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Council Meeting – 2nd September 2024


The following Councillors are summoned to attend:
Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr I. Mitchelmore (Vice Chair), Cllr C. Staines, Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr J. Waters, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr S. Lange, Cllr I. Luscombe and Cllr G. Sutton

The next meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 2nd September, at Slapton Village Hall (main hall), at 7.00 pm.

Cllr J. Brazil, Cllr L. Lawford and members of the public are invited to attend

If any parishioners wish to speak at the meeting, please submit your papers or questions by email to 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person




Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether, in the light of recent activities, any items within their Register of Interests should be updated




a. Cllr J. Brazil
i. Update on SLP: Will Caroline Voaden chair the meetings moving forward and when is the next meeting likely to be?
ii. Localities budget grant: Would Cllr Brazil be prepared to allocate £500 towards a new PC and community noticeboard at Greenbanks in Slapton? The PC will fund £780 of the cost and a grant application will also be made to Slapton Village Community Shop if additional funds are needed?

b. Cllr L. Lawford

6) MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON 1st July 2024, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record – See separate document (7)


a. Applications (for resolution)

i. 2027/24/LBC Coltscombe Court Slapton TQ7 2QE
Listed Building Consent to replace existing UPVC windows with new timber windows
PC submitted: No Comment to make on 15th August 2024

ii. 2404/24/HHO Old Walls Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Householder application for removal of greenhouse, creation of garden room with external store & external shower room
PC submitted: No comment to make on 26th August 2024

iii. 2405/24/LBC Old Walls Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Listed Building consent for removal of greenhouse, creation of garden room with external store & external shower room
PC submitted: No comment to make on 26th August 2024

iv. 2024397/24/PAA Thorn Slapton TQ7 2RD
Prior approval application for proposed new timber frame clad barn measuring 9m length x 6m breadth x 4m height to ridge (2.5m to eaves) following planning application 1985/24/AGR
Note: No consultation start or end date has been given by SHDC but if the PC would like to submit a comment, please do so asap

b. Decisions (for information only)

i. 0999/24/FUL Thorn Park Slapton TQ7 2RD
Agricultural building for storage to include farmyard manure
SHDC decision: Conditional approval (4th June 2024)

ii. 1985/24/AGR Thorn Slapton TQ7 2RD
Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed new simple timber frame timber clad barn measuring 12m length x 6m breadth x 4m height to ridge (2.5m to eaves)
SHDC decision: Prior approval is required (16th June 2024)

1346/24/CLE Higher Coltscombe Cottage Slapton TQ7 2QE
Certificate of lawfulness for existing domestic outbuilding for storage & parking
Note: the PC is not a statutory consultee on certificates of lawfulness so did not make a comment
SHDC decision: Cert of Lawfulness (Existing) Certified (2nd August 2024)

c. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment):

i. 2122/24/TCA
The Arches Slapton TQ7 2PN
T1: Silver Birch – remove due to applicant wishing to extend parking area and create patio area
PC: No objection
SHDC decision: No objection (1st August 2024)

d. Withdrawn (for information only): None

a. Cllr roles and responsibilities: Would the PC like to add or remove any roles or responsibilities and/or reallocate them to different Cllrs? – See separate document (8a)
b. Slapton PC’s Highways key objectives: What are the PC’s thoughts on the response from the Neighbourhood Highways Officer to Cllr Osborne’s emails? Any suggested next steps? – See separate documents (8b 1 and 8b 2)

a. Community Support Group (CSG) Committee: In the absence of any interest or volunteers coming forward to support CSG initiatives, the CSG Committee resolved that the CSG should be brought to a close on 31st October 2024 if approved by the PC. The Hazel Hurdle Workshop and Halloween Event would be run by the CSG (as these are scheduled to take place before the end of October) but the PC would run the Community Café, Children’s Nature Activities at the Tree Hub and Parish Footpaths Stroll (perhaps in conjunction with Strollers). Does the PC approve the discontinuation of the CSG Committee?
b. Community Cinema: Does the PC approve the Community Cinema working towards becoming its own Charitable Trust, which operates independently of the PC? This would involve the transference of any funds (less outstanding payments) held in the Community Cinema cost centre when the Trust becomes operational.
c. Noticeboards: Which type of noticeboard would the PC like to purchase (if any) for Greenbanks assuming funds are available to do so? – See separate document (9c)
d. Vision and mission statement: Does the PC approve the draft vision and mission statement? – See separate document (9d)



a. See separate document (11a)


a. Verbal update from Chair on any matters arising since July’s PC meeting


a. Verbal update from Cllr P. Osborne on OPCC


a. Cllr updates on any pending actions/actions requiring a status update in the action log – See separate document (14a)


a. Payments to approve: Does the PC approve the payments below, which have been examined, verified and certified by the Clerk and RFO? – See separate documents (15a 1 and 15a 2)

Payment no Details of payment Amount GBP Paid for noting
53 Village Hall May. PC meeting 3rd June £20 and Clerk’s appraisal 25th June £10 30.00 1st Aug
VISA54 LSS Limited. Land registry search title plan. 8th July 2024 17.95 9th July
55 DALC. Being a Good Cllr 1 – Giles Sutton. Invoice no: 5926, dated 10.07.24 18.00

15.00 + 3.00 VAT

1st Aug
56 DALC. Standards in Public Life and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training – Giles Sutton. Invoice no: 5919, dated 10.07.24 36.00

30.00 + 6.00 VAT

1st Aug
57 DALC. Being a Good Cllr 2 – Giles Sutton. Invoice no: 5932, dated 25.07.24 18.00

15.00 + 3.00 VAT

1st Aug
58 Nick Mathias July mowing. Invoice no: 1868/25, dated 29.07.24 504.80 1st Aug
59 Clerk’s salary July plus £24 WFH allowance 845.20 1st Aug
60 Chair’s allowance 137.30 1st Aug
61 Woolston Accounts July payroll. Invoice no: 0446, dated 31.07.24 20.00 1st Aug
62 Nick Mathias July Road Warden. Invoice no: 1875/25, dated 05.08.24 370.88 8th Aug
63 Transfer of £180 to the Parochial Church. Money from Peter’s Falklands talk, which was accidently paid by Slapton Community Village Shop to Slapton PC instead of Slapton PCC on 11th June (minute ref: 64:24 c ii) 180.00 1st Aug
DD64 VC Warehouse August phone. Invoice no: 1014222, dated 01.08.24 11.94

9.95 + 1.99 VAT

15th Aug
65 Nick Mathias August mowing. Invoice no: 1888/25, dated 18.08.24 374.16
66 Filmbank Media Licence for 17th August Film (Community Cinema). Invoice no: 06322250, dated 19.08.24 104.40

87.00 + 17.40 VAT

67 Nick Walker Printing 20 x laminated Hazel Hurdle and 20 x laminated Halloween Event posters (CSG). Invoice no: SI-93568, dated 23.08.24 68.40

57.00 + 11.40 VAT

68 Chris Hunt Bar (Community Cinema). Invoice no 4, dated 18.08.24 78.59
69 Land Registry-Deeds, Title Plan for DN570404, Slapton Ley National Nature Reserve – Order No LRD-146181(see email) 23.94
*70 Clerk’s salary August plus £24 WFH allowance 845.20
*71 Woolston Accounts August payroll. Invoice no: TBC, dated TBC 20.00
*72 Nick Mathias August Road Warden. Invoice no: TBC, dated TBC.08.24 TBC
73 VC Warehouse September phone. Invoice no: TBC, dated 01.09.24 11.94

9.95 + 1.99 VAT

*These invoices had not be received at the time the Agenda was issued so will be made available for review at the meeting

b. Balance at Bank

Balance as per bank statements on 26.08.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 0
Treasurers Account 5,662.69
Instant Access Savings Account 13,985.70
Total 19,648.39


c. Receipts summary

Receipts as per bank statements on 26.08.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account – Cardnet Sales from Community Cinema of £273.13 (Note: this money was transferred to the Treasurers Acct on 26th August 2024, hence Events Treasurers Account showing as 0 in balance above). 273.13
Treasurers Account 0
Instant Access Savings Account: July interest £14.42 and August interest £13.82 28.24
Total 301.37


16) AOB

Next Parish Council meeting will be held on
Monday 7th October at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.

Signed: Bella Moor, Clerk Date: 27th August 2024



Those in attendance:
Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr I. Mitchelmore (Vice Chair), Cllr C. Staines, Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr G. Sutton, Cllr J. Waters and Cllr I. Luscombe. Cllr J. Brazil arrived 7.25pm and left at 8.05pm

66:24 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr S. Lange and Cllr L. Lawford both send their apologies.

