Council Meeting – 26th April 2021
Agenda – 26 April 2021
IN THE COLERIDGE HUNDRED OF THE SOUTH HAMS OF DEVON The following Councillor s are summoned to attend: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr S. Sullock, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr Gavin Wollacott.
Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr R. Foss, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.
2) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
4) POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme: Cllr D Murphy.
Cllr J Brazil:
a). Relocation of the war memorial.
Cllr R Foss:
b).SHDC motor home proposal at the Beach Car Park
c).SHDC single solution tourism report for the Slapton Line Parishes and PC/Public consultation including beach car park toilet facilities update.
d). DCC EV on street charging point scheme for Parish Councils.
6) MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 1st March 2021 if available and agreed, to be both be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a.) Monument relocation to Strete Gate.
b.) Plastic recycling scheme – Agreed to monitor parish-wide impact when live.
c.) Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed. Stock levels were confirmed at 450 at 2/2/21. Check quantity each meeting.
d.) £750 All-stars Cricket club grant – Pending permission from Cricket Club Trustees to hold the grant as ring-fenced reserves to fund initiatives which would support the physical and mental wellbeing of the parish as a whole. Update April meeting.
e.) Notice Boards – Review situation if more are required given volume of official communications – Review Spring.
f.) Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify. g.) Leet on Carr Lane – Schedule repairs in Spring.
h.) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline.
0362/21/FUL – Land at Dittiscombe, Slapton. TQ7 2QG Proposal: Provision of a temporary agricultural workers dwelling (mobile home).
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
0125/21/TCA – Sloutts Farm, Slapton, TQ7 2PR
Proposal: T79: Silver Birch – Fell due to lean towards highway and car park. T80: Oak-Crown height reduction by 1m. T81: Oak – Crown height reduction by 1m. T82: Oak – Crown height reduction by 1.5m. T83: Liquid Amber – Crown height reduction by 2m.
Decision: No Objection.
4094/20/HHO – Thorn, Slapton. TQ72RD
Proposal – Householder application for new extension with new external door formed from window and associated landscaping.
Decision: Conditional approval.
4095/20/HHO – Thorn, Slapton. TQ72RD
Proposal – Listed building consent for new extension with new external door formed from window and associated landscaping.
Decision: Conditional approval.
3923/20/ARC – Fern Acre, Slapton TQ7
Proposal – Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 4, 7 9 and 11 on Planning Application 2660/19/FUL
Decision: Discharge of condition approved.
a) DALC Remote meeting legislation briefing: Agree PC position and actions required post May 7th 2021.
b) Risk register: Review /approval for resolution next meeting for audit.
c) Financial Model Regs – Review/approve for resolution for audit.
d) AGAR Part 2 – 2020-21
a. Chair to Sign Certificate of Exemption 2020-21.
b. PC to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 / Chair to sign.
c. PC to approve the Accounting Statement 2020-21 / Chair to sign.
e) CSG Committee: Agree revised Terms of Reference and committee members for resolution and the date of the next annual meeting.
f) Parishioner complaint re damage to trees and verges on Prospect Hill by two articulated lorries.
g) Maintenance:
a. Playing field – Update on repairs to fence posts and gate.
b. Mowing – Results of the March mowing trial, next steps re end April mowing plan.
h) Informal traffic survey wef 12 April 2021 – agree dates, times, volunteers.
i) DALC Parish online service:…
j) Draft Resource and Waste Strategy for Devon and Torbay consultation – PC response, deadline 14th April..…
k) Climate and Ecological emergency bill (CEE Bill):
a. To propose to approve for resolution to update the PC Assets register value from £12,387.83 to £12,582.36 to include additional Road and Snow Warden Kit purchased Jan 2021.
b. To propose for resolution to make the Road Wardens monthly hours a permanent annually renewable schedule of works with effect from 1 April 2021.
c. To propose for resolution to carry forward 1 week of the clerks annual leave and 1 week to be paid in cash in lieu.
