Council Meeting – 1st March 2021
Agenda – 1 March 2021
The following Councillors are summoned to attend: Ms J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Mrs S. Sullock, Cllr Mr Gavin Wollacott, Cllr Mr C. Staines, Cllr Mr D Murphy, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore.
Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr R. Foss, Sue Gorman (Slapton Community Support Group), Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.
1) ELECTION OF NEW CLLRS AND VICE CHAIR – Including granting of dispensation from the PC for the clerk to witness Cllrs wet signatures at the office of the clerk on Tuesday 2nd March by social distance.
3) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
4) PUBLIC COMMENT – Climate and Environmental Emergency Bill Alliance.
5) POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme: Cllr D Murphy.
6) COUNTY & DISTRICT COUNCILLOR REPORT Cllr J Brazil: • Relocation of the war memorial. • Change of recycling arrangements for the parish from 8 March 2021. • Dates of Purdah. Cllr R Foss: • Parish Council remote meeting legislation from 7 May 2021. • SHDC single solution tourism report for the Slapton Line Parishes and PC/Public consultations. • Beach car park toilet facilities update. • Localities Grant requests update: o Evolve Village Charity set up support grant – £500 matched funding with PC. o £550 matched funding litter bin grant request.
7) MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 1st February 2021 if available and agreed, to be both be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a) Traffic Speed / Volume Survey. Deferred until spring/post lockdown 2021. Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
b) Monument relocation to Strete Gate– Pending update from DCC.
c) Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes to spring 2021 parish recycling arrangements.
d) Village Map – It was agreed to delay the review of artwork and reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed. Stock levels were confirmed at 450 at 2/2/21. Check quantity at each meeting.
e) £750 All-stars Cricket club grant – Agree to hold as ring-fenced reserves until bank account is open. Target date 31 March 2021. Update 1 March meeting.
f) Notice Boards – Review situation if more are required given volume of official communications.
g) FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions. The chair reported is speaking to Tom Pincher this week to set up a zoom meeting to discuss mowing to support bio-diversity. Chair to send meeting invite to Nick Mathias, Cllr G Wollacott and other interested Cllrs.
h) Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify. i). Leet on Carr Lane – Schedule repairs in Spring when dryer weather.
j) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 18th March 2021.
10) PLANNING – None
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
2885/20/ARC – Higher Poole Slapton TQ7 2RA Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 13 and 14 of planning consent Decision: Discharge of condition Approved.
0224/21/PAA – Land East of Merrifield Slapton Proposal: Prior approval application for proposed erection of agricultural Decision: Prior Approval Required and Given
a. Climate and Environmental Emergency Bill Alliance – PC Declaration, deadline 17th March 2021.
b. Approve for resolution next meeting updated PC Assets register value from £12,387.83 to £12,582.36 to include additional Road and Snow Warden Kit purchased Jan 2021. c. PC working groups and climate change management structure (Refer matters for resolution below).
d. Road Warden / Village maintenance:
i) Village Mowing Plan – 2021
ii) Road Wardens March brief
iii) Pot Hole Consultancy Repor
iv) Discuss the Road Wardens trial and agree for resolution at the next PC meeting to make a permanent schedule of works on an annually renewable contract.
a) To propose for resolution to defer the Traffic Speed / Volume Survey until late spring 2021/ after lockdown easement and carry forward funds into financial year 2021-22.
b) To propose for resolution for the PC to adopt the working groups / structures and phasing from March 202.
c) To ensure the safety of the PC and parishioners against Covid-19 and continuation of local council services and only if the Government pass in law to revoke the power for PC’s to operate remotely over video conferencing, to propose; from May 7th 2021 and with a monthly review in place, to pass devolved powers to the Responsible Officer, working remotely in consultation with 3 nominated Cllrs to ensure quorate/full PC.
d) To propose for resolution to cancel the 2021 Annual Parish Meeting and replace with an end of year statement from the Chair to be published in the March edition of the Slapton Lines and PC website.
For information only:
• Reminder of the date for Cllr safeguarding training Monday 8th March 2021 7pm-8pm.6 CSG Facebook and 13 PC website posts drafted have been scheduled and posted across the month to relay Government covid-19 related updates to the community.
• Cllr Appointments – All Cllr vacancy notice paperwork sent to SHDC Electoral office/interview support/on-boarding packs issued to candidates.
• DALC – Liaison on a various matters to support the PC with decision making.
• Maintenance reporting: • Liaison with Road Warden – Feb road warden work brief / Mowing and maintenance contract confirmation, pothole survey report.
• Correspondence has been sent to 7 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
a) FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting update.
b) Response from SHDC executive re beach management letter.
c) Response from Anthony Mangnall re extension to videoconferencing legislation.
a) The council to approve the below payments were approved by the Council:
245/20 £201.59 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Road work PPE Kit – Invoice 1257/21 dated 24/20. Reclaim via DCC highways grant. £201.59. (Paid 2/2/20 for noting).
246/20 (S/O) £256.00 L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – Feb 21 (Paid 1/3/21 for noting).
247/20 £12.11 VC Warehouse – 9th payment – C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. (Paid 15/2/21 by DD. Invoice 1008479 for noting).
248/20 £203.50 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – Pothole Report, 11 hrs. Invoice 1260 /21 dated 13/2/21.
249/20 £1669.76 SHDC invoice 22113301 date 10/2/21. x 2 floor standing 110 Lts capacity bins with seagull flaps £285 x2 (£570 total) plus installation costs £436.47 plus installation of multipurpose bin and relocation of playpark bin £385.00 + VAT £278.29. Min ref approval 237-20 (a) Oct 2020. Reclaim VAT £278.29. Pending SHDC localities grant application – tourism support.
250/20 £181.49 Clerks Overtime and monthly expenses (Feb 2021)
251/20 £259.00 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – Feb 2021 / 14 hrs)
252/20 £35.41 DALC – x 9 copies of the Good Cllrs Guide Invoice 2596 dated 23/2/21
b). Balance at Bank 25/1/2021, £16,275.63
c). VAT refund claim to be submitted 5th March 2021
d) Year-end Reconciliation due 31/3/21.
e). 7 grants are still pending reply(5 from DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund / 2 from SHDC Localities fund
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 12th April 2021 at 7.00pm by Zoom Video Conference due to Government social distancing restrictions.
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk
Dated: 22/2/21
Minutes- March 2021
Present: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey, Cllr S Gorman, Cllr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr C Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr G Wollacott.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R Foss, S Dennis, 2 members of the public.
304-20. Apologies for absence – None.
305-20. Election of new Cllrs by co-option. It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Mitchelmore to appoint Cllr Abbey and Cllr Gorman as members to the PC and dispensation was granted to wet sign the necessary paperwork at the office of the clerk on Tuesday 2nd March at 10am.
306-20. Declarations of interest – Cllr Gorman declared an interest in the Evolve Charity and matters relating to their property.
307-20. Public comment A parishioner raised concerns over Planning App reference 3973/20, Coombe Cottage, Carr Lane, Slapton. S Dennis was introduced by Cllr R Foss as the Devon County Council Conservative candidate who wished to understand the Slapton PC business agenda.
308-20. Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update – Cllr D Murphy reported that Devon and Cornwall police were recruiting for 232 special constables and consulting on the scrutiny of a community speed watch system. Free crime prevention seminars are also now available to view on the DCC website.
If any members of the public have non urgent matters they wish to bring to the attention of their Local Policing Team, this can be reported via the Devon and Cornwall Police web-page – https://www.devon-cornwall.pol… / Find your local policing team.
309-20. County & District Councillor reports
Devon County Council (DCC) report from Cllr J Brazil-
a. A379- Cllr Brazil conveyed thanks to Marcus Evans and the Landmark team for their vigilance in noticing that the rock armour had moved away from the A379 road near Torcross in the recent easterly storm and for taking urgent action at their own expense, to reposition the armour which had saved the road. The Chair asked Cllr Brazil to pass on the PC’s gratitude for the support offered to the parish and advised that they would write a formal letter of thanks. Cllr Brazil reported that he was pressing for urgent action at County level to help protect the road in the first instance and to also formalise plans should the road breach in the future.
b. Road works are planned on the 2nd and 3rd March near Stokeley Farm shop to enable tree works.
c. Relocation of the war memorial – Strete PC are liaising with the Field Study Centre to ascertain the cost of annual maintenance for each parish. The funding is in place to relocate the memorial, likely autumn 2021 and the planning application is with DCC for review.
d. Saltstone Single Neighbourhood plan – The consultation summary report is being finalised for review by the PC’s involved. A public consultation will take place once there is the ability to hold a public meeting.
e. New recycling scheme – Slapton will be included in phase 1 of the rollout and parishioners could expect delivery of the recycling boxes as early as w/c 9th March 2021.
f. The start of Purdah is the end of March ahead of the elections.
g. The chair raised the issue of the problems being experienced still with the damage to the road and wall at Deer Bridge and concerns over Highways response as the situation was a risk to motorists and pedestrians. Cllr Brazil agreed to visit the site and send photos to Highways to help progress the repairs as soon as possible.
District report from Cllr R. Foss:
h. There was no update on if the remote Zoom meetings would continue after the 7th May 2021.
i. Cllr R Foss reported attending a recent meeting with our MP who all agreed with the concerns that the environmental impact v’s socio-economic impact concerning protecting the A379 road were not balanced. The matter was being raised in Whitehall along with a request for GVT funding and a relaxation of the SSSI legislation on the A379 in order that rock armoury encased in metal netting could be installed as cost effective solution. The MP would also update Alan Denbigh of the Slapton Line partnership.
j. SHDC single solution tourism report for the Slapton Line Parishes and PC/Public consultations. Cllr Foss confirmed that he was attending a meeting on Thursday 4 March to discuss the matter and would send an update to the PC via the clerk following this.
k. Beach car park toilet facilities – It was also reported £150K had been allocated for toilet facilities at the beach car park and discussions were progressing regarding a suitable location plus the effective management of large campervans on the central carpark over the tourist season.
l. It was reported that the SHDC Localities Grant request had been approved for matched funding for the new litter bins.
m. Council tax – SHDC are to increase Council Tax by the max cap of 5%.
n. The Chair asked if the bottle bank at the park and walk would remain with the introduction of the new recycling scheme. Cllr R Foss advised this was the intention to help with tourism. The Chair asked if the bottle bank could be relocated to the beach car park to free up parking spaces in the village and reduce the amount of fly-tipping in the village. Cllr Foss to follow up with the SHDC waste team.
o. The Chair raised disappointment in the reply from Judy Pearce to the Chairs letter asking for an update on the planned arrangements to manage tourism this season and minimise the impact on the parish and parishioners and that the situation was not satisfactory. Cllr Foss agreed to follow this up at a SHDC meeting on 4th March and report back.
310.20 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY MEETING HELD ON 1ST February 2021 were be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
311.20 Review of the Action Log -The draft action log was reviewed. Clerk to update as discussed at the meeting.
312.20 Matters in Abeyance
a) Traffic Speed / Volume Survey. It was agreed run an informal traffic survey wef 12 April 2021 and to confirm the dates at the April meeting. Clerk to add to agenda.
b) Monument relocation to Strete Gate– Refer update 309.20(c).
c) Plastic recycling scheme – Agreed to monitor parish-wide impact when live.
d) Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed. Stock levels were confirmed at 450 at 2/2/21. Check quantity each meeting.
e) £750 All-stars Cricket club grant – Due to lack of interest to progress Slapton All Stars, it was agreed to write to the Cricket Club Trustees to request permission to hold the grant as ring-fenced reserves to fund initiatives which would support the physical and mental wellbeing of the parish as a whole. (Chair to follow up).
f) Notice Boards – Review situation if more are required given volume of official communications.
g) FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Refer chairs update. Remove.
h) Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify. i). Leet on Carr Lane – Schedule repairs in Spring when dryer weather.
j) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 18th March 2021.
313.20 Planning
A late planning application 3973/20/VAR, Coombe Cottage, Carr Lane, Slapton had been received, which due to timings of receipt had missed the March PC agenda. The SHDC planning office had advised the deadline of 25th March could not be extended and the PC agreed to discuss the application as an exception but raised concerns on the approach of planning to Cllr Foss who agreed to pick up the matter with the officer concerned. The PC agreed unanimously to object.
Cllr Murphy raised that the planning application for the Village Shop had been declined on reasons of Highways. An objection was being raised by the shop management committee as the reasons given were not justifiable. The Chair agreed to write a letter of support for the application to the Planning Department and requested that Cllr R Foss and Cllr Brazil invite Richard Jackson to a site visit to explain the evidence for the decision. Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
2885/20/ARC – Higher Poole Slapton TQ7 2RA
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 13 and 14 of planning consent.
Decision: Discharge of condition approved.
0224/21/PAA – Land East of Merrifield Slapton
Proposal: Prior approval application for proposed erection of agricultural.
Decision: Prior approval required and granted.
314-20. Matters for discussion
a. The deadline of the Climate and Environmental Emergency Bill Alliance has been extended and it was agreed for all Cllrs to read the report and discuss a PC response at the next meeting. Clerk to add to agenda.
b. It was proposed by Cllr Staines and seconded by Cllr Sullock to approve for resolution at the next meeting to update the PC Assets register value from £12,387.83 to £12,582.36 to include additional Road and Snow Warden Kit purchased Jan 2021. Clerk to add to agenda.
c. It was agreed at the first annual meeting of the CSG committee to extend the terms of reference of the work to also include climate change and helping the parish adapt to a changing world in addition to its community pandemic signposting support. Non Cllr parishioners would be able to join the committee to contribute to projects of interest. Clerk to schedule date for annual meeting in April. Chair to include in Slapton Lines update.
d. Road Warden / Village maintenance:
i. Village Mowing Plan – 2021. It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Wollacott to fund a trial at the first cut of the season which introduced a range of mowing techniques to improve bio-diversity on the recommendation of Tom Pincher from the FSC. Clerk to update the contract / brief the contractor. Chair to include an update in the Slapton Lines.
ii. Road Wardens March brief – Works agreed. Clerk to brief road warden. Cllr Gorman to incorporate a village ‘weeds’ survey as part of a biodiversity survey with the FSC on Thursday 15/4/20.
iii. The Pot Hole Consultancy Report was reviewed and it was agreed to discuss costs for all repairs (excluding Carr Lane) at the next meeting. Clerk to add to agenda/liaise with road warden. Chair to write to highways to request and update on the road repair schedule for Carr Lane.
iv. It was agreed for resolution at the next meeting to make the Road Warden’s monthly hours a permanent annually renewable schedule of works. Clerk to add to next agenda/update the works schedule/brief contractor.
315.20. Proposals for resolution
a) It was proposed by Cllr Murphy and seconded by Cllr Staines to defer the Traffic Speed / Volume Survey until late spring 2021 after lockdown easement and carry forward the funds into financial year 2021-22.
b) It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Sullock to carry forward the PC working group structure until the new Cllrs had settled in and to adopt the extended terms of reference of the CSG Committee at the April Annual meeting to include climate change and adapting to a changing world.
c) It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Sullock that if the Government pass law to revoke the power for PC’s to operate remotely via video conferencing, that from May 7th 2021 and with a monthly review in place, to pass devolved powers to the Responsible Officer, working remotely in consultation with 3 nominated Cllrs, to ensure the continued operation of the PC and safety for Cllrs and parishioners.
d) It was proposed by Cllr Stains and seconded by Cllr Mitchelmore to cancel the 2021 Annual Parish Meeting and replace with an end of year statement from the Chair to be published in the April edition of the Slapton Lines and PC website.
316-20. Clerk’s report
- A reminder of the date for Cllr safeguarding training Monday 8th March 2021 7pm-8pm was conveyed. Clerk to issue Zoom meeting links.
- The Clerks annual leave request was approved by the Chair. Clerk to add to matters for resolution next meeting to carry forward 1 weeks annual leave / update holiday log.
- It was reported that a parish wide landowners list was not available and SHDC had advised to contract Defra. S Dennis reported they may also be able to give guidance. Clerk to follow up.
For information only: - 6 CSG Facebook and 13 PC website posts drafted have been scheduled and posted across the month to relay Government covid-19 related updates to the community.
- Cllr Appointments – All Cllr vacancy notice paperwork sent to SHDC Electoral office/interview support/on-boarding packs issued to candidates.
- DALC – Liaison on a various matters to support the PC with decision making.
- Maintenance reporting:
- Liaison with Road Warden – Feb road warden work brief / Mowing and maintenance contract confirmation, pothole survey report.
- Correspondence has been sent to 7 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
317.20. Chairs report
a) The Chair wished to convey thanks for all the work and expertise offered over many years by Cllr J McPetrie and Cllr K Widger which was greatly appreciated by the Council. Cllr J Abbey and Cllr S Gorman were warmly welcomed. Cllrs were invited to consider the position of Vice Chair and to contact the Chair directly to discuss if interested. A vacant seat still remains and parishioners are invited to contact the Chair or clerk for more information if interested.
b) The Chair hosted a meeting with Tom Pinches from the FSC, the PC’s mowing contractor, Cllr Gorman and volunteers from the Evolve charity working group and the clerk. Outputs from the discussion were to be trialled as discussed and agreed in matter 314.20 (d)(i).
318-20. Councillors’ reports
Cllr Sullock – Reported 360 non-perishable food items had been donated to the Food Bank collection point during January and February 2021, plus x 2 £10 cash donations. Thanks was given to everyone who has very kindly contributed and to Paul Edgecombe for developing the totaliser at the village hall. A news article had been submitted to the Kingsbridge Gazette to help raise awareness of the campaign and need to support our local foodbanks.
Cllr Gorman – Reported that a meeting was being held on Thursday 4th March with Strete PC to discuss electric charging points.
319- 20. Financial matters
The below invoices were approved by the Council for payment:
245/20 £201.59 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Road work PPE Kit – Invoice 1257/21 dated 24/20. Reclaim via DCC highways grant. £201.59. (Paid 2/2/20 for noting).
246/20 (S/O) £256.00 L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – Feb 21 (Paid 1/3/21 for noting).
247/20 £12.11 VC Warehouse – 9th payment – C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. (Paid 15/2/21 by DD. Invoice 1008479 for noting).
248/20 £203.50 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – Pothole Report, 11 hrs. Invoice 1260 /21 dated 13/2/21.
249/20 £1669.76 SHDC invoice 22113301 date 10/2/21. x 2 floor standing 110 Litre capacity bins with seagull flaps £285 x2 (£570 total) plus installation costs £436.47 plus installation of multipurpose bin and relocation of playpark bin £385.00 + VAT £278.29. Min ref approval 237-20 (a) Oct 2020. Reclaim VAT £278.29. Pending SHDC localities grant application – tourism support.
250/20 £181.49 Clerks Overtime and monthly expenses (Feb 2021)
251/20 £269.00 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – 22/24th Feb 2021 / 14 hrs + £10 materials. Invoice no. 1264/21
252/21 £35.41 DALC – x 9 copies of the Good Cllrs Guide Invoice 2596 dated 23/2/21
253/21 £100.00 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – 23 Feb 2021 – Buddle Hole clearance Invoice no. 1265/21 26/2/21
a) Balance at Bank 25/1/2021, £16,275.63
b) VAT refund claim to be submitted 5th March 2021
c) Year-end Reconciliation due 31/3/21.
d) 7 grants are still pending reply (5 from DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund / 2 from SHDC Localities fund. 319-20.
320.21 Date of next Parish Council Meeting
The next monthly parish council meeting will be held on Monday 12th April 2021 at 7.00pm by Zoom conference call.
SIGNED Chair: Julie Hinder Dated: 12/4/21