printing of parish wide community archive project launch letters – from CSG S137 Grant
SLCC Compliance briefing training course – Preparing to meet website accessibility guidelines 21st and 23rd July. Clerk attendance
- Balance at Bank 25/5/2020, £23,404.70
- S137 Covid-19 remaining budget balance at 25/6/20 £1,099.29 (Included in above balance).
- Kingsbridge and Dartmouth foodbanks – £50 donation paid to each foodbank on 2/6/20.
- 2019/20 Annual Accounting Statement of Account. This has been re-written / signed off by the internal auditor as accurate for signing by the chair. Two financial errors dating back to June 2018 have been identified, documented and corrected (£30 duplicated DALC training payments and £157.91 unclaimed payment). The cash book, annual bank reconciliation and Annual Accounting Statement for 2019/20 now balance.
- Village Food Bank – £200 grant donation to date.
- NALC have updated Legal Topic Note 87 on Procurement to reflect changes to the procurement threshold. Model standing orders will be updated to reflect these figures in due course and will need to be adopted.
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 3 August 2020 at 7.30pm
by Zoom Video Conference due to Government social distancing restrictions.
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward 29/6/2020
Minutes July 2020
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held by Zoom video conference on Monday 3rd July 2020 at 7.30pm.
Present: J Hinder (Chair), J McPetrie (V. Chairman), , Cllr C Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr G Wollacott.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R Foss, 3 members of the public.
198-20. Apologies for absence – Cllr Mr K Widger, Cllr V. Mercer.
199-20. Declarations of interest – None.
200-20. Public comment – Village Archive Project: An update was provided on the status of the project by the project leader. Over 30 people had responded to the invite mailing and 50-60 contributions are expected as more than one entry per person is allowed to capture the range of moods the lockdown has incited. A team of volunteers is in place to help with the work and St James Church have agreed to host the artwork as a permanent place and the village hall have also offered space for specific showings. A reminder letter is being issued to all parish residents and the deadline may be extended to allow for any changes to be captured as the pandemic progresses.
A parishioner raised there were 9 campervans staying overnight at the beach car park and asked if this was being monitored. This was discussed later in the meeting under matters for discussion regarding human waste. Cllr R Foss to check the arrangements in place with the SHDC enforcements officer regarding overnight parking/parking payments.
A parishioner reported the issue of delivery drivers delivering to the incorrect address at Green Banks and asked if this could be investigated and the road signage improved to differentiate Green Banks from Green Banks Close. Clerk to report matter to Localities Officer.
201-20. Police Councillor Advocate Scheme –
- Police updates have been issued weekly to all Cllrs via the Clerk.
- If any members of the public have a non-urgent matter they wish to bring to the attention of their Local Policing Team, this can be reported via the Devon and Cornwall Police web-page – / Find your local policing team.
202-20. County & District Councillor reports
Devon County Council (DCC) report from Cllr J Brazil:
- DCC have been working on a Covid-19 local outbreak management plan (LOMP), which has now been published along with a regeneration build back plan for the County. Officers are seeking further clarity on how the LOMP will work in practice.
- The Annual meeting was held face to face on 23 July 2020.
- It was reported there was no update on the relocation of the beach war memorial to Strete Gate
- Single Neighbourhood plan – New residences as primary residences. An outline leaflet has been produced and Chilverston Parish are pressing for funding for progression of the plan. Slapton Council confirmed agreement to progressing the plan.
- It was reported that DCC officers and Highways are now back in post and able to attend site visit following social distancing guidelines and latest Gvt regulations.
District report from Cllr R. Foss:
- District Council are meeting to review the budget and impact of Covid-19 on 8/8/20.
- There is still time for applications for the Covid-19 discretionary hardship grant which has now been extended to include B+B’s and the fisheries. Clerk to post reminder notice on the PC website / link to the SHDC application form.
203-20. Minutes of the meeting held on 1 June 2020. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Minutes be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
204-20. Matters in abeyance
- Village flooding issues – Ongoing monitoring. Bi-annual drain cleaning arrangements in place to manage.
- Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
- Monument relocation to Strete – Pending update from DCC.
- Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes in 2020 parish recycling arrangements.
- Village Map – Agreed to delay the reprint until summer. Due to Covid-19 these are not currently being displayed in the Village Hall/Pubs.