For information only:
- 4 CSG Facebook and 15 PC website posts drafted have been scheduled and posted across the month to relay Government covid-19 related updates to the community.
- DALC –Clerk and Chairs Remote zoom meeting briefing attendance.
- Maintenance reporting:
- Liaison with Road Warden – March road warden work brief / Mowing and maintenance contract confirmation, pothole survey report.
- Correspondence has been sent to 5 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
- SHDC: Liaison with SHDC re Cllrs on-boarding/resignation / zoom traffic management meeting attendance with Chair.
- PC policy documents: Review/ updating of PC Standing Orders, Financial Regs and Risk register.
- All AGAR forms completed for signing,
- Update on Cllr resignation and vacancies.
- Update on meeting with John Fewings.
- Update on Gazette article.
a) The council to approve the below payments and the year-end bank reconciliation:
- 252/20 £35.41 DALC – x 9 copies of the Good Cllrs Guide Invoice 2596 dated 23/2/21 (Paid 2/3/21 for noting).
- 253/20 £100.00 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work Buddle Holes- 23/2 Feb / Invoice 1265/21 dated 26/2/21. (Paid 2/3/21 for noting).
- 254/20 £11.98 VC Warehouse – 10th payment – C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. (Paid 15/3/21 by DD. Invoice 1008622for noting).
- 255/20 £287.00 Nick Walker Printers (Slapton Lines Feb/March Covid edition – SHDC covid prompt action fund grant. Invoice ref 87036, 3.3.21 (Paid 4/3/21 for noting).
- S/0 £256.00 L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – March 21 (Paid 1/4/21 for noting).
- 256/20 £278.25 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – 14.5 hrs + £10 Kit hire – Invoice 1268/21 dated 16/3/21. (Paid 24/3/21 for noting).
- 257/20 £70.50 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – Yellow sign repair and installation – Invoice Q1270/21 dated 21/3/21 (Paid 24/3/21 for noting).
- 258/20 £404.25 Nick Mathias – Village Mowing Biodiversity trial – Invoice 1269/21 dated 21/3/21 (Paid 24/3/21 for noting).
- 1/21 £206.80 Clerks Overtime, monthly expenses and re-imbursement of Annual leave 2021-21 (March 2021)
- 2/21 £115.18 DALC annual membership renewal 2021- invoice 2165.
- 3/21 £11.94 VC Warehouse – CSG Helpline rental April fee. Invoice 1008757, 1/4/21.
- 4/21 £250.00 Parochial Church – Annual Churchyard Grant.
- 5/21 £110.37 Annual Zoom Licence Renewal (Funded from Nov 21 SHDC Covid-19 support grant). Paid 8/4/21 for noting April agenda. Invoice Ref P-85450305 – Refund to Clerk. Paid by Credit Card.
- 6/21 £ 302.40 Annual Drop Box Licence renewal – 14/4/21. Refund to clerk – Paid by auto renewal to Clerks credit card on 14/4/21.
b) Balance at Bank 07/04/2021, £13,040.49,
c) 1st Precept Payment remittance advice notice received 8/4/21 £7,356.50.
d) VAT refund claim submitted 4th March 2021 £1,212.69, Refund pending.
e) Year-end bank reconciliation completed.
f) AGAR submission completed.
g) Internal Audit date scheduled for 1 June 2021.
h) Localities Grant received 12/3/21, £788.00 (Bins and tourism support).
i) Five 2020 Road Warden grants are still pending reply from DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund.
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th May 2021 at 7.00pm by Zoom Video Conference due to Government social distancing restrictions.
Minutes – April 2021
Due to the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh and to comply with statutory meeting notice periods, the meeting was postponed from 4th April to 26th April 2021.
Present: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey, Cllr S Gorman, Cllr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr C Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr G Wollacott.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R Foss.
1-21. Apologies for absence – None.
2-21. Declarations of interest – Cllr Wollacott declared an interest in the Ben Leach Consultancy Safeguard Training invoice for approval.
3-21. Public comment – None.
4-21. Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update – Cllr D Murphy reported that Devon and Cornwall police had advised of a tractor purchase scam on ebay and to alert farmers to the scam. Clerk to add message to PC website.
If any members of the public have non urgent matters they wish to bring to the attention of their Local Policing Team, this can be reported via the Devon and Cornwall Police web-page – https://www.devon-cornwall.pol… / Find your local policing team.
5-21. County & District Councillor reports
Devon County Council (DCC) report from Cllr J Brazil:
a. Reported had received a call from a parishioner re Western Power planned roadworks at Sands Road 5th -7th May. DCC Highways were not aware and were looking into the matter to minimise disruption to parishioners.
b. Relocation of the war memorial – Draft annual maintenance plan still pending from Strete. Funding remains in place to relocate the memorial, likely autumn 2021. No update the planning application from DCC/SHDC.
c. New recycling scheme – Slapton are still to receive delivery of the recycling boxes.
d. Deer Bridge damaged Wall – Highways had now undertaken a site visit and it was hoped repair works would commence shortly.
e. SHDC Motorhomes car park proposal – (Refer SHDC update minutes below). Cllr Brazil stressed that monitoring and enforcement methods were key to the proposals success and that the trial would determine the outcome.
District report from Cllr R. Foss:
f. SHDC single solution tourism report for the Slapton Line Parishes and PC/Public consultations. Cllr Foss confirmed that this was now covered by the SHDC motorhomes beach car park proposal.
g. SHDC motorhomes beach car park proposal Cllr R Foss reported he was aware of public concerns following correspondence received by several parishioners and advised the following to help address these:
a. A 3 week public consultation period would now take place to gather feedback from parishioners who could either write to Cllr R Foss directly, or submit their views via the SHDC website: The consultation results would be reported in June to the PC.
b. Motorhomes would not be allowed to park on the edge of the car park and block the sea view. They must park 6 metres apart in bays and would only be allowed to stay for 2 days at a rate of £15 a night. This would be monitored by new ticket machines that record vehicle registration. If they refuse to move on, penalty fines will be issue by the SHDC Localities Officers who would attend the car park outside normal working hours including early morning and late night and at various times throughout the day though out the whole week including weekends. The Chair asked the monetary value of the penalty fine and what bye laws were being put in place to ensure enforcement of moving motorhome owners on as enforcement was the main area of concern for the PC. The Chair advised they had not received a reply to their letter to Judy Pearce asking for clarity and assurance on a number of points of concern over the trial. Cllr R Foss confirmed that he would ascertain the details of the penalty fine value and legislation to ensure effective enforcement and ensure a report was made back to the Chair in 3 weeks’ time after the consultation period.
c. A discussion with the PC followed and the following matters were raised to Cllr R Foss:
d. The Clerk enquired if the FSC had been consulted over the proposal and risk of damage to an SSSI due to lack of toilet facilities. The clerk advised that they had received several letters from parishioners concerned over lack of facilities and risks of human waste around the Ley and South West Costal path. Cllr R Foss advised that although £150K had been allocated for a toilet block, landowners were not forthcoming in allowing this to be installed and the only alternative was to close the car park which SHDC would not action.
e. Cllr Mitchelmore stated that if the car park was closed, people would park at the village Park and Walk (P+W) and block usage for villagers and day visitors and reported that people were already camping at the P+W and had been seen toileting in the surrounding bushes. Cllr Mitchelmore asked if ‘no camping or overnight stays’ signage could be installed at the P+W to prevent this. The clerk advised the land was owned by DCC. Cllr R Foss agreed to take this matter up with DCC Highways/Cllr J Brazil asap to arrange. Cllr J Brazil advised that only the landowner could request a bye law to make parking offences enforceable and the PC should write to Lisa Edmunds in Highways to request this be actioned by DCC.
