Council Meeting – 13th June 2022
Agenda – 13th June 2022
IN THE COLERIDGE HUNDRED OF THE SOUTH HAMS OF DEVON The following Councillors are summoned to attend: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey (Vice Chair), Cllr Crowson, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr S Sullock, Cllr Waters
Cllr R. Foss, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC and members of the public are invited.
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE –Cllr C. Staines, Cllr J. Brazil
2.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
a). Sustainable South Hams update
4/ POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme: Cllr D Murphy.
Cllr J Brazil:
a).Request from DCC Highways to remove advisory speed limit signs.
b).DCC Highways SCARF meeting update.
c). PC request to DCC for a ghost path and Rec Field entrance warning signage made 14/4/22.
d). Land ownership Brook Street / overhang maintenance advice request 25/5/22
e).DCC Cyclic Cleaning Agreement for PC’s update.
f).Monument relocation update.
g).A379 – Slapton Line Partnership Adaptation Plan update / next meeting update.
Cllr R Foss:
h).A379 – Slapton Line Partnership Adaptation Plan update/ resignation of Sam Lew and next steps re recruitment/ meetings.
i).Monument relocation update.
j). S106 land at Carr Lane – latest position re planning application update.
6. MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 9th May 2022, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a) Monument relocation to Strete Gate – Pending DCC Planning Permission.
b).Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations has been agreed.
c). Village BT K6 Phone box – Pending quote for replacement Perspex / solar light from volunteer parishioner. Arrange for Childline, Samaritans, Domestic Violence support posters to be displayed once renovated. Completed- resolve to remove at meeting.
d) Snow Warden Scheme.
e).Website development / upgrade – On hold until a full council in place.
f).DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (ongoing, where applicable).
g). Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline
1437/22/HHO – Higher Ley, Wood Lane, Slapton, TQ7 2QX
Proposal: Householder application for erection of summer house with deck to side of property & associated landscaping works.
1393/22/HHO – Chantry Hill, Slapton TQ7 2QY
Proposal: Householder application for alterations to dwelling including enlargement of existing parking area and dropped kerb, new front & rear extensions with new pitched roof over, new front and rear pitched roof dormers & replacement roof tiles with natural slate.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
0522/22/FUL – Southview, Slapton. TQ7 2PN
Proposal: Change of use from Dog Grooming Parlour (application no 2912/15/FUL) to residential including internal and external alterations/modifications.
Decision: Conditional approval.
a). Projects:
i.Platinum Jubilee Event debrief / outstanding actions.
ii.Devon and Cornwall Fire Service Home Assessment rollout plan.
iii. Village Hall Government renovation grant application – JV with Village Hall Committee.
iv. Neighbourhood Plan – next steps.
b) Village Maintenance:
i. Outstanding Road Safety measure requests to DCC highways – Refer items 5a-g above.
ii. Parishioner request to add bus stop redirection sign.
iii. Blocked buddle hole / White Close.
c. Financials / Admin:
i. Chair and Cllr Murphy to sign the bank mandate to issue clerk with Lloyds Bank debit card to pay for approved PC online purchases where an invoice system is not available.
ii.Recreation field quote for gate/fencing installation.
iii.Quote for PC Notice Board painting approval.
iv. Village defibrillator maintenance contract and summer Defibrillator training date.
v. DALC training courses – Cllr requests.
vi. PC Business Planning session Preparation, 26th July 2022.
a). Annual leave in June- request to change to first week in August.
b). All Stars farm visit – Pending Insurance company approval.
For information only:
- AGAR Forms part 2 and remote internal audit documents submitted digitally.
- 17 CSG Facebook and 11 PC website posts drafted/SEO/posted
- Maintenance reporting:
- Liaison with Road Warden – May Road Warden Work brief, Mowing and P3 Prow path repairs.
- Correspondence with parishioners to assist with jubilee volunteer enquiries.
- DCC Liaison re DCC request to remove signs and P3 scheme footpath repair grants.
- DCC P3 Scheme Liaison – Grant request for footpath 2 x 2 new gates.
- SHDC £100 Queens Platinum Jubilee grant application submission
- Hosted Have-A-Go dog agility event: 22nd May 2022.
- CSG Jubilee event working group meeting attendance 24/5/22, liaison with all village clubs and volunteers, Insurance company liaison re the Platinum Jubilee and risk assessment/ special forms production/ submission/ 2 hrs event support, Jubilee goods stock ordering and delivery to the V Hall.
- Office and budget administration
- Notice board updating.
- Recreation field: Visitor numbers monitoring.
a) Brandis Park verge
b).All-Stars projects
c).Jubilee update
d).Basketball Hoop fundraising project ideas
e).Great Big Green Week 24th Sept – 2nd Oct 2022
f). Southgrounds verge –info signs
a) The council to approve the below payments:
25/22. S/O
Clerk’s remuneration May 22. Paid 1-6-22 – noted June agenda.
L. Soothill-Ward. WFH allowance £24.00. Refund of S145 Jubilee expenses £146.17 less NEST employee payments £10.36
Community First – Annual PC insurance renewal (Year 3 of 3-year fixed term offer). Invoice 1/6/22.
Woolston Accounting – Monthly payroll. Invoice 2094 dated 28/5/22
Nick Mathias – Park and Walk Draining ditch clearance. Invoice 24/5/22 no. 1441/23
Nick Mathias – April Road Warden Work. Invoice 16/5/22 no. 1433/23
Nick Mathias -Village mowing. Invoice 24/5/22 no. 1440/23
Nick Mathias -DCC P3 various PROW repairs as agreed with Ros Davis. Paid from P3 Grant of £1500. Invoice 16/5/22 no. 1437/23
Nick Mathias – DCC P3 project work, installation of two gates of Footpath 2 as agreed with Ros Davis. Paid from P3 Grant of £305.00. Invoice 16/5/22 no. 1438/23
S145 – Refund of Jubilee Booking form collection box costs to James Curtis- Tree Warden
VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (May). Invoice 1010710 dated 1/6/26 paid 15/6 by DD
- Balance at Bank 8/6/22, £24,615.35
- SHDC Localities Grant – Eco Grant – Brandis Park Planting scheme. Payment of £1118.12 received 13/5/22. Ringfenced in reserves.
- DCC 2022-23 P3 Grant approved for two new gates on Footpath 2. Payment of £305.00 due 10/6/22.
- SHDC Localities Grant – Queens Jubilee event contribution approved. Payment of £100.00 due 9-6-22.
Next Parish Council monthly meeting will be held on Monday 4th July 2022 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Main Hall.
Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk 8/6/2022
Minutes – June 2022
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Slapton Village Hall on Monday 13th June 2022 at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Abbey, Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Waters. Cllr Crowson
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil.
35-22 Apologies for absence – Cllr R Foss, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Staines, Cllr Murphy.
20-22 Declarations of interest –Cllr Abbey, Refund of expenses for Jubilee event catering purchases, refer item 48.22 / Financial approvals (1) 33/22.
37.22 Public comment – Sustainable South Hams will now attend the July PC Meeting. Clerk to add to agenda.
38-22 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update.
- Cllr Abbey will attend the Police Hub meeting at Halwell and Morley Village Hall on 16th June at 6.15pm following an invite from Anthony Mangnall MP and update next meeting.
39-22 County & District Councillor reports
- Cllr J Brazil:
- Regarding the following items, Cllr Brazil advised that the PC needed to decide what was needed in the parish and to put this in writing to DCC. Each item was discussed as below:
- Request from DCC Highways to remove advisory speed limit signs. The Chair raised the issue of speeding into the Greenbank’s estate and past the children’s’ play park. Given the request to remove signage the Chair asked what could be done to prevent this. Cllr Brazil advised a ‘Children Slow Down’ sign with an image may be possible on the estate entrance and to contact Live West and SHDC for permission. Cllr Brazil asked if the advisory blue speed signs had been taken down. The PC advised no and were waiting to hear back from DCC Highways, Lisa Edmunds, on the outcome of the DCC SCARF meeting decision. This was due by the end of June. Depending on the results, the next steps would hopefully be a formal DCC speed survey and if the signs were removed, other traffic calming mechanisms needed to be installed as the issue of ongoing speeding and large vehicles entering the narrow lanes was ever present.
- PC request submitted 14/4/22 to DCC for a ghost path and recreation field entrance, pedestrians crossing warning signage. Cllr Brazil reported that DCC no longer supported ghost paths as afforded no protection to pedestrians. The PC stated that these were present in Chillington and Frogmore and the mere presence of a painted path on the road actually slowed down cars and the PC disagreed with this logic. The clerk advised that in the last month, 274 visits to the recreation field had been recorded and that this was a new requirement of the parish and needed to be considered to protect pedestrians and animals and drivers. Cllr Brazil agreed to raise a motion at a full council meeting that PC’s needed to be able to decide what was required in their parish.
- Land ownership on Brook Street / overhang maintenance advice request received 25/5/22. The clerk reported that the land registry showed the area with the overgrowth at the edge of the bank was no-man’s land and therefore had contacted highways for advice on maintenance responsibility. The PC agreed that Cllr Mitchelmore would contact a local farmer to obtain a quote to cut the bank back after the nesting season end September. Discuss next meeting.
- DCC Cyclic Cleaning Agreement for PC’s update – Carry to next meeting.
- Monument relocation update. Cllr Brazil reported that the FSC had raised many issues around maintenance and insurance and Strete and Stokenham PC were investigating moving the monument to Strete Gate car park, owned by SHDC.
- A379 – Slapton Line Partnership Adaptation Plan. Cllr Brazil reported that Sam Lew had resigned. The current situation within the partnership is that the Whitley Trust will not approve any more changes to the land and there is conflict regarding protecting the road v’s adaptation. Environmental England will also not allow non-native stone materials to be brought in for coastal defences. Cllr Abbey raised the issue of the coach entering the village at the weekend and highlighted how urgent the issue was to have a plan in place for when the road breaches. Cllr Brazil was very supported of several plans to be developed in parallel to cover all eventualities and that SHDC were looking at expanding the car parks as part of the adaptation plan for destination tourism for walking and cycling.
Cllr Crowson raised that if salt water goes into the Ley it will not then be an SSSI site. Cllr Brazil advised that when the road goes, the sandbank would move making the Ley a freshwater Lake. Cllr Crowson asked if the focus could be on adapting for climate change. Cllr Brazil advised it was a combination of rising sea levels, storm frequency and ferocity that was pushing the shingle bank and that the climate change process was already happening. Cllr Brazil added that Anthony Mangnal MP had reported a case at Government level to remove the SSSI restrictions so that the road could be protected. Cllr Abbey said the lack of planning was not acceptable and compulsory land purchase to re-route the back lanes would take several years and the recent coach stuck in the village highlighted what would continue to happen if no action was taken.
It was agreed that the Chair would submit all matters discussed above in writing to DCC Highways cc Cllr Brazil.
- Regarding the following items, Cllr Brazil advised that the PC needed to decide what was needed in the parish and to put this in writing to DCC. Each item was discussed as below:
Cllr R Foss: Cllr Foss submitted a written report in his absence
f). Slapton Line Partnership adaptation plan. Cllr Foss was disappointed and saddened to hear of the resignation of Sam Lew.
g). Green waste recycling – The continuation of the issues with the supplier is being brought to a conclusion by SHDC.
h). Monument relocation update – Refer 39.22 (1.d) above
i). S106 land at Carr Lane – latest position re planning application update – No update, carry to next meeting.
40-22 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 9th May 2022, were agreed and were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
41.22 Review of Action Log – Clerk to update.
42.22 Matters in Abeyance
a).Monument relocation to Strete Gate – Pending new location.
b). Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
c). Village BT K6 Phone box – Arrange for Childline, Samaritans, Domestic Violence support posters to be displayed once renovated. Chair to develop.
d). Snow Warden Scheme.
e). Website development / upgrade – On hold until a full council in place.
f). DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (ongoing, where applicable – Remove next meeting as adopted as part of normal processes.
g). Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 17th July 2022.
43.22 Planning
- Cllr Abbey reported and Air B+B was being advertised on Brook Street accommodating 10 people at Valley View. Clerk to contact SHDC planning to check planning permission has been obtained.
- Cllr Mitchelmore reported that work was still taking place at the reservoir in 5-mile lane and will contact Cllr R Foss directly for an update. Report back next meeting.
1437/22/HHO – Higher Ley, Wood Lane, Slapton, TQ7 2QX
Proposal: Householder application for erection of summer house with deck to side of property & associated landscaping works.
No comment.
1393/22/HHO – Chantry Hill, Slapton TQ7 2QY
Proposal: Householder application for alterations to dwelling including enlargement of existing parking area and dropped kerb, new front & rear extensions with new pitched roof over, new front and rear pitched roof dormers & replacement roof tiles with natural slate.
No comment.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
0522/22/FUL – Southview, Slapton. TQ7 2PN
Proposal: Change of use from Dog Grooming Parlour (application no 2912/15/FUL) to residential including internal and external alterations/modifications.
Decision: Conditional approval.
