Council Meeting – 5th October 2020
Agenda 5 October 2020
Monthly Parish Council Meeting
The following Councillors are summoned to attend:
Ms J Hinder (Chair), Mr J. McPetrie (Vice Chair), Cllr Mrs V. Mercer, Cllr Mrs S. Sullock, Cllr Mr K. Widger, Cllr Mr Gavin Wollacott, Cllr Mr C. Staines, Cllr Mr D Murphy, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore.
Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr R. Foss, SHDC Steve Mullineaux, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the monthly Parish Council meeting held on:
Monday 10th October by Video conference call starting at 7.00pm.
Please copy the link below into your browser to access the ZOOM meeting. You will be placed into a waiting room whilst the Chair allows access. Please join 5 mins before start time.
Zoom Link:
If any parishioners wish to attend the meeting/and or speak, please submit your questions by email to 48hrs in advance of the meeting.
2.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
3.PUBLIC COMMENT – Any parishioner is invited to address the Council for up to 3 minutes. This session may last up to 15 minutes and may be extended to 30minutes at the discretion of the Chair. The Public are not required to stay for the rest of the meeting.
4.POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme – refer to ongoing Cllr updates.
Cllr J. Brazil
- Update on the relocation of the War Memorial
- Saltstone Single Neighbourhood Plan – Timings for leaflet drop
- Highways – No response re Sands Road footpath risk assessment meeting. Next steps to engage.
Cllr R. Foss
- Update on the SHDC meetings re issues at the beach car park and human fouling around the Ley and Bus Shelter as this matter is still occurring and a public health risk (District).
- Update to the changes in the planning law and impact on PC’s / advice on if the PC need to develop a Neighbourhood plan to protect the village
- Request from the PC for £500 matched funding grant requests to help with the following:
- Purchase of additional litter bins – total cost £1000.
- Passive traffic management funding to help cover cost of hiring speed spy cameras under DCC SCARR scheme requirements
6.MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 7th September 2020. If agreed, to be both be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
- Village flooding issues – Ongoing monitoring. Bi-annual drain cleaning arrangements in place to manage.
- Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
- Monument relocation to Strete Gate– Pending update from DCC.
- Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes in 2020 parish recycling arrangements.
- Village Map – Agreed to delay the reprint until spring 2021. Review artwork /stock levels at the Feb 2021 meeting.
- P3 Scheme – Agree to remove once the scheme is joined. Pending update from Scheme leaders re covid-19 arrangements.
- Safeguarding Training by Ben Leach – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions before proceeding.
- Highways Response – No reply to Park and Walk drain ownership / Footpath deterioration between south grounds farm and drains issues outside the FSC. Chased 15-1-20 and 12.2.20 and 8.9.20. Now urgent – under matters for discussion 5 October meeting.
- FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions.
- Village BT K6 Phone box – Resubmit photos of condition of BT Open Reach phone in Dec 2020 and request repainting.
- Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline tbc.
2727/20/HHO – Hillside, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PS
Proposal: Householder application for partial demolition of boundary wall and construction of
vehicular access and parking area.
2420/20/TCA – Church View, Brook Street, Slapton TQ7 2PR
Proposal: T1: Alder – Fell and remove Tree is diseased.
2988/20/FUL – Pitaford Farm, Slapton TQ7 2QG
Proposal: Retention of temporary rural occupational dwelling for 2 years.
1817/20/FUL – Slapton Village Community Shop, Wood Lane, Slapton, TQ7 2QX
Proposal: Proposed extension to the rear of main shop building to provide storage space for stock.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
2420/20/TCA – Church View, Brook Street, Slapton TQ7 2PR
Proposal: T1: Alder – Fell and remove Tree is diseased.
Decision: Tree works no, objection raised.
2297/20/HHO – Kimmarder, Slapton. TQ7 2QY
Proposal: Householder application for proposed new garage/workshop
Decision Conditional approval
- Reply from Cllr Judy Pearce- CEO SHDC. Discuss PC’s reply with SHDC Steve Mullineaux who will be in attending the meeting by Zoom.