f. Cllr Abbey asked if porta loos could be installed temporarily to provide toilet facilities. Cllr R Foss advised that the toilet chemicals were not allowed on an SSSI site and this had been considered. Cllr Wollacott asked if long-drop chemical free toilets could be installed as used at Glastonbury and would likely not need emptying over the summer season. Cllr R Foss advised would feed this request back to SHDC. Cllr Wollacott stated that all overnight stays should be directed to Strete Gate and Torcross car parks and investment made to upgrade the toilet facilities at these locations. Cllr R Foss stated Strete Gate was not currently possible as the entrance was too narrow and the slope unsuitable for Motorhomes.
g. Cllr Abbey asked if farmers could be approached to open up their fields for the summer as porta loos were allowed in fields. Cllr R Foss advised that temporary camping permits had been increased from 28 days to 56 days but did not state if this had been considered. Cllr Abbey also asked if as well as a penalty fine, clamping could also be considered as an additional deterrent.
h. The Chair asked that the beach car park be closed overnight and a low barrier installed to prevent any day vans or motorhomes from camping given the lack of toilet facilities if this pilot project is not implemented or has to be rescinded.
i. Cllr Murphy raised that wild-camping was illegal in the UK apart from Scotland and on Dartmoor and why was this being considered with no toilet facilities being in place in a protected SSI site/ AONB.
j. The Chair asked that SHDC promote the new Countryside Code to educate people on expected behaviours in rural locations as their contribution to the pilot scheme and supporting local communities.
k. Cllr Sullock asked how many motorhomes would be allowed to park overnight. Cllr R Foss advised up to 15 parking East to West, at the back of the car park and only if had on-board facilities.
l. Cllr Abbey asked if there was a hot line for the PC to contact the Localities Officers to report parking/camping incidences. Cllr R Foss agreed this needed to be set up and would progress the request.
m. Cllr Foss advised he realised this was a difficult situation but with over 365K motorhomes in the UK, there was a need to manage where they parked to prevent RTA and other highways and pollution issues. Cllr Foss asked if all Cllrs could send their individual concerns to Emma Widdicombe at SHDC. The Chair supported this request and advised they would also forward all parishioner correspondence to Cllr R Foss and Cllr J Brazil and would reply to parishioners directly to inform of the public consultation period and website link.
n. The chair concluded the discussion by requesting that Cllr R Foss write to parishioners to explain the outcome and rationale for any decisions taken by SHDC following the public consultation and that this would be published in the June edition of the Slapton Lines parish magazine.
h. Cllr R Foss reported that kick start grants were available to start-up businesses and to apply via the SHDC website.
6.21 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY MEETING HELD ON 1ST March 2021 were be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
7.21 Review of the Action Log – The draft action log was reviewed. Clerk to update as discussed at the meeting.
8.21 Matters in Abeyance
a.) Monument relocation to Strete Gate.
b.) Plastic recycling scheme – Agreed to monitor parish-wide impact when live.
c.) Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed. Stock levels were confirmed at 450 at 2/2/21. Check quantity each meeting.
d.) £750 All-stars Cricket club grant – Pending permission from Cricket Club Trustees to hold the grant as ring-fenced reserves to fund initiatives which would support the physical and mental well-being of the parish as a whole. Cllr Sullock reported permission received. Clerk to ring-fence in reserves and file the authority.
e.) Notice Boards – Review situation if more are required given volume of official communications – A notice board has been donated to the PC. Clerk to obtain quotes to add cork and potentially relocate at Greenbanks.
f.) Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify.
g.) Leet on Carr Lane – Schedule repairs in spring.
h.) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 18th May 2021.
9.21 Planning
0362/21/FUL – Land at Dittiscombe, Slapton. TQ7 2QG
Proposal: Provision of a temporary agricultural workers dwelling (mobile home). No objection.
The following applications were also reviewed having been received after the agenda was issued.
0769/21/FUL – Thorn Park, Slapton. TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Replacement dwelling. No comment.
