Council Meeting – 4th January 2021
Agenda 4th January 2021
Supporting Documents:
- Agenda – PC meeting 4 January 2021 (and below)
- Draft Minutes for signing PC meeting 7th December 2020
- Discussion items: Interim Devon Carbon Plan Consultation
The following Councillors are summoned to attend: Ms J Hinder (Chair), Mr J. McPetrie (Vice Chair), Cllr Mrs V. Mercer, Cllr Mrs S. Sullock, Cllr Mr K. Widger, Cllr Mr Gavin Wollacott, Cllr Mr C. Staines, Cllr Mr D Murphy, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore. Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr R. Foss, Sue Gorman (Slapton Community Support Group), Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
3. PUBLIC COMMENT – Any parishioner is invited to address the Council for up to 3 minutes. This session may last up to 15 minutes and may be extended to 30minutes at the discretion of the Chair. The Public are not required to stay for the rest of the meeting.
4. POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme – refer to ongoing Cllr updates.
Cllr J. Brazil
- Update on the relocation of the War Memorial
- Saltstone Single Neighbourhood Plan – Process progress update
Cllr R. Foss
- Update on the SHDC single solution Plan for the Slapton Line Parishes and winter public consultations.
- Localities Grant request update: Evolve Village Charity set up support grant – £500 matched funding with PC.
- £550 matched funding grant requests to help with the Purchase of additional litter bins to support local tourism (Total cost £1,1K).
6. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 7th December 2020. If agreed, to be both be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a) Traffic Speed / Volume Survey. Deferred until spring 2021. Agree dates in Feb 2021. Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
b) Monument relocation to Strete Gate– Pending update from DCC.
c) Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes to spring 2021 parish recycling arrangements.
d) Village Map – Agreed to delay the reprint until spring 2021. Review artwork /stock levels at the Feb 2021 meeting.
e) £750 All-stars Cricket club grant – Agree to hold as ring-fenced reserves until bank account is open. Target date 31 March 2021.
f) Notice Boards – Review situation if more are required given volume of official communications.
g) FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions.
h) Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify.
i) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline. Confirm at the January meeting.
3972/20/VAR – Combe Cottage, Carr Lane, Slapton.
Proposal: Application for variation of condition 8 (means of enclosure) of planning consent 3599/16/VAR
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
2799/20/ARM – Highclere Slapton TQ7 2PY
Proposal: Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval reference 1736/17/OPA.
Decision: Conditional approval
3773/20/COM – Barnfields Slapton TQ7 2QD
Proposal: Notice of intention to install fixed line broadband electronic communications apparatus comprising 4 x 9m wooden poles (7.2m above ground)
Decision: Permitted Development
3480/20/FUL – Pollardscombe Farm Slapton Devon TQ7 2QG
Proposal – Proposed roof over existing dung store
Decision – Conditional approval
3481/20/FUL – Pollardscombe Farm Slapton Devon TQ7 2QG
Proposal – Proposed roof over disused silage clamp
Decision – Conditional approval Withdrawn (for information only)
3725/20/NMM – Coombe Cottage Carr Lane Slapton
Proposal: Non Material Minor amendment on Planning Application 3599/16/VAR to amend access point.
Decision: Withdrawn
a) Parish Councils position on the Beach Car Park.
b) Climate Change:
- DALC Briefing: Interim Devon Carbon Plan Consultation. PC response by 15th February 2021. (Parishioners can read the interim Devon Carbon Plan here and then respond to the consultation questions).
- The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) – PC response to complete the new survey on climate change by 29th Jan 2021
- Woodland Trust Free Tree Packs – Deadline 5th January. PC requirements for playing field / Verges?
a) To propose to approve the 2021/22 budget plan as per the budget pack and Precept demand of £14,713.00 due to the exception challenges on the budget in 2021 due to the pandemic and essential maintenance works.
b) To propose to approve the Evolve Charity website build contribution grant of £500 to be held in ring-fenced reserves until the website is built/invoices and URL provided.
To discuss: None.
For information only:
- Village playing field development – DALC have advised membership provides access to 15 mins free legal advice to advise the PC on what contract amends are required to develop the field. Next steps are for a detailed design brief to be forwarded to DALC.
- 13 CSG Facebook and 15 PC website posts drafted and scheduled across the month to relay Gvt updates to the community.
- Attended DCC – Cllr J Harts 2021 Budget Briefing by Zoom 14/12/2. Summary notes issued to the Council.
- Attended the Devon Climate Change Opening seminar.
- Submission of 2021 Electronic Electoral Roll request. ER received 20-12-20
- Communication sent to Safeguarding training provider requesting remote training dates – pending reply.
- Slapton Community Food Bank Christmas and 2021 for 2021 Appeal– Communications drafting and posting on PC website and FB Page
- Liason with SHDC planning on various matters on behalf of the PC.
- Liaison with SHDC elections office/ drafting and posting co-opted Cllr role vacancy
- Correspondence has been sent to 10 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
- 1 grants applied for – refer 14(b) below.
- Village maintenance reporting:
- SHDC – Full Bottle Bank, Fly-tipping and full dog bin reported – Bank emptied ahead of Christmas
- DCC – Large pot holes at side of the road at the park and walk.
- South West Water – Water leak at Brook Street – Repair work completed 21-12-20.
- Liaison with Road Warden: 2020 and 2021 Grant requests/additional flood maintenance road warden work.
- DCC – Damage to Marsh Lane road surface. DCC have advised 23/12/2 the repairs have been added to a schedule of future planned road repairs.
Approve the following payments:
237/20 – S/O £256.00 L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – Dec 20 (Paid 1/1/21 for noting).
238/20 £54.00 Clerks Overtime and monthly expenses (Dec 2020) Refer analysis sheet.
236/20 £259.00 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – 8th & 9th Dec / 14 hrs. Invoice 1246/21 dated 10/12/20. (Paid 11/12/20, for noting).
239/20 £12.20 VC Warehouse – 8th payment – C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. (Paid 15/12/20 by DD. Invoice 1008065 for noting).
240/20 £55.50 Nick Mathias – Additional Road Warden work (Dig out drainage ditch at park and walk / Remove leaves at Brook Street drain. Invoice 1248/21 dated 10/12/20.
a) Balance at Bank 23/12/2020, £17,678.41
b) DCC/SHDC have confirmed there are no referendum principles for PC’s in 2021 although sensible precept increases will be expected based on actual costs of service delivery.
c) 2021 P3 Grant request deadline 12th Feb 2021. Liaising with Evolve for path inspection reporting.
d) The following grants have been applied for on below dates pending reply:
- DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund – £1278.08 (Materials, Hire and Labour element expecting 50%), Footpath patching on 26/11/20.
- SHDC Localities fund; Matched funding grant £788.00, large multi-purpose bin upgrades Applied for 17/11/20 to Cllr R Foss
- DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund – £259.00 (Labour), Road Warden work 8th and 9th Dec. Applied for 11/12/20 – Expecting 50%
- SHDC Localities Grant – £500/ 50% PC match funding for Evolve charity website. Applied for 10/12/20 to Cllr R Foss.
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 1st February 2021 at 7.00pm by Zoom Video Conference due to Government social distancing restrictions.
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward 23/12/20
Minutes January 2021
Present: J Hinder (Chair), J McPetrie (V. Chairman), Cllr C Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr K Widger, Cllr G Wollacott.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil, Sue Gorman (Slapton Community Support Group).
258-20. Apologies for absence – Cllr R Foss.
259-20. Declarations of interest – None.
260-20. Public comment – None.
261-20. Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update
- Police updates have been issued weekly to all Cllrs via the Clerk.
- If any members of the public have non urgent matters they wish to bring to the attention of their Local Policing Team, this can be reported via the Devon and Cornwall Police web-page – / Find your local policing team.
262-20. County & District Councillor reports
Devon County Council (DCC) report from Cllr J Brazil-
- DCC are still monitoring and managing responses to the pandemic. Although cases are rising, the SouthHams still has a very low cases number compared to other districts.
- Damage to the wall at Deer Bridge – Highways have been informed and Cllr J Brazil will follow up.
- Relocation of the Memorial at Slapton Sands to Strete Gate. Peter Chamberlain has reported work is underway to finalise the planning application to move the Monument to Strete Gate. Cllr J Brazil has requested that the ongoing maintenance costs are finalised so that these can be communicated to Parishes to sign an agreement to support.
- Saltstone single neighbourhood plan consultation– There has been a good response to the questionnaire and all replies will now be analysed. A common question arising from Slapton parishioners is why has the parish been included in the consultation? It was reported this is due to the parish having a high level of 2nd and holiday homes compared to other parishes.
- Flooding at Torcross – The drain is now clear after intervention from South West Water and the Fire Service over Christmas. Cllr J Brazil has requested a meeting with all parties who hold an interest in managing the Ley to discuss ongoing maintenance and advised that the Chair would be kept abreast of agreed arrangements.
- A379 Slapton Line. No date has yet been set for the first 2021 Slapton Line Partnership meeting.
- SHDC tourist management consultation plan. The clerk reported that the report has not yet been received. Cllr J Brazil to follow up with S Mullineaux to arrange for a copy to be sent to the Clerk/Chair for the Council to consider at the next meeting.
SHDC grant applications – These would be replied to by Cllr R Foss in due course.
District report from Cllr R. Foss: None
263-20. Minutes of the meeting held on 7th December 2020. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Minutes be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
264-20. Matters in abeyance
a) Traffic Speed / Volume Survey. Deferred until spring 2021. Agree dates in Feb 2021. Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
b) Monument relocation to Strete Gate– Pending update from DCC.
c) Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes to spring 2021 parish recycling arrangements
d) Village Map – Agreed to delay the reprint until spring 2021. Review artwork /stock levels at the Feb 2021 meeting.
e) £750 All-stars Cricket club grant – Agree to hold as ring-fenced reserves until bank account is open. Target date 31 March 2021.
f) Notice Boards – Review situation if more are required given volume of official communications.
g) FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions.
h) Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify.
i) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 15 January 2021. Cllrs to provide content suggestions to the Chair / Chair to draft copy.
265-20. Planning
3972/20/VAR – Combe Cottage, Carr Lane, Slapton. Proposal: Application for variation of condition 8 (means of enclosure) of planning consent 3599/16/VAR.
Decision: The Council unanimously objected to the application on the grounds of heritage, drainage and public safety concerns and not meeting the terms and conditions and timetable of the original application. Clerk to submit PC’s response.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
2799/20/ARM – Highclere Slapton TQ7 2PY
Proposal: Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval reference 1736/17/OPA. Decision: Conditional approval.
3773/20/COM – Barnfields Slapton TQ7 2QD
Proposal: Notice of intention to install fixed line broadband electronic communications apparatus comprising 4 x 9m wooden poles (7.2m above ground)
Decision: Permitted Development.
3480/20/FUL – Pollardscombe Farm Slapton Devon TQ7 2QG
Proposal – Proposed roof over existing dung store
Decision – Conditional approval.
3481/20/FUL – Pollardscombe Farm Slapton Devon TQ7 2QG
Proposal – Proposed roof over disused silage clamp
Decision – Conditional approval
Withdrawn (for information only).
3725/20/NMM – Coombe Cottage Carr Lane Slapton
Proposal: Non Material Minor amendment on Planning Application 3599/16/VAR to amend access point. Decision: Withdrawn
266-20. Matters for discussion
- Parish Councils position on the Beach Car Park. Agreed to carry to the next meeting to discuss with Cllr R Foss. Clerk to add to agenda.
- Climate Change:
a. DALC Briefing: Interim Devon Carbon Plan Consultation. PC response by 15th February 2021. (Parishioners can read the interim Devon Carbon Plan here and then respond to the consultation questions). Cllr G Wollacott and Chair to provide a response on behalf of the Council by the deadline with a focus on supporting active travel in rural locations.
b. The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) – PC response to complete the new survey on climate change by 29th Jan 2021. Cllr G Wollacott and Chair to provide a response on behalf of the Council by the deadline.
c. Woodland Trust Free Tree Packs – Deadline 5th January. PC requirements for playing field / Verges? The Chair reported they had passed the information to the CSG group to consider. It was agreed to review tree planting requirements across the parish as part of the PC’s climate change response.
267-20 Proposals for resolution
a) It was proposed and seconded to approve the 2021/22 budget plan as per the budget pack and Precept demand of £14,713.00 due to the exceptional challenges on the budget in 2021 due to the pandemic and essential maintenance works. Clerk to submit precept demand by 29 January 2021.
b) It was proposed and seconded to approve the Evolve Charity website build contribution grant of £500 to be held in ring-fenced reserves until the website is built/invoices and URL provided.
268-20. Clerk’s report
To discuss:
The Clerk reported there had been several complaints received over the holiday period from parishioners about visitors arriving from higher Covid-19 tier areas and staying in properties. The official advice given was for parishioners to report the incidents directly to Devon and Cornwall Police who are legally empowered to investigate and manage potential Government Covid-19 rule breaches and issue fines if appropriate. Police attended one residence and the visitors were asked to leave within 24 hrs.
For information only:
- Village playing field development – DALC have advised membership provides access to 15 mins free legal advice to advise the PC on what contract amends are required to develop the field. Next steps are for a detailed design brief from the Chair to be forwarded to DALC by the clerk to progress.
- 13 CSG Facebook and 15 PC website posts drafted and scheduled across the month to relay Government updates to the community.
- Attended DCC – Cllr J Harts 2021 Budget Briefing by Zoom 14/12/2. Summary notes issued to the Council. Attended the Devon Climate Change Opening seminar. · Submission of 2021 Electronic Electoral Roll request. ER received 20-12-20
- Communication sent to Safeguarding training provider requesting remote training dates – pending reply.
- Slapton Community Food Bank Christmas and 2021 for 2021 Appeal– Communications drafting and posting on PC website and FB Page
- Liaison with SHDC planning on various matters on behalf of the PC.
