Council Meeting – 4th December 2023
The following Councillors are summoned to attend:
Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr J. Waters, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr S. Lange and Cllr I. Luscombe.
Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr L. Lawford, Kate Payne (FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council held on: Monday 4th December 2023 at Slapton Village Hall (main hall) at 7.00 pm.
If any parishioners wish to speak at the meeting, please submit your papers or questions by email to 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person.
Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether, in the light of recent activities, any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
a. Cllr J. Brazil
i. Slapton Line
ii. HMCEF grant
iii. AOB
b. Cllr L. Lawford
i. Heathfield Reservoir, Slapton
ii. AOB
6) MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 6th November 2023, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record – see separate document (6).
a. Applications (for resolution): None
b. Decisions (for information only)
2964/23/VAR – Carlane Lodge, Carr Lane, Slapton, TQ7 2PU
Application for Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of granted planning consent 3599/16/VAR
SHDC Decision: Refusal
c. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment): None
d. Withdrawn (for information only): None
a. 80th Anniversary of D-Day in June 2024: How would the PC like to mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day? What activities or events do they envisage might be appropriate? See separate document (8a)
b. PC Logo: What are the next steps? See separate document – Clerk’s report (11a) for current status
a. Tree Hub January 2024: Will the PC fund the willow weaving workshop?
b. Tree Hub January 2024: Can the CSG run a stall for children with suitable activities?
c. Community Grants: Does the PC approve the grant of £250 to the Parochial Church Council? See separate document (9c)?
d. Events Treasurers Account with Lloyds Bank: Does the PC approve the use of a separate Treasurers Account to take card payments at events?
e. 2023/24 year-end Internal Audit: Does the PC approve the use of Devon Audit Partnership again? See separate document (9e)
f. Bird boxes and rewilding signs: Does the PC approve the quote for installation? See separate document (9f)
a. Village map – pending beach monument relocation
b. Vision/mission statement – pending resolution on logo/branding
a. See separate documents (11a)
a. Slapton Line Partnership update
b. Tower update
a. Cllr updates: quarterly tasks and other pending actions in the action log – see separate document (13a)
a. Payments to approve – see separate document (14a)
BACs no | Payee and details | Amount £ | Paid for noting |
VISA92/23 | Amazon – Community Café – Sugar Cubes: Bakers Stret Ltd. Invoice no: INV-GB-148576985-2023-10314, dated 02/11/23 | 6.99 | 02-Nov |
VISA93/23 | Amazon – Community Café – PG Tips: Suntechgadget Ltd. Invoice no: INV-GB-139866281-2023-195593 | 12.89 | 02-Nov |
VISA94/23 | Amazon – Community Café – Herbal Tea, Decaff Coffee and Hot Chocolate: Amazon EU S.a.r.l.UK Branch. Invoice no: GB373MHKQAEUI, dated 02/11/23 | 36.85 | 02-Nov |
DD95/23 | VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – November Invoice no: 1013032 dated 01/11/23 | 11.94
9.95 + 1.99 VAT |
15-Nov |
96/23 | Lloyds Bank Cardnet Payment – Card Machine | 49.00 | Transferred to Events Acct but payment not taken yet |
97/23 | RBL Poppy Appeal, Remembrance Wreath C Type, Ref TBF08, dated October 2023 | 25.00 | |
98/23 | Nick Mathias – Road Warden November. Invoice no: 1723/24, dated 23/11/23 | 455.90 | |
99/23 | Nick Walker Printing: Defib Training/Cinema Posters. Invoice no: SL-92139, dated 21/11/23 | 57.00 | |
100/23 | Clerk’s salary November (40 hours) plus £24 WFH allowance | 783.20
101/23 | Payment to HMRC – tax on Clerk’ s November salary. Please make payment to: HMRC Cumbernauld 08-32-10 12001039. Quote: 120PA003048122408 | 62.00 | |
102/23 | DALC 2x Finance for Cllrs webinar on 17/10/23. Invoice no: 5288, dated 29/12/23 | 72.00
60.00 + 12.00 VAT |
103/23 | Parish Online: Annual Digital Mapping fee. Invoice no: 18UGO43-0007, dated 10/11/23 | 48.00
40.00 + 8.00 VAT |
104/23 | Woolston Accountants – November Payroll. Invoice no: 01XX dated XX/11/23 (TBC at meeting once invoice has been received) | 20.00 |
b) Balance at Bank @ 29/11/23
i. Treasurers Account: £12,199.20
ii. Events Treasurers Account: £49.00
iii. Instant Access Savings Account: £11,409.50
c) Receipts summary @ 29/11/23
i. Treasurers Account: £0
ii. Events Treasurers Account: £250.00 (transferred into Treasurer’s account on 29/11/23)
iii. Instant Access Savings Account interest: £13.41
iv. Total Receipts: £263.41
15) AOB
Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on
Monday 8th January at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Signed: Bella Moor, Clerk 29th November 2023
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Slapton Village Hall
Monday 4th December 2023 at 7pm
Those in attendance:
Cllr J. Abbey, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr J. Waters, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr S. Lange, Cllr I. Luscombe, and Cllr J. Brazil (arrived at 7.38 pm and left 8.00 pm).
No members of the public attended.
Cllr I. Mitchelmore sent his apologies as he is away on holiday, Cllr M. Crowson sent his apologies as he is unwell and Cllr L. Lawford sent her apologies as she has other commitments.
Cllr C. Staines declared an interest in Proposals for Resolution c. Community Grants as he is a member of the Parochial Parish Council. It was resolved unanimously that Cllr C. Staines would not vote on this Proposal for Resolution.
93:23 POLICE REPORT: None.
Cllr J. Brazil
a. Slapton Line: There is no update on the planning application as the Slapton Line Partnership are awaiting additional information from Meg Booth (Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport at Devon County Council). Cllr J. Brazil will follow up the status of this. The next Slapton Line Partnership meeting may be in January not December. Cllr J. Brazil is keen to for the Slapton Line Partnership to keep working well together and to work concurrently on the longer-term adaption plan and shorter-term solutions.
b. HMCEF grant: Cllr J. Brazil will follow this up. Clerk to resend information.
c. Heathfield Reservoir, Slapton: Cllr J. Brazil will request a status update on investigations. He advised that there has been a recent improvement to the enforcement processes, which includes clear stages and timeframes. There are still some challenges recruiting legal and planning professionals.
d. New Waste and Recycling Service: Overall SHDC are pleased with the service so far. Residents are encouraged to report non-collections on the SHDC website.
e. Devolution: Devon and Torbay Councils are near to a deal with the Government (to create a new create a Combined County Authority). District Councils have some concerns as they do not have a say in the devolution and a Combined Unitary Authority will add another layer to services, such as housing, that District Councils already have responsibility for. There will be meeting at County on 19th December about the deal and the process for consultation.
f. Free ports: These will be based around Plymouth and extended into Sherford and Langage. The Executive Council have reviewed all risks (based on cost benefit analysis reports) and agreed that the benefits outweigh the risks with caveats. A paper from the Executive Council will be available from 14th December.
95:23 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 6th November 2023, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record – see separate document (6). Resolved unanimously.
96:23 PLANNING: None for resolution.
a. 80th Anniversary of D-Day in June 2024: There was discussion about whether it was necessary to mark the anniversary and it was agreed that the PC should find out the following: What other local parishes are considering doing; whether the American Embassy, Dartmouth Naval College or Local History Society intend to mark the occasion; whether the Village Hall Committee or Parochial Parish Council have any plans already or any suggestions; and what parishioners might feel is appropriate. Clerk to contact other organisations to enquire, feed back to Cllrs and add to Agenda for further discussion in February. Cllrs also discussed the need to ensure any plans were achievable, appropriate and value for money. It was agreed that purchase of a beacon would not offer value for money. There was a discussion about how a D-day film may not be appropriate, that an exhibition at the Village Hall, service at the tank or Slapton Sands Memorial and possibly author visit/reading might be more appropriate. Furthermore, there was discussion about how the Community Support Group (CSG) should take the lead on this and how that might be difficult due to the lack of volunteers, which led to additional discussions about the need to rethink CSG volunteer recruitment.
b. PC Logo: There was a discussion about the fact that the Clerk does not have the correct software available to edit the logo in the way that was agreed at the Working Party Meeting in October, so Cllr S. Lange has agreed to have a go. Cllr J. Abbey explained that there was no urgency but that she is keen that the PC does have a logo. Cllr S. Lange to update PC on progress at March PC meeting.