- Traffic Survey update including debrief on meeting with PC James Timms 10/9/20 / discussion with the Council. DALC changes to the planning law webinar 17th Sept – Debrief from Cllr D Murphy/ Cllr C Staines following DALC briefing 17-9-20.
- Village maintenance projects:
- Pathway repairs – Sands Road – Update on Cllrs Site meeting by Cllr J Mcpetrie, discuss proposal and how to engage Highways. Consider if an interim winter fix is required using spare scrapings.
- Park and Walk – final laying of the scrapings – Road warden has confirmed available for w/c 9th Nov –linked to pavement repairs above.
- Agree November Village cleaning dates (10-11th Nov) work items and quotes from Brookings Hire.
- Discuss/agree quote for securing a wobbly pole holding the new road sign at Lower Green Cross.
- Discuss/agree if storage of the 2 large old blue speed signs at Lower Green Cross is necessary and location.
- SHDC Waste Bins – Discuss/confirm bin relocation order/quote at Greenbanks/Townsend Cross
- OPCC’s Cllr Advocate Scheme – Request from the Police for a second contact to the clerk to ensure pandemic communications.
- Kingsbridge and Dartmouth food bank – Covid-19 hardship grant
- Complete the Covid-19 risk assessment questionnaire for the Village Hall deadline – All.
- Church of St James short outside service at the War Memorial on Sunday, 8th November at 1055. Discuss/approve provision of a wreath and if Cllr support is available.
- Police response to removal of Official NHS and Government public Health notices / next steps.
- DALC #57 update: Social media – Consider if the CSG fb page is adequate to communicate within the new digital norm to parishioner and second home owners. Data protection refresher courses for Cllrs available.
- DCC / Energy Saving Trust (EST) Electric Vehicle Charging Points rural locations rollout scheme – Discuss pack next steps and if needs consideration for 2021-22 budget
- Draft parish budget 2021-22 – Request from Clerk/Chair for an extra ordinary meeting Mid October to discuss budget status at October 2020 and 2021-22 draft parish budget principles, priorities and resources. Agree date and time.
- To propose for resolution to purchase from SHDC – x 2 floor standing multi-use, 110 Litre capacity waste bins with seagull flaps at £570+Vat ( £285 + VAT each) plus installation costs £50-£250 each which ensures ongoing insurance and waste collection by SHDC. Total cost upto £1,070 (Refer quote from SHDC).
- To propose for resolution to hire 3 speed spy camera’s for a 2 week formal traffic study via Decatur UK (Quote no 17338, 21/9/20, £1064+Vat (including delivery and insurance both ways)), plus fitting costs by the Road Warden up to £100, plus £70 for the DCC Licence fee to proceed with a formal speed survey via the SCARF scheme, should the results of the 2 weeks camera study indicate there is a speeding issue in the village. This will be funded from the ring-fenced allocated reserves budget for speed calming initiatives.
- To propose for resolution to approve the Clerks 2020-21 DALC annual pay agreement increase of 2.75% back dated from 1 April 2020 plus increase from 21 to 22 days holidays for employees with less than 5 years’ service (pro-rota part-time) and back dated salary figure of £53.62.
- To propose for resolution to release the ring-fenced grant funds of £500 back into the PC reserves as the White Close Trust has confirmed no longer required.
- As per the signed mandate from the Cricket Club trustees, to propose for resolution to split the remaining donated cricket club ring-fenced funds of £1865 as follows: To refund the cost of £250 for the pickle ball kit to the parishioner so that this then becomes a community leisure resource, £200 to be allocated to replace the defibrillator training kit pads and held as ring-fenced reserves, the remaining money to be split equally between the bowling club and All Stars sports club at £707.50 each.
To discuss:
- Clerks request to refund 1 weeks annual leave (5.77hrs) 14-19th Sept as unable to take.
For information only:
- DALC Rule of 6 update relating to PC Meetings: Guidance is still to operate remote meetings.
- Blue advisory speed signs installed 16-9-20 / Photos placed on file of signs in locations
- End of season Village and playing field mowing scheduled for 13th October.
