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Council Meeting – 1st July 2024


The following Councillors are summoned to attend:
Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr I. Mitchelmore (Vice Chair), Cllr C. Staines, Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr J. Waters, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr S. Lange, Cllr I. Luscombe and Cllr G. Sutton.

The next meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 1st July, at Slapton Village Hall (main hall), at 7.00 pm.

Cllr J. Brazil, Cllr L. Lawford, Kate Payne (FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.

If any parishioners wish to speak at the meeting, please submit your papers or questions by email to 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The public comment section is 15 minutes in duration with 3 minutes allocated per person.




Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether, in the light of recent activities, any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.




a. Cllr J. Brazil

b. Cllr L. Lawford

6) MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON 3rd June 2024, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record – see separate document (6).


a. Applications (for resolution)

i. 1346/24/CLE Higher Coltscombe Cottage Slapton TQ7 2QE
Certificate of lawfulness for existing domestic outbuilding for storage & parking.
PC is not a statutory consultee on certificates of lawfulness – any comments on historic usage to be submitted by 14.06.24

b. Decisions (for information only)

i. 0999/24/FUL Thorn Park, Slapton, TQ7 2RD
Agricultural building for storage to include farmyard manure
SHDC decision: Conditional approval 4th June 2024

c. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment):

i. APP/TPO/K1128/9715 9, Chantry Hill, Slapton, TQ7 2QY
Appeal to Secretary of State re refusal of tree works application 0810/23/TPO
PC Comment: Tree Wardens will contact SHDC Tree Officer for advice

d. Withdrawn (for information only): None


a. Logo and branding: Does the PC wish to continue with the development of this or would they prefer to move on to setting the vision/mission of the PC?


a. Tree on Footpath 11: Does the PC wish to visit the site with the FSC to ascertain land ownership and discuss next steps? Would the PC like the Clerk to contact the PROW team if land ownership cannot be determined?
b. Noticeboards: Does the PC wish to submit an application for a grant towards replacement of the noticeboard at Greenbanks and repair or replacement of the noticeboard at Chantry Corner to Slapton Village Community Shop?



a. See separate document (11a)


a. Verbal update from Chair on any matters arising since the June PC meeting to include:
i. Visit to Slapton sewage treatment works with South West Water
ii. Attendance at an emergency planning event for Councils
iii. Attendance by a Cllr at Neighbourhood Planning Training Sessions – thank you to Cllr Lange, who has already signed up to sessions on 16th and 25th July


a. Verbal update from Cllr P. Osborne on:
ii. How to work effectively with DCC Highways webinar


a. Cllr updates on any pending actions/actions requiring a status update in the action log – see separate document (14a)


a. Payments to approve: Does the PC approve the payments below, which have been examined, verified and certified by the Clerk and RFO? – see separate document (15a)

Payment no Details of payment Amount GBP Paid for noting
44 Village Hall May. PC meeting 13th April £20 and CSG Meeting 17th May £10. 30.00
45 The British Federation of Film Societies (Cinema for All) equipment hire 17th August 2024 50.00
VISA46 Land registry search. Ref: 1000005395522, dated 24.06.24 6.00 Paid
47 Nick Mathias June mowing. Invoice no: 1848/25, dated 23.05.24 390.62
*48 Clerk’s salary June plus £24 WFH allowance 783.20
*49 HMRC tax and NI for June 62.00
*50 Woolston Accounts June payroll. Invoice no: 0???, dated ??.0?.24 20.00
*DD51 VC Warehouse July phone. Invoice no: 101???, dated 01.07.24 11.94

9.95 + 1.99 VAT

*Awaiting invoices, which will be presented at the PC meeting


b. Balance at Bank


Balance as per bank statements on 26.06.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 0
Treasurers Account 9,422.27
Instant Access Savings Account 13,957.46
Total 23,379.73


c. Receipts summary


Receipts as per bank statements on 26.06.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 0
Treasurers Account

Incorrect payment from Slapton Village Community Shop to the PC for the Falklands Talk – should have gone to PCC and will need to be transferred to them

Instant Access Savings Account: June Interest 14.86
Total 194.86


ii. Does the PC approve the transfer for £180.00, which was incorrectly paid to them by Slapton Village Community Shop for the Falklands Talk, to the Parochial Church Council?


d. First quarter bank reconciliation: Does the PC agree that the bank reconciliation can be signed by the Chair and another Cllr as correct? – see separate documents (15d 1, 15d 2, 15d 3, 15d 4 and 15d 5)


e. First quarter budget update for information only – see separate documents (15e)


16) AOB


Next Parish Council meeting will be held on
Monday 2nd September at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.


Signed: Bella Moor, Clerk                                                                                           Date: 26th June 2024


Those in attendance:
Cllr J. Abbey (Chair), Cllr I. Mitchelmore (Vice Chair), Cllr M. Crowson, Cllr S. Lange, Cllr P. Osborne, Cllr G. Sutton, Cllr J. Waters (arrived at 7.10pm) and Cllr L. Lawford (arrived at 7.00pm and left at 7.15pm).

50:24 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr C. Staines – away on holiday, Cllr Brazil – Council in purdah so no Council business to report and Cllr I. Luscombe – no reason given.

51:24 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr Lange declared an interest in 56:24 c as his property neighbours 9 Chantry Hill. Cllr Waters declared an interest in 28:24 a as his land neighbours the National Nature Reserve. Cllr Abbey and Cllr Osborne declared an interest 58:24 b as they volunteer at the shop and Cllr Osborne is Chair of the Shop Committee. It was agreed that all Cllrs could participate in discussions but would not vote on any resolutions.




a. Cllr Lawford reported that there was little to update the PC on since the Council was still in purdah until the election and that she has followed up on a planning enforcement issue but has received no further update. She requested that the PC’s clerk email the planning department and copy her. Clerk to action.

55:24 MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL Meeting HELD ON 3rd June 2024 were agreed unanimously and signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.


a. Applications (for resolution)

i. 1346/24/CLE Higher Coltscombe Cottage Slapton TQ7 2QE
Certificate of lawfulness for existing domestic outbuilding for storage & parking.
PC is not a statutory consultee on certificates of lawfulness – any comments on historic usage to be submitted by 14.06.24. The PC agreed that they had no useful information concerning historic usage.

b. Decisions (for information only)

i. 0999/24/FUL Thorn Park, Slapton, TQ7 2RD
Agricultural building for storage to include farmyard manure
SHDC decision: Conditional approval 4th June 2024

c. Trees Works (for information only – Tree Wardens will assess and comment):

i. APP/TPO/K1128/9715 9, Chantry Hill, Slapton, TQ7 2QY
Appeal to Secretary of State re refusal of tree works application 0810/23/TPO
PC Comment: Tree Wardens will contact SHDC Tree Officer for advice

d. Withdrawn (for information only): None


a. Logo and branding: Does the PC wish to continue with the development of this or would they prefer to move on to setting the vision/mission of the PC? Cllr Lange explained that he has explored making changes to the draft logo using different editing software and that the software has not enabled the creation of a new logo that would encompass all the elements that the PC wishes to include. Cllr Sutton suggested ascertaining whether there were any young people in the Parish who might be able to help with the Logo. It was resolved unanimously to explore this further and that the Clerk would also contact local colleges to ascertain whether any art or graphic design students might wish to undertake this as a project. Clerk to action. There was discussion about moving on to the vision and mission. Cllr Osborne suggested using another Parish Council’s as the basis. It was resolved that the Chair, with support from the Clerk, would put three different drafts forward to the PC for approval at the September meeting. Chair and Clerk to action.


a. Tree on Footpath 11: Does the PC wish to visit the site with the FSC to ascertain land ownership and discuss next steps? Would the PC like the Clerk to contact the PROW team if land ownership cannot be determined? The PC resolved unanimously that as a first step a site visit would be useful and that the Clerk should obtain title plans for land in the vicinity of the tree and if possible a grid reference on an OS map for the tree. Clerk to action and arrange site visit. Cllr Mitchelmore and Cllr Lange to attend site visit.

b. Noticeboards: Does the PC wish to submit an application for a grant towards replacement of the noticeboard at Greenbanks and repair or replacement of the noticeboard at Chantry Corner to Slapton Village Community Shop? There was discussion about how nice the new Slapton Village Community Shop noticeboard is and how there is an urgent need to replace the Parish and community boards at Greenbanks as they are no longer fit for purpose. The Clerk explained, that since the National Lottery funding application was refused, she has researched extensively other possible funding sources for a new noticeboard and has been unable to find any suitable grants to apply for. It was agreed that the PC could fund some of the costs as they have budgeted approximately £700 to do so and that Cllr Brazil would be asked if he could fund up to £500 from his localities budget. It was resolved unanimously that the Clerk should obtain quotes for a suitable new noticeboard at Greenbanks for approval by the PC and following that approval an application towards some of the costs should be made to the Shop Committee. Clerk to action. Cllr Lange and Cllr Mitchelmore offered to replace the glass in the Chantry Corner noticeboard and the Clerk has offered to sand and varnish it. Cllr Lange, Cllr Mitchelmore and Clerk to action.



a. See separate document (11a). There was discussion about information provide in the Clerk’s report about the leaking pipe enroute to the Tower Inn and in particular the advice given by South West Water that the PC should not write to the properties that this pipe serves. Cllr Osborne was concerned by the image that it is portraying, the damage it is causing to road surfaces and the inconvenience to users of the road and felt that perhaps the PC should still write to the properties that the pipe serves. The Clerk advised verbally that South West Water are referring the issue to their enforcement team and that the PC should not become involved in the matter at this stage as it is now a legal issue between South West Water and the properties that the pipe serves.


a. Verbal update from Chair on any matters arising since the June PC meeting to include:
i. Visit to Slapton sewage treatment works with South West Water: Cllr Abbey explained that Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Staines, Mark Jackson, Kate Palmer, Mike Hitch and herself, together with Kate Payne and Lee Dennison from the FSC, had a tour with the South West Water Manager Rob Redding and another South West Water worker. The treatment works hasn’t been upgraded since 2004 and is a basic set up. Pollution into the wetland on the National Nature Reserve is caused by a tank overflow, usually during times of heavy rainfall. The maximum capacity of the treatment works is 18 litres per second. It receives 6 litres per second from Slapton and 14 litres per second from Torcross during normal operation, which means it is always exceeding its capacity. The amount coming from Torcross can be capped but excess from Torcross is then directed out to sea. South West Water confirmed that they don’t have any plans currently to upgrade or increase the capacity of the treatment works. The Clerk confirmed that she has checked South West Water’s permits for the treatment works and there are no water quality limits in place for overflow during heavy rainfall. It was agreed to keep pressure on South West Water to increase the capacity of the treatments by liaising with South Devon’s new MP after the election.
ii. Attendance at an emergency planning event for Councils: Cllr Abbey attended the session and explained that it is not necessarily the PC’s responsibility to set up an emergency plan and during the session. Councils were advised that it should be a separate sub group who write the plan – funding is available to support that and for emergency response equipment too. There are templates that can be used for developing a plan. It was agreed that the PC would explore leading on the development of a plan. Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Lange and Cllr Osborne offered to look at the information Cllr Abbey has and to begin work on the plan using a template. Cllrs to action.
iii. Attendance by a Cllr at Neighbourhood Planning Training Sessions: Cllr Abbey thanked Cllr Lange, who has already signed up to sessions on 16th and 25th July and said the sessions were open to other Cllrs too. She also confirmed that Cllr Struan Coupar from Stoke Flemming would attend the PC’s September meeting to talk about the Neighbourhood Planning Process.


a. Verbal update from Cllr P. Osborne on:
i. OPCC: Operation Scorpion is a recent drug project across the South West, which took place in June. Approximately £370k of drugs and cash were seized and 73 people were safeguarded including 16 children (i.e. removed from drug muling etc.). The Police are also continuing to focus on domestic violence and speeding as priorities.
ii. How to work effectively with DCC Highways webinar: Cllr Osborne learnt little from this session and has still not received a reply from the Highways Neighbourhood Officer for South Hams, even after the Clerk has forwarded his emails from Clerk@ as suggested by the Officer.


a. Cllr updates on any pending actions/actions requiring a status update in the action log – see separate document (14a). Cllr Lange and Cllr Mitchelmore agreed to strim Footpath 2, possibly on Sunday 7th July.


a. Payments to approve: Does the PC approve the payments below, which have been examined, verified and certified by the Clerk and RFO? – see separate document (15a). It was resolved unanimously to make the following payments (Clerk to action):

Payment no Details of payment Amount GBP Paid for noting
44 Village Hall May. PC meeting 13th April £20 and CSG Meeting 17th May £10. 30.00
45 The British Federation of Film Societies (Cinema for All) equipment hire 17th August 2024 50.00
VISA46 Land registry search. Ref: 1000005395522, dated 24.06.24 6.00 Paid
47 Nick Mathias June mowing. Invoice no: 1848/25, dated 23.05.24 390.62
48 Clerk’s salary June plus £24 WFH allowance. Includes tax refund 969.20 Paid
49 HMRC tax and NI for June (as PC will be awarded a tax refund) 0.00
50 Woolston Accounts June payroll. Invoice no: 00399, dated 29.06.24 20.00
DD51 VC Warehouse July phone. Invoice no: 1014087, dated 01.07.24 11.94

9.95 + 1.99 VAT

52 Nick Mathias June Road Warden. Invoice no: 1855/25, dated 29.06.24 370.88


b. Balance at Bank


Balance as per bank statements on 26.06.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 0
Treasurers Account 9,422.27
Instant Access Savings Account 13,957.46
Total 23,379.73


c. Receipts summary

Receipts as per bank statements on 26.06.24 Amount GBP
Events Treasurers Account 0
Treasurers Account

Incorrect payment from Slapton Village Community Shop to the PC for the Falklands Talk – should have gone to PCC and will need to be transferred to them

Instant Access Savings Account: June Interest 14.86
Total 194.86

ii. Does the PC approve the transfer of £180.00, which was incorrectly paid to them by Slapton Village Community Shop for the Falklands Talk, to the Parochial Church Council? It was resolved unanimously that these monies could be transferred. Clerk to action.

d. First quarter bank reconciliation: Does the PC agree that the bank reconciliation can be signed by the Chair and another Cllr as correct? – see separate documents (15d 1, 15d 2, 15d 3, 15d 4 and 15d 5). Cllr Abbey asked a question about the opening cash balance on 1st April 2024. The Clerk explained that this was the amount held by the PC at year end 23-24 as stated on the Accounting Statements for 23-24, which were agreed by the PC and form part of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return submitted to the internal and external auditors. It was resolved unanimously that the bank reconciliation could be signed as true and correct.

e. First quarter budget update for information only – see separate documents (15e).

65:24 AOB

a. Cllr Crowson explained that there is major problem on his farm (Southgrounds Farm) and at Kimberley Nursery. He said sewage is going into land drainage ditches and entering the ponds at both locations. The problem has been ongoing for several years and is happening before the waste reaches the treatment works in Slapton. He is now liaising with the new owners of Kimberley Nursery and South West Water.

b. Cllr Mitchelmore said he had received comments on how neat and tidy the village looks at the moment. However, he has also been advised been advised by a parishioner that visibility at the junction of Sands Road and the A379 is poor. The Clerk confirmed that she would contact the FSC, who are responsible for cutting the vegetation back. Clerk to action.

c. Cllr Osborne asked if any feedback had been received from the CSG leaflet drop. The Clerk confirmed two parishioners had commented on how good the planned activities looked but no-one has made contact to be kept up to date via email or to offer any support/help. No Cllrs had received any feedback. Clerk to add to CSG Agenda for discussion.

Next Parish Council meeting will be held on
Monday 2nd September at 7.00 pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.





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