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Council Meeting – 5th February 2024

The following Councillors are summoned to attend:

Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr J. Waters, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr S. Lange and Cllr I. Luscombe.

Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr L. Lawford, Kate Payne (FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the Full Council Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 5th February 2024, at Slapton Village Hall (main hall), at 7.00 pm.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the Full Council Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 5th February 2024, at Slapton Village Hall (main hall), at 7.00 pm.

If any parishioners wish to speak at the meeting, please submit your papers or questions by email to 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person.




Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether, in the light of recent activities, any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.




a. Cllr J. Brazil

b. Cllr L. Lawford

6) MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 8th January 2024, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record – see separate document (6).


a. Applications (for resolution): None

b. Decisions (for information only): None

c. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment): None

d. Withdrawn (for information only): None


a. Neighbourhood Plan: Would the PC like to begin the process of developing a Neighbourhood Plan?
b. Village Hall: Costs for the monthly full council meetings in the main hall are now being charged at the correct rate of £32.50 per meeting (previously charged at £10.00 per meeting) and these costs are likely to increase a further 30% in 2024/25. The 2024/25 budget has been set (based on the previous charge of £10.00) at £20.00 per meeting. Would the PC like to continue to use the main hall for their monthly meeting or would they like to investigate alternatives?


a. Asset Register: Does the PC approve the updated Asset Register? – see separate document (9a)


a. Village map – pending beach monument relocation
b. Vision/mission statement – pending resolution on logo/branding
c. D-day 80th Anniversary – pending further information from Clerk regarding any plans for commemoration by other organisations


a. Verbal update from Clerk on any matters arising since the January PC meeting


a. Verbal update from Chair on any matters arising since the January PC meeting


a. Verbal update from Cllr P. Osborne on OPCC


a. Cllr updates on any pending actions/actions requiring a status update in the action log – see separate document (14a)


a. Payments to approve

Does the PC approve the payments below? – see separate document (15a)

BACs No Payment Details Amount Paid for noting
120 Nick Mathias – fitting of signs and posts x6 and bird boxes. Invoice no: 174/24 dated 15/01/24 243.67
121 Cinema For All – Equipment Hire for Community Cinema on 24th February 2024. Invoice no: INV-3383 dated 08/01/24 50.00
122 Village Hall Hire Costs: October: CSG Halloween event 29/10/23 @ £25.00 and 1x PC meeting 02/10/23 @ £32.50. Invoice no: C11755/23 dated 6th November 2023 57.50
123 Village Hall Hire Costs: November: CSG Community Café 06/11/23, 13/11/23, 20/11/23, 27/11/23 @ £20 each = £80 and 1x PC meeting 06/11/23 @£32.50. Invoice no: C12769/23 dated 6th November 2023 112.50
124 Village Hall Hire Costs: December: Community Cinema 9th December 2023. Invoice no: C01789/23 dated 03/01/24 53.25
125 Village Hall Hire Costs: December: Community Café 04/12/23, 11/12/23, 18/12/23 @ £20 each = £60 and 1x PC meeting 04/12/23 @ £30.00 90.00
DD126 VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – January Invoice no: 1013292 dated 01/01/24 11.94

9.95 + 1.99 VAT

127 Stone Willow Craft, Tree Hub Willow Workshop, dated 21/01/24 100.00
128 Nick Mathias – Road Warden January Invoice no: 1746/24 dated 25/01/24 336.67
129 Clerk’s salary January (40 hours) plus £24 WFH allowance 783.20
130 Payment to HMRC – tax on Clerk’ s January salary. Please make payment to: HMRC Cumbernauld 08-32-10 12001039. Quote: 120PA003048122410 62.00
24/01/2024 & 25/01/2024. Invoice no: INV-2123, dated 29/01/24
1848.00 1540.00 + 308.00 VAT
132 Woolston Accountants – January Payroll. Invoice no: 0271, dated 31/01/24 20.00

b. Balance at Bank

Balance as per bank statements on 31.01.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 0.00
Treasurers Account 10,437.53
Instant Access Savings Account 10,070.11
Total 20,507.67