- Lengthsman PPE kit has been confirmed as held with the other equipment. Certificate and card issued as part of handover.
- X 2 new multi-purpose bins ordered from SHDC following cllrs approval
- Google Analytics showing site traffic.
- 3 months lenghtsman trial contract updated and issued. The Road Warden has accepted terms to start 1 Dec 2020 following commercial clean of the village.
- Parishioners correspondence / complaints:
- Issue of parish boundary map to parishioner following request
- Reply/forwarding feedback to Chair from parishioner on road traffic management suggestion
- Forwarding advertising requests to Slapton Lines Editor
- DCC / Energy Saving Trust (EST) Electric Vehicle Charging Points rural locations rollout scheme. Clerk has received further details and circulated to the PC with the agenda.
- REPORT IT logs –
- 8/9/20 x 3 full dog bins x 1 full black bin Village Mowing: The 2nd of the 3 weekly summer mowing of the playing field on 10 August and 6 weekly village mowing was undertaken on 1st
- September. The Road Warden reported damage in the centre of the football pitch due to a fire.
- City and Guilds Certificates and SWQR works pass cards have been received and issued to the current Road Wardens.
- Village Signage: The Road Warden has installed the new advisory road signage 16/9
- Lengthsmans Trial –Road Warden has confirmed acceptance of the works contract and 3 month trial.
- Saltstone single neighbourhood plan – Community leaflet approval confirmed to Chilverson Clerk.
- SHDC Waste Dept – Liaison re waste bin order brief and relocation of existing bin requirements. See quote for approval, matters for discussion.
- Charity scoping meeting update.
- Response from DCC/SHDC re public toilets and fouling around the Ley.
- Update on progress of the development of the football pitch.
Approve the following payments:
L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – August Sept 20 (Paid 1/10//20 for noting).
Clerks Overtime and monthly expenses (Sept 2020) Refer analysis sheet.
Clerks backdated pay re DALC salary pay scale increases
VC Warehouse – CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 15/8/20 by D. Debit – (Paid for noting S137 code).
SLCC Accessibility training course –Creating accessible Excel docs 6/10/20 Clerk attendance (Paid 18/9/20 – noted Oct agenda)
Nick Mathias- Relocation of dog bin at Kimberly Corner and metal post removal. Invoice 1210/21 dated 13/9/20. (Paid 18/9/20 – noted Oct agenda).
Nick Mathias-Installation of 8 Road signs. Invoice 1211/21 dated 16/9/21. (Paid 18/9/20 – noted Oct agenda).
KW Websites: Accessibility deadline work -converting x 10 agendas/pdfs to web page/ loading statement and links to privacy policy all pages. Invoice 2128. 14/9/20. (Paid 18/9/20 – noted Oct agenda).
DALC – Changes in planning law webinar briefing 17-9-20 for D Murphy and C Staines. Via Dalc webform.
SLCC – Clerks training festival attendance 12-16th Oct.
VC Warehouse – 6th payment – C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 15/9 by DD. For noting Oct agenda.
KW Websites: Annual Web hosting £40 and website doc accessibility conversion. Invoice 2130, 29/9/20. (Paid 18/9/20 for noting).
Nick Mathias –Playing field mowing 21st Sept. Invoice 1217/21 dated 25/9
- Balance at Bank 29/9/2020, £23,297.87
- Precept 2nd and final payment received £5322.50 17/9/20.
- S137 Covid-19 remaining budget balance at 31/8/20 £700.00 (Included in above Bank balance). Kingsbridge and Dartmouth Food Banks Covid-19 hardship grants. £300 in grants paid this Financial Year to date under S137
- Draft 2020 budget prepared – Extraordinary meeting requested in October to discuss.
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 2 November 2020 at 7.30pm by Zoom Video Conference due to Government social distancing restrictions.
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward 30/9/2020
Minutes October 2020
Present: J Hinder (Chair), J McPetrie (V. Chairman), Cllr C Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr V Mercer.
In attendance: Cllr R Foss, Cllr J Brazil, Mr Steve Mullineaux Director of Customer Service Delivery at SHDC, Alastair Mumford DCC, 3 parishioners and Road Warden.