- P3 Scheme – Agree to remove once the scheme is joined.
- Safeguarding Training by Ben Leach – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions before proceeding.
- Highways Response – No reply to Park and Walk drain ownership / Footpath deterioration between south grounds farm and drains issues outside the FSC. Chased 15-1-20 and 12.2.20. Progress when Highways are operational post pandemic period.
- FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions.
- Village BT K6 Phone box – Resubmit photos of condition of BT Open Reach phone in Dec 2020 and request repainting.
- Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline: Pending progression of the pandemic situation- review next meeting.
205-20. Planning
1194/20/VAT – Land at Lower Coltscombe, Slaton, TQ7 2QU.
Proposal: Removal of condition 28 (to demolish and remove the barn from the site) of planning consent 44/0800/15/F. No comment
1510/20/HHO – Loworthy Barn, Slapton, TQ7 2RB. Proposal: Householder application for erection of carport. No comment
1861/20/ARC – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton. TQ7 2PT. Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 4-6 of listed building consent 0783/20/LBC. No comment
1907/20/TCA – Rosehill, Sands Road, Slapton. TQ7 2QN. Proposal: T1: Clerodendron – Fell and remove. Tree is dying. Defer to Tree Wardens report
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
2660/19/FUL- Land Opposite Kimmarder Slapton TQ7 2QT Proposal: Provision of a residential dwelling. Decision: Conditional Approval
0841/20/ARC – Lambs Park Hansell Dartmouth TQ6 0LN Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3, 6, 7, 8 & 9 of planning consent. Decision: Discharge of condition Approved
1394/20/AGR – West Farm Loworthy Slapton TQ7 2RB Proposal: Application for prior notification of agricultural development for proposed new barn for use of machinery, equipment, fertiliser and feedstore. Decision: Ag Determination details not required.
206-20. Matters for discussion
- Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 and Certificate of Exemption (Part 2). This was approved and signed by the Chair. Chair to deliver to clerk. Clerk to return to PKF LittleJohn by 31/8/20.
- Covid-19 – Discuss continued hardship grant support to local foodbanks. The Council approved a further payment of £50 both Kingsbridge and Dartmouth foodbanks. The Chair reported Kingsbridge Foodbank have moved to a sports hall as now supporting over 700 people a week due to the impact of the pandemic. Clerk to arrange July payments.
- Blue advisory speed sign installation, Sands Road. Revised artwork was provided by Cllr D Murphy/ option 5 was approved by the Council. Cllr G Wollacott to undertake a review of all the locations of the 20mph speed signs around the village and report this to Cllr D Murphy to cost and present for approval at the next meeting. Clerk to add to the agenda for discussion and resolution.
- Village maintenance projects and ongoing work briefs / quotes:
- Village mowing- It was agreed to mow the village every 6 weeks wef 20/7 and introduce an additional 3 weekly mow of the playing field in-between the normal schedule to ensure the playing field remains usable over summer. The supplier quotes were approved. Clerk to update supplier/arrange work.
- Relocation of dog waste bins: The quote to relocate x 2 dog bins was approved. Clerk to update supplier/arrange work.
- Jubilee Bench outside the FSC – It was discussed if to relocate given the proximity to the hedge, lack of view and that it impacted on the forthcoming path/pavement repair work. It was also raised that the bramble Hedge was overhanging the path and dangerous. Cllr R Foss confirmed it was permissible for the PC supplier to trim this back to a safe distance. Cllr G Wollacott to contact the landowner to request the hedge be properly cut back and also lowered where the bench is to re-instate the view. Discuss reply at next meeting.
- Autumn x 8 Buddle Hole Clearance – The quote for the work was approved by the Council. Clerk to update supplier/arrange work.
- Pavement repairs Sands Road – The brief was discussed and agreed was agreed. Clerk to update Road Warden /arrange site visit with Highways agreed so able to produce a Risk Assessment/ Quote.
- Lengthsman trial:
- Leaf collection and composting – It was discussed if the current method of collection was fit for purpose to ensure highways are kept clear given some complaints received over black bags left on the road. It was agreed that the bags needed to be removed immediately after the end of the work period. Cllr D Murphy to liaise with local parishioner to ascertain if would accept the leaves for composting. Clerk to brief Cllr Widger on July collection date (26th July. Chair agreed to collect if not available with support from the lengthsman. The Council approved a £70 budget to purchase re-usable leaf collection bags. Clerk to order and brief Lengthsman on updated collection arrangements.
- Increase in working hours – A temporary increase in hours was agreed to get on top of the roadsides given the amount of work to do. This comprises of 25th and 26th July and 3 ‘float’ days for the lengthsman to use if available at short notice as long as the brief is agreed for each day with the clerk. Clerk to brief lengthsman
- Dog bin relocation. An update on the meeting with the Localities officer 16-6-20 was provide by the clerk and the proposal for a new dog bin at Townsend Cross to prevent the need to use the play park bin. The supplier quote was approved to move the existing dog bins to new locations opposite the campsite entrance out of the puddle at the park and walk so accessible at all times and from the verge on sands road (given the large black bin 50 yards away), to the side road leading to the nursery.
- Parishioners correspondence / complaints:
- Green Banks Road signs – The parishioners request for improved road signage at Greenbanks and Greenbanks Close to reduce delivery driver confusion was discussed. Clerk to contact localities office to request site visit.
- Parishioners complaint re increasing anti-social noise disturbance from vehicles being raced in a field north of the village. This was withdrawn ahead of the meeting as agreement had been reached to reduce the level of activity. Cllr Murphy reported he had received 8 complaints from residents about the matter. The Council agreed to monitor the situation.
- Multiple complaints regarding the human waste down by the ley and beach. The Chair raised disappointment there had been no reply from any of the recipients of the Councils letter of complaint, despite this being a serious health issue. The Chair ask for all Cllrs to send in parishioner complaints to the Chair for collation and= onward issue to Cllr R Foss who agreed to follow up immediately with SHDC as a public health hazard in DCC highways and site of SSSI. Parishioners have been advised to report on the SHDC ‘Report-it’ site to register the scale of the issue and also to the Chair.
- Re-opening of village facilities – NALC/ BHIB Councils Insurance Covid-19 Risk Assessment guidelines. Safety control measures / signage relating to the re-opening of the playpark, playing field were discussed. DALC have advised the Council should still meet remotely but consider ‘hybrid’ meetings in the future which would mean a change in standing orders. Chair to put up notices at the play park/playing field after SHDC have re-opened the play park. Cllr S Sullock advised the village hall remains closed until September pending further safety guidance.
- Pensions Regulator: So as not to trigger an employer/employee pension contribution requirement, the Council agreed for the clerk’s overtime and expenses claims to change from quarterly to monthly with immediate effect.
- White Close Trust – The Chair updated on the correspondence received from the Trust and change in grant request. The Council agreed to offer a one off grant of £200 to help improve the site entrance in the autumn. Chair to write to the Trust to convey the offer.
207-20 Proposals for resolution
- Model Standing orders – It was proposed and seconded to adopt the DALC temporary remote meeting addendum to the Parishes standing orders. Clerk to add to website.
- Website Privacy Policy template, (WGA2 2.1 compliance requirement Sept 2020. It was proposed and seconded to adopt the policy for resolution at the next meeting. Clerk to add to website
- Covid-19 – It was proposed and seconded to propose to put in place an ongoing budget authority to pay an amount agreed at each monthly meeting to both Kingsbridge and Dartmouth foodbanks to support community hardship as a result of the impact of the pandemic.
- 2021 Internal Audit Booking. It was proposed and seconded to book the services of Alison Marshall, at a fee of £100 to undertake the councils 2021 internal audit. Clerk to confirm booking to the auditor.
208-20. Clerk’s report
To discuss: Clerks annual leave request– Monday 13-17th July 2020. This was approved. Clerk to add out of office to email inbox/ guidance for urgent matters during absence. For information only:
- P3 scheme – Request to register to join the Scheme sent to Ros Davies. 6/6/20. Ros replied 9-6-20 and advised will issue the P3 Agreement once has access to the County Hall which is closed due to COVID-19 restrictions. The scheme on hold pending Gvt guidelines on lifting of restrictions.
- Annual PAT test booked for 13-7-20 for the projector.
- Dog bins relocation
- Meeting held with the SHDC Localities Officer on Tues 16 June to discuss a new dog bin in the Green Banks area to prevent dog waste bags being left in the play park. SHDC propose the play park bin is moved further into the play park against the wall and a new dog waste bin is placed on the triangle of land at Townsend Cross (opposite end to the post box). This will provide a facility for dog walkers on Greenbanks and Brandis Park and also dog walkers heading out of the village to Start/The Ley, as residents on the road to Start have reported an issue with dog bags being thrown into gardens and trees on the boundaries of properties. SHDC are seeking the necessary budget/collection round permissions.
- SHDC have provided a dog waste bin post to relocate the dog bin on the verge before the bus stop to the corner of the road to the nurseries.
- Road Warden briefed on the relocation work and quote provide for the Council to approve. SHDC have approved the work under the road warden scheme.
- Village Mowing: Mowing and Maintenance works were undertaken on 8th and 9th June. The Contractor has suggested more regular mowing of the playing field to ensure it is usable over summer. (Refer matters for discussion)
- Lengthsmans Trial – All equipment has now been received and marked up property of the PC. The Road Warden undertook the following work: Village road side and drain sweeping / Village highways sign cleaning
209-20. Chair’s report
The Chair updated on the CSG committee work:
- Reported the CSG group are scaling back operations but retaining the support infrastructure, prescription and foodbank services should there be a second virus spike to support people needing to self-isolate. An operations manual had been produced to enable the service to be switched on quickly if required.
- Village Charity. The Chair and clerk attended a Zoom Village Charity scoping meeting. 12 people attended and there was a positive view to take this forward. The next meeting is scheduled 15/7/20. Chair to update Council on ongoing progress.
- The Chair met with a parishioner to discuss the development of the playing field so can be usable by all ages for a variety of activities. The terms of the lease had been reviewed and permission from the landowner is required to develop the field and also financial provision to remove the items installed should the lease be cancelled. Chair progressing funding options.
210-20. Councillors’ reports
- Cllr S Sullock – Raised in the SHDC dog sign stickers had been ordered. The clerk confirmed had received and would put up when the dog bins are moved.
- Cllr C Staines – Raised the issue of the brambles encroaching over the village map on Sands Road
- Cllr J McPetrie – Raised if the beach car park can be closed if the issue of lack of toilets and human fouling cannot be resolved to ensure public safety.
- Cllr I Mitchelmore – Raised the speeding of cars in the village has increased and the issue of human fowling and overnight camping at the beach was unacceptable. Cllr G Murphy – No report.
211-20. Financial matters The below payments were approved by the Council.
L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – June 20 (Paid 1/7/20 for noting).
Kingsbridge Area Foodbank Donation – Covid-19 crisis support. (Paid 2/6/20 for noting).
Dartmouth Foodbank Donation – Covid-19 crisis support. (Paid 2/6/20 for noting).
VC Warehouse – CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 15/6/20 by D. Debit – (Paid for noting S137 code).
Clerks Expenses May and June 2020 (Refer analysis sheet)
Clerks Overtime (April, May and June 2020) Refer analysis sheet
Nick Mathias – Village Mowing 8th June 2020. Invoice 1174/21 dated 14/5/20.
Nick Mathias – Additional Maintenance Works 9th June 2020
(Signs/playing field interior, Carr Lane, Branches. Invoice 1175/20 dated 14/4/20
Nick Walker – Printing of parish wide community archive project launch letters – from CSG S137 Grant
SLCC Compliance briefing training course – Preparing to meet website accessibility guidelines 21st and 23rd July. Clerk attendance
- Balance at Bank 25/5/2020, £23,404.70
- S137 Covid-19 remaining budget balance at 25/6/20 £1,099.29 (Included in above balance).
- Kingsbridge and Dartmouth foodbanks – £50 donation paid to each foodbank on 2/6/20.
- 2019/20 Annual Accounting Statement of Account. This has been re-written / signed off by the internal auditor as accurate for signing by the chair. Two financial errors dating back to June 2018 have been identified, documented and corrected (£30 duplicated DALC training payments and £157.91 unclaimed payment). The cash book, annual bank reconciliation and Annual Accounting Statement for 2019/20 now balance.
- Village Food Bank – £200 grant donation to date.
- NALC have updated Legal Topic Note 87 on Procurement to reflect changes to the procurement threshold. Model standing orders will be updated to reflect these figures in due course and will need to be adopted.
212-20. Date of next meeting – Monday 3rd August 2020 at 7.30pm by Zoom conference call.
SIGNED Chair: Julie Hinder