Council Meeting – 1st June 2020
Agenda – 1 June 2020
Monthly Parish Council Meeting
7.30pm, Monday 1st June 2020 by Zoom Video Conference due to Social Distancing.
If any parishioners wish to attend the meeting/and or speak/present an idea, as this is a remote meeting, please submit your question(s)/papers to the clerk, 48hrs in advance of the meeting so that the Council can consider. email: ,
To attend the Zoom meeting:
- Click on this meeting link at 7.25pm: , or copy the link into your browser.
- You will be then placed into a waiting room whilst the Chair arranges access so please do not click out as this will take a few minutes as people join.
- Access to the meeting will be closed at 7.35pm
Supporting documents:
- Agenda – PC meeting 1 June 2020
- Draft Minutes for signing PC meeting 5th May 2020
- Budget status at 27-5-20
- S137 Budget status at 27-5-20
- Updated Village Assets register – for adoption
- Coronavirus – Model remote meeting attendance (addendum to Standing Orders for adoption)
- Community First – 2020 Insurance Policy renewal: Letter , Quote, Policy Schedule
- Update 2020 Risk Assessment template for approval
- Internal Audit May 2021 (Agar Report, Invoice and 2021 fees for approval)
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Police – (Pending joining the Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme).
- DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
- PUBLIC COMMENT – Any parishioner is invited to address the Council for up to 3 minutes. This session may last up to 15 minutes and may be extended to 30minutes at the discretion of the Chair. The Public are not required to stay for the rest of the meeting.
- Cllr J. Brazil
- Cllr R. Foss
- MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 4 May 2020 – If agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
- Village flooding issues – Ongoing monitoring. Bi-annual drain cleaning arrangements in place to manage.
- Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
- Monument relocation to Strete – Pending update from DCC.
- Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes in 2020 parish recycling arrangements.
- Village Map – Agreed to delay the reprint until summer.
- P3 Scheme – Agree to remove once the scheme is joined.
- Safeguarding Training by Ben Leach – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions before proceeding.
- Highways Response – No reply to Park and Walk drain ownership / Footpath deterioration between south grounds farm and drains issues outside the FSC. Chased 15-1-20 and 12.2.20. Progress when Highways are operational post pandemic period.
- FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions.
- Village BT K6 Phone box – Resubmit photos of condition of BT Open Reach phone in Dec 2020 and request repainting.
- Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline: Pending progression of the pandemic situation- review next meeting.
1304/20/FUL – The Milking Parlour, Poole Farm, Slapton, Kingsbridge
Proposal: Conversion of former milking parlour to residential dwelling.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
0782/20/HHO – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder Application for internal and minor alterations to existing annexe
Decision: Conditional Approval.
0783/20/LBC – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Listed building consent for internal and minor alterations to existing annexe
Decision: Conditional Approval.
- Model Standing orders – Discuss/ agree adoption of the DALC temporary remote meeting addendum to the Parishes standing orders and agree to resolve next meeting.
- Website Privacy Policy template, (WGA2 2.1 compliance requirement Sept 2020). Agree copy for resolution next meeting.
- Covid-19 – Discuss continued hardship support to foodbanks. Resolve to review and approve monthly payments as required, to support the budget approval process.
- Village Assets register – Approve to amend the value of the Village Assets register to reflect the new length man’s equipment purchased 18-5-20, increasing the value from £11,074.16 to £12,387.83 for the June insurance renewal (see below resolution 9a. from May meeting below).
- 2020 Insurance Premium Renewal – Due 1-6-20. Proposal delayed due to Covid-19 closures. Discuss / agree 2020 ‘Community First’ insurance proposal and if to review for 1 year or 3 Years to secure £15 per annum discounts. (The annual premium cost has increased from £224.29 in 2019 to £300.09 for 2020 due to the increase in the value of the Assets register). The annual premium can be reduced to £285.10 if renew for 3 years.
- New Community Support Group Charity (CSG) – Discuss the overview paper and scope for Slapton.