a. Tree Hub January 2024: Cllr S. Lange proposed, Cllr P. Osborne seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to fund the willow weaving workshop up to a maximum of £200? Clerk to liaise with James Curtis, Tree Warden, to obtain quote/costing.
b. Tree Hub January 2024: Cllr P. Osborne proposed, Cllr I. Luscombe seconded and the PC resolved unanimously that the Clerk would run a stall for children with suitable activities on behalf the CSG. Clerk to liaise with Julie Hinder, CSG Chair, to organise and run a children’s stall/activities at the Tree Hub in January.
c. Community Grants: Cllr P. Osborne proposed, Cllr J. Waters seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to approve the grant of £250 to the Parochial Church Council (PCC) to support the costs of running the Church Café, which is open to all. Note: Cllr C. Staines did not vote as he declared an interest in this proposal. Clerk to notify Treasurer of PCC decision and arrange payment.
d. Events Treasurers Account with Lloyds Bank: Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr J. Waters seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to approve the use of a separate Treasurers Account to take card payments at events. Clerk and Cllr J. Abbey to set up Cardnet machine before Community Cinema on 9th December.
e. 2023/24 year-end Internal Audit: Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr P. Osborne seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to approve the use of Devon Audit Partnership for the 2023/24 year end internal audit. Clerk to complete and return engagement letter.
f. Bird boxes and rewilding signs: Cllr I. Luscombe proposed, Cllr J. Waters seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to approve the quote for installation. Clerk to confirm with Nick Mathias that the work can go ahead.
a. Village map – pending beach monument relocation
b. Vision/mission statement – pending resolution on logo/branding
a. See separate documents (11a). Cllr C. Staines enquired whether the PC would purchase a generator. The Clerk referred to the report, which explains that the PC would not qualify for a grant for a generator under the Devon Emergency Resilience Fund.
a. Slapton Line Partnership update: Cllr J. Brazil has provided the latest update. Cllr J. Abbey further explained that the adaptation plan was revised and voted on at the Slapton Line Partnership meeting in October, the vote was 5 for and 5 against, so further revisions have been made to the plan and these were shared at the Slapton Line Partnership meeting in November. The revised Slapton Line Partnership adaption plan advocates a ‘managed retreat’.
b. Tower update: Historic England has visited the Tower and produced a report, which has been shared with Cllr J. Abbey. The report states that there are no safety concerns and masonry is unlikely to fall on to the Tower Inn. The report does recommend that minor repairs are necessary and that maintenance is overdue. Cllr J. Abbey has contacted Historic England to clarify whether repairs are optional or mandatory.
a. Cllr P. Osborne – OPCC update: The main items the Police Commissioner is concentrating on are drug dealing, shoplifting and fly tipping. Nitrous Oxide is now outlawed. Six Police enquiry offices have been opened, including one in Kingsbridge. Anti-Social Behaviour Orders have been replaced with Community Protection Warnings (CPWs). 94% of CPWs in Devon and Cornwall and 80% nationally do not progress further to a Community Protection Notice (CPN) or court proceedings. Private school students have been causing problems on Polzeath Beach in Cornwall – police have contacted the schools, which the students attend, directly and this has had a positive impact. Cllr P. Osborne requested that OPCC update was added to every agenda. Clerk to action.
a. Cllr J. Waters has alerted famers to theft of a Quad bike at Lower Fuge Farm (78:23) and is unable to borrow a vehicle to suck the blocked drains/road gulleys on Brook Street (89:23).
b. Cllr P. Osborne questioned the status of action 53.23:
Minute ref |
Action | By when |
Next report |
By whom |
Status |
53.23 e | Community Café. Book hall for Mondays between 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm from Nov 2023 – March 2024, recruit volunteers, place order for sundry items (tea/coffee etc.) and advertise | Book hall 08.09.23
Other actions following PC approval 06.10.23 |
02.10.23 | Clerk | Completed – no volunteers so just Clerk |
The Clerk confirmed when the status was last updated all tasks except the recruitment of volunteers had been completed, hence the status reported as ‘Completed – no volunteers so just Clerk’, which indeed turned out to be the case for the first Community Café. Since this action was marked as completed in the Action Log, several Cllrs, including Cllr P. Osborne, have volunteered too and several parishioners now also kindly help on an ad hoc basis. The Clerk recognises that it is important to acknowledge these contributions so will add a dated update to the status of this completed/closed action to reflect this. Clerk to action.
a. Payments to approve – see separate document (14a). The Clerk also provided the invoice number and date for 104/23 Woolston Accounts and an additional invoice 105/23 from Nick Mathias for the Horse Stile repairs. Cllr S. Lange proposed, Cllr C. Staines seconded and it was resolved unanimously to approve all payments. Clerk to action.
