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Council Meeting – 2nd October 2023


The following Councillors are summoned to attend:
Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr J. Waters, Cllr P. Osborne and Cllr S. Lange.

Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr L. Lawford, Kate Payne (FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council held on: Monday 2nd October 2023 at Slapton Village Hall (main hall) at 7.00 pm.

If any parishioners wish to speak at the meeting, please submit your papers or questions by email to 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person.




Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether, in the light of recent activities, any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


4) POLICE REPORT: None. Neil Powers, Community Team Leader, Dartmouth has confirmed he will attend the November meeting.


Cllr L. Lawford

a. Heathfield Reservoir, Five Mile Lane, Slapton: Update on progress of investigations.
b. 1635/23/FUL – Land at Sx 816 458, Slapton: Update on progress. Target decision of 1st August 2023 – no decision to date.
c. Accessibility – note taker for Cllr.
d. AOB.

6) MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 4th September 2023, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record – see separate document (6).


a. Applications (please follow the links to South Hams District Council’s (SHDC’s) planning portal for more information)

i. 2816/23/LBC – Sloutts Farm Slapton TQ7 2PR
Listed Building Consent to replace 7no. sash & 1no. casement window(s) to the east (street facing) elevation only.

ii. 2810/23/LBC – Sloutts Farm Slapton TQ7 2PR
Listed Building Consent for replacement flat roof covering (mastic asphalt) & rotten sarking boards with GRP warm flat roof.

iii. 2882/23/VAR – Langford Down Cottage Slapton TQ7 2QD
Application for variation of conditions 2 (approved drawings) and the removal of conditions 4 & 5 (landscaping) of planning consent 4213/22/HHO.

iv. 2964/23/VAR – Carlane Lodge Carr Lane Slapton TQ7 2PU
Application for Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of granted planning consent 3599/16/VAR.

b. Decisions (for information only – please see SHDC website for more information): None.

c. Trees Works: None.

d. Withdrawn: None.


a. Governance: quarterly tasks – see separate document (8a).
b. Winter resilience: Snow Warden, Snow Warden volunteers and Snow Warden plan: Who, what, when, where, how? – see separate documents (8b i and 8b ii).


a. Community grants from Slapton Parish Council: Does the PC approve the notice and application form? See separate documents (9a i and 9a ii).
b. Funding opportunities for Slapton Parish Council: Which grants does the PC wish the Clerk to apply for? – see separate document (9b).
c. Cleaning dates for village drain clean: When would the PC like the village drain clean to take place?
d. Armistice Day wreaths: Would the PC like wreaths to be ordered for the Church and Memorial Car Park war memorials or just the Church? How much does the PC want to spend? Who will lay the wreath? When? Poppy Wreaths – Poppy Shop UK


a. Village map – pending beach monument relocation.
b. Logo/branding – pending motion from working party meeting (25/09/23) to be added to the agenda for November or December.
c. Vision/mission statement – pending resolution on logo/branding.


a. See separate documents (11a and Annexes).


a. The Tower.
b. Logo/branding.


a. Cllr J. Abbey: Update on items in the action log – see separate document (13a).


a. Payments to approve – see separate document (14a).

65 Village Hall Hire Costs: 1x Highways working party meeting (August 2023) Invoice no: C09733/23 dated 6th September 2023 20.00 25-Sep

66 High Speed Training (safeguarding essentials Level 1) Invoice no: 2021438 dated 11th September 2023 378.00 25-Sep

67 Nick Mathias – Grass cutting tasks for September 2023 – Invoice no: 1685/24 dated 14/09/23 344.49 25-Sep

68 Nick Walker Printing Ltd – A5 flyers and A3 posters (as per quotes) Invoice no: SL-91786 dated 14/09/23 75.00 25-Sep

69 Nick Walker Printing Ltd – Replacement for one side of Rec Field Sign (as per quote) Invoice no: SL-91801 dated 14/09/23 183.60 25-Sep

70 Nick Walker Printing Ltd – volunteer post cards (as per quote) Invoice no: SL-91806 dated 14/09/23 44.40 25-Sep

71 Clerk’s salary September (40 hours) plus £24 WFH allowance TBC

72 Payment to HMRC – tax on Clerk’s salary. Please make payment to: HMRC Cumbernauld 08-32-10 12001039. Quote: XXXX TBC

73 Woolston Accountants – September Payroll. Invoice no: XX dated XX/XX/23 20.00

74 VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – September Invoice no: 1012100 dated 01/09/23 11.94 9.95 + 1.99 VAT Paid DD 15 September

75 Nick Mathias – September Road Warden – Invoice no:1696/24 dated 25/09/28 405.00

76 Ian Tomlinson – Invoice no: 9060 dated 26/09/23. Remote Business IT Support to remove Lou and setup 2x new parish council email accounts 90.00 75.00 + 15.00 VAT

b. Balance at Bank @ 25/09/23: £29,757.14
i. Treasurers Account: £17,214.19
ii. Instant Access Savings Account: £12,542.95

c. Receipts summary
i. Treasurers Account: £12,938.00
ii. Instant Access Savings Account interest: £12.42
iii. Total Receipts: £12,950.42

15) AOB

Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on
Monday 6th November at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.

Signed: Bella Moor, Clerk 25th September 2023

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Slapton Village Hall on Monday 3rd October 2023 at 7pm

Those in attendance:
Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr S. Lange, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr I. Luscombe, Cllr L. Lawford (arrived 7.00 pm and left 7.08 pm), Cllr J. Brazil (arrived at 7.42 pm and left 8.00 pm).

No members of the public attended.

59.23 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr P. Osborne and Cllr J. Waters sent apologies – both are on holiday.

60:23 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr I. Luscombe declared an interest in Planning Application 2964/23/VAR – Carlane Lodge Carr Lane Slapton TQ7 2PU as he works on the site. Cllr I. Luscombe will not vote on the resolution about SPC’s comment. Cllr C. Staines declared an interest in discussions about Slapton Parish Council Community Grant Applications as he is a member of the Parochial Parish Council, who applied for a grant in 2022-23. Cllr C. Staines will not vote on the resolution about awarding funds to the Parochial Parish Council.


62:23 POLICE REPORT: None. Neil Powers, Community Team Leader, Dartmouth has confirmed he will attend the November meeting.


a. Waste boxes update: Those residents still using bin bags and not boxes will be provided with boxes. Food caddies will also be sent out. However, there will be a delay due to an issue with the production line in Ireland so these are likely to be received in February 2024.
b. Executive meeting update: Decision made that Care Leavers will not be charged Council Tax.
c. Slapton Line Partnership meeting update: Cllr L. Lawford, Cllr J. Brazil and HJA (Economic Impact Assessment Consultants) will attend the meeting on 20th October 2023.
d. Planning updates: Cllr L. Lawford has contacted planning for updates on Heathfield Reservoir, Five Mile Lane, Slapton. She has not received a response but is aware that discussions are underway with the owners. She did not have an update on the status of 1635/23/FUL – Land at Sx 816 458, Slapton and will follow this up to determine whether SPC’s objections have been considered and what the current status is as the target determination date was 1st August 2023. Cllr L. Lawford to determine current status of 1635/23/FUL planning application.
e. Cllr J. Abbey, Cllr M. Crowson and Cllr. Lawford discussed accessibility for Cllr M. Crowson for the Slapton Line Partnership meeting on 20th October 2023 at Follaton House. Cllr L. Lawford agreed to look into the possibility of a note taker for Cllr M. Crowson. Cllr L. Lawford to follow this up and advise Clerk if a note taker will be available.

64:23 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 4th September 2023: It was resolved unanimously that the minutes should be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.


a. Applications

i. 2816/23/LBC – Sloutts Farm Slapton TQ7 2PR
Listed Building Consent to replace 7no. sash & 1no. casement window(s) to the east (street facing) elevation only.
Proposed by Cllr I. Mitchelmore, seconded by Cllr S. Lange and resolved unanimously to submit ‘No Comment’ to SHDC. Clerk to submit.

ii. 2810/23/LBC – Sloutts Farm Slapton TQ7 2PR
Listed Building Consent for replacement flat roof covering (mastic asphalt) & rotten sarking boards with GRP warm flat roof.
Proposed by Cllr I. Mitchelmore, seconded by Cllr S. Lange and resolved unanimously to submit ‘No Comment’ to SHDC. Clerk to submit.

iii. 2882/23/VAR – Langford Down Cottage Slapton TQ7 2QD
Application for variation of conditions 2 (approved drawings) and the removal of conditions 4 & 5 (landscaping) of planning consent 4213/22/HHO.
Proposed by Cllr I. Mitchelmore, seconded by Cllr S. Lange and resolved unanimously to submit ‘No Comment’ to SHDC. Clerk to submit.

iv. 2964/23/VAR – Carlane Lodge Carr Lane Slapton TQ7 2PU
Application for Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of granted planning consent 3599/16/VAR.
Proposed by Cllr I. Mitchelmore, seconded by Cllr S. Lange and resolved unanimously to submit ‘No Comment’ to SHDC. Cllr I. Luscombe did not vote on this resolution (see minute ref: 60:23 Declarations of Interest). Clerk to submit.

b. Decisions: None.

c. Trees Works: None.

d. Withdrawn: None.


a. Governance: quarterly tasks: Discussions about upcoming/outstanding quarterly tasks.
i. Accounting and financial Governance: Clerk has already completed 2nd quarterly forecasts. Clerk to arrange November meeting for setting precept/budget and December meeting to complete 3rd quarterly forecasts with Cllr J. Abbey, Cllr P. Osborne and Cllr S. Lange.
ii. Assets: Clerk to prepare asset conditions monitoring forms and send to Cllr I. Mitchelmore and Cllr I. Luscombe, who will conduct the monitoring and liaise with Nick Mathias regarding condition of Road Warden assets.
iii. Communication: Clerk to ensure Cllrs responsible for monitoring noticeboards, Facebook pages and Website are made aware if there is any non-compliance with statutory requirements. Clerk to begin to post on CSG Facebook page.
iv. Highways and Road Safety: Clerk to provide Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr J. Waters and Cllr I. Luscombe with map or buddle holes, drains and schedule of works. Cllrs to arrange time and date to conduct monitoring before end of November.
v. HR: All training necessary already booked for 2023/24.
vi. PROW and mowing: Clerk to provide map of PROWs, agreed PROW works for 2023-24 and Mowing schedule and arrange time to monitor with Cllr S. Lange and Cllr. I Luscombe.
vii. First Aid: Clerk to check first aid equipment as stored at her house. Cllr S. Lange requested an update on defibrillators. Schedule and update for new SWAFST defibrillator provided in Clerk’s reports for August and September. Clerk confirmed order has been placed, invoice is awaited and it will take a few weeks for this to be ready for installation. Clerk and Cllrs to continue to check green light on existing defibrillator in the meantime.

b. Winter resilience: Snow Warden, Snow Warden volunteers and Snow Plan: Discussion about the need to not overcomplicate the plan as this has historically worked very well informally. Clerk advised that the Snow Plan should be an annex to SPC’s Emergency Plan (which still needs to be completed) and should be kept to a page or two but must contain contact names, numbers, route maps, location of salt boxes, reporting of salt levels etc. Further discussion about where Highways’ responsibilities begin and end and whether payments are available to farmers for clearing snow etc. Cllr I. Mitchelmore to confirm whether Mr K. Widger will continue to lead as Snow Warden. Clerk to confirm Highways and Parish Council responsibilities, find out if payments to farmers are available, provide maps and an outline snow plan – the details of which are to be completed by Cllr I. Mitchelmore, Cllr J. Waters and Cllr. I Luscombe for approval by the full council.


a. A379 Slapton Line:
i. Planning Application will be submitted by DCC.
ii. Slapton Line Partnership Meeting on 20th October 2023 will provide an opportunity to talk to HJA about their methodology and tender process.
iii. There is agreement to extend the consultation area and that HJA will meet some businesses.
iv. Anthony Mangnall MP will chair the meeting. If SPC would like to add items to the agenda, copy Anthony Mangnall and Dan Field.
v. A draft adaptation plan has been produced by Dan Field and will be discussed at the meeting. Changing a coastline management plan is difficult so Dan Field is trying to work within those confines.

b. Road closures: A379 East Charleton drainage – daytime full closure (09:00-15:30) then Traffic Management. The planned on-site working hours will be Monday 13th November until Monday 4th December 2023. Clerk has added to website already and will include details in next Fortnightly Update for Councillors.

c. Memorial Car Park: Confirmation that the gate without height restrictions should be open – it has been agreed that this will remain open so that Motorhomes can access the car park outside of peak season.


a. Community grants from Slapton Parish Council: Does the PC approve the notice and application form? Cllr S. Lange proposed, Cllr I. Mitchelmore seconded and it was resolved unanimously to approve the notice and application form. Cllr S. Lange proposed, Cllr I. Mitchelmore seconded and it was resolved unanimously that the Parochial Parish Council be awarded funds of £250 for upkeep (mowing) around the war memorial and that they do not need to apply for a community grant. Cllr C. Staines did not vote on this resolution (see minute ref: 60:23 Declarations of Interest). Clerk to post notices on noticeboards and website. Clerk to notify Parochial Parish Council that they do not need to apply for a community grant and arrange payment of £250.
b. Funding opportunities for Slapton Parish Council: Which grants does the PC wish the Clerk to apply for? Cllr M. Crowson reported that he has registered interest in the Farming in Protected Landscapes funding. Cllr S. Lange proposed, Cllr J. Abbey seconded and the following was resolved unanimously:
i. Any funds that might be applicable to village clubs/groups using the Village Hall should be shared directly by the Clerk with the Village Hall Secretary.
ii. Any funds that might be applicable to the Parochial Parish Council should be shared directly by the Clerk with the Parochial Parish Council Treasurer.
iii. The Clerk will investigate whether the Parish Council can obtain a grant to support the Parochial Parish Council with the costs of running the Church Café from April to September as it serves the whole community.
iv. The Clerk will apply for DCC Devon Emergency Resilience Funding to support development of an emergency plan and possibly towards a generator.
v. Slapton Parish Council should have a neighbourhood plan and the Clerk should investigate the Locality grants and technical support packages available for developing a neighbourhood plan.
c. Cleaning dates for village drain clean: When would the PC like the village drain clean to take place? Cllr I. Luscombe proposed, Cllr S. Lange seconded and it was resolved unanimously that the village drain clean should be booked for early December. Clerk to obtain quotes.
d. Armistice Day wreaths: Would the PC like wreaths to be ordered for the Church and Memorial Car Park war memorials or just the Church? How much does the PC want to spend? Who will lay the wreath? When? Cllr C. Staines proposed, Cllr I. Mitchelmore seconded and it was resolved unanimously that a wreath to the value of approximately £20 should be purchased for the Church war memorial, for collection by Cllr C. Staines from the shop, and that Mrs S. Sullock should be asked if she would be happy to place the wreath on Armistice Day. Clerk to order wreath and liaise with Cllr C. Staines and Mrs S. Sullock.


a. Village map – pending beach monument relocation.
b. Logo/branding – pending motion from working party meeting (25/09/23) to be added to the agenda for November or December.
c. Vision/mission statement – pending resolution on logo/branding.

70:23 CLERK’S REPORT (see separate document 11a).

a. Clerk requested a Bank Reconciliation to be signed by the Chair and another Cllr.
b. Amounts for payments 71 and 72 were confirmed and invoice number/date given for payment 73 (see minute ref: 73:23).


a. The Tower: English Heritage and Devon Buildings Control are concerned about the condition. They are in communication with each other and the owner. There is no more that the PC can do.
b. Logo/branding: Meeting last week was useful and there are some ideas about how to move forward with this.


a. Review of Action Log: Chair provided update on status of outstanding actions.


a. Payments to approve: Cllr J. Abbey proposed, Cllr I. Mitchelmore seconded and it was resolved unanimously to approve all payments below. Clerk to prepare bank payments for authorisation.

BACs no Payee and details Amount £ Paid for noting
September Invoices Paid October
65 Village Hall Hire Costs: 1x Highways working party meeting (August 2023) Invoice no: C09733/23 dated 6th September 2023 20.00 25-Sep


66 High Speed Training (safeguarding essentials Level 1) Invoice no: 2021438 dated 11th September 2023 378.00 25-Sep


67 Nick Mathias – Grass cutting tasks for September 2023 – Invoice no: 1685/24 dated 14/09/23 344.49 25-Sep


68 Nick Walker Printing Ltd – A5 flyers and A3 posters (as per quotes) Invoice no: SL-91786 dated 14/09/23 75.00 25-Sep


69 Nick Walker Printing Ltd – Replacement for one side of Rec Field Sign (as per quote) Invoice no: SL-91801 dated 14/09/23 183.60 25-Sep


70 Nick Walker Printing Ltd – volunteer post cards (as per quote) Invoice no: SL-91806 dated 14/09/23 44.40 25-Sep


71 Clerk’s salary September (40 hours) plus £24 WFH allowance 783.20


72 Payment to HMRC – tax on Clerk’s salary. Please make payment to: HMRC Cumbernauld 08-32-10 12001039. Quote:120PA003048122406 62.00


73 Woolston Accountants – September Payroll. Invoice no: 0163 dated 29/0923 20.00
74 VC Warehouse PC/CSG VOIP line – September Invoice no: 1012100 dated 01/09/23 11.94 9.95 + 1.99 VAT 11.94

9.95 + 1.99 VAT

Paid DD 15 September
75 Nick Mathias – September Road Warden – Invoice no:1696/24 dated 25/09/28 405.00
76 Ian Tomlinson – Invoice no: 9060 dated 26/09/23.  Remote Business IT Support to remove Lou and setup 2x new parish council email accounts 90.00

75.00 + 15.00 VAT


74:23 AOB

  1. Cllr C. Staines reported cards, posters and drawing pins on the floor in bus stop. Clerk added that personal notes, which do not relate to events, services etc., had been left in the bus stop recently and that they would forward pictures to the Chair. Clerk to forward pictures, check bus stop displays and ensure the bus stop is clean and tidy. Chair to follow up on personal notes left in bus stop.
  2. Cllr I. Mitchelmore reported that the Pandemic Artwork has now been handed over to the Clerk and explained an increase in costs of both printing and fabric meant that the project could not be finalised. Cllr J. Abbey thanked Cllr I. Mitchelmore for organising the handover and Mr J. Curtis for his help to date. Cllr J. Abby proposed, Cllr I. Mitchelmore seconded and it was resolved unanimously that funding sources to cover additional costs should be investigated. Clerk to investigate possible funding opportunities and update Cllrs.

 Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on Monday 6th November at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.

Signed:                                                                                    Date:





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