- White Close Trust – Response from the Trustees 14-5-20 / next steps.
- Risk Assessment – Review / approve updated document for resolution next meeting.
- Blue advisory speed sign installation, Sands Road. Update from Cllr D Murphy/ agree key message and sign design.
- Village Assets Register – To propose to adopt the new items/increase in value from £11,074.16 to £12,387.83 to support the 2020-21 insurance renewal. (Refer 8d. above).
- Annual Insurance expired 31-5-20. Agree annual renewal fee of upto £300.09 for 1 year, reducing to £285.10 over 3 years if Council approve, based on latest assets register value above.
- Chairman’s Allowance 2020/21 To propose to increase the Chair’s annual allowance for the financial year 2020 from £250 to £500 given the unprecedented level of work incurred as a result of the coronavirus pandemic in Chairing the Council and CSG group to ensure public safety across the parish and leading multiple community projects associated with Covid-19. For the allowance to be review at the 2021 budget planning meeting Oct/Nov 2020 based on Government and Parish demands at that time.
- Clerks ‘Homeworking allowance’ – To propose to increase the clerks home working allowance from £2 to £6 per week in line with HMRC 2020 published rates and SLCC notification 16/3/20.
- CSG grant request for Coronavirus Village Archive Project (refer 170-20 above). To propose to cover up to £100 in stationary costs to cover printer ink / paper to support the initial parish wide mail drop, claimed back as a CSG expense.
- Lengthsman trial – To propose to approve the schedule of works and terms and for the trial to begin as soon as possible commencing with the following agreed priority tasks: Village road sign cleaning,Village road side sweeping, manual weed removal, Village Pot hole noting/reporting, reporting of damage to any of the village assets.
- Legal structure of the CSG committee: To propose for resolution to transfer the CSG committee to a stand-alone community charity organisation, with its own constitution and bank account to enable more freedom and powers to assist the parish community at an appropriate time so as not to disrupt pandemic support services to the community.
- Draft ‘email contact privacy notice’, ‘Information and Data Protection and Diversity and Equality Policies’ – To propose to adopt all three policies at the next meeting to meet Internal Audit requirements and WCAG 2.1 compliance – deadline 22 September.
To discuss:
- Annual Internal Audit report undertaken 14-5-20 and follow up actions and to agree the 2021 Internal Audit fee of £100 for resolution next meeting / booking by the clerk.
- Dog bin relocation. Purchase of a post / new bin following feedback from Highways. Order at the same time as the new speed signs – same supplier.
- P3 scheme – Registration to join the Scheme. Still to action by the clerk.
- Pavement repairs Sands Road – Road warden briefing to produce a Risk Assessment. Still to action by the clerk.
For information only:
- Kingsbridge and Dartmouth foodbanks – £50 donation paid to each foodbank on 15/5/20.
- Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme – Clerk now registered on the scheme. First update issued to Cllrs 14/5/2020.
- Public Rights of Way and Definitive Map deadline 1st Jan 2026. The Ramblers Association have published that 100% of paths have now been mapped. Clerk has signed up to be notified of the next steps for volunteers to check the data. (Refer
- Safeguarding training – Approval of the training proposal and terms were confirmed in writing to the supplier on 12/5/20.
- Broken board walk in the Ley. Reported to the FSC (Andy Pratt/ Lee Dennison) on 12/5/20. Reply received 26-5-20. The repair has been temporarily fixed by Eddie Church but more damage has since occurred in another area which is being investigated by Lee Dennison/Eddie Church 26/5/20 and another temporary repair will be made asap. The boardwalk has funding to be fixed properly once the FSC are allowed to re-open and the condition is being monitored weekly by Lee Dennison to ensure public safety. The FSC also reported they are working with Devon CC Public Rights of Way team to maintain the footpath and a cut is schedule for 27/5/20.
- Broken Drain Cover top of Brook Street – Now replaced and fixed.
- Broken Dog bin. Reported to DCC ‘ Report-It’ website on 6/5/20. Now fixed.
