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Council Meeting – 4th July 2022

Agenda – 4th July 2022


The following Councillors are summoned to attend: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey (Vice Chair), Cllr Crowson, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr Staines Cllr S Sullock, Cllr Waters.

Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R. Foss, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are invited.


  2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
    a). Sustainable South Hams update.
  4. POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme: Cllr D Murphy.
    Cllr J Brazil:

    1. DCC Cyclic Cleaning Agreement for PC’s update.
    2. Monument relocation update.
    3. A379 – Slapton Line Partnership Adaptation Plan update / next meeting update.
    4. DCC ghost path agenda item update.
    5. DCC Cyclic Cleaning Agreement update.

      Cllr R Foss:
      f) A379 – Slapton Line Partnership Adaptation Plan update and next steps re recruitment/ meetings.
g).Monument relocation update.
h).Reservoir development planning permission update.
i). S106 land at Carr Lane – latest position re planning application update.

6. MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 6th June 2022, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.


a). Monument relocation to Strete Gate – Pending new location.
b). Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
c). Village BT K6 Phone box – Arrange for Childline, Samaritans, Domestic Violence support posters to be displayed once renovated. Chair to develop.
Snow Warden Scheme.
e). Website development / upgrade – On hold until a full council in place.
DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (ongoing, where applicable – Remove next meeting as adopted as part of onboarding procedure.
Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 17th July 2022.

2021/22/HRN – Barnfields, Slapton. TQ7 2QD
Proposal: Application for hedgerow removal notice to remove 4.5 metres of hedgerow to create field access.

1931/22/FUL – Loworthy Farm, Slapton TQ7 2RB
Proposal: Change of use from agricultural to equestrian use and proposed stable building.

Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
1156/22/FUL – Alston Well Alston Farm Slapton TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Use of existing self-contained annexe accommodation as casual self- contained holiday let accommodation.

1263/22/HHO – Torr Farm Slapton TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Householder application for demolition of existing extension and construction of new two-storey extension with associated internal alterations and external landscaping.

a) Projects:

i. Devon and Cornwall Fire Service Home Assessment mailing update.
ii. Parishioner letter – Power cuts and impact on landlines.
ii. Police Hubs – Reply to Anthony Mangnall MP. Deadline 27-7-22 and update on meeting from Cllr Abbey.

b). Village Maintenance:
i. Blocked buddle hole / White Close update.
ii. Brook Street / overhang cutting quote.
iii. Recreation field quote for gate/fencing installation.
iv. Recreation Field – Path cutting quote.
v. Quote for PC Notice Board painting approval.
vi. DCC Highways – Meeting dates.
vii. July/August Road Warden brief including potholes report.
viii. July/August Mowing brief.

c). Financials / Admin: 
i. Approve amendment to Clerks Salary Standing order as per payroll papers.
ii. Village defibrillator maintenance contract and summer Defibrillator training date.
iii. PC Business Planning Workshop Preparation, 1st August 2022.
iv. PC August Meeting Break – PC approval for clerk to pay invoices due against the 2022 budget agreed item/contracts and under £500 limit.
v. Auditors 2021/22 Report – next steps.



For information only:

  • 16 CSG Facebook and 12 PC website news posts drafted/SEO/posted.
  • Maintenance reporting:
    1. Liaison with Road Warden – June Road Warden Work brief, Mowing plan.
  • Correspondence with 2 parishioners to assist with enquiries.
  • Devon and Cornwall Fire Service Home Assessment – mailing data permissions research.
  • DCC Highways Liaison: August Meeting date/agenda liaison – ongoing / 9 Road Repair requests reported.
  • SHDC: Fly-tipping at the recycling bank and Full dog bin at the recreation field / missing online report it option, reported.
  • Office and budget administration.
  • Notice board updating.
  • Recreation field: Visitor numbers monitoring/dog bags.


  1. Brandis Park verge, biodiversity project update.
  2. Sands Road verge, biodiversity information signs update.



a) The council to approve the below payments:

L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary June 22 £778.80 Gross) less NEST employee payments £10.36 and WFH allowance £24.00. Net £768.44. Paid 1-7-22 – noted July agenda. TBC Pending Payroll Paperwork.

49/22 DD
June NEST employee contribution – £10.36 and employer contribution £7.70 (Total employer and employee deduction £18.13).

Woolston Accounting – Monthly payroll. Invoice 2127 dated 29/6/22.

Nick Mathias – June Road Warden work – Invoice 1454/23 dated 20/6/22.

Nick Mathias – June Mowing – Invoice 1453/23 dated 16/6/22.

VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (June). Invoice due 1/7/22. Payment Due 15/7 by DD.

b). Balance at Bank 27/6/22, £ 21,700.30.
c). Slapton Village Community Shop Jubilee Grant – Awaiting final invoices. Chair to write to the Village Community Shop Committee re arrangements for the surplus.

Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on
Monday 5th September 2022 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall. No meeting in August. The clerks office remains open.


Minutes – July 2022

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Slapton Village Hall on Monday 4TH July at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Abbey, Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Murphy, Cllr Staines, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Crowson, Cllr Waters was present from 7.08pm.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil, present from 7.55pm to 8.15pm.

51-22 Apologies for absence – Cllr R Foss.

52-22 Declarations of interest – None.

53.22 Public comment – Sune Nightingale, SSH Energy Mentor, Sustainable South Hams (SUSSH) made a presentation to the PC. SUSSH has been set up by SHDC to help deliver on SHDC’s climate change agenda to meet the target of no more than a 1.5 degree temperature rise. DALC are actively encouraging PCs to become members and engage locally. SUSSH consists of parish councils and local organisations which meeting monthly to share skills and knowledge around climate change initiatives. Work undertaken so far includes: Hosting regular educational workshops, helping the formation of local climate change habitat groups, arranging case study field trips, offering energy audits, leading the water vole re-introduction project, offering guidance on bio-diversity mowing of public and recreation land, working with farmers on carbon storage and forestation grants. Further information and dates/times of forthcoming meetings can be found at The Chair outlined the work of the PC regarding climate change: Adopting a bio-diversity and climate change policy, following the DCC eco mowing plan, setting up hedgehog habitats, securing an SHDC eco grant to change verges to wildflower beds, mowing for biodiversity and installing a wildflower bed at the recreation field with 2 pollinating crab apple trees with further plans to develop a bug house at White Close in the Autumn. Based on this work, the PC were invited to join SUSSH and share details with members and PC voted unanimously to join. Clerk to submit the members application form / obtain a list of contacts from SUSSH.

54-22 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update.
a). Cllr Abbey reported:
– They had attended Anthony Mangnall’s MP’s Police Hub meeting at Halwell and Morleigh Village Hall on 16th June 2022 where it was asked if local village halls would sign up to becoming part of a key safe network whereby police officers could use local village hall facilities in the course of their work. Cllr Sullock agreed to put the request on the VH Committee agenda and would then reply directly to Anthony Mangnall with the decision but envisaged this would be approved. Cllr Abbey advised a small grant may be available to install the key safe from the Police Cllr Advocate scheme of which the PC is a member.

– There was a new police station in Dartmouth but none in Kingsbridge and Cllr Abbey asked if PC Oli Abercrombie to attend some PC meetings to provide updates. Clerk to send an invitation to the Autumn Meetings.

b). Cllr Murphy reported:
The next OPCC forum is this week on the theme of serious violent crimes and the September meeting would focus on dealing with anti-social behaviour. Cllrs to check diaries and advise Cllr Murphy if able to attend.

55-22 County & District Councillor reports
1) Cllr J Brazil:
a) DCC Cyclic Cleaning Agreement – A list of spend and buddle/ grit and drains by parish had been developed and DCC were looking at giving access to the DCC drainage data to help check/populate this. Clerk to forward contact details of Parish Online to J Brazil and Meg Booth as a possible JV data share to capture this information via Parish Online’s PC network.
b) Cllr Brazil advised the PC to ask DCC Highways for dates in September to meet physically to discuss the outcome of the DCC SCARF meeting decision, speed sign removal request and other traffic calming mechanisms which needed to be installed to replace, ghost paths, pedestrians crossing warning signage at the recreation field entrance and the discovered drain pipe and buddle at White Close. This was due to the summer holidays and meeting cycles. The Chair reported that all the road issued had been logged onto the DCC ‘Report-It’ website. Clerk to send meeting request.
c) Cllr Brazil agreed to raise a motion at the full council meeting in September that PC’s needed to be able to decide what was required in their parish regarding walkway painting lines on narrow roads.
d) Monument relocation update. Strete and Stokenham PC were investigating moving the monument to Strete Gate car park, owned by SHDC but there were no timeframes. e) A379 – Slapton Line Partnership Adaptation Plan. The Chair asked for an update on meeting dates and recruitment plans to replace Sam Lew. Cllr Brazil to follow up with Rodger English.
f) Planned road closure in Chillington on the 4th – 8th July now cancelled.
g) S106 land at Carr Lane, planning application update – Cllr Brazil agreed to follow up with Cllr Foss if the S106 funding had been triggered as the clerk explained works had technically been started with the clearance of the land and installation of concrete roadway. Update next meeting.
h) Cllr Mitchelmore asked if an update was available on the reservoir development as a house was now in place. Cllr Brazil advised this likely still with the SHDC enforcements team and would drive by when next in the area to view the site.
i) The chair raised that the issue of human excrement was still happening at the entrance to the Ley. Cllr Brazil advised to report this to SHDC and Cllr Foss. Clerk to report. Cllr Brazil left the meeting at 8.15pm. Cllr R Foss: Cllr Foss submitted a written report in his absence
j) A379 Slapton Line Partnership – Refer 55.22 (1e).
k) Monument relocation update – Refer 55.22 (1d).
l) Reservoir Development – No planning applications have been received to date. Update next meeting.
m) S106 land at Carr Lane –Refer 55.22 (1g).