228-20. Apologies for absence – Cllr I Mitchelmore, Cllr Mr K Widger, Cllr G Wollacott.
229-20. Declarations of interest – None
230-20. Public comment –
a. Steve Mullineux discussed with the PC the response by SHDC to the issues experienced in the village over summer and steps being taken:
- Waste collections. SHDC are looking to extend the waste collection services to the end of October to cover the half term holidays. They are also reviewing the 2021 contract schedules to provide and extended waste collection season and also looking at additional enforcement office cover at weekends.
- Weekly curb side recycling scheme – Due to Covid, the new scheme has been moved to March 2020. Holiday and 2nd home owners are being contacted over the coming months to ensure they have a waste provider and arrangements in place for the new scheme. PC advised to contact Cllr R Foss or Mr Mullineux if the village experiences issues with the rollout next year.
- Issues on the line re overnight parking / human excrement. DCC Highways, SHDC and the Slapton Line Partnership are working closely to manage the issues on the A379. Part if this is the Public Space protection order to support all parishes impacted by the issues and a draft plan will be released the end of November to discuss with PC’s before going before a public consultation over winter for implementation in spring. Clerk to add discussion to December agenda.
- Beach car park barrier – This is to operate seasonally from April to end October. The longer- term issue of provision for large campervans is under review.
- Beach car park signage – Larger signage is on order regarding nearest toilet facilities. Across all parish car parks a strategic single solution and messages are under discussion.
- Localities officers – Helen Hardwick is the main contact for Slapton. The localities officers are a key part of the Devon recovery plan
- Toilet facilities at the beach car park – It has been agreed there will be no temporary toilet solutions installed at the beach due to risks with Covid-19. An SHDC team and SLP are currently discussing a new location and costs. Ultimately it will a SHDC Member decision if the facilities can be re-instated.
- LOMP plan – A local outbreak management plan is in place involving SHDC Exec and officers and community groups.
- Council Tax: SHDC are lobbying to introduce changes to Council tax to help support local contribution to services.
The Chair and Council thanked Mr Mulineux for his time, update and contribution to supporting solutions to support the village over summer and into next year and it was agreed to keep channels of communication open and advise the PC on SHDC Members decisions.
b. Alastair Mumford DCC provided an update on the Delettii Electric On Street Charge Point EU/Government funded project to reduce carbon emissions in Devon as part of the Devon Climate Change rollout. There would be no cost to the Parish to provide 2 on street charge points on Highways owned land and more could be provided should there be demand. It was agreed to run a parish survey to ascertain interest and demand. Clerk to draft survey and send photos of Highways locations to Alastair to check for suitability for the scheme.
231-20. Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update
- Police updates have been issued weekly to all Cllrs via the Clerk.
- If any members of the public have a non-urgent matter they wish to bring to the attention of their Local Policing Team, this can be reported via the Devon and Cornwall Police web-page – https://www.devon-cornwall.pol… / Find your local policing team.
232-20. County & District Councillor reports
Devon County Council (DCC) report from Cllr J Brazil-
- SHDC had met to discuss the significant and specific issues experienced in Slapton and across other nearby parishes over the summer holidays and potential solutions for 2021 such as Permanent toilets on the opposite side of the road to the beach car park, extending parking at Strete Gate and Motor home parking at Hannaford’s building. It was advised that illegal parking was a civil matter unless proved a danger and then a police matter.
- The Chair requested that an urgent Risk Assessment site meeting be arranged asap to discuss the urgent repair works required to the pathways in Sands road. Cllr J McPetrie expressed his disappointment in the lack of support and response by Highways. Cllr J Brazil to contact Lisa Edmonds in Highways to request the meeting take place. Chair to write and escalate to John Hart if no reply as the terms of the road warden scheme were not being supported.
- The County is operating a Covid-19 local outbreak management plan (LOMP) managed by the public health officer and not using track and trace data.
- Relocation of the Memorial at Slapton Sands to Strete Gate. Cllr J Brazil to contact the team for an update.