c. Receipts summary

Receipts as per bank statements on 31.01.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 0.00
Treasurers Account 598.08 (VAT refund)
Instant Access Savings Account 11.80 (interest)
Total 609.88

d. Adjustments to cost centres and ringfenced reserves (previously approved Minute Ref: 115:23 b), with some additional minor adjustments: Does the PC approve all actions listed below?
i. £170.00 Summer Ditch Clearance ringfenced reserves moved from Treasurers Acct into Savings Acct, £120.00 Coronation Trees ringfenced reserves (already in Savings Acct) and £250.00 Pandemic Artwork ringfenced reserves (already in Savings Acct) all moved into Un-ringfenced Reserves on 31/01/24, as monies unspent and projects closed, bringing total Un-ringfenced Reserves to £5,620.00 and not the amount of £5,370.00 previously forecast at 08/01/24 PC meeting.
ii. Accessible Website ringfenced reserves £1,000.00 moved from Savings Acct to Treasurers Acct and into Office Expenses cost centre on 31/01/24 to cover website, IT costs and shortfall.
iii. P3 ringfenced reserves in Treasurers Acct were £1,029.13 for year end 23/24. £997.00 (already in Treasurers Acct) moved into Maintenance cost centre on 31/01/24, as P3 works completed and recorded in Cashbook under Maintenance. Remaining £32.13 moved into Savings Acct to be added to 22/23 P3 Grant c/f already in Savings Acct, so total P3 Grant c/f is £176.13 and will remain ringfenced.
iv. Community Café ringfenced reserves of £1,180.79 moved from Savings Acct into Treasurers Acct (remains ringfenced) on 31/01/24. At end of year, unspent monies will be c/f, moved back into Savings Acct and will remain ringfenced for Winter 24/25 Community Café.
v. Village Hall costs for Halloween Event of £25.00 have been deducted since 08/01/24 PC meeting, so £92.00 c/f not £117.00 c/f moved from Treasurers Acct into Savings Acct on 31/01/24 and will remain ringfenced
vi. Eco/Biodiversity ringfenced reserves in Treasurers Acct were £1,013.12 for year end 23/24. £490.65 spent and remaining £522.47 c/f moved from Treasurers Acct into Savings Account on 31/01/24 and will remain ringfenced. Amount previously forecast at 08/01/24 PC meeting was approximately £500.

16) AOB

Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on
Monday 4th March at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.

Signed: Bella Moor, Clerk 31st January 2023



Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Slapton Village Hall on Monday 5th February 2024 at 7pm


Those in attendance:
Cllr J. Abbey, Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr S. Lange, Cllr I. Luscombe (arrived 7.06pm), Cllr L. Lawford (arrived 7.00pm & left 7.28pm) and Cllr J. Brazil (arrived at 7.00pm & left 7.28pm).

No members of the public attended.

123:23 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr J. Waters sent his apologies.

124:23 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr C. Staines, Cllr S. Lange, Cllr I. Mitchelmore and Cllr P. Osborne declared an interest in Proposals for Discussion 8) a. Village Hall Costs as their wives are Members of the Village Hall Committee. CIlr J. Abbey also declared an interest as she is a Member of the Village Hall Committee. It was agreed that they could take part in the discussions.


126:23 POLICE REPORT: None


a. Cllr J. Brazil

i. Budgets: Devon County Council (DCC) have set their budget, which will be finalised on 15th February. The budget has gone up by 5% (3% core costs and 2% adult social care). With inflation and increased employment costs, DCC will still have to find savings.

ii. Devolution: The devolution deal for Devon and Torbay was presented to the Cabinet on 2nd February and will be subject to six weeks of consultation. It will then go back to Devon and Torbay councils for consultation. There is some uncertainty about whether there will be time to finalise devolution before the next general election – the timetable is tight. The devolution deal comes with an additional £16 million of capital funding, which still needs to be signed off by Government, together with more autonomy on how to spend an existing £16 million on adult social care. The devolved Cabinet (Combined County Authority) will include 3 DCC Cllrs and 3 Torbay Cllrs. District Cllrs have concerns that there will be an additional tier of government and that they are being kept out. Cllr P. Osborne asked if devolution was just happening in the Southwest or across the country. Cllr J. Brazil confirmed that it is happening across the country. Cornwall already has its own deal and the devolution that he is referring to relates to Devon and Torbay.

