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Council Meeting – 4th September 2023


The following Councillors are summoned to attend:
Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr J. Waters, Cllr P. Osborne and Cllr S. Lange.

Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr L. Lawford, SPC Tree Wardens, Kate Payne (FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council held on: Monday 4th September 2023 at Slapton Village Hall (main hall) at 7.00 pm.

If any parishioners wish to speak at the meeting, please submit your papers or questions by email to 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person.




Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether, in the light of recent activities, any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.




Cllr J. Brazil

a. A379 Slapton Line: Update on HJA consultation and current status of planning permission for mitigation measures.
b. AOB.

Cllr L. Lawford

a. Heathfield Reservoir, Five Mile Lane, Slapton: Update on progress of investigations.
b. 1635/23/FUL – Land at Sx 816 458, Slapton: Update on progress. Target decision of 1st August 2023 – no decision to date.
c. AOB.

6) MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 3rd July 2023, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record – see separate document (6).


a. Applications (please follow the links to South Hams District Council’s (SHDC’s) planning portal for more information)

i. 2043/23/HHO – 11 Chantry Hill Slapton
Householder application for refurbishment & extension
SPC: No comment submitted (01/08/23)

ii. 2426/23/CLE – Meadow Court Slapton TQ7 2PR
Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing continued use of land at the North-East as part of domestic garden
SPC: No comment submitted (01/08/23)

iii. 2400/23/LBC – Hansel Cottage Hansel TQ6 0LN
Listed building consent to replace windows
SPC: No comment submitted (17/08/23)

iv. 2488/23/HHO – The Round House Slapton TQ7 2PN
Householder application for alterations to an existing dwelling to include replacement mono pitch roof to single storey ground floor structure & rebuilding of extension at first floor level to rear of the building
SPC: To be resolved

v. 2489/23/LBC – The Round House Slapton TQ7 2PN
Listed Building Consent for alterations to an existing dwelling to include replacement mono pitch roof to single storey ground floor structure & rebuilding of extension at first floor level to rear of the building
SPC: To be resolved

vi. 2438/23/CLB – 1 Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Certificate of lawfulness for proposed works to a listed building for improvements & repairs to existing extension
SPC: To be resolved

b. Decisions (for information only – please see SHDC website for more information)

i. 1491/23/FUL – Alston Barn Alston Farm Slapton TQ7 2QE
Extension (existing) to the building approved and built under reference 44/1212/07/F and mixed use of the whole building, as extended, for purposes ancillary to the residential use of Alston Barn and agricultural store (Retrospective)
SPC: No Comment
SHDC Decision: Conditional Approval

ii. 1436/23/HHO – Meadow Court Slapton TQ7 2PR
Householder application for alterations & extensions to existing dwelling & replacement outbuilding
SPC: No Comment
SHDC Decision: Conditional Approval

iii. 1635/23/FUL – Land at Sx 816 458 Slapton
Change of use of part of existing agricultural field for additional parking for Start Bay Centre (Part retrospective)
SPC: Object
Decision: Target determination date 1st August 2023 – no decision to date

iv. 1778/23/HHO – 4 South View Terrace Brook Street Slapton TQ7 2PP
v. Householder application for proposed renovation of existing outbuilding to create personal pottery studio
SPC: No Comment
Decision: Conditional Approval

c. Trees Works: None.

d. Withdrawn: None.


a. Vision/mission statement for SPC, logo/branding for SPC and CSG and how to improve SPC and CSG communication and engagement with parishioners. Is there a need for a working party meeting?
b. Parishioner awareness and engagement with matters relating to A379 Slapton Line. Is there a need for a working party meeting?


a. Co-option of Isaac Luscombe: Should Isaac Luscombe be co-opted onto SPC?
b. South West Ambulance Service Foundation Trust (SWASFT) defibrillator: Should the existing defibrillator be replaced with a SWASFT defibrillator – see separate document (9b)?
c. Cllr Governance (roles/tasks): Who would like to be assigned to each role/task – see separate document (9c)?
d. Cllr training and professional development: Which training/courses do the council want to book – see separate document (9d)?
e. Community Café: Should the Community Café continue each Monday between 2.00pm – 4.30pm from Nov 2023 – March 2024 (with support from SPC’s Clerk and CSG volunteers) or would SPC prefer a different day and time or not to run the Café and return the grant?
f. Highways: Does the full council agree the key objectives, suggested by the Highways working party, can be used to reopen discussions with SPC’s Neighbourhood Highways Officer – see separate document (9f)?
g. Community Support Committee (CSG): Can the revised Terms of Reference be adopted (9g)?
h. CSG: Does the council approve of recruitment of CSG volunteers – see separate documents (9h.1 and 9h.2)?
i. Internal Audit Findings: Can the changes to the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations (as recommended in the Internal Audit) be adopted – see separate documents (9i.1) and (9i.2)?


a. Village map – pending beach monument relocation.


a. See separate document (11a) and annexes to document (11a Annex A, 11a, Annex B, 11a Annex C and 11a Annex D).


a. The Tower.
b. Antisocial Behaviour.
c. CSG Committee:
i. Pandemic artwork.
ii. Youth club money ringfenced (£117.00) and changed to children, young people and family activities.
d. Laptop for new Cllr(s).


a. Cllr C. Staines: South Hams District Council and Parish Forum Meeting on Wednesday 26th July – see separate report (13a).
b. Cllr P. Osborne: Coleridge Bus AGM on 8th August 2023 – see separate report (13b).
c. Cllr P. Osborne: Key insights from attendance at OPPC meetings on 17th July 2023 and other updates from OPCC.
d. Cllr J. Abbey: Update on items in the action log – see separate document (13e).
e. Cllr J. Abbey and Cllr M. Crowson: Summary of Anthony Mangnall meeting re A379 Slapton Line on 30th August 2023.
f. Cllr J. Abbey and Cllr M. Crowson: Summary of Hardisty Jones Associates (HJA) economic impact consultation re A379 Slapton Line meeting via Teams on 1st September 2023.


a. Payments to approve – see separate document (14a)

BACs no Payee and details Amount £ Paid for noting
July invoices paid August
44/23 DCC Devon Audit Partnership – annual governance and accountability return and internal audit review 2022-23 2 x £330 per day +VAT. Invoice no: 55231064 dated 30/06/23 792.00

660.00 + 132.00 VAT

DD45/23 VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – June.  Invoice no: 1012502 dated 01/07/23 11.94

9.95 + 1.99 VAT

46/23 Nick Mathias – July Road Warden – Invoice no: 1664/24 dated 27/07/28 335.32 02/08/23
47/23 Nick Mathias – Grass cutting tasks for July 2023 – Invoice no: 1663/24 dated 27/07/23 457.81 02/08/23
48/23 Clerk’s salary July (40 hours) plus £24 WFH allowance 680.80 02/08/23
49/23 Payment to HMRC – tax on Clerk’s salary 164.40 02/08/23
50/23 Woolston Accountants – July Payroll. Invoice no: 0102 dated 29/07/23. 20.00 02/08/23
51/23 PKF Littlejohn LLP – external audit fee. Invoice no:SB20230381dated 01/08/23 252.00 210.00 +

42.00 VAT

52/23 Village Hall Hire Costs: x5 Community Payback in June. Hall 7th June and Meeting room 14th June. Invoice No: C07708/23 dated 4th July 131.00 03/08/23
53/23 Village Hall Hire Costs: Hall 3rd July. Invoice No: C08717/23 dated 1st August 10.00 03/08/23
54/23 The Plastic Company (trading name of the Play Company International Ltd). Eclipse Bench – 200 Brown. Invoice No: Sl-2200237 dated 17/07/23 660.00 550.00 + 110.00 VAT 03/08/23
August invoices to be paid September
DD55/23 VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – Aug.  Invoice no: 1012635 dated 01/08/23 11.94

9.85 + 1.99 VAT

56/23 Julie Hinder – payment for bird boxes. See rspb delivery note – order number: 4454061dated 15/09/22 30.98
DD57/23 Information Commissioners Office: Annual GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 Fee email dated 16/08/2023 40.00 27/09/23
Visa 58/23 Ink Jungle (via Amazon), printer cartridges. Invoice no: 118709301-2023-224286 dated 23/08/23 139.95

116.62 + 23.33 VAT

59/23 Nick Mathias – Grass cutting tasks for August 2023 – Invoice no: 1676/24 dated 14/08/23 342.51
60/23 Clerk’s salary August (40 hours) plus £24 WFH allowance TBC – awaiting payslip
61/23 Payment to HMRC – tax on Clerk’s salary TBC – awaiting HMRC invoice
62/23 Chair’s Allowance paid to Cllr J. Abbey. Agreed in 2023-24 budget. See minute ref:  148.22 a) 400.00
63/23 Woolston Accountants – August Payroll. Invoice no: TBC dated TBC £20

awaiting copy of the invoice


b. Quotes to approve – see separate document (14b)

1 Nick Walker Printing: 30x A4 printed colour, laminated posters – from existing artwork £30.00 + VAT.
2 Nick Walker Printing: 250x A5 printed colour flyers – from existing artwork £39.00 + VAT.
3 Nick Walker Printing: 150x A6 printed colour postcards on coated board – from existing artwork £32.00 + VAT
4a & 4b Nick Walker Printing: 1000 x 800mm printed colour. 1 side of polymeric self-adhesive vinyl. Matt laminated and mounted on 3mm aluminium core board. Supplied with 2 channels. From existing/supplied artwork. £153 + £10 for clips.

c. Receipts 26/06/23 to 23/08/23

Date received Source and details Amount




Lloyds Bank £25 compensation for poor service




Debit Card: Amazon AMZ*Bob jobs paints – refund for goods not available (relating to Community Payback Scheme) 45.99
10-Jul Instant Access Savings Account interest July 9.02
08-Aug Bank Giro Credit: HMRC VAT refund 392.22
09-Aug Faster Payments Incoming: Julie Hinder £50 for old Chair’s laptop – minute ref: 26.23 a) ii 50.00
09-Aug Instant Access Savings Account interest August 9.83


d. Balance at Bank @ 23/08/23: £19,575.53
i. Treasurers Account £6,283.00
ii. Instant Access Savings Account £13,292.53

e. Receipts summary
i. Treasurers Account: £513.21
ii. Instant Access Savings Account interest: £18.85
iii. Total Receipts: £532.06

f. Budgets

i. Quarterly Budget Review: Can the ‘Website Contingency’ budget of £240.00 be moved into the ‘Office Expenditure’ budget to cover IT costs as no website contingency is necessary? – see separate document (14f).
ii. Does the full council authorise additional expenditure above the budget estimates for the cost centres ‘Hire of Hall’ and ‘Office Expenditure’? – see separate document (14f).

Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on Monday 2nd October at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.

Signed: Bella Moor, Clerk, 28th August 2023

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Slapton Village Hall on Monday 4th September 2023 at 7pm

Those in attendance:
Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr J. Waters, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr S. Lange, Cllr J. Brazil (arrived at 7.33 pm and left 8.10 pm) and Mr M. Hitch – Tree Warden (left at 7.30 pm).

No members of the public attended.

44.23 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr C. Staines sent his apologies – he is away on holiday. Cllr L. Lawford also sent apologies.

45:23 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr S. Lange declared an interest in Planning Application 2043/23/HHO – 11 Chantry Hill, Slapton as he lives in Chantry Hill. As SPC resolved to submit a no comment ahead of the meeting, Cllr S. Lange remained present throughout all planning discussions.


47:23 TREE WORKS: Mr. M. Hitch reported that he has been a Tree Warden for 15 years and that he works alongside Mr. J. Curtis. He explained the role for the new Cllrs. Any tree works on trees of a certain size inside the conservation area are subject to approval by SHDC. Likewise, work on any trees outside the conservation area, that have a tree preservation order on them, also require approval. Tree Wardens are asked to complete a questionnaire for each application and submit that to the Tree Officer at SHDC. They will usually visit the site before submitting the questionnaire and any recommendations. In the past, a copy of their report was sent to the PC Clerk. They will also advise potential applicants ahead of any application if requested to do so. Their role is advisory and they don’t have executive authority. However, if the Tree Wardens object to the proposed works, a Tree Officer from SHDC will conduct a site visit too. In an emergency, where a tree poses a danger, the process can be expedited. Other tasks include supporting SHDC with research e.g. about Elm Trees that are resistant to Dutch Elm disease. Mr. M. Hitch confirmed that there has been a recent survey of the Elm Trees on Sands Road. The initial findings of the survey have been shared by Mr J. Curtis with Cllrs. Mr. J. Curtis also organises a tree hub and carries out tree planting. Tree Wardens to continue to send a copy of their reports /recommendations to Clerk for circulation to Cllrs.

48:23 POLICE REPORT: None. The clerk informed Cllrs that Neil Powers, Neighbourhood Team Leader, Dartmouth has been invited to attend either Oct, Nov or Dec PC meeting and is awaiting his confirmation. The clerk to follow up and confirm attendance.


i. 2488/23/HHO – The Round House Slapton TQ7 2PN
Householder application for alterations to an existing dwelling to include replacement mono pitch roof to single storey ground floor structure & rebuilding of extension at first-floor level to the rear of the building
Proposed by Cllr J. Abbey, seconded by Cllr I. Mitchelmore and resolved unanimously to submit ‘No Comment’ to SHDC. Clerk to submit.

ii. 2489/23/LBC – The Round House Slapton TQ7 2PN
Listed Building Consent for alterations to an existing dwelling to include replacement mono pitch roof to single storey ground floor structure & rebuilding of extension at first-floor level to the rear of the building
Proposed by Cllr J. Abbey, seconded by Cllr I. Mitchelmore and resolved unanimously to submit ‘No Comment’ to SHDC. Clerk to submit.

iii. 2438/23/CLB – 1 Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Certificate of lawfulness for proposed works to a listed building for improvements & repairs to the existing extension
It was resolved unanimously that Cllr I. Mitchelmore and Cllr S. Lange would discuss this application further before sharing any thoughts with Cllrs ahead of SPC submitting a response. Cllr I. Mitchelmore and Cllr S. Lange to advise Cllrs and Clerk regarding comments to submit.


Cllr J. Brazil explained he would be happy to take any questions on the Agenda for Cllr L. Lawford and reported the following:
a. Due to the August break, there is nothing to report from Devon County Council (DCC).

b. A379 Slapton Line consultation:
i. South Pool Parish Council has expressed that they would like to take part in the consultation.
ii. Strete Parish Council has a query over methodology.
iii. SPC expressed that they want the consultation process to be robust, unbiased and fit for purpose. As such, they have requested further information about the tender process and technical appraisal methods. Cllr J. Brazil will seek answers to these questions.
iv. SPC stated that it is not unreasonable to expect primary data collection from businesses and landowners beyond the FSC and Wild Planet Trust as this has not been done since 2006. Cllr J. Brazil reported that he has discussed this with Dan Field of SHDC and that he supports limited direct consultation with some businesses, which can then be used for extrapolation purposes and to determine whether Dartmouth and Kingsbridge will be impacted. He reported that a Cllr living in Dartmouth has expressed that they believe the loss of the A379 Slapton Line will have an adverse impact on Dartmouth. SPC is interested in understanding how any businesses in the consultation will be selected.
v. SPC raised the need for a traffic survey to be conducted to inform the economic impact assessment. Cllr J. Brazil will liaise with Highways regarding an up-to-date vehicle survey of the A379 Slapton Line.
vi. SPC’s Clerk also raised whether there is a need for an evidence-based local traffic management plan in the event of partial or complete closure of the A379 Slapton Line in the short term. Cllr J. Brazil did not believe this was necessary.
vii. SPC enquired about the status of the planning permission application. Cllr J. Brazil was unable to confirm the current status but thinks County is working on it. Cllr J. Brazil to request an update.
viii. Cllr J. Brazil has a meeting with Anthony Mangnall MP on Friday 8th September. He is keen to focus on the planning application and economic study to trigger the lifting of the SSSI restrictions.

c. 1635/23/FUL – Land at Sx 816 458 Slapton: SPC requested an update regarding the reason any decision is a month past the target decision date. Cllr J. Brazil to follow up and update to be provided to SPC.

d. Heathfield Reservoir, Five Mile Lane, Slapton: SPC requested an update on investigations. Cllr J. Brazil to follow up and update to be provided to SPC.

e. Chair asked if DCC or SHDC has an old laptop available for a small sum for a new SPC Cllr. Cllr J. Brazil will enquire.

51.23 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 3rd July 2023: It was resolved that the minutes should be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.


a. Vision/mission statement for SPC, logo/branding for SPC and CSG and how to improve SPC and CSG communication and engagement with parishioners.
i. Logo/branding for SPC and CSG: There was a discussion about the need for a consistent identity for both the Parish Council and Community Support Group Committee and that it had been encouraged by DCC in the past. How to approach this and whether professional support was required was also considered. The Clerk advised there is no budget currently allocated for this. Cllr S. Lange proposed, Cllr J. Abbey seconded and it was resolved unanimously that Cllr S. Lange would explore whether a parishioner with the right skill set might volunteer their time to support the council with this and if they could a working party meeting should be arranged. Cllr S. Lange to contact the parishioner. Clerk to organise working party meeting if the parishioner agrees to help and if not to include costings for consideration in October 2024-25 budget discussions.
ii. Vision/mission statement for SPC: The Chair explained that other councils have either a vision or mission statement and that they would like to further explore this. Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr J. Waters seconded and it was resolved unanimously that a separate working party meeting would be organised for this matter as not all Cllrs interested in being involved with the logo/branding wish to attend a meeting about the vision/mission. Clerk to organise working party meeting (possibly on same day – before or after the logo/branding meeting – if that goes ahead).
iii. Improving engagement with parishioners. Cllr I. Mitchelmore proposed, Cllr J. Abbey seconded and it was resolved unanimously that this would be considered once the logo/branding and vision/mission statement were agreed. Clerk to add Agenda for January.

b. Parishioner awareness and engagement with matters relating to the A379 Slapton Line: There was a discussion about the appropriate timing for community engagement and confirmation that when and how to engage parishioners directly has been discussed with Anthony Mangnall MP. There was also discussion about how wide the circulation of the Slapton Lines magazine is. Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr I. Mitchelmore seconded and it was resolved unanimously that the Chair would update parishioners briefly on the recent meetings in the next Slapton Lines magazine. Chair to write and submit Parish Council article to the editors by Friday 15th September 2023.


a. Co-option of Isaac Luscombe: Should Isaac Luscombe be co-opted onto SPC? It was resolved by 5 votes to 1 to co-opt Isaac Luscombe as a Cllr onto the PC. Clerk to ensure acceptance, register of interests and dispensations to be signed and returned within 28 days.

b. South West Ambulance Service Foundation Trust (SWASFT) defibrillator: Should the existing defibrillator be replaced with a SWASFT defibrillator – see separate document (9b)? There was a discussion about the merits of the SWASFT defibrillator versus the current defibrillator. Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr J. Waters seconded and it was resolved unanimously to purchase the SWASFT defibrillator. Clerk to action.

c. Cllr Governance (roles/tasks): Who would like to be assigned to each role/task – see separate document (9c)? Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr J. Waters seconded and it was resolved unanimously that Cllrs should select roles based on their expertise and interests. There was a discussion about who would like to be allocated to each role/task and all were assigned. Clerk to update document, share with Cllrs and post on the website.

d. Cllr training and professional development: Which training/courses do the council want to book – see separate document (9d)? Cllr P. Osborne proposed, Cllr J. Abbey seconded and it was resolved unanimously to book the following training courses:
i. 1A: Safeguarding Essentials Training (Level 1) by High-Speed Training, 8x Cllrs + 1x Clerk = £315 + VAT
ii. 2A: Standards in Public Life by Devon Association of Local Councils (DALC), 7x Cllrs + 1x Clerk = £128 + VAT
iii. 2B: What Makes People Challenging by Society of Local Clerks, 1x Chair = £30 + VAT
iv. 3A: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion by DALC, 8x Cllrs + 1x Clerk = £126 + VAT
v. 4A: Finance for Cllrs by DALC, 3 x Cllrs + Clerk to do similar course for Clerks = £120 + VAT
vi. 4B: An Overview of Local Councils by DALC, 3 x new Cllrs = £48 + VAT
Clerk to action.

e. Community Café: Should the Community Café continue each Monday between 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm from Nov 2023 – March 2024 (with support from SPC’s Clerk and CSG volunteers) or would the council prefer a different day and time or not to run the Café and return the grant? There was a discussion about the merits of the Community Café and the benefit it brought to the community last time it was open. Cllr P. Osborne proposed, Cllr J. Abbey seconded and it was resolved unanimously that the Community Café will continue each Monday between 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm from November 2023 – March 2024. Clerk to action.

f. Highways: Does the full council agree the key objectives, suggested by the Highways working party, can be used to reopen discussions with SPC’s Neighbourhood Highways Officer – see separate document (9f)? There was a discussion about whether parking should also be added to the objectives. Cllr S. Lange proposed, Cllr P. Osborne seconded and it was resolved unanimously that the key objectives should be agreed upon as they are but that parking could be added to concerns at a later date once the key objectives have been met. Clerk to arrange a meeting with Lisa Edmonds for Cllr. P. Osborne and Clerk are to attend.

g. Community Support Committee (CSG): Can the revised Terms of Reference be adopted (9g)? There was a discussion about how the previous Terms of Reference were potentially off-putting to new CSG volunteers. Cllr P. Osborne proposed, Cllr. J. Abbey seconded and it was resolved unanimously to accept the revised Terms of Reference. Clerk to share with CSG Chair and post on the website.

h. CSG: Does the council approve of the recruitment of CSG volunteers – see separate documents (9h.1 and 9h.2)? Cllr J. There was a discussion about a volunteer who may be interested in supporting the Community Cinema and the use of the letterbox to support recruitment. Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr. J. Waters seconded and it was resolved unanimously that recruitment could go ahead using posters, flyers and postcards. Clerk to arrange printing and distribution. Clerk to contact potential Community Cinema volunteer.

i. Internal Audit Findings: Can the changes to the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations (as recommended in the Internal Audit) be adopted – see separate documents (9i.1) and (9i.2)? There was discussion about how these could ideally be further refined. Cllr P. Osborne has offered to support the Clerk with this during the annual review process. Cllr J. Waters proposed, Cllr M. Crowson seconded and it was resolved unanimously to accept the revised Standing Orders and Financial Regulations as they are and further revise during the annual review to make them more readable. Clerk to post on the website.


a. Village map – pending beach monument relocation.


a. The Tower: Cllr J. Abbey has liaised with Historic England and they have conducted a site visit. The matter has been referred to Devon Building Control Partnership as they are responsible for emergency works on buildings. There was a discussion about how missing masonry is evident and the angle is now more acute. Cllr J. Abbey will follow up with Devon Building Control Partnership.

c. Antisocial Behaviour: Cllr J. Abbey liaised with the Neighbourhood Team Leader, who was very supportive and has spoken to the individual concerned. There have been no further incidents since.

d. CSG Committee:
i. Pandemic artwork. There was a discussion about enquiries from those who submitted their work to the project, how best to ensure the closure of the project and the need to display and then submit it to Devon Archives upon completion. Cllr I. Mitchelmore to liaise with Mr J. Curtis regarding how the council can help to support this.

ii. Youth club money ringfenced (£117.00) and changed to children, young people and family activities. Proposed by Cllr J. Abbey on behalf of the CSG Committee and resolved unanimously that, as requested by the CSG Committee, the youth club cost centre could be renamed children, young people and families. Clerk to action.


a. Cllr P. Osborne: Key insights from attendance at OPCC meeting on 17th July 2023 and other updates from OPCC. Cllr P. Osborne reported that there had been 48 fatalities and 78 serious accidents on DCC roads. Only 1% of users are motorbikes but they make up 38% of accidents. There will be greater enforcement of 20 mph zones, including the use of drones and headcams to help.

b. Cllr J. Abbey: Update on items in the action log: All actions complete except three.

c. Cllr J. Abbey and Cllr M. Crowson: Summary of Anthony Mangnall meeting re A379 Slapton Line on 30th August 2023: Cllr J. Abbey reported that Anthony Mangnall MP was aware that the planning permission, for the mesh and rocks coastal management solution suggested by Landmark, would be refused but submission of the planning application would be a useful exercise to understand reasons for refusal. Anthony has already met with Hardisty Jones Associates (HJA) regarding the economic impact assessment.


a. Payments to approve: The clerk reported amounts outstanding for 60 and 61 as well as the invoice number for 64 below. Cllr I. Mitchelmore proposed, Cllr J. Waters seconded and it was resolved unanimously to authorise the payments below. Clerk to allocate payments for authorisation via online banking.

BACs no Payee and details Amount £ Paid for noting
July invoices paid August
44/23 DCC Devon Audit Partnership – annual governance and accountability return and internal audit review 2022-23 2 x £330 per day +VAT. Invoice no: 55231064 dated 30/06/23 792.00

660.00 + 132.00 VAT

DD45/23 VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – June.  Invoice no: 1012502 dated 01/07/23 11.94

9.95 + 1.99 VAT

46/23 Nick Mathias – July Road Warden – Invoice no: 1664/24 dated 27/07/28 335.32 02/08/23
47/23 Nick Mathias – Grass cutting tasks for July 2023 – Invoice no: 1663/24 dated 27/07/23 457.81 02/08/23
48/23 Clerk’s salary July (40 hours) plus £24 WFH allowance 680.80 02/08/23
49/23 Payment to HMRC – tax on Clerk’s salary 164.40 02/08/23
50/23 Woolston Accountants – July Payroll. Invoice no: 0102 dated 29/07/23. 20.00 02/08/23
51/23 PKF Littlejohn LLP – external audit fee. Invoice no:SB20230381dated 01/08/23 252.00 210.00 +

42.00 VAT

52/23 Village Hall Hire Costs: x5 Community Payback in June. Hall 7th June and Meeting room 14th June. Invoice No: C07708/23 dated 4th July 131.00 03/08/23
53/23 Village Hall Hire Costs: Hall 3rd July. Invoice No: C08717/23 dated 1st August 10.00 03/08/23
54/23 The Plastic Company (trading name of the Play Company International Ltd). Eclipse Bench – 200 Brown. Invoice No: Sl-2200237 dated 17/07/23 660.00 550.00 + 110.00 VAT 03/08/23
August invoices to be paid September
DD55/23 VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – Aug.  Invoice no: 1012635 dated 01/08/23 11.94

9.85 + 1.99 VAT

56/23 Julie Hinder – payment for bird boxes. See rspb delivery note – order number: 4454061dated 15/09/22 30.98
DD57/23 Information Commissioners Office: Annual GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 Fee email dated 16/08/2023 40.00 27/09/23
Visa 58/23 Ink Jungle (via Amazon), printer cartridges. Invoice no: 118709301-2023-224286 dated 23/08/23 139.95

116.62 + 23.33 VAT

59/23 Nick Mathias – Grass cutting tasks for August 2023 – Invoice no: 1676/24 dated 14/08/23 342.51
60/23 Clerk’s salary August (40 hours) plus £24 WFH allowance 890.60
61/23 Payment to HMRC – tax on Clerk’s salary 0.00 tax rebate of 45.00 included in salary
62/23 Chair’s Allowance paid to Cllr J. Abbey. Agreed in the 2023-24 budget. See minute ref:  148.22 a) 400.00
63/23 Woolston Accountants – August Payroll. Invoice no: 0134 dated 31/08/23 20.00


b. Quotes to approve: Cllr P. Osborne proposed, Cllr S. Lange seconded and it was resolved unanimously to accept the quotes below. Clerk to action printing of CSG recruitment posters and postcards as well as replacement sign.

1 Nick Walker Printing: 30x A4 printed colour, laminated posters – from existing artwork 30.00 + VAT
2 Nick Walker Printing: 250x A5 printed colour flyers – from existing artwork 39.00 + VAT
3 Nick Walker Printing: 150x A6 printed colour postcards on coated board – from existing artwork 32.00 + VAT
4a & 4b Nick Walker Printing: 1000 x 800mm printed colour. 1 side of polymeric self-adhesive vinyl. Matt laminated and mounted on 3mm aluminium core board. Supplied with 2 channels. From existing/supplied artwork. 153.00 + 10.00 for clips

c. Budgets

i. Quarterly Budget Review: Can the ‘Website Contingency’ budget of £240.00 be moved into the ‘Office Expenditure’ budget to cover IT costs as no website contingency is necessary? Cllr P. Osborne proposed, Cllr J. Waters seconded and it was resolved unanimously that the ‘Website Contingency’ budget of £240.00 be moved into the ‘Office Expenditure’ budget to cover IT costs. Clerk to update budget for ‘Office Expenditure’ cost centre.

ii. Does the full council authorise additional expenditure above the budget estimates for the cost centres ‘Hire of Hall’ and ‘Office Expenditure’? – see separate document (14f). Cllr P. Osborne proposed, Cllr I. Mitchelmore seconded and it was resolved unanimously to give authorisation of the additional expenditure above the budget estimates for the cost centres ‘Hire of Hall’ and ‘Office Expenditure’. Clerk to update forecast.

58.23 AOB

a. There was a discussion about whether the unused, lockable shop noticeboard would be useful in the bus stop for use by Slapton Parish Council. Whilst the offer was much appreciated, the Clerk explained that they already have two noticeboards in the village to update and it was not felt that a third was necessary at this time.

b. Cllr I. Mitchelmore shared a parishioner’s concern about access to specific areas of the Churchyard being impeded by long vegetation. There was a discussion about general accessibility to the Churchyard, an appreciation of the parishioner’s concerns and an agreement that the Chair of Slapton Parish Council would liaise with the Treasurer of the Parochial Parish Council. Cllr J. Abbey to discuss the issues with Mr. A. Naish.

c. Cllr P. Osborne recommended that the council discuss funding opportunities shared by the Clerk. It was agreed that the council should not miss out on these opportunities. Clerk to add to Agenda for October.

Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on
Monday 2nd October at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.

Signed:                                                                                                                                                    Date:




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