56-22 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 6th June 2022, were agreed and were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
57.22 Review of Action Log – Clerk to update.

58.22 Matters in Abeyance
a) Monument relocation to Strete Gate – Pending new location.
b) Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
c) Village BT K6 Phone box – Community support posters to be installed this month, Refurbishment completed – Remove.
d) Snow Warden Scheme.
e) Website development / upgrade – On hold until a full council in place.
f) DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (ongoing, where applicable – Remove next meeting as adopted as part of onboarding procedure.
g) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 17th July 2022.

59.22 Planning
2021/22/HRN – Barnfields, Slapton. TQ7 2QD
Proposal: Application for hedgerow removal notice to remove 4.5 metres of hedgerow to create field access. No comment

1931/22/FUL – Loworthy Farm, Slapton TQ7 2RB
Proposal: Change of use from agricultural to equestrian use and proposed stable building. No comment

2224/42/HHO – Torr Farm, Slapton TQ7 2RD Proposal: Householder application for demolition of existing extension and construction of new two-storey extension with associated internal alterations and external landscaping (resubmission of 1263/22/HHO)> No comment

Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information) – None


1156/22/FUL – Alston Well Alston Farm Slapton TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Use of existing self-contained annexe accommodation as casual self- contained holiday let accommodation.

1263/22/HHO – Torr Farm Slapton TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Householder application for demolition of existing extension and construction of new two-storey extension with associated internal alterations and external landscaping.

60.22 Matters for discussion
a) Projects:
i. Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue Service Home Assessment Mailing. The clerk reported that the DSFRS and PC’s parish online/IOC licences permitted a house name mailing on the grounds of enabling public safety. Clerk to follow up with DSFRS re dates. Chair to include an article in the next Slapton Lines magazine to outline the benefits of booking a fire prevention home assessment service.
ii. Parishioner letter – Power cuts and impact on landlines. Chair to write an article for the Slapton Lines magazine to outline the issue and encourage vulnerable parishioners to register for the Western Power priority service which will notify them of forthcoming power cuts and/or consider purchasing a back-up battery for their digital phones or an old analogue plug-in landline phone to ensure phone coverage.
iii. Police Hubs – Refer 54.22 (a).

b) Village Maintenance
i. Blocked buddle hole / White Close update. The clerk has reported the matter and send images to DCC Office Lisa Edmunds cc Chairman of White Close Committee. Pending reply. Clerk to add to the Sept DCC meeting agenda. Cllr Mitchelmore to speak to the landowner for permission for a new buddle hole.
ii. Brook Street / overhang cutting quote. Cllr Mitchelmore reported a local farmer can cut back the overgrowth after the nesting season and will arrange for a quote for discussion at the Sept meeting.
iii. Recreation field quote for gate/fencing installation. Two quotes were presented by Cllr Waters. Cllr Mitchelmore to arrange for a third quote for discussion at the September Meeting.
iv. Recreation Field – Path cutting quote. The PC agreed this was not essential to the enjoyment of the field. No further action.
v. Quote for PC Notice Board maintenance. The clerk reported the door was sticking and there was a risk of the glass shattering. Cllr Sullock to review the door and the PC agreed not to proceed give pressure on the budget.
vi. DCC Highways Meeting. Refer to 55-22 1b.
vii. The PC agreed some specific actions to be included in the July/August Road Wardens brief but asked that the Road Warden use their judgement on what works was required. The Chair and Cllr Sullock agreed to walk the village and update the potholes report. Clerk to then issue to DCC Highways for HMCEF grant approval.
viii. The PC agreed the summer mowing brief.