iii. Slapton Line Partnership (SLP): The next meeting will be on 8th March at Follaton House at 12.30pm. Anthony Mangnall MP will chair the meeting and Meg Booth will be there to provide an update on the preparation of the planning application, which is not likely to be submitted before July. Cllr J. Brazil believes that historic tensions between saving the A379 Slapton Line in the shorter-term and longer-term adaptation plans can be resolved and that the two can work in parallel. Cllr J. Abbey asked whether a general election could cause delays and Cllr J. Brazil confirmed that he thought not. Cllr J. Abbey confirmed that both she and Cllr M. Crowson will be in attendance at the next SLP meeting.

b. Cllr L. Lawford

i. Planning: The Pittaford Farm planning application will be heard by SHDC Development Management Committee on 14th February. Cllr J. Abbey confirmed that she would attend to represent Slapton Parish Council’s views.

ii. Waste services: Residents can renew their brown bin subscription from 15th February and can make a £3 saving if they renew before 1st April. The problems with brown bin collection on Brook Street have already been brought to Cllr L. Lawford’s attention and she has been in touch with the waste department.

iii. Council tax: There will be a 2.9% increase (Band D equivalent: 11p per week), which is the most that SHDC can increase it by without triggering a referendum.

iv. SHDC has prepared a short summary of their accounts, which will be available to view on their website.

v. SHDC has a full council meeting on 15th February and is developing a plan, which will set out the delivery of their objectives, together with smart targets.

vi. Cllr J. Abbey queried a lack of response to emails from SHDC’s planning department and the Clerk also queried a lack of response from Highways (with regards to any planned works in the Parish). Cllr L. Lawford confirmed that she can be copied in on any planning emails so that she can follow these up on the PC’s behalf when necessary. Likewise, Cllr J. Brazil confirmed that any Highways emails could be copied to him.

128:23 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 8th January 2024, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record – see separate document (6). Resolved.


a. Applications (for resolution): None

b. Decisions (for information only): None

c. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment): None

d. Withdrawn (for information only): None


a. Neighbourhood Plan: Would the PC like to begin the process of developing a Neighbourhood Plan? Following the information provided at the January PC meeting, Cllr P. Osborne explained that the effort and time required to develop a Neighbourhood Plan might not be worthwhile if the PC aren’t even sure it will protect green spaces and deliver other benefits to the community. Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr C. Staines, and Cllr I. Luscombe agreed with Cllr P. Osborne. Cllr S. Lange explained that he is keen to start the process of developing a Neighbourhood and felt that it may be useful to ask Strete and/or Stoke Flemming Parish Councils whether having a Neighbourhood Plan has been beneficial to them before taking any next steps. All Cllrs agreed this was sensible. Cllr I. Luscombe proposed, Cllr S. Lange seconded and it was resolved unanimously to contact Strete and Stoke Flemming Parish Councils to discuss this further. Clerk to action.

During discussions about a Neighbourhood Plan, Cllr M. Crowson noted that he has been informed by the NFU that new legislation comes into effect on 24th February, which relates to Biodiversity Net Gain on developments greater than 5m by 5m. Clerk to forward information about the new legislation to Cllrs.

b. Village Hall: Costs for the monthly full council meetings in the main hall are now being charged at the correct rate of £32.50 per meeting (previously charged at £10.00 per meeting) and these costs are likely to increase a further 30% in 2024/25. The 2024/25 budget has been set (based on the previous charge of £10.00) at £20.00 per meeting. Would the PC like to continue to use the main hall for their monthly meeting or would they like to investigate alternatives? There was discussion about the suitability of possible alternative venues and whether these should be explored further. There was also discussion about how Village Hall costs for the next financial year are likely to be in the region of £465 to £500 for monthly full council meetings and that the PC has only budgeted £220. Cllr J. Abbey shared her concern about justifying spend of such a significant amount of public funds on monthly PC meetings alone. There was also further discussion about why the PC needs to use the main hall and not the meeting room: The main reason being that there is not enough space in the meeting room for all Cllrs and the projector, which is used so that the Clerk can note what is being said in real time for Cllr M. Crowson to read, as he would otherwise not be able to follow discussions. There was agreement that it would be worthwhile negotiating with the Village Hall Committee as it is the most suitable space available, especially when members of the public join meetings. The Clerk requested that Cllr J. Abbey raise the possibility of charging the PC £20 per meeting (as per the PC budget), for the 11 monthly meetings held during ye 2024/25, at the next Village Hall Committee meeting. Cllr J. Abbey agreed that she would. Cllr J. Abbey to action.