- Winter Drain and Leat clearance and Gully Sweep – Brookings have advised not currently able to book in dates due to the Covid-19 working rules but will provide dates mid/late September for an end Nov/Dec clean.
- Village Archive Project – Parishioners have asked to present feedback and results from the note of interest mailing and estimated grant request costs at the July Meeting. Clerk to note on the July agenda.
- Lengthsman trial – Equipment Ordered 18/5/20 for deliver to Cllr J Mcpetrie and the village assets register has been updated to reflect the new equipment. Road Warden briefed via the Chair/contract signed and returned to the clerk. Trial commenced 23/5/20. Due to the late start due to the lockdown, 2 days have been approved (April and May). Cllr K Widger kindly provided temporary loan of equipment. The following were priority tasks for May: Village road sign cleaning at Townsend cross, moss removal on pavement opposite the Village Hall, start the village road side / drain sweeping.
- CSG committee update.
- Response from conservative MP Anthony Mangnall.
- Parishioner letter re development of the football Pitch – Discuss and agree reply.
- Approve the following payments:
L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – March 20 (Paid 1/3/20 for noting).
L Soothill-Ward: Clerks Overtime expenses
VC Warehouse – CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 15/5/20 by DDebit – (Paid for noting S137 code).
Kingsbridge Area Foodbank Donation – Covid-19 crisis support. (Paid 16/5/20 for noting).
Dartmouth Foodbank Donation – Covid-19 crisis support. (Paid 16/5/20 for noting).
Alison Marshall- SPC Annual Internal Audit 14-5-19. Remote Audit Fee £100 (Invoice 20/075).
Glasdon UK Ltd. Space liner Cart – Lengthsman role/Highways Maintenance Grant. Invoice 3035662 dated 18/5/20.
Glasdon UK Ltd. LittaPikka – Lengths man role/Highways Maintenance Grant. Invoice 3035663 dated 18/5/20.
Noyces Ltd. 10 items for lengths man role/Highways Maintenance Grant. Invoice 98513 dated 21/5/20. Added to assets register. Paid for noting June agenda.
£300.09 (or £285.10)
Community First – Annual Insurance renewal to Zurich Municipal due 1/6/20. Refer discussion item 8e – 1 year or 3 year commitment
Chairs 2020 Annual Allowance. (Refer resolution 1/6/20 9C).
- Balance at Bank 25/5/2020, £25,892.75
- S137 Covid-19 remaining budget balance at 25/5/20 £1051.43 (Included in above balance).
- Year-end 2019-20 bank reconciliation completed and Approved by Cllr D Murphy 13/3/20
- Annual Insurance expires 31-5-20. Agree renewal fee based on latest assets register at 25-5-20. Due to delay in timings of the proposal due to Covid-19 closures, Came and Co not contacted for alternative quote as was very expensive last year / not enough time to manage before expiry date.
- Internal Audit Held on 14 May 2020 – Refer auditors report.
- Signed Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 and Certificate of Exemption (Part 2). Due to be returned to PKF LittleJohn by 31/8/20.
- 2019/20 Annual Accounting Statement of Account. Draft accounts to be re-written as per auditor’s guidance – review July meeting.
- Highways Maintenance Community Enhancement fund Grant £1204.88. (DCC Road Warden / length man scheme. All equipment now ordered and added to assets register. Note actual order costs are £1284.18 as used local supplier to help support local business but with the VAT reclaim costs are within the Grant budget.
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 6 July 2020 at 7.30pm
by Zoom Video Conference due to Government social distancing restrictions.
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward 25/5/2020
Minutes – June 2020
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held by Zoom video conference on Monday 1st June 2020 at 7.30pm.
Present: J Hinder (Chair), J McPetrie (V. Chairman), Cllr V. Mercer, Cllr C Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr G Wollacott.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R Foss, 1 member of the public.
183-20. Apologies for absence – Cllr Mr K Widger
184-20. Declarations of interest – None.
185-20. Public comment – a. A member of the parish attended to present a suggestion to improve the recreational facilities at the village playing field for older children that had outgrown the use of the play park. Cllr R Foss advised that match funding grants were available from SHDC for such developments plus a small local Cllr Grant. The Chair advised that there was also a Pocket Park scheme with associated grants open for local charities to apply but not PC’s. It was agreed that the Chair and the parishioner would meet remotely to discuss the ideas and funding scheme options and present back to the Council as soon as a view had been formed.
b. A member of the parish had requested via letter that the issue of lack of toilet facilities at the beach be discussed along with what could be done to control the issue, as this matter was causing the public to use the area around the Ley as a toilet and thus causing a public health hazard especially with the Covid-19 virus in circulation. Cllr J Brazil advised that SHDC are responsible for signage and that he would be looking to push to replace the old toilet block medium to longer term if the car park was to close and that Millbrook and Beesands were experiencing the same issues. This matter was reported to already being under discussion at Executive level. The following actions were agreed:
- The Chair is to write to the following Executive Leader, Cllr Keith Baldry, Cllr Julie Pearce,, Public Health England at Totnes, Whitley Trust and The FSC and cc Cllr R Foss and Cllr J Brazil, who would then follow up on the PC’s behalf with the Executive.
- For all Cllrs to advise any parishioners noticing and reporting these incidents to them to ask the parishioner to report this immediately on the SHDC ‘Report-It website.
186-20. Police Councillor Advocate Scheme – Police updates have been issued over the course of the previous month to all Cllrs via the Clerk.
187-20. County & District Councillor reports
Devon County Council (DCC) report from Cllr J Brazil:
- Reported the main issues have been devolved to District Council.
- There is a focus on Towns and Cities to pedestrianise the High Streets so that people can que outside of the shop and use the centre of the roads as walkways to enable social distancing. This is likely to impact on Totnes and Kingsbridge.
District report from Cllr R. Foss:
- Reported the County had been given a £1M grant to be shared across 8 District Councils to support individuals in hardship and who had fallen through the gap. This is in addition to the discretionary grant which is to help support B+B owners and non-business rate payers such as market traders with fixed costs.
- On Friday 5th June a joint meeting with planning and the scrutiny committee is being held to help formulate operating in the new normal and future.
- The Nightingale hospital is to remain open to help manage a second virus peak which is anticipated in September/October.
188-20. Minutes of the meeting held on 4th May 2020. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Minutes be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record with a correction being added, advised Cllr G Wollacott at the meeting, in which he declared an interest in agenda item 177-20(c).
189-20. Matters in abeyance
- Village flooding issues – Ongoing monitoring. Bi-annual drain cleaning arrangements in place to manage.
- Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
- Monument relocation to Strete Gate – Pending update from DCC.
- Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes in 2020 parish recycling arrangements.
- Village Map – Agreed to delay the reprint until summer.
- P3 Scheme – Agree to remove once the scheme is joined.
- Safeguarding Training by Ben Leach – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions before proceeding.
- Highways Response – No reply to Park and Walk drain ownership / Footpath deterioration between south grounds farm and drains issues outside the FSC. Chased 15-1-20 and 12.2.20. Progress when Highways are operational post pandemic period.
- FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions.
- Village BT K6 Phone box – Resubmit photos of condition of BT Open Reach phone in Dec 2020 and request repainting.
- Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline: Pending progression of the pandemic situation- review next meeting.
190-20. Planning
1304/20/FUL – The Milking Parlour, Poole Farm, Slapton, Kingsbridge. Proposal: Conversion of former milking parlour to residential dwelling. No Objection – Reference Single Neighbourhood Plan/ Primary residence be considered.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information) 0782/20/HHO – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT Proposal: Householder Application for internal and minor alterations to existing annexe. Decision: Conditional Approval.
0783/20/LBC – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT Proposal: Listed building consent for internal and minor alterations to existing annexe. Decision: Conditional Approval.