- Saltstone single neighbourhood plan community leaflet will be available to distribute parish wide end November. Cllr J Brazil to forward leaflet stock to the Parish clerk once printed. Distribution to be via CSG Volunteers.
District report from Cllr R. Foss:
- Waste Collection: Some Parishes have had rubbish collection dates changed as preparation for the spring curb-side collection scheme rollout. Slapton was not impacted at this stage.
- Reported that the SHDC CEO and executive team are taking an ‘All Parish’ approach to help address the issues experienced over summer by tourists and that the solution had to be across all impacted parishes and agencies and co-ordinated via the Slapton Lines Partnership.
- Changes to the planning law – DCC and SHDC are contesting the proposed changes to the planning laws.
- Unitary Councils – DCC do not wish to move to this position which is unlikely in the remaining term of office.
- Cllr V Mercer raised the issue of the old reservoir being developed and how this has been approved as the area was under AONB restrictions. Cllr R Foss to follow up.
- Cllr D Murphy offered thanks to Cllr J Brazil and Cllr R Foss for supporting the Village Shops planning application.
233-20. Minutes of the meeting held on 7th September. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Minutes be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
234-20. Matters in abeyance
- Village flooding issues – Ongoing monitoring. Bi-annual drain cleaning arrangements in place to manage.
- Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
- Monument relocation to Strete Gate– Pending update from DCC.
- Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes in 2020 parish recycling arrangements.
- Village Map – Agreed to delay the reprint until spring 2021. Review artwork /stock levels at the Feb 2021 meeting.
- P3 Scheme – Agree to remove once the scheme is joined. Pending update from Scheme leaders re covid-19 arrangements.
- Safeguarding Training by Ben Leach – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions before proceeding.
- Highways Response – No reply to Park and Walk drain ownership / Footpath deterioration between south grounds farm and drains issues outside the FSC. Chased 15-1-20 and 12.2.20 and 8.9.20. Now urgent – under matters for discussion 5 October meeting.
- FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions.
- Village BT K6 Phone box – Resubmit photos of condition of BT Open Reach phone in Dec 2020 and request repainting. Phone box coins emptied 5-10-20.
Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 18th November 2020.
235-20. Planning
2727/20/HHO – Hillside, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PS Proposal: Householder application for partial demolition of boundary wall and construction of vehicular access and parking area. No Comment.
2420/20/TCA – Church View, Brook Street, Slapton TQ7 2PR Proposal: T1: Alder – Fell and remove Tree is diseased. Decision: Tree works no, objection raised.
2297/20/HHO – Kimmarder, Slapton. TQ7 2QY Proposal: Householder application for proposed new garage/workshop. Decision Conditional approval.
236-20. Matters for discussion
An update on the Traffic Survey was provided including a debrief on the meeting with PC James Timms 10/9/20. The Council agreed to a flexible approach to the study to ensure it was held at a time to obtain the traffic quota – likely March 2021. Cllr V Mercer raised the issue of traffic pollution in the village following the recent spotlight news article. Clerk to investigate pollution monitors.
DALC changes to the planning law webinar 17th Sept –Cllr C Staines reported attendance at the meeting. The clerk reported had circulated the slides and briefing packs to the Cllrs. Cllrs to read.
Village maintenance projects:
- Pathway repairs on Sands Road – Given the lack of response from highways, the Council agreed to patch the pavement with the remaining scrapings at the park and walk so that they were walkable and usable. The Road wardens quote was approved.
- Park and Walk – A final laying of the scrapings was approved if any remained after the pavement patching. Clerk to brief the Road Warden and confirm a date mid/end November for both the above works.
- The PC agreed the November Village Drain/Road sweeping dates for 10-11th Nov based on quotes provided by Brookings Hire. Clerk to confirm works to the supplier/ prepare notice posters/contact FSC for car park support.
- It was agreed the repair of the wobbly pole at Lower Green Cross was the responsibility of DCC Highways but was secure for now.
- Cllr J McPetrie agreed to storage the 2 large old blue speed signs from Lower Green Cross. Clerk to brief road warden to deliver.
- SHDC Waste Bins – The new locations of the bin relocation at Greenbanks/Townsend Cross and quote was discussed and agreed. Clerk to confirm brief to DCC.
- OPCC’s Cllr Advocate Scheme – The Chair agreed to be the second contact to the clerk to ensure pandemic communications. Clerk to confirm to the scheme manager.
- Kingsbridge and Dartmouth food bank – Covid-19 hardship grant. It was agreed to remove the agenda item as donations in kind were being made by the parish.
- Covid-19 risk assessment questionnaire for the Village Hall deadline. The Council agreed not to return to physical meetings until advised by DALC and to review in January.
- Church of St James short outside service at the War Memorial on Sunday, 8th November at 1055. The Chair agreed to lay the wreath. Cllr C Staines to liaise. Clerk to confirm order.
- The Police response to removal of Official NHS and Government public Health notices was discussed.
- It was agreed to review as part of next year’s budgets if the PC needed a Facebook page to enable wider communications across the parish. Clerk to add to budget pack.
- Draft parish budget 2021-22 – It was agreed to hold an extra ordinary budget meeting on 28th October at 7pm. Clerk to issue agenda/prepare budget pack.
237-20 Proposals for resolution
- It was proposed and agreed to purchase from SHDC – x 2 floor standing multi-use, 110 Litre capacity waste bins with seagull flaps at £570+Vat ( £285 + VAT each) plus installation costs £50-£250 each which ensures ongoing insurance and waste collection by SHDC. Total cost up to £1,070 (Refer quote from SHDC). Clerk to action payments following receipt of final invoice from DCC.
- It was proposed and agreed to hire 3 speed spy camera’s for a 2 week formal traffic study via Decatur UK (Quote no 17338, 21/9/20, £1064+Vat (including delivery and insurance both ways)), plus fitting costs by the Road Warden up to £100, plus £70 for the DCC Licence fee to proceed with a formal speed survey via the SCARF scheme, should the results of the 2 weeks camera study indicate there is a speeding issue in the village. This will be funded from the ring-fenced allocated reserves budget for speed calming initiatives. Clerk to liaise on suitable date to ensure traffic quotas – likely spring 2021.
- It was proposed and agreed to approve the Clerks 2020-21 DALC annual pay agreement increase of 2.75% back dated from 1 April 2020 plus increase from 21 to 22 days holidays for employees with less than 5 years’ service (pro-rota part-time) and back dated salary figure of £53.62. Clerk to action payment.
- It was proposed and agreed to release the ring-fenced grant funds of £500 back into the PC reserves as the White Close Trust has confirmed no longer required. Clerk to update budget.
- As per the signed mandate from the Cricket Club trustees, it was proposed and agreed to split the remaining donated cricket club ring-fenced funds of £1865 as follows: To refund the cost of £250 for the pickle ball kit to the parishioner so that this then becomes a community leisure resource, £200 to be allocated to replace the defibrillator training kit pads and held as ring-fenced reserves, the remaining money to be split equally between the bowling club and All Stars sports club at £707.50 each. Clerk to action payments.
238-20. Clerk’s report
To discuss:
- Clerks request to refund 1 weeks annual leave (5.77hrs) 14-19th Sept as unable to take. It was proposed by the chair and agreed by the PC to refund the holiday. Clerk to adjust annual leave record.
For information only:
- DALC Rule of 6 update relating to PC Meetings: Guidance is still to operate remote meetings.
- Blue advisory speed signs installed 16-9-20 / Photos placed on file of signs in locations
- End of season Village and playing field mowing scheduled for 13th October.
- Lengthsman PPE kit has been confirmed as held with the other equipment. Certificate and card issued as part of handover.
- X 2 new multi-purpose bins ordered from SHDC following Cllrs approval
- Google Analytics showing site traffic.
- 3 months lengthsman trial contract updated and issued. The Road Warden has accepted terms to start 1 Dec 2020 following commercial clean of the village.
- Parishioners correspondence / complaints:
- Issue of parish boundary map to parishioner following request
- Reply/forwarding feedback to Chair from parishioner on road traffic management suggestion
- Forwarding advertising requests to Slapton Lines Editor
- DCC / Energy Saving Trust (EST) Electric Vehicle Charging Points rural locations rollout scheme. Clerk has received further details and circulated to the PC with the agenda for discussion with Alastair Mumford.
REPORT IT logs –
- 8/9/20 x 3 full dog bins x 1 full black bin Village Mowing: The 2nd of the 3 weekly summer mowing of the playing field on 10 August and 6 weekly village mowing was undertaken on 1st September. The Road Warden reported damage in the centre of the football pitch due to a fire.
- City and Guilds Certificates and SWQR works pass cards have been received and issued to the current Road Wardens.
- Village Signage: The Road Warden has installed the new advisory road signage 16/9
- Lengthsmans Trial –Road Warden has confirmed acceptance of the works contract and 3 month trial.
- Saltstone single neighbourhood plan – Community leaflet approval confirmed to Chilverston Clerk.
- SHDC Waste Dept – Liaison re waste bin order brief and relocation of existing bin requirements. See quote for approval, matters for discussion.
239-20. Chair’s report
- Playing field – Chair progressing quotes for an all-weather surface for use by all. Clerk to liaise with DALC re addendum to playing field contract. Chair to circulate a promotional poster to the Cllrs to approve and then publish in the village.
- Next village charity meeting 13/10/20. The Chair invited all Cllrs to attend the next meeting.
- Campsite – Chair to write to head office contact to ask for a Brown Notice sign to be placed at the top of 5 mile lane to deter large campervans heading through the village.
- CSG Group – Reported this is now back at Level 4 support and the NHS ‘GoodSam’ volunteer prescription service posters will be published in the next week.
240-20. Councillors’ reports
- Cllr S Sullock – Raised if the Electric Charge points could go opposite the village hall.
- Cllr C Staines – None
- Cllr J McPetrie – None
- Cllr G Murphy – None
- Cllr V Mercer – None.
241-20. Financial matters
The below payments were approved by the Council.
L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – August Sept 20 (Paid 1/10//20 for noting).
Clerks Overtime and monthly expenses (Sept 2020) Refer analysis sheet.
Clerks backdated pay re DALC salary pay scale increases
VC Warehouse – CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 15/8/20 by D. Debit – (Paid for noting S137 code).
SLCC Accessibility training course –Creating accessible Excel docs 6/10/20 Clerk attendance (Paid 18/9/20 – noted Oct agenda)
Nick Mathias- Relocation of dog bin at Kimberly Corner and metal post removal. Invoice 1210/21 dated 13/9/20. (Paid 18/9/20 – noted Oct agenda).
Nick Mathias-Installation of 8 Road signs. Invoice 1211/21 dated 16/9/21. (Paid 18/9/20 – noted Oct agenda).
KW Websites: Accessibility deadline work -converting x 10 agendas/pdfs to web page/ loading statement and links to privacy policy all pages. Invoice 2128. 14/9/20. (Paid 18/9/20 – noted Oct agenda).
DALC – Changes in planning law webinar briefing 17-9-20 for D Murphy and C Staines. Via Dalc webform.
SLCC – Clerks training festival attendance 12-16th Oct.
VC Warehouse – 6th payment – C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 15/9 by DD. For noting Oct agenda.
KW Websites: Annual Web hosting £40 and website doc accessibility conversion. Invoice 2130, 29/9/20. (Paid 18/9/20 for noting).
Nick Mathias –Playing field mowing 21st Sept. Invoice 1217/21 dated 25/9
- Balance at Bank 29/9/2020, £23,297.87
- Precept 2nd and final payment received £5322.50 17/9/20.
- S137 Covid-19 remaining budget balance at 31/8/20 £700.00 (Included in above Bank balance). Kingsbridge and Dartmouth Food Banks Covid-19 hardship grants. £300 in grants paid this Financial Year to date under S137
- Draft 2020 budget prepared – Extraordinary meeting requested in October to discuss.
242-20. Date of next PC meeting – Monday 2nd November 2020 at 7.00pm by Zoom conference call.
Signed: Chair, Julie Hinder Dated: 5/10/20