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Council Meeting – 5th December 2022

Agenda – 5th December

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the monthly meeting of the Parish Council held on: Monday 5th December 2022 at Slapton Village Hall (main hall) at 7.00pm.

If any parishioners wish to either attend the meeting/and or speak, please submit your papers and questions by email to the clerk 48hrs in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person.

The PC also encourage all attendees to follow the Government Living with Covid Guidelines / section 56, safer behaviours.


The following Councillors are summoned to attend:

J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey (Vice Chair), Cllr Crowson, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr Waters.

Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R. Foss, PC Oli Abercrombie, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are invited.



2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.

a). Emergency Vehicle Access into Brook Street – Parishioner enquiry.

a). Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update, Cllr Murphy.

Cllr J Brazil:
a. Highways Update – PC speed sign brief
b. A379 Update
c. DCC painted pedestrian path – District meeting motion update.
d. Peninsula Transport Business Plan 2022/2023 – DCC response. Rural mobility strategy | Peninsula Transport.

Cllr R Foss:
e. A379 update.
f. Monument relocation update.
g. Planning update re Whitebeam unauthorised signs.

6. MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 7th November 2022, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.


a).Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
b). Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline

3903/22/HHO – Wood Lane, Slapton TQ7 2QX
Proposal: Householder application for proposed external veranda structure in green oak with slate roof
2584/22/HHO – Thorn Barn Slapton TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Householder application for single storey flat roof extension
Decision: Conditional Approval
3916/22/FUL – West Farm, Loworthy, Slapton TQ7 2RB
Proposal: Proposed agricultural building.
3541/22/PIP – Florence House, Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Proposal: Application for Permission in Principle for change of use & extension of an existing annexe to provide 1No. Dwelling Florence House.

a).Civility and Respect – Approve/sign lobby letter to Anthony Mangnall MP.
b). DCC Development Management Committee meeting 7/12/2022. Beach Monument relocation planning application – Attendance / PC view.
c). 2023 Mowing plan and Road Warden schedule of works update, including December Hours.
d).Recreation field:
i.Lease Deed of Variation Amendment. Approve Beers Solicitors Recreation Field Lease Amend quote at £525.00+Vat.
ii. Gate installation update.
iii.Basket Ball Hoop.
iv.Recreation field sign quote.
e).Elections 2023 – Agree canvassing programme and Cllr Recruitment Update.
f). Agree/approve 2023 Cllr Training courses including NALC Community outreach and engagement.
g). Winter Community Hub, PC Surgery and Film Club Grants.
h). DCC Police – Free Cyber Security Talk booking 2023.
i). Website Launch.
j). Village Voice utilisation– Cllr Waters.
k). Review 2023 draft budget.

a). To approve for resolution, patch repairs to the Beach footpath quotation at a cost of £750.00.
b). To approve for resolution to continue with the PC’s current insurance provider, Community First, on the terms offered and on a 3-year fixed term contract with 5% annual discount, the exact annual fee to be confirmed in April 2023 at a cost of under £400.
c). To approve for resolution the 2022-23 national pay settlement award for pay rate scale SP33.
d). To approve for resolution, Brookings Drain cleaning and road sweeping quotation of £1,615 + Vat.
e). To approve for resolution appointment of not-for-profit DCC Devon Audit Services as internal auditor at £330.00 per day, estimated 2 days to audit, but agreement in writing to reduce if less time is taken.


a).To receive an update from the clerk on matters ongoing.
b). For Cllrs to highlight matters which require attention or future agenda items.


1. Council to approve the following payments:

99/22, £1095.57. L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary Nov 22 including NALC Payrise backdated from April – Oct 22

100/22 £29.63. November NEST employee/employer contribution £23.25 + P30 Employee NICS, £6.38.

101/22 £20.00. Woolston Accounting – Monthly Nov payroll. Invoice 2341 dated 28/11/22

102/22 £285.00. Nick Mathias – Nov Mowing. Invoice 1526/23 dated 9/11/22.

103/22 £300.00. Nick Mathias – Nov Road Warden Work. Invoice 1533/23 dated 16/11/22.

104/22 £50.00. Nick Mathias – DCC PROW path 10 – removal of fallen tree from DCC P3 Grant.  Invoice 1521/23 dated 3/11/23

105/22 £48.00. Parish Online – Annual Licence fee Nov 22-Nov 23. Invoice 18UG043-0004 dated 10/11/22

106/22 £11.94. VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (Nov).  Invoice 1011405 dated 10/11/22 Due 10/11/22 by DD.

107/72 £356.40. Tomlinson Computing – PC email migration to domain names as per Government levelling up agenda and remote support.

108/72 £100.00. Nick Mathias – Winter Buddle Hole Clearance x 10. Invoice 1540/23 dated 29/11/22

109/22 £370.00. Transfer of £370.00 Donation for Rec Field Gate to Savings account/ ringfenced reserves. – Contra item.

a).Balance at Bank 29/11/22: £24,408.92
Treasurers Account £14,900.18
Instant Access Savings Account £9,508.74

b). Receipts:
Treasurers Account: £370.00.
Instant Access Savings Account interest £1.02
Total Receipts Sept: £370.12

c). £370.00 donation received 2/11/22 from Parishioner to cover costs for the Recreation Field gate installation. Move to Ringfenced reserves.

d). HMCEF Mid-Year Grant Claim refund submitted to DCC Highways 31-10-22 £3,308.00.

e). Local Government Association 2022/23 National Pay Awards Concluded/Rates advised.

Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on
Monday 9th January 2022 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.

Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk 29/11/22.

All meeting agenda’s, supporting documents and minutes can be viewed at

Minutes 5th December

Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Abbey (Vice Chair), Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Murphy, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Crowson, Cllr Staines, Cllr Waters.

In attendance: Cllr J Brazil (7.30pm – 8.15pm)

109-22 Apologies for absence – Cllr R Foss and Kate Payne (FSC Centre Manager).

110-22 Declarations of interest – None.

111.22 Public comment –A parishioner attended to raise the issue of emergency vehicle access and parishioner safety on Brook Street with Cllr Brazil and Cllr Foss. Unfortunately, Cllr Brazil was not present at the start of the meeting and Cllr Foss had sent his apologies. The parishioner stated that the narrow roads and access to Brook Street were causing challenges for Fire Engines and Ambulances if needed plus on a day-to-day basis delivery and bin lorries. The Parishioner had spoken to the local Fire Service who confirmed that no properties on Brook Street were marked ‘at risk’ which means that smaller emergency services vehicles would not be sent automatically in an emergency.  The Fire Service had requested the parishioner send in measurements of the road and specific junctures so that they could check if the road qualified to mark the houses ‘at risk’. They are also asking the Fire Service to paint back in the road fire hydrants and are progressing both points with them.  It was also raised that the access signs state 6ft 6 inches at both the road entrances when the rest of the road was 3 metres and delivery drivers were turning away when could get through. However, the on-street parking is preventing large vehicles from turning in the triangular space and as a result their bin collections were being missed. The parishioner asked if the County and District Cllrs could help co-ordinate an approach with DCC Highways to put in marked parking bays and more accurate signage with ‘Access Only’ added under the width measurements.  Cllr Abbey stated that herself and Cllr Crowson had earlier in the year walked around the village with the Fire Service to discuss the situation in the context of preparatory work for if/when the A379 closes. The Fire Service Office had confirmed that smaller vehicles would be sent out base on the location of the fire in the parish. The parishioner confirmed this can only be done if properties are marked ‘at risk’. The clerk asked how to go about registering the properties and it was confirmed that parishioners had to ‘self-serve’ and send in the addresses and postcodes of the properties to the Fire Service and the parishioner was speaking to the property owners to obtain agreement to do so.  The parishioner stated there may be other areas in the parish with similar issues and would be happy to work with the PC to identify these and take action.  Cllr Abbey agreed to work together with the parishioner as part of the PC’s emergency planning and would also request revised signage as part of a wider piece of signage work the PC were progressing with DCC Highways to ensure the safety of all road users and would update Cllr Brazil.  The Chair agreed to include in the Chairs report in the next Slapton Lines and add to locations of the Fire Hydrants, once known to the Parish Online parish map.

112.22 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update.

Cllr Murphy reported he was unable to attend the OPCC seminar in Barnstaple on speeding on the 7th December and would forward the slides once received. There would be repeats of this seminar next year and more local in location to attend.

113.22 County & District Councillor reports

1. Cllr J Brazil:

a). Highways Update – PC SCARF survey has been completed and the results are due in the new year which will provide direction to Cllr Brazil and Lisa Edmunds on the speed sign installation although PC’s can now choose if to have a VAS. The Chair asked the timeframes for the report and Cllr Brazil advised January was likely.

b).White Close Drain Power Flush – Lisa Edmunds had reported they have viewed the gully and foliage was in the way which needed cutting back. Cllr Mitchelmore and Cllr Abby both advised that it was an accessible pipe installed by DCC many years ago and not a gully and advised the location and confirmed there were no overhanging trees. Cllr Brazil asked if photos could be sent and the exact location marked up and he would convey this information to Lisa Edmunds. Cllr Mitchelmore to forward.

c). Cyclical Cleaning Contract – Cllr Brazil acknowledged the PC’s reply not to go ahead at this stage due to lack of information and low grant payment level. The Chair asked if the PC’s request for further details on the parishes existing drains, gullies and buddle hole locations could be chased with Lisa Edmunds. Cllr Brazil to follow up.

d). Single Neighbourhood Plan – New homes as primary residences. The policy is being considered to be adopted across the region and until discussions are concluded, the matter is on hold. If not approved then the SNP will be progressed to conclusion locally.

e). DCC Budgets – Children’s Services was in special measures and struggling and needed support. DCC’s finances were of great concern.

f). Virtual paths – The matter had been discussed at the Executive meeting and a motion passed to take to full council on the 8th Update next meeting. It was reported that DCC were progressing 20mph zones in a limited way.

g). A379 – Cllr Brazil reported they were meeting with MP Anthony Mangnall and key stakeholders this coming Friday and also calling for a full partnership meeting to progress the matter.

h). DCC painted pedestrian path – District meeting motion update.

i). Peninsula Transport Business Plan 2022/2023Rural mobility strategy | Peninsula Transport. It was reported that DCC budgets were an issue. The Chair said that the lack of buses contradicted the DCC Climate Change Plan. Cllr Brazil stated he was amazed that fixed routes and large buses were still in place and it needed to move to a ‘dial-a-bus’ scheme operated by minivans and with no funding there would be no buses. The current status is the bus service is de-regulated to private companies with only a few services subsidised by DCC. Cllr Brazil felt that car sharing needed to be explored further as a solution.

j). Flooding between Dittiscombe and Alston Cross – Cllr Abbey asked if there was an update on the parishioner’s email of 21/22/22 reporting the flooding between Dittiscombe and Alston Cross. Cllr Brazil advised the matter was now in legal dispute and thanked the parishioner for sharing.

k). Emergency Services Access in Brook Street – Cllr Abbey mentioned Cllr Brazil had missed the PQT discussions (refer 111.22) Cllr Brazil that parking bays are a DCC matter and if the Fire Service officially confirmed houses were at risk then DCC would install. If not, the matter would be closed.

Cllr Brazil left the meeting at 8.15pm

Cllr R Foss: (Written report)

a). Beach monument relocation update Peter Chamberlain is due to speak to the DCC Development Management Committee at its meeting on 7 December, highlighting the desirability of planning consent being granted for the proposed relocation of the memorial to Strete Gate. However, consent will not be possible without agreement between the Parish Councils and the FSC on future maintenance.  Currently Strete PC were objecting on the grounds of Insurance and maintenance. (Refer DCC Management Report Relocation of Slapton Monument and restoration of existing site Strete Dartmouth.pdf (

b). A379 update – No progress to report.

c). Planning update re Whitebeam unauthorised signs – pending update from SHDC planning.

114-22 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 5th December 2022. Cllr Sullock proposed, Cllr Mitchelmore seconded and the PC unanimously agreed for the minutes to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.

115.22 Review of Action Log – Cllr Waters confirmed they were progressing a map of snow clearance routes and contact details of local farmers. Clerk to add to the parish online mapping software and update the action log.

 116.22 Matters in Abeyance  

a)     Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.

b)     Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline. 17th Jan 2023

c). Winter community coffee hub / PC Surgery / Family Film Club. The clerk reported had applied for the released winter wellbeing DCC and SHDC grants in case required in the new year.

117.22 Planning
3903/22/HHO – Wood Lane, Slapton TQ7 2QX
Proposal: Householder application for proposed external veranda structure in green oak with slate roof.
No comment

2584/22/HHO – Thorn Barn Slapton TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Householder application for single storey flat roof extension
Decision: Conditional Approval

3916/22/FUL – West Farm, Loworthy, Slapton TQ7 2RB
Proposal: Proposed agricultural building.

3541/22/PIP – Florence House, Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Proposal: Application for Permission in Principle for change of use & extension of an existing annexe to provide 1No. Dwelling Florence House.

118.22 Matters for discussion

a). Civility and Respect – Cllr Staines proposed and Cllr Mitchelmore seconded to sign and submit the lobby letter to Anthony Mangnall MP. Clerk to forward

b). DCC Development Management Committee meeting 7/12/2022. The PC agreed to submit an objection to the Beach Monument relocation planning application as it could not be decoupled from the Whitehall Paper by MP Anthony Mangnall which looked to protect the road and it was premature to move before a decision was concluded. It was agreed that Cllr Abbey, Cllr Crowson and the clerk would attend the DCC meeting.

c). 2023 Mowing plan and Road Warden schedule of works. Cllr Mitchelmore reported that he had cut the verges at Brandis Park with neighbours and they had all agreed to continue to do this to keep mowing costs down. Clerk to remove from the contract. Cllr Abbey proposed and the Chair seconded to approve an invoice of £80 for Road Warden services to clear the road debris after the hedge cutting. Clerk to pay invoice. Following a meeting with the Road Warden and update from Cllr Abbey, Cllr Waters proposed and Cllr Mitchelmore seconded to approve the 2023 contract terms as a considered and balanced rate in the current financial climate. Cllr Abbey requested that the financials requested still be provided by the Road Warden for due diligence. Clerk to update the road warden and add for resolution next meeting.

d). Recreation field:

i).Lease Deed of Variation Amendment. The Chair proposed and Cllr Sullock seconded to approve Beers Solicitors Recreation Field Lease Amend quote at £525.00+Vat. Clerk to add for resolution next meeting.

ii).Gate installation update. Cllr Water reported they had a target of Christmas to install the gate. Update next meeting.

iii). Basket Ball Hoop. The PC agreed the playground was too small and the recreation field ground and space challenging. It was agreed the Chair would liaise with the Greenbanks Parents to see if an indoor hoop at the Village Hall would be suitable as it was necessary to progress the DCC/SHDC Grant funding. Chair to update next meeting.

iv).Recreation field sign quote. The clerk reported a quote had been received but was awaiting an amendment for 2-sided printing. Update next meeting.

e). Elections 2023 – Agree canvassing programme and Cllr Recruitment Update. Clerk to send MS Teams working meeting request for 3/1/23 to progress.

f). Agree/approve 2023 Cllr Training courses including NALC Community outreach and engagement. Cllrs to review training dates and bring for approval next meeting.

g). Winter Community Hub, PC Surgery and Film Club Grants. Cllr Sullock to ask attendees of the Village Hall coffee morning if of interest and update the PC.

h). DCC Police – Free Cyber Security Talk booking 2023. The PC agreed to progress. Clerk to request dates.

i). Website Launch. The clerk reported the new website was live and asked for Cllrs to check through and provide their biographies and images asap. A full launch is planned in the new year to support the elections once tested. All Cllrs to report any bugs to the clerk to rectify.

j). Village Voice utilisation– Cllr Waters was provided with a list of PC work topics suitable for the village voice. It was also agreed that a parish wide newsletter may help better keep parishioners informed. PC to include in parish wide survey.

k). Review 2023 draft budget. The draft budget was reviewed and S137 rate and value discussed. Final review at next meeting and pending confirmation of household and resident numbers for 2023, due from SHDC electoral department in December.

119.22 Proposals for Resolution

a).The Chair proposed and Cllr Murphy seconded to approve for resolution the patch repairs to the Beach footpath quotation at a cost of £750.00.

b). Cllr Murphy proposed and Cllr Sullock seconded to approve for resolution to continue with the PC’s current insurance provider, Community First, on the terms offered and on a 3-year fixed term contract with 5% annual discount, the exact annual fee to be confirmed in April 2023 at a cost of under £400.

c). Cllr Waters approved and Cllr Staines seconded to approve for resolution the 2022-23 national pay settlement award for pay rate scale SP33.

d). Cllr Mitchelmore approved and Cllr Abbey seconded to approve for resolution, Brookings Drain cleaning and road sweeping quotation of £1,615 + Vat.

e). Cllr Staines proposed and Cllr Sullock seconded to approve for resolution appointment of not-for-profit DCC Devon Audit Services as internal auditor at £330.00 per day, estimated 2 days to audit, but agreement in writing to reduce if less time is taken.

 120.22 Chairs Report

a). The Chair had referred a call from Chillington Village Hall regarding Devon Community First – will forward to the Village Hall to follow up.

b). The Chair had contacted CSG Volunteer James Curtis regarding and update on the launch of the pandemic tapestry as parishioners had been asking.

c). A request will be sent to PC Oli Abercrombie for guidance on if the road signs on Prospect Hill are prohibition signs and if breaches can be enforced. Pending reply.  Cllr Sullock raised that the original highways signs installed in 2014 had been removed in error as part of the DCC instruction to remove all the 2020 advisory signs and needed re-instating. Clerk to follow up with the road warden and put them in touch with Cllr Sullock if require more detail.

121.22 Reports

a). Clerks report.

  • New PC website – Content writing and loading / soft launch / email migration – liaison with all suppliers. Visit:
  • DCC Highways – Pending update on the following:
    • SCARF survey results and Speed Camera installation approval.
    • Power flush of the block drain into White Close.
    • EV Vehicle Public Consultation Notices production.
  • Defibrillator Checks.
  • PC Planning submissions.
  • 8 CSG Facebook and 8 PC website news posts drafted/SEO/posted.
  • Food bank Collection Point – Christmas Appeal Notice production
  • Meeting with Cllr Abbey and Road Warden re 2023 works schedules.
  • Village Cleaning 6th December – Public Notices / liaison with Supplier. At the last minute this had been cancelled due to driver shortages and a new supplier has been tendered and a new cleaning date set for January 17th 2023. d
  • SLCC Remote Annual Conference attendance 2nd and 3rd November 2022
  • SHDC liaison: Community Film club licence research.
  • Office and budget administration.
  • Notice board updating.
  • Recreation field facilities servicing and visit numbers monitoring: 99 visits in November despite the bad weather and 1604 visits in total since 1/2/22.
  • Annual Leave booked: 23rd and 27th to 30th December – Out of office.


  • 2023 Budget / Precept plan and submission by 17th Jan 2023
  • 5-year Business plan
  • Website – Village Clubs additions / Google Analytics set up.
  • 2023 tenders: Internal Auditor contract, Road Warden and mowing contract
  • DCC SCARF survey and Shop Grant management
  • Autumn annual PROW paths inspections booked Dec 3rd and Dec 10th ahead of report submission deadline 7 Feb 2023.

b). Cllrs reports:

  • Cllr Sullock – Reported:
    • Anthony Mangnall MP will be in touch with the Village Hall by the end of December re the setting up of the Police Hubs.
    • In November £1000 cash and 852 non-perishable food donations and an unknown amount in regular standing orders had been made to the Kingsbridge and Dartmouth Food Banks. The Xmas appeal had been launched and an update would be made at the next meeting. Cllr Sullock thanked all parishioners for their ongoing support and generosity in difficult times. Cllr Waters to include an update in the next edition of the Village Voice.
    • Cllr Sullock had been asked for advice on where to put the Pizza Sign. The PC agreed to monitor the situation as the clerk advised that a DCC licence was required to have in permanent situ and likely not approved as restricted visibility and was in an AONB.

 Cllr Mitchelmore reported:

    • Residents at Brandis Park had agreed to maintain the verges (refer 118.22 c).
    • An enquiry had been received regarding the trees being cut down at Meadow Court. Cllr Mitchelmore had advised that planning permission was in place.
  • Cllr Staines reported that BT had removed the notices on a telegraph pole they were attending.

122.22 Financial matters

 i). Cllr Abbey proposed, Cllr Sullock seconded and the Council unanimously approved the following payments:


L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary Nov 22 , WFH allowance  and 2022-23 NALC Pay rise backdated from April – Oct 22. Paid 1-12-22 – noted Dec agenda.

November NEST employee/employer contribution £23.25 + P30 Employee NICS, £6.38.

Woolston Accounting – Monthly Nov payroll. Invoice 2341 dated 28/11/22

Nick Mathias – Nov Mowing. Invoice 1526/23 dated 9/11/22.

Nick Mathias – Nov Road Warden Work. Invoice 1533/23 dated 16/11/22.

Nick Mathias – DCC PROW path 10 – removal of fallen tree from DCC P3 Grant.  Invoice 1521/23 dated 3/11/23

Parish Online – Annual Licence fee Nov 22-Nov 23. Invoice 18UG043-0004 dated 10/11/22

VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (Nov).  Invoice 1011405 dated 10/11/22 Due 10/11/22 by DD.

Tomlinson Computing – PC email migration over to domain names as per Government levelling up agenda and remote support.

Nick Mathias – Winter Buddle Hole Clearance x 10. Invoice 1540/23 dated 29/11/22


Transfer of £370.00 Donation for Rec Field Gate to Savings account/ ringfenced reserves. – Contra item.

a). Balance at Bank 29/11/22: £24,408.92
Treasurers Account £14,900.18
Instant Access Savings Account £9,508.74

b). Receipts:
Treasurers Account: £370.00.
Instant Access Savings Account interest £1.02
Total Receipts Sept: £370.12

c). £370.00 donation received 2/11/22 from Parishioner to cover costs for the Recreation Field gate installation. Move to Ringfenced reserves.

d). HMCEF Mid-Year Grant Claim refund submitted to DCC Highways 31-10-22 £3,308.00.

e). Local Government Association 2022/23 National Pay Awards Concluded/Rates advised.

123.22 Next Parish Council monthly meeting to be held on Monday 9th January 2023 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.

Members of the public wishing to attend to contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines

The meeting ended at 10.30pm

Chair, Julie Hinder:
Dated:  9th January 2023


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