BACs no | Payee and details | Amount £ | Paid for noting |
VISA92/23 | Amazon – Community Café – Sugar Cubes: Bakers Stret Ltd. Invoice no: INV-GB-148576985-2023-10314, dated 02/11/23 | 6.99 | 02-Nov |
VISA93/23 | Amazon – Community Café – PG Tips: Suntechgadget Ltd. Invoice no: INV-GB-139866281-2023-195593 | 12.89 | 02-Nov |
VISA94/23 | Amazon – Community Café – Herbal Tea, Decaff Coffee and Hot Chocolate: Amazon EU S.a.r.l.UK Branch. Invoice no: GB373MHKQAEUI, dated 02/11/23 | 36.85 | 02-Nov |
DD95/23 | VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – November Invoice no: 1013032 dated 01/11/23 | 11.94
9.95 + 1.99 VAT |
15-Nov |
96/23 | Lloyds Bank Cardnet Payment – Card Machine | 49.00 | Transferred to Events Acct but payment not taken yet |
97/23 | RBL Poppy Appeal, Remembrance Wreath C Type, Ref TBF08, dated October 2023 | 25.00 | |
98/23 | Nick Mathias – Road Warden November. Invoice no: 1723/24, dated 23/11/23 | 455.90 | |
99/23 | Nick Walker Printing: Defib Training/Cinema Posters. Invoice no: SL-92139, dated 21/11/23 | 57.00 | |
100/23 | Clerk’s salary November (40 hours) plus £24 WFH allowance | 783.20
101/23 | Payment to HMRC – tax on Clerk’ s November salary. Please make payment to: HMRC Cumbernauld 08-32-10 12001039. Quote: 120PA003048122408 | 62.00 | |
102/23 | DALC 2x Finance for Cllrs webinar on 17/10/23. Invoice no: 5288, dated 29/12/23 | 72.00
60.00 + 12.00 VAT |
103/23 | Parish Online: Annual Digital Mapping fee. Invoice no: 18UGO43-0007, dated 10/11/23 | 48.00
40.00 + 8.00 VAT |
104/23 | Woolston Accountants – November Payroll. Invoice no: 0220 dated 01/12/23 | 20.00 |
Additional invoice
105/23 | Nick Mathias Horse Stile Repair on Bridleway 7 at Pittaford Farm. Invoice no: 1728/24 dated 29/11/13 | 596.00 |
b. Balance at Bank @ 29/11/23
i. Treasurers Account: £12,199.20
ii. Events Treasurers Account: £49.00
iii. Instant Access Savings Account: £11,409.50
c. Receipts summary @ 29/11/23
i. Treasurers Account: £0
ii. Events Treasurers Account: £250.00 (transferred into Treasurer’s account on 29/11/23)
iii. Instant Access Savings Account interest: £13.41
iv. Total Receipts: £263.41
105:23 AOB
a. Cllr C. Staines explained that a holiday home owner in the village had reported speeding along the A379 Slapton Line to him. The Clerk explained that, at the last PC meeting in November, Neil Powers (Police Neighbourhood Team Leader) reported that the team will be tackling issues of speeding along Slapton Line and advised that Cllrs encourage parishioners to report speeding and provide details directly to the police. Clerk to email all Cllrs contact details of the Neighbourhood Police Team so that they may share with parishioners when necessary.
b. Cllr S. Lange has done some additional research into developing a Neighbourhood Plan and has suggested that a steering group (committee) should be considered as it will require a considerable amount of work. There was agreement that this would be a good idea and that the PC could consider this after Peter Sandover has provided some further advice on the first steps of developing a Neighbourhood Plan at the January PC meeting.
c. Cllr J. Waters asked whether he had been added as a signatory to the PC’s bank accounts as this had been discussed and agreed previously by the PC. Cllr J. Abbey to contact Lloyds Bank.
Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on
Monday 8th January at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Signed: Date: