Council Meeting – 4th May 2020
Agenda 4 May 2020
Parish Council Meeting
7.30pm, Monday 3 February 2020 by Zoom Video Conference due to Social Distancing.
If any parishioners wish to attend the meeting/and or speak/present an idea, as this is a remote meeting, please submit your question(s)/papers to the clerk, 48hrs in advance of the meeting so that the Council can consider. email: ,
To attend the Zoom meeting:
- Click on this meeting link at 7.25pm: , or copy the link into your browser.
- You will be then placed into a waiting room whilst the Chair arranges access so please do not click out as this will take a few minutes as people join.
- Access to the meeting will be closed at 7.35pm
Supporting Documents:
- Agenda – PC meeting 4 May 2020
- Draft Minutes for signing – PC meeting 2 March 2020
- Extraordinary meeting 18 March 2020 (Plus supporting Scheme of Delegation actions log)
- Budget Status at 27-4-20
- S137 Budget status at 27-4-20
- 2019-20 AGAR part 2 and Bank Reconcilliation – for approval by the Chair
- Updated Village Assets register – for approval
- Draft Lengthsman schedule of works contract – for discussion
- SLCC model Email policy template – For discussion/adoption
- SLCC model Data Protection policy – For discussion/adoption
- SLCC model Equality and Diversity policy – For discussion/adoption
- Village Archive Project – Grant Request from the CSG volunteers
- ELECTION OF THE CHAIR and Vice Chair– By Cllrs
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Police – (Pending joining the Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme).
- DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
- PUBLIC COMMENT – Any parishioner is invited to address the Council for up to 3 minutes. This session may last up to 15 minutes and may be extended to 30minutes at the discretion of the Chair. The Public are not required to stay for the rest of the meeting.
- Cllr J. Brazil
- Cllr R. Foss
- If agreed to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
- MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY MEETING HELD ON 19 March 2020. If agreed to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
- Village flooding issues – Ongoing monitoring. Bi-annual drain cleaning arrangements in place to manage.
- Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
- Monument relocation to Strete – Pending update from DCC.
- Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes in 2020 parish recycling arrangements.
- Village Map – Reprint due in the spring – Clerk and Chair to progress copy / artwork.
- Village Lenghtsman1 year trial – Re-open discussions in April following APM feedback re leaf composting. Clerk to draft schedule of works / apply for grant for Kit.
- P3 Scheme – Re-open discussions in May following APM feedback.
- Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 19th April.
0645/20/VAR – Scarswell, Slapton TQ7 2RD Proposal: Application for variation of condition 2 of planning consent 2827/18/FUL
Devolved PC response 9/4/20: No Comment.
0782/20/HHO – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton. TQ7
Proposal: Householder application for internal and minor external alterations to existing annexe. Devolved PC response 24/3/20: No Comment.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
3845/19/FUL – Higher Poole, Slapton TQ7 2RA Proposal: Replacement dwelling with garage and associated landscaping works
Decision: Conditional approval
0406/20/PDM – Barn at Lower Coltscombe Slapton
Proposal: Application for prior approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to dwellinghouse (Class C3) and for associated operational development (Class Q(a+b))
Decision: Withdrawn
0571/20/HHO – Lower Cottage, Brook Street, Slapton
Proposal: Householder application for alterations to garage to enable new parking area to be formed in garden.
Decision: Conditional Approval
- Budgets and 2020/21 allowance increases:
- 2019-20 Annual Governance Return – Council /Chair for approval/resolution.
- To sign and certify the Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 to approve the internal controls.
- Chair: To sign the Certificate of Exemption (Part 2) to exempt the Council from External audit as passed for resolution at this meeting 4/5/20 (refer below).
- Chair: To approve the 2019/20 Annual Accounting Statement of Account.
- Village Assets Register – Approve for resolution, new items/increase in value from £10,612.89 to £11,074.16 to support 2020-21 insurance renewal.
- Chairmans Allowance 2020/21 – Discuss if current allowance reflects chairs increased workloads/ tel call costs. Agree 2020 allowance to resolve next meeting for payment June 2020.
- Clerks ‘Homeworking allowance’ – HMRC have increased this from £4 to £6 per week from April 2020 to employees who are required to work from home to recognise the additional costs that they incur. (No other changes to the tax rules on expenses and benefits). The current rate being paid is £2 per week. To discuss/propose for resolution next meeting to adjust the clerks home working allowance to the recommended HMRC £6 per week wef 1 April 2020 (SLCC notification 16/3/20).
- Coronavirus S137 budget update / funds for foodbank donation / frequency/ further parish support if required.
- CSG grant request for Coronavirus Village Archive Project to support and engage parishioners through contribution can capturing this unique period in time for future generations (Refer proposal paper). DALC have approved S137 budget code for this use and requested a case study to share with other parishes if goes ahead.