44.22 Matters for discussion
- Projects:
- Platinum Jubilee Event debrief / outstanding actions. The PC reported positive feedback from parishioners and felt the event had brought the community together. 145 people attended the Cream Tea with 5 take home tea packs delivered and 11 no shows. 164 people attended the BBQ with one takeaway. Disappointingly there were 47 no shows, likely due to the weather earlier on the day. The remaining 80 burgers were sold and proceeds donated to the charities and the bread buns frozen down and donated to the summer church fete BBQ. Unused salad and dressings were donated to the FSC and used the next day to ensure there was no food waste. £1340 was taken on the raffle, Cake stall and burger sales generated £364.66, a total of £1704.66 and this is being shared between the 3 charities based on level of support provides to the events as follows: Kingsbridge and Saltstone Caring £1000, DAAT, £400, SWAST £304.66. Chair to write article for the Slapton Lines to provide an update/thank everyone involved, Clerk to post to website/CSG FB page, Cllr Waters to submit to the Kingsbridge Gazette/ Village voice column, clerk to update the Village Shop Committee with the financials.
- Devon and Cornwall Fire Service Home Assessment rollout plan. Clerk to check IOC and Parish Online data terms and progress.
- Village Hall Government renovation grant application. It was agreed the PC would visit Strete Village Hall for soundproofing ideas and submit these to the Village Hall. Cllr Mitchelmore reported the village hall were aware of the Government grant and were looking into this. The Chair asked Cllr Mitchelmore to convey the PC’s support to Cllr Sullock and offer of help from a parishioner with experience in grant applications. PC to discuss PC requirements at the business planning session e.g., shared office space.
- Neighbourhood Plan – Discuss at the Business Planning meeting 1-8-22.
- Village Maintenance:
- Outstanding Road Safety measure requests to DCC highways – Refer 39-22 (1a).
- Parishioner request to add bus stop redirection sign. Chair to develop a laminated sign.
- Blocked buddle hole / White Close. The PC agreed as part of the June Road Warden brief for the area around the buddle hole to be cleared and photos taken to be submitted as a work request to DCC to clear as a contributing factor to the village flooding. The June road warden brief was also agreed. Clerk to brief Road Warden/submit photos.
- Financials / Admin:
- The Chair signed the bank mandate to issue clerk with Lloyds Bank debit card to pay for approved PC online purchases where an invoice system is not available. Clerk to obtain second signature from Cllr Murphy then submit. The PC agreed for Cllr Abbey to be added to the bank mandate as an additional signatory – clerk to arrange.
- Recreation field quote for gate/fencing installation. Cllr Waters to progress a quote for discussion next meeting.
- Quote for PC Notice Board painting approval. This had not been received in time for the meeting and the PC discussed the possibility of recruiting for volunteers. Clerk to add to next meeting agenda for further discussion.
- Village defibrillator maintenance contract and summer Defibrillator training date. Cllr Abbey to liaise with the trainer on available training dates. Clerk to add to June agenda. Chair to draft a letter to the village clubs, clerk to contact SWAST to ensure defib is registered with them.
- DALC training courses – The Chair asked all Cllr to consider what training they required.
- PC Business and Financial Planning workshop day. – Clerk to book the village hall 1st August 2022 / prepare the agenda.
45.22 Proposals for resolution – None.
46.22 Clerk’s report
a). Annual leave in June- request to change to first week in August – approved.
b). All Stars farm visit – refer 32.21(b).
For information only:
- AGAR Forms part 2 and remote internal audit documents submitted digitally.
- 17 CSG Facebook and 11 PC website posts drafted/SEO/posted
- Maintenance reporting:
- Liaison with Road Warden – May Road Warden Work brief, Mowing and P3 Prow path repairs.
- Correspondence with parishioners to assist with jubilee volunteer enquiries.
- DCC Liaison re DCC request to remove signs and P3 scheme footpath repair grants.
- DCC P3 Scheme Liaison – Grant request for footpath 2 x 2 new gates.
- SHDC £100 Queens Platinum Jubilee grant application submission
- Hosted Have-A-Go dog agility event: 22nd May 2022.
- CSG Jubilee event working group meeting attendance 24/5/22, liaison with all village clubs and volunteers, Insurance company liaison re the Platinum Jubilee and risk assessment/ special forms production/ submission/ 2 hrs event support, Jubilee goods stock ordering and delivery to the V Hall.
- Office and budget administration
- Notice board updating.
- Recreation field: Visitor numbers monitoring.
47.22 Chair’s report
a). Brandis Park verge. Cllr Mitchelmore raised concerns from a parishioner over the risk of removing any existing bulbs. The Chair advised that care would be taken when lifting the turf and any uncovered bulbs would be replanted and would contact the parishioner to explain the process. The work is planned for autumn and to advertise for volunteers early September ahead of planting in October. Chair/Clerk to draft poster.
b). All-Stars projects – Farm Visit. Due to the delay in reply from the insurance company it was agreed to postpone this until spring 2023 to link in with the lambing season. No other events are currently planned.
c). Jubilee update. Refer 44.22 (a/a).
d). Basket Ball Hoop fundraising – Clerk to add to the business planning meeting agenda.
e). Great Big Green Week 24th Sept – 2nd Oct 2022 The Chair reported the deadline for grant applications was 30/6/22 and the SHDC localities grant received covered a willow weaving workshop. Chair to circulate ideas to all village agencies (White Close, Dittiscombe Estate and the Community Shop) to encourage a collaborative village approach and submission ahead of the grant deadline. Chair to progress.
f). Southgrounds verge –info signs. Chair to provide specifications to the clerk for the marine ply to post on CSG Facebook to enquire for a wood donation.
48.22 Councillors’ reports – None
49.22 Financial matters
a) The council unanimously approved the below payments:
25/22. S/O
Clerk’s remuneration May 22. Paid 1-6-22 – noted June agenda.
L. Soothill-Ward. WFH allowance £24.00. Refund of S145 Jubilee expenses £146.17 less NEST employee payments £10.36
Community First – Annual PC insurance renewal (Year 3 of 3-year fixed term offer). Invoice 1/6/22.
Woolston Accounting – Monthly payroll. Invoice 2094 dated 28/5/22
Nick Mathias – Park and Walk Draining ditch clearance. Invoice 24/5/22 no. 1441/23
Nick Mathias – April Road Warden Work. Invoice 16/5/22 no. 1433/23
Nick Mathias -Village mowing. Invoice 24/5/22 no. 1440/23
Nick Mathias -DCC P3 various PROW repairs as agreed with Ros Davis. Paid from P3 Grant of £1500. Invoice 16/5/22 no. 1437/23
Nick Mathias – DCC P3 project work, installation of two gates of Footpath 2 as agreed with Ros Davis. Paid from P3 Grant of £305.00. Invoice 16/5/22 no. 1438/23
S145 – Refund of Jubilee Booking form collection box costs to James Curtis- Tree Warden
VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (May). Invoice 1010710 dated 1/6/26 paid 15/6 by DD
The below late invoices were also approved.
b). Balance at Bank 8/6/22, £24,615.35
c). SHDC Localities Grant – Eco Grant – Brandis Park Planting scheme. Payment of £1118.12 received 13/5/22. Ringfenced in reserves.
d). DCC 2022-23 P3 Grant approved for two new gates on Footpath 2. Payment of £305.00 received 10/6/22 – Paid as item 48.22 (1) 33/22 above.
e). SHDC Localities Grant – Queens Jubilee event contribution approved. Payment of £100.00 received 9-6-22. Added to ringfence Jubilee budget and paid out in expenses above.
50.22 Next meeting dates:
- Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 4th July 2022 at 7.00pm.
- Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines
The meeting ended at 10.10pm.
SIGNED: Julie Hinder, chair Date: 4/7/22
All meeting agendas and minutes can be viewed at
Minutes – June 2022
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Slapton Village Hall on Monday 13th June 2022 at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Abbey, Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Waters. Cllr Crowson
In attendance: Cllr J Brazil.
35-22 Apologies for absence – Cllr R Foss, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Staines, Cllr Murphy.
20-22 Declarations of interest –Cllr Abbey, Refund of expenses for Jubilee event catering purchases, refer item 48.22 / Financial approvals (1) 33/22.
37.22 Public comment – Sustainable South Hams will now attend the July PC Meeting. Clerk to add to agenda.
38-22 Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update.
- Cllr Abbey will attend the Police Hub meeting at Halwell and Morley Village Hall on 16th June at 6.15pm following an invite from Anthony Mangnall MP and update next meeting.
39-22 County & District Councillor reports
- Cllr J Brazil:
- Regarding the following items, Cllr Brazil advised that the PC needed to decide what was needed in the parish and to put this in writing to DCC. Each item was discussed as below:
- Request from DCC Highways to remove advisory speed limit signs. The Chair raised the issue of speeding into the Greenbank’s estate and past the children’s’ play park. Given the request to remove signage the Chair asked what could be done to prevent this. Cllr Brazil advised a ‘Children Slow Down’ sign with an image may be possible on the estate entrance and to contact Live West and SHDC for permission. Cllr Brazil asked if the advisory blue speed signs had been taken down. The PC advised no and were waiting to hear back from DCC Highways, Lisa Edmunds, on the outcome of the DCC SCARF meeting decision. This was due by the end of June. Depending on the results, the next steps would hopefully be a formal DCC speed survey and if the signs were removed, other traffic calming mechanisms needed to be installed as the issue of ongoing speeding and large vehicles entering the narrow lanes was ever present.
- PC request submitted 14/4/22 to DCC for a ghost path and recreation field entrance, pedestrians crossing warning signage. Cllr Brazil reported that DCC no longer supported ghost paths as afforded no protection to pedestrians. The PC stated that these were present in Chillington and Frogmore and the mere presence of a painted path on the road actually slowed down cars and the PC disagreed with this logic. The clerk advised that in the last month, 274 visits to the recreation field had been recorded and that this was a new requirement of the parish and needed to be considered to protect pedestrians and animals and drivers. Cllr Brazil agreed to raise a motion at a full council meeting that PC’s needed to be able to decide what was required in their parish.
- Land ownership on Brook Street / overhang maintenance advice request received 25/5/22. The clerk reported that the land registry showed the area with the overgrowth at the edge of the bank was no-man’s land and therefore had contacted highways for advice on maintenance responsibility. The PC agreed that Cllr Mitchelmore would contact a local farmer to obtain a quote to cut the bank back after the nesting season end September. Discuss next meeting.
- DCC Cyclic Cleaning Agreement for PC’s update – Carry to next meeting.
- Monument relocation update. Cllr Brazil reported that the FSC had raised many issues around maintenance and insurance and Strete and Stokenham PC were investigating moving the monument to Strete Gate car park, owned by SHDC.
- A379 – Slapton Line Partnership Adaptation Plan. Cllr Brazil reported that Sam Lew had resigned. The current situation within the partnership is that the Whitley Trust will not approve any more changes to the land and there is conflict regarding protecting the road v’s adaptation. Environmental England will also not allow non-native stone materials to be brought in for coastal defences. Cllr Abbey raised the issue of the coach entering the village at the weekend and highlighted how urgent the issue was to have a plan in place for when the road breaches. Cllr Brazil was very supported of several plans to be developed in parallel to cover all eventualities and that SHDC were looking at expanding the car parks as part of the adaptation plan for destination tourism for walking and cycling.
Cllr Crowson raised that if salt water goes into the Ley it will not then be an SSSI site. Cllr Brazil advised that when the road goes, the sandbank would move making the Ley a freshwater Lake. Cllr Crowson asked if the focus could be on adapting for climate change. Cllr Brazil advised it was a combination of rising sea levels, storm frequency and ferocity that was pushing the shingle bank and that the climate change process was already happening. Cllr Brazil added that Anthony Mangnal MP had reported a case at Government level to remove the SSSI restrictions so that the road could be protected. Cllr Abbey said the lack of planning was not acceptable and compulsory land purchase to re-route the back lanes would take several years and the recent coach stuck in the village highlighted what would continue to happen if no action was taken.
It was agreed that the Chair would submit all matters discussed above in writing to DCC Highways cc Cllr Brazil.
- Regarding the following items, Cllr Brazil advised that the PC needed to decide what was needed in the parish and to put this in writing to DCC. Each item was discussed as below:
Cllr R Foss: Cllr Foss submitted a written report in his absence
f). Slapton Line Partnership adaptation plan. Cllr Foss was disappointed and saddened to hear of the resignation of Sam Lew.
g). Green waste recycling – The continuation of the issues with the supplier is being brought to a conclusion by SHDC.
h). Monument relocation update – Refer 39.22 (1.d) above
i). S106 land at Carr Lane – latest position re planning application update – No update, carry to next meeting.
40-22 MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 9th May 2022, were agreed and were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
41.22 Review of Action Log – Clerk to update.
42.22 Matters in Abeyance
a).Monument relocation to Strete Gate – Pending new location.
b). Village Map – Pending Beach Monument relocation.
c). Village BT K6 Phone box – Arrange for Childline, Samaritans, Domestic Violence support posters to be displayed once renovated. Chair to develop.
d). Snow Warden Scheme.
e). Website development / upgrade – On hold until a full council in place.
f). DBS checks for all councillors and CSG volunteers (ongoing, where applicable – Remove next meeting as adopted as part of normal processes.
g). Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline 17th July 2022.
43.22 Planning
- Cllr Abbey reported and Air B+B was being advertised on Brook Street accommodating 10 people at Valley View. Clerk to contact SHDC planning to check planning permission has been obtained.
- Cllr Mitchelmore reported that work was still taking place at the reservoir in 5-mile lane and will contact Cllr R Foss directly for an update. Report back next meeting.
1437/22/HHO – Higher Ley, Wood Lane, Slapton, TQ7 2QX
Proposal: Householder application for erection of summer house with deck to side of property & associated landscaping works.
No comment.
1393/22/HHO – Chantry Hill, Slapton TQ7 2QY
Proposal: Householder application for alterations to dwelling including enlargement of existing parking area and dropped kerb, new front & rear extensions with new pitched roof over, new front and rear pitched roof dormers & replacement roof tiles with natural slate.
No comment.
Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
0522/22/FUL – Southview, Slapton. TQ7 2PN
Proposal: Change of use from Dog Grooming Parlour (application no 2912/15/FUL) to residential including internal and external alterations/modifications.
Decision: Conditional approval.
44.22 Matters for discussion
- Projects:
- Platinum Jubilee Event debrief / outstanding actions. The PC reported positive feedback from parishioners and felt the event had brought the community together. 145 people attended the Cream Tea with 5 take home tea packs delivered and 11 no shows. 164 people attended the BBQ with one takeaway. Disappointingly there were 47 no shows, likely due to the weather earlier on the day. The remaining 80 burgers were sold and proceeds donated to the charities and the bread buns frozen down and donated to the summer church fete BBQ. Unused salad and dressings were donated to the FSC and used the next day to ensure there was no food waste. £1340 was taken on the raffle, Cake stall and burger sales generated £364.66, a total of £1704.66 and this is being shared between the 3 charities based on level of support provides to the events as follows: Kingsbridge and Saltstone Caring £1000, DAAT, £400, SWAST £304.66. Chair to write article for the Slapton Lines to provide an update/thank everyone involved, Clerk to post to website/CSG FB page, Cllr Waters to submit to the Kingsbridge Gazette/ Village voice column, clerk to update the Village Shop Committee with the financials.
- Devon and Cornwall Fire Service Home Assessment rollout plan. Clerk to check IOC and Parish Online data terms and progress.
- Village Hall Government renovation grant application. It was agreed the PC would visit Strete Village Hall for soundproofing ideas and submit these to the Village Hall. Cllr Mitchelmore reported the village hall were aware of the Government grant and were looking into this. The Chair asked Cllr Mitchelmore to convey the PC’s support to Cllr Sullock and offer of help from a parishioner with experience in grant applications. PC to discuss PC requirements at the business planning session e.g., shared office space.
- Neighbourhood Plan – Discuss at the Business Planning meeting 1-8-22.
- Village Maintenance:
- Outstanding Road Safety measure requests to DCC highways – Refer 39-22 (1a).
- Parishioner request to add bus stop redirection sign. Chair to develop a laminated sign.
- Blocked buddle hole / White Close. The PC agreed as part of the June Road Warden brief for the area around the buddle hole to be cleared and photos taken to be submitted as a work request to DCC to clear as a contributing factor to the village flooding. The June road warden brief was also agreed. Clerk to brief Road Warden/submit photos.
- Financials / Admin:
- The Chair signed the bank mandate to issue clerk with Lloyds Bank debit card to pay for approved PC online purchases where an invoice system is not available. Clerk to obtain second signature from Cllr Murphy then submit. The PC agreed for Cllr Abbey to be added to the bank mandate as an additional signatory – clerk to arrange.
- Recreation field quote for gate/fencing installation. Cllr Waters to progress a quote for discussion next meeting.
- Quote for PC Notice Board painting approval. This had not been received in time for the meeting and the PC discussed the possibility of recruiting for volunteers. Clerk to add to next meeting agenda for further discussion.
- Village defibrillator maintenance contract and summer Defibrillator training date. Cllr Abbey to liaise with the trainer on available training dates. Clerk to add to June agenda. Chair to draft a letter to the village clubs, clerk to contact SWAST to ensure defib is registered with them.
- DALC training courses – The Chair asked all Cllr to consider what training they required.
- PC Business and Financial Planning workshop day. – Clerk to book the village hall 1st August 2022 / prepare the agenda.
45.22 Proposals for resolution – None.
46.22 Clerk’s report
a). Annual leave in June- request to change to first week in August – approved.
b). All Stars farm visit – refer 32.21(b).
For information only:
- AGAR Forms part 2 and remote internal audit documents submitted digitally.
- 17 CSG Facebook and 11 PC website posts drafted/SEO/posted
- Maintenance reporting:
- Liaison with Road Warden – May Road Warden Work brief, Mowing and P3 Prow path repairs.
- Correspondence with parishioners to assist with jubilee volunteer enquiries.
- DCC Liaison re DCC request to remove signs and P3 scheme footpath repair grants.
- DCC P3 Scheme Liaison – Grant request for footpath 2 x 2 new gates.
- SHDC £100 Queens Platinum Jubilee grant application submission
- Hosted Have-A-Go dog agility event: 22nd May 2022.
- CSG Jubilee event working group meeting attendance 24/5/22, liaison with all village clubs and volunteers, Insurance company liaison re the Platinum Jubilee and risk assessment/ special forms production/ submission/ 2 hrs event support, Jubilee goods stock ordering and delivery to the V Hall.
- Office and budget administration
- Notice board updating.
- Recreation field: Visitor numbers monitoring.
47.22 Chair’s report
a). Brandis Park verge. Cllr Mitchelmore raised concerns from a parishioner over the risk of removing any existing bulbs. The Chair advised that care would be taken when lifting the turf and any uncovered bulbs would be replanted and would contact the parishioner to explain the process. The work is planned for autumn and to advertise for volunteers early September ahead of planting in October. Chair/Clerk to draft poster.
b). All-Stars projects – Farm Visit. Due to the delay in reply from the insurance company it was agreed to postpone this until spring 2023 to link in with the lambing season. No other events are currently planned.
c). Jubilee update. Refer 44.22 (a/a).
d). Basket Ball Hoop fundraising – Clerk to add to the business planning meeting agenda.
e). Great Big Green Week 24th Sept – 2nd Oct 2022 The Chair reported the deadline for grant applications was 30/6/22 and the SHDC localities grant received covered a willow weaving workshop. Chair to circulate ideas to all village agencies (White Close, Dittiscombe Estate and the Community Shop) to encourage a collaborative village approach and submission ahead of the grant deadline. Chair to progress.
f). Southgrounds verge –info signs. Chair to provide specifications to the clerk for the marine ply to post on CSG Facebook to enquire for a wood donation.
48.22 Councillors’ reports – None
49.22 Financial matters
a) The council unanimously approved the below payments:
25/22. S/O
Clerk’s remuneration May 22. Paid 1-6-22 – noted June agenda.
L. Soothill-Ward. WFH allowance £24.00. Refund of S145 Jubilee expenses £146.17 less NEST employee payments £10.36
Community First – Annual PC insurance renewal (Year 3 of 3-year fixed term offer). Invoice 1/6/22.
Woolston Accounting – Monthly payroll. Invoice 2094 dated 28/5/22
Nick Mathias – Park and Walk Draining ditch clearance. Invoice 24/5/22 no. 1441/23
Nick Mathias – April Road Warden Work. Invoice 16/5/22 no. 1433/23
Nick Mathias -Village mowing. Invoice 24/5/22 no. 1440/23
Nick Mathias -DCC P3 various PROW repairs as agreed with Ros Davis. Paid from P3 Grant of £1500. Invoice 16/5/22 no. 1437/23
Nick Mathias – DCC P3 project work, installation of two gates of Footpath 2 as agreed with Ros Davis. Paid from P3 Grant of £305.00. Invoice 16/5/22 no. 1438/23
S145 – Refund of Jubilee Booking form collection box costs to James Curtis- Tree Warden
VC Warehouse – VOIP CSG/PC telephone help line monthly rental (May). Invoice 1010710 dated 1/6/26 paid 15/6 by DD
The below late invoices were also approved.
b). Balance at Bank 8/6/22, £24,615.35
c). SHDC Localities Grant – Eco Grant – Brandis Park Planting scheme. Payment of £1118.12 received 13/5/22. Ringfenced in reserves.
d). DCC 2022-23 P3 Grant approved for two new gates on Footpath 2. Payment of £305.00 received 10/6/22 – Paid as item 48.22 (1) 33/22 above.
e). SHDC Localities Grant – Queens Jubilee event contribution approved. Payment of £100.00 received 9-6-22. Added to ringfence Jubilee budget and paid out in expenses above.
50.22 Next meeting dates:
- Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 4th July 2022 at 7.00pm.
- Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a seat following Government Living with Covid Guidelines
The meeting ended at 10.10pm.