191-20. Matters for discussion
- Model Standing orders – It was discussed and agreed to adopt the DALC temporary remote meeting addendum to the Parishes standing orders and agree to resolve to adopt at the next meeting. Clerk to add to agenda.
- Website Privacy Policy template, (WGA2 2.1 compliance requirement Sept 2020). It was discussed and agreed to adopt the policy for resolution at the next meeting. Clerk to add to agenda.
- Covid-19 – It was discussed and agreed to pay another £50 to both Kingsbridge and Dartmouth foodbanks for June. As this is an ongoing issue, it was agreed to pass a resolution at the next meeting for ongoing payments to be made subject to agreement at each PC meeting. Clerk to add to agenda.
- Village Assets register – The updated value of the Village Assets register was approved to reflect the new length man’s equipment purchased 18-5-20, increasing the value from £11,074.16 to £12,387.83 for the June insurance renewal. Refer resolution 192-20 (a) below. Clerk to add the register to the PC website.
- 2020 Insurance Premium Renewal – Due 1-6-20. It was discussed and agreed to accept the 2020 ‘Community First’ insurance proposal and renew on 3 fixed Years to secure a £15 per annum discount. Refer resolution 192-20 (b) below.
- New Community Support Group Charity (CSG) – The overview paper and scope for Slapton was discussed. In principle the Council were supportive of the idea and asked to be kept updated on progress. Chair to provide updates.
- White Close Trust – The response from the Trustees on 14-5-20 was discussed. It was agreed the Chair would reply on behalf of the Council.
- Risk Assessment – The 2020 Risk Review report was discussed and approved for resolution next meeting. Clerk to add to the agenda.
- Blue advisory speed sign installation, Sands Road. Cllr D Murphy presented a draft of key messages and a blue advisory sign design. These were approved in principle subject to minor changes to be discussed and agreed at the next meeting along with the location of the sign to prevent long vehicles entering the village. Cllr D Murphy to provide revised mock-ups / clerk to add to agenda.
192-20 Proposals for resolution
- Village Assets Register – To propose to adopt the new items/increase in value from £11,074.16 to £12,387.83 to support the 2020-21 insurance renewal. (Refer 8d. above). It was proposed and seconded to approve the Assets register. Clerk to add to website.
- Annual Insurance expired 31-5-20. It was proposed and seconded to accept the annual renewal fee of £285.10 over 3 years based on latest assets register value above. Clerk to complete paperwork and make payment asap.
- Chairman’s Allowance 2020/21. It was proposed and seconded to increase the Chair’s annual allowance for the financial year 2020 from £250 to £500 given the unprecedented level of work incurred as a result of the coronavirus pandemic in Chairing the Council and CSG group to ensure public safety across the parish and leading multiple community projects associated with Covid-19. For the allowance to be review at the 2021 budget planning meeting Oct/Nov 2020 based on Government and Parish demands at that time. Clerk to make payment.
- Clerk’s ‘Homeworking allowance’ – It was proposed and seconded to increase the clerk’s home working allowance from £2 to £6 per week in line with HMRC 2020 published rates and SLCC notification 16/3/20. Clerk to adjust expenses claims sheet.
- CSG grant request for Coronavirus Village Archive Project (refer 170-20 above). It was proposed and seconded to cover up to £100 in stationery costs to cover printer ink / paper to support the initial parish wide mail drop, claimed back as a CSG expense. Clerk to advise of the decision and provide a claims form to the CSG project team.
- Lengthsman trial – It was proposed and seconded to approve the schedule of works and terms and for the trial to begin as soon as possible commencing with the following agreed priority tasks: Village road sign cleaning,Village road side sweeping, manual weed removal, Village Pot hole noting/reporting, reporting of damage to any of the village assets. Clerk to confirm decision to the lengthsman and thanked Cllr K Widger for supporting with the leaf clearance and Cllr J McPetrie for temporary storage of the collection bin.