a. Asset Register: Does the PC approve the updated Asset Register? – see separate document (9a). Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr I. Mitchelmore seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to approve the updated Asset Register (version 1.2, dated 02/02/2024). Clerk to update website.


a. Village map – pending beach monument relocation

b. Vision/mission statement – pending resolution on logo/branding. Cllr P. Osborne queried why this was pending and the Clerk explained that it was due to a delay in preparation of a logo. The delay was resolved at a previous PC full council meeting. The logo will be on the agenda for further discussion at the March PC meeting, after which time, the vision/mission statement will be added to a full council meeting agenda for discussion. Also see the Clerk’s report for further information about the logo.

c. D-day 80th Anniversary – pending further information from the Clerk regarding any plans for commemoration by other organisations. The Clerk advised that she has now received updates from several other organisations and will update Cllrs as part of the Clerk’s report next.


a. The Clerk provided a verbal update on all matters arising since the January PC meeting, which are also detailed in a written report – see separate document (11a). The key points noted were as follows:

i. Budget and precept: Changes resolved at the January PC meeting have been made to the draft budget for ye 2024/25 so it has now been finalised and the precept demand, also resolved at the January PC meeting, has been submitted.

ii. Noticeboards: All noticeboards are in a poor state of repair and need replacing. The Clerk explained that the PC could apply for National Lottery Funding to cover replacement costs. Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr S. Lange seconded and it was resolved unanimously that the Clerk could apply for National Lottery Funding. Clerk to action.

iii. D-day: Strete, Stokenham and Blackawton Clerks, the American Embassy, Kingsbridge History Society, Village Hall and PCC have all been contacted regarding their plans for commemorating the 80th Anniversary of D-day in June 2024. Stokenham explained the Tank Regiment will hold a humble service at Torcross on 28th April and that they have no other plans given there are very few D-day veterans still alive today. Blackawton confirmed that they would be happy to support any plans their parishioners might have but are not organising anything themselves. They also mentioned that Dittisham may light a beacon as one already exists, but this is not confirmed. Strete have no plans at present but will discuss it at their next meeting. There has been no reply to emails sent to the American Embassy or Kingsbridge History Society. Both the Village Hall and PCC confirmed they would discuss D-day commemorations at their forthcoming committee meetings. The PCC also explained that they are interested in organising a fund-raising talk about the amphibious landings that took place during the Falklands War. Refer to AOB for more information shared by Cllr P. Osborne.

iv. Logo: The Clerk has investigated what is possible using Canva to generate a PC logo. There are 100s of different logo templates to work from in every shape and size and 1000s of different fonts and other elements that can be added. The Clerk and Cllr S. Lange will work together to prepare something ahead of the March PC meeting. Clerk to action.


a. The Cllr J. Abbey provided the following update on any matters arising since the January PC meeting:

i. Anthony Mangnall MP meeting: The meeting between the PC and Anthony Mangnall MP has been scheduled for Monday 12th February at the Village Hall at 6.30pm. Cllr J. Abbey requested that Cllrs read the latest adaptation plan and suggested amendments ahead of the meeting. Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr I. Luscombe, Cllr S. Lange and Cllr S. Staines all confirmed that they would be in attendance as will Cllr J. Abbey and Cllr M. Crowson. Cllr P. Osborne gave apologies as he will be away.

ii. Community Café: The CSG Committee agreed at their last meeting that the Community Café has been a success and that they would like it to continue during winter 24/25. Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr P. Osborne seconded and the PC resolved unanimously that the Community Café should go ahead during winter 24/25 and that the Clerk should apply for a grant from Localities towards this. Clerk to action.