67:24 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr Osborne declared an interest in the purchase of a noticeboard as he is Chair of the Slapton Village Community Shop as the shop may be approached by the PC for funding. It was agreed he would participate in discussions but not vote. Cllr Waters declared an interest in the planning applications made for Old Walls as he is working there. It was agreed he would participate in discussions but not vote.




a. Overnight parking at the Memorial Car Park: The initial plan was to shut the recently installed gate during July and August at the Memorial Car Park, but this did not happen. Cllr Brazil has followed this up with South Hams District Council (SHDC). There was also a discussion about how overnight camping is more of an issue at Strete Gate than at the Memorial Car Park and that parking along the road at Strete Gate was also happening during the summer, especially during the first August bank holiday weekend. Cllr Brazil explained that he has discussed this issue with Strete Parish Council and future measures might involve road markings or even extending Strete Gate car park.
b. Slapton Line Partnership (SLP): Cllr Brazil confirmed that Caroline Voaden will meet with Strete, Slapton and Stoke Flemming Parish Councils on Thursday 19th September. He is not yet sure who will chair SLP meetings moving forward. He confirmed that the Planning Application for rock armour has not been submitted by Devon County Council (DCC) and that he was informed that this was because funds were not available to do so – he expressed his disappointment and has requested a further update from DCC on the status of the Planning Application today.
c. Council tax: Cllr Brazil confirmed that second homes will be charged double council tax, which District Councils had intended to put into housing initiatives (e.g. housing for key workers etc.), but DCC has now confirmed that any monies raised by the doubling of council tax on second homes will not be spent on housing initiatives.
d. Devolution deal: Cllr Brazil does not envisage that this will go ahead and speculated that there may be the possibility of negotiating a new/different deal in the future.
e. Waste: Cllr Brazil queried whether there had been any problems with waste bins in the Parish. Cllrs confirmed they had not received any complaints and SHDC appeared to be on top of emptying the bins over the summer months.
f. South Hams Festival: Cllr Brazil explained that an Arts festival across the whole of the South Hams is being organised for 12th to 22nd June 2025 – a project manager has been seconded by SHDC to manage the festival. A full programme of events will be happening across South Hams – there will be something for everyone. Parish and Town Councils are encouraged to get involved and make suggestions for events in their Parishes and Towns. SHDC will do national advertising and will provide inspiration and listings etc. There will be an opening and closing ceremony and Town Councils will bid to host the ceremonies. It will extend the holiday season and, if successful, could become an annual event. Parishes will need to register an interest and could do so in partnership with other Parishes. Some match funding will be available to those putting on events. Cllr Brazil suggested adding this to the PC’s next meeting agenda so that Cllrs can discuss the type of event(s) that they might wish to host in our Parish. Cllr Brazil also requested a list of existing Arts activities and events that already happen in Slapton Parish. Clerk to action.
g. Localities budget grant: Cllr Brazil suggested that the Clerk contact him about accessing a Localities grant for a new noticeboard at Greenbanks and he will forward the application details. Clerk to action.
h. Highways: Cllr Osborne raised concerns about the support provided to the PC by DCC’s Neighbourhood Highway Officer. Cllr Brazil will provide line management information.

71:24 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON 1st July 2024 were agreed unanimously and signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.


a. Applications (for resolution)

i. 2027/24/LBC Coltscombe Court Slapton TQ7 2QE
Listed Building Consent to replace existing UPVC windows with new timber windows
PC submitted: No Comment to make on 15th August 2024

ii. 2404/24/HHO Old Walls Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Householder application for removal of greenhouse, creation of garden room with external store & external shower room
PC submitted: No comment to make on 26th August 2024

iii. 2405/24/LBC Old Walls Sands Road Slapton TQ7 2QN
Listed Building consent for removal of greenhouse, creation of garden room with external store & external shower room
PC submitted: No comment to make on 26th August 2024

Cllr Abbey proposed, Cllr Mitchelmore seconded and it was resolved unanimously that the above submissions were agreed by the PC before submissions were made.

iv. 2024397/24/PAA Thorn Slapton TQ7 2RD
Prior approval application for proposed new timber frame clad barn measuring 9m length x 6m breadth x 4m height to ridge (2.5m to eaves) following planning application 1985/24/AGR
Note: No consultation start or end date has been given by SHDC but if the PC would like to submit a comment, please do so asap

Cllr Abbey proposed, Cllr Mitchelmore seconded and it was unanimously resolved that no PC submission is necessary as the PC has no comment to make.

b. Decisions (for information only)

i. 0999/24/FUL Thorn Park Slapton TQ7 2RD
Agricultural building for storage to include farmyard manure
SHDC decision: Conditional approval (4th June 2024)

ii. 1985/24/AGR Thorn Slapton TQ7 2RD
Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed new simple timber frame timber clad barn measuring 12m length x 6m breadth x 4m height to ridge (2.5m to eaves)
SHDC decision: Prior approval is required (16th June 2024)