- Legal structure of the CSG committee: It was agreed to delay the decision to transfer the CSG committee to a stand-alone community charity organisation until further research had been undertaken. Chair and Clerk to progress with CSG committee.
- Draft ‘email contact privacy notice’, ‘Information and Data Protection and Diversity and Equality Policies’ – It was proposed and seconded to adopt all three policies. Clerk to add polices with minute reference to the PC website
193-20. Clerk’s report
To discuss:
- Annual Internal Audit report undertaken 14-5-20. Clerk to action follow up action. The Council agreed to rebook the 2021 Internal Audit Service at a fee of £100. Clerk to add for resolution next meeting.
- Dog bin relocation. Purchase of a post / new bin following feedback from Highways. Order at the same time as the new speed signs – same supplier.
- P3 scheme – Registration to join the Scheme. Clerk to action.
- Pavement repairs Sands Road – Road warden briefing to produce a Risk Assessment. Clerk to action.
For information only:
- Kingsbridge and Dartmouth foodbanks – £50 donation paid to each foodbank on 15/5/20.
- Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme – Clerk now registered on the scheme. First update issued to Cllrs 14/5/2020.
- Public Rights of Way and Definitive Map deadline 1st Jan 2026. The Ramblers Association have published that 100% of paths have now been mapped. Clerk has signed up to be notified of the next steps for volunteers to check the data. (Refer
- Safeguarding training – Approval of the training proposal and terms were confirmed in writing to the supplier on 12/5/20.
- Broken board walk in the Ley. Reported to the FSC (Andy Pratt/ Lee Dennison) on 12/5/20. Reply received 26-5-20. The repair has been temporarily fixed by Eddie Church but more damage has since occurred in another area which is being investigated by Lee Dennison/Eddie Church 26/5/20 and another temporary repair will be made asap. The boardwalk has funding to be fixed properly once the FSC are allowed to re-open and the condition is being monitored weekly by Lee Dennison to ensure public safety. The FSC also reported they are working with Devon CC Public Rights of Way team to maintain the footpath and a cut is schedule for 27/5/20.
- Broken Drain Cover top of Brook Street – Now replaced and fixed.
- Broken Dog bin. Reported to DCC ‘ Report-It’ website on 6/5/20. Now fixed.
- Winter Drain and Leat clearance and Gully Sweep – Brookings have advised not currently able to book in dates due to the Covid-19 working rules but will provide dates mid/late September for an end Nov/Dec clean.
- Village Archive Project – Parishioners have asked to present feedback and results from the note of interest mailing and estimated grant request costs at the July Meeting. Clerk to note on the July agenda.
- Lengthsman trial – Equipment Ordered 18/5/20 for deliver to Cllr J McPetrie and the village assets register has been updated to reflect the new equipment. Road Warden briefed via the Chair/contract signed and returned to the clerk. Trial commenced 23/5/20. Due to the late start due to the lockdown, 2 days have been approved (April and May). Cllr K Widger kindly provided temporary loan of equipment. The following were priority tasks for May: Village road sign cleaning at Townsend cross, moss removal on pavement opposite the Village Hall, start the village road side / drain sweeping.
194-20. Chair’s report
The Chair updated on the CSG committee work:
- Reported the CSG group are scaling back operations but retaining the support infrastructure, prescription and foodbank services should there be a second virus spike to support people needing to self-isolate. Chair to issue a copy of the scaling plan to the PC when finalised. Cllr S Sullock to discuss with the campsite managers if foodbank delivery support is still possible once the campsite re-opens.
- Village Archive Project: A letter is planned to be issued to all parish residents to announce the project and gather interest.
- National Volunteers Week 1-7th June: The Parish Council conveyed thanks to everyone in the parish who has volunteered and who has supported their local community during the pandemic crisis and also generally.
- A response has been received from Cllr Anthony Mangnall regarding the concerns raised over the financial impact on the parish budget due to the coronavirus crisis and this is being raised with Government.
