Council Meeting – 1st February 2021
Agenda – 1 February 2021
The following Councillors are summoned to attend: Ms J Hinder (Chair), Mr J. McPetrie (Vice Chair), Cllr Mrs S. Sullock, Cllr Mr K. Widger, Cllr Mr Gavin Wollacott, Cllr Mr C. Staines, Cllr Mr D Murphy, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore.
Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr R. Foss, Sue Gorman (Slapton Community Support Group), Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are also invited to attend.
2) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
3) PUBLIC COMMENT -Slapton Parish Charity Working Group. -Parishioner report on the Sustainable Southhams Group.
4) POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme: Cllr D Murphy.
Cllr J Brazil:
- Slapton Lines Partnership Meeting 25th Jan 2020 – Update at CC level.
- Update on the relocation of the war memorial.
- Update the change of recycling arrangements from April 2021.
Cllr R Foss:
- Arrangements update for 6 May 2021 Elections.
- Update on the SHDC single solution Plan for the Slapton Line Parishes and winter public consultations.
- Localities Grant request update:
- Evolve Village Charity set up support grant – £500 matched funding with PC.
- £550 matched funding grant requests to help with the Purchase of additional litter bins to support local tourism (Total cost £1,1K).
6) MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY MEETING HELD ON 11th January 2021 if available and agreed, to be both be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a) Traffic Speed / Volume Survey. Deferred until spring 2021. Agree dates in Feb 2021. Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised.
b) Monument relocation to Strete Gate– Pending update from DCC.
c) Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes to spring 2021 parish recycling arrangements.
d) Village Map – Agreed to delay the reprint until spring 2021. Review artwork /stock levels at the Feb 2021 meeting.
e) £750 All-stars Cricket club grant – Agree to hold as ring-fenced reserves until bank account is open. Target date 31 March 2021.
f) Notice Boards – Review situation if more are required given volume of official communications.
g) FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions.
h) Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify.
i) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline tbc.
4094/20/HHO – Thorn, Slapton. TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Householder application for new extension with new external door formed from window and associated landscaping.
4095/20/LBC – Thorn, Slapton. TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Listed building consent for new extension with new external door formed from window and associated landscaping.
4177/20/AGR – Land East of Merrifield Slapton TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Application for prior notification of proposed agricultural storage building for machinery and fodder.
1817/20/FUL – Slapton Village Community Shop, Wood Lane, Slapton TQ7 2QX
Proposal: READVERTISEMENT (Amended development description) Retrospective application for the retention of community shop including rear extension to provide essential storage.
0069/21/ARC – Door Mouse Cottage, Hansel, Slapton. TQ6 OLN
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 and 4 of planning application 3623/20/LBC.
0125/21/TCA – Sloutts Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2PR
Proposal: T79: Silver Birch – Fell due to lean towards highway and car park. T80: Oak- Crown height reduction by 1m. T81: Oak – Crown height reduction by 1m. T82: Oak – Crown height reduction by 1.5m. T83: Liquid Amber – Crown height reduction by 2m.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)@
3622/20/HHO – Door Mouse Cottage, Hansel, Slapton. TQ6 OLN
Proposal: Householder application to erect a lean-to porch over door leading onto garden and incorporating existing garden gate
Decision: Conditional Approval.
3623/20/LBC – Door Mouse Cottage, Hansel, Slapton. TQ6 OLN
Proposal: Listed building consent to erect a lean-to porch over door leading onto garden and incorporating existing garden gate
Decision: Conditional Approval.
4177/20/AGR – Land East of Merrifield Slapton TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Application for prior notification of proposed agriucultural storage building for machinery and fodder.
Decision: Prior Approval Details required.
a. Finalise and approve the PC working groups brief following the Extraordinary Meeting 11-2-20.
b. Agree Cllr and Clerk training requirements against DALC 2021 training programme.
c. Discuss the structure of the Climate Change Committee and in consideration of the outputs from the 18th Jan Charity Meeting (Chair to lead).
d. Parish Councils position on the Beach Car Park (All).
e. Update on the condition of the fence posts around the Playing field/ next steps (Cllr K Widger).
f. Parishioner complaint re hedge debris on the road outside of Poole Barns. (Cllr J McPetrie).
g. DCC/ Western Power update on the electric Cable overhanding the road on Marsh Lane.(Cllr I Mitchelmore).
h. Update on 2021 for 2021 foodbank campaign. (Cllr S Sullock). Consider PC support (PC).
i. Cllrs Job Vacancy – Agree Interview process and key dates (All)
j. Damaged capping on the Leet in Carr Lane – Agree to add repairs to matters in abeyance for late spring.
k. Agree February Road Warden Brief.
l. 2021 Mowing contract renewal due in March. Agree 2021 brief with consideration for bio-diversity and need to enable social distancing for public safety.
m. DALC Remote Meeting Guidance from May 7th Onwards – Discuss and Agree the PC’s position and action plan to address proposed changes in the law.
a) To propose to approve a quote for £201.50 to provide PPE kit to the road warden to work safely on the roads.
To discuss: Clerks annual leave request.
For information:
- The Cllrs safeguarding training date is now confirmed as Monday 8th March 2021 7pm-8pm.
- DCC temporary traffic order 4-7th May 2021, Closure of Sands Road. Public notices diarised to post 20-4-20. Chair to diarise to include in April Slapton Lines edition.
- 14 CSG Facebook and 10 PC website posts drafted have been scheduled and posted across the month to relay Government covid-19 related updates to the community.
- PC Governance: Extraordinary meeting attendance 11/3/20/ minutes and supporting Governance documents drafted for review Feb Agenda; Planning Applications Governance Log set up; Parishioner Communications Governance log.
- Cllr Job Vacancy – Overview information forwarded to interested parishioners.
- Village Charity Meeting attendance 18-1-21.
- Submission of coronavirus content for Slapton Lines Feb edition to support DCC Covid-19 prompt action fund grant terms.
- Coronavirus website page updated with copy relevant to 2021. Thanks to Sue Gorman for supporting.
- Public health – GVT/NHS Posters – Preparation of NHS/GVT Lockdown posters.
- Attendance at Slapton Lines Virtual Partnership meeting 25/1/21 (deputised for the Chairs seat).
- Maintenance reporting: Liaison with Road Warden – Jan road warden work brief / Mowing and maintenance contract renewal, risk assessment and public liability Insurance certificate for 2021
- Correspondence has been sent to 5 parishioners to assist with their enquiries. • 3 grants applied for – refer 13.4 (e) (f)(g) below.
- Slapton Lines Partnership Meeting 25th Jan 2020 – Update from Chair and Vice Chair relating to parish matters.
a) The Council to approve the below payments:
- 242/20 (S/O) £256.00 L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – Jan 21 (Paid 1/1/21 for noting).
- 243/20 £286.24 Clerks Overtime 19.18hrs and monthly expenses (Jan 2021) Refer analysis sheet x 6 plastic scoops for the grit bins. Printer ink (50%) allocation, working from home allowance.
- 241/20 £12.34 VC Warehouse – 9th payment – C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. (Paid 15/1/21 by DD. Invoice 1008336 for noting).
- 244 /20 £259.00 Nick Mathias – Road Warden Work – 21/22 Jan / 14 hrs + £10 materials. Invoice 1254/21 dated 24/20.
- Balance at Bank 25/1/2021, £17,300.57
- Precept Demand Submitted to SHDC 8-1-21.
- 2021 P3 Grant request deadline 12th Feb 2021. Liaising with Evolve for path inspection reporting.
- The following grants have been applied for on below dates and are pending reply:
- DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund – £1278.08 (Materials, Hire and Labour element expecting 50%), Footpath patching on 26/11/20.
- SHDC Localities fund; Matched funding grant £788.00, large multi-purpose bin upgrades Applied for 17/11/20 to Cllr R Foss.
- DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund – £259.00 (Labour), Road Warden work 8th and 9th Dec. Applied for 11/12/20 – Expecting 50%.
- SHDC Localities Grant – £500/ 50% PC match funding for Evolve charity website. Applied for 10/12/20 to Cllr R Foss.
- DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund – £809.42 (50% refund of Labour costs for mowing, sign cleaning, Buddle Hole clearing, repairs. Applied for 18/1/21.
- DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund – £201.59 (PPE Road Safety kit (6 x Cones, 2 x Men at work signs, 1x Punner). Applied for 18/1/21.
- DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund – £2017.50 (50% refund of Labour costs, materials and kit hire for Beach Path repair Applied for 20/1/21.
Next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 1st March 2021 at 7.00pm by Zoom Video Conference due to Government social distancing restrictions.
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk 25/1/21
Minutes – February 2021
Present: J Hinder (Chair), J McPetrie (V. Chairman), Cllr C Staines, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr K Widger, Cllr G Wollacott.
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R Foss, Sue Gorman,(Slapton Community Support Group Committee), 4 members of the public.
288-20. Apologies for absence –.Kate Payne, (Centre Manager, FSC)
289-20. Declarations of interest – None.
290-20. Public comment – A parishioner presented an overview on a new SHDC scheme called Sustainable Southhams designed to support all PC’s in the Southhams district to engage with climate change, share ideas (Tree Planting and bio-diversity, carbon management, wildlife corridors across parishes, reducing energy bills and green retrofit in housing) and avoid duplication of work for volunteers. The scheme is currently developing a database of all climate change activities being undertaken by PC’s across the Southhams. The next stage is to encourage a greater community involvement by holding Parish open meetings on Zoom where ideas can be shared and to attract volunteers. Agenda support is available. Parishioner to forward contact details to Cllr J Brazil via the clerk.
291-20. Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update – Cllr D Murphy reported that a new Police Covid-19 Breach reporting poster had been launched. The PC agreed to display this around the Parish to help parishioners. Cllr S Sullock and Clerk to arrange.
If any members of the public have non urgent matters they wish to bring to the attention of their Local Policing Team, this can be reported via the Devon and Cornwall Police web-page – / Find your local policing team.
292-20. County & District Councillor reports:
Devon County Council (DCC) report from Cllr J Brazil-
- Covid-19 cases are falling across the county and the SouthHams still has a very low cases number compared to other districts.
- The latest CCG vaccine update is available. Cllr J Brazil to forward to the PC.
- Saltstone single neighbourhood plan consultation– A report is being written to summarise the feedback from the consultation which will be shared ahead of the next PC meeting. Padstow in Cornwall have recently introduced a primary residence scheme clause and this has been well supported by residents.
- SHDC tourism management. The Executive report is due in March covering how to best manage campervans and holiday homes. Cllr J Brazil reported his disappointment in the delay and will continue to push the matter with Cllr R Foss for solutions to the issues raised given the shortening period of time to action ahead of the holiday season.
- Slapton Line Partnership meeting 25th January 2021. A full report was made on the flooding at Torcross over Christmas. The culvert has been unblocked and a good temporary solution put in place. The flooding also caused problems with the local sewerage system and DCC have asked South West Water to attend a meeting to discuss a long term solution.
- Relocation of the Memorial at Slapton Sands to Strete Gate. It was reported that work is underway to finalise the planning application to relocate the Monument to Strete Gate. Strete Parish Council will work with the FSC to confirm the ongoing maintenance costs for approval by the parish councils in the Coleridge Association. The Chair asked when the next Coleridge meeting was to be held as there were lots of matters in abeyance relevant to all PC’s for discussion in this forum. Cllr J Brazil agreed to set up a meeting if a proposal and agenda could be sent through and there was a list of interested Cllrs. Chair to draft agenda and issue to Cllr J Brazil.
District report from Cllr R. Foss:
- Conveyed frustration over the delays in the SHDC tourism management report and advised will continue to work with Cllr J Brazil to seek solutions.
- £150K had been earmarked to install toilets in the centre of the Slapton Line but this would not be until 2022. Cllr J Brazil and Keith Baldry had been instrumental in achieving this decision.
- Report on resourcing in SHDC. SHDC officers working patterns have been changed to allow for 7 day a week cover from early morning up until10pm in the evening, commencing in spring and over the tourist season, to help with managing parking and antisocial behaviour enforcement at the beaches and car parks on the A379. Cllr J Pearce had supported this change. Also reported that officers had been moved to other posts to help with grant applications to businesses.
- Reported that grants are still available and encouraged local businesses impacted by the pandemic to apply online via the SHDC website.
- The vaccine rollout would help move to a ‘new normal’ and £400K had been allocated for green projects across the South hams. There was a focus on encouraging farmers to adopt green projects and Cllr R Foss is leading this initiative. Grants are also available to groups who have a good ‘green’ business case and applications are encouraged to step up the pace of rollout of climate change initiatives.
- Roadside recycling changes are still on schedule to launch in spring and will be introduced in a phased way. Further details will be communicated at the DCC members briefing to be held the last week of February.
- May Elections – These are still scheduled to go ahead with some changes such as the proxy vote timetable being extended to allow for Covid-19 infections and an increase in postal votes is predicted. Further details will follow once finalised.
- SHDC grant applications – Cllr R Foss reported the Localities grant for the litter bins has been approved and would follow up with finance to ensure the PC had confirmation/payment. Clerk to resubmit the matched funding charity grant to Cllr R Foss for consideration.
293.20 MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY MEETING HELD ON 11th January 2021 if available and agreed, to be both be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record if the following amendment was made: Cllr S Sullock to be removed from the CSG committee and to be replaced by Cllr G Wollacott and the Chair. Clerk to amend the online minutes and CSG documentation.
294.20 Review of the Action Log – The draft action log was reviewed and it was agreed to introduce this as a tracking tool of actions for the PC.
295.20 Matters in Abeyance
a) Traffic Speed / Volume Survey. Deferred until spring 2021. Agree dates in Feb 2021. Submit Passive Traffic Management Grant application for £500 to District Cllr once requirements identified and approved by all agencies and grant availability advised. Given the lockdown, it was agreed to resolve at the next meeting to move the funds and survey into early in the new financial year when traffic would return. Clerk to add for resolution at the next meeting and adjust the dates in matters in abeyance.
b) Monument relocation to Strete Gate– Pending update from DCC.
c) Plastic recycling scheme – Pending update on changes to spring 2021 parish recycling arrangements
d) Village Map – It was agreed to delay the review of artwork and reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed. Stock levels were confirmed at 450 at 2/2/21. Check quantity at each meeting.
e) £750 All-stars Cricket club grant – Agree to hold as ring-fenced reserves until bank account is open. Target date 31 March 2021. Update 1 March meeting
f) Notice Boards – Review situation if more are required given volume of official communications.
g) FSC plant/wildlife mowing support meeting – Pending lifting of lockdown/social distancing restrictions. The chair reported is speaking to Tom Pinches this week to set up a zoom meeting to discuss mowing to support bio-diversity. Chair to send meeting invite to Nick Mathias, Cllr G Wollacott and other interested Cllrs.
h) Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify.
i) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline: 18th March 2021. Chair to draft copy.
296.20 Planning
4094/20/HHO – Thorn, Slapton. TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Householder application for new extension with new external door formed from window and associated landscaping. No comment.
4095/20/LBC – Thorn, Slapton. TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Listed building consent for new extension with new external door formed from window and associated landscaping. No comment.
4177/20/AGR – Land East of Merrifield Slapton TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Application for prior notification of proposed agricultural storage building for machinery and fodder. No comment.
1817/20/FUL – Slapton Village Community Shop, Wood Lane, Slapton TQ7 2QX
Proposal: READVERTISEMENT (Amended development description) Retrospective application for the retention of community shop including rear extension to provide essential storage. No comment.
Cllr D Murphy reported notice had been received that the decision was delayed for a further 3 weeks. Cllr R Foss agree to follow up if delayed beyond this period.
0069/21/ARC – Door Mouse Cottage, Hansel, Slapton. TQ6 OLN
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 and 4 of planning application 3623/20/LBC. No comment.
0125/21/TCA – Sloutts Farm, Slapton. TQ7 2PR
Proposal: T79: Silver Birch – Fell due to lean towards highway and car park. T80: Oak- Crown height reduction by 1m. T81: Oak – Crown height reduction by 1m. T82: Oak – Crown height reduction by 1.5m. T83: Liquid Amber – Crown height reduction by 2m. . No comment
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
3622/20/HHO – Door Mouse Cottage, Hansel, Slapton. TQ6 OLN
Proposal: Householder application to erect a lean-to porch over door leading onto garden and incorporating existing garden gate.
Decision: Conditional Approval.
3623/20/LBC – Door Mouse Cottage, Hansel, Slapton. TQ6 OLN
Proposal: Listed building consent to erect a lean-to porch over door leading onto garden and incorporating existing garden gate.
Decision: Conditional Approval.
4177/20/AGR – Land East of Merrifield Slapton TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Application for prior notification of proposed agricultural storage building for machinery and fodder.
Decision: Prior Approval Details required.
297-20. Matters for discussion
- The PC working groups brief was discussed, finalised and approved for resolution at the next meeting. Clerk to add to the agenda.
- DALC 2021 training programme. Clerk to circulate training times to cllrs.
- Climate Change Committee. DALC guidance was discussed on how to correctly set up the new committee alongside the Evolve Charity. Clerk to summarise guidance and circulate to the PC/Evolve. Add for discussion at the next meeting.
- Parish Councils position on the Beach Car Park – The Chair conveyed thanks and appreciation for the £350K 2022-23 budget allocation and change to officers working practices this year to help support tourism at the beach car park. The Chair still raised concerns over lack of arrangements and toilet facilities in place this season and would welcome the installation of the following: Portaloos as a temporary solution, wooded stumps installed by the bus stop to the corner of sands road and by the monument to protect the grass and SSI shingle from illegal parking, that clear and large no overnight parking or camping signs were installed in the car park and new parking bays for cars and vans be painted in to manage social distancing and the volume of cars parking, large black wheelie sized bins be installed in the car park and on Sands Road at the park and walk for the season and the collection round be increased to at least twice a week to prevent the litter pollution experienced last year. Also that a clear plan of how campervans will be managed and modified vehicles for people with disabilities. Cllr G Wollacott raised the need to consider crossing and traffic speed controls if the new toilet block is to be site ley-side as the road was 60mph speed limit.
It was agreed that: The Chair would write to Judy Pearce, CEO of SHDC, Steve Mullineaux, Director of SHDC and Emma Widecombe. Cllr R Foss would engage with Cllr J Brazil and Richard Jackson in Highways to also press the importance and need for these urgent arrangements ahead of end of lockdown/Easter. - It was reported that 12 fence posts had decayed around the Playing field. Cllr K Widger to arrange for the original supplier to quote to replace. Supplier to forward quote to the clerk.
- Parishioner complaint re Hedge debris on the road outside of Poole Barns was discussed. Chair to reply to the parishioner advising the matter was being discussed with the landowner. Clerk to recirculate DCC Highways guidance.
- DCC/ Western Power update on the electric Cable overhanding the road on Marsh Lane. Cllr I Mitchelmore to follow up if the cable is electricity or water to ensure the PC has taken steps to ensure there is no risk to public safety. Update next meeting).
- 2021 for 2021 foodbank campaign. Cllr S Sullock reported that 189 non-perishable item donations had been made in January and these had been split between Dartmouth and Kingsbridge Foodbank. The Chair conveyed thanks and gratitude to the ongoing support from parishioners. Cllr S Sullock to progress ideas for a visual totaller and where this could be installed and update next meeting.
- Cllrs Job Vacancy – Interviews were agreed to be held on the evening of Monday 8th February in a quorate panel format. Clerk to issue Zoom meeting invites.
- Damaged capping on the Leet in Carr Lane – it was agreed to add the repairs to matters in abeyance for late spring. Clerk to add.
- The February Road Warden Brief was agreed plus a baseline of ongoing repeat checks and works to ensure the Brook Street and all drains were kept clear of debris and leaves. Clerk to brief Road Warden.
- 2021 Mowing contract – The specification was agreed with consideration for bio-diversity and need to enable social distancing for public safety. Chair to arrange meeting with Tom Pincher of the FSC and the mowing contractor. Clerk to obtain daffodil planting plan from volunteer team and include in the brief/ issue contract to the contractor.
- DALC Remote Meeting Guidance from May 7th Onwards – The PC’s position and legal options was discussed on moving to physical meetings from the 7th May should the Gvt revoke the remote meeting legislation. It was agreed to ensure the safety of the PC and parishioners against Covid-19 that Powers would be devolved to the Clerk, in consultation with the PC, effective from the 6th May, Also that the Annual Parish Meeting would be cancelled this year and replaced by an end of year statement from the Chair to be published in the March edition of the Slapton Lines and PC website. Chair to draft statement. Clerk to prepare devolved powers mandate for discussion at the April meeting and resolution at the 1st May meeting and add to matters in abeyance. Also to check the requirements for village groups and approval of the 2019-20 APM minutes with DALC.
298.20. Proposals for resolution
(a).It was proposed and seconded to approve a quote for £201.50 to provide PPE kit to the road warden to work safely on the roads. Clerk to submit DCC HMECF Grant application / update the road warden.
299-20. Clerk’s report
To discuss:
The PC approved the clerks annual leave request. Clerk to update the PC as agreed on annual leave dates and requirements to carry forward.
For information only:
- The Cllrs safeguarding training date is now confirmed as Monday 8th March 2021 7pm-8pm. To remind all Cllrs to confirm name format for their certificate.
- DCC temporary traffic order 4-7th May 2021, Closure of Sands Road. Public notices diarised to post 20-4-20. Chair to diarise to include in April Slapton Lines edition.
- 14 CSG Facebook and 10 PC website posts drafted have been scheduled and posted across the month to relay Government covid-19 related updates to the community.
- PC Governance:
- Extraordinary meeting attendance 11/3/20/ minutes and supporting Governance documents drafted – review Feb Agenda.
- Planning Applications Governance Log set up and issued to the Council
- Parishioner Communications Governance log set up and issue to the Council.
- Cllr Job Vacancy – Overview information forwarded to interested parishioners.
- Village Charity Meeting attendance 18-1-21.
- Communication sent to Safeguarding training provider requesting remote training / date confirmation.
- Submission of Coronavirus content for Slapton Lines Feb edition to support SHDC Covid-19 prompt action fund grant terms.
- Coronavirus website page updated with copy relevant to 2021.
- Public health – GVT/NHS Posters – Preparation of x NHS/GVT Lockdown posters.
- Attendance at Slapton Lines Virtual Partnership meeting 25/1/21 (deputised for the Chairs seat).
- Maintenance reporting:
- Liaison with Road Warden – Jan road warden work brief / Mowing and maintenance contract renewal, risk assessment and public liability Insurance certificate for 2021
- Correspondence has been sent to 5 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
- 3 grants applied for – refer 13.4 (e) (f)(g) below.
300.20. Chairs report
- Slapton Lines Partnership Meeting 25th Jan 2020 – The Chair reported the meeting had mainly focussed on the flooding at Torcross and appointment of the Adaptation Manager by end April. No progress had been made on the monument or toilets. Chair to request meeting with the Adaptation Manager and the PC as soon as in position and circulate the latest Adaptation plan draft to the PC. All to read.
- Reported that development of a Slapton Parish Neighbourhood Plan was key to managing development of the village and was keen to progress this, given plans for the SLP to downgrade the A379 to a B road.
- Extended thanks to all the Slapton Lines team and CSG volunteers for producing and delivering a parish wide, special lockdown edition of the Magazine.
- Reported that a permanent resident would be moving to live permanently at Prospect and that they had advised the PC, village shop and neighbours that they would be in quarantine before moving in to assure parishioners of any covid-19 related safety concerns.
301-20. Councillors’ reports – None
302.20. Financial matters
The council approved the below payments were approved by the Council:
- 242/20 (S/O) £256.00 L. Soothill-Ward, Clerks salary – Jan 21 (Paid 1/1/21 for noting).
- 243/20 £286.24 Clerks Overtime 19.18hrs and monthly expenses (Jan 2021) Refer analysis sheet x 6 plastic scoops for the grit bins. Printer ink (50%) allocation, working from home allowance.
- 241/20 £12.34 VC Warehouse – 9th payment – C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. (Paid 15/1/21 by DD. Invoice 1008336 for noting).
- 244 /20 £259.00+ £10 = £269.00 Nick Mathias.
- Balance at Bank 25/1/2021, £17,300.57.
- Precept Demand Submitted to SHDC 8-1-21.
- 2021 P3 Grant request deadline 12th Feb 2021. Liaising with Evolve for path inspection reporting.
- The following grants have been applied for on below dates and are pending reply:
- DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund – £1278.08 (Materials, Hire and Labour element expecting 50%), Footpath patching on 26/11/20.
- SHDC Localities fund; Matched funding grant £788.00, large multi-purpose bin upgrades Applied for 17/11/20 to Cllr R Foss
- DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund – £259.00 (Labour), Road Warden work 8th and 9th Dec. Applied for 11/12/20 – Expecting 50%
- SHDC Localities Grant – £500/ 50% PC match funding for Evolve charity website. Applied for 10/12/20 to Cllr R Foss.
- DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund – £809.42 (50% refund of Labour costs for mowing, sign cleaning, Buddle Hole clearing, repairs. Applied for 18/1/21.
- DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund – £201.59 (PPE Road Safety kit (6 x Cones, 2 x Men at work signs, 1x Punner). Applied for 18/1/21.
- DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund – £2017.50 (50% refund of Labour costs, materials and kit hire for Beach Path repair Applied for 20/1/21.
303-20. Date of next Parish Council Meeting
The next monthly parish council meeting will be held on Monday 1 March 2021 at 7.00pm by Zoom conference call.
SIGNED Chair: Julie Hinder Dated 1/3/21