1346/24/CLE Higher Coltscombe Cottage Slapton TQ7 2QE
Certificate of lawfulness for existing domestic outbuilding for storage & parking
Note: the PC is not a statutory consultee on certificates of lawfulness so did not make a comment
SHDC decision: Cert of Lawfulness (Existing) Certified (2nd August 2024)

c. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment):

i. 2122/24/TCA
The Arches Slapton TQ7 2PN
T1: Silver Birch – remove due to applicant wishing to extend parking area and create patio area
PC: No objection
SHDC decision: No objection (1st August 2024)

d. Withdrawn (for information only): None


a. Cllr roles and responsibilities: There was discussion about each of the roles and any changes were resolved unanimously. See separate updated document, which will be available to Cllrs and on the website once the Clerk has updated. Clerk to action.

b. Slapton PC’s highways key objectives: There was a discussion about DCC’s Neighbourhood Highway Officer response to emails about the key objectives and their lack of support. There was also a further discussion about how the PC can resolve some of their key objectives independently. Cllr Abbey proposed, Cllr Osborne seconded and it was resolved unanimously that they would investigate what measures might be possible to address some of these objectives and will report suggestions back to the PC. Cllr Abbey and Cllr Osborne to action.


a. Community Support Group (CSG) Committee: There was discussion about the lack of interest in the CSG, or offers to support it by helping with activities, following a parish wide flyer drop so it will not be feasible to continue to run these activities, which are designed to bring the community together, under the CSG umbrella. Cllr Abbey proposed, Cllr Osborne seconded and it was resolved unanimously that activities planned up until the end of October would be delivered by the CSG, that the Community Café will be run by the PC and that the CSG sub-committee should be discontinued from 1st November 2024. Clerk to action. Cllr Osborne has offered to email Shop volunteers to ask if they would be happy to help the PC with the Community Café. Cllr Osborne to action.

b. Community Cinema: Cllr Osborne proposed, Cllr Staines seconded and it was resolved unanimously that the Community Cinema should become an independent Society or Charitable trust and that the PC would transfer any ringfenced funds from the Community Cinema cost centre once the Society or Charitable Trust is established. Clerk to action.

c. Noticeboards: Cllr Luscombe proposed, Cllr Mitchelmore seconded and it was resolved unanimously (Cllr Osborne did not vote) that the PC should purchase Option 4 in green (dome) and use c/f monies from historic Localities Grants awarded by Cllr Fosse, together with any monies awarded by Cllr Brazil as well as existing ringfenced funds and that the Clerk should apply to Slapton Village Community Shop, on behalf of the PC, if additional funding is required. Clerk to action.

d. Vision and mission statement: Cllr Sutton proposed, Cllr Osborne seconded and it was resolved unanimously to adopt the draft vision and mission statement as a final version. Clerk to post on website and parish boards.



a. See separate document.
i. National Nature Reserve Land Registry Title Deeds together with other Land Registry documents, which might help to show whose land the Poplar Tree (with a split in it) is located on have been shared with the FSC, who confirm that it is not on their land. The PRoW team have advised that the PC (if deemed responsible) should have a Risk Assessment carried out before agreeing to take the tree down.
ii. The Clerk confirmed that the P3 maintenance grant has still not been paid by the PRoW team and there was a discussion about whether being a part of the P3 scheme is worthwhile. Clerk to follow up on grant application and research the benefits of remaining in the P3 scheme without receiving any funding.


a. Verbal update from Chair on any matters arising since July’s PC meeting.
i. Struan Coupar’s attendance at the October PC meeting, to discuss the benefits of Neighbourhood Planning, has been postponed until Cllr Lange returns.
ii. Slapton Parish has a new Neighbourhood Police Officer, Ed Thomas, based in Brixham and the Clerk has forwarded an email with these details.
iii. As mentioned already by Cllr Brazil, Slapton and Stoke Flemming PCs have been invited to join Strete PC at a meeting with Caroline Voaden about the Slapton Line Partnership. Cllr Abbey and Cllr Crowson will attend the meeting on Thursday 19th September.
iv. Cllrs have until 9th September to complete their Safeguarding training and to the end of September for other training to be completed.
v. The hearse has been removed from outside the children’s play park at Greenbanks.


a. Verbal update from Cllr P. Osborne on OPCC.
i. Neil Powers has moved to Torbay. We now have a New Neighbourhood Police Officer, Ed Thomas, in Brixham.
ii. Lots of missing people and found notices (mainly in Torquay) have been shared.
iii. Beware of the normal scams notices have also been shared, including Oasis ticket scams.


a. There were no actions requiring a verbal status update in the action log.


a. Payments to approve: It was resolved unanimously to approve the following payments:

Payment no Details of payment Amount GBP Paid for noting
53 Village Hall May. PC meeting 3rd June £20 and Clerk’s appraisal 25th June £10 30.00 1st Aug
VISA54 LSS Limited. Land registry search title plan. 8th July 2024 17.95 9th July
55 DALC. Being a Good Cllr 1 – Giles Sutton. Invoice no: 5926, dated 10.07.24 18.00

15.00 + 3.00 VAT

1st Aug
56 DALC. Standards in Public Life and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training – Giles Sutton. Invoice no: 5919, dated 10.07.24 36.00

30.00 + 6.00 VAT

1st Aug
57 DALC. Being a Good Cllr 2 – Giles Sutton. Invoice no: 5932, dated 25.07.24 18.00

15.00 + 3.00 VAT

1st Aug
58 Nick Mathias July mowing. Invoice no: 1868/25, dated 29.07.24 504.80 1st Aug
59 Clerk’s salary July plus £24 WFH allowance 845.20 1st Aug
60 Chair’s allowance 137.30 1st Aug
61 Woolston Accounts July payroll. Invoice no: 0446, dated 31.07.24 20.00 1st Aug
62 Nick Mathias July Road Warden. Invoice no: 1875/25, dated 05.08.24 370.88 8th Aug
63 Transfer of £180 to the Parochial Church. Money from Peter’s Falklands talk, which was accidently paid by Slapton Community Village Shop to Slapton PC instead of Slapton PCC on 11th June (minute ref: 64:24 c ii) 180.00 1st Aug
DD64 VC Warehouse August phone. Invoice no: 1014222, dated 01.08.24 11.94

9.95 + 1.99 VAT

15th Aug
65 Nick Mathias August mowing. Invoice no: 1888/25, dated 18.08.24 374.16
66 Filmbank Media Licence for 17th August Film (Community Cinema). Invoice no: 06322250, dated 19.08.24 104.40

87.00 + 17.40 VAT

67 Nick Walker Printing 20 x laminated Hazel Hurdle and 20 x laminated Halloween Event posters (CSG). Invoice no: SI-93568, dated 23.08.24 68.40

57.00 + 11.40 VAT

68 Chris Hunt Bar (Community Cinema). Invoice no 4, dated 18.08.24 78.59
Visa 69 Land Registry-Deeds, Title Plan for DN570404, Slapton Ley National Nature Reserve – Order No LRD-146181(see email) 23.94 27th Aug
70 Clerk’s salary August plus £24 WFH allowance 845.20
71 Woolston Accounts August payroll. Invoice no: 0476 dated 30.08.24 20.00
72 The British Federation of Film Societies (Cinema for All) equipment hire 29th October. Invoice no INV-3690, dated 29.08.24 50.00
73 Village Hall July. PC meeting 1st (£20) and CSG meeting 31st (£12). Invoice no: C08877/24, dated 05.08.24 32.00
74 Village Hall August. Community Cinema 17th. Invoice no: C09884/24, dated 02.09.24 50.50
DD75 VC Warehouse September phone. Invoice no: 1014355, dated 01.09.24 11.94

9.95 + 1.99 VAT


b. Balance at Bank

Balance as per bank statements on 26.08.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 0
Treasurers Account 5,662.69
Instant Access Savings Account 13,985.70
Total 19,648.39


c. Receipts summary

Receipts as per bank statements on 26.08.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account – Cardnet Sales from Community Cinema of £273.13 (Note: this money was transferred to the Treasurers Acct on 26th August 2024, hence Events Treasurers Account showing as 0 in balance above). 273.13
Treasurers Account 0
Instant Access Savings Account: July interest £14.42 and August interest £13.82 28.24
Total 301.37


81:24 AOB

a. Antisocial behaviour: Cllr Staines reported misuse of the noticeboard in the bus stop, with rude notes being left and notices being removed. Clerk advised Cllr Staines to report as antisocial behaviour to the Neighbourhood Police Officer as the person responsible is known.

b. National Landscapes: Cllr Crowson reported that National Landscapes (formerly the AONB) have been in contact with him regarding ground pollution leaching into the Ley.

c. Domestic recycling and waste bins: Cllr Mitchelmore has received a complaint that holiday rentals are leaving bins on the roadside causing possible obstruction. Clerk to investigate how this can be reported or remedied.




Next Parish Council meeting will be held on
Monday 7th October at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.


Signed:                                                                                                Date:



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