c) Financials / Admin:
i. The PC agreed to change the payment method of the Clerks salary from a standing order back to 1st monthly manual payments 1st given the NICS eligibility scales. Clerk to cancel S/O. It was also proposed by Cllr Abbey, seconded by Cllr Mitchelmore and unanimously agreed that when a PC meeting was held late in the month, or not at all, the finance Cllrs would approve the payment on the 1st Monthly.
ii. The Chair Propose and Cllr Waters seconded and the PC agreed unanimously to proceed with an annual service of the Village defibrillator maintenance at a cost of £170.50+vat. Clerk to book. Cllr Abbey to progress September Defibrillator training dates with Trainer. Chair to include article in the Slapton Lines.
iii. PC Business Planning Workshop Preparation, 1st August 2022. Clerk to confirm times to Cllrs/ prepare agenda.
iv. PC August Meeting Break – The PC unanimously approved for clerk to pay invoices due against the agreed 2022 budget items/contracts under £500.
v. IAC Auditors 2021/22 Report – The clerk updated the PC on the results of the 2021 audit. 101 positive responses, 8 recommendations and 2 non-compliance matters. The Chairs Annual Allowance is now due but needs to go through payroll. It was agreed for the clerk to add this to the August Payroll run. Following guidance from PKF LittleJohn External Auditors on the 2 non-compliance matters:
– Re 2020-21 Notice of Public Rights: A decision was made by the PC as a whole to change the 2021-22 AGAR Annual Governance Statement/Section 4 to a ‘No’ report as the Period of the Exercise of Public Rights was not announced correctly by 1 day. Clerk to forward a copy of the minutes and the amended/ initialled AGAR to PKF Littlejohn who upon receipt will be satisfied no further action is required.
– Re the 2021-22 Notice of Public Rights: A decision was made by the PC as a whole to change the 2021-22 Notice of Public Rights to commence on Monday 14th June and end on Monday 25th July” The form was initialled by the Chair and Clerk against the amended dates. Clerk to republish on the PC website.

61.22 Proposals for resolution – None.

62.22 Clerk’s report
a) Slapton Village Community Shop Jubilee Grant – All invoices now paid. Chair to write to the Village Community Shop Committee re arrangements for the surplus.
b) PC bank account. The clerk proposed that the ringfenced reserves be held in a business savings account and outlined the types and interest rates available. The PC agreed unanimously to open an Instant access business account as prudent financial administration. Clerk to arrange and transfer funds.
c) SLCC Legal topic note 87. It was agreed by the PC for the clerk to draft amended terms to the standing orders and financial regs to benefit from the tender criteria available to PC’s. Clerk to draft, review next meeting.

For information only
• 16 CSG Facebook and 12 PC website news posts drafted/SEO/posted.
• Maintenance reporting: Liaison with Road Warden – June Road Warden Work brief, Mowing plan.
• Correspondence with 2 parishioners to assist with enquiries
• Devon and Cornwall Fire Service Home Assessment – mailing data permissions research.
• DCC Highways Liaison – August Meeting date/agenda liaison – ongoing.  SHDC Liaison: Flytipping and full dog bin reporting.
• Office and budget administration
• Notice board updating.
• Recreation field: Visitor numbers monitoring/dog bags

63.22 Chair’s report
a) Brandis Park verge, biodiversity project update – scheduled for the autumn. Chair to include article in the Slapton Lines Chairs report.
b) Dittiscombe Estate was looking to support a hedgehog event and had suggested to introduce ‘Hedgehogs’ slow down signs to help with village speeding.
c) Sands Road verge, biodiversity information signs. The chair reported there had been not response to the fb post appealing for donated plywood. Cllr Waters offered to try and source.
d) PC Oli Ambercrombie had undertaken speed checks in the village and would request the locations of these to support the PC’s SCARF request to highways.
e) Community Art Project – It was reported that there had been delays sourcing a new printer which had pushed the launch date back to late Autumn. Cllr Abbey stated there was a lot of questions on the launch in the parish and as soon as possible would be welcomed by parishioners.
f) The Chair reported the FSC had received funding from Natural England for a wellbeing and mindfulness event and would progress the funding source to support a community well-being event

64.22 Councillors’ reports
a. Cllr Sullock reported that the bus shelter needed sweeping. Clerk to add to the road warden’s brief. Chair to source a bus timetable to sit alongside the new notice.
b. Cllr Murphy advised he had received several parishioner complaints about the amount of dog waste on the roads being dropped by a dog being run alongside a mobility scooter and concerns for the wellbeing of the dog. The PC agreed for the clerk to report the matter to the SHDC localities officer to investigate.
c. Cllr Staines enquired why there were 2 bus stop location notices at the old bus stop. The Chair explained this was to ensure pedestrians see the note as some may not go inside the bus shelter. Cllr Staines also reported continued speeding in the village.

65.22 Financial matters
i) The council unanimously approved the below payments:
48/22 £792.44 L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary June 22 £778.80 Gross) less NEST employee payments £10.36 and WFH allowance £24.00. Net £768.44. Paid 1-7-22 – noted July agenda. TBC Pending Payroll Paperwork.
49/22 DDebit £18.13 June NEST employee contribution – £10.36 and employer contribution £7.70 (Total employer and employee deduction £18.13).
50/22 £20.00 Woolston Accounting – Monthly payroll. Invoice 2127 dated 29/6/22.
51/22 £305.00 Nick Mathias – June Road Warden work – Invoice 1454/23 dated 20/6/22.
52/22 £325.00 Nick Mathias – June Mowing – Invoice 1453/23 dated 16/6/22.
53/22 £11.94 VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (June). Invoice 1010849 dated 1/7/22 Due 15/7 by DD.

The below late invoices were also approved.
54/22 £324.90 IAC – 2021-22 Internal audit fee. Invoice 1490 dated 30/6/22.
55/22 £74.94 Defib Shop – Spare Pads for defibrillator. Invoice SPC Defib pads 01 dated 30/6/22.
56/22 £88.13 Village Hall Hire – Platinum Jubilee events – Hire of Village hall 3rd/4th July. Pay from the S145 grant. Invoice no C07699/22 dated 3/7/22.
57/22 £10.00 Village Hall Hire -13th June PC meeting. Invoice no C07700/22 dated 3/7/22.
58/22 £8080.00 Transfer of static ringfenced reserves to New SPC Instant Access business savings Contra entry with IA Balance.
59/22 £204.60 Defib Shop – Defibrillator Annual Service defibrillator. Invoice SPC Defib service 01 dated 5/7/22.

d) Balance at Bank 27/6/22, £ 21,700.30
e) Slapton Village Community Shop Jubilee Grant – All invoices now paid. Chair to write to the Village Community Shop Committee re arrangements for the surplus.

66.22 Next meeting dates:
Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 5th September 2022 at 7.00pm
Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines

The meeting ended at 10.25pm.


Minutes – July 2022

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Slapton Village Hall on Monday 4TH July at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Abbey, Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Murphy, Cllr Staines, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Crowson, Cllr Waters was present from 7.08pm.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil, present from 7.55pm to 8.15pm.

51-22 Apologies for absence – Cllr R Foss.

52-22 Declarations of interest – None.

53.22 Public comment – Sune Nightingale, SSH Energy Mentor, Sustainable South Hams (SUSSH) made a presentation to the PC. SUSSH has been set up by SHDC to help deliver on SHDC’s climate change agenda to meet the target of no more than a 1.5 degree temperature rise. DALC are actively encouraging PCs to become members and engage locally. SUSSH consists of parish councils and local organisations which meeting monthly to share skills and knowledge around climate change initiatives. Work undertaken so far includes: Hosting regular educational workshops, helping the formation of local climate change habitat groups, arranging case study field trips, offering energy audits, leading the water vole re-introduction project, offering guidance on bio-diversity mowing of public and recreation land, working with farmers on carbon storage and forestation grants. Further information and dates/times of forthcoming meetings can be found at The Chair outlined the work of the PC regarding climate change: Adopting a bio-diversity and climate change policy, following the DCC eco mowing plan, setting up hedgehog habitats, securing an SHDC eco grant to change verges to wildflower beds, mowing for biodiversity and installing a wildflower bed at the recreation field with 2 pollinating crab apple trees with further plans to develop a bug house at White Close in the Autumn. Based on this work, the PC were invited to join SUSSH and share details with members and PC voted unanimously to join. Clerk to submit the members application form / obtain a list of contacts from SUSSH.

54-22 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update.
a). Cllr Abbey reported:
– They had attended Anthony Mangnall’s MP’s Police Hub meeting at Halwell and Morleigh Village Hall on 16th June 2022 where it was asked if local village halls would sign up to becoming part of a key safe network whereby police officers could use local village hall facilities in the course of their work. Cllr Sullock agreed to put the request on the VH Committee agenda and would then reply directly to Anthony Mangnall with the decision but envisaged this would be approved. Cllr Abbey advised a small grant may be available to install the key safe from the Police Cllr Advocate scheme of which the PC is a member.

– There was a new police station in Dartmouth but none in Kingsbridge and Cllr Abbey asked if PC Oli Abercrombie to attend some PC meetings to provide updates. Clerk to send an invitation to the Autumn Meetings.

b). Cllr Murphy reported:
The next OPCC forum is this week on the theme of serious violent crimes and the September meeting would focus on dealing with anti-social behaviour. Cllrs to check diaries and advise Cllr Murphy if able to attend.

55-22 County & District Councillor reports
1) Cllr J Brazil:
a) DCC Cyclic Cleaning Agreement – A list of spend and buddle/ grit and drains by parish had been developed and DCC were looking at giving access to the DCC drainage data to help check/populate this. Clerk to forward contact details of Parish Online to J Brazil and Meg Booth as a possible JV data share to capture this information via Parish Online’s PC network.
b) Cllr Brazil advised the PC to ask DCC Highways for dates in September to meet physically to discuss the outcome of the DCC SCARF meeting decision, speed sign removal request and other traffic calming mechanisms which needed to be installed to replace, ghost paths, pedestrians crossing warning signage at the recreation field entrance and the discovered drain pipe and buddle at White Close. This was due to the summer holidays and meeting cycles. The Chair reported that all the road issued had been logged onto the DCC ‘Report-It’ website. Clerk to send meeting request.
c) Cllr Brazil agreed to raise a motion at the full council meeting in September that PC’s needed to be able to decide what was required in their parish regarding walkway painting lines on narrow roads.
d) Monument relocation update. Strete and Stokenham PC were investigating moving the monument to Strete Gate car park, owned by SHDC but there were no timeframes. e) A379 – Slapton Line Partnership Adaptation Plan. The Chair asked for an update on meeting dates and recruitment plans to replace Sam Lew. Cllr Brazil to follow up with Rodger English.
f) Planned road closure in Chillington on the 4th – 8th July now cancelled.
g) S106 land at Carr Lane, planning application update – Cllr Brazil agreed to follow up with Cllr Foss if the S106 funding had been triggered as the clerk explained works had technically been started with the clearance of the land and installation of concrete roadway. Update next meeting.
h) Cllr Mitchelmore asked if an update was available on the reservoir development as a house was now in place. Cllr Brazil advised this likely still with the SHDC enforcements team and would drive by when next in the area to view the site.
i) The chair raised that the issue of human excrement was still happening at the entrance to the Ley. Cllr Brazil advised to report this to SHDC and Cllr Foss. Clerk to report. Cllr Brazil left the meeting at 8.15pm. Cllr R Foss: Cllr Foss submitted a written report in his absence
j) A379 Slapton Line Partnership – Refer 55.22 (1e).
k) Monument relocation update – Refer 55.22 (1d).
l) Reservoir Development – No planning applications have been received to date. Update next meeting.
m) S106 land at Carr Lane –Refer 55.22 (1g).

56-22 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 6th June 2022, were agreed and were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
57.22 Review of Action Log – Clerk to update.

58.22 Matters in Abeyance
a) Monument relocation to Strete Gate – Pending new location.
b) Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
c) Village BT K6 Phone box – Community support posters to be installed this month, Refurbishment completed – Remove.
d) Snow Warden Scheme.
e) Website development / upgrade – On hold until a full council in place.
f) DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (ongoing, where applicable – Remove next meeting as adopted as part of onboarding procedure.
g) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 17th July 2022.

59.22 Planning
2021/22/HRN – Barnfields, Slapton. TQ7 2QD
Proposal: Application for hedgerow removal notice to remove 4.5 metres of hedgerow to create field access. No comment

1931/22/FUL – Loworthy Farm, Slapton TQ7 2RB
Proposal: Change of use from agricultural to equestrian use and proposed stable building. No comment

2224/42/HHO – Torr Farm, Slapton TQ7 2RD Proposal: Householder application for demolition of existing extension and construction of new two-storey extension with associated internal alterations and external landscaping (resubmission of 1263/22/HHO)> No comment

Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information) – None


1156/22/FUL – Alston Well Alston Farm Slapton TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Use of existing self-contained annexe accommodation as casual self- contained holiday let accommodation.

1263/22/HHO – Torr Farm Slapton TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Householder application for demolition of existing extension and construction of new two-storey extension with associated internal alterations and external landscaping.

60.22 Matters for discussion
a) Projects:
i. Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue Service Home Assessment Mailing. The clerk reported that the DSFRS and PC’s parish online/IOC licences permitted a house name mailing on the grounds of enabling public safety. Clerk to follow up with DSFRS re dates. Chair to include an article in the next Slapton Lines magazine to outline the benefits of booking a fire prevention home assessment service.
ii. Parishioner letter – Power cuts and impact on landlines. Chair to write an article for the Slapton Lines magazine to outline the issue and encourage vulnerable parishioners to register for the Western Power priority service which will notify them of forthcoming power cuts and/or consider purchasing a back-up battery for their digital phones or an old analogue plug-in landline phone to ensure phone coverage.
iii. Police Hubs – Refer 54.22 (a).

b) Village Maintenance
i. Blocked buddle hole / White Close update. The clerk has reported the matter and send images to DCC Office Lisa Edmunds cc Chairman of White Close Committee. Pending reply. Clerk to add to the Sept DCC meeting agenda. Cllr Mitchelmore to speak to the landowner for permission for a new buddle hole.
ii. Brook Street / overhang cutting quote. Cllr Mitchelmore reported a local farmer can cut back the overgrowth after the nesting season and will arrange for a quote for discussion at the Sept meeting.
iii. Recreation field quote for gate/fencing installation. Two quotes were presented by Cllr Waters. Cllr Mitchelmore to arrange for a third quote for discussion at the September Meeting.
iv. Recreation Field – Path cutting quote. The PC agreed this was not essential to the enjoyment of the field. No further action.
v. Quote for PC Notice Board maintenance. The clerk reported the door was sticking and there was a risk of the glass shattering. Cllr Sullock to review the door and the PC agreed not to proceed give pressure on the budget.
vi. DCC Highways Meeting. Refer to 55-22 1b.
vii. The PC agreed some specific actions to be included in the July/August Road Wardens brief but asked that the Road Warden use their judgement on what works was required. The Chair and Cllr Sullock agreed to walk the village and update the potholes report. Clerk to then issue to DCC Highways for HMCEF grant approval.
viii. The PC agreed the summer mowing brief.

c) Financials / Admin:
i. The PC agreed to change the payment method of the Clerks salary from a standing order back to 1st monthly manual payments 1st given the NICS eligibility scales. Clerk to cancel S/O. It was also proposed by Cllr Abbey, seconded by Cllr Mitchelmore and unanimously agreed that when a PC meeting was held late in the month, or not at all, the finance Cllrs would approve the payment on the 1st Monthly.
ii. The Chair Propose and Cllr Waters seconded and the PC agreed unanimously to proceed with an annual service of the Village defibrillator maintenance at a cost of £170.50+vat. Clerk to book. Cllr Abbey to progress September Defibrillator training dates with Trainer. Chair to include article in the Slapton Lines.
iii. PC Business Planning Workshop Preparation, 1st August 2022. Clerk to confirm times to Cllrs/ prepare agenda.
iv. PC August Meeting Break – The PC unanimously approved for clerk to pay invoices due against the agreed 2022 budget items/contracts under £500.
v. IAC Auditors 2021/22 Report – The clerk updated the PC on the results of the 2021 audit. 101 positive responses, 8 recommendations and 2 non-compliance matters. The Chairs Annual Allowance is now due but needs to go through payroll. It was agreed for the clerk to add this to the August Payroll run. Following guidance from PKF LittleJohn External Auditors on the 2 non-compliance matters:
– Re 2020-21 Notice of Public Rights: A decision was made by the PC as a whole to change the 2021-22 AGAR Annual Governance Statement/Section 4 to a ‘No’ report as the Period of the Exercise of Public Rights was not announced correctly by 1 day. Clerk to forward a copy of the minutes and the amended/ initialled AGAR to PKF Littlejohn who upon receipt will be satisfied no further action is required.
– Re the 2021-22 Notice of Public Rights: A decision was made by the PC as a whole to change the 2021-22 Notice of Public Rights to commence on Monday 14th June and end on Monday 25th July” The form was initialled by the Chair and Clerk against the amended dates. Clerk to republish on the PC website.

61.22 Proposals for resolution – None.

62.22 Clerk’s report
a) Slapton Village Community Shop Jubilee Grant – All invoices now paid. Chair to write to the Village Community Shop Committee re arrangements for the surplus.
b) PC bank account. The clerk proposed that the ringfenced reserves be held in a business savings account and outlined the types and interest rates available. The PC agreed unanimously to open an Instant access business account as prudent financial administration. Clerk to arrange and transfer funds.
c) SLCC Legal topic note 87. It was agreed by the PC for the clerk to draft amended terms to the standing orders and financial regs to benefit from the tender criteria available to PC’s. Clerk to draft, review next meeting.

For information only
• 16 CSG Facebook and 12 PC website news posts drafted/SEO/posted.
• Maintenance reporting: Liaison with Road Warden – June Road Warden Work brief, Mowing plan.
• Correspondence with 2 parishioners to assist with enquiries
• Devon and Cornwall Fire Service Home Assessment – mailing data permissions research.
• DCC Highways Liaison – August Meeting date/agenda liaison – ongoing.  SHDC Liaison: Flytipping and full dog bin reporting.
• Office and budget administration
• Notice board updating.
• Recreation field: Visitor numbers monitoring/dog bags

63.22 Chair’s report
a) Brandis Park verge, biodiversity project update – scheduled for the autumn. Chair to include article in the Slapton Lines Chairs report.
b) Dittiscombe Estate was looking to support a hedgehog event and had suggested to introduce ‘Hedgehogs’ slow down signs to help with village speeding.
c) Sands Road verge, biodiversity information signs. The chair reported there had been not response to the fb post appealing for donated plywood. Cllr Waters offered to try and source.
d) PC Oli Ambercrombie had undertaken speed checks in the village and would request the locations of these to support the PC’s SCARF request to highways.
e) Community Art Project – It was reported that there had been delays sourcing a new printer which had pushed the launch date back to late Autumn. Cllr Abbey stated there was a lot of questions on the launch in the parish and as soon as possible would be welcomed by parishioners.
f) The Chair reported the FSC had received funding from Natural England for a wellbeing and mindfulness event and would progress the funding source to support a community well-being event

64.22 Councillors’ reports
a. Cllr Sullock reported that the bus shelter needed sweeping. Clerk to add to the road warden’s brief. Chair to source a bus timetable to sit alongside the new notice.
b. Cllr Murphy advised he had received several parishioner complaints about the amount of dog waste on the roads being dropped by a dog being run alongside a mobility scooter and concerns for the wellbeing of the dog. The PC agreed for the clerk to report the matter to the SHDC localities officer to investigate.
c. Cllr Staines enquired why there were 2 bus stop location notices at the old bus stop. The Chair explained this was to ensure pedestrians see the note as some may not go inside the bus shelter. Cllr Staines also reported continued speeding in the village.

65.22 Financial matters
i) The council unanimously approved the below payments:
48/22 £792.44 L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary June 22 £778.80 Gross) less NEST employee payments £10.36 and WFH allowance £24.00. Net £768.44. Paid 1-7-22 – noted July agenda. TBC Pending Payroll Paperwork.
49/22 DDebit £18.13 June NEST employee contribution – £10.36 and employer contribution £7.70 (Total employer and employee deduction £18.13).
50/22 £20.00 Woolston Accounting – Monthly payroll. Invoice 2127 dated 29/6/22.
51/22 £305.00 Nick Mathias – June Road Warden work – Invoice 1454/23 dated 20/6/22.
52/22 £325.00 Nick Mathias – June Mowing – Invoice 1453/23 dated 16/6/22.
53/22 £11.94 VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (June). Invoice 1010849 dated 1/7/22 Due 15/7 by DD.

The below late invoices were also approved.
54/22 £324.90 IAC – 2021-22 Internal audit fee. Invoice 1490 dated 30/6/22.
55/22 £74.94 Defib Shop – Spare Pads for defibrillator. Invoice SPC Defib pads 01 dated 30/6/22.
56/22 £88.13 Village Hall Hire – Platinum Jubilee events – Hire of Village hall 3rd/4th July. Pay from the S145 grant. Invoice no C07699/22 dated 3/7/22.
57/22 £10.00 Village Hall Hire -13th June PC meeting. Invoice no C07700/22 dated 3/7/22.
58/22 £8080.00 Transfer of static ringfenced reserves to New SPC Instant Access business savings Contra entry with IA Balance.
59/22 £204.60 Defib Shop – Defibrillator Annual Service defibrillator. Invoice SPC Defib service 01 dated 5/7/22.

d) Balance at Bank 27/6/22, £ 21,700.30
e) Slapton Village Community Shop Jubilee Grant – All invoices now paid. Chair to write to the Village Community Shop Committee re arrangements for the surplus.

66.22 Next meeting dates:
Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 5th September 2022 at 7.00pm
Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines

The meeting ended at 10.25pm.

TO BE SIGNED BY: Julie Hinder, Chair at the 5th September 2022 Monthly PC meeting.

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