1029/21/HHO – Hansell, Dartmouth. TQ6 0LN
Householder application for erection of sun lounge. No comment.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
0125/21/TCA – Sloutts Farm, Slapton, TQ7 2PR
Proposal: T79: Silver Birch – Fell due to lean towards highway and car park. T80: Oak-Crown height reduction by 1m. T81: Oak – Crown height reduction by 1m. T82: Oak – Crown height reduction by 1.5m. T83: Liquid Amber – Crown height reduction by 2m. Decision: No Objection.
4094/20/HHO – Thorn, Slapton. TQ72RD
Proposal – Householder application for new extension with new external door formed from window and associated landscaping. Decision: Conditional approval.
4095/20/HHO – Thorn, Slapton. TQ72RD
Proposal – Listed building consent for new extension with new external door formed from window and associated landscaping. Decision: Conditional approval.
3923/20/ARC – Fern Acre, Slapton TQ7
Proposal – Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 4, 7 9 and 11 on Planning Application 2660/19/FUL
Decision: Discharge of condition approved
10.21 Matters for discussion
a) Governments revoke of remote meeting legislation on 7th May. It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting would be held on Monday 3rd May at 6.30pm and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council at 7pm by Zoom conference call. Cllr Sullock, Cllr Staines and Cllr D Murphy to liaise with the village clubs to ask to submit a report to the Chair ahead of the meeting, or to invite to present the report in person via Zoom. Clerk to issue/publish agendas by 28th April. It was also agreed to cancel the monthly June PC meeting to allow time to purchase and test necessary IT kit and complete the required safety risk assessments to enable hybrid meetings from 8th May 2021. Cllr Wollacott/Clerk to progress. Summer monthly meetings were confirmed to run the first Monday of the month in July and September, no meetings in June and August. A planning committee is to be approved at the May meeting to enable continuation of planning matters over this period and a scheme if delegation is in place for the clerk to undertaken essential administration in consultation with 3 Cllrs. Clerk to draft planning committee terms of reference /add to agenda.
b) Risk register: The amends to the PC risk register was reviewed and approved for resolution next meeting. Clerk to add to agenda.
c) Financial Model Regs – The document was reviewed/approved and the following agreed for resolution at the next meeting. Clerk to add below to agenda a). Continuation of BACS payments to suppliers – next review 2023 b). Continuation of payment of clerk’s salary by Standing order – next review 2022 c). Credit checks not necessary for the Finance Cllrs given the risk controls in place.
d) The Council approved and the Chair wet signed the AGAR Part 2 forms below for 2020-21. Clerk to countersign and add minute references / issue to internal auditor.
a. Certificate of Exemption 2020-21.
b. Annual Governance Statement 2020/21.
c. Accounting Statement 2020-21.
e) CSG Committee: The PC reviewed/ approved the revised terms of reference, committee members and volunteer on-boarding process, for resolution at the next meeting. Clerk to add to the agenda.
f) Parishioner complaint re damage to Trees and verges on Prospect Hill by two articulated lorries. Clerk to forward to DCC highways for further consideration and reply to the parishioners.
g) Maintenance:
a. Playing field – Clerk to forward supplier contact details to Cllr Mitchelmore to follow up quote.
b. March mowing trial – It was agreed that the 3 length grass mowing/cuttings collection would continue at the playing field and the site used to monitor impact on bio-diversity. It was felt that although beneficial, the process of collecting grass cuttings following verge mowing was cost prohibitive this year and to consider and alternative approach to the work through a community volunteer road warden scheme. It was agreed that for the April cut, the road side Alexanders should be given a long cut to enable driver visibility, and left uncut on the hedge side for biodiversity. The daffodils are to be strimmed around whilst dying back. Clerk to brief road warden.
h) The dates of 29th to 31st May were agreed to operate an informal traffic survey. All Cllrs to consider speed sign locations / times of day to survey for discussion next meeting. Clerk to add to agenda.
i) DALC Parish online service:… Meeting postponed to 24th June. Clerk to add to matters in abeyance to update PC at July meeting
j) Draft Resource and Waste Strategy for Devon and Torbay consultation – PC response, deadline 14th April..… No action, deadline passed.
k) Climate and Ecological emergency bill (CEE Bill): All Cllrs to read paper. Clerk to add for discussion/resolution at next meeting based on a vote.
11.21. Proposals for resolution
a.) It was proposed by Cllr Murphy and Seconded by Cllr Sullock to resolve to update the PC Assets register value from £12,387.83 to £12,582.36 to include additional Road and Snow Warden Kit purchased Jan 2021.
b.) It was proposed by Cllr Staines and seconded by Cllr Mitchelmore to resolve to make the Road Wardens monthly hours a permanent annually renewable schedule of works with effect from 1 April 2021.
c.) It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Wollacott to resolve to carry forward 1 week of the clerk’s annual leave and 1 week to be paid in cash in lieu.
12.21. Clerk’s report
• For information only:
• 4 CSG Facebook and 15 PC website posts drafted have been scheduled and posted across the month to relay Government Covid-19 related updates to the community.
• DALC –Clerk and Chairs Remote zoom meeting briefing attendance. Zoom
• Maintenance reporting:
• Liaison with Road Warden – March road warden work brief / Mowing and maintenance contract confirmation, pothole survey report.
• Correspondence has been sent to 5 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
• SHDC: Liaison with SHDC re Cllrs on-boarding/resignation / zoom traffic management meeting attendance with Chair.
• PC policy documents: Review/ updating of PC Standing Orders, Financial Regs and Risk register.
• All AGAR forms completed for signing.
13.21. Chairs report
• The Chair thanked Cllr Murphy, Cllr Sullock and Cllr Staines for their support with the PC actions necessary for the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh and asked all Cllrs to give thought to a suitable commemorative tree and location in the parish for planning in November. Clerk to add to matters in abeyance.
• The Chair reported that they had written a personal letter of thanks to Landmarc for the essential repair works to the A379 following the March storms.
• The Chair thanked Cllr Gorman for their considerable and outstanding contribution to the parish during the pandemic. Applications from parishioners are encouraged for the 2 vacant Cllr positions which will follow a standard interview process.
• The Chair and Clerk had attended a meeting with DCC Highways senior officer John Fewings to discuss a range of traffic matters in the village. Follow up actions are being progressed including an informal speed survey over the end of May bank holiday weekend supported by Cllrs. All Cllrs to consider speed monitoring locations and times of day for discussion next meeting.
• The Chair reported that they had attended a round table meeting hosted by Anthony Mangnall to discuss climate change and impact on the A379. Chair to write to A Mangnall to ensure the PC’s concerns and views are represented.
• DCC mobile phone booster scheme mailing – It was agreed for the CSG committee to consider this at a later date along with community high speed broadband.
• The Chair reported that an apology had been sent to Slapton PC and published along with a correction in Gazette, Chronicle and associated titles re erroneous attribution of quotes 18.04.2021.
• The Chair reported that the meeting with Strete PC to discuss EV charging points has been delayed until June given start of year workloads for both PC’s.
14.21. Councillors’ reports
• Cllr Sullock – Reported 530 non-perishable food items had been donated to the food bank collection point at the end of March 2021, plus x 2 £10 cash donations. Thanks was given to everyone who has very kindly contributed and another news article would be submitted to the Kingsbridge Gazette to help maintain awareness.
• Cllr Staines – Reported that DCC Highways had cleaned the drains at the bottom of Blacksmiths hill earlier in the month.
• Cllr Mitchelmore – Reported receipt of complaints from parishioners re lack of parking in the village. The Chair asked if all could consider possible land to purchase as a residents only car park.
15.21. Financial matters
The council approved the below payments and the year-end bank reconciliation:
252/20 £35.41 DALC – x 9 copies of the Good Cllrs Guide Invoice 2596 dated 23/2/21 (Paid 2/3/21 for noting).
253/20 £100.00 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work Buddle Holes- 23/2 Feb / Invoice 1265/21 dated 26/2/21. (Paid 2/3/21 for noting).
254/20 £11.98 VC Warehouse – 10th payment – C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. (Paid 15/3/21 by DD. Invoice 1008622for noting).
255/20 £287.00 Nick Walker Printers (Slapton Lines Feb/March Covid edition – SHDC Covid-19 prompt action fund grant. Invoice ref 87036, 3.3.21 (Paid 4/3/21 for noting).
(S/O) £256.00 L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – March 21 (Paid 1/4/21 for noting).
256/20 £278.25 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – 14.5 hrs + £10 Kit hire – Invoice 1268/21 dated 16/3/21. (Paid 24/3/21 for noting).
257/20 £70.50 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – Yellow sign repair and installation – Invoice Q1270/21 dated 21/3/21 (Paid 24/3/21 for noting).
258/20 £404.25 Nick Mathias – Village Mowing Biodiversity trial – Invoice 1269/21 dated 21/3/21 (Paid 24/3/21 for noting).
1/21 £206.80 Clerks Overtime, monthly expenses and reimbursement of annual leave 2021-21 (March 2021)
2/21 £115.18 DALC annual membership renewal 2021- invoice 2165.
3/21 £11.94 VC Warehouse – CSG Helpline rental April fee. Invoice 1008757, 1/4/21
4/21 £250.00 Parochial Church – Annual Churchyard Grant.
5/21 £110.37 Annual Zoom Licence Renewal (Funded from Nov 21 SHDC Covid-19 support grant). Paid 8/4/21 for noting April agenda. Invoice Ref P-85450305 – Refund to Clerk. Paid by Credit Card.
6/21 £ 302.40 Annual Drop Box Licence renewal – 14/4/21. Refund to clerk – Paid by auto renewal to Clerks credit card on 14/4/21.
The following April payments, received after the Agenda issue date, were approved for payment and noting on the May agenda. Clerk to pay and add to May Agenda.
07/21 £75.00 Nick Mathias – Playing Field Mowing – Invoice 1278/21 dated 11/4/21 (Paid 27/4/21 for noting).
08/21 £10.80 SLCC – Clerks Exam Portfolio Guide – For exam interview. Refund as expenses to Clerk. (Paid 27/4/21 for noting)
09/21 £14.00 Duke of Edinburgh Passing – Wreath of Condolence from the Parish. Refund costs to Cllr S Sullock. (Paid 27/3/21 for noting).
10/21 £269.00 Nick Mathias – April Road Warden Work – 14 hrs + £10 Kit hire – Invoice 1285/21 dated 25/4/21. (Paid 27/3/21 for noting).
11/21 £213.50 Ben Leach Consultancy – Safeguarding Training. Invoice 1204 9/3/21. (Paid 27/4/21 for noting).
12/21 £18.00 DALC Good Cllr Session 1 Training, Cllr J Abbey – Invoice 3053 dated 19/4/21. (Paid 27/4/21 for noting).
1) Balance at Bank 07/04/2021, £13,040.49.
2) 2020 VAT Refund: £1,212.69 received. 9/4/21.
3) Precept (1st installment): £7,356.50 received 12/4/21.
4) Year-end bank reconciliation approved.
5) AGAR Forms approved by the PC / signed by the Chairman. Clerk to add minute references.
6) Internal Audit date scheduled for 1 June 2021.
7) Localities Grant received 12/3/21, £788.00 (Bins and tourism support).
8) 5 grants are still pending reply from DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund / 1 from SHDC Localities fund.
16.21. Dates of next Parish Council Meetings:
a).The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Monday 3rd May 2021 at 6.30pm by Zoom conference call.
b). The Annual Parish Council Meeting will follow immediately afterwards on Monday 3rd May 2021 at 7.00pm by Zoom conference call.
SIGNED Chair: Julie HInder Dated: 3/5/21