Council Meeting – 2nd December 2024
The following Councillors are summoned to attend:
Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr I. Mitchelmore (Vice Chair), Cllr C. Staines, Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr J. Waters, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr S. Lange, Cllr I. Luscombe and Cllr G. Sutton.
The next meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 2nd December, at Slapton Village Hall (main hall), at 7.00 pm.
Cllr J. Brazil, Cllr L. Lawford and members of the public are invited to attend.
If any parishioners wish to speak at the meeting, please submit your papers or questions by email to 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person.
1) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Does the PC resolve to accept the reasons for the apologies for absence from…?
Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether, in the light of recent activities, any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
a. Cllr J. Brazil
b. Cllr L. Lawford
6) MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON 4th November 2024, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record – See separate document (6)
a. Applications (for resolution)
i. 3516/24/HHO Quack Cottage Hansel TQ6 0LN
Householder application for two storey rear extension & demolition of conservatory
PC to comment by 12.12.24
b. Decisions (for information only)
i. 2027/24/LBC Coltscombe Court Slapton TQ7 2QE
Listed Building Consent to replace existing UPVC windows with new timber windows
SHDC Decision: Conditional Approval 08.10.24
d. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment): None
c. Withdrawn (for information only): None
a) Budget setting year end 25-26: Would the PC like a budget setting working party meeting in December?
b) Slapton Wastewater Treatment Works: Would the PC still like the Clerk to arrange an online meeting with the Environment Agency (EA) regarding Slapton Wastewater Treatment Works, following receipt of the EA’s response to the PC’s enquiry? See separate document 9b
c) Highways: Are there any additional matters that the PC would like to raise with John Fewings, when the Chair and Cllr Osborne meet with him? See separate document 9c
d) Internal Audit: Does the PC wish to use Devon Assurance (formerly Audit) Partnerships to carry out the Internal Audit for year end 24-25 (2 days at £347 + VAT per day)?
e) Parish Council Meeting Dates 2025: Does the PC approve the dates suggested? See separate document 9e
a. Verbal update from Clerk on any matters arising since November’s PC meeting.
a. Verbal update from Chair on any matters arising since November’s PC meeting.
a. Verbal update from Cllr Sutton on OPCC
a. Cllr and Clerk updates on any pending actions/actions requiring a status update in the action log – See separate document (14a).
a. Payments to approve: Does the PC approve the payments below, which have been examined, verified and certified by the Clerk and RFO? See separate documents (15a).
Payment no | Details of payment | Amount GBP | Paid for noting |
107 | Chris Hunt Bar (Community Cinema). Invoice no 5, dated 27.10.24 | 111.48 | |
108 | Village Hall: CSG meeting 23rd Oct and PC meeting 7th Nov 2024. Invoice no: C11920/24/24, dated 05.11.24 | 30.00 | |
109 | Village Hall: Children’s Halloween Event 26th Oct. Invoice no: C11918/24/24, dated 05.11.24 | 64.00 | |
110 | Village Hall: Community Cinema 26th Oct. Invoice no: C11918/24/24, dated 05.11.24 | 45.50 | |
111 | Parish Online (online mapping software) annual payment. Invoice no: 18UG043-0009, dated 10.11.24 | 48.00
40.00 + 8.00 |
*Any additional November invoices received before the meeting will be shared at the meeting.
b. Balance at bank
Balance as per bank statements on 25.11.24 | Amount GBP |
Events Treasurers Account | 0 |
Treasurers Account | 12,617.77 |
Instant Access Savings Account | 14,021.75 |
Total | 26,639.52 |
c. Receipts summary
Receipts as per bank statements on 29.10.24 | Amount GBP |
Events Treasurers Account (card payments from Oct Community Cinema) transferred to Treasurers Acct on 25.11.24 | 307.51 |
Treasurers Account | 0 |
Instant Access Savings Account (October interest) | 12.67 |
Total | 320.18 |
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on
Monday 6th January 2025 at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Signed: Bella Moor, Clerk
Date: 25th November 2024
Those in attendance: Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr I. Luscombe, Cllr S. Lange, Cllr P. Osborne and Cllr G. Sutton. Cllr L. Lawford (arrived 7.00pm) and Cllr J. Brazil (arrived 7.10 pm) – both left at about 7.40 pm.
No members of the public were in attendance.
115:24 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: The PC resolved unanimously to accept the reasons for the apologies for absence from Cllr C. Staines, Cllr I. Mitchelmore and Cllr J. Waters.
No disclosable interests were declared by any Cllrs.