- The overflowing black bin in the Green bank play park has been reported on SHDC ‘report it’ site. Clerk to contact the localities officer to request if a separate dog waste bin can be situated on the grass verge at the entrance of Brandis Park.
- The mowing brief requirements for Monday 8th June was raised along with additional works needed to keep the paths safe. Clerk to draft brief for approval by the Council/ issue to the contractor. Cllr D Murphy to support with the works poster production and posting around the village.
- Cllr support was requested in helping to keeping a watching brief on the bottle bank and bins over summer. Cllr C Staines agreed to report full dog waste bins and a full bottle bank to SHDC ‘Report-it’ Site. Also to review the current dog waste lamp post signs and replace any that are damaged and put up more if required to help keep the streets clean.
195-20. Councillors’ reports
- Cllr S Sullock – Raised that the flowers in the road outside had been reported as a trip hazard by a resident. Also reported that the Cricket club had agreed split the closure funds held in the parish bank account between the following village clubs: Bowling / Badmington / All Stars and Pickleball. The clerk advised that written authority and the bank details for all the clubs would be required to release the funds. Cllr J McPetrie (previous chairman) agreed to arrange for a signed letter to be forwarded to the clerk. Cllr C Staines – Raised the matter of speeding in the village.
- Cllr I Mitchelmore – A parishioner had reported that Old Chapel House was putting in posts and chains which would be an issue with emergency vehicles passing in the narrow part of the road. Cllr I Mitchelmore to report the matter to Cllr R Foss and report back at next meeting.
196-20. Financial matters The below payments were approved by the Council.
L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – May 20 (Paid 1/3/20 for noting). Reported on agenda as £199.20 – previous 2019/20 hours
VC Warehouse – CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Paid 15/5/20 by DDebit – (Paid for noting S137 code).
Kingsbridge Area Foodbank Donation – Covid-19 crisis support. (Paid 16/5/20 for noting).
Dartmouth Foodbank Donation – Covid-19 crisis support. (Paid 16/5/20 for noting).
Alison Marshall- SPC Annual Internal Audit 14-5-19. Remote Audit Fee £100 (Invoice 20/075).
Glasdon UK Ltd. Space liner Cart – Lengthsman role/Highways Maintenance Grant. Invoice 3035662 dated 18/5/20.
Glasdon UK Ltd. LittaPikka – Lengths man role/Highways Maintenance Grant. Invoice 3035663 dated 18/5/20.
Noyces Ltd. 10 items for lengths man role/Highways Maintenance Grant. Invoice 98513 dated 21/5/20. Added to assets register. Paid for noting June agenda.
Community First – Annual Insurance renewal to Zurich Municipal due 1/6/20. (Refer discussion item 8e –3 year commitment approved).
Chairs 2020 Annual Allowance. (Refer resolution 1/6/20 9C).
- Balance at Bank 25/5/2020, £25,892.75
- S137 Covid-19 remaining budget balance at 25/5/20 £1051.43 (Included in above balance).
- Year-end 2019-20 bank reconciliation completed and Approved by Cllr D Murphy 13/3/20
- Annual Insurance expires 31-5-20. Agree renewal fee based on latest assets register at 25-5-20. Due to delay in timings of the proposal due to Covid-19 closures, Came and Co not contacted for alternative quote as was very expensive last year / not enough time to manage before expiry date.
- Internal Audit Held on 14 May 2020 – Refer auditors report.
- Signed Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 and Certificate of Exemption (Part 2). Due to be returned to PKF LittleJohn by 31/8/20.
- 2019/20 Annual Accounting Statement of Account. Draft accounts to be re-written as per auditor’s guidance – review July meeting.
- Highways Maintenance Community Enhancement fund Grant £1204.88. (DCC Road Warden / length man scheme. All equipment now ordered and added to assets register. Note actual order costs are £1284.18 as used local supplier to help support local business but with the VAT reclaim costs are within the Grant budget.
197-20. Date of next meeting – Monday 6th July 2020 at 7.30pm by Zoom conference call
SIGNED Chair: Julie Hinder