- Liaison with SHDC elections office / Drafting and posting co-opted Cllr Job Vacancy.
- Maintenance reporting:
- SHDC – Full Bottle Bank, Fly-tipping and full dog bin reported – Bank emptied ahead of Christmas
- DCC – Large pot holes at side of the road at the park and walk. · South West Water – Water leak at Brook Street – Repair work completed 21-12-20.
- Liaison with Road Warden: 2020 and 2021 Grant requests/additional flood maintenance road warden work.
- DCC – Damage to Marsh Lane road surface. DCC have advised 23/12/2 the repairs have been added to a schedule of future planned road repairs.
- Correspondence has been sent to 10 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
- 1 grants applied for – refer 14(b) below.
269-20. Chair’s report
- The Chair thanked parishioners for their efforts in dressing their homes with Christmas lights and wreathes which made the village feel very welcoming at a difficult time and which was appreciated by the Chair and Council.
- A request had been submitted by a parishioner to cut back the hedge between South Grounds farm and the park and walk. The matter was discussed and no further action was agreed.
- The Chair had attended a village traffic survey session over Christmas which proved very informative. All Cllrs were invited to support the survey sessions running until the end of January when the kit has to be returned and to contact Sue Gorman the organiser who is working with the PC to make arrangements under Covid-19 safe guidelines.
- The Charitable constitution for an official village All Stars youth club is being signed off by chair and other trustees to meet a target date to set up the bank account of 20th March 2021. (Refer matters in abeyance re grant payment).
- Reported that the response from Highways regarding blue advisory signage on the small lane outside of Sunway’s was unsatisfactory. It was agreed to monitor the situation and review again if the traffic issues continued.
270-20. Councillors’ reports
- Cllr C Staines – Reported that speeding in the village still continued and would participate in supporting a traffic survey session.
- Cllr I Mitchelmore – None.
- Cllr S Sullock – None. The Chair thanked Cllr S Sullock for continuing to manage the village food bank collection point and new 2021 for 2021 campaign.
- Cllr K Widger – Reported that all the grit bins has been checked and were full and there was spare salt stock in storage. The Chair thanked Cllr Widger for his time and report.
- Cllr D Murphy – Reported had attended the Devon Climate Change transport webinar.
- Cllr J McPetrie – Reported the recycling collection was erratic over the Christmas period.
- Cllr G Wollacott – Reported was working with SWAST to set up a ‘Slapton Parish First Responder Team’. This would involve volunteers attending a 4 day training course run by SWAST. Cllr Wollacott to provide details to the Chair to include in the February edition of the Slapton Lines Chair’s report.
271-20. Financial matters
The below payments were approved by the Council:
- 237/20 (S/O) £256.00 L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – Dec 20 (Paid 1/1/21 for noting).
- 238/20 £54.00 Clerks Overtime and monthly expenses (Dec 2020) Refer analysis sheet.
- 236/20 £259.00 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – 8th & 9th Dec / 14 hrs. Invoice 1246/21 dated 10/12/20. (Paid 11/12/20, for noting).
- 239/20 £12.20 VC Warehouse – 8th payment – C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. (Paid 15/12/20 by DD. Invoice 1008065 for noting).
- 240/20 £55.50 Nick Mathias – Additional Road Warden work (Dig out drainage ditch at park and walk / Remove leaves at Brook Street drain. Invoice 1248/21 dated 10/12/20.
Balance at Bank 23/12/2020, £17,678.41
- DCC/SHDC have confirmed there are no referendum principles for PC’s in 2021 although sensible precept increases will be expected based on actual costs of service delivery.
- 2021 P3 Grant request deadline 12th Feb 2021. Liaising with Evolve for path inspection reporting.
- The following grants have been applied for on below dates pending reply:
- DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund – £1278.08 (Materials, Hire and Labour element expecting 50%), Footpath patching on 26/11/20.
- SHDC Localities fund; Matched funding grant £788.00, large multi-purpose bin upgrades Applied for 17/11/20 to Cllr R Foss
- DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund – £259.00 (Labour), Road Warden work 8th and 9th Dec. Applied for 11/12/20 – Expecting 50%
- SHDC Localities Grant – £500/ 50% PC match funding for Evolve charity website. Applied for 10/12/20 to Cllr R Foss.
272-20. Date of next Parish Council Meeting
- An extraordinary meeting of the parish council called by the Chair to be held on Monday 11 January 2021 at 7.00pm by Zoom conference call.
- The next monthly parish council meeting will be held on Monday 1 February 2021 at 7.00pm by Zoom conference call.
SIGNED Chair: Julie Hinder Dated: 1/2/21