118:24 POLICE REPORT: None
a. Cllr J. Brazil
i. Household support fund: This has been extended to 2026 for those vulnerable in the community, including care leavers, ex-military personnel and pensioners who are no longer eligible for the winter fuel allowance but are still on a low income. SHDC has a good database but If the PC is aware of anyone struggling, with their permission, they can refer them via Cllr Lawford or Cllr Brazil. Cllr Brazil emphasised that SHDC do want to know if someone needs support. Cllr Lawford to send email address to use to the Chair. Clerk to add support available to website.
ii. Full County Council meeting: This will be on Thursday. There will be discussions about the SEND budget and how savings will be made. A motion has been brought forward about inheritance tax on farmers, which will be interesting as it affects many in our area.
iii. Devolution deal: There are rumours that there will be a Devon and Cornwall devolution deal. The devolution white paper will be out on Wednesday. The Cornish are reluctant but if they go in with Devon, Plymouth and Torbay there will be a financial incentive. This may result in local government being reorganised into single tier local authorities and there will be no more district councils.
iv. SLP Adaptation Manager: Should be employed before Christmas. This will hopefully help move things forward.
b. Cllr L. Lawford
i. Cllr Lawford shared her disappointment in the response received from Lilian Greenwood (Minister for Future of Roads) to Caroline Voaden MP’s requests for funding in relation to the Slapton Line. Cllr Abbey read the Minister for the Future of Roads response to the PC. Cllr Brazil shared that he too was disappointed. Both have contacted Caroline Voaden MP to ask what next. The PC discussed this further and feel that this poor response should be followed up both through the Slapton Line Partnership and directly with Caroline Voaden MP. Cllr Brazil clarified that he will follow up to find out when Lilian Greenwood’s officials intend to meet DCC to discuss this.
ii. Cllr Ralph Clarke (Chair of Strete Parish Council) has started a petition but you have to pay to sign it or share it on social media.
iii. There will be free car parking on several dates in Town Centres across South Hams to encourage Christmas shopping. Dates can be found here: SHDC is offering free town centre parking this Christmas – South Devon News |
iv. Christmas events are also taking place in the Towns Christmas in the South Hams | South Hams District Council
v. From this week, upholstery (sofas and chairs) is no longer being accepted at recycling centres, with the exception of Ivybridge, as there are new requirements regarding storage and handling from the Environment Agency.
vi. East Allington and Blackawton would like to join the Slapton Line Partnership.
120:24 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON 4th November 2024 were agreed unanimously and signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a. Applications (for resolution)
i. 3516/24/HHO Quack Cottage Hansel TQ6 0LN
Householder application for two storey rear extension & demolition of conservatory
PC to comment by 12.12.24
b. Decisions (for information only)
i. 2027/24/LBC Coltscombe Court Slapton TQ7 2QE
Listed Building Consent to replace existing UPVC windows with new timber windows
SHDC Decision: Conditional Approval 08.10.24
d. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment): None
c. Withdrawn (for information only): None
a. Budget setting year end 25-26: Would the PC like a budget setting working party meeting in December? Cllr Lange proposed, Cllr Osborne seconded and the PC resolved unanimously that they would like a working party meeting. Clerk to action.
b. Slapton Wastewater Treatment Works: Would the PC still like the Clerk to arrange an online meeting with the Environment Agency (EA) regarding Slapton Wastewater Treatment Works, following receipt of the EA’s response to the PC’s enquiry? Cllr Lange proposed, Cllr Luscombe seconded and the PC resolved unanimously that they would like to go ahead with an online meeting with the EA. Clerk to action.
c. Highways: Are there any additional matters that the PC would like to raise with John Fewings, when the Chair and Cllr Osborne meet with him? The Cllrs agreed that all points were covered in the document shared and it was resolved unanimously that no other issues or questions need to be added.
d. Internal Audit: Does the PC wish to use Devon Assurance (formerly Audit) Partnerships to carry out the Internal Audit for year end 24-25 (2 days at £347 + VAT per day)? There was discussion about whether the PC is obliged to have an Internal Audit, what the costs were last year and why the PC needs an External Audit. Clerk to provide information on both and add this to the agenda again in January. Clerk to action.
e. Parish Council Meeting Dates 2025: Does the PC approve the dates suggested? Cllr Luscombe proposed, Cllr Giles seconded and the PC resolved unanimously to agree the suggested dates, which can be posted on noticeboards and the PC’s website. Clerk to action.
a. Verbal update from Clerk on any matters arising since November’s PC meeting. This was not given as the Clerk was absent due to illness.
a. Verbal update from Chair on any matters arising since November’s PC meeting:
i. South West Water Road Show Event @ Thurlestone Village Hall: Cllr Abbey met the Manager of Slapton’s Waste Water Treatment Works (Rod Redding), who confirmed that pumps and pipes have been upgraded, there are more controls at Torr Cross and this means fewer tankers collecting sludge. Cllr Abbey mentioned the issues at Kimberley Nurseries to Rod Redding, who has agreed to visit with maps etc. Kimberley Nurseries has separately confirmed there is monitoring happening on their land and elsewhere in the village too. Cllr Abbey understands that the FSC are also involved in monitoring now as well because they are concerned about the water quality.
ii. Chillington Medical Practice: Cllr Abbey received an email about their patient participation group. Details can be found here: Chillington Health Centre – Slapton Parish Council
iii. Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement Training Day @ Follaton House: Cllr Abbey summarised the presentations, which were about:
• policies, procedures and volunteers
• Job Centres encouraging those without jobs to volunteer to build up their skills
• a case study/information provided by Volunteer Cornwall
• the national ‘Social Credits’ scheme, where larger companies give staff 2 days a year off to volunteer
• Timebank in Ivybridge explaining how the scheme works – a give and take credit scheme
• getting the most out of social media: Rule of 3, tell them three times. Presenter will donate 2 hours of his time for the people who attended. Cllr Abbey will ask him if he might help with the logo. Cllr Abbey to action.
• Cllr Abbey to forward slides to Cllr Osborne.
iv. James McInnes presentation in Ivybridge: Cllr Abbey attended the presentation which mainly focused on devolution and key priorities e.g. Special Needs spending. Richard Fosse (now a Cllr in Modbury) brought up the condition of the roads and Highways but this was fiercely rebutted and deflected.
v. Meeting with John Fewings: Cllr Abbey and Cllr Osborne have arranged a meeting with him on 15th January in Slapton.
vi. Adaptation Manager Role: Recruitment is underway. Cllr Abbey will catch up with Cllr Ralph Clarke (who has taken up the lead on all things SLP on Strete’s behalf).
vii. Broadband: Cllr Abbey summarised the cessation of the roll out of broadband in the Parish and explained that Cllr Ralph Clarke has also taken up this issue.
viii. Fire Service and Audiology: Cllr Abbey asked whether either would like to attend the Community Café but Audiology will not run a hearing aid clinic here in Slapton. She intends to ask Caroline Voaden, MP and Healthwatch to attend.
a. Verbal update from Cllr Sutton on OPCC:
i. Christmas Drink Drive Campaign called ‘Lift Legend’ which ensures designated drivers get 2nd soft drink free, runs from 1st December to 1st January and was successful last year.
ii. No further update on the suspension of the acting Chief Constable.
iii. PCO visited Community Café – she was lovely, well received and stayed to the end. Cllr Sutton hopes that Ed the Sergeant will be able to come in the new year. He would like this advertised with posters etc. There was a discussion about what the purpose of this visit would be and what it would look like. Cllrs were agreed that it would be worthwhile. Clerk to action posters etc once date confirmed.
b. Emergency Plan: Cllr Osborne confirmed that himself, Cllr Lange and the Clerk have been working on the plan, which is now drafted but needs some additional information (e.g. names and telephone numbers) that Cllrs may be able to provide. Clerk to circulate to Cllrs for their input before next PC meeting.
a. Payments to approve: Does the PC approve the payments below, which have been examined, verified and certified by the Clerk and RFO? Cllr Osborne proposed, Cllr Sutton seconded and it was resolved unanimously to make the payments detailed below.
Payment no | Details of payment | Amount GBP | Paid for noting |
107 | Chris Hunt Bar (Community Cinema). Invoice no 5, dated 27.10.24 | 111.48 | |
108 | Village Hall: CSG meeting 23rd Oct and PC meeting 7th Nov 2024. Invoice no: C11920/24/24, dated 05.11.24 | 30.00 | |
109 | Village Hall: Children’s Halloween Event 26th Oct. Invoice no: C11918/24/24, dated 05.11.24 | 64.00 | |
110 | Village Hall: Community Cinema 26th Oct. Invoice no: C11918/24/24, dated 05.11.24 | 45.50 | |
111 | Parish Online (online mapping software) annual payment. Invoice no: 18UG043-0009, dated 10.11.24 | 48.00
40.00 + 8.00 |
112 | Nick Mathias November Road Warden. Invoice no 1954: , dated 28.11.24 | 368.63 | |
113 | Clerk’s salary November plus £24 WFH allowance | 845.20 | |
114 | Woolston Accounts November payroll. Invoice no:INV-0580 , dated 02.12.24 | 20.00 |
b. Balance at bank
Balance as per bank statements on 25.11.24 | Amount GBP |
Events Treasurers Account | 0 |
Treasurers Account | 12,617.77 |
Instant Access Savings Account | 14,021.75 |
Total | 26,639.52 |
c. Receipts summary
Receipts as per bank statements on 29.10.24 | Amount GBP |
Events Treasurers Account (card payments from Oct Community Cinema) transferred to Treasurers Acct on 25.11.24 | 307.51 |
Treasurers Account | 0 |
Instant Access Savings Account (October interest) | 12.67 |
Total | 320.18 |
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on
Monday 6th January 2025 at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Signed: Date: