CSG Meeting – 18th January 2022
Agenda – 18th January 2022
The following Councillors are summoned to attend: J Hinder (Chair), Cllr J Abbey.
CSG Volunteers and members of the public are invited to attend.
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr Gavin Wollacott, Exam Leave.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable interest they may have in any items to be considered.
4. MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY SUPPORT GROUP MEETING held on Tuesday 16th November to be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
a. Community Broad Band Scheme -Part of NHP
b. Devon County Council Community Energy Fund / EV charge points – Part of NHP
c. Climate change: Tree Planting, wild-flower verges, Community farming, Allotments, Community Composting, Nesting boxes, Community water-well reinstatement on Brook Street – Pending resources.
a. Queens Platinum Jubilee: Community event update/volunteer recruitment posters.
b. Neighbourhood plan – progress update.
c. A379 – Update on SLP and Community meetings / Farming research progress report.
d. CSG Volunteer Recruitment advertising
e. Covid-19 Community Support Over winter.
f. DCC Community Broadband Champions.
g. Archive art project for Jubilee event.
h. Future structure/meetings.
i. Archive Art Project update for Jubilee events?
Next Community Support Group Committee meeting:
Date tbc at 7pm at Slapton Village Hall. Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a space as seats are limited due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions.
Signed: Louise Soothill-Ward, Clerk 11-1-2022
Minutes – 18th January 2022
Present: Cllr J Hinder (Chair), Cllr Abbey. CSG Volunteers: Michael Crowson, James Curtis
In attendance: Clerk
15-21. Apologies for absence – Cllr Wollacott (Exam Leave)
16-21. Declarations of interest – None
17-21. Public comment – None
18.21 MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY SUPPORT GROUP COMMITTEE MEETING held on 12th October 2021 were signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
19.21 Review of action log – To draft following agreed meeting actions.
20.21 Matters in abeyance
- a) Community Broad Band Scheme -Part of NHP
- b) Devon County Council Community Energy Fund / EV charge points – Part of NHP
- c) Climate change: Tree Planting, wild-flower verges, Community farming, Allotments, Community Composting, Nesting boxes, Community water-well reinstatement on Brook Street – Pending resources.It was agreed for the Chair to apply for a localities/environmental grant to plant trees and the verges at Brandis Park and Greenbanks and for a planter near the Park and Walk. It was also agreed to ask the PC for a DWT Jubilee Tree Grant of £120 for two crab-apple trees and DCC for a Jubilee Picnic Bench grant for siting on village recreation field. Commemorative plaques are also required. J Curtis also raised that a community micro- nursery project was available from DWT providing raised flower beds and wild flower seeds. Clerk to add both matter to the February PC Monthly meeting agenda.
21.21 Matters for discussion
- a) Queens Platinum Jubilee: The community events and next steps re advertising, volunteers and sourcing items to budget was discussed in detail. Clerk to update the events action log. All to follow up actions. Clerk to send outline plan and budget breakdown to the village shop.
- b) Neighbourhood plan – Mr Crowson asked the status of the Single NHP application. The Chair reported this was with SHDC planning.
- c) A379 – The chair reported there was no SLP meeting date as yet but had met Sam Lew the new Adaptation Manager who was very keen to engage with communities. The Chair advised that Cllr J Brazil had approved the forwarding of the minutes from the last SLP meeting to the CSG and PC members and NFU as the minutes are published. Mr Crowson raised concerns of the approach taken by Natural England in not wanting to protect the road and wished to take this further either individually or as part of the CSG and asked if the following can be provided by the SLP:
- d) A map of what has already been actioned by location.
- e) For assurance on protection work otherwise the parish will be isolated.
- f) To push for at least some of the A379 to be repaired and protected so at least the village can be excited by Sands Road.
- g) That the Fire at Stokenham was a reminder of the dangers of no access by emergency services and could a meeting be arranged with the local fire services to discuss emergency protection plans. Cllr Abbey advise they had already spoken to the fire services who will send out an officer to look at preventative measures. Cllr Abbey to arrange. The nearest Fire Station is Dartmouth but there are other strategically placed appliances and smaller vehicles which they use for rapid intervention in difficult to reach places. J Curtis asked is Sam Lew can be asked for comments from the CSG before going to the NFU and to contact English Heritage re the likely loss of the historic fabric of the village should a fire occur as the village walls and cottages are listed. Also need to understand how DCC Highways will manage the increased in traffic/danger on the narrow roads. Chair advised would contact PC Timms for a police traffic management perspective and ask Sam Lew if they had contacted the Caravan Club. Jane raised the bomb disposal and coast guards also need to be able to access the village and beach area. The Chair advised that all these points needed to be ensured were covered at the next SLP business leaders meeting via Cllr J Brazil and Cllr R Foss.
- h) CSG Volunteer Recruitment advertising – Clerk to draft wording and progress with Volunteer designer.
- i) Covid-19 Community Support Over winter -CSG helpline still in place.
- j) DCC Community Broadband Champions.
- k) Archive art project for Jubilee event. Agreed this would be launched over the Jubilee weekend either in the village hall or church. J Curtis progressing.
- l) Future structure/meetings. It was agreed to move to Quarterly physical committee meeting and monthly working group remote meetings on MS Teams, as required, in-between. Clerk to re-issue meeting dates and update the hall bookings.
22.21 Proposals and financial matters to take to the Parish Council for resolution).
- DCC/ SHDC / PC localities/environmental grant requests: To plant trees and the verges at Brandis Park and Greenbanks and for a planter near the Park and Walk, PC DWT Jubilee Tree Grant of £120 for 2 crab-apple trees and DCC grant for a Jubilee Picnic Bench and Commemorative plaques are also required.
- Platinum Jubilee Event – Final programme plan and budget (Feb PC Meeting).
- SLP Meeting – To raise all the issues discussed above with the PC/ Cllr J Brazil
- Fire Services prevention visit.
- DWT community micro-nursery project.
23.21 Clerks Report – None.
24.21 Chairs Report – The Chair asked if all CSG members could channel all requests and suggestions via the clerk’s official email address to ensure GDPR protocol was followed and that CSG members set up a specific email address for CSG work. CSG emails would be considered as part of the PC’s MS Office upgrade and added to the PC’s risk register.
25.21 Councillor and Volunteer Report
J Curtis stated he would move the daffodils at the weekend that were in the margins of the mowing area.
26.21. Dates of next meetings:
- Community Support Group Committee meeting, Tuesday 19th July at 7pm.
- Jubilee working group remote meeting, Tuesday 22nd February at 7pm.
Members of the public wishing to attend must contact the clerk to book a space as seats are limited due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions.
SIGNED: Julie Hinder, Chair