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Council Meeting – 12th July 2021

Agenda – 12 July 2021


The following Councillors are summoned to attend: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey, Cllr Mr I Mitchelmore, Cllr D Murphy, Cllr S. Sullock, Cllr C. Staines, Cllr Gavin Wollacott. Cllr J. Brazil and Cllr R. Foss, Kate Payne (Centre Manager FSC) and members of the public are invited to attend.



2) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.


4) POLICE REPORT – Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme: Cllr D Murphy.

Cllr J Brazil:
a) Relocation of the war memorial.
b) A379 – Signage installation request to ensure pedestrian safety.
c) Climate Change – Coleridge Association Meeting 20th July 2021 for Cllrs.
Cllr R Foss:
a) New recycling scheme rollout update.
b) Beach Road Wardens: Scope of area/hours update.
c) Update on complaint received from Parishioner re multiple issue of dog fouling in the Alston. Area and Localities Grant request.
d) Update on EV charging scheme roll out.
e) Update on Adaption Manager recruitment.
f) SHDC CEE Bill support.
g) Fly tipping.

6) MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING AND ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING, BOTH HELD ON 3rd May 2021 and EXTRAORINDARY MEETING held on the 17th May 2021, if agreed, to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.


a.) Monument relocation to Strete Gate.
b.) Plastic recycling scheme – Agreed to monitor parish-wide impact when live.
c.) Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed. Cllr Staines to confirm stock levels at the July meeting.
d.) Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify. e.) Leet on Carr Lane – Schedule repairs when water levels dropped.
f.) Parish online service:… Clerk to update PC following briefing 24th June.
g.) Duke of Edinburgh Commemorative Tree – Agree location/ Tree type and purchase for planting in Nov 2021.
h.) Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadline.


1559/21/HHO – Beach Cottage, Brook Street, Slapton TQ7 2PW
Proposal: Householder application for extension to dwelling

1706/21/VAR – Buckland Court, Slapton. TQ7 2RE
Proposal: Application for variation of Condition 2 (accommodation occupancy) of planning consent 44/0638/07/F

2406/21/HHO – 9 Chantry Hill, Slapton. TQ7 2QY
Proposal: Householder application for alterations and extension to rear first floor extension

2395/21/HHO – Lambs Park, Slapton. TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Householder application for proposed outbuilding (resubmission of 1245/21/HHO)

2114/21/FUL – Hansel Cottage, Hansel, Slapton, TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Replace roof with natural slate and rebuild and convert Pigsty to utility and store (Retrospective).

2115/21/FUL – Hansel Cottage, Hansel, Slapton, TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Replace roof with natural slate and rebuild and convert Pigsty to utility and store (Retrospective).

Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
0769/21/FUL – Thorn Park, Slapton. TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Replacement Dwelling
Decision: Conditional Approval

1599/21/PPA – Loworthy Barn Lane To Loworthy Farmhouse Slapton Devon TQ7 2RB
Proposal: Prior Approval Application following 1046/21/AGR application for a provision of agricultural track.
Decision: Prior Approval Required and Given.

1817/20/FUL – Slapton Village Community Shop, Wood Lane, Slapton TQ7 2QX
Proposal: READVERTISEMENT (Amended development description) Retrospective application for the retention of community shop including rear extension to provide essential storage.
Decision: Conditional Approval

1157/21/HHO – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for new air source heat pump and replacement roof to pool building.
Decision: Conditional approval

1158/21/LBC – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for new air source heat pump and replacement roof to pool building.
Decision: Conditional approval

1630/21/LBC – Prospect, Prospect Hill Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for repair works and re-roofing of existing outbuildings.
Decision: Conditional approval


1245/21/HHO – Land at SX824473 Lambs Park Hansell Dartmouth TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Householder application for outbuilding
Reason: Resubmission of 2395/21/HHO

a) Saltstone Neighbourhood Plan – Formal Agreement for PC to accept proposal.
b) Kingsbridge, West Alvington and Churchstow Neighbourhood Plan – PC response (refer:… Community events:
c) Celebrate Start Bay Event, Sunday 15th August from 11am till 5pm. Discuss PC Stand/Volunteers request.
d) South Devon AONB Partnership Committee ZOOM meeting Friday 25th June at 10am – PC attendance.
e) Devon Parish & Town Council Wildlife Network – PC Membership and Launch of Wild About Devon event invitation on Monday 28th June. Office administration:
f) Informal traffic survey – Agree rescheduled dates, locations and rota.
g) PC website – Moving to full accessibility, Moving Cllr emails to MS office 360 and request to add a village shop page.
h) Parish Online – PC approval to set up a 30-day free trial.…
i) 2022 community grant applications advertising.
j) Update PC Assets Register for resolution – Donated notice board.
k) Approve payment of Chairman’s annual allowance £500.00. Maintenance:
l) Village Mowing: Mowing programme requirements for rest of the season.
m) CC parish pathway signage – Meeting update (Chair), approval of £50 signage costs and £175 mowing costs of Footpaths 10 and 11 from additional £500 P3 grant.
n) Winter commercial drain cleaning.


For information only:

12 CSG Facebook and 18 PC website posts drafted have been scheduled and posted May/June.
Maintenance reporting: Liaison with Road Warden – May/June Mowing brief, Green Banks notice board installation; Park and Walk signage installation.
Correspondence has been sent to 10 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
SHDC: Liaison with SHDC re correspondence from Parishioners re motor homes survey.
Updated PC Audit documents to website/actioned recommendations.
CSG facebook page rebrand changes made.
Attended Parish Online Zoom training sessions – Next steps to set up 30-day free trial.

a) Update on Cllr Vacancy recruitment.
b) Response from MP.
c) Playpark fence – needs repair.
d) Slapton Lines report – role and responsibilities of PC.



1) The council to approve the below payments:
(S/O’s) £256.00 and £256.00 – L. Soothill-Ward, Clerk’s salary – May and June 21 (Paid 1/6/21 and 1/7/21 for noting).
16/21 £100.00 Alison Marshall- SPC Annual Internal Audit 1/6/21. Remote Audit Fee £100, Invoice 21/020. Paid 7/6/21 for noting July agenda.
17/21 £11.94 VC Warehouse – C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Invoice 1009030. Paid 15/6 by DD, for noting July agenda.
18/21 £269.00 Nick Mathias – Monthly Road Warden Work 14 hrs x £18.50 (invoice 31/5 no. 1306 31/21) Paid 7/6 noting July agenda.
19/21 £75.00 Nick Mathias – 3 weekly Grass Cutting on Playing field (invoice 24/5, no 1297/21) Paid 7/6/21 for noting July agenda.
20/21 £270.00 Nick Mathias – Park and Walk sign Post installation (invoice 24/5 no. 1298 /21) Approved EOM 17/5/21. Paid 7/6/21 for noting July agenda.
22/21 £232.21 Nick Mathias – Community Notice Board installation (invoice 24/5 no. 1299 /21) Approved 5/5/21 APM Meeting. Paid 7/6 for noting July agenda.
23/21 £122.32 Clerks Overtime and monthly expenses (April, May, June 2021) Refer analysis sheet 4.42 hours at £10.24 ph = £45.38 + £76.94 expenses.
24/21 £500.00 Chairman’s annual allowance 2021.
25/21 £16.00 Village Hall Hire PC meeting 17th May. Invoice CO6606/21 dated 7/6/21.
26/21 £376.50 Nick Mathias – June 6 weekly Mowing invoice1313/22 dated 16/6/21.
27/21 £40.00 Kingsbridge Websites :CSG Fbook and Website changes. Invoice 02312 dated 7/6/21.
28/21 £18.00 DALC: Good Cllr Course l – Cllr J Abbey. Invoice 1394 dated 14/6/21 re Invoice 3053 dated 19/4/21 – outstanding.
29/21 £20.00 Kingsbridge Websites: Content support/ accessibility changes. Invoice 02417 dated 16/10/21.
30/21 £269.00 Nick Mathias – July Road Warden Work 14 hrs x £18.50 + Fuel (invoice 1316/22.
31/21 £11.94 VC Warehouse – C-19 CSG tel help line monthly connection cost. Invoice no: 1009030 Paid 15/7 by DD.

2) Balance at Bank 5/7/21, £17,624.80
3) Internal Audit completed and passed 1 June 2021. Notice of Public Rights period published commencing 23rd June 2021 to 11th August 2021.
4) DCC 2021 P3 scheme grant awarded of £500 to cover additional seasonal mowing of pathways 10 and 11, installation of new metal gate on Path 1 and £50 for Pick up dog waste signage. PC Road Warden approved by DCC to undertake the work.
5) 2020 Road Warden DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund grants awarded as follows: £1K – Footpath repairs Park and Walk to the Bus Shelter. £404.71 – Contribution towards Village Mowing April to Nov 2020.

Next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 6th September 2021 at 7.00pm. 
Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a space as seats are limited due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions.

Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk 5/7/21



Minutes – July 2021

Present: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Abbey, Cllr Mitchelmore, Cllr Murphy, Cllr Staines, Cllr Sullock, Cllr Wollacott.

In attendance: Cllr J Brazil, Cllr R Foss and 2 members of the public.

49-21. Apologies for absence – None.
50-21. Declarations of interest – Cllr Wollacott declared an interest in planning application 2406/21/HHO.
51-21. Public comment:

a.) A member of the public raised concerns over planning application 2395/21/FUL on behalf of the hamlet and asked the PC to consider the parishioners concerns.
b.) A member of the CSG group presented an update on the community art project. The deadline for final submissions is 19th August 2021. Examples of the artwork in multi-media format were presented and all art pieces will be made into a tapestry 4.5ft by 7ft in length for display in a village exhibition this autumn in St James Church and possibly the Village Hall at a later date. The member also reported that they had taken up the post of village tree warden and presented a proposal for a village tree planting scheme in consultation with the Devon Wildlife Trust. The PC agreed to consider this further. Cllr Abbey asked if the White Close Trustees had also been approached.

52-21. Devon and Cornwall Police Councillor Advocate Scheme Update

  • Cllr D Murphy reported that Devon and Cornwall police had issued updates on four scam/fraud profiles, release of a scrutiny report on community speed watch, news of an extra £350,000 allocation to Alison Fernandez Office of the Police and Crime Commissioners office for Devon and Cornwall. An invitation had been sent to Cllr Advocates to join in shaping the next Police and Crime Plan on either 19th or 20th July. Cllr Murphy is not available and asked if any other Cllrs could attend.
  • If any members of the public have non urgent matters they wish to bring to the attention of their Local Policing Team, this can be reported via the Devon and Cornwall Police web-page – / Find your local policing team.

53-21. County & District Councillor reports

Devon County Council (DCC) report from Cllr J Brazil:

a. Reported that meetings are beginning to return to normal and DCC are holding meetings at County Hall although the full council meeting was held at Sandy Park. Cllr Brazil is now back on the Children’s Scrutiny Committee and also a member of the Devon and Somerset Fire Authority.
b. DCC still relatively quiet with a lot of induction and training sessions for new members. With the lifting of covid restrictions more productive times will follow in the autumn.
c. Cllr Brazil’s main priority in 2021 will be to support the work on improving children’s services after failing the OFSTED inspections for a number of years and this must be addressed.
d. Moving the Slapton memorial – Still in abeyance. Strete Parish Council is negotiating a maintenance scheme with the Field Study Centre. DCC County have not yet finalised any plans for the move itself. Nothing will happen until the Autumn and the hope is to complete the move by the end of the year.
e. A379 – Reply to the PC’s raised concerns of pedestrians walking and running on the 60mph road and request for signs to deter this to ensure their safety. Cllr Brazil reported that Torcross have asked to have rumble strips introduced at both ends of the village but there are no other traffic calming measures planned for the line and advised that the PC could put up its own advisory signs.
f. Saltstone, Primary Residence Neighbourhood – Approval required from the PC to progress to the next stage. Refer 59.21 (iv) below.
g. Coleridge Meeting. A meeting is scheduled for 20th July 2021 to discuss climate change. All Coleridge PC’s have been invited to attend. Clerk had forwarded the invite to the PC and Cllr Staines, Cllr Wollacott, Cllr Sullock, the Chair and Clerk confirmed they would be attending.
h. Planned road closure: It was reported that the road from Chilverston to Deer Bridge would be closed w/c 19th July.
i. Deerbridge road repair: The Chair asked if a date had been allocated to repair the road as had concerns over road safety and traffic jams being created given the influx in summer holiday makers and increase in vehicles on the road. Cllr Brazil to follow up with Highways.