iii. Community Café: A member of South Hams Community Action attended the Café on 5th February as they were interested to know more about it. It is possible that they may be able to help the PC to develop the services available at the Community Café in the future e.g. Citizens Advice or other speakers so Cllr J. Abbey is keen to strengthen links with South Hams Community Action.

iv. The Tower: Cllr I. Luscombe asked for an update on the Tower. Cllr J. Abbey explained that the condition of the Tower had been investigated by Historic England and is considered safe although some remedial works were recommended. Cllr J. Abbey will follow up to find out if these recommendations are advisory or statutory and if/when they will be carried out. Cllr J. Abbey to action.

v. Horse Stile: Cllr J. Abbey thanked Cllr I. Luscombe and Cllr J. Waters, on behalf of the PC and the Clerk, for carrying out the adjustments to the Horse Stile on the Bridleway near Dittiscombe. The 253 mm sleeper has been replaced with a 128 mm sleeper so the gap between the two sleepers should now have returned to the original size (i.e. from 993 mm to approximately 1100 mm).


a. Cllr P. Osborne provided the following update on OPCC:

i. The Police Precept, based on Band D equivalent properties, has increased by £12.96, which is a 4.96% increase.

ii. The Police Enquiry Centre openings continue to be rolled out.


a. Cllr updates on any pending actions/actions requiring a status update in the action log – see separate document (14a). There was discussion about outstanding actions as follows:

i. 117:23 a iv: Horse stile repair: Completed by Cllr I. Luscombe and Cllr J. Waters.

ii. 87:23 a ii: Monitoring of Road Warden work/inspection of drains and buddle holes etc: Cllr I. Mitchelmore and Cllr I. Luscombe confirmed that this will be carried out at the start of March.

iii. 89.23 d: Padlock for grit bin at Greenbanks: Clerk has purchased the padlock and hasp and Cllr I. Mitchelmore has agreed to fit this. Cllr I. Mitchelmore to action.

iv. 97:23 a: 80th Anniversary of D-day: The Clerk has provided an update in the Clerk’s report.

v. 105:23 c: Bank signatories: Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr I. Luscombe seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to add Cllr P. Osborne as a bank signatory instead of Cllr J. Waters as he already banks with Lloyds Bank so that makes the process of adding him as a signatory much simpler. Cllr J. Abbey to action.


a. Payments to approve

Does the PC approve the payments below? – see separate document (15a). Cllr P. Osborne proposed, Cllr I. Luscombe seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to approve the payments below. Clerk to action.

BACs No Payment Details Amount Paid for noting
120 Nick Mathias – fitting of signs and posts x6 and bird boxes. Invoice no: 174/24 dated 15/01/24 243.67
121 Cinema For All – Equipment Hire for Community Cinema on 24th February 2024. Invoice no: INV-3383 dated 08/01/24 50.00
122 Village Hall Hire Costs: October: CSG Halloween event 29/10/23 @ £25.00 and 1x PC meeting 02/10/23 @ £32.50. Invoice no: C11755/23 dated 6th November 2023 57.50
123 Village Hall Hire Costs: November: CSG Community Café 06/11/23, 13/11/23, 20/11/23, 27/11/23 @ £20 each = £80 and 1x PC meeting 06/11/23 @£32.50. Invoice no: C12769/23 dated 6th November 2023 112.50
124 Village Hall Hire Costs: December: Community Cinema 9th December 2023. Invoice no: C01789/23 dated 03/01/24 53.25
125 Village Hall Hire Costs: December: Community Café 04/12/23, 11/12/23, 18/12/23 @ £20 each = £60 and 1x PC meeting 04/12/23 @ £30.00 90.00
DD126 VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – January Invoice no: 1013292 dated 01/01/24 11.94

9.95 + 1.99 VAT

127 Stone Willow Craft, Tree Hub Willow Workshop, dated 21/01/24 100.00
128 Nick Mathias – Road Warden January Invoice no: 1746/24 dated 25/01/24 336.67
129 Clerk’s salary January (40 hours) plus £24 WFH allowance 783.20
130 Payment to HMRC – tax on Clerk’ s January salary. Please make payment to: HMRC Cumbernauld 08-32-10 12001039. Quote: 120PA003048122410 62.00
24/01/2024 & 25/01/2024. Invoice no: INV-2123, dated 29/01/24
1848.00 1540.00 + 308.00 VAT
132 Woolston Accountants – January Payroll. Invoice no: 0271, dated 31/01/24 20.00


b. Balance at Bank

Balance as per bank statements on 31.01.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 0.00
Treasurers Account 10,437.53
Instant Access Savings Account 10,070.11
Total 20,507.67


c. Receipts summary

Receipts as per bank statements on 31.01.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 0.00
Treasurers Account 598.08 (VAT refund)
Instant Access Savings Account 11.80 (interest)
Total 609.88


d. Adjustments to cost centres and ringfenced reserves (previously approved Minute Ref: 115:23 b), with some additional minor adjustments: Does the PC approve all actions listed below? Cllr C. Staines proposed, Cllr P. Osborne seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to approve all actions listed below.
i. £170.00 Summer Ditch Clearance ringfenced reserves moved from Treasurers Acct into Savings Acct, £120.00 Coronation Trees ringfenced reserves (already in Savings Acct) and £250.00 Pandemic Artwork ringfenced reserves (already in Savings Acct) all moved into Un-ringfenced Reserves on 31/01/24, as monies unspent and projects closed, bringing total Un-ringfenced Reserves to £5,620.00 and not the amount of £5,370.00 previously forecast at 08/01/24 PC meeting.
ii. Accessible Website ringfenced reserves of £1,000.00 moved from Savings Acct to Treasurers Acct and into Office Expenses cost centre on 31/01/24 to cover website, IT costs and shortfall.
iii. P3 ringfenced reserves in Treasurers Acct were £1,029.13 for year end 23/24. £997.00 (already in Treasurers Acct) moved into Maintenance cost centre on 31/01/24, as P3 works completed and recorded in Cashbook under Maintenance. Remaining £32.13 moved into Savings Acct to be added to 22/23 P3 Grant c/f already in Savings Acct, so total P3 Grant c/f is £176.13 and will remain ringfenced.
iv. Community Café ringfenced reserves of £1,180.79 moved from Savings Acct into Treasurers Acct (remains ringfenced) on 31/01/24. At end of year, unspent monies will be c/f, moved back into Savings Acct and will remain ringfenced for Winter 24/25 Community Café.
v. Village Hall costs for Halloween Event of £25.00 have been deducted since 08/01/24 PC meeting, so £92.00 c/f not £117.00 c/f moved from Treasurers Acct into Savings Acct on 31/01/24 and will remain ringfenced.
vi. Eco/Biodiversity ringfenced c/f reserves in Treasurers Acct were £1,013.12 for year end 23/24. £490.65 spent and remaining £522.47 c/f moved from Treasurers Acct into Savings Account on 31/01/24 and will remain ringfenced. Amount previously forecast at 08/01/24 PC meeting was approximately £500.

138:23 AOB

a. Cllr P. Osborne explained that he had be in discussions with the PCC about delivering a talk about the amphibious landings and other his experiences during the Falklands war. The talk would be held in the Village Hall as a fund-raising event – with attendees paying a small fee (e.g. ~£5). Funds raised would be shared between the PCC and disabled ex-servicemen charities. All Cllrs agreed that this was a good idea.

b. Cllr P. Osborne provided an update on the discussions that took place at the CSG Committee Meeting on 25th January. He explained that the CSG’s focus was on events that bring the community together, such as the Community Café, Community Cinema and Halloween Event. He explained that there also discussions about developing the Tree Hub event further and of green spaces, orchards, allotments and other wider issues.

c. Cllr I. Luscombe reported that work was going well on the bank/wall repairs at Langford Down and the Clerk reminded him that she had been advised that all materials would be moved from the Highways verge by the end of February. The Clerk also asked Cllr I. Luscombe to use one of the PC’s men at work signs rather than a striped umbrella.

d. Cllr C. Staines added his comments to the complaints already made about brown bin collection.

e. Cllr P. Osborne shared his apologies because he will be away and unable to attend the next two PC full council meetings.

Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on
Monday 4th March at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.

Signed:                                                                                                                                    Date:



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