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Council Meeting – 3rd October 2022

Agenda – 3rd October 2022


The following Councillors are summoned to attend: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey (Vice Chair), Cllr Crowson, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr Waters.

Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R. Foss, PC Oli Abercrombie, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are invited.



2) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


a). Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme: Antisocial Behaviour Conference Update, Cllr Abbey.

Cllr J Brazil:
a) Highways Update – PC SCARF and speed sign brief.
b) DCC Cyclic Cleaning Agreement for PC’s update.
c) A379 Update
d) DCC painted pedestrian path – District meeting motion update. Cllr R Foss:
e) A379 update.
f) Monument relocation update.
g) Planning update re Whitebeam unauthorised signs.

6) MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 5th September 2022, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.


a) Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
b) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline


2984/22/VAR – Blacklands Farm, Slapton TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on planning consent

0648/17/FUL 2598/22/HHO – Prospect, Prospect Hill. Slapton. TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for replacement of nine fence panels.

2599/22/LBC – Prospect, Prospect Hill. Slapton. TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for replacement of nine fence panels.

2335/22/FUL – Pittaford Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2QG
Proposal: Retention of existing log cabin as permanent rural workers dwelling.

3122/22/TCA – Meadow Court, Brook Street, Slapton TQ7 2PR
Proposal: T2: Sweet Chestnut ? crown lift to 1m from g/l, T3: Ash ? remove due to ADB, T4: Beech ? crown lift to 3m from g/l, max diameter to be removed 30mm, T5: Lime – crown lift to 3m from g/l, max diameter to beremoved 30mm, T8: Photinia ? remove due to ADB, T13: Birch ? remove dead tree, T17: Redwood ? remove due to ADB.

Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
1337/22/FUL – Pittaford Farm Slapton TQ7 2QG
Proposal: A retrospective application to regularise repairs/restoration & for the change of use of an agricultural building/old piggery to a facilities block to serve an existing campsite. Conditional Approval.

2403/22/CLE – Alston Barn, Slapton Kingsbridge TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing use of agricultural building as residential accommodation/domestic space.

a) DALC AGM – Agree PC Representative and PC Proxy response.
b) Devon Community Resilience Forum webinar 14th-16th November – Agree attendees.
c) Approve updated village assets register value ahead of insurance tender.
d) EV Charge Point plan for the village – parishioner enquiry.
e) Commemorative Tree options for HM Queen Elizabeth II.
f) Village Assets Annual inspection report.
g) Approve Brookings Drain cleaning quotation.
h) Village Development – Land purchase update.
i) 2022 Draft Budget timings.


a) Cllr Recruitment Update.
b) Big Green Week.
c) Sustainable South Hams Parish Council Special Interest Group launch event Oct 8th.

a) To receive an update from the clerk on matters ongoing.
b) For Cllrs to highlight matters which require attention or future agenda items

Council to approve the following payments:
77/22 £40.00 Slapton Village Hall Hire: 1st August Business Planning workshop. Invoice C09717/22 dated 6/9. (Noted as paid).
78/22 £780.44 L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary Sept 22 £778.80 Gross and WFH allowance £12.00) less NEST employee payments £10.36. Net £780.44.
79/22 DDebit £18.13 Sept NEST employee contribution – £10.36 and employer contribution £7.70 (Total employer and employee deduction £18.13).
80/22 £20.00 Woolston Accounting – Monthly Sept payroll. Invoice xxx dated 28/9/9 (paid 4/8/22 for noting)
81/22 £300.00 Nick Mathias – Sept Road Warden Work. Invoice 1482/23 dated 22/922.
82/22 £36.00 DALC Training – Cllr Abbey. 12/9/22. Invoice 4153 dated 16/9/22
83/22 £80.00 Judges Web Design – Annual hosting package. Invoice 13/9/22 dated 15/9/22
84/22 DDebit £11/94 VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (Sept). Invoice 1011126 dated 12/9/22 paid 15/9 by DD. (Paid for noting)

a) Balance at Bank 26/8/22: £27,911.02
Treasurers Account £18,762.33
Instant Access Savings Account (Ringfenced reserves) £9148.69

b) Receipts:
Treasurers Account £11,522.00
Instant Access Savings Account interest £0.39
Total Receipts Sept: £11,522.39

c) Pending reply from the Village Shop re Queens Jubilee grant.

Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on Monday 7th November 2022 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Members of the public wishing to attend are asked to follow the Governments Living with Covid Guidelines.

Minutes – 3rd October 2022

Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Abbey, Cllr Crowson, Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Staines, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Waters.

In attendance: None.

81-22 Apologies for absence: Cllr J Brazil, Cllr Murphy, Kate Payne (FSC). No apologies received Cllr R Foss.

82-22 Declarations of interest: None.

83.22 Public comment: None.

84.22 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update.
Cllr Abbey reported they had attended a recent police seminar on Anti-Social behaviour (ABS) and had forwarded the presentation slides to the PC. Cllr Abbey advised that ABS should be reported via the Devon and Cornwall Police Website using either the webchat facility, emailing or calling 101. Also, to call Live West if appropriate. Once the report is received, the Police will send a secure link so that the reporting person can then upload the evidence into the Good Sam service. If three or more incidents of the same type of ABS are reported within 6 months, this initiates a Community Trigger, which is a persons legal right to request and ABS investigation if causing distress to an individual, household or environment e.g. dog fouling. The PC agreed to consider raising awareness of how to report ABS and collect evidence ego by video doorbells, CCTV, phones, to help and encourage parishioners to do so. Cllr Abbey updated on the HM Prison Probation Service Community Payback Scheme. PCs are being asked to nominate and submit community projects whereby the PC receives free labour costs in return for providing community work to minor offenders. The PC agreed to take this forward as would benefit the parish. Cllr Abbey also reported on the Street Based Youth Work project which mainly applies to town hotspots. ABS concerns can be reported to Crime Stoppers and an Outreach Team will be sent out. Reports can be made anonymously or via the PC if permission is given to do so. Cllr Abbey advised they would progress details of how to set up a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and that support was available with mobile CCTV. Also that the PPC Cllr Advocate role needs to be developed as there was much useful information and support for the parish. Clerk to add to the CSG Agenda. Chair to include a conference update in the Slapton Lines.

85.22 County & District Councillor reports
1) Cllr J Brazil: Written Report
a) Beach Memorial – The PC agreed to let Strete PC progress the matter as agreed to the location proposals.
b) DCC Cyclic Cleaning Agreement for PCs – Cllr Brazil had shared the scheme contract with the PC. The PC voted not to accept the proposal as finance and resourcing terms were not in the best interests of the precept. Cllr Mitchelmore suggested that if the parish outer highways could be brough up-to standard this could then be revisited in the future. Clerk to request that DCC provide a report on the location and cleaning status and all 197 parish highways assets to ensure no overlap with existing road warden work and that these were being maintained.
c) The Chair reported that the SCARF speed survey was being rescheduled and that they had received permission from Live West to install child safety signs on the estate to help address speeding. DCC however have instructed the PC that they cannot purchase and install their own signs even though the PC has a small budget and DCC have none. The Chair reported that they had done everything in their power to install signs and manage road safety but were being prevented by Highways and the working relationship was very poor despite the best efforts of the PC. The clerk reported they had three times asked for a reply to the flashing speed camera brief and permission was not being granted with the SCARF being used as the rationale. The PC agreed for the Chair to write an update on the situation with DCC Highways in the Slapton lines and to follow up with MP Anthony Mangnall and Meg Booth, Head of DCC Highways that the current internal upstream service was unacceptable.
2). Cllr R Foss – No Report

86-22 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 5th September 2022, were unanimously agreed by the PC to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.

87.22 Review of Action Log – Clerk to update.

88.22 Matters in Abeyance
a) Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
b) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline; Cllrs to submit content.

89.22 Planning
2984/22/VAR – Blacklands Farm, Slapton TQ7 2QE
Proposal: Application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on planning consent 0648/17/FUL. No comment

2598/22/HHO – Prospect, Prospect Hill. Slapton. TQ7 2PT Proposal: Householder application for replacement of nine fence panels. No comment.

2599/22/LBC – Prospect, Prospect Hill. Slapton. TQ7 2PT Proposal: Householder application for replacement of nine fence panels. No comment.

2335/22/FUL – Pittaford Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2QG Proposal: Retention of existing log cabin as permanent rural workers dwelling. No comment. Cllr Waters wished to note his personal support.

3122/22/TCA – Meadow Court, Brook Street, Slapton TQ7 2PR Proposal: T2: Sweet Chestnut ? crown lift to 1m from g/l, T3: Ash  remove due to ADB, T4: Beech crown lift to 3m from g/l, max diameter to be removed 30mm, T5: Lime – crown lift to 3m from g/l, max diameter to be removed 30mm, T8: Photinia remove due to ADB, T13: Birch ? remove dead tree, T17: Redwood  remove due to ADB. No comment

Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)

1337/22/FUL – Pittaford Farm Slapton TQ7 2QG
Proposal: A retrospective application to regularise repairs/restoration, for the change of use of an agricultural building/old piggery to a facilities block to serve an existing campsite. Conditional Approval.

2403/22/CLE – Alston Barn, Slapton Kingsbridge TQ7 2QE Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing use of agricultural building as residential accommodation/domestic space.

90.22 Matters for discussion
a) DALC AGM – The PC voted for Cllr Abbey to represent the PC at the DALC AGM and agreed the PC’s Proxy response.
b) Devon Community Resilience Forum webinar 14th-16th November – Clerk to register for the sessions to obtain the briefing notes.
c) Village assets register – The Chair proposed and Cllr Staines seconded to approve the revalued assets register at £30,604.94. Clerk to add to website. d) EV Charge Point plan for the village – Cllr Sullock advised that the Village Hall Committee were investigating grants for solar panels and EV charge points at the village hall. The Chair advised they had written to Live West regarding plans for Greenbank and was awaiting a reply. The PC agreed to support the Village Hall as they progressed their plans. Cllr Sullock to keep PC informed.
e) Commemorative Tree options for HM Queen Elizabeth II. Cllr Sullock advised that the flowers were composting at the recreation field. The PC agreed to consult to the Tree Wardens on the most appropriate trees. The Chair requested that eating apple trees be considered.
f) Village Assets Annual inspection report: Cllr Sullock reported that the village seating and all notice boards needs painting and the commemorative plaques at the field were temporarily removed as a family member was looking to place onto a wooden backing to ensure more stable. The PC agreed to contact the HM Prison Service Community Payback Scheme to submit a bid for village asset painting.
g) Brookings Drain cleaning quotation – Not received, carry to next meeting. h) Village Development – Recreation field land purchase. Chair to write letter to landowner to open a conversation as to if this would be possible. Update next meeting.
i) 2022 Draft Budget. It was agreed the PC would meet as a working group to develop the budget. Clerk to set up meeting mid-October.

91.22 Proposals for resolution – None.

92.22 Chairs report
a) Cllr Recruitment Update. No update.
b) Big Green Week. The Chair reported they felt this had been an unqualified success with good attendance and support; The installation of Bugmoral bug house at White Close and launch at the Picnic, Dittiscombe Estate guided walk (12 attendees) Willow bird feeder making workshop at the Village Hall (28 attendees of mixed ages from outside and inside the parish).The Chair wish to thank Cllr Sullock and Cllr Mitchelmore for their work on the Litter Pick where 3.5kg of rubbish (1 large black sack) was collected. Cllr Abbey reported that the FSC had enquired about the events. Chair to update.
c) Sustainable South Hams Parish Council Special Interest Group launch event Oct 8th.
d) The Chair wished to convey thanks to Cllr Sullock and Will Sullock, Cllr Staines, the Clerk and to everyone who had stepped up at short notice to deliver the official royal parish arrangements for the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

93.22 Reports
a) Clerks report
Next CSG Committee meeting: Tuesday 11th October, 7pm at the Village Hall.
DCC Highways:
Pending third request to arrange a meeting date with the PC.
SCARF survey arrangements liaison.
DCC have approved a power flush of the block drain into White Close. Lisa Edmunds will be attending to oversee this. No date provided yet.  Defibrillator Training date, Weekly Checks, Annual Service Booking. Spare set of pads ordered and held at the Clerks Office.
Lloyds Bank mandate – signatories updated.
Model Financial Regulations 2019 –  Tendering section updated for resolution.
Business Plan presentation/preparation for the 1 August PC workshop. PWBL rates researched.
Mid-Year Bank Reconciliation completed.
11 CSG Facebook and 8 PC website news posts drafted/SEO/posted. • Liaison with Road Warden – July/ August Road Warden Work brief, Mowing plan.
Devon and Cornwall Fire Service Home Assessment – mailing data permissions research.
SHDC liaison: Dog waste on road report
Office and budget administration
Notice board updating
Recreation field facilities servicing and visit numbers monitoring: 88 July / 189 August. Total 1159 visits since 1/2/22.
Dog agility classes held 6th and 28th August. Heatwave in July cancelled sessions.
Annual Leave booked: 12th to 23rd Sept.

2023 Business plan –  The PC agreed to complete this after the 2023 budgets. Clerk to schedule follow up meeting.
5-year Business plan.
2023 tenders: Internal Auditor tender, mowing contract and Insurance renewal. Added to action log.
DCC SCARF survey and Shop Grant management.
Autumn annual PROW paths inspection ahead of report submission 7 Feb 2023.
DCC Fire Service Fire Safety Scheme. The PC agreed to delay until new year due to resources. Clerk to contact.

b) Cllrs reports:

c). Cllr Mitchelmore reported fly-tipping behind the bottle bank and had reported.
d) Chair reported the Big Green Week events posters needed taking down. Cllr Sullock, Cllr Abbey, and Cllr Mitchelmore to remove from all areas.
e) Cllr Mitchelmore reported a parishioner had advised that free resources for PCs may be available at the Sustainable South Hams events on Saturday 8th October 10am to 2pm at Kingsbridge College. Cllrs to attend if available. f) Cllr Abbey reported that the defibrillator training at Slapton Village Hall was attended by 30 people from Torcross and Slapton and raised the need to review the existing equipment in order to get access to free annual SWAST training and this needed to be built into the budget forecasts. Cllr Abbey to check the second hand value of a defibrillator / update next meeting. The PC agreed to continue with the shared parish training but to ask the trainer of the 2023 training can be more hands on.
g) Cllr Staines reported that he would collect the Remembrance Day wreath from the shop and bring to the Church. A parishioner had agreed to lay the wreath on behalf of the parish on Remembrance Day, Sunday 13th November at 11am. Cllr Sullock reported would arrange the flags to be raised at the beach.
h) Cllrs Staines reported the Slapton Parish Church Council was undertaking a 7 year business plan, was not a Council and not committee and would look to attend the ‘Gods Green Acre’ church yard conference.
i) Cllr Waters reported he was liaising over the annual hedge cutting and would speak to Cllr Crowson to obtain dates.
j) Cllr Crowson raised that FSC coaches were getting larger and reported 3 recent incidents: Large coaches on Sands Road had blocked the South grounds lane entrance twice making residents late for work and delaying delivery lorries, a large coach was seen coming down 5 mile lane despite the restrictions signs and another coach had blocked the park and walk area. The Chair proposed and the PC agreed to set up and incident log to record these events, including photos so that these could be shared with the FSC as the issue was mainly the size of the coaches as the smaller Tally Ho coaches were not as imposing on the narrow lanes.

94.22 Financial matters
i) The council unanimously approved the below payments:

77/22 £40.00 Slapton Village Hall Hire: 1st August Business Planning workshop. Invoice C09717/22 dated 6/9. (Noted as paid).
78/22 £780.44 L. Soothill-Ward (Clerks salary Sept 22 £778.80 Gross and WFH allowance & £12.00) less NEST employee payments &£10.36. Net £780.44.
79/22 DDebit £18.13 Sept NEST employee contribution – £10.36 and employer contribution £7.70 (Total employer and employee deduction £18.13).
80/22 £20.00 Woolston Accounting – Monthly Sept payroll. Invoice dated 28/9/9 (paid 4/8/22 for noting).
81/22 £300.00 Nick Mathias – Sept Road Warden Work. Invoice 1482/23 dated 22/922.
82/22 £36.00 DALC Training, Cllr Abbey. 12/9/22. Invoice 4153 dated 16/9/22
83/22 £80.00 Judges Web Design – Annual hosting package. Invoice 13/9/22 dated 15/9/22 84/22 DDebit £11/94 VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (Sept). Invoice 1011126 dated 12/9/22 paid 15/9 by DD. (Paid for noting)

a) Balance at Bank 26/8/22: £27,911.02
Treasurers Account £18,762.33
Instant Access Savings Account £9148.69

b) Receipts: Treasurers Account £11,522.00
Instant Access Savings Account interest £0.39
Total Receipts Sept: £11,522.39

c) Pending reply from the Village Shop re Queens Jubilee grant. Cllr Abbey to follow up.

The meeting ended at 9.40pm.

Next Parish Council monthly meeting to be held on Monday 3rd October 2022 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.

Members of the public wishing to attend to contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines

SIGNED: Julie Hinder, Chair Dated: 7/11/22

All meeting agendas and minutes can be viewed at:

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