- Use of Zoom Licence by official Parish Groups to enable village events to operate remotely during social distancing.
- Council operations during 2020-21 – Impacted by the Coronavirus. Agree:
- Execution of ongoing changes / updates in Government and DALC coronavirus legislation – Agree process / roles to ensure that prompt action of instructions are undertaken to ensure public safety, legal requirements of Council are met and Insurance cover is maintained. Discuss extending the scheme of delegation to cover periods of future lockdown to ensure the Council can to fulfil its responsibilities to its residents.
- 2020 PC meeting dates – Including: Duration and length of meeting /August meeting cover provision / meeting recording.
- Any further necessary delegated authorities re the above / CSG committee support.
- Key 2020-21 projects: Agree which to progress under DCC guidelines/risk assessment and which to add to matters in abeyance pending further Gvt working guidance.
- Lengthsman trial: Grant approved, next steps;
- Agree draft schedule of works contract / terms
- Equipment order update / temporary kit and storage
- Village road side sweeping
- Manual weed removal
- Village road sign cleaning
- Village Pot holes
- Pavement repairs – Sands Road
- Dog bin relocation. Approval from DCC for our Road Warden to undertake the work. Requires Road Warden to quote for purchase of a post / quote to move the bins under road warden scheme safe working.
- Blue advisory speed sign installation, Sands Road
- Village Leaflet – Agree timings to discuss/agree copy amends.
- Public Rights of Way and Definitive Map deadline 1st Jan 2026. Discuss / agree next steps with the Ramblers Association scheme/Parishioner volunteers.
- Lengthsman trial: Grant approved, next steps;
- Legal structure of the CSG group: DALC guidance: To consider moving to a stand-alone community charity organisation, with its own constitution and bank account to enable more freedom and powers to assist the parish community. Refer to Broadclyst PC example
- White Close Trust – Reply from the Trustees re the 2020 summer PC mowing grant.
- Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme – Permission has been granted for the Clerk to be the primary scheme contact supported by 1-2 other Councillors if wish to join. Discuss/agree nominated persons for resolution to join the scheme.
- Draft ‘email contact privacy notice’, ‘Information and Data Protection and Diversity and Equality Policies’ – for review/adoption. Required to meet Internal Audit (14/5) and WCAG 2.1 (22/9) compliance.
- P3 scheme – Re-open discussions if to join / £150 grant to support lengthsman work.
- Safeguarding training – The supplier is unable to run remote training. The proposal has been added for resolution to this agenda (as agreed at the March meeting) and to propose the terms are approved and added to matters in abeyance until social distancing restrictions are lifted.
- FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting 23-26th March. On hold, discuss if to add to matters in abeyance until social restrictions lifted.
- 8th May VE DAY Anniversary – Village recognition arrangements/ agree actions.
- Public Rights of Way and Definitive Map deadline 1st Jan 2026 / Ramblers Association scheme. Updates from village cartographer on the scope of the work involved
- To comply with the 2019-20 Annual Governance Return policy, the Council agreed to resolved for the Chair to:
- Sign and certify the Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 to approve internal controls.
- Sign the Certificate of Exemption (Part 2) to exempt the Council from external audit as passed for resolution at the meeting 4/5/20.
- Approve the 2019/20 Annual Accounting Statement of Account.
- To propose to extend the scheme of delegation of the Council decisions under the current terms, to the Councils Officer (Clerk/RFO) during any period of restricted activity declared by the Government in respect of the Covid-19 virus. Such delegation will enable the Council to fulfil its responsibilities to its residents.
- To propose to approve the Safeguarding Training proposal by Ben Leach Consultancy at a cost of £200 plus certificate costs at £1.50 per delegate and to add this to matters in abeyance until such time as the Coronavirus pandemic social distancing restrictions are lifted and the training can be safely run.
- To proposed to book Brookings Hire LTD to clear the drains on Wednesday 22nd April 2020 at a cost of £575+vat (1 days hire (Discounted cost due to Cllr Widger allowing waste to be deposited on his land). Clerk to arrange local notices Monday 20th April.
- Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme – To propose to join the scheme with the Clerk/RFO as the primary contact supported by 1-2 other Councillors with immediate effect.
- CLERK’S REPORTTo discuss:
- Village Mowing – Recent grass cut length in relation to public safety and social distancing requirements / agree next mowing date.
- Village BT K6 Phone box – BT Open Reach advised 19/3/20 that the phone box will not be repainted this year as other boxes are in more urgent need. Have advised to diarise to contact again at the end of the year with photo evidence of condition at that time. Discuss/agree to add to matters in abeyance/review in Dec 2020.
- Highways Response – To Park and Walk drain ownership / Footpath deterioration between south grounds farm and drains issues outside the FSC. Chased 15-1-20 and 12.2.20. Still no reply. DCC are now focussed on public safety and supporting the vulnerable during the coronavirus. Discuss/ agree to add to matters in abeyance.
For information only:
- Scheme of delegation/emergency powers to Officer completed for the period 19 March 2020 to 4 May 2020 (Refer Audit Register for details of consulted/decisions and section 13 – Financial payments, below).
- Model Standing orders – NALC are not updating the model standing orders to reflect changes in legislation re remote council operations as a temporary emergency measure. However DALC are preparing an addendum to reflect temporary remote PC meetings to sit alongside the NALC model standing orders for adoption by Parish Councils. These will be released as soon as available for discussion/resolution/ adoption by PC’s.
- The NALC Coronavirus financial Impact Survey has been completed, advising of the increased costs incurred in managing the pandemic work at Parish level and impact on the precept. All responses will be presented to Government to lobby for an additional financial recovery grant for local councils.
- Spring Drain cleaning: – Brookings Hire LTD completed the spring drain clearance work on Wednesday 22nd April under a Covid-19 risk assessment to ensure safe working. Posters were placed around the village to encourage parishioners to ensure a safe 2m distance from the workmen and car notices will be distributed 20/21 April.
- Brook Street Black Sack removal – A local resident has sent a letter of thanks to the parish council for the removal of the black waste bags at the Brook. This has been replied to by the clerk.
- Approve the following payments:
L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – March 20 (Paid 1/3/20 for noting).
Kingsbridge websites, Coronavirus support page set up. Invoice INV002017 dated 19/3/20. (Paid 24/3/20 for noting) Budget code S137 C-19 crisis
Kingsbridge websites, Coronavirus support page set up. Invoice INV002017 dated 19/3/20. (Paid 24/3/20 for noting) Budget code S137 C-19crisis
SHDC – 2 May 2019 election expenses. Invoice 22064560, 17/3/20 (Paid 24/3/20 for noting)
Kbridge websites, Coronavirus Home page refocus. Invoice INV002025, 25/3/20. (Paid 26/3/20 for noting). Budget code S137 CV crisis
Expenses payment Phil Towner CSG Volunteer – Village Shop PPE kit for volunteers – Personal handgel bottles £3.50 x 10 bottles. Paid 31-3-20 for noting. Budget code S137 CV Crisis.
Clerks salary March ’20 (paid 1/4/20 for noting).
Clerks Overtime Jan -March ’20.(Includes APM/EOM/C-19 project and 10% personal time contribution to this). Paid 6/4 for noting.
Clerks 1/4ly expenses Jan-March 2020. Paid 6/4 for noting.
Parochial Church – Annual Churchyard Grant. Paid 6/4 for noting.
DALC annual membership renewal – invoice 2165. Paid 6/4 for noting.
VC Warehouse – First payment – CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 3/4/20 DD
VC Warehouse – First payment – CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Due15/4/20 DD for noting.
Kingsbridge websites. C-19 CSG Facebook support page set up. Invoice 2034 1/4/20. Paid 6/4 for noting.
Village Hall Hire March PC meeting 2/3/20, APM meeting 11/3/19 (Invoice 3569) Paid 6/4/20 for noting May agenda.
Village Hall Hire March EOM C-19 meeting 19/3/20 (Invoice 4575/20) Paid 6/4/20 for noting May agenda.
HMRC employers NICS contributions on Clerks March O/Time payment. Paid by BACS transfer Sort code 083210 / 12001039 6/4/20 (HMRC payment deadline 22-4-20). Paid 6/4/20 for noting
HMRC employers NICS contributions – Year-end balance payment £8.31. Paid by BACS transfer Sort code 083210 / 12001039. Paid 6/4/20 for noting
Kingsbridge websites. C-19 CSG Facebook support page set up image conversion x 4, Banner copy corrections FB and PC website. Invoice 2037 7/4/20. Paid 14/4/20 for noting.
Nick Mathias – April Mowing £245 including additional banks/ bottle bank (invoice 1148) Paid 16/4/20 for noting May agenda.
Nick Mathias – April Buddle Hole Clearance x 6 (invoice 1150/21) Paid 16/4/20 for noting May agenda.
Brookings Ltd, Spring Gully clean – 1 days hire + additional operative, invoice 19717 dated 26/4/20. Paid 27/4/20, for noting May agenda.
L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary April ’20) (paid for noting May agenda) Increase in hours per month from 20 to 25hrs at the old 2019/20 pay rate £9.96 p/h. Refer resolution Minutes Dec 2nd 2019/117-19.
L Soothill-Ward: Clerks/ Chairs/PC’s office expenses due to remote working Covid-19 crisis – April 2020. (Zoom Annual Licence – PC Virtual meeting support £143.88 – S137/ Drop box business annual licence secure file cloud storage £302.40 / Chairs stationary (printer ink £121.55, Laminating pouches £13.98, staple gun £14.99)). VAT reclaim
Nick Walker Printers – Slapton Lines Special Covid -19 free edition – CSG helpline and safety suppport information. Invoice no 85978, 22/4/20. Paid 27/4/20 from S137 DCC grants- Noted paid May Agenda.
- Balance at Bank 27/4/2020, £26,985.99
- 2020-21 Half year precept payment received 17/4/20, £5410.50.
- Year-end 2019-20 bank reconciliation completed (Pending approval by Cllr D Murphy).
- 2019-20 AGAR External Audit return submission completed 26/4/20 (as per discussion docs above).
- Village Asset reqister updated to reflect new office software licences and Chairs stationary from £10.612.89 to £11,074.16.
- S137 budget set up to support the CSG committee / coronavirus support response as advised by DALC. Annual limit of (Refer S137 budget sheet)
- Internal Audit scheduled for 14 May 2020. Business Drop box will be used to transfer files safely the auditor to view.
- Grants update:
- DCC Covid-19 ‘Prompt action fund’ grant approved of £495 received 7/4/20. Allocated to S137 / CSG expenses. Recorded in cashbook.
- SHDC – Local Action Support fund grant £250. Applied for 10/4/2020. Received 24/4/20. Recorded in cashbook.
- Ringfenced Cricket Club donated funds – £500 approved for release to support the CSG committee to set up in the absence of the above grants. Approved by Cllr J McPetrie.
- Highways Maintenance Community Enhancement Grant application £1204.88. Received 24/4/20. Recorded in cashbook.
- Clerks new contract terms and hours commence 1/4/2020. (Increase from 20 to 25 hours per month /Refer resolution Minutes Dec 2nd 2019/117-19(b)). SLCC advise the 2020-21 pay grade increase is delayed due to 2019 general elections and Coronavirus crisis for backdating once advised.
- Year-end bank reconciliation due end March 2020.
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 1st June at 7.30pm
by Zoom Video Conference due to Government social distancing restrictions.
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward
Minutes – May 2020
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held by Zoom video conference on Monday 4th May 2020 at 7.30pm.
Present: Ms J Hinder (Chair), Mr J McPetrie (V. Chairman), Cllr Mrs V. Mercer, Cllr Mr C Staines, Cllr Mrs Shirley Sullock, Cllr Mr K Widger, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Mr G Wollacott.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil, 2 members of the public.
167-20. Election of the Chair and Vice Chair – It was proposed and unanimously agreed by the Council to re-elect the current Chair and Vice Chair.
168-20. Apologies for absence – Cllr R Foss.
169-20. Declarations of interest – None.
170-20. Public comment – Two volunteer representatives from the Slapton Community Support Group (CSG) shared a proposal for a ‘Community art installation project’. The aim of the project is to involve as many people as possible from across the parish to contribute their reflections and feelings of the coronavirus pandemic period in 2D art-form, either via poetry, prose, tapestry, paintings, drawing or embroidery on an A4 sized medium. All entries would then be digitally scanned and made into a large tapestry to display in the Church and/or Village hall and possibly onto an outdoor installation. The final ‘tapestry’ would form an historical record of this period in time that can be used for teaching, archiving, providing a tourist attraction and converting into merchandise to sell in the shop/church/pubs/village hall/FSC, to raise money for nominated village charities via T-towels, greetings cards, a book, inviting donations after viewing the installations. (If a parishioner wishes to make a sculpture or pottery to represent their own view of lockdown then this would need to be submitted as an image initially, with the actual piece of 3D art incorporated into the final exhibition dependent on how displayed).
The Council agreed in principle to support the project and it was agreed the CSG volunteers would next engage with the parish using a launch flyer delivered by CSH volunteers to all households to gain feedback on interest/likely participation, fundraising sources and costs and report back at the next PC meeting.
Refer to matters for discussion 176.20(f) – The Council proposed and agreed to cover up to £100 in stationery costs to cover printer ink / paper to support the initial parish wide mail drop, claimed back as a CSG expense.
171-20. Police report – None.
172-20. County & District Councillor reports
Devon County Council (DCC) report from Cllr J Brazil:
- DCC are currently focussed on supporting the Covid-19 crisis and Cllr J Brazil thanked all parishes for their efforts supporting their local communities.
- It was also reported that that grants were available for community projects and Care Homes to help with PPE purchases and to contact Cllr Brazil in the first instance to request.
- District Council Meetings are now continuing as normal by Zoom. Planning meetings have been scheduled for June and July but will only be held if felt required as the meeting process is being refined.
- The roll-out of the new re-cycling scheme is delayed as the depots are closed.
- There was no update on the re-location timings of the Beach War Memorial.
- The Chair advised the new Slapton CSG group has over 60 registered volunteers and offered their support to any other parishes who may need this. Cllr J Brazil advised several parish cluster group meetings are being held over the course of the next week and will report back if help is required. Cllr D Murphy reported that some of the copy of the special coronavirus edition of the Slapton Lines had been provided to Averton Gifford to help with their newsletter which could also be made available to other parishes if required.
District report from Cllr R. Foss: None
173-20. Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March 2020 and Extraordinary meeting held on 19 March 2020. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that both the Minutes be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record. At the meeting 1/6/20, a correction was advised Cllr G Wollacott in the need to declaring an interest in item 177-20(c).
174-20. Matters in abeyance
- Village flooding issues – Ongoing monitoring. Bi-annual drain cleaning arrangements in place to manage.
- Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
- Monument relocation to Strete – Pending update from DCC.
- Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes in 2020 parish recycling arrangements.
- Village Map – Reprint due in the spring. Agreed to delay until summer.
- Village Lenghtsman 1 year trial – Re-open discussions in April following APM feedback re leaf composting. Clerk to draft schedule of works / apply for grant for Kit. Refer min ref: 176-2-I(a)
- P3 Scheme – Re-open discussions in May following APM feedback. Refer min ref: 176-20-(n)
- Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline: Pending progression of the pandemic situation- review next meeting
175-20. Planning
0645/20/VAR – Scarswell, Slapton TQ7 2RD Proposal: Application for variation of condition 2 of planning consent 2827/18/FUL Devolved PC response 9/4/20: No Comment.
0782/20/HHO – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton. TQ7 Proposal: Householder application for internal and minor external alterations to existing annexe. Devolved PC response 24/3/20: No Comment.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
3845/19/FUL – Higher Poole, Slapton TQ7 2RA
Proposal: Replacement dwelling with garage and associated landscaping works.
Decision: Conditional approval
0406/20/PDM – Barn at Lower Coltscombe Slapton Proposal: Application for prior approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to dwelling house (Class C3) and for associated operational development (Class Q(a+b)). Decision: Withdrawn
0571/20/HHO – Lower Cottage, Brook Street, Slapton Proposal: Householder application for alterations to garage to enable new parking area to be formed in garden. Decision: Conditional Approval
176-20. Matters for discussion
- 2019-20 Annual Governance Return: (refer to resolution 177-20(a) below).
- Chair to sign and certify the Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 to approve the internal controls. The Statement was wet signed by the Chair – to post back to the clerk.
- Chair to sign the Certificate of Exemption (Part 2) to exempt the Council from External audit as passed for resolution at this meeting 4/5/20 (refer below). The Statement was wet signed by the Chair – to post back to the clerk.
- Chair to approve the 2019/20 Annual Accounting Statement of Account. The clerk requested this was carried forward to the next meeting. This was agreed by the Chair.
- Village Assets Register – The Council agreed to propose to adopt the new items/increase in value from £10,612.89 to £11,074.16 to support 2020-21 insurance renewal. Clerk to add to the next meeting for resolution and update the website.
- Chairman’s Allowance 2020/21 – It was agreed to propose to increase the Chairs annual allowance for financial year 2020 to £500 given the additional and exceptional work incurred in managing the PC and CSG group as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. To review again at the 2021 budget planning meeting Oct/Nov 2020. Clerk to add for resolution next meeting for payment in June 2020.
- Clerks ‘Homeworking allowance’ – It was agreed to increase the clerks home working allowance from £2 to £6 per week in line with HMRC 2020 published rates and SLCC notification 16/3/20. Clerk to add for resolution next meeting for payment backdated from 1 April 2020.
- Coronavirus S137 budget update. A summary of the S137 budget status was provided by the clerk current including Covid-19 grants and terms of issue. The Council agreed, proposed and seconded to make an immediate £50 donation each to Kingsbridge and Dartmouth foodbanks and to review at each PC meeting during the pandemic period and provide additional support if required. Clerk to arrange to immediately pay £50 to each food bank and add to next meeting agenda:
- CSG grant request for Coronavirus Village Archive Project (refer 170-20 above). The Council agreed for resolution at the next meeting to cover up to £100 in stationery costs to cover printer ink / paper to support the initial parish wide mail drop, claimed back as a CSG expense. Clerk to add to the next meeting for resolution and update the CSG volunteers.
- Use of PC Zoom Licence: It was agreed that official Parish Groups would be able to use the PC Zoom licence for official meetings over 40 minutes to enable village groups to operate remotely during social distancing. Cllrs to advise the chairs of committees to contact the clerk for login details.
- Council operations during 2020-21 and managing the Coronavirus pandemic.
- It was agreed that should urgent decisions and actions be required by the Council, these would be taken at an Extraordinary meeting called by the Chair on the basis of being Quorate only, to ensure public safety, legal requirements of Council are met and Insurance cover is maintained.
- It was also proposed for resolution at this meeting give the importance of the situation, to extend the scheme of delegation to the Officer of the Council should remote meetings no longer be approved under law and to cover periods of future lockdown to ensure the Council can to fulfil its responsibilities to its residents. (refer 177-20(b) below).
- 2020 PC meeting dates – It was agreed that all future meeting dates would take place on the first Monday of each month at 7.30pm by Zoom conference call until notified by DALC that normal face to face meetings may resume. A meeting would also now take place in August to ensure support was in place during the pandemic.
- CSG committee support. It was agreed the Chair and RFO would continue to support the CSG committee and volunteers.
- Key 2020-21 projects: The following projects were agreed to be progressed under DCC guidelines/risk assessment.
- Lengthsman trial – The draft schedule of works and terms was agreed for resolution at the next meeting and for the trial to begin as soon as possible. Clerk to; Order the approved equipment for deliver/storage with Cllr J McPetrie until the FSC is open again, liaise with Road Warden/Cllr K Widger re brief for works and temporary loan of equipment, arrange for safe working signage around the village, remove from Matters in Abeyance. The following were agreed as priority tasks: Village road side sweeping, manual weed removal, Village road sign cleaning, and Village Pot hole noting/reporting.
- Pavement repairs Sands Road – It was agreed to progress a risk assessment for issue to Highways. Clerk to brief road warden.
- Dog bin relocation. It was agreed to relocate the dog bins following DCC approval. Clerk to report broken dog bin at the park and walk and brief the Road Warden to quote for purchase of a post / quote to move the bins under road warden scheme safe working.
- Blue advisory speed sign installation, Sands Road – Clerk to circulate link to the signage site. Cllr D Murphy to propose correct messaging for the council to review next meeting.
- Village Leaflet – It was agreed to delay this work until summer. Clerk to add to matters in abeyance.
- Public Rights of Way and Definitive Map deadline 1st Jan 2026. Chair to discuss at next CSG team leaders meeting if any volunteer cartographers would like to help support this village work with the Ramblers Association scheme.
- Legal structure of the CSG group: It was agreed for resolution at the next meeting to move the CSG committee to a stand-alone community charity organisation, with its own constitution and bank account to enable more freedom and powers to assist the parish community. Clerk to add for resolution next meeting.
- White Close Trust – The reply from the Trustees re the 2020 summer PC mowing grant was reported. It was agreed that the Chair would write to the Trustees and ask that some mowing take place on the walkways over the growing season to ensure social distancing could be maintained and that the Council would cover this cost via its own supplier as part of the mowing grant and that any surplus grant would be approved for cutting the gorse at the end of the nesting season.
- Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme – Following permission from the Police, it was agreed the Clerk would be the primary scheme contact. (refer 177-20(e) below). Clerk to register for the scheme.
- Draft ‘email contact privacy notice’, ‘Information and Data Protection and Diversity and Equality Policies’ – It was agreed to resolve to adopt all three policies at the next meeting to meet Internal Audit requirements and WCAG 2.1 compliance – deadline 22 September. Clerk to add for resolution at the next meeting and to the PC website.
- P3 scheme – it was agreed for the Council to join the Scheme. Clerk to register and remove from matters in abeyance.
- Safeguarding training – The supplier’s proposal and terms was agreed for resolution at this meeting (as agreed at the March meeting) and to be added to matters in abeyance until social distancing restrictions are lifted. Refer 177-20 (c) below) Clerk to confirm to the supplier and add to matters in abeyance.
- FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting 23-26th March. Agreed to add to matters in abeyance until social restrictions lifted. Clerk to add.
- 8th May VE DAY Anniversary – It was agreed to raise the flags at the beach monument over the VE day bank holiday weekend and share the DCC support tools on social media and the PC website. Cllr S Sullock to arrange the flags, Clerk to arrange social media and website posts.
177-20 Proposals for resolution
- To comply with the 2019-20 Annual Governance Return policy, the Council Proposed and seconded for the Chair to: (i) Sign and certify the Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 – to approve internal controls.
(ii) Sign the Certificate of Exemption (Part 2) – to exempt the Council from external audit as passed for resolution at the meeting 4/5/20. Chair to arrange for wet signature documents to be sent to the clerk to then add the minute reference and forward to the internal/external auditor.
- It was proposed and seconded to extend the scheme of delegation under the current terms, to the Councils Officer (Clerk/RFO) during any period of restricted council / councillor activity declared by the Government in respect of the Covid-19 virus. Such delegation will enable the Council to fulfil its responsibilities to its residents. Clerk to add as an addendum to the Standing Orders.
- It was proposed and seconded to approve the Safeguarding Training proposal by Ben Leach Consultancy at a cost of £200 plus certificate costs at £1.50 per delegate and to add this to matters in abeyance until such time as the Coronavirus pandemic social distancing restrictions are lifted and the training can be safely run. Clerk to add to matters in abeyance.
- It was proposed and seconded to book Brookings Hire LTD to clear the drains on Wednesday 22nd April 2020 at a cost of £575+vat (1 days hire (Discounted cost due to Cllr Widger allowing waste to be deposited on his land). Clerk to arrange payment.
- It was proposed and seconded for the Council to join the Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme with the Clerk/RFO as the primary contact supported by 1-2 other Councillors. Clerk to register the Council for the scheme.
178-20. Clerk’s report
- Village Mowing – The council confirmed the length of the first grass in April met the brief. The next mowing date was confirmed at 8 June at which time the Alexanders are to be cut back on the banks and to the hedgerow. The Chair asked if next year the wild three-corned leeks could be left uncut for foraging purposes. Clerk to brief the contractor/ amend the mowing schedule of works.
- Village BT K6 Phone box –BT Open Reach advised 19/3/20 that the phone box will not be repainted this year as other boxes are in more urgent need. Clerk to add to matters in abeyance/review in Dec 2020.
- Highways Response – No reply to Park and Walk drain ownership / Footpath deterioration between south grounds farm and drains issues outside the FSC. Chased 15-1-20 and 12.2.20. Clerk to add to matters in abeyance.
For information only:
- Scheme of delegation/emergency powers to Officer completed for the period 19 March 2020 to 4 May 2020 (Refer Audit Register for details of consulted/decisions and section 13 – Financial payments, below).
- Model Standing orders – NALC are not updating the model standing orders to reflect changes in legislation re remote council operations as a temporary emergency measure. However DALC are preparing an addendum to reflect temporary remote PC meetings to sit alongside the NALC model standing orders for adoption by Parish Councils. These will be released as soon as available for discussion/resolution/ adoption by PC’s.
- The NALC Coronavirus financial Impact Survey has been completed, advising of the increased costs incurred in managing the pandemic work at Parish level and impact on the precept. All responses will be presented to Government to lobby for an additional financial recovery grant for local councils.
- Spring Drain cleaning: – Brookings Hire LTD completed the spring drain clearance work on Wednesday 22nd April under a Covid-19 risk assessment to ensure safe working. Posters were placed around the village to encourage parishioners to ensure a safe 2m distance from the workmen and car notices will be distributed 20/21 April.
- Brook Street Black Sack removal – A local resident has sent a letter of thanks to the parish council for the removal of the black waste bags at the Brook. This has been replied to by the clerk.
179-20. Chair’s report
An overview was provided of the work the CSG group has undertaken since launching to help support all parishioners and especially those classed as vulnerable and in self-isolation. This included: Special edition of Slapton Lines with help, advice and contact details, Parish council website signposting page with official sources of help information, Door drops to 2nd and holiday home owner, food bank collection point at the village hall, volunteers prescription service, Virtual telephone help line manned by volunteers, over 60 volunteers able to help with food and leaflet deliveries and application, instigation of the village arts project, and receipt of 2 grants to help with funding from DCC and SHDC.
180-20. Councillors’ reports
- Cllr G Wollacott – Raised the issue of the broken board walk in the Ley. The Chair advised this had already been reported to the FSC who had arranged a temporary repair but this appears is still not adequate. Clerk to contact Andy Pratt/ Lee Dennison at the FSC and also the P3 scheme contact.
- No other Cllr updates.
181-20. Financial matters The below payments were approved by the Council.
L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – March 20 (Paid 1/3/20 for noting).
Kingsbridge websites, Coronavirus support page set up. Invoice INV002017 dated 19/3/20. (Paid 24/3/20 for noting) Budget code S137 C-19 crisis
Kingsbridge websites, Coronavirus support page set up. Invoice INV002017 dated 19/3/20. (Paid 24/3/20 for noting) Budget code S137 C-19crisis
SHDC – 2 May 2019 election expenses. Invoice 22064560, 17/3/20 (Paid 24/3/20 for noting)
Kbridge websites, Coronavirus Home page refocus. Invoice INV002025, 25/3/20. (Paid 26/3/20 for noting). Budget code S137 CV crisis
Expenses payment Phil Towner CSG Volunteer – Village Shop PPE kit for volunteers – Personal hand gel bottles £3.50 x 10 bottles. Paid 31-3-20 for noting. Budget code S137 CV Crisis.
Clerk’s salary March ’20 (paid 1/4/20 for noting).
Clerks Overtime Jan -March ’20.(Includes APM/EOM/C-19 project and 10% personal time contribution to this). Paid 6/4 for noting.
Clerk’s 1/4ly expenses Jan-March 2020. Paid 6/4 for noting.
Parochial Church – Annual Churchyard Grant. Paid 6/4 for noting.
DALC annual membership renewal – invoice 2165. Paid 6/4 for noting.
VC Warehouse – First payment – CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 3/4/20 DD
VC Warehouse – First payment – CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Due15/4/20 DD for noting.
Kingsbridge websites. C-19 CSG Facebook support page set up. Invoice 2034 1/4/20. Paid 6/4 for noting.
Village Hall Hire March PC meeting 2/3/20, APM meeting 11/3/19 (Invoice 3569) Paid 6/4/20 for noting May agenda.
Village Hall Hire March EOM C-19 meeting 19/3/20 (Invoice 4575/20) Paid 6/4/20 for noting May agenda.
HMRC employers NICS contributions on Clerks March O/Time payment. Paid by BACS transfer Sort code 083210 / 12001039 6/4/20 (HMRC payment deadline 22-4-20). Paid 6/4/20 for noting
HMRC employers NICS contributions – Year-end balance payment £8.31. Paid by BACS transfer Sort code 083210 / 12001039. Paid 6/4/20 for noting
Kingsbridge websites. C-19 CSG Facebook support page set up image conversion x 4, Banner copy corrections FB and PC website. Invoice 2037 7/4/20. Paid 14/4/20 for noting.
Nick Mathias – April Mowing £245 including additional banks/ bottle bank (invoice 1148) Paid 16/4/20 for noting May agenda.
Nick Mathias – April Buddle Hole Clearance x 6 (invoice 1150/21) Paid 16/4/20 for noting May agenda.
Brookings Ltd, Spring Gully clean – 1 days hire + additional operative, invoice 19717 dated 26/4/20. Paid 27/4/20, for noting May agenda. (refer 177-20(d).
L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary April ’20) (paid for noting May agenda) Increase in hours per month from 20 to 25hrs at the old 2019/20 pay rate £9.96 p/h. Refer resolution Minutes Dec 2nd 2019/117-19.
L Soothill-Ward: Clerks/ Chairs/PC’s office expenses due to remote working Covid-19 crisis – April 2020. (Zoom Annual Licence – PC Virtual meeting support £143.88 – S137/ Drop box business annual licence secure file cloud storage £302.40 / Chairs stationery (printer ink £121.55, Laminating pouches £13.98, staple gun £14.99)). VAT reclaim
Nick Walker Printers – Slapton Lines Special Covid -19 free edition – CSG helpline and safety support information. Invoice no 85978, 22/4/20. Paid 27/4/20 from S137 DCC grants- Noted paid May Agenda.
- Balance at Bank 27/4/2020, £26,985.99
- 2020-21 Half year precept payment received 17/4/20, £5410.50.
- Year-end 2019-20 bank reconciliation completed (Pending approval by Cllr D Murphy).
- 2019-20 AGAR External Audit return submission completed 26/4/20 (as per discussion docs above).
- Village Asset register updated to reflect new office software licences and Chairs stationery from £10.612.89 to £11,074.16.
- S137 budget set up to support the CSG committee / coronavirus support response as advised by DALC. Annual limit of (Refer S137 budget sheet)
- Internal Audit scheduled for 14 May 2020. Business Drop box will be used to transfer files safely the auditor to view.
- Grants update:
- DCC Covid-19 ‘Prompt action fund’ grant approved of £495 received 7/4/20. Allocated to S137 / CSG expenses. Recorded in cashbook.
- SHDC – Local Action Support fund grant £250. Applied for 10/4/2020. Received 24/4/20. Recorded in cashbook.
- Ring-fenced Cricket Club donated funds – £500 approved for release to support the CSG committee to set up in the absence of the above grants. Approved by Cllr J McPetrie.
- Highways Maintenance Community Enhancement Grant application £1204.88. Received 24/4/20. Recorded in cashbook.
- Clerks new contract terms and hours commence 1/4/2020. (Increase from 20 to 25 hours per month /Refer resolution Minutes Dec 2nd 2019/117-19(b)). SLCC advise the 2020-21 pay grade increase is delayed due to 2019 general elections and Coronavirus crisis for backdating once advised.
- Year-end bank reconciliation due end March 2020.
182-20. Date of next meeting – Monday 1st June 2020 at 7.30pm by Zoom conference call
SIGNED Chair: Julie Hinder