District report from Cllr R. Foss

j. SHDC are slowly getting towards a new normal and the main committees have been meeting face to face. SHDC will continue to use MS Teams remote meeting software to help cut the carbon footprint with less travel and it is envisaged that many more officers will be working from home part time. 250 tons of carbon emissions have been saved during the pandemic with remote working.
k. After the 19th July all main meetings will be at Follaton House, Totnes. Prior to this date full council meetings have been held at Kilworthy in Tavistock.
l. Concerns remain over the Covid-19 delta variant and impact with the lifting of restrictions.
m. The planning department is under a lot of pressure and finding it difficult to meet some deadlines due to pure volume and shortage of staff. There is a general shortage of qualified planners in the country.
n. The recycling and waste collection service has improved but there is still some way to go before the service is working properly. SHDC have contributed their own staff to help with the situation as there is a general shortage of deliver drivers. The new system, even with the teething problems has increased the amount of waste able to be recycled and no waste is going to landfill. Cllr R Foss apologised to the community for the inconvenience caused.
o. Climate Change: A localities budget of £500 per parish is available to help support local climate change initiatives and ideas are invited from the parish. This is part of a £900K countywide budget. Cllr Foss advised that to deliver the targets, in addition to tree planting it was essential that society changed the way it lived and considered how it could improve how and where it could reduce carbon. SHDC are waiting a report from DEFRA which will outline plans to help reduce carbon across the rural farming communities.
p. The Chair raised the issue of parking on the A379 and asked what controls were in place to manage this this. Cllr Foss reported that the localities officers will patrolling between 6am and 10pm and agreed to provide a monthly enforcements report to the PC as per previous years. Cllr R Foss to arrange with the enforcement team.
q. Dog fouling complaint in the Alston area. Cllr Foss has reported the matter to the localities office to investigate further and advised the PC to follow this up directly if no reply was received.
r. EV charging point scheme – No update.
s. Slapton Lines Adaptation Manager recruitment. The role is being advertised and will take on Alan Denbigh’s role who has now left the post. The expectation is that the position will be filled by early October 2021.
t. Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (CEE bill). SHDC are debating the bill on 15/7/21. Cllr R Foss to update the Chair on the decision.
u. Fly tipping– The Chair reported that what looked like builders waste (large tyres and broken glass) had been fly-tipped at Deerbridge. The Chair had reported the matter which is in addition to previous fly-tipping and felt that the pending repairs to the road were a contributing factor, refer 53-21(i). Cllr R Foss to follow up with SHDC waste department to clear the area.

54.21. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING AND ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING, both held on 3rd May 2021 and EXTRAORINDARY MEETING held on the 17th May 2021, were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.

55.21 Review of the Action Log
The draft action log was reviewed. Clerk to update as discussed at the meeting.

56.21 Matters in Abeyance
a).Monument relocation to Strete Gate. Refer 53-21 (d) above).Plastic recycling scheme – Refer 53-21 (k) above. Monitor situation.
b).Village Map – Delay the review of artwork/reprint until the war memorial and toilet block locations had been agreed. Cllr Staines to confirm stock levels at the Sept meeting.
c).Village BT K6 Phone box – Photo’s re-submitted on 22-10-20 of paint condition to BT who have advised to resubmit in Nov 2021 as the current condition does not qualify.
e.) Leet on Carr Lane – Cllr Mitchelmore in liaison with contractor to arrange repairs over summer. Cllr Mitchelmore to update next meeting.
f).Duke of Edinburgh Commemorative Tree – Agree location/Tree type and purchase for planting in Nov 2021.
g). Slapton Line Magazine – Chairs next editorial copy deadlines, 17th July and 17th September.

57.21 Planning

Cllr Mitchelmore asked if there was an update to planning application 3973/20/VAR, Coombe Cottage, Carr Lane. Cllr R Foss reported this matter was still outstanding.

1559/21/HHO – Beach Cottage, Brook Street, Slapton TQ7 2PW
Proposal: Householder application for extension to dwelling.
Decision: No objection.

1706/21/VAR – Buckland Court, Slapton. TQ7 2REProposal: Application for variation of Condition 2 (accommodation occupancy) of planning consent 44/0638/07/F.
Decision: No objection.

2406/21/HHO – 9 Chantry Hill, Slapton. TQ7 2QY
Proposal: Householder application for alterations and extension to rear first floor extension.
Decision: No objection.

2395/21/HHO – Lambs Park, Slapton. TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Householder application for proposed outbuilding (resubmission of 1245/21/HHO).
Decision: Objection.

2114/21/FUL – Hansel Cottage, Hansel, Slapton, TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Replace roof with natural slate and rebuild and convert Pigsty to utility and store (Retrospective).
Decision: No objection.

2115/21/FUL – Hansel Cottage, Hansel, Slapton, TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Replace roof with natural slate and rebuild and convert Pigsty to utility and store (Retrospective).
Decision: No objection.

Decisions (for information only, see SHDC website for more information)
0769/21/FUL – Thorn Park, Slapton. TQ7 2RD
Proposal: Replacement Dwelling.
Decision: Conditional approval.

1599/21/PPA – Loworthy Barn Lane To Loworthy Farmhouse Slapton Devon TQ7 2RB
Proposal: Prior Approval Application following 1046/21/AGR application for a provision of agricultural track.
Decision: Prior approval required and given.

1817/20/FUL – Slapton Village Community Shop, Wood Lane, Slapton TQ7 2QX
Proposal: READVERTISEMENT (Amended development description) Retrospective application for the retention of community shop including rear extension to provide essential storage.
Decision: Conditional approval,

1157/21/HHO – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for new air source heat pump and replacement roof to pool building.
Decision: Conditional approval.

1158/21/LBC – Prospect, Prospect Hill, Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Householder application for new air source heat pump and replacement roof to pool building.
Decision: Conditional approval.

1630/21/LBC – Prospect, Prospect Hill Slapton TQ7 2PT
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for repair works and re-roofing of existing outbuildings.
Decision: Conditional approval.

1245/21/HHO – Land at SX824473 Lambs Park Hansell Dartmouth TQ6 0LN
Proposal: Householder application for outbuilding.
Reason: Resubmission of 2395/21/HHO.

58.21 Matters for discussion

a) Saltstone Neighbourhood Plan – The PC voted unanimously to formally accept the proposal. Refer 59.21 (iv) below. Clerk to confirm the PC’s decision to Cllr Brazil.
b).Kingsbridge, West Alvington and Churchstow Neighbourhood Plan. It was discussed and agreed that each Cllr would respond individually to the consultation.
c). Celebrate Start Bay Event, Sunday 15th August from 11am till 5pm. It was agreed that the PC would host a stand at the event with all Cllrs attending in relay slots. Clerk to confirm to the FSC and draft and circulate the agreed content plan for the event.
d). South Devon AONB Partnership Committee ZOOM meeting Friday 25th June at 10am – PC attendance. Clerk to send belated apologies due to delayed PC meeting and request minutes.
e) Devon Parish & Town Council Wildlife Network – PC Membership and Launch of Wild About Devon event invitation on Monday 28th June. It was reported that the Chair, Cllr Staines and Cllr Abbey had attended the event which covered re-wilding ideas for churchyards, wild flower meadows and verges. Chair to circulate link to the presentation and asked all Cllrs to read and watch the 10-minute presentation video and look at Winkleigh PC website for consideration of ideas for the 2022 village mowing plan.
f).Informal traffic survey – It was agreed to reschedule the survey over 2 days in August in 2 time periods 11-12pm and 4-5pm at the proposed locations: Greenbank’s junction, recreation field, Southground farm, Prospect Hill, bus stop on Sands Road and the Park and Walk. A demo of how to use the speed camera is to be arranged in July. Chair to circulate a list of dates/times and Cllrs to nominate availability for the survey and demo.
g) PC website – The PC agreed for the clerk to draft a website specification to move to full accessibility and to gather parishioner comments on what content they would like to see on the PC’s website. Clerk to draft specification and incorporate parishioner feedback. It was also agreed to streamline the PC’s IT systems and transfer Cllr emails and digital file storage over to MS office 360. Clerk to prepare financial business case for discussion next meeting.
h).Parish Online – The PC approved to set up a 30-day free trial of the service. Clerk to arrange and Cllr Abbey to help support loading of the content. Review service next meeting.
i) 2022 community grant applications advertising. The PC agreed to open up applications for community grants for 2022 ahead of the budget process. All grant requests to be received by 31st Sept 2021. Clerk to draft advert and publish across community channels.
j). The PC approved the updating of the PC Assets Register to include the recently donated notice board – refer 59.21(i) below.
k). The PC voted unanimously to approve payment of Chairman’s annual allowance of £500.00 based on the official GVT calculation of 0.04% of the District Cllrs allowance – refer 59.21 (ii) below.
l). Village Mowing: The Chair reported that additional grants were available from DCC to support local bio-diversity. It was agreed to carry this matter for discussion at the next meeting based on rewilding and verge management ideas from action 58.21(e) above and input from the Road Wardens experience of the last 12 months mowing schedule. Clerk to add to agenda and liaise with the Road Warden. Chair and Cllr Wollacott to lead the discussion.
m).DCC parish pathway signage – The Chair reported attendance at a meeting with the DCC pathways manager Ros Davies and parish pathways volunteers at which approval of £50 signage costs and £175 strimming costs of DCC footpaths no’s 10 and 11 was approved by DCC as part of an additional £500 P3 grant. The Chair extended thanks to Ros Davies, Nick Mathias and DCC Pathways volunteers Sue Gorman and Ruth Saunders for all their hard work in surveying and securing the grant to repair and better sign the parishes pathway network. The PC approved a draft letter to go to all parishioners to promote the new Countryside Code. The PC approved both payments – refer 59.21 (iii) below. Clerk to arrange a quote for printing of the letters and order the new signage. Volunteer path wardens to deliver the letters. Cllr Wollacott to liaise with landowners to put up the signs.
n).Winter commercial drain cleaning. The PC agreed to undertake a commercial clean of the village at the end of November. Cllr Sullock reported that the drains on Blacksmiths Hill were already blocked. Clerk to obtain a quote for discussion next meeting.
o). Cllr Wollacott agreed to follow up on the NHS GoodSam referral recently received.

59.21. Proposals for resolution.
I. It was proposed by Cllr Staines and seconded by Cllr Mitchelmore to update the PC Assets Register to include the recently donated notice board. Clerk to post on PC website.
II. It was proposed by Cllr Murphy and seconded by Cllr Wollacott to approve payment of Chairman’s annual allowance of £500.00. Clerk to make payment.
III. It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Abbey to approve payment of £50 signage costs and £175 strimming costs of DCC footpaths no’s 10 and 11 as part of an additional £500 P3 grant. Clerk to make payments. IV. It was proposed by Cllr Wollacott and seconded by Cllr Sullock to approve the Saltstone Neighbourhood Plan proposal. Clerk to confirm to Cllr J Brazil.

60.21. Clerk’s report – For information only:

  • 12 CSG Facebook and 18 PC website posts drafted have been scheduled and posted May/June.
  • Maintenance reporting:
    • Liaison with Road Warden – May/June Mowing brief, Green Banks notice board installation; Park and Walk signage installation
  • Correspondence has been sent to 10 parishioners to assist with their enquiries.
  • SHDC: Liaison with SHDC re correspondence from Parishioners re motor homes survey.
  • Updated PC Audit documents to website/actioned recommendations.
  • CSG Facebook page rebrand changes made.
  • Attended Parish Online Zoom training sessions – Next steps to set up 30-day free trial.

61.21. Chair’s report

  • a) An interview had been held for a Cllr Vacancy and the candidate had expressed an interest in joining the CSG committee. 2 new Cllrs vacancies remain open. Clerk to repost adverts.
  • b) The Chair had received a response from the MP re request for an update on plans to protect the road. Refer to update ref (53-21(s).
  • c) Reported that the Greenbank’s playpark fence is damaged. Chair to report that a repair is required to SHDC park manager.
  • d) Slapton Lines Magazine – Chair to write an article on the roles and responsibilities of the PC.
  • e) The Chair reported they had attended a meeting with Strete PC and a joint working agreement document is now being progressed.
  • f) Village gateway – The Chair asked all Cllrs to consider ideas for repurposed items that would be suitable to help form a village gateway that reflected the spirit of the village. Discuss next meeting.

62.21. Councillors’ reports

  • Cllr Murphy – Reported that the shop manager was hoping to return to work on 23rd August and that an assistant manager has been appointed who is a parishioner in the village and that the shop is now stocking lateral flow tests.
  • Cllr Mitchelmore – Reported that the bank at the junction of Sands Road and the A379 was overgrown and restricting visibility at the junction and the overgrowth on the paths was forcing pedestrians into the road causing a public safety issue. Clerk to report to SHDC localities officer to raise a request with the landowners to strim back.
  • Cllr Sullock – Reported there was a blocked drain outside Kimberley Cottage likely due to the run-off from the new build Fern Acre as this drain is always clear and that run-off should be controlled as part of the planning permission. The PC also discussed other blocked drains due to the same likely reason at the Corner of Sands Road and on Blacksmiths Hill. Planning Committee to review planning approval permissions and update next meeting.

63.21. Financial matters
The Council approved the below payments:
S/O’s – £256.00  and 256.00 L. Soothill-Ward, Clerk’s salaries – May and June 21 (Paid 1/6/21 and 1/7/21 for noting).
16/21 £100.00 Alison Marshall- SPC Annual Internal Audit 1/6/21. Remote Audit Fee £100, Invoice 21/020. Paid 7/6/21 for noting July agenda.
17/21 £11.94 VC Warehouse – C-19 CSG Tel help line monthly connection cost. Invoice 1009030. Paid 15/6 by DD, for noting July agenda.
18/21 £269.00 Nick Mathias – Monthly Road Warden Work 14 hrs x £18.50 (invoice 31/5 no. 1306 31/21) Paid 7/6 noting July agenda.
19/21 £75.00 Nick Mathias – 3 weekly Grass Cutting on Playing field (invoice 24/5, no 1297/21) Paid 7/6/21 for noting July agenda.
20/21 £270.00 Nick Mathias – Park and Walk sign Post installation (invoice 24/5 no. 1298 /21) Approved EOM 17/5/21. Paid 7/6/21 for noting July agenda.
22/21 £232.21 Nick Mathias – Community Notice Board installation (invoice 24/5 no. 1299 /21) Approved 5/5/21 APM Meeting. Paid 7/6 for noting July agenda.
23/21 £122.32 Clerks Overtime and monthly expenses (April, May, June 2021) Refer analysis sheet 4.42 hours at £10.24 ph = £45.38 + £76.94 expenses.
24/21 £500.00 Chairman’s annual allowance 2021
25/21 £24.00 Village Hall Hire PC meeting 17th May and use of hall 8th June. Invoice CO7612/21 dated 12/7/21.
26/21 £376.50 Nick Mathias – June 6 weekly Mowing invoice 1313/22 dated 16/6/21
27/21 £40.00 Kingsbridge Websites :CSG Facebook and Website changes. Invoice 02312 dated 7/6/21
28/21 £18.00 DALC: Good Cllr Course l – Cllr J Abbey. Invoice 1394 dated 14/6/21 re Invoice 3053 dated 19/4/21 – outstanding.
29/21 £20.00 Kingsbridge Websites: Content support/ accessibility changes. Invoice 02417 dated 16/10/21
30/21 £269.00 Nick Mathias – June Road Warden Work 14 hrs x £18.50 + Fuel (invoice 1316/22.
31/21 £11.94 VC Warehouse – C-19 CSG Tel help line monthly connection cost. Invoice no: 1009030 Paid 15/7 by DD.

The following late invoices were also approved by the Council:
32/21 £269.00 Nick Mathias – July Road Warden Work 14 hrs x £18.50 + Fuel. Invoice 1325/22 date 24th June.
33/21 £175.00 P3 Scheme Grant: Nick Mathias, strimming of footpaths 10 and 11. Invoice 1323/22 10/7/21.

  • Balance at Bank 5/7/21, £17,624.80
  • Internal Audit completed and passed 1 June 2021. Notice of Public Rights period published commencing 23rd June 2021 to 11th August 2021.
  • DCC 2021 P3 scheme grant awarded of £500 to cover additional seasonal mowing of pathways 10 and 11, installation of new metal gate on Path 1 and £50 for Pick up dog waste signage. PC Road Warden approved by DCC to undertake the work.
  • 2020 Road Warden DCC Highways Maintenance Enhancement Fund grants awarded as follows:
    £1K – Footpath repairs Park and Walk to the Bus Shelter.
    £404.71 – Contribution towards Village Mowing April to Nov 2020.

64.21. Date of next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 6th September 2021 at 7.00pm at Slapton Village Hall. 
Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a space as seats are limited due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions).

SIGNED: Julie Hinder, Chair  Dated: 6/9/21

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