Council Meeting – 5th September 2022
Agenda – 5th Sept 2022
The following Councillors are summoned to attend: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey (Vice Chair), Cllr Crowson, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy,
Cllr Staines Cllr S Sullock, Cllr Waters.
Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R. Foss, PC Oli Abercrombie, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are invited.
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr David Murphy.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
a). Local policing report – PC Abercrombie.
b). Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update: Cllr D Murphy.
a. Cllr J Brazil:
i.DCC Cyclic Cleaning Agreement for PC’s update.
ii.A379 – Slapton Line Partnership Adaptation Plan update / next meeting update/ Parishioner letter re impact of 60mph limit on wildlife/ PC concerns over pedestrian/cyclist safety.
iii.DCC painted pedestrian path – District meeting motion update.
iv.DCC Highways – Support needed to arrange meeting with PC.
b. Cllr R Foss:
i. Retrospective Planning Applications / Reservoir development planning permission update.
ii.A379: Slapton Line Partnership Adaptation Plan update and next steps re recruitment/ meetings.
iii. Continued use of footpath by bus stop / A379 as public toilet.
iv. Monument relocation update.
v.S106 land at Carr Lane – latest position re planning application progress.
vi.Localities Officer Update.
6. MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 4th July 2022, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a.Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
b. Snow Warden Scheme – Agree to add to action log.
c. Website development / upgrade – On hold until a full council in place.
d. Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 17th Sept 2022. Cllrs suggestions.
1984/22/FUL – Higher Coltscombe Farm, Slapton TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Siting of two shepherd’s huts for holiday accommodation with car port/store/solar pv structure and landscaping (Resubmission of 4366/21/FUL).
2407/22/TPO – Chantry Hill, Slapton TQ7 2QY
Proposal: T18: Ash – Fell due to dieback, proximity to public highway, properties and garden sheds 2Kippax.
2403/22/CLE – Alston Barn, Slapton Kingsbridge TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing use of agricultural building as residential accommodation/domestic space.
1337/22/FUL – Pittaford Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2QG
Proposal: A retrospective application to regularise repairs/restoration & for the change of use of an agricultural building/old piggery to facilities block to serve an existing campsite
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information).
0352/22/TCA – The Pound House, Carr Lane, Slapton. TQ7 2PU
Proposal: T1: Oak – T1: Oak – Remove x1 secondary limb (100mm dia) extending over the garage by 3m due to potential limb failure.
Clear tertiary growth from around BT wire to achieve 500mm clearance for safety.
Radial crown reduction by 1-1.5m S, N & E crown quadrants to a radial spread of circa 5.1m, 7.6m and 8.1m respectively. Reshape mid-section crown to maintain a natural outline. To encourage healthy growth. Remove deadwood over the drive & garage.
Decision: Tree works allowed.
1393/22/HHO – Chantry Hill, Slapton TQ7 2QY
Proposal: Householder application for alterations to dwelling including enlargement of existing parking area and dropped kerb, new front & rear extensions with new pitched roof over, new front and rear pitchedroof dormers & replacement roof tiles with natural slate.
Decision: Conditional approval
1437/22/HHO – Higher Ley, Wood Lane, Slapton, TQ7 2QX
Proposal: Householder application for erection of summer house with deck to sideof property & associated landscaping works.
Decision: Conditional approval.
2021/22/HRN – Barnfields Slapton TQ7 2QD
Proposal: Hedgerow Removal Notice:Application for hedgerow removal notice to remove 4.5 metres of hedgerow to create field access.
Decision: Tree Works No Objection Raised.
1931/22/FULL – Loworthy Farmhouse Slapton TQ7 2RB
Proposal: Change of use from agricultural to equestrian use and proposed stable building.
Decision: Conditional Approval.
Withdrawn – None.
a).NALC/SLCC Dignity at Work:. To pass a resolution for the PC to sign up to the civility and respect pledge / Cllrs to book training.
b). 2019 Model Financial Regulations – To pass a resolution to amend tendering limits under S135 Local Government Act 1972.
c). Recreation field gate/fencing installation – Approve quote/supplier.
d).Brook Street overhang – Approve cutting quote.
e).Drains: a). Prospect Hill Highways inspection – Agree next steps b). Agree annual drain cleaning/hedge cutting timings.
f). Update on Pot Hole report survey.
g).DALC Winter Warm Space initiative – Agree next steps
h). Website Accessibility Upgrade – Agree next steps.
i).CSG Committee – Agree future terms of reference.
j).Village Development GVT PWBL Loan.
k).PC Business Plan – Agree approach/next steps.
- Cllr Recruitment Update.
- Big Green Week.
a). To receive an update from the clerk on matters ongoing.
b). For Cllrs to highlight matters which require attention or future agenda items
a) Authority given at the July PC meeting for the Clerk to make the following July payments during the PC’s summer break. Noted as paid.
L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary June 22 £778.80 Gross) less NEST employee payments £10.36 and WFH allowance £24.00. Net £768.44. Paid 4/8/22 – noted Sept agenda.
61/22 DDebit
July NEST employee contribution – £10.36 and employer contribution £7.70 (Total employer and employee deduction £18.13).
Woolston Accounting – Monthly July payroll. Invoice 2166 dated 28/7/9 (paid 4/8/22 for noting)
Nick Mathias – Mowing – July. Invoice 1465/23 dated 18/7/22 (paid 4/8/22 for noting)
SLCC – Clerks National Annual Remote Conference Attendance fee/ Invoice BK206765-1 dated 20/7/22. (Paid 4/8/22 for noting)
Village Hall Hire 4th + 26th July. Invoice CO8710/22 dated 1/8/22. (Paid 4/8/22 for noting)
Nick Mathias – July Road Warden Work. Invoice 1474/23 dated 31//7/22. (Paid 4/8/22 for noting)
VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (July). Invoice 1010988 dated 1/8/26 paid 15/8 by DD. (paid 4/8/22 for noting)
Transfer of static ringfenced reserves to New SPC Instant Access savings account £1068.00 – Contra entry with IA Balance.
b. The Council to Approve the below August payments
L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary August 22 £778.80 Gross) less NEST employee payments £10.36. Net £768.44 and WFH allowance £24.00 Paid 1-9-22 – noted Sept agenda.
August NEST employee contribution – £10.36 and employer contribution £7.70 (Total employer and employee deduction £18.13). Noted Sept agenda
Woolston Accounting – Monthly August payroll. Invoice 2209 dated 28/8/22.
IOC Annual Data protection Licence fee renewal by DD
VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (July). Invoice 1010988 dated 1/8/26 paid 15/8 by DD.
Chairs 2022 Annual Allowance. PAYE to Julie Hinder.
Nick Mathias – August Mowing. Invoice 1481/23 dated 22/8/22.
Nick Mathias – August Road Warden. Invoice 1482/23 dated 22/8/22.
b) Balance at Bank 26/8/22: 17,838.01
i).Treasurers Account £8,689.71
ii) Access Savings Account £9,148.30
c) Receipts:
i) Treasurers Account £0.00
ii) Instant Access Savings Account £0.02 and £0.28
iii). Total Receipts July/August: £0.30
d).Chair to approve mid-year Bank Reconciliation.
e). Pending reply from the Village Shop re Queens Jubilee grant.
15. Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on Monday 3rd October 2022 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Members of the public wishing to attend are asked to follow the Governments Living with Covid Guidelines.
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk 30/8/2022
Minutes 5th Sept 2022
Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Abbey, Cllr Crowson, Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Staines, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Waters.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil, present from 7.50 pm to 8.35pm, PC Abercrombie, present from 8.10pm to 8.30pm, Cllr R Foss present from 7.00 pm to 8.50pm
67-22 Apologies for absence – Cllr Murphy. Kate Payne (FSC).
68-22 Declarations of interest – Cllr Waters re Planning App 1984/22/FUL who left the room during discussions.
69.22 Public comment – 2 parishioners attended to express both support and concerns for planning application1984/22/FUL – Higher Coltscombe Farm, Slapton TQ7 2QE. They were supportive in the reduction of 2 shepherds huts from 4 but were undecided over the statement that there would be no staff traffic as the nearest house was half a mile away and walking to work in winter would be challenging. They also had concerns over the impact of visitor traffic on the already potholed lanes in Coltscombe which DCC Highways have stated will not be repaired and that 4 huts were still on the plans and there could be future expansion. Cllr Foss assured the parishioners that the application would be considered in full and would check DCC Highways response as this was not in the SHDC planning portal but that the application can only be judged on the immediate plan and not what may happen in the future.
70.22 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update.
a). Local policing report by PC Abercrombie who reported the following:
i. PC Ambercrombie is based in Dartmouth and response times are 35 minutes to the parish.
ii. No crime had been reported in the parish in the last month to 999/111 or online which reduces police visibility in the parish. Cllr Abbey reported they were aware of crime in the parish and wanted the police to be aware of this. PC Abercrombie requested that the public report all incidents no matter how large or small, via the Devon and Cornwall police website webchat where they are logged and allocated to an officer. All incidents were important to help build up a crime profile of the area. Chair to include in the Slapton Lines Chairs report.
iii. 2 out of 40 cars were found to be speeding in the village in a recent speed check. The Chair asked the locations of the surveys and if there was an update on the Green banks speeding issue as this was still present. PC Abercrombie advised that the police were limited in speed controls as very visible and cars slowed.
iv. All highways’ issues should be reported to the subject matter expert in Highways as there were case laws around signage and correct displays which must be followed. If there are no deaths reported, police and highways support is unlikely due to stretched resources.
v. PC Abercrombie agreed to forward a monthly report to the PC, should matters arising in the parish occur. PC Abercrombie left the meeting at 8.35pm.
b). Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update: No update.
71.22 County & District Councillor reports
1) Cllr J Brazil:
a) Due to the August holidays, there were no DCC meetings.
b) DCC Cyclic Cleaning Agreement for PC’s – No update. Cllr Brazil had shared the Parish Online tool with Meg Booth, Head of Highways and will discuss at the October meeting.
c) A379 – Slapton Line Partnership – Anthony Mangnall MP had invited Cllr Brazil and neighbouring County Cllrs to discuss the backroads but DCC had no funding. In response to the parishioner letter re the impact of the 60mph limit on wildlife/ PC concerns over pedestrian/cyclist safety, DCC were comfortable with the speed limit and this would not be changed.
d) DCC Virtual pedestrian paths were due to be discussed at the next full council meeting. Update next meeting.
e) DCC Highways – Cllr Abbey raised that the PC were very unhappy with the lack of support from the appointed DCC Highways RFO who was being unhelpful and un-cooperative re requests to meet with the PC to discuss their requests to remove road signs and discuss traffic concerns and that this was unacceptable. Cllr Brazil advised that the PC had to fit into DCC Highways criteria.
Cllr Abbey said this was unacceptable and a good example was the recent SCARF brief that suggested putting monitors in areas where speeding could not occur to give a false negative result.
The Chair stated they were thankful that the SCARF had been approved but that the proposed monitoring locations were incorrect and would skew the data and as the PC had been given a grant to fund 3 monitors were keen to ensure these were in the correct locations. The clerk raised that there were 2 issues needed DCC input being the SCARF locations and the village signage. Cllr Brazil asked if there had been deaths over speeding in the village.
The clerk replied none but it was not acceptable to have to have a death to put up as speed sign and asked PC Abercrombie for their views on this. Refer 70.22 (a) (iv) for reply.
Cllr Brazil asked if the PC’s signs had been removed. The PC replied no and would DCC make them do this. Cllr Brazil advised DCC Highways would not but that the PC would be liable for any incidents as a result of the PC’s signs now that Highways had asked the PC to remove them.
Cllr Mitchelmore felt the DCC RFO had no authority to ask for this to be done after not engaging during the 2 years since the signs have been up and refusing to come and discuss the matter with the PC who did not require money, only guidance and authority.
Cllr Brazil advised that the PC needed to take the initiative and display speed cameras where they felt appropriate.
The clerk asked if the PC without DCC approval would then be asked to take them down again by Highways and would they be liable as per the signs if they did not. PC Abercrombie agreed this would be the case. The clerk advised the PC not to use the grant money under these circumstances as the grant was derived from the community shop funds and had to be spent responsibly and that it was a shame it had come to litigious red lines when everyone was trying to save lives on the roads and support the parish and all that was needed was a meeting to discuss where to put PC funded speed signs.
Cllr Foss advised the PC to write to Cllr John Hart and explain that the PC is unable to access advice and support on where to best locate speed signs to try and secure a resolution. PC to discuss next steps.
f) It was reported that all Localities budgets were suspended and that DCC was close to insolvency with a £39-£40m deficit unless there was central Government support. The Chair asked the impact of this. Cllr Brazil reported the matter was very serious and Children and Adult Services as well as Road Maintenance would be affected and the CEO had left their post in August.
Cllr Brazil left the meeting at 8.35pm.
Cllr R Foss:
g) Reported there were no retrospective Planning Applications, nor for the Reservoir development update and that comments can only be made on the actual application made. CLLR Abbey asked if there was an update on the signage outside an Air B+B in the village as had not had a reply back from SHDC. Cllr Foss to follow up
h) A379:
i) It was reported that SHDC had unanimously passed a motion that the Slapton Line Partnership was not looking after the best interests of all residents and as a result SHDC would no longer back the partnership. Cllr Foss had received MP Anthony Mangnall’s report which contained evidence to take to Whitehall that other SSSI sites had been protected by bring in foreign materials. Landmarc company has been invited to Switzerland to speak about its patented product of putting wire around rocks as installed at Beesands and if this were to be implemented on the A379, would help preserve the road longer. DCC Highways would need to be involved in any future works. Cllr Foss reported that he had declined a role in Modbury so that he could continue to support the A379 preservation after 20 years involvement as this was very important to local businesses and residents and needed a pro-active approach of which Cllr Brazil was also in support of.
Cllr Crowson stated he felt the situation was now much better supported but raised concerns that immediate support for repairs to the memorial car park were needed as this was the weakest point in the road and as a retired civil engineer felt in doing so, this would offer protection to the road. Cllr Crowson felt that the wider general public were not aware of the relocation of the war monument which would weaken defences at the T Junction and the collapse of the road here would be catastrophic to the parish and asked if immediate repairs to the car park could be supported.
Cllr Foss advised that the Landmarc rock armour solution would protect the carpark and would take this forward as required permission to do so.
Cllr Crowson felt that if the public were made more aware of the relocation of the memorial there would be a groundswell of support for the repairs.
Cllr Foss advised there was a lot of strong feeling to maintain the current location of the monument to maintain its symbolic value but discussions were in progress to extended the Strete Gate car park and site the monument there as a safe place.
i) Cllr Foss agreed to report the use of footpath by bus stop / A379 as public toilet to the SHDC cleaning team.
j) Monument relocation update – Refer 71.22 (f)(i).
k) S106 land at Carr Lane – Cllr Foss agreed to follow up on the planning application progress.
l) Localities Officer Update – PC’s no longer have a dedicated localities officer and support requests should be emailed to the generic localities email. m) Waste collection services – The contract with the supplier has been terminated by mutual agreement and SHDC are working to re-instate services including a once-a-month brown bin collection. Cllr Foss left the meeting at 8.50pm
72-22 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 4th July 2022, were proposed by Cllr Sullock and seconded by Cllr Mitchelmore to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
73.22 Review of Action Log – Clerk to update.
74.22 Matters in Abeyance
a) Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
b) Snow Warden Scheme – Agreed to add to action log.
c) Website development / upgrade – Refer 76-22.h. Agreed to add to actions log.
d) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 17th Sept 2022. Cllrs to forward content suggestion to Chair.
75.22 Planning Applications:
1984/22/FUL – Higher Coltscombe Farm, Slapton TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Siting of two shepherd’s huts for holiday accommodation with car port/store/solar pv structure and landscaping (Resubmission of 4366/21/FUL).
Cllr Watters left the room but before doing so reported that he had been asked to raise if all comments after the deadline would not be considered. Cllr Foss advised would review with the planning committee.
The PC reported no comment after undertaking a site visit.
2407/22/TPO – Chantry Hill, Slapton TQ7 2QY
Proposal: T18: Ash – Fell due to dieback, proximity to public highway, properties and garden sheds 2Kippax.
Refer to Tree Warden report
2403/22/CLE – Alston Barn, Slapton Kingsbridge TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing use of agricultural building as residential accommodation/domestic space. Application reported withdrawn
1337/22/FUL – Pittaford Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2QG
Proposal: A retrospective application to regularise repairs/restoration & for the change of use of an agricultural building/old piggery to facilities block to serve an existing campsite.
No comment
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
0352/22/TCA – The Pound House, Carr Lane, Slapton. TQ7 2PU
Proposal: T1: Oak – T1: Oak – Remove x1 secondary limb (100mm dia) extending over the garage by 3m due to potential limb failure. Clear tertiary growth from around BT wire to achieve 500mm clearance for safety. Radial crown reduction by 1-1.5m S, N & E crown quadrants to a radial spread of circa 5.1m, 7.6m and 8.1m respectively. Reshape mid-section crown to maintain a natural outline. To encourage healthy growth. Remove deadwood over the drive & garage.
Decision: Tree works allowed.
1393/22/HHO – Chantry Hill, Slapton TQ7 2QY
Proposal: Householder application for alterations to dwelling including enlargement of existing parking area and dropped kerb, new front & rear extensions with new pitched roof over, new front and rear pitched roof dormers & replacement roof tiles with natural slate.
Decision: Conditional approval
1437/22/HHO – Higher Ley, Wood Lane, Slapton, TQ7 2QX
Proposal: Householder application for erection of summer house with deck to side of property & associated landscaping works.
Decision: Conditional approval.
2021/22/HRN – Barnfields Slapton TQ7 2QD
Proposal: Hedgerow Removal Notice: Application for hedgerow removal notice to remove 4.5 metres of hedgerow to create field access.
Decision: Tree Works No Objection Raised.
1931/22/FULL – Loworthy Farmhouse Slapton TQ7 2RB
Proposal: Change of use from agricultural to equestrian use and proposed stable building.
Decision: Conditional Approval.
Withdrawn – None.
76.22 Matters for discussion
a) NALC/SLCC Dignity at Work:. The Chair read the pledge to the PC after which it was agreed unanimously by the PC to pass a resolution for the PC to sign up to the civility and respect pledge. Clerk to investigate dates / options for group training.
b) 2019 Model Financial Regulations – The Chair proposed and Cllr Waters agree to pass a resolution to amend tendering limits under S135 Local Government Act 1972. Clerk to update document/ add to website.
c) Recreation field gate/fencing installation – Cllr Mitchelmore reported the second supplier had declined to quote due to legal changes with diesel types and proposed that the first quote as the only tender from Cllr Waters be accepted at £444 which was seconded by Cllr Sullock and agreed unanimously. Cllr Waters to proceed with the installation.
d) Brook Street overhang – Cllr Abbey proposed and Cllr Staines seconded to approve a cutting quote of up to £100 plus Vat. Cllr Mitchelmore to brief farmer and arrange works as soon as possible.
e) Drains: a). Prospect Hill Highways inspection – Cllr Abbey agreed to liaise with the owner of Prospect Cottage to cut back the overgrowth over the gully and remove bins from the roadside as redirecting the water runoff.b). The PC agreed to commercially clean the village and drains Early December after the fall/hedge cutting. Cllr Waters/ Cllr Crowson to liaise with farmers on hedge cutting timings. Clerk to arrange a quote with supplier for discussion next meeting. Cllr Sullock reported that the run off from Fern Acre was refilling the drain that had just been cleaned on Blacksmiths Hill. Planning Cllrs to check the planning application terms regarding water run-off on this property.
f) Update on Pot Hole report survey. No repairs needed around the village centre. Potholes on the road to Pollardscombe Farm reported by the clerk on the DCC Highways report it portal.
g) DALC Winter Warm Space initiative – It was agreed to monitor the GVT announcements and seek interest via an article in the Slapton lines. Chair to include in report.
h) Website Accessibility Upgrade – It was proposed by the Chair, seconded by Cllr Waters and agreed unanimously to proceed with the Parish Online offering. Clerk to action. i) CSG Committee – The future terms of reference were discussed. Clerk to add to next CSG meeting agenda to discuss with the CSG.
j) Village Development GVT PWBL Loan. It was agreed in principle to explore development of the recreation field. Chair to write to landowner.
k) PC Business Plan – It was agreed to arrange a workshop meeting to agree next steps. Clerk to schedule meeting.
77.22 Proposals for resolution – None.
78.22 Chair’s report
a) Cllr Recruitment Update – ongoing.
b) Great Big Green Week. Events have been arranged for The Great Big Green Week 2022, further details to follow
79.22 Reports
a) Clerk’s Report:
- DCC Highways- Pending third request to arrange a meeting date with the PC.
- SCARF survey arrangements liaison.
- DCC have approved a power flush of the block drain into White Close. Lisa Edmunds will be attending to oversee this. No date provided as yet.
- Defibrillator Training date, Weekly Checks, Annual Service Booking. Spare set of pads ordered and held at the Clerk’s Office.
- Lloyds Bank mandate – signatories updated.
- Model Financial Regulations 2019 – Tendering section updated for resolution.
- Business Plan presentation/preparation for the 1 August PC workshop.
- PWBL rates researched.
- Mid-Year Bank Reconciliation completed.
- 11 CSG Facebook and 8 PC website news posts drafted/SEO/posted.
- Liaison with Road Warden – July/ August Road Warden Work brief, Mowing plan.
- Devon and Cornwall Fire Service Home Assessment – mailing data permissions research.
- SHDC liaison: Dog waste on road report.
- Office and budget administration.
- Notice board updating.
- Recreation field facilities servicing and visit numbers monitoring: 88 July / 189 August. Total 1159 visits since 1/2/22.
- Dog agility classes held 6th and 28th August. Heatwave in July cancelled sessions.
- Annual Leave booked: 12th to 23rd Sept.
b). Cllrs Reports Cllr Sullock – Reported an update from the Village Hall:
- Health Hubs Audit was being undertaken and survey completed on rising energy cost impact on the Hall.
- A letter had been sent to Anthony Mangnall to confirm inclusion in the Police Hub scheme.
- The Village Phone box painting was now completed.
- Foodbank collection point at the end of August had received 555 non-perishable donations and £770 in cash.
80.22 Financial matters
i) The council unanimously approved the below payments:
Authority given at the July PC meeting for the Clerk to make the following payments during the PC’s summer break. Noted as paid.
60/22 £792.44 L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary June 22 £778.80 Gross) less NEST employee payments £10.36 and WFH allowance £24.00. Net £768.44. Paid 4/8/22 – noted Sept agenda.
61/22 DDebit £18.13 July NEST employee contribution – £10.36 and employer contribution £7.70 (Total employer and employee deduction £18.13).
62/22 £20.00 Woolston Accounting – Monthly July payroll. Invoice 2166 dated 28/7/9 (paid 4/8/22 for noting).
63/22 £375.00 Nick Mathias – Mowing – July. Invoice 1465/23 dated 18/7/22 (paid 4/8/22 for noting).
64/22 £150.00 SLCC – Clerks National Annual Remote Conference Attendance fee/ Invoice BK206765-1 dated 20/7/22 (Paid 4/8/22 for noting).
65/22 £20.00 Village Hall Hire 4th + 26th July. Invoice CO8710/22 dated 1/8/22 (Paid 4/8/22 for noting).
66/22 £300.00 Nick Mathias – July Road Warden Work. Invoice 1474/23 dated 31//7/22. (Paid 4/8/22 for noting).
67/22 £11.94 VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (July). Invoice 1010988 dated 1/8/26 paid 15/8 by DD (Paid 4/8/22 for noting).
68/22 £1068.00 Transfer of static ringfenced reserves to New SPC Instant Access savings account £1068.00 – Contra entry with IA Balance.
b. The Council to approve the Below payments
69/22 £792.44 L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary August 22 £778.80 Gross) less NEST employee payments £10.36. Net £768.44 and WFH allowance £24.00 Paid 1-9-22 – noted Sept agenda.
70/22 DDebit £18.13 August NEST employee contribution – £10.36 and employer contribution £7.70 (Total employer and employee deduction £18.13). Noted Sept agenda. 71/22 £20.00 Woolston Accounting – Monthly August payroll. Invoice 2209 dated 28/8/22.
72/22 DDebit £35.00 IOC Annual Data protection Licence fee renewal by DD.
73/22 £11.94 VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (July). Invoice 1010988 dated 1/8/26 paid 15/8 by DD.
74/22 £530.00 Chairs 2022 Annual Allowance. PAYE to Julie Hinder.
75/22 £285.00 Nick Mathias – August Mowing. Invoice 1481/23 dated 22/8/22.
76/22 £300.00 Nick Mathias – August Road Warden. Invoice 1482/23 dated 22/8/22.
a) Balance at Bank 26/8/22: 17,838.01
Treasurers Account £8,689.71
Instant Access Savings Account £9,148.30
b) Receipts:
Treasurers Account £0.00
Instant Access Savings Account £0.02 and £0.28
Total Receipts July/August: £0.30
c) Chair approved the mid-year Bank Reconciliation.
d) Pending reply from the Village Shop re Queens Platinum Jubilee grant surplus.
Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on Monday 3rd October 2022 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Members of the public wishing to attend to contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines
The meeting ended at 10.10pm.
To be SIGNED: Julie Hinder, Chair on 3/10/22
Minutes – Sept 2022
Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Abbey, Cllr Crowson, Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Staines, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Waters.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil, present from 7.50 pm to 8.35pm, PC Abercrombie, present from 8.10pm to 8.30pm, Cllr R Foss present from 7.00 pm to 8.50pm
67-22 Apologies for absence – Cllr Murphy. Kate Payne (FSC).
68-22 Declarations of interest – Cllr Waters re Planning App 1984/22/FUL who left the room during discussions.
69.22 Public comment – 2 parishioners attended to express both support and concerns for planning application1984/22/FUL – Higher Coltscombe Farm, Slapton TQ7 2QE. They were supportive in the reduction of 2 shepherds huts from 4 but were undecided over the statement that there would be no staff traffic as the nearest house was half a mile away and walking to work in winter would be challenging. They also had concerns over the impact of visitor traffic on the already potholed lanes in Coltscombe which DCC Highways have stated will not be repaired and that 4 huts were still on the plans and there could be future expansion. Cllr Foss assured the parishioners that the application would be considered in full and would check DCC Highways response as this was not in the SHDC planning portal but that the application can only be judged on the immediate plan and not what may happen in the future.
70.22 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update.
a). Local policing report by PC Abercrombie who reported the following:
i. PC Ambercrombie is based in Dartmouth and response times are 35 minutes to the parish.
ii. No crime had been reported in the parish in the last month to 999/111 or online which reduces police visibility in the parish. Cllr Abbey reported they were aware of crime in the parish and wanted the police to be aware of this. PC Abercrombie requested that the public report all incidents no matter how large or small, via the Devon and Cornwall police website webchat where they are logged and allocated to an officer. All incidents were important to help build up a crime profile of the area. Chair to include in the Slapton Lines Chairs report.
iii. 2 out of 40 cars were found to be speeding in the village in a recent speed check. The Chair asked the locations of the surveys and if there was an update on the Green banks speeding issue as this was still present. PC Abercrombie advised that the police were limited in speed controls as very visible and cars slowed.
iv. All highways’ issues should be reported to the subject matter expert in Highways as there were case laws around signage and correct displays which must be followed. If there are no deaths reported, police and highways support is unlikely due to stretched resources.
v. PC Abercrombie agreed to forward a monthly report to the PC, should matters arising in the parish occur. PC Abercrombie left the meeting at 8.35pm.
b). Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update: No update.
71.22 County & District Councillor reports
1) Cllr J Brazil:
a) Due to the August holidays, there were no DCC meetings.
b) DCC Cyclic Cleaning Agreement for PC’s – No update. Cllr Brazil had shared the Parish Online tool with Meg Booth, Head of Highways and will discuss at the October meeting.
c) A379 – Slapton Line Partnership – Anthony Mangnall MP had invited Cllr Brazil and neighbouring County Cllrs to discuss the backroads but DCC had no funding. In response to the parishioner letter re the impact of the 60mph limit on wildlife/ PC concerns over pedestrian/cyclist safety, DCC were comfortable with the speed limit and this would not be changed.
d) DCC Virtual pedestrian paths were due to be discussed at the next full council meeting. Update next meeting.
e) DCC Highways – Cllr Abbey raised that the PC were very unhappy with the lack of support from the appointed DCC Highways RFO who was being unhelpful and un-cooperative re requests to meet with the PC to discuss their requests to remove road signs and discuss traffic concerns and that this was unacceptable. Cllr Brazil advised that the PC had to fit into DCC Highways criteria.
Cllr Abbey said this was unacceptable and a good example was the recent SCARF brief that suggested putting monitors in areas where speeding could not occur to give a false negative result.
The Chair stated they were thankful that the SCARF had been approved but that the proposed monitoring locations were incorrect and would skew the data and as the PC had been given a grant to fund 3 monitors were keen to ensure these were in the correct locations. The clerk raised that there were 2 issues needed DCC input being the SCARF locations and the village signage. Cllr Brazil asked if there had been deaths over speeding in the village.
The clerk replied none but it was not acceptable to have to have a death to put up as speed sign and asked PC Abercrombie for their views on this. Refer 70.22 (a) (iv) for reply.
Cllr Brazil asked if the PC’s signs had been removed. The PC replied no and would DCC make them do this. Cllr Brazil advised DCC Highways would not but that the PC would be liable for any incidents as a result of the PC’s signs now that Highways had asked the PC to remove them.
Cllr Mitchelmore felt the DCC RFO had no authority to ask for this to be done after not engaging during the 2 years since the signs have been up and refusing to come and discuss the matter with the PC who did not require money, only guidance and authority.
Cllr Brazil advised that the PC needed to take the initiative and display speed cameras where they felt appropriate.
The clerk asked if the PC without DCC approval would then be asked to take them down again by Highways and would they be liable as per the signs if they did not. PC Abercrombie agreed this would be the case. The clerk advised the PC not to use the grant money under these circumstances as the grant was derived from the community shop funds and had to be spent responsibly and that it was a shame it had come to litigious red lines when everyone was trying to save lives on the roads and support the parish and all that was needed was a meeting to discuss where to put PC funded speed signs.
Cllr Foss advised the PC to write to Cllr John Hart and explain that the PC is unable to access advice and support on where to best locate speed signs to try and secure a resolution. PC to discuss next steps.
f) It was reported that all Localities budgets were suspended and that DCC was close to insolvency with a £39-£40m deficit unless there was central Government support. The Chair asked the impact of this. Cllr Brazil reported the matter was very serious and Children and Adult Services as well as Road Maintenance would be affected and the CEO had left their post in August.
Cllr Brazil left the meeting at 8.35pm.
Cllr R Foss:
g) Reported there were no retrospective Planning Applications, nor for the Reservoir development update and that comments can only be made on the actual application made. CLLR Abbey asked if there was an update on the signage outside an Air B+B in the village as had not had a reply back from SHDC. Cllr Foss to follow up
h) A379:
i) It was reported that SHDC had unanimously passed a motion that the Slapton Line Partnership was not looking after the best interests of all residents and as a result SHDC would no longer back the partnership. Cllr Foss had received MP Anthony Mangnall’s report which contained evidence to take to Whitehall that other SSSI sites had been protected by bring in foreign materials. Landmarc company has been invited to Switzerland to speak about its patented product of putting wire around rocks as installed at Beesands and if this were to be implemented on the A379, would help preserve the road longer. DCC Highways would need to be involved in any future works. Cllr Foss reported that he had declined a role in Modbury so that he could continue to support the A379 preservation after 20 years involvement as this was very important to local businesses and residents and needed a pro-active approach of which Cllr Brazil was also in support of.
Cllr Crowson stated he felt the situation was now much better supported but raised concerns that immediate support for repairs to the memorial car park were needed as this was the weakest point in the road and as a retired civil engineer felt in doing so, this would offer protection to the road. Cllr Crowson felt that the wider general public were not aware of the relocation of the war monument which would weaken defences at the T Junction and the collapse of the road here would be catastrophic to the parish and asked if immediate repairs to the car park could be supported.
Cllr Foss advised that the Landmarc rock armour solution would protect the carpark and would take this forward as required permission to do so.
Cllr Crowson felt that if the public were made more aware of the relocation of the memorial there would be a groundswell of support for the repairs.
Cllr Foss advised there was a lot of strong feeling to maintain the current location of the monument to maintain its symbolic value but discussions were in progress to extended the Strete Gate car park and site the monument there as a safe place.
i) Cllr Foss agreed to report the use of footpath by bus stop / A379 as public toilet to the SHDC cleaning team.
j) Monument relocation update – Refer 71.22 (f)(i).
k) S106 land at Carr Lane – Cllr Foss agreed to follow up on the planning application progress.
l) Localities Officer Update – PC’s no longer have a dedicated localities officer and support requests should be emailed to the generic localities email. m) Waste collection services – The contract with the supplier has been terminated by mutual agreement and SHDC are working to re-instate services including a once-a-month brown bin collection. Cllr Foss left the meeting at 8.50pm
72-22 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 4th July 2022, were proposed by Cllr Sullock and seconded by Cllr Mitchelmore to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
73.22 Review of Action Log – Clerk to update.
74.22 Matters in Abeyance
a) Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
b) Snow Warden Scheme – Agreed to add to action log.
c) Website development / upgrade – Refer 76-22.h. Agreed to add to actions log.
d) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 17th Sept 2022. Cllrs to forward content suggestion to Chair.
75.22 Planning Applications:
1984/22/FUL – Higher Coltscombe Farm, Slapton TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Siting of two shepherd’s huts for holiday accommodation with car port/store/solar pv structure and landscaping (Resubmission of 4366/21/FUL).
Cllr Watters left the room but before doing so reported that he had been asked to raise if all comments after the deadline would not be considered. Cllr Foss advised would review with the planning committee.
The PC reported no comment after undertaking a site visit.
2407/22/TPO – Chantry Hill, Slapton TQ7 2QY
Proposal: T18: Ash – Fell due to dieback, proximity to public highway, properties and garden sheds 2Kippax.
Refer to Tree Warden report
2403/22/CLE – Alston Barn, Slapton Kingsbridge TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing use of agricultural building as residential accommodation/domestic space. Application reported withdrawn
1337/22/FUL – Pittaford Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2QG
Proposal: A retrospective application to regularise repairs/restoration & for the change of use of an agricultural building/old piggery to facilities block to serve an existing campsite.
No comment
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
0352/22/TCA – The Pound House, Carr Lane, Slapton. TQ7 2PU
Proposal: T1: Oak – T1: Oak – Remove x1 secondary limb (100mm dia) extending over the garage by 3m due to potential limb failure. Clear tertiary growth from around BT wire to achieve 500mm clearance for safety. Radial crown reduction by 1-1.5m S, N & E crown quadrants to a radial spread of circa 5.1m, 7.6m and 8.1m respectively. Reshape mid-section crown to maintain a natural outline. To encourage healthy growth. Remove deadwood over the drive & garage.
Decision: Tree works allowed.
1393/22/HHO – Chantry Hill, Slapton TQ7 2QY
Proposal: Householder application for alterations to dwelling including enlargement of existing parking area and dropped kerb, new front & rear extensions with new pitched roof over, new front and rear pitched roof dormers & replacement roof tiles with natural slate.
Decision: Conditional approval
1437/22/HHO – Higher Ley, Wood Lane, Slapton, TQ7 2QX
Proposal: Householder application for erection of summer house with deck to side of property & associated landscaping works.
Decision: Conditional approval.
2021/22/HRN – Barnfields Slapton TQ7 2QD
Proposal: Hedgerow Removal Notice: Application for hedgerow removal notice to remove 4.5 metres of hedgerow to create field access.
Decision: Tree Works No Objection Raised.
1931/22/FULL – Loworthy Farmhouse Slapton TQ7 2RB
Proposal: Change of use from agricultural to equestrian use and proposed stable building.
Decision: Conditional Approval.
Withdrawn – None.
76.22 Matters for discussion
a) NALC/SLCC Dignity at Work:. The Chair read the pledge to the PC after which it was agreed unanimously by the PC to pass a resolution for the PC to sign up to the civility and respect pledge. Clerk to investigate dates / options for group training.
b) 2019 Model Financial Regulations – The Chair proposed and Cllr Waters agree to pass a resolution to amend tendering limits under S135 Local Government Act 1972. Clerk to update document/ add to website.
c) Recreation field gate/fencing installation – Cllr Mitchelmore reported the second supplier had declined to quote due to legal changes with diesel types and proposed that the first quote as the only tender from Cllr Waters be accepted at £444 which was seconded by Cllr Sullock and agreed unanimously. Cllr Waters to proceed with the installation.
d) Brook Street overhang – Cllr Abbey proposed and Cllr Staines seconded to approve a cutting quote of up to £100 plus Vat. Cllr Mitchelmore to brief farmer and arrange works as soon as possible.
e) Drains: a). Prospect Hill Highways inspection – Cllr Abbey agreed to liaise with the owner of Prospect Cottage to cut back the overgrowth over the gully and remove bins from the roadside as redirecting the water runoff.b). The PC agreed to commercially clean the village and drains Early December after the fall/hedge cutting. Cllr Waters/ Cllr Crowson to liaise with farmers on hedge cutting timings. Clerk to arrange a quote with supplier for discussion next meeting. Cllr Sullock reported that the run off from Fern Acre was refilling the drain that had just been cleaned on Blacksmiths Hill. Planning Cllrs to check the planning application terms regarding water run-off on this property.
f) Update on Pot Hole report survey. No repairs needed around the village centre. Potholes on the road to Pollardscombe Farm reported by the clerk on the DCC Highways report it portal.
g) DALC Winter Warm Space initiative – It was agreed to monitor the GVT announcements and seek interest via an article in the Slapton lines. Chair to include in report.
h) Website Accessibility Upgrade – It was proposed by the Chair, seconded by Cllr Waters and agreed unanimously to proceed with the Parish Online offering. Clerk to action. i) CSG Committee – The future terms of reference were discussed. Clerk to add to next CSG meeting agenda to discuss with the CSG.
j) Village Development GVT PWBL Loan. It was agreed in principle to explore development of the recreation field. Chair to write to landowner.
k) PC Business Plan – It was agreed to arrange a workshop meeting to agree next steps. Clerk to schedule meeting.
77.22 Proposals for resolution – None.
78.22 Chair’s report
a) Cllr Recruitment Update – ongoing.
b) Great Big Green Week. Events have been arranged for The Great Big Green Week 2022, further details to follow
79.22 Reports
a) Clerk’s Report:
- DCC Highways- Pending third request to arrange a meeting date with the PC.
- SCARF survey arrangements liaison.
- DCC have approved a power flush of the block drain into White Close. Lisa Edmunds will be attending to oversee this. No date provided as yet.
- Defibrillator Training date, Weekly Checks, Annual Service Booking. Spare set of pads ordered and held at the Clerk’s Office.
- Lloyds Bank mandate – signatories updated.
- Model Financial Regulations 2019 – Tendering section updated for resolution.
- Business Plan presentation/preparation for the 1 August PC workshop.
- PWBL rates researched.
- Mid-Year Bank Reconciliation completed.
- 11 CSG Facebook and 8 PC website news posts drafted/SEO/posted.
- Liaison with Road Warden – July/ August Road Warden Work brief, Mowing plan.
- Devon and Cornwall Fire Service Home Assessment – mailing data permissions research.
- SHDC liaison: Dog waste on road report.
- Office and budget administration.
- Notice board updating.
- Recreation field facilities servicing and visit numbers monitoring: 88 July / 189 August. Total 1159 visits since 1/2/22.
- Dog agility classes held 6th and 28th August. Heatwave in July cancelled sessions.
- Annual Leave booked: 12th to 23rd Sept.
b). Cllrs Reports Cllr Sullock – Reported an update from the Village Hall:
- Health Hubs Audit was being undertaken and survey completed on rising energy cost impact on the Hall.
- A letter had been sent to Anthony Mangnall to confirm inclusion in the Police Hub scheme.
- The Village Phone box painting was now completed.
- Foodbank collection point at the end of August had received 555 non-perishable donations and £770 in cash.
80.22 Financial matters
i) The council unanimously approved the below payments:
Authority given at the July PC meeting for the Clerk to make the following payments during the PC’s summer break. Noted as paid.
60/22 £792.44 L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary June 22 £778.80 Gross) less NEST employee payments £10.36 and WFH allowance £24.00. Net £768.44. Paid 4/8/22 – noted Sept agenda.
61/22 DDebit £18.13 July NEST employee contribution – £10.36 and employer contribution £7.70 (Total employer and employee deduction £18.13).
62/22 £20.00 Woolston Accounting – Monthly July payroll. Invoice 2166 dated 28/7/9 (paid 4/8/22 for noting).
63/22 £375.00 Nick Mathias – Mowing – July. Invoice 1465/23 dated 18/7/22 (paid 4/8/22 for noting).
64/22 £150.00 SLCC – Clerks National Annual Remote Conference Attendance fee/ Invoice BK206765-1 dated 20/7/22 (Paid 4/8/22 for noting).
65/22 £20.00 Village Hall Hire 4th + 26th July. Invoice CO8710/22 dated 1/8/22 (Paid 4/8/22 for noting).
66/22 £300.00 Nick Mathias – July Road Warden Work. Invoice 1474/23 dated 31//7/22. (Paid 4/8/22 for noting).
67/22 £11.94 VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (July). Invoice 1010988 dated 1/8/26 paid 15/8 by DD (Paid 4/8/22 for noting).
68/22 £1068.00 Transfer of static ringfenced reserves to New SPC Instant Access savings account £1068.00 – Contra entry with IA Balance.
b. The Council to approve the Below payments
69/22 £792.44 L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary August 22 £778.80 Gross) less NEST employee payments £10.36. Net £768.44 and WFH allowance £24.00 Paid 1-9-22 – noted Sept agenda.
70/22 DDebit £18.13 August NEST employee contribution – £10.36 and employer contribution £7.70 (Total employer and employee deduction £18.13). Noted Sept agenda. 71/22 £20.00 Woolston Accounting – Monthly August payroll. Invoice 2209 dated 28/8/22.
72/22 DDebit £35.00 IOC Annual Data protection Licence fee renewal by DD.
73/22 £11.94 VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (July). Invoice 1010988 dated 1/8/26 paid 15/8 by DD.
74/22 £530.00 Chairs 2022 Annual Allowance. PAYE to Julie Hinder.
75/22 £285.00 Nick Mathias – August Mowing. Invoice 1481/23 dated 22/8/22.
76/22 £300.00 Nick Mathias – August Road Warden. Invoice 1482/23 dated 22/8/22.
a) Balance at Bank 26/8/22: 17,838.01
Treasurers Account £8,689.71
Instant Access Savings Account £9,148.30
b) Receipts:
Treasurers Account £0.00
Instant Access Savings Account £0.02 and £0.28
Total Receipts July/August: £0.30
c) Chair approved the mid-year Bank Reconciliation.
d) Pending reply from the Village Shop re Queens Platinum Jubilee grant surplus.
Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on Monday 3rd October 2022 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Members of the public wishing to attend to contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines
The meeting ended at 10.10pm.
To be SIGNED: Julie Hinder